stigma diabolicum 3.14

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introduction: this issue should originally be released in 1992, but due to me losing interest in it, and because the scene was (and still is) changing, for the worse, i decided to abandon it completely... during some springcleaning on some old harddisks i found it again, and decided to release it, as-is, no polishing or finalizing..... it's far, far from any good journalism, but it could be an interesting read for others, to see how it all has changed, why it was so much better "in the old days", what you take for granted today, haven't always been that way... oh, and, english is not my main language, so sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors and such... - ccernn

(w/snorre, quite drunk) - Tell out readers about the demo... - "Well, me and Coprophagia has long been planning this project. So x-mas, '89 Coprophagia visited me, and we rehearsed for one hour before we started recording. But after a while we got kinda tired, and went to a party. The next day I was pretty sick, so we didn't record anything. The third day we did a bit recording, and almost finished the second song. The last day Coprophagia got the influenza, and little were done. Then Coprophagia went back to his tomb!!" - What is your influences, and what bands do you listen to? - "I am inspired by dark woods at night, and the echoes inside my head. I'm pretty inspired by movie soundtracks. I mostly listen to the Monroes, Madness, church organ music, a bit of jazz, Voivod, Carcass, Dollie DeLuxe, Red Room Psychosis, Slayer." - What are your lyrics about (if you could call it lyrics)? - "They are a result of mine and Coprophagia's feelings about the human scum, the weak, the crippled, the abnormal, and the stupid. Survival of the fittest! They are about dark nocturnal abominations of the subsoil!" - How do you make your songs? - "The music are made by me when I sit down and go berserk on my guitar. Then there always comes something obscure into my fingers! Sometimes I have a pris of General to sharpen me up for some good old ultra-violent sawing. The lyrics are always strophes that sometimes swirl in my head! I write them down, and sometimes use them! The lyrics for the first song on the demo is just four words!!! It won't be much singing in our music!" - Anything to add? Last wicked words? - "Emitemulitumtitum Exzyteksi Diddlidock Tirioumitariu Alilailala Suck My Cock! (stigma diabolicum -> thorns)

(w/hellhammer, quite drunk) - Tell us a bit about your new songs. Compared to the old stuff, what would you say is the differences? - "I think we have become more experimental but nothing controversal like the new Voivod or something! What we are trying to do is to find new ways to play each instrument. Necrobutcher has just bought himself a fretless bass, and is now currently practising hard to learn to play it. He doesn't use it that much, but on our next album, he will! Euronymous is now playing more different chords, which is quite unusual for a death metal band. We are trying to, not only finding our own style, but also a new style. We have become bored of the traditional stereotype thrash bands, because there is so many bands playing that. Everybody is trying to copy eachother. I would say we have our own style!" - What bands made you decide to play this kind of music. What were your inspirations back when you started playing drums? - "I have always liked, since I was quite young, the bands that were the most brutal. I liked Venom back when their records were released, but.... cheers! (drinking), the point is that... hihi... (it seems like he's geting quite drunk now..). My first idol was Clive Burr from Iron Maiden, and then it was the drummer in Motorhead." - Tell us a little about your new songs... - "Funeral Fog is a quite fast song, our vocalist, Dead, are into everything of the occult. Usually, the persons which are writing lyrics write about childish subjects such as Satan, Inverted crosses, etc.. But Dead writes kind of deeper lyrics, No satanic crap, but more of an occult feeling to them." - Tell us a little about your first gig, how did people react to the quite grotesque show you did? - "It was a quite bloody gig, we had pigheads on stakes, and Dead cut himself up, and actually some others too, and it was a lot of blood and things! A great gig, but Euronymous' amplifier was destroyed during the first song, and that was not so funny!" - So you played the rest of the show without guitars? - "No! Luckily we were allowed to borrow Death Mission's amps. We put it up, but all of a sudden, the idiot who owned it came and wanted it back because he should go home, and there were brain substance from the pig heads all over it. But he didn't want that, so he started to pull out the cables, so we had to stop again. It was perhaps as much as ten stops during that concert, and I was almost dying behind the drums thinking - oh nooooooo! not again!!!" - "Funeral Fog" is a quite fast song, our vocalist, Dead, are into everything of the occult. Usually, the persons which are writing lyrics write about childish subjects such as "Satan, inverted crosses", etc, but Dead writes kind of deeper lyrics. No satanic crap, but more of an occult feeling to them."

(w/euronymous) - What has happened to MAYHEM lately? - "Not long time ago we finished a small tour in East-Germany and Turkey, and the last months we have just finished the last songs for the next MAYHEM LP - "De Mysteriis Dom Stahanas", and tried to cope with the neverending problems this band is plagued with. This time we have to repair 3 amps which have fucked up... No food the the next months, I guess..." - How will you say the new songs differ from your older material? - "Everything is different, except for the same old sound on the guitar and the bass. We play much faster, and now we have much more dark moods and feelings in the music where it before was just plain brutality. The new members sound very different as well, and that has very much impact on the music. I dare to say that we don't sound like any other band, so you better hear the new LP to understand the difference fully." - Norway doesn't seem to be overflooded with death metal bends, but the ones existing seen good enough. What do you think is the reason for this? What are your fave Norwegian bands? - "When I listen (accidentally) to all the standard shit bands which are being released today, I also sometimes think that Norway has pretty good bands. I like bands like ISENGARD, CADAVER, DARKTHRONE and IMMORTAL very much, but still there is a long way to go before the bands here manage to make music which will go down in history like the first albums of VENOM and BATHORY. There is a strong tendency here as well that people start to play death metal because it's a fucking trend, and I hate that. I have seen a few bands lately where they are following the ideas which hardcore has imposed on the DM scene - that you must look as normal as possible, sing about "society problems" and shit like that. This is NOT death metal! Normal people should FEAR death metal. I think the situation will be much worse later, those bands which are most known here now, like CADAVER and DARKTHRONE have after all been in the scene for 3-5 years and I won't call them trendy even though they look too normal. I think they basically agree that most death metal nowadays look like New Kids On The Block, and I think they halfway want to do something about it. The problem is that we are so infected with hardcore ideas that we feel ashamed about following the TRUE death metal lifestyle like it was in the beginning spikes, chains, leather, black clothes, crosses, and so on. We must consequently fight these ideas and return to the old days when death metal was something EVIL and GRUESOME which people were afraid of. THAT was underground! Not like today, when death metal is something which parents and grandmothers can listen to. We refuse to play live these days because the scene is so shitty and normal. I don't want to see 10 years old skaters with jogging suits getting into our music." - Explain a little about each member of MAYHEM. - "Dead is insane and is normally dangerous not only for his surroundings, but also for himself. Especially at the times when he has

bought himself a new knife, or when he drinks liquor. Dead's goal in life is to move to Transylvania and become an evil, dead count who terrorizes a village. He also lives in the past and hates everything which lives. Hellhammer is an alcoholic with nazi sympathies, he once sold our song amp for some beers, and we believe he once sold his clothes for beer too. He also likes to whip girls and then fuck them, and they younger they are, the better (8-10). Necro Butcher is a father and is only with his girlfriend. Myself... I don't know... I'm a member of a communist party with Albanian influences. I like to mix explosives and poisons in my lab and I like to learn strange languages. That's it, I think." - What do you regard as a song's most important things? What's on your mind when you're writing new songs? - "It's most important that it doesn't have any bad or insignificant riffs, all the riffs must be the best ever! Today there is so much bad music released, music which is without and feelings or moods, it's just made to fill out space on a record. Take NAPALM DEATH f.ex. They made their last record in 2 days (they made their SONGS in 2 days, that is), and then it will be like "Hey, let's make 45 riffs the next hour and put them together into 5 songs". We don't work that way. When I make a riff, it must be something special, or it's worthless. Some times it takes me 3-4 months just to come up with something which is good enough, but then I'm very satisfied too. It must inhabit a feeling of STINKING BLACK EVIL and ABOMINATIONS." - You've obviously been interviewed a lot. Are there any questions you'd ask yourself which you've bever been asked, or any things which you'd like to express your views on which you've never ben asked? - "I think I've been asked about most things, as many interviews have 40-50 questions etc. I believe there is not much left to ask! I could grab this opportunity to explain about something which makes me very angry, and that's the degeneration of the death metal scene caused by hardcore people and the "big" bands. Hm, I think I'll do just that. Well, it started about 5 years ago when the entire HC population suddenly found out that they should force their opinions, attitudes and so on, on death metal for some reason. Probably they discovered that the only thing they had done in the last years was to scream to each other that they had to think like this and that, and these fine, intelligent people suddenly found out they ... everybody in their scene had exactly the same opinions and attitudes anyway. Then they had to find another group of victims, and the choice fell on death metal and black metal. They infiltrated the scene through crossover and grind, and they started to tell us that we MUST be open-minded, have lots of attitudes, not eat meat, hate Ronald Reagan and Maggie when they were in power, hate Coca-Cola and Shell, be against lots of things and most important - we were not any longer allowed to have our own identity. Thay have succeeded - today the death metal people feel ashamed about wearing anything else than totally normal clothes, no crosses, no chains, leather, and everything else we used to be proud about wearing. I sometimes think back to the old days when you could instantly see that a guy was into this music because he had VENOM patches, long hair, crosses, and black clothes. Today you will not see any difference between death metal fans and the "skate-gang" in school, and what even worse is - it's often the same people! Before, death metal and black metal was something totally evil and gruesome which normal people feared, today it's something normal, accepted and commercial. Here is an example which is disgusting: In Holland there is a 60 years old bitch who has a TV-show where she plays disco music. Lately she has started to play death metal because she thinks death metal

is "funny" and that the DM bands are "cute"! So understand this: People like her must FEAR us again. Death metal is NOT for normal idiots and a death metal band is NOT supposed to sing about "society-problems" like they do today. We are infected with several HC ideas which we have to fight consequently. We must return to the good old days. We must learn to cultivate out TRUE identity. My lifestyle has been black clothes, chains and spikes for 10 years, and it's disgusting to see people grow up and not even have heard about VENOM! These people think that death metal IS normal clothes and society stuff, they are TRAITORS and should suffer. But those who should suffer most are the people responsible for this, The so called "unification" between death metal and hardcore is of course impossible to make without killing death metal completely. I could write pages about this but I'm taking up too much space. DEATH to hardcore, skaters, moshers and all idiots in the "scene". Be EVIL, not openminded! Funcore sucks!!! There will be no more MAYHEM concerts before the audience looks like a mixture of SARCOFAGO, VENOM, HELLHAMMER, BATHORY, SODOM, DESTRUCTION and BULLDOZER (all old records). Those who don't agree and think that death metal should be something "funny" and for "everyone" can fuck off, you have betrayed the scene for what it was supposed to be in the beginning. But of course - it's not enough to dress evil, BE evil as well! And DEATH to all the evil bands who suddenly "grow up" and become normal and have "important opinions and atitudes" like DEATH and SODOM! Fuck off!!!

- When you released your first demos, how did people react to your style? - "We released "Witching Metal" in '81, and after that we recorded one demo later called "Victims Of Death". I think it was a new style of music and SODOM was one of the first bands that played this kind of music, so a lot of people liked it. We sold around 500 copies of the demo worldwide. After that we got the first contract with SPV." - What will you call your music style in the early days and today? - "In the early days we called it witching metal, and now I think we have our own style. It's a kind of power metal today." - When did you play first time as SODOM? - "Our first gig was in 1983, in Frankfurt, with TANKARD and DESTRUCTION and at the end of it all it was an autograph session with VENOM. But during our set 3/4 of the audience ran out of the hall and tried to hide their ears. PURE FUN! And after that we got the record deal." - Do you still play tracks live from those early demos? - "We play only one track, "Witching Metal"." - How did people take your first vinyl release "In The Sign Of Evil"? Many people thought it was a joke, but what do you think about it? - "I think it wasn't a joke. We were young, and..., you know... we wanted to try to make music like the old VENOM. And most people liked "In The Sign Of Evil". We have sold many copies. So, some people from the press said that it was a joke, but it wasn't a joke. It was serious. Our first debut, and I like it."

- Tell us a bit about Agressor. Why did he leave? - "Agressor was our first guitar player, from the early demos. He wrote the first lyrics, but he left the band after the demos. He wanted to get serious!" - How is the relationship between you and your old band members? - "I know all the guys personally, they are friends of mine, but they are not interested in SODOM anymore. They are going their own ways." - Have any of you played in any other bands? - "No, we've always played with SODOM. Witchhunter played on tour with DESTRUCTION, and he tried to play on the BATHORY album, the new one ("Blood Fire Death"), but there were some problems with Quorthon. But I have always played only with SODOM. No other bands."

- How did DARKTHRONE come together? - "I knew Ivar and our previous guitar player before the band was formed, and we just started to play and write our own songs just for the fun of it and since then it became more and more serious. A bloody boring story." - Which bands have inspired you? - "AUTOPSY, PARADISE LOST, NOCTURNUS musicwise and riffwise. As for my drumming, I wouldn't have been where I am today without the drummers in DREAM THEATRE, RUSH, IRON MAIDEN and WATCHTOWER." - What is your greatest experience you've had within DARKTHRONE? - "Our greatest experience and goal was, and is, our record deal with Peacevile Records." - Tell us a bit about your forthcoming LP." - Well, we have signed a deal with Peaceville Records (killer distribution, except for Norway, of course) so we'll record the album in September '90 and this album wil be in the shops in the beginning of '91, I think." - Is there anything special you would like to say about your songs? - "No. Let the songs speak for themselves. The only thing I want to say something about is our structure and principles. All our music HAVE TO could be re-written to horror movie soundtracks. None of our riffs is in "happy"-scales, just unorthodox and sick note-solutions. Structurewise we are totally unique, we don't HAVE any standard structures at all, concerning verses and choruses. Actually we are an instrumental band, but we add some possessed madness (vocals) here and there." - How would you describe DARKTHRONE's style? - "Difficult, but if you got to have a name for it, you could call it horrorthemed techno death metal." - What plans do you have for the future? - "Rehearse, rehearse, play, play, gigs, gigs, more records, become better. Such things, you know."

- Tell us a little about your forthcoming album "Soulside Journey". Which songs will be on it, and when will it be out? - "It'll be out 28. January 1991. It's got 3 songs from the "Cromlech" demo and the rest is new stuff. We've included an old instrumental ("Eon") as a bonus track on the CD. "Soulside Journey" was recorded in September '90 in the same studio used by ENTOMBED, and it's our first of four albums for Peaceville Records. Right now we're halfway on our second album "Goatlord" already, and we're going to the studio again this August." - What do your lyrics deal with, and who's writing them? - "I write the lyrics, and they're an important part of DARKTHRONE. I don't think it's right to really explain the lyrics, because it's too personal. But let's just say it's Satanic poetry!" - How has the responce been so far? - "Absolutely the best!" - How would you describe the progression from your first to your latest material? - "It's a total progression, change of style, change of everything. The DARKTHRONE problems has always been our first releases which always gave us a baaad reputation. So we simply had to get way better or fade away." - Which other Norwegian bands do you like? What do you think about the Norwegian death metal scene? - "MAYHEM, CADAVER and new VALHALL are my faves. But look out for EMBRYONIC and AMPUTATION. I also do ISENGARD and I'll try to make things great. The scene is OK, but everyone who likes death metal seem to do a mag or a band, so there's no fans or consumers left. Like when a death metal band plays in Oslo, only 20-40 death metal kids turn up. That sucks, considering that it lives 460.000 people in Oslo. How many percent is that? 0.00001 or something....." - Do you see specific directions in which you'd like to expand? - "No, we're doing all right as we are now, thanx. I doubt that we'll do a revolution within the band on riffs, song structures, etc. We've gone a bit slower, but that's all. We never did focus on the speed, really." - Is there any books, records or films you'd like to recommend to the readers? - "All buy the forthcoming NECROMANTIA album, except you suckers with Bermuda shorts and caps. "Blues Brothers" is the coolest fuckin' movie, man! Books, everything blasphemous. And "Lillelord" trilogy by Johan Borgen!" - Do you believe in non-musical influences? If so, what's yours? - "Belial!" - How is your deal with Peaceville like? Satisfied with it? - "It's sooo great! The guys at Peaceville are great, and Hammy is God!" - Are you ever criticized for sounding like any other bands? - "NO! But some say our album sounds like ENTOMBED. That's bollocks, but we used the same studio, so we might have a teenyweeny similarity on the sound side. But believe me, ENTOMBED and DARKTHRONE play different kinds of music!" - What are darkthrone's goals for the future? - "Go touring, which we never seem to have time for." - Last words? - "Agathos Daimos, Skei for your marvellous interview. Peaceville have DARKTHRONE Tshirts for sale."

- How would you describe MORTEM's style of music? - "Brutal grinding death metal!" - Mention some of your fave bands... "CARCASS, SARCOFAGO, VULCANO, MAYHEM, MORBID ANGEL, and more." - Why the name MORTEM? - "Because it sounds great. It means death. It describes our music-style, and there was no other bands with that name when we found it." - You are going to release a 7" EP, so could you tell us a little about it? - "It will have the same songs as the "Slow Death" demo. It will be released on the Thrash label, and will be released after newyear in 1000 copies." - What's your plans for the future? - "Release another demo right after newyear, and get it out on vinyl. Sell T-shirts for the "Slow Death" 7" EP, and make another for the new release." - Last comments? - "Thanx for this interview. Support Stigma Diabolicum, and never wimp out! You have to come and visit me and MAYHEM soon! (done! - Ed)."

- "No, it's not ready, we hope it will be out in this year. Euronymous gave us this offer, he's very cool. Now they will release the MAYHEM LP, and after it comes the TORMENTOR LP." - "It's a difficult question. The fave bands are BATHORY, CELTIC FROST, MOTORHEAD, etc. The fave LPs are these bands' stuff. We like to see horror movies. Books? I don't know..." - "Some godly bands like MAYHEM, DARKTHRONE, CADAVER, and cool fanzines like Stigma Diabolicum, Slayer, Orcustus... We say hello to everybody!" - "I think they know not too much about Hungary and the Hungarian scene... Communism, vampires, witches, morbid places, these things are often in my received letters. People know so much about Hungary..." - "Yeah, we played a lot of gigs, but our last one was in December... The atmosphere is great with pogo, alcohol, etc, etc." - "The singer write them, and they speak about morbid, satanic things (grave, Elisabeth Bathory, beyond, etc). They show you the dark side of the world." - "Actual line-up is: Csihar Attila (23) vocals, Sligeti Attile (19) - guitar, Farkas Gy�rgy (20) - bass, Machat Zsolt (23) drums. Csihar is a student, the other members are working." - "We hate christianity, the priests, the pope, but we are not really into satanism. We like morbid and satanic things but that's all." - "To release our first LP on Deathlike Silence. I hope it will be out in this year, so wait for it. That's all." - "Yes, thank you for this interview and good luck with your 'zine. Don't forget to write us and buy our demos for five dollars! Support us and the Hungarian scene. Thanx for all, and hi to all our friends. Keep the spirit of black metal alive!"

(mortem -> arcturus)

- "So, TORMENTOR comes from Hungary and we play true black metal. The band was founded in 1987. Our first demo was the "Seventh Day Of Doom" in 1988. After the demo's release the second guitar player Budai Tom‌s left the band." - "Good! I think Hungary is an interesting country for the people and the other thing is that the underground black metal scene is very poor. Here we attracted a lot of fans and they like us." - "Our first demo was rather thrash/black metal, "Anno Domini" is true black metal, like BATHORY did it once... This demo is very good and it includes 12 songs plus intro. If you are into old BATHORY and black metal, then you must buy it! And what made us decide to play it? Well, when we started the band we thought that this style is the real for us. Our total model was BATHORY." - "The scene is not too big, and the black/death scene is very poor, more thrash bands, like JUST, SLOGAN, BARBED WIRE, etc. We also have fanzines like DEATH TRAP (the best one), PANIC, FLAYER, etc. Here we could see bands like KREATOR, OBITUARY, MORGOTH, SODOM, NECRONOMICON (we played with them!), etc. I made a compilation tape with 14 Hungarian bands on it, and you can buy it for 4 dollars." - "It came out in 1989 and this is our second demo. The tape includes 12 songs plus intro with very good sound. It lasts 40 minutes, and it costs 5 dollars."

- You are going to release an album in December. Can you tell us a little about it? - "It's a Norwegian label who are going to release it, namely Deathlike Silence. There is going to be eight songs on it, three from "Realm Of Darkness" ("Realm Of The Dark", "Souls Of The Dead", and "Dreadful Fate"), one from "Behind The Black Door", and four new tracks." - You recorded the album in July, what do you think of the result? - "We are quite satisfied with it. Not perfect production, but we're satisfied. We produced ourselves, so we couldn't expect much better." - How much money did you spend? - "Nothing!! Because we didn't pay the bill. We receive money from the community!" - Do you have any sales figures for the "Realm Of Darkness" demo? - "Around 300 copies all over the world, I think, but the LP will be pressed in 1000 copies to start with (and I don't think there wil be any problems selling out, hehe!)." - You were in Bergen a while ago, and played on a thrash-festival there. What do you think about it? "Great! The audience was great, stagedivers, etc... we too! But it took us quite a while to get there - about 24-25 hours! The car broke down, and Fy Faen! But it was fun. Very good beer in Norway!" - Why did you kick out your first vocalist? - "He was a poser. He didn't sing good enough. He sang too like the vocalist in NAPALM DEATH:" - What about the sound live, when you have only one guitarist?

- "Ehhh... In Norway we had a terible sound, but normally it is alright. We don't have that many solos, so there isn't so much need of a second guitar player." - What would you say are your influences? - "MORBID ANGEL, SADUS, SEPULTURA, MERCYFUL FATE, METALLICA, BATHORY." - What about gigs and concerts? - "We have played about 10-15 gigs, everyone in Sweden, except that one in Norway. We have played with MEZZROW, TRIBULATION, KAZJUROL, and the bands we played with in Norway."

- Are you satisfied with your latest album "Beneath The Remains"? - "I am satisfied with the sound, but I don't like that they (the record company) changed the logo. I don't like the new one, I like the old one better. And I don't like that they didn't inclde the lyrics with the album. But the rest is ok, pretty satisfied with it." - What will you say is the difference between "Beneath The Remains" and your former albums? - "I don't want to say it's different! Since we released "Bestial Devastation" we have grown up, everybody can see that on the album. But we are still aggressive, but more technical." - You have got a new recod label. What happened between you and Cogumelo? - "We signed to Cogumelo in Brazil for one album only. We recorded and released one album, and then, no more. So when we finished "Schizophrenia", we weren't satisfied with Cogumelo. They wouldn't promote the album, so we tried to find a new record company. And then we found Roadrunner which is 10.000 times better than Cogumelo." - On "Beneath The Remains", members from ATHEIST, OBITUARY and INCUBUS sang backing vocals on one of the tracks. How did that come about? - "I didn't have time to finish the vocals in Brazil, so I had to do five vocals in Florida, and when I travelled there, I was listening to the album when I felt that it needed something on one or two songs. Then I decided to put backing vocals on this song. I met those guys, and I knew their singing, they have good voices, they are drunk like me, hehe. So we drank a lot of... shit..., and we went into the studio and said "let's scream"... We made the backing vocals without thinking too much. It was just to make the album sound a little bit better." - How is the thrash scene in Brazil? - "It's a lot of bands, but "normal" people think it's a joke. ;ost people who listen to thrash is poor. The rich they like more pop music. The poor people are more into thrash 'cause they feel the same as the music, aggressive... It's difficult to explain. The way of life they have is totally different from the life the people have here." - Is it good friendship between the bands? - "NO! I mean, a lot of bands are jealous on us. We have a lot of great relationship with some bands, but the rest are really jealous

because we are the first band to all this shit, to put out an album outside Brazil, to go on tour, so they really talk a lot of shit about us. These bands need to grow up, but with other bands like RED or DORSAL ATLANTICA, we have no problems. They are friends, they are more professional, they think like us - "if SEPULTURA could do it, we can too!". I think that it's a space for everybody." - What kind of music do you listen to? - "I like hardcore, I like thrash metal, I like different forms of metal. I like THE MISSION, FAITH NO MORE and PINK FLOYD. Something that's different from metal. I don't listen to thrash 24 hours a day. But I also like a lot of thrash/hardcore and a little bit of heavy metal." - What are SEPULTURA's plans for the future? - "We have this tour with FAITH OR FEAR, and after that we're going back to Brazil, 'cause we need to start to write material for our next album. Then we will record our next album, and after that we are coming back to Europe again."

- Why did Nihilist split up? - "We had some problems! Well, we're Nihilist!" - Are you still friends with the other guys? I believe they have started their own band? - "?? The other guys? It's just evil Jonny who have his new cool band called Unleashed" - Most of the songs on your album are Nihilist songs. Is it only you who have the rights to use these songs? I mean, what if the other guys use the songs? - "It's we who have the rights to all the Nihilist songs. Jonny never wrote any riffs. Jonny wouldn't use the Nihilist songs. He's a cool guy! Kiss him!" - When did Earache show interest in you? - "Hubba bubba!" - Are you satisfied with the album? - "Yes! But it's always things I wanna change." - Why do you think there is so many death metal bands in Sweden nowadays? - "It's a trend!! There's nothing elso to do except playing in a band, drinking alcohol, geting high, etc. I don't think there are so many death bands around!" - You have toured with Carcass. How was it to tour with them? And how did the crowd react to your music? - "Carcass are really good friends so we enjoyed touring with them a lot! Mike from Carnage have joined them and he's our best friend! They're gods! The UK crowd are not that good. They seem to be afraid of getting into any bands from other countries. Well, some gigs were godly!" - What are your lyrics about? Are they typical death metal lyrics? - "They're about what Alex, Nicke and Lasse are thinking!" - It is getting more popular to sign death metal bands. Do you think death metal is becoming a trend? - "Fuck yes! It's cool!" - Are there any plans to do concerts here in Norway? - "No!! We'll see if anyone will get in touch soon." - Do you know any Norwegian death metal bands? - "Yep! I know Darkthrone and Cadaver! Cool guys!" - If you didn't play death metal, what would you play then? - "Heavy doom metal!" - Do you think that there are very few death metal bands that do anything original?

- "I don't know. The only death metal band I listen to is Master/Deathstrike." - What would you say make you different from other death metal bands? - "We play doom metal!" - As I understand you only have one guitarist. How will this work out live? Wouldn't it be wise to get a second guitarist? - "What? We've always got 2 guitar players! We've got problems with bass players, but it's cool now." - There are very few women who like death metal. What do you think is the reason for this? - "We are so ugly! No, this kind of music is too brutal for girls! Thank God!" - What are your future plans? - "Doing a Holland tour as headliner with Disharmonic Orchestra and Sinister in November. Record a new album. Listen to Saint Vitus!" - Your final words? - "Don't let anyone bring you down! Be happy! God bless you all! Black Sabbath is a godly band and so is the ultimate gods Count Raven! Cheers for the interview!

. There has been some line-up changes since your last demo. Tell us about that... - "Yeah, there have been some line-up changes, but forget all about that. We are now Immortal, and we will piss on Amputation, hehe..." - Do you have any contact with your old members? What are they doing now? - "Yes, we have contact with our old members. Truls is in another band I don't know the name of (Paraplegic - Ed), Padda is still in Old Funeral (but Olve quit with them and became our new vocalist... It shreds!)." - How is the death metal scene in Bergen? - "The death metal scene in Bergen is total shit! There are only us and Old Funeral + 2 or maybe 3 thrash bands which can play... Also some real shitty Metallica clone bands around. It sucks!" - There's rumours about a record deal between you and Deathlike Silence Prod. Tell us more about that. - "Actually we have not signed yet. But if we don't get any better deals we will probably do that. Deathlike Silence rules!" - Do you have any songs ready for an eventual album? - "As for now we will keep on working on new songs, and that will take a long time, but sometimes in '91 we hope." - Your top 5 demos/albums? - "Morbid Angel "Altars Of Madness", Immolation "Demo '90", Entombed "Left Hand Path", Cadaver "Hallucinating Anxiety", and Carcass "Symphonies Of Sickness"." (amputation -> immortal)

- How did Unleashed come to life? - "When the bands Nihilist and Dismember split up, Hohnny (Nihilist) and Robban (Dismember) decided to form a new band. Soon after me and Fredda joined, and we became Unleashed!" - I think the production on the demo could have been better. Comments on that? - "I think it's ok. I mean, both Fredda and me had bever set foot in a studio before, and we sort of rushed things a little too! But it ain't that bad!" - Have any record labels showed any interest in the band yet? - "Yes, in late September we're going to record a 7" for CBR here in Sweden, and after that we'll do an album! We have a few offers to choose from, but it looks like we will sign to Peaceville/Deaf Records!" - Are you good friends with Entombed, despite that both bands have ex-Nihilist members in the band? - Well, we're not enemies or anything, but we don't really hang out with them." - The number of death metal bands in Sweden is now almost uncountable. What do you think about that? - "Yes, there is a lot of bands here in Sweden, and I think that is great! The more bands, the better!" - What's the difference between the Norwegians and the Swedes? - I don't know! Is there a difference? It could be that Norwegians live in Norway, and the Swedes in Sweden, don't you think?" - What are your thoughts on religion? - "I simply hate it!!! That's all!" - The biggest (dis-)advantage of playing in a death metal band? - "Well, the advantage is of course playing the music that I listen to, because death metal rules! Diaadvantage? There's a lot of people who give you shit for it, but we don't care, so it's not so bad!" - Do you think people will have high expectations for your demo, since the band feature ex-Nihilist and ex-Dismember members? - "Yes, I think there was (and still is) a lot of expectations for the things we do, but I think that we have lived up to those expectations pretty good! So it seems anyway!" - Final comments? - "Well, thanx for the cool interview. Have fun and drink more beer!"

- "Alastis is a death metal band of the Swiss underground. Our music is hard to classify, but many 'zines have already assimilated us to Hellhammer or Samael. For my part I don't agree that much with these

comparisions. I like both these bands, but our music doesn't really resemble theirs." - Why did you choose the name Alastis, and what does it mean/stand for? - "Would you have prefered an "..or" name, one more? Because Alastis is a derivation of Alastor, executor of the dark monarchs supreme sentences!" - What subjects does your lyrics deal with? - "With "Just Law" you will perhaps learn the cruelty subjects by our ancestor under inquisition, and "Fatidical Date" will take you away beyond the apocalypse for the last judgement. Follow the lyrics of "Reconvention" and you will be saved! Then listen to the "Voices Of The U.W.", they explain you the torments of the infidels. Finally, take advantage of "The End" to medit on your belief and beg pardon to our Master..:" - Why these artist names? - "They aren't artist names. For my part War D. is a nick name that I have had since I was fourteen, but it's a long story. Zumof's real name is Zumofen, whereas Acronoise has chosen himself this name for the regional anonymity we're looking for." - How would you describe the progression from your first material to your latest stuff? - "If you had listened to our first demo, you wouldn't have asked me this question. We are in continual progression and our next product will be better!" - Last words? - "Thank you for the interview, thank you who read it and if you are a death metal maniac, write me to order our demo, you won't regret it!"

- First of all, could you tell us a little about ASPHYX' history? - "Well, ASPHYX started about 20 months ago (around April '88 - Ed), and was formed by Bob Bagchus (drums) and Tonny Brookhuis (guitars). About 10 months ago, two members joined the band, namely: Theo Loomans (bass & vocals) and Eric Daniels (guitars). In those cast, there would be recorded the second demo-tape "Crush The Cenotaph", which sold about 400 copies. We also played several gigs in Holland and Belgium. So, this is a little background about ASPHYX." - How did you get the idea for the name ASPHYX? - "The name ASPHYX is an idea from Bob. When he did go to school, he suddenly thought about the name ASPHYX spontaneously. ASPHYX is a name of one of the ways to die. It means the same as sufocate." - How would you describe your music style? - "Our music is very heavy, loaded with heavy riffs and varied with fast, tight riffs. It's really doom/death metal. Actually, we're also original, 'cause nobody can put us with other bands. Most people describe bands as death metal, but it's actually just thrash." - You have just recorded your debut 7" single "Mutilating Process". Tell us a little about it. - "Well, after the last demo, we wanted to do something new. Our first thought was to make an EP, but Gore Records chose only two songs from the promo tape. They chose the songs "Mutilating Process" and "Streams Of Ancient Wisdom". This wasn't a bad choice, 'cause the songs match really good together. We recorded the 7" in Dec '89, and it was recorded in two days. We all are very happy with the quality, 'cause it's recorded in a way we all wanted." - How did the deal with Gore/Nuclear Blast come about?

- "Well, Bob and Theo were in contact with Nuclear Blast. So they wrote to them, but their sister-company Gore Records would give us a chance to make a 7". We made a promo tape with four songs on it, and Gore Records did the rest." - Who writes the music and the lyrics, and what are the lyrics about? - "We all write the music. But actually Bob and Theo lay the foundation of the songs. We also have several tasks inside the band, concerning the music and the lyrics. If a song is ready, Theo writes the lyrics. The lyrics are fully his part, and deal mainly with subjects like the unconsciousness, reality, and religion. Theo writes the lyrics as his views on these subjects." - What do you think about the metal/thrash scene in Holland? - "I think the scene here in Holland is going stronger. It ahs not yet the same standard as the scene in Germany or USA, but it's going in the right direction. Thrash and death metal is going to grow more popular. It's a fact that foreign bands are more popular than Dutch bands, but I hope this will change very soon." - What do you do besides ASPHYX? - "Well, Bob and I are unemployed, and we're busy every day with ASPHYX. Such as play a lot, sleep a lot, but answering lots of mail which comes from all over the world. Tonny is working, and Theo is still at school." - What are your influences/inspirations? - "Well, I think that our music nor particular sound like other bands, but the fans decide if we sound like this or that band. But we believe there isn't a bit of influences/inspirations from other bands. On the other hand, we love to hear music from: MORBID ANGEL, CARCASS, MASTER, SADUS, CELTIC FROST (old), AUTOPSY, and so on." - Has any of the members played in any other bands? - "Well, I've played in several bands. Those bands quit about two months after they were founded, so you could not speak about good bands. But I've learned from this. The problems were, generally speaking, in every band I played with, the same. With ASPHYX I have a good time, and I am happy to play with these guys, really! As for me, I will never quit with ASPHYX. I think Bob and Tonny never played in other bands. Theo also played in several bands. One of them was EXMORTIS. I think it was pure shit! (sorry Theo). ha." - What about gigs? Have you done any shows? - "Certainly, we played some gigs. Mostly in Holland, but also abroad. At our gigs we got a good response from the people. In Belgium fans are really going crazy. We love that! Shortly we will play in France and Germany. I really look forward to that, 'cause Dutch bands are doing really well abroad." - What are your future plans? - "Our future plans consist of making al album this year, and play lots of gigs everywhere."

- What has happened since last time we spoke to you?

- "Well, we have signed a record deal for 7 LP/CD's with the German record label Century Media. Robert Kampf (one of the staff members) heard some material of ASPHYX, and was very interested. Other bands on this label are: MORGOTH, DESPAIR and DEMOLITION HAMMER." - Now that you've released the 7" "Mutilating Process", what will happen now? - "We will record the album at the first December '90. The title is "The Way Of Sammael", and contains 10 tracks. We'll record it in the same studio as the 7", and mix it in Morrisound Studios with Scott Burns (god!) in Florida, USA. The release date is February 1991." - Do you enjoy the current death metal explosion all around the world? - "Of course! Death metal is growing. Bands who are responsible for this are, for me: OBITUARY, ENTOMBED, NAPALM DEATH, etc. I'm convinced it's growing even more." - Any significant changes in the ASPHYX sound ahead? - "We're much more heavy, and since we've kicked out our 2nd guitarist, even more tighter. Our new songs are fast, slow, heavy and tight!" - How do you see your own position among the bands in Holland? Do you think this has changed because of the 7" and your record deal? - "Well, we've a strong position here in Holland. If we play in Holland, we're always headliners. The 7" helped a lot, but our position will be stronger when we release our album in February." - What are your current fave bands? "OBITUARY, (old) CELTIC FROST, BATHORY, DEICIDE, ENTOMBED, MASSACRE, CARNAGE, MORTEM (rip), UNLEASHED, GRAVE, NECROPSY, WINTER, MAJESTY, MAYHEM, POSSESSED, and HELLHAMMER." - What about bands in Holland? Any you would recommend? - "Only one band: PESTILENCE." - Tell the readers why they should listen to ASPHYX. What in particular separates you from other bands? - "Well, we play heavy, tight, fast, slow, doom and we all live for ASPHYX. But hear for yourself on our album in Februaty." - Now, end this in any way you want... - "Death metal rules! Jason rules, Michael M. rules! Stigms Diabolicum rules! You rule! Death the brutal way!!"

- Could you tell us a little about how SCHIZO got started? - "Me + S.B. started the band, no less than six years ago. We were school mates back at that time, and pretty much naive too." - How did you come up with the name SCHIZO? - "Well, being an old member of the infamous VENOM's legions, and more than a simple appreciator of their early material, that was not so difficult." - Tell us a little about your album "Main Frame Collapse" - "I think that the album is a fair representation of the sound we had in 1988. It's surely a very brutal piece of vinyl but our newer stuff is definitely superior." - What about Chuck Schuldiner of DEATH. He should have been singing on "Main..." shouldn't he? What happened? - "Yes, we were waiting for Chuck to come down here. On the last second he can't, and

Ingo (from NECRODEATH - Ed) have us a hand." - What about your 2nd album? When will it be out? Will you still use Ingo? - "NECRODEATH just splitted up, man! Ingo is the 4th SCHIZO member now. We're still writing & arranging new tunes. Hope to record our 2nd album as soon as possible. A tentative release date could be end of May/June." - is "MFC" a self-financed album, or did any record company release it? What about your next album, who will release it? - "We paid for all the recording and studio expenses, and then Flying Recorde released it! Right now we are going to ink a short term deal with Discomagic/Metalmaster. Next LP will be out on that label." - How would you describe your style of music? - "A mix between death metal and speedcore." - What about touring & gigs? Have you done any shows to promote the album? - "Just a bunch of local dates, to tell you the truth..." - How will the next album be, compared to "Main Frame..."? - "First of all, the next album will be better produced for sure! Also the drum parts are going to be a lot more technical and advanced, as well as arrangements and overall riffing! We'll have some longer songs with many different moods, but the ultrafast parts will be always there!" - How is the Italian thrash and death metal scene? Any bands you would like to recommend? - "Not so happening, but a lot better than two years ago for example. Unfortunately a band like NECRODEATH (their "Into The Macabre" is the best Italian release ever!), one of the prime movers of our scene, is no more, and we'll miss them for sure! May the beast rise again! The only other group I can recommend is MENTICIDE which will have a 7" out this summer."

- For how long has the current line-up existed? - "We have been together since February '88 and still have the same line-up!" - Are you satisfied with how your album "For God Your Soul... For Me Your Flesh" turned out? - "Yeah, we are satisfied with our first LP, although there are many things we would like to have changed, especially soundwise. But all in all it turned out great, and it is an excellent album. The next will be better though." - How would you describe PUNGENT STENCH's music? - "I don't like to call our music anything. Death metal is the easiest definition, but it's up to you to categorize PUNGENT STENCH." - Your lyrics all seem to be quite sick and disgusting. Who writes them? - "Me and Martin do all our lyrics. We just think about a weird and sick topic and build a story about that. Sometimes we use a film or book for inspiration, but normally our lyrics are free invented." - Any other Austrian bands worth checking out? - "We have only 2 good bands besides PUNGENT STENCH here; DISHARMONIC ORCHESTRA and DISASTROUS MURMUR.

Both are great, and we often play together and help eachother out. I don't know who is most popular, but personally I think PUNGENT STENCH, 'cause our LP is out. But there's no competition between us 3 if you mean that." - How is the local scene now, compared to when you first started? - "There's still not really a major attention here in Austria for this kind of music, but since one year there ar people who are interested, but that kind of stuff and go to shows. When we started, nobody here liked our music, but month for month more and more people showed interest." - What would you say is the main difference between yor new LP and your former material? - "We have got a little bit more professional, more sick and extreme, and soundwise it went out much more brutal than on our 7" EP or the split-LP." - How will PUNGENT STENCH develop in the future? - "We got many more interesting influences, so our songs will not change, but will sound like PUNGENT STENCH. You know, we get more and more a typical and own sound. We want people to say after some seconds listening: "That must be PUNGENT STENCH!". We will get sicker and more extreme from record to record and will hopefully get the most brutal sound you have ever heard." - What will be next for PUNGENT STENCH? - "Next one is soing an European tour in Nov/Dec. I hope that everything works out great, especially that we get enough cash to pay everything. The next step is to get a license deal with America. That would be excellent. You know, our records would be pressed over there and distributed over the whole America. A company is interested in licensing our new LP, so let's hope... The last step would be to sell enough records in Europe and USA that we can tour without problems everywhere!" - What are the members' activities outside PUNGENT STENCH? - "We don't see eachother too much. Everyone has his girlfriend and is living together with her, so we normally see eachother only at rehearsals. Sometimes we go for a drink or we meet to discuss everything." - And of course, the obligatory last words... - "Well, thanx a lot for your support. Stay sick and maybe see us on out European tour in Nov/Dec. We hope to play in Sweden, so maybe we'll meet eachother there. Take care - peace and fun - Alex Stench."

- How is the current situation in the ROTTING CHRIST camp? - "Everything goes wery well, as we are under the blessings of Nergal! Our mini-LP sells very well, and the first 1000 copies sold out fast! Soon we will release a new 7" including 2 tracks, "The Nereid Of Esgalduin" and a new one! It'll be out in Octomber!" - Tell me more about your mini-LP "Passage To Arcturo" - "It's 100% black/occult metal. Maybe the sound isn't the best, but still very doomy and evil like the old giant days!!!" - How is the relationship between you and Morbid, who helped you with some keyboards? - "Just excellent! We're all just messengers of the dark side, and it's so easy! We fit eachother!" - Could you explain the title "Passage To Arcturo" a bit further?

- "Read the lyrics and you will understand! All has to do with our believes and our knowledge on occult art & life! Beyond the Arcturo is the place where the ancient gods are imprisoned, awaiting the key to humanity. Arcturo is a star symplegm." - How is your deal with Decapitated Records? Satisfied with it? - "It was just for one mini-LP. They pay us for the recording, and give us some free copies. Now we are talking about an upcoming LP, but noting is sure yet!" - Apart from ROTTING CHRIST, is there any other Greek bands you'd recommend? "For sure VARATHRON and NECROMANTIA!!!" - How exactly is it to be a black metal band in Greece? - "Most people care only for trendy death metal and are afraid of real black metal. The scene here is full of upcoming bands, which are just trendies and nothing more than posers, who want to be famous through death metal. Most 'zines are shit, except some great ones, like Blasphemous, Deathrasher, etc." - What do you know about Norway, and what do you think the readers know about Greece? - "I know it's cold, but guys are really cool and friendly! There are the gods MAYHEM, CADAVER and DARKTHRONE (hail brothers), and I know just the names of some bands, like ASTORETH, EMBRYONIC, ATROX. I'm interested in all of them! I think that all Norwegians know about the Greek summer and they also know that there are a big asshole here called Vagge!" - Can you tell us your views on Satanism? - "For sure, I am not the right one to explain what Satanism is. I just got my own views. I'm dedicated to darkness, and I spread the evil seed wherever I journey. No laws and no rules! I have total control of my destiny and believe in satisfying my animal instinct. I'm the lord of lust, prince of perversion. I'm totally into my nature. That's for me a kind of Satanism. I need no Satanic Church or organizations or mortal priests." - What are your goals for the future? - "More evil, more occult, more black metal!!!" - End this interview in any way you want... - "Aaarrrggghhh! Thanx Stigma Diabolicum. The darkside needs you, dark Stigma! Write to me, all black metal freaks with your most dark illusions. Ave!"

- How is the current situation in the DISGRACE camp? - "Well, nothing special. We have a new guitarist called Kimmo Laaksonen, who replaced Toni when he left the band and joined XYSMA. We have also done new tracks - 6 are already made and 2 awaits, so it's good. The album came out last June on Modern Primitive Records, and we're planning to do more releases on that same label. Also, there's some plans for an

European tour, but my studies at the university will make 'em difficult, but I'll try to get rid of them for a while." - Tell me a bit about the album... - "We recorded it a long time ago, in September '91, and we're not so pleased as we were at the moment of recording, but it's ok. We recorded it almost live, so it didn't took very much time to record. It has sold over 2000 copies in two months, without knowing the numbers of the U.S., 'cos it's been out only one month there. In Europe it'll be repressed soon. So we are pleased so far. The LP includes 9 tracks (on CD-shit, add one), pretty old stuff. That's all.." - I haven't heard it yet, so could you describe how the material on it differs from your older releases? How has the band progressed from the past to the present? - "It does not differ much from the old stuff, 'cos the material itself is so old. Maybe it's more complicated, which isn't always for good. Our new stuff is nuw much simpler. There are many different parts on the LP, slow and fast stuff... and also midtempo. In the beginning we had only those extreme parts, the album has some shades. Our very new material is more heavy metal and concentrated om mid-tempo music.. hehe. Not ENTOMBED, more BLACK SABBATH!" - Your fave bands? Influences? Lyrical inspirations? Do you believe in non-musical influences? If so, what's yours? - "My fave band list would be a long one, but I'll make it short: BLACK SABBATH (w/Ozzy), LED ZEPPELIN, XYSMA, GODFLESH, MINISTRY, SOUNDGARDEN, SLAYER, CARNAGE (Swe & rip), VOIVOD, SIELON VELJET + tons more. Influences you can find from these bands and lyrical influences are J. Morrison, I. Alanko, K. R”yhk„, U. Kailas, PINK FLOYD-stuff, etc, etc... Of course I believe in non-musical influences. There are many films and books and philosophers I could mention, but I'm too lazy to mention them all..." - What's your views on the current death metal trend? - "It has started to stink, as I and all other brothers saw it two years ago, when big labels got interested in all this stuff, maybe before. The trend has grown incredibly huge, and my and others views on it, is that it will destroy the basics. The next big trend will be black metal. It's easy to see - you can smell it!" - How is DISGRACE's gigging situation? Have you played any gigs lately, and with whom? - "We don't have any gigs to come - at least we don't know any so far. We played about two weeks ago with BELIAL and MELCORN and a week before it we played wth DEMIGOD, CORPOFILIA and LUBRICANT. And in July with BEHERIT, AMORPHIS, UNHOLY, PHLEGETHON and MORDICUS. We have been asked to go/come to Poland and Germany in October, but I have to cancel them, 'cos of my studies... shit!" - Tell us more about Finland. The bands, the 'zines, the scene, the fans, the country, the girls, the booze, etc... - "Finland is an ok place, though we have an economical depression here - there are no work. I'm the lucky one with my studies... There are about 1000 new death/black metal bands and I'm frustrated to know them or their music. very seldom are they any good. Most of them play only bullshit. Magazines are the same as well, noly some to mention: Isten, Biopsy, Fallen Pages and some others. Fans seem to be under 15 years old kids... That's not fun. Country itself is sunny today, which is ok. Prices are too high. Ggirls are nice, beautiful... A bit too proud. Finnish beer is good, but too expensive. Alcohol, ha... It's very expensive, too expensive to buy! - What will your next release be? When? How will it differ? - "I hope that our next release would be a 7"/12" called "The Green One"... Hopefully during the x-mas. It'd be nice to give to

Santa Claus. Maybe a full length LP during the spring '93. LP could be called "Autumn Sabbath"... dunno!" - Well, anything you miss? - "My childhood, summer vacations, the day we started to play, all friends in Germany & Holland & Belgium, free timespring, beer, friend, hahaha... No... I'd like to say hello to Lasse M†rhaug!" - Plans for the future? - "Make some records and gigs with pleasure. When it's going to be stupid, we'll quit. Hopefully not very soon." - The end... - "Thanks for the interview. The End! cadaver - "We have become a trio again! Out 2nd guitarplayer left us a while ago when he didn't feel death/space enough to continue! Apart from this we're now finally finished with the material for our next album named "Hymns Of Misanthropy". It'll contain 9 tracks between 3.30 and 5.00 minutes long, longer than before and in a different vein than the old stuff. We haven't slowed down or anything, the material is just more complex and better! Wait and see! A Scandinavian tour with CARCASS this winter is also a possible thing, so things are happening!" - "The NEcrosis Records deal was a one record deal between us and Jeff/Bill from CARCASS. They liked our '89 demo and offered us to record an album." - "We started as more or less thrash/death band influenced by SLAYER, VOIVOD, KREATOR, CELTIC FROST nack in 1988. When we got our first bassplayer, Ren‚ in the beginning of '89, we got a more aggressive style and started to play faster and heavier then bafore. The style was by then more or less influenced by the English bands CARCASS, NAPALM DEATH and other bands like NIHILIST (ENTOMBED) and AUTOPSY. When we lost Ren‚ and got our new bassplayer a year ago, our style became more unique. The way we sound today is a mixture of all our influences during the 6-7 last years when it comes to metal and we have started using elements from horror music, etc. So CADAVER have now a totally own style we hope others will like as much as we do!" - "We are three very different persons who have come together by playing. We like quality in our music and take this very serious. We like to be some kind of black sheeps in the musical family. We look upon death metal as a total thing. It's not enough

to play fast'n'heavy to be death metal, like very many people seem to think today. CADAVER are in our eyes one of the few brutal bands in Norway who take what we do seriously enough to perform the real thing. We're no fucking fun band!!!" - "Yes, of course, all bands will be compared with others in their first years. None can sound totally unique when they start to play together (well, some very few bands make it). Direct comparisons is totally stupid and up to the one who listen if he have to do it to listen to a band." - "I feel that we together with MAYHEM, DARKTHRONE and EQUINOX stand in a very special situation here in Norway since we are the bands who have made the path of opportunities to the following bands who deserve it. Most other bands in Norway today were formed after '89 (apart from

some acts) and have grown up after the best releases of death metal ever, and are following another tradition than the good old (haha) bands; MAYHEM, DARKTHRONE, EQUINOX and us + some few others like BALVAZ. We have all known each other since 1986/87..." - "Yep, we will sound much stranger than before (not on this album, but the 3rd, etc.). We'll never slow down, but keep our speed and brutality as long as this give us the same kick and good feeling as it have had before." - "We've played with: EQUINOX, MAYHEM, BALVAZ, DARKTHRONE, OLD FUNERAL, BUTTOCKS, TWO NIGGERS AND A HONKEY, MOTORPSYCHO, SO MUCH HATE, TOXAEMIA, ENTOMBED, THERION, INFINITE DECAY, DISSECTION, ABHORRENCE and more. The more memorable gig we've had so far was a gig with TWO NIGGERS AND A HONKEY and MOTORPSYCHO this summer. We all played on a party after a football cup (!) between all the big record labels, radios, etc. in Oslo. We were invited since our Norwegian record distributor Voices Of Wonder was the arranger! It was the funniest I've ever done. All these "important" people gor a big chock when hearing us! They had never believed that this was death metal, it seemed like they thought METALLICA was brutal, so..." - "The best thing was of course to get the opportunity to record an album! This is the biggest thing who happened to my life ever! The worst thing have been line-up changes, it's like a divorce in marriage, and you feel that the member who have left betray you." - "Thanx a lot for giving space to us in your magazine, chap! Please pay attention when we release our next record, everyone! It'll be called "Hymns Of Misanthropy" and will blow your brain out! Keep supporting the real underground!"

- "Salem is a town in the U.S. in which there were witch hunts and hundreds of women were killed by anti-Satanists. The name was invented by Ze'ev who formed the band." - "The incident in the bio happened 3 years ago, and since then there wasn't any trouble with the police. It's just that this is quite a conservative society, and they are afraid of this type of music here." - "There is a growing thrash scene here in Israel - in the past year the number of thrashers increased from hundreds to thousands, and it's still growing stronger, especially due to the coverage we get from the media and television. We don't know of any other thrash/death bands in the middle east. We like to call ourselves "the only death metal band in the Middle East." - "We've played some 20 gigs so far, some of our own and some with local bands, and we've managed to build ourselves quite a strong following." - "We don't know is we could relocate to any other country, because of the cost and the risk involved. It's a risky business and we don't have enough money to get the whole band to relocate to some other country, but if we could, we would go to Europe, because that's where the real scene is going on." - "So far there has been little response, except from Wild Rags records, but we just issued the demo now, and now with the Gulf war things have frozen up a bit in this area." - "We are good friends with MAYHEM from norway, but other than that we don't know much about it. We have been thinking of coming to Norway to play some gigs with MAYHEM, but we don't know what's going to happen now."

- "You've probably heard about the Gulf war and about the Palestinian problem, but this problem has been blown out of proportion by the media. There is a problem, but it's not as bad as it seems, and we hope it can be solved without further bloodshed." - "Ze'ev Tanaboim - vocals, formed the band, the only original member of SALEM, 25 years old. Lior Mizrachi - guitars, 20 years old, he's the wild one is SALEM, he likes the fast bands like SARCOFAGO. Michael Goldstein - bass guitar, 25 years old, on stage he's like a bulldozer, he's very fat. Giora Hirsch - guitar, 25 years old, apart from death metal, he likes progressive stuff like KING DIAMOND and CORONER, and he contributes a lot to the band's progressive side. Amir Neubach - drums, 17 years old, plays with a lot of double-bass drums and a lot of power, listens to all metal - "The lyrics are written by Amir and Ze'ev (who are also writing these answers), and they deal with many things. From antisemitism and the holocaust, to the conflict between the individual and the society. We don't write about Satan, because we've passed that stage and this subject doesn't interest us." - "We think that the underground scene is great, and we hope that it will get stronger and stronger. It's great that we receive mail from bands and 'zines all over the world." - "We would like to receive more mail from Norway, and so we'd like to ask Skei to include our address with this interview. We're looking forward to hearing from all Norwegian thrashers!" - "Our last words are: Keep supporting your scene. If the whole scene were like the thrash underground scene, there would be no wars and no fighting, so let's turn the whole scene into a big thrash/death metal scene!"

- Tell us a little about your new demo... - "Hmm!!! It's a 5 track studio demo. The vocals are screamy, and the music is gloomy! It's no more to say!" - Categorize yourself... - "We don't like to be categorized. It's a mix of death metal, jazz, and some thrashy parts. Our new songs is more death influenced. Uh, something hit me in the head... where am I? Ko ko... I'm a member of the Sex Pistols!!! Gurgle..." - What does the word Balvax mean? - "It's to freak out totally! You get my point, don't you? Drink lots of spooky things, go berserk and keep it that way..." - What are your lyrics about? - "My lyrics are about various subjects. "Blemish" is about dwarf throwing!! We don't like such things! "Phlegmous" is about reincarnation. I personally believe in life after death and rebirth. We don't like to write religious lyrics!" - So you doesn't have any satanic lyrics? - "No! We're not into that crap. They're even worse than the christians! Fuckin' trend shit!" - I read in a gig report somewhere that one of your members quit the band in the middle of one of your gigs. What happened? - "Haha! The gig started with me bursting a string! I ran away and came back 15 minutes later with a borrowed bass. Two tracks later

Lars bursted a string too! He got the shake, and left the stage. We played two more tracks and left as well. Everybody thought Lars left the band for good! Haha, what a joke! It was a misunderstanding! Gu..." - What's your main influences? - "We don't got any main influences. Maybe Smurfene! Haha! We listen to bands like Carcass, Morbid Angel, Faith No More, Obituary, etc..." - Tell the readers why they should buy the demo... - "It has a cool cover... ha, harr. If you're into death metal, it's ok. Well, you just have to hear it, don't you?" - Have you had any label interest? - "Yes, two labels has showed some interest! An album might be out next year... Wait and see!" - How often do you rehearse? - "It depends? Twice a week or so. We do practice as often as possible." - Any last words? - "Ho ho! Turn over to the next page and give us a write! Yo."

- Tell us a little about your single "Medieval Prophecy". - "This simgle was recorded on an 8-track recorder and the sound is not too good. We've put 3 songs on it: "Into The Pentagram", "The Dark" and "The Third Of The Storms" (a cover version of Hellhammer)." - How come there are two different covers on this single? - "It's because we've made 1000 copies with the first cover, and after that we decided to press 200 more copies with a new cover." - What would you say is the most important thing(s) in Samael's stuff? - "Everything is important, but for me, the most important thing is the music." - Describe your music. - "Morbid death metal." - You were supposed to release an LP on Wild Rags Records. Tell us what happened... - "It was expected, but Richard hadn't enough money to pay our recording. That is why we're looking for another deal." - What will the title be? - "The title will be "Worship Him", and it will contain 10 titles, and I hope it'll be out in 3 or 4 months." - What do you think of LaVey and the Church Of Satan? - "I think Anton Szandor LaVey works a lot for satanism, but it's a pity that he's looking to get money with that. I hate christianity and religion!" - What happened to the Luciferian Movement? - "It was a kind of a circle of communication but almost nobody was interested in it. That's why we decided to stop it." - What other bands in Switzerland deserve a mention? "Bands like INFECTED and EXCRUCIATION..." - Who writes your music and lyrics? - "Vorphalack writes all lyrics, and I write the music with him. I think music is more important than lyrics! Our lyrics are usually about death, occultism, and so on." - What do you know about Norway? - "Sorry pal, I know nothing about Norway, but just feel free to speak about it in your next letter. Concerning bands, I just know Mortem, Mayhem and Darkthrone." - Given the chance, which bands would you most like to go on tour with? - "A band like Blasphemy or Mayhem." - Last comments?

- "I would like to thank you Skei, for your support, and thanx to you who have read this interview. See you!"

- How has the responce been from your first demo "Au-to-dafé"? - "The response is much better now on our new demo. The old "Au-to-dafé" had a terrible sound, but it sold over 600 copies anyway." - What about the name Carbonized? - "We will maybe change our name to Horny Hippies On LSD right now. I don't know." - How much did the "No Canonization" single cost you? - "The studio cost was 5000 SKR because our ex-drummer occupied the studio too long. Our new demo costed us 2100 SKR to record." - How many gigs have you played so far? - "Olny 3 shitty gigs, with bands such as Therion, Afflicted and Cemetarium." - Your top 5 porno/gore movies? - "1. "Gore gore girls", 2. "Wizard of gore", 3. "Vilt sprutande i Motala", 4. "Blyga Vera och negern", 5. "Jon Teigans wild sexlife". I truly recommend these movies!" - When I read your names, I get the impression that you aren't Swedes? - "No one in Carbonized has a drop of Swedish blood in us. My parents are from Finland and Russia. Piotr is 100% Polish and Jonas' parents are from Germany and France. Richard is Spanish." - Have you got any responce from other labels after you released the "No Canonization" 7" single? - "Yes, but then we've been ripped off by many labels as well." - Why should people buy your new demo? - "Because it's fuckin' aggressive! The style is totally changed to some weird mix of pure grind with disharmonic guitars. I'm really satisfied with it." - Is Tomas Skogsberg the Swedish Scott Burns? - "Yes, he produce death metal every week!" - Who painted the cover on the 7"? - "It was my ex-girlfriend who painted it." - What are your lyrics about? Some satanic subjects? - "No, it's more about horny stuff like living in society, oppressed by authorities, and suicidals and other problems." - Who writes your music and lyrics? - "I do all the lyrics. The 'music' we do together." - The latest news from Carbonized, and your latest words... - "Carbonized will record an LP on Thrash Records. A bad joke is Karlén and Merciless (Fjant rör!). Last comments is Knulla!"

- First of all, how did you get together? - "We were all friends in highschool and we met eachother, and all goes from there. We hang out thgether as buddies, and had the same tastes in music, so we decided to form a band." - You were first signed to Mean Machine, but now you are on Active Records. How did that happen? - "Borivoj Krgin mainly helped us, he knew the head of the company personally. He presented him with our tape and said "I think we should sign Atheist", and he agreed. And it went from there. They sent us the contract, we signed them, and then we proceeded to record the album. After we recorded it, promotion copies got sent out. That got a lot of notoriety from other labels and there was a lot of offers, but we stayed with Mean Machine until they started to go under. They ran out of money, so, now Active Records has signed us. We were gonna choose between Active and Roadrunner, each one was bidding for us, each one was offering more money, and finally we decided to go with Active. So, now we're signed with Active." - What do you think of being called death metal's answer to Rush? - "I think that's a compliment to the fact that we all think they are one of our favourite alltime band. Rush really influences my drum playing quite a bit, the whole band really likes Rush a lot. We don't, you know, copy them. It just happen that our writing styles happen to be that way. A lot of corechanges, time-changes, and jazy kinda drum parts which bring about that sound. I think that's great compares. We don't like to be compared to bands like Morbid Angel, or bands like that. I would much rather prefer to be compared to bands like Rush." - Could you tell us your views on christianity, or religion in general? - "Well, that's a complicated subject, it's pretty long. We believe we are not true atheists to what you would believe an atheist to be a non-believer. We believe in God, but our concept of what God is, differs greatly from the general Christian religion, and they would view that as blasphemy or atheism, 'cause we don't believe in, you know, the way it is written in the bible. We each believe very differently. You know, it has more of an eastern influence into it, in the way we believe in religion. Christianity, we believe, is a dangerous religion. It's very fanatical. There's a lot of violence involved with it, I mean, in many, many areas in the world, because of christianity, you just look around! It's very dangerous. We believe very different, we're not satanicby any means, we just believe in God, but it is very different concept of what God actually is."

- We've heard a lot about PMRC. Does that worry you? - "No. It's not really a problem. They like to put labels on albums, saying "lyrics are explicit", but it doesn't really hurt anybody. It never hurts sales, actually it helpes, because if a young person goes into a record store to buy an album, and one has a label saying "Warning! This LP contains explicit lyrics", he's more likely to buy that album with the label on it than the one without it. So, it's all nonsense. We are not worried, as it won't hurt our sales at all." - Since it's such a long time since "Piece Of Mind" got recorded, have you thought about recording a new album soon? - "Yes. We probably will be in the studio, because it got released in Eurpoe last month, you know, there's a certain period of time that the record company likes to waut, before you can release your second album. They don't want to release one, and then release another one real quick. So, about January 1991 or a little bit sooner our 2nd album should be out. We're currently writing new songs. We have three, and we need about five more, that we are working on. So, we'll wait and see, though release it around January 1991 or December 1990, that's our goal." - How do you think Atheist will work out in a live situation? Do you think it will be difficult to perform your technical death metal live? - "Oh no! We write those songs, we play them every night like we practice all the time. We work really hard at playing exactly what's on the album. We won't write anything we can't play, because then you can't play it live, you know, we don't want to do it. It just wouldn't work. We only have stuff that we can play live, every song we can play exactly as it is on the album. It sounds like it's difficult, but when you're the person writing it, it's not as complicated as it may seem. It's not as complicated to the person writing it as it is to the person who is listening to it. If that makes any sense to you."

- Why the name Xerasia? What does it mean/stand for? - "Shit, we are called Embryonic now. Xerasia was a very bad name, and it means to have a dry scalp. Very silly I think. Embryonic is much better I think." - How has the response been so far? - "Hell! It have been fuckin' great! Almost all people like us and I think that's great. I am really looking forward to hear the response to our studio stuff. I hope people will like our studio demo as much as the reh. tapes." - Hos is the local death metal scene? - "It is just two death metal bands in/on Notodden. Us and a brand new death/doom band called Rupturence. They can be a cool band, but they must practice a lot more. I am also a member in a band called Spiritual Wasteland. We have just started up. I really don't know how our music style gonna be, but it will be special. Punk/death/thrash." - Do you fit music to lyrics, or lyrics to music? What in general are your lyrics about? - "We fit the lyrics to the music. Our lyrics are about death, satanism, fear, gore, but now we shall quit writing satanic lyrics, it shits, more special lyrics rules, not just the typical gore/satanic lyrics. Boring! It's just a trend into death metal to write about it, so all bands do it. Very silly I think, or what do you mean?"

- When will we be hearing a studio recording by Embryonic? - "We have been in studio now, so our demo "The Land Of The Lost Souls" is out! It costs US$4.00, so buy it now!" - "Fave bands/inspirations? - "Hmm... Fave bands must be: Morbid Angel, Napalm Death, Obituary, Entombed, Old Funeral, Darkthrone, Disgrace, King Diamond, Death, Atheist, Pungent Stench, Benediction +++. Inspirations: hmm... I don't know. All death metal bands maybe, I don't know." - What's your goals for the future? - "To make new and better songs, get a good bass player (I think we have one now), and release an album or a 7" EP." - Still some facts about you'd like to put across? - "Yeah, here's some info: We formed in Feb. '90 by me (guitar) together with Ronny (drums) and Finn (vocals & bass). Recorded a bad reh. tape, and got very good response. Then Finn quit, so Vegard took over the vocals. Then we recorded a new reh. tape, and are now looking for a bass player. We have played 4 gigs and want to play a lot more. We all love girls, food, and are very ugly, or what do you think?" - Last comments? - "Thanx for the interview, and good luck with Atrox. Hail julenissen + mange dyr i Hakkebakkeskogen. Buy our stuff! Write! For info, send one IRC. I love mail - write!!!" (xerasia -> embryonic -> emperor)

BIO: Necromantia established in Sept. '89 by the blessings of Azagthoth and Tiamat. Their aim was to create a new sound. So Morbid (bass, vocals) and Baron Blood (8 string bass) united their powers and the sound of utter darkness came forth to the material world. The howling and growls of Slow Death (voice of the Ame Damnee) completed the paranoid. Their music is based on the harmonies of bass guitars that give the band a demonic sound with a touch of originality. Their lyrics are inspired of unholy poets and authors, and their own occult experiences. - "Necromantia is the ancient art of summoning the dead! It fits our dark souls! Slow Death came up with it, and we agreed." - "We tried this two basses combination and the final sound was awesome and original so we followed this way. We wanted to do something different. We have two vocalists because Slow Death howles brilliant! We also have a session guitar only for lead parts and on our LP we'll use two drummers! Meanwhile we are searching for a permanent drummer, but it's difficult because he has to be as "evil" as we are!" - The label that will release our LP is a local one and it's called Penguin Records. It will contain all the tracks of the promo but better played, a little bit changed (the 8-string distorted bass has replaced the rhythm guitar, the sound is great!) with a bestial sound and even more dark and occult! Plus two new tracks: "The Chronicle Of A Damned Soul" and "Throne Of Gore"! It will be out hopefully in the middle of 1991. You see, the record label covers all the recording expenses, and we want our sound to be the best." - "The lyrics are written by Morbid and Baron Blood. They are inspired by unholy poets and

authors, our own occult experiences, world mythology and the realms of darkness!" - "Music is also written by Morbid and Baron Blood! You see, our music and lyrics are connected with each other! The lyrics define the music atmosphere." - "There are only four great death bands in Greece: Us, Mortify, Varathron and Rotting Christ! The rest are all wimps and posers!" - "Yes, we are in contact with Euronymous (hi pal!). He is a great guy and we were going to do an LP with his label, but we are not! Because the recording start was too far (1992!). So we prefered a local label and an experienced producer, the notorious Andreas Christofilis!" - "First of all, you must read all H.P. Lovecraft's books! They rule! Then try Tolkien, R. Howard, Bavdlair, Poe, Dr. LaVey! About films, don't miss Hellraiser 1&2, Evil Dead 1&2, The Exorcist, Excalibur, The Unholy. LP's: Venom "At War With Satan", Hallow's Eve "Tales Of Terror", Mercyful Fate "The Oath", Black Sabbath "Heaven And Hell", Nocturnus "The Key", Manowar "Sign Of The Hammer", Diamanda Galas "Divine Punishment", etc. And ours when it's out!! Demos: Mortuary Drape "Doom's Return", Master's Hammer "The Mass", Varathron "Procreation Of The Unaltered Evil", Blasphemy demo+LP, Darkthrone "Cromlech", etc." - "We got a lot of friends and great supporters of Necromantia there! Hail to thee! We also like your cold weather! We hate heat!" - "Avant garde, occult dark metal!" - "Brilliant! Magnificent! A lot of guys, zines, bands, etc, loved our music! We will not forget them! Stay infernal!" - "Our main plan for the future is our LP! After this we'll start live shows. They will be mystic! A lot of effects, sceneries, etc." - Thanx for the interview Tor! Good luck with Stigma Diabolicum! Everyone who stands in our way will enter the kingdom of the dead!"

- "All thanx to Juha Vuorma, we took it from Dr. LaVey's bible. Beherit is one of the infernal names, Syrian name for Satan." - "Beherit is all goat band. We are a black metal band and we have true black metal lyrics. Be sure that we are not fashion satanists. We are true goat worshippers and totally into black magic." - "We have got very good response, only one boy didn't like our photos, music style and our death image... But he was core wimpy and trendy sucker." - "Yeah, I know many bands from Norway: Mayhem is the only true band from Norway, fuckin' ruling! Also Embryonic, Thyabhorrent, Balvaz, etc, are ok." - "Many death metal bands, but only some black metal bands. Convulse, Coffin, Funebre, Sacred Crucifix, Golem, Disgrace, Unholy, Xysma, Satanic Evil, Nux Vomica, Amorphis, Demigod, Sentenced, etc. Many new bands, but most of them are trendy death shit. Some great bands." - "About unholy spirits of full moon, dark books, and many lyrics come from my soul when I'm writing those upon pentagram ritual cloth with 13 black candles." - "All evil bands... example: Blasphemy, Acheron, Mortuary Drape, Mayhem, Black Prophecies, Profancer, Samael, Tiamat, Asphyx, Morten (N), Rotting Christ, Varathron, Goatlord, Baphomet, Convulse,

Procreation, Vital Remains, Tormentor, Master's Hammer, etc. Also Mahler and Berlioz." - "All labels are okay if they can do what we want. Peaceville, Wild Rags, Under One Flag? ho-ho. Yes!" - "Many people think that LaVey is only, and the Church Of Satan is great, 'cos it's so large. I'm not very much into these organizations, but OTO, OLHP, etc, are cool." - "We are practising black mass rites and of course boozing and fire breathing with demonic girls." - "Only 7 gigs. Next weekend we will play with Convulse, Unholy, Maple Cross, Acid Freak, etc. It's 19th January 1991. Probably it's our release gig." - "Blasphemy "Fallen Angel Of Doom" + "Blood Upon The Altar", Tiamat "Sumerian Cry", Bathory "Under The Sign Of The Black Mark", Rotting Christ "Satanas Tedeum", Samael "Medieval Prophecy" - "Super black metal and ultrafast satanic death metal music. Our music is very simple and we play with a dark feeling." - "Black hoods and some vinyls. We try to do better songs and help the true scene." - "Hot cunt and booze keep us going. Thank you!"

- Are you satisfied with your demo? - "Yes. "Occultus Brujeria" is our first demo. At least I am quite satisfied with it, but the rest of the band seem to hate it now. But I must sat that our new tracks are a bit better," - What are your lyrics about? - "Well, on the first demo only the title track was a song with satanic lyrics and "Condemnation" was a quite occult lyric about a mummie. Things are quite different now. I'll only write about dark, occult, evil, antichristian stuff from now on. No actually I'm not directly a satanist, but I prefer the satanic way of living. I think there exist both one good and one evil god, but I like to be my own ruler. All the rest of the band are just normal people! I love all kinds of occultism, but I prefer the dark and occult!" - About the band name... Have you heard about the Finnish Abhorrence? - "Abhorrent means avskyelig, Thyabhorent means aomething like your abhorrent. Yes, I know the Finnish Abhorrence. Their music kills! I'm in contact with Kimmo, but when I talked to one of the Abhorrence members when they were in Oslo, I were told that Kimmo is out of the band now, so I don't know more at the moment." - How did you get your nicknames? - "I got my nickname Occultus because I'm completely into the occult. Hmm, take a look at Biffen, and you'll understand his nickname! You can always try to roast him, but I absolutely think he'll do a "forking" counterattack! Sleepy has got his nickname because he's quite lazy, but I think Biffen should have been called that (or maybe Sleepy Biffen) 'cause he sleeps all the fuckin' day! Knegg's name I'm not sure about, but I think it's because of his laughter. Persens surname is Pettersen, and when he picks up his phone he use to say Persen. That's the reason behind the nicknames." - Your top 5 demos/records? - "Ah, I find this as being an impossible question to answer, but I can always try: Blasphemy "Blood Upon The Altar", Mayhem "The Freezing Moon", Abhorrence "Vulgar

Necrolatry", Rotting Christ "Satanas Tedeum", MEfisto "The Puzzle". But there are still several demo stuff which are among my faves. Here we go with the albums: Mercyful Fate "Melissa", Venom different old stuff, Sarcofago "INRI", Carcass "Symphonies Of Sickness", Morbid Angel "Altars Of Madness". But there are still several great vinyls!" - Which record label would you like to sign to? Have you sent the demo to any labels? - "Yes, I've sent "Occultus Brujeria" to some labels, and we'll do a single for Seraphic Decay Records now. I'm not sure when it'll be out at this time, but write 'em and ask. We'll probably also be featured on a compilation album from the English distribution label Full Circle." - What will happen to Thyabhorrent in the future? And your last comments... - "Do some violent gigging (concerning stage show). And release some new stuff. We also have plans for a music video now, but I'm not sure yet. Still our two nearest concerts will be recorded on video. Last comments? Yes, I'd like to say thanx to you for the interest in the band, the interview... I'd also like to say Death to false metal people who wear standard clothes, no corpse painting, short hair and stuff like that. Keep the old, evil death metal alive. And wear as many nites as you can. Be wild!!"

- Give us a little background about Grave. - "Oh, me, Ola and Jensa formed Grave in summer '88. That was me on guitars and vocals, Ola on vocals and lead guitar and Jensa on drums. In Dec. '89, Jonas joined us on bass. We've done 3 demos and 2 gigs! We are funny and drink like hell!" - What's the current situation in the Grave camp? - "We only rehearse right now, no gigs or recordings planned." - When will we be hearing an LP with Grave? Have any attracted any serious label interest? - "The first vinyl coming out is a vinyl piece of our "Anatomia Corpus Humani" demo. It's out soon on Mangled Beyond Recognition (Germany). We are also trying and hoping to be signed soon." - Where are you headed musically? - "Brutal, tormenting, wall breaking death metal that make your eyes pop out." - Do you feel Grave has added a new element to the Swedish death metal scene? - "Hope not, we don't want to be a trend band." - What other bands in Sweden deserve a mention? - "Well, Tribulation, Entombed, Dismember, Therion, Unleashed, Salvation, Krixhjalters?" - Your obvious influences are probably the more extreme sounding death/grind bands. What are your less obvious influences? Do you believe in non-musical influences? - "No, music is music, noise is noise. Noise can anyone create, but not music. There is a lot of noise bands around, but that's ok?" - What do you know about Norway? Do you know any bands? Have you been here? - "Well, I were in Norway once as I was a kid on my grand grand father's 80 years birthday. But I don't remember much, I was only 6 years. About bands I like Darkthrone, Old Funeral, Amputation, Valhall most, but also Jahn Teigen rules!"

- What doyou think I know/think about Sweden? - "Probably Entombed, Carnage and Bert Idiots, and that we've got horny, pretty girls?" - What do you think of the current state of the death metal scene? - "It's growing and that's godly! Death metal deserves more attention in the music world, too much hip-hop and glam fags around." - What about gigs? - "We've done 2 gigs. 1st one with Merciless and two other bands back in '89, and in June '90, we did a gig with Entombed, Xysma, Crematory and Abhoth. It was really fucked up, bad sound, boring audience. We should also do a gig in Sept. '90, with Dismember, Unleashed and Carbonized, but it was cancelled 2 days before the gig." - What do you think is the most important part(s) in a Grave song? What's on your mind when writing new songs? - "The heaviness?" - Is there still some facts 'bout Grave you'd like to put across? - "Yes. Ola's friend fuck with Ola's cat!" - Anything else? - "No, except for thanx for the interview. Check out our merchandize!"

- First of all, could you tell us what has happened since the release of "Lost paradise"? - "We've done a lot of gigs in UK and Holland, and worked on writing our new album "Gothic". Not much else, maybe apart from going to the toilet, etc..." - Compared to "Lost Paradise", what will be improved on "Gothic"? - "Everything is improved. There's a lot of variation from track to track. Some death metal and some not at all death metal. It varies, and it's a lot more original for sure!" - Which songs will be on it, and why the title "Gothic"" - "Songs on it are "Gothic", "Dead Emotion", "Shattered", "Eternal", "Silent", "Rapture", "The Painless", and more. Gregor chose the title, we just like the word really... Huh" - I really like the artwork on the "Lost Paradise" cover, but what exactly does it mean/symbolize? How will the cover artwork on "Gothic" be? - "On the "Lost paradise" cover it symbolizes 'Satan' in a future form. On the next LP we have used photography to make a fucked cover image. It suits the title "Gothic" well, I think." - Will the lyrics still be as depressed and morbid as on your first material? - "Definitely, even more so perhaps!" - Which other bands from the UK do you like? How is the UK scene? - "The Sisters Of Mercy... Cathedral are a great new band. I don't like any other UK bands really, not musically anyhow... What scene?" - What do you know about Noway? - "Norway is the home of Metalion, Darkthrone, and you (Atrox & Stigma Diabolicum)! Er, not much! I used to dig Cadaver many moons ago. I like all 'zines no matter where they are from!" - Will you ever play a gig in Norway? What about Trondheim? - "I hope we could play in Norway - Hell yes! We'll play fuckin' anywhere, as long as we get paid!"

- What bands do you listen to? Do you believe in non-musical influences? - "I listen to Sisters Of Mercy, Rush, Trouble, St. Vitus, Soundgarden, Nirvana + lots more shit. As far as influences go, we don't get inspiration from any bands these days:" - What are your opinions on topics like drugs, alcohol and politics? - "Drugs are great, dope rules, but I don't dig all that hard shit - herion/crack, etc. That sucks! Alcohol is ok if that's your thing, same as drugs. Politics is very tiresome!" - Last words... - "Just thank yee kindly for the interview. Loads of luck with the 'zine. For info, merchandise and shit, contact Peaceville. We will have a new contact address for Paradise Lost on the next LP, so please don't write to Gregor's or mine!!! Cheers! Keep fuckin' rockin'!!"

- First of all I thought I had to ask who Ivar Medaas is, and why he would get me if I didn't buy their demo? Also if he was/is a dangerous pedophile gay? - "He's the old evil man you can see on our flyers, and he is very dangerous, but I can assure you that he's not a gay or pedophile. If you don't buy our demo, he will take out your bowels and tail them to a tree and make you run around the tree!" - Are you satisfied with the demo? - "Both yes and no. We're quite happy with the songs but the sound is too clear... It should have been more brutal. But now we have two guitars, so the sound is more compact now." - How was the gig with Abhorrent and Carbonized? - "I don't know, the gig has not been yet. But I dreamed about the gig the other day, and it seemed pretty cool. Lars from Carbonized fropped me some bajs." - Why the name Old Funeral? Do you live in coffins? - "We wanted a sick and original name, so that is it. No, we don't live in coffins, we live in cascets, and it's very doozy there..." - How much have your demo sold so far? - "Ehh... It has sold approximately 400 copies until now. That's during 4 months. Much more than we expected actually." - Do you wear rainclothes on stage, as it's raining almost all the time in Bergen? - "No, I only wear a south-west on my head on stage. Helly Hansen rules! Aaarrrgeblurgh!" - Since you're called Old Funeral, perhaps you like old things, rotten corpses, etc. Are you a necrophile band? - "Yes!!! I like old things, but not dead things, for example I like out-dated vegetables and O.L.D. and Prehistoric Santa Clauses..." - Do you have any wet dreams? - "Yes. Last night I dreamed about an old hag who raped me with her eyebrows, and that was just amazing. I felt like a drugged spraybox or something." - How often do you rehearse? - "Usually 3 times a week, depending on how hungry I am, and also if I have to do dishes, but I don't do the dishes anymore, 'cause we've got a new dishwasher. Yuppee!!!" - What's your fave alcohol, and why? - "Bluurrgghh.. I hate alcohol. It fuckin' tastes bad. But I tasted some good cola the other day. It was called Coca Cola. That was brilliant!" - What's your top 5 albums?

- "Morbid Angel "Altars Of Madness", Sadus "Illusions", The Macc Lads "Live At Leeds", Entombed "Left Hand Path", and Mentors "Live"." - What will happen to Old Funeral in the future? - "How should I know? We cannot make any plans, 'cause that if a supernova explode? The whole world would be farted away. Well, seriously, we will search for a new singer and bassplayer, and then release a piece of vinyl." - Last comments? - "Brush your teeth every morning and night. If not... Karius and Baktus will get you."

- First of all, tell us a bit about the title "KurNu-Gi-A". - "Well, I was looking for some unusual title for the demo, to keep the title alive and mysterious. I found this word in a Sumerian book and it suited our planned cover perfectly because it describes the picture, and the word is translated: Hell (or more correctly Land-Of-No-Return - Ed)." - How much money did you spend on the recording of the demo? - "Houhh! It costed a lot, especially the first pressing when we had to pay for the copying master. We ended up losing a helluva lot of money back then, but now we produce the demo to a reasonable price. We are always sending out free copies of every demo sold, so we do this in a kind of no profit. I think it was worth the money in the end!" - Have you attracted any serious label interest yet? - "Oh yes. I'm right back from Stockholm where we recorded our first album to be released on Black Mark Records in March. It went really smooth and the result will be devastating, I hope. We have the keyboards! and the mixing left when this is written. It was the "Kur-Nu-Gi-A" tape I mailed to Boss and he was really into it, and told me he wanted more, so we went into my studio (4 tracks) and recorded yet another demo there. This one was given to him and he was really interested. Then he saw us performing along with Invocator and Entombed, and then we got signed!" - Do you feel your band has added a new element to the Swedish death metal scene? - "In some ways, yes! I don't think we are another addition to the typical Swedish approach ruled by Entombed, Unleashed, Carnage and some others. We are more into the Morbid Angel/Death style, but with a bit of originality, maybe in due to our big musical width." - Fave records, books and films? - "To speak for the whole band (as I'm quite used to!) I'd say that our basic faves are bands like Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Napalm Death, Carcass, Death, Obituary, Voivod, Nocturnus, Kreator, Celtic Frost and some others. Notice that these bands aren't necessarily any influence to our musical spectrum. We are just listening, not ripping! I'm not into books that much. Ok, I can think

of reading books about overnatural powers and satanism, but no 1200-page novel! I know that our bass player as well as our drummer are totally into war books. They know every fuckin' war and battle! Our guitarists are complete splatter/zombie/gore fanatics. I'm more into porn stuff and some great comedy like Platoon!" - Do you believe in non-musical influences? - "Yes, I believe in all kinds of influences. An example here: Right after I spoke to Boss on the phone and he told me some really ultra brutal things concerning the studio (24 tracks) and all about it, I became so excited afterwards that I wrote a whole bunch of goldy riffs. They just flew outta me!!! I had tried all day to get some riffs done without result. And then after he'd called they all showed up. Weird! I can also get very inspired by viewing lyrics, like some words that is filled with a ......... ........ ......... (page 42 ???)

- I heard something about you signing a deal with some label, tell us more about that. - "See info." - Is Immolation a hobby band or a full time band? - "Full time. We also have full time jobs, so we're pretty busy." - What will the title of your album be, and what songs will be on it? - "Info." - Which other bands from New York deserve to be mentioned here? - "Mortician" - Which other bands have you been compared to, and what do you think about direct band comparisons? - "Morbid Angel to Hexx. Very weird I think, though, because I think we have our own style now." - What kind of bands are you listening to nowadays? DO you have any non-musical or non-death metal influences? - "Morbid Angel, Paradise Lost, Autopsy, Goreaphobia. We listen to everything, not only death metal. There's not enough to be listening to it every day." - What do you know about Norway? Any bands you have heard and liked? - "I'm sure there is, but I can't name them offhand." - I know a lot of bands who's stating Immolation as one of their biggest influences. What do you think about that? - "That's really cool. Thanks buddies." - Could you tell us your views on christianity, and religion in general? - "We find religion very interesting, especially christianity. Read our lyrics when you get a copy of our LP. We like to write about such." - What do you think I know (or think) about the US, and New York? - "You probably think New York in general is very violent. It's true, but every place has it's god and bad parts. Our Bal (?) is BAD and that's no joke." - What musical direction is Immolation taking? - "We want our music to be just that more musical in a haunting manner. More memorable." - What are the band's activities outside Immolation? - "We have very little time to do much of anything. We look forward to lots of fun on

our upcoming European tour. This is what we've been working for." - Goals and plans for the future? - "To make Immolation a household name, it's our goal. Just be happy, make the most out of everything." - Additional facts, last comments... - "Yes, we're a serious band. You'll be hearing of us alot more. We are expecting the death metal Industry to be growing and being a big part of it! Thanx for your time. We'll be touring Europe like I said. We'll be in Sweden on part of the tour. I think that's close to Norway. Hope to see you. Thanx."

- Which reactions have your "Cranial Torment" tape received? - "I'm very pleased about what I have heard about it. In fact we don't like our old tape that much, which is very usual. All bands automatically hate their old songs and stuff. You get bored of them. 250 copies sold worldwide." - I think you sound pretty Asphyx influenced. Are they a great influence to you? What bands are you influenced by? - "No, we don't like Asphyx so very much (musically). We don't try to sound like any other band, but it's impossible these days 'cos there is so much bands. You can't be original if you don't cross over (do something really ultimate!). By the way, we had not heard the Asphyx demo when our first demo was recorded! Our influences come from death metal to doom metal." - When can we expect to see a vinyl release by Funebre? Have any labels showed any interest? Have you ever considered releasing a self-financed album? - "I dunno! Our single is sold out, 500 copies of two tracks from the demo... It was sold out within a month, so we was impressed. I don't think that we will ever do a selffinanced LP, it's too expensive. If some label don't pick us up, we will continue doing our things and maybe do some original stuff, you know, originality is sometimes a good point in getting somebody interested." - Can you tell us about the Finnish death metal scene? - "It's growing, I think, for example: Xysma, Disgrace and Abhorrence are worth a mention. I heard a rumour that Abhorrence has lost their drummer." - Where are your headed musically? - "Slower direction, I think, but not too slow 'coz it's boring. Only doom metal bands are listenable when they play ultra slow." - Do you feel Funebre has added a big element to the Finnish death metal scene? - "I dunno, but we were the first who release a death metal demo in Finland, 'coz Xysma's demo is not death metal..." - What does most Finnish girls think about you death bangers? - "I don't know. I don't ask what they think, but probably they see it as only a "noise" band, and not music... When will we see a Finnish Derketa? Never, I think!" - What does it feel like being a band from Finland and seeing all the bands from the US, etc, getting all the deals? - "They think that the Finnish people are as dumb as every communist country, but I think that the Finnish scene is far away from it's time... But why racism? I don't care where the bands come from, it's more important what music they pllay!" - What do you know about Norway? Do you know of any Norwegian bands?

- "Well, Cadaver, Darkthrone and Mayhem are well known, but I've heard bands liks Equinox, Old Funeral, NSMF, etc.. Hello to Anders and Cadaver!" - How do you see your own position among the Finnish bands? - "I think they respect us as much as we respect them, but it helps doing your things first, so you're some kinda originator..." - Plans for the future? - "Well, to sell and spread around our new 3 track demo, and compose more songs for the LP. We will release it through Spinefarm Records here in Finland." - Last words? - "Thanx for the interview! Now I wanna answer my fave question, so here is my playlist: 1) Black Sabbath "Vol 4", 2) Carcass "Symphonies Of Sickness", 3) Entombed "Left Hand Path", 4) Trouble "I", 5) Carnage "Dark Recollections", 6) Morbid Angel "Altars Of Madness", 7) Saint Vitus "Thirsty And Miserable", 8) Autopsy "Severed Survival", 9) Ozzy Osbourne "Speak Of The Devil", 10) Jethro Tull "Aqualung"."

- How often do you rehearse? - "Two or three times a week, but there's always rehearsals with only three of us, 'coz that's for making new songs. It is more easy to do that with three or two than all five there, 'coz there's always persons who do not riff or so, and they are just disturbing the whole thing. But when you are in the making through the whole process, you know the songs better and get used to it faster than the ones who have to learn the whole song immediately. Sometimes we record the song on a tape, so that the others can have some picture of what's going on in the song." - Can you tell us about the recording of the new demo? - "Well, it was hard working, 'coz in the mixing, it was causing conflicts between the members of the band. There was plenty of different kind of ideas of what should happen. But the end result pleased everyone, I guess. We never thought it would be as great as it is, 'coz the studio was not the best one around." - Which band(s) would you most like to go on tour with? - "I don't know, maybe Carcass and Morbid Angel. I respect these bands very much, and I think it would be just cool!" - What does the word Funebre means? - "It means funeral. It's probably a Spanish word. It's great that a lot of people keep asking that, our name is right then when it keeps people curious."

- Are you ever criticized for sounding like any other band(s)? - "Yes, we have some accusations like: our "Grip Of Insanity" opening riff is stolen from Nihilist/Entombed." I don't know why? Do they have a copyright for this style, which is as much Master influenced as our music is by them. Our new stuff is more original now. There's bigger copy bands available than us, like Morgoth. Do they have much difference from Death? No, they're too similar!" - What is your opinions on drugs and politics? - "Drugs are the possessors of human mind and sanity. They lead you to depressions, or even to death. You see your life in black and white, in a narrow range! Politics?" - Which bands have inspired you? - "I think the bands which were our faves when we started the band were the main reasons to take hold on our instruments, like Death, Necrophagia (Ohio), Celtic Frost, Repulsion..." - What are your top three goals for the future? - "Our planned album for Spinefarm Records (Finnish label), to do a lot of gigs, and not breaking up. Live with ups and downs." - What do you think is te future for death metal? - "I think it will change, or the leading bands bring something new to it from other categories beyond death metal. I'm not a clairvoyant really, so I can't describe the future for this twisted art!" - What do you think about Jesus? - "He had a brutal beard, aaaargh!"

- You have released two EP's on Century Media Records. Why not an LP? - "Because 1st we only wantd to record bonus tracks for "Resurrection Absurd", but we decided to put it out as an EP as well because the fans who don't have a CD-player were not able to listen to the new songs. So we released it as an EP and as a full length CD." - Are there any plans for an LP? - "Yes of course, we have four new brutal tracks 'til now and we are going to do the new full length LP in April '91." - When "Resurrection Absurd" was released, a lot of people compared you to Death. Do you think you have managed to get away from the Death comparitions on the "The Eternal Fall" EP? - "I think we're faster than Death, and I don't understand why people compare us to Death. On "The Eternal Fall" EP we have a totally different sound from Death. But actually I don't care if people say "Oh, you sound like this band or that band". We do the kind of music we like to play!" - What are your thoughts on the German reunion and did you feel anything when the wall fell? - "It's difficult to say something about that. Of course it's good that the people can do what they want to do now. But lots of them think that West Germany is a paradise, but it's not. For me personally there is no change in my life, but for those who lived under pressure it is a big change. We played 3 times in East Germany and I talked to a lot of fans. Most of them know that there are also problems to behave." - How did you get Scott Burns to mix the latest EP? You didn't think of using him as a producer too?

- "We decided to go to Morrisound because we wanted to be sure that the EP had an excellent sound. We sent him our stuff and he liked it very much, so we let him do the mixing. We have our own producer who will produce our next album as well. He's a good friend of us and he know exactly what we want to have in our sound. I think some bands which are produced by Scott Burns sound too equal. I think Dirk put his own sound on the EP, it sounds not like the other Morrisound products. Don't misunderstand me, I like nearly everything from Morrisound, but it's good to have your own producer." - I heard that you are going to tour with Obituary and Demolition Hammer. Has this happened yet? - "Yeah, we have just finished our tour with them, it was KILLER! We got really good friends on this two months Hell tour. We had an audience average of 700 people, which I had never expected. It was a killer tour. We played in 15 countries but not in Scandinavia. But we just got the offer to play in Stockholm on the 22nd of December with Entombed, Atheist and Candlemass. I hope it works." - How in the band has the most stinking farts? - "I think in many bands the drummer has the most stinky ones, and exactly so it is in our band. hahaha.." - Did you argue when it came to choosing songs which was going to be featured on the EP's? - "No, there was no arguing about the songs, because we all were satisfied with the songs and there was no question that we would put all these songs on the record." - Your new EP costs 30 DM in Norway (import price). What is the price in Germany? Do you have any comments on the Norwegian price? - "The price for the EP in Germany is about 15 DM. I think 30 DM is way too expensive. I hope that we can get a distributor in Scandinavia soon, so that the prices for the records could be normal." - Are you afraid of dying? - "It is very difficult to answer this, because at this moment I don't wanna die. I'm happy with my life, but everyone have to die sometime, sooner or later. I'm afraid of dying if I would know that it happened in a few days. But I'm not afraid of dying when I know that I have to go in maybe 60 years. That is a long time and I try to enjoy the life!!!" - From where do you get the inspirations for the lyrics? - "I get my inspiration from books, magazines or from the TV. But I don't write the typical death metal lyrics, because I don't like it. I've nothing against bands who do the typical lyrics, but I want to write about something different. Also I think it is more interesting to write about other things." - Does it take you long time to write a new song? - "Well, it depends on the arrangements. Sometimes we write a song in one week, but another song isn't ready after a month. But none of us want to do any compromises in the arrangements, we always do songs which are 100%" - Last comments? - "Thanx to all the Norwegian death metal fans for their support! We hope to see you all on our next tour. Keep on supporting real death metal!!! Thanx for the interview and good luck with your fanzine and your band!"

example. Weren't they thrash? Now what are they? A pop band?" - Now end this interview in any way you want... - "Thanx for the well thought up and interesting interview. Everyone out there should support Stigma Diabolicum. All readers write, mail is fun and don't forget to buy a copy of our EP, it's out on Wild Rags Records."

- How would you describe the progression from your first to your latest material? - "Well, it has got a little more technical, and we have put some grinding parts in it, but overall the brutality and deathcore is still there!" - Can you explain the lyrics for the "Impending Doom" EP? - "They range, 2 which deal with our style, "morbid lyrics" and 2 which we entered the political vew, but we're now far from the political lyrics. We're just going to stick with the morbid style as that's what we're good at, and many people say and write to us that someway or another they relate to them, kind of crazy but true!" - Do any of you listen to music styles other than the style you play? - "Yes, we're into stuff like: Ministry, AC/DC, old Ozzy, INXS, Depeche Mode, Pixies, etc... Although we don't let stuff like that influence us." - How seriously do you take the band? - "I myself take the band serious. I definitely think we do have something here. I've heard hundreds of bands (no names mentioned) and I think we have something more than they do, to make us just a little bit better than them. Sure, there's hundreds of bands alot better than us, but we could hang with them. If I knew we weren't going in the right direction, or we weren't progressing, I'd admit it." - What will be next, now that the EP is out? - "Well, we just finished doing a short tour, and so now is to put out a full LP early next year ('91), and take it from there." - On your EP, dod you have any recording or production problems? - No, not whatsoever, oh yeah, our guitarist Charlie decided to quit for an unknown reason during our studio time, but we have now found a new guitarist by the name of Vince Cervera, but he wasn't on the EP." - How is the music scene in LA/CA? Any bands you have big hopes for? - "Oh, it's definately a heavy one! A lot of people out here now, supporting the scene. A lot of bands, a lot of people. Bands worth mentioning are: Demolition (very grinding metal), Nausea (w/Oscar, formerly Terrorizer), Norturnal Fear (more death metal), Sarcastic (Sepultura clones) and hundreds more." - Is there generally something particula to worry about in LA/CA? - "No, not really. I mean, LA/CA is known for its gangs, drugs amd drive-by shooting, but that's only in a certain area, as I'm sure every city has its bad parts. But one thing to really worry is LA/CA being the death metal capitol of the world really soon!" - If you were asked to play a role in a snuff movie, would you accept? - "Yes, I see why not. Good $ involved and it would be even better if it was a porno movie. Maybe I could be the stunt person. Ha!" - Why do you think bands are striving so hard getting a record deal rather than keeping their material original and not compromising? - "Because they want to hit the big times first and skip all the work, which is stupid, because they then loose all their oiginal style, 'cause they're trying to make the label happy. Look at Death Angel for a good

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