Atlas of human anatomy

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Atlas of Human Anatomy

An overview of the blood vessels of the neck, thorax, abdomen and of the arm, forearm and hand

a) Mandible. b) Hyoid bone. c) Larynx. d) Thyroid gland. e) Trachea. f) Esophagus. g) Clavicle. h) Costa I (first rib). i) Pulmo (lung). k) Cor (heart). l) Pericardium. m) Right atrium (with the right heart auricle). n) Left auricle of the heart. o) Right ventricle. p) Left ventricle. q) Diaphragm. r) Esophagus (passing through the esophageal foramen of the diaphragm).

s) Ren (kidney). t) Suprarenal gland. u) Ureter. v) Urinary bladder. w) Rectum. x) Peritoneum. y) m. Quadratus lumborum. z) m. Psoas.

a) m. Transversus abdominis. b) m. Internal iliac. g) Spermatic cord. d) m. Sartorius. e) Inguinal ligament (ligamentum Poupartii). z) m. Pectoralis major. h) m. Trapezius (m. cucullaris). q) m. Scalenus anterior. i) m. Deltoideus. c) m. Biceps brachii. l) m. Brachialis. m) m. Triceps brachii. n) m. Brachioradialis. x) m. Flexor carpi ulnaris. p) m. Flexor pollicis longus. f) m. Flexor digitorum profundus (flexor digitorum communis profundus). s) m. Pronator quadratus. 1. superior vena cava. 2. ascending aorta. 3. pulmonary artery. 4. aortic arch. 5. innominate artery. 6. right common carotid artery. 7. right subclavian artery. 8. left common carotid artery. 9. left subclavian artery. 10. left innominate vein. 11. right innominate vein. 12. internal jugular vein. 13. external jugular vein. 14. subclavian vein. 15. superior thyroid vein. 16. superficial vein of the neck.

17. superior thyroid vein. 18. cephalic vein (cephalica anterior [s. externa]). 19. internal jugular (cephalica posterior [s. interna]). 20. maxillary artery. 21. facial vein. 22. pulmonary artery (s. pulmonary venosae). 23. pulmonary vein (s. pulmonary arteriosae). 24. anterior ramus (s. descending ramus) of the left coronary artery and vein. 25. right coronary artery and vein. 26. abdominal aorta. 27. inferior phrenic artery. 28. celiac artery (tripus Halleri: left gastric, splenic and hepatic arteries). 29. superior mesenteric artery (s. mesaraica superior). 30. testicular artery (spermatica internae). 31. inferior mesenteric artery (s. mesaraica inferior). 32. superior hemorrhoidal artery. 33. renal artery and vein. 34. common iliac vein. 35. internal iliac artery (hypogastric artery). 36. external iliac artery (cruralis artery). 37. circumflex iliac artery. 38. iliolumbar artery and vein. 39. inferior vena cava. 40. hepatic vein. 41. renal vein. 42. testicular vein. 43. common iliac vein. 44. internal iliac vein. (s. hypogastric vein). 45. external iliac vein (cruralis vein). 46. middle sacral artery and vein. 47. lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh. 48. iliohypogastric nerve. 49. axillary artery. 50. axillary vein. 51. cephalic vein. 52. basilic vein. 53. median cubital vein. 54. brachial artery. 55. division of the brachial artery into radial and ulnar arteries. 56. radial artery. 57. ulnar artery. 58. common interosseous artery. 59. anterior interosseous artery. 60. radial recurrent artery. 61. ulnar recurrent artery. 62. superficial palmar arch.

63. radial artery, volar (palmar) ramus. Atlas of Human Anatomy

Branches of the maxillary and facial arteries, seen from the left side of the head.

1. left common carotid. 2. internal jugular vein. 3. external jugular vein. 4. common facial vein (s. cephalica externa). 5. facial vein. 6. retromandibular vein. 7. occipital artery and vein. 8. posterior auricular vein. 9. superficial temporal artery. 10. maxillary artery. 11. deep temporal artery. 12. inferior alveolar artery and vein. 13. posterior dental artery. 14. facial artery (s. maxillaris externa). 15. inferior labial artery (s. coronaria labii inferioris). 16. superior labial artery (s.coronaria labii superioris). 17. dorsal nasal artery. 18. angular artery. 19. ophthalmic artery and superior ophthalmic vein. 20. frontal artery and vein. 21. Frontal bone.

b) Greater wing of the sphenoid bone (s. superficial temporal bone). c) Maxillary bone. d) Medial wall of the orbit (lamina papyracea and os lacrymale). e) Zygomatic bone. f) Mandibular ramus. g) Mandibular body. h) m. External pterygoid. i) m. Internal pterygoid. k) m. Masseter. l) m. Orbicularis oris. m) m. Buccinator. Atlas of Human Anatomy

Branches of the maxillary and facial arteries, seen from the left side of the head.

a) Larynx. b) Trachea. c) Lung, superior lobe. d) Lung, inferior lobe. e) Lung, middle lobe. f) Diaphragm. g) Xiphoid process, sternum. h) Pleura, anterior mediastinum. i) Pleura, diaphragmatic part. k) Pericardium. 1. superior vena cava. 2. innominate vein, left (s. common jugular). 3. right innominate vein. 4. subclavian vein. 5. internal jugular vein. 6. aortic arch. 7. innominate (brachiocephalic) artery. 8. common carotid artery. 9. subclavian artery. 10. pericardiacophrenic artery and vein (from the internal thoracic artery [s. internal mammary artery]).

Atlas of Human Anatomy

The heart and lungs seen from behind, along with the airway, blood vessels and nerves.

a) Larynx. b) Trachea. c) Bronchus, right. d) Bronchus, left. e) Lung, superior lobe. f) Lung, inferior lobe. g) Lung, middle lobe. h) Right atrium with the ostium of inferior vena cava. i) Left ostium. k) Right ventricle. l) Left ventricle. 1. pulmonary vein (s. arteriosae), with arterial [oxygenated] blood. 2. great cardiac vein. 3. right coronary artery. 4. pulmonary artery. 5. aortic arch. 6. innominate artery. 7. subclavian artery. 8. common carotid artery. 9. internal jugular vein. 10. superior vena cava. 11. vagus nerve (s. pneumogastric nerve). 12. recurrent laryngeal nerve (inferior laryngeal nerve).

13. recurrent nerve, tracheal rami. 14. recurrent nerve, cardiac rami. 15. superior laryngeal nerve. 16. sympathetic nerve, cardiac rami. 17. cardiac plexus. 18. Atlas of Human Anatom

The great blood vessels alongside the thoracic and lumbar vertebrae (aorta, inferior vena cava, superior vena cava, azygos vein and the hemiazygos vein, seen from behind).

a) First rib (s. costa I). b) Sternum. c) Costal cartilage. d) Superior vena cava. e) Inferior vena cava. f) Ascending aorta. g) Aortic arch (with the brachiocephalic, left common carotid and left subclavian arteries). h) Thoracic (descending) aorta. i) Abdominal (descending) aorta. 1. 2. 3. 4.

azygoa vein. hemiazygos vein. intercostals arteries and veins. lumbar arteries and veins

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