understanding preproduction

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Understanding Pre Produc0on

Story Board

The storyboard is basically a step by step guide of how to film. It includes all the details you need to know for each shot e.g. it tell you what is happening in the shot, the shot dura0on, the ligh0ng and sound that will be in the shot and what special effects will be used also shot number. This helped me because I knew exactly how to film and in what condi0ons to films so I had everything set before I filmed. My storyboard went well because I followed nearly exactly as I planned it the only thing I changed was I didn’t repeat one of the shots that I was planning to use 3 0mes.

Risk assessment

The risk assessment is a break down of all the risks why filming or making a product it has a list of the risks, the likely hood they are to happen, the consequence of the risk, the level of risk, it includes the pre-­‐emp0ve ac0on of how to try and prevent it and the response if it were to happen. The risk assessment is hepful because it helps prevent injury so it can speed up the shoot. When I made my risk assessment I couldn’t think of many risks.

Contact details

The Contact Details sheet is vey simple it is just a list of contact details like phone number and email address for the people involved in your product. This is helpful because if one of your team/staff doesn’t show up you can find out where they were. When I made my contact details sheet I didn’t end up having to use it which was good.

Call Sheet The call sheet has a list of all the people involved in the produc0on and what roles they fulfill. It also had informa0on about the shoot e.g. where to meet and what 0me to meet and the weather expected and the ligh0ng that will be used. This is helpful because it helps organise everyone by reminding them what they have to do and where they have to meet. This was helpful because it reminded me where to meet and what 0me to meet it also helped me keep on top of everyone to make sure they were fulfilling their rolls.

Budget Form The Budget Form has a list of the equipment and staff that it would cost to make a product and the price of those things if we were making a product in the real world. It also includes a con0ngency budget. The prices on the sheet are mostly for rental but some are its retail price. The budget is helpful because it helps determined whether an idea is feasible because if you find out the product will be really expensive to make you wont make it. This was helpful for me because I was interested to know how much a media product like an advert would cost to make in the real world.

Footage Log The footage log is suppose to be done while filming but it can be done aQer. It has a list of all the shots someone has done to make their product, it also includes the tape number, take number, descrip0on of the shot, how good the quality of the shot was and the 0me code of the shot. The footage log is very useful when edi0ng. The footage log is helpful because it makes edi0ng easier because when you look at the footage log you already know where the good footage on the tape is to use in your edit so you don’t have to spend ages looking for it. When I used it, it didn’t help me that much because I already knew where the footage I wanted to use in my edit was.

EDL(Edit Decision List) The edit decision list is basically a list of your edit e.g. It has the 0me code of the tape with the footage the person has used in the edit. It also includes whether there was audio and the type of audio, any special effects used, with use of transi0ons and any addi0onal comments e.g. voice over original audio deleted. You would use it so you can keep a list of your edit then if you change anything you know what you’ve changed so if the change goes wrong you can easily change it back. When I used the EDL it was good because it helped me work out what cuts worked well and what ones didn’t work so well.

Proposal The proposal is a wriVen explana0on and plan of what someone plans to make/ produce. It includes various thing like the target audience for the product, the budget, the cast and crew you need and a break down of how the idea will work. You use a proposal to try and sell your idea. My proposal was good because it helped me a lot when I presented my idea in a presenta0on, they were also very effec0ve at keeping me organized.

Script A script is basically stage direc0ons for a play but you use it when you film something e.g. an advert. It has everything a play script would have from spoken lines to stage direc0ons. The script is used so that the actors and actresses know how to act and what to say. My script was helpful because it reminded my actor what he had to do and how he had to act.

Shoo0ng script The shoo0ng script is basically a combina0on of the shot list and script. I has all the stage direc0ons and speech in but it also includes what shots are used for each scene and the ac0on in the shot also shot dura0on. A shoo0ng script is used for keeping track of each shot by reminding someone like the director what should happen in each shot and what shot type should be used. The shoo0ng script is very useful as it helps make sure the director has got the shot right. AQer I made it I didn’t really use it much because I remembered all the shots I needed as my advert was very straight forward.

Shot List

The shot list is basically a wriVen storyboard. It has everything a storyboard has from shot number, shot type, ac0on and shot dura0on except without the pictures. It is useful because it means you can quickly look at each shot instead of having to turn the page. It is useful to make a shot list as a precau0on however I did not need to use one as I remembered my shots of by heart.

GnaV Chart

The gnaV chart is basically a visual diary/plan of what pre produc0on, filming and post produc0on work you will do and on what day. It is very helpful because it can keep people organised and on top of the work. Also when I used it was helpful because it reminded me how much 0me I had to spend on each task.

Loca0on Recce The loca0on recce has informa0on about the loca0on you are filming from the risks in the loca0on to details about the ligh0ng, appliances and sound on the interior and exterior. It is like a very detailed risk assessment. It can be helpful because you can find out all the poten0al problems with the filming area before you film e.g. you might find out there is a lot of noisy cars outside which could be a poten0al problem. The loca0on recce was helpful because it reminded me of poten0al problems so I could plan how to avoid them.

Over Head Diagram The over head diagram is used to get a layout of the shoo0ng loca0on so you can determind the best place to put the camera and to determind the best angles to shoot from. This can prove very useful because it can determined how your product looks. This wasn’t that helpful for me as I already knew the loca0on that my camera would be put in.

Requirements The requirements sheet is used to keep a check list of everything you need to make the product so you don’t forget the equipment you need. The requirements form helped me because it ensured I never forget the vital equipment I needed.

Release Agreement The release agreement is a document signed by your actors/ actresses to show that they give permission to be filmed and to give permission for the director to use footage with the actor/actress in anyway they intend to. This was useful because without it I could not make my advert as I wouldn’t be able to film my actor.

Loca0on Release The loca0on release form is where you get the person that owns the property permission to film in the property and to use the appliances in the property. So they will sign the film as a legal document to prove you have been given their permission. This loca0on release form is very useful as without it, it is impossible to film and make your product.

Asset Log

The Asset log is a record of every file and material someone has used to make their product and the loca0on of the file on computer. This is useful because if your edit goes wrong you can easily locate all the files used for your edit. When I made my asset log I did not have to use it as I already had all my files in my edit.

Feasibility Study

This is a Feasibility Study it is where you down your main ideas usually 5 and decide if they are feasible then you should have about 2 ideas that were feasible then you have to decide between them. This is useful because it can help if your finding it hard to get ideas. When I used the feasibility study it helped because it made it easy to find the right idea.

Swot Analysis A Swot Analysis analysis's a par0cular product in the market it competes in it has a complex analysis of the strengths, threats and opportuni0es for the product. They are very useful especially when choosing adver0sing techniques to use. In my experience when I made my swot analysis I found it very helpful especially when trying to sell the idea for my advert.

BCAP Rules And Regula0ons The research on BCAP was to find out what rules and regula0ons would affect your product e.g. if your filming something with guns you have to be careful because you can’t have a shot of a gun directly poin0ng at the camera so you would need to know this as it will probably effect your product. This was helpful for me because based on what I was and wasn’t allowed to include in the advert I chose what adver0sing strategies to use.

Research On Product The Research on product is used to get some background info on the product and to learn some facts about the product e.g. annual sales in Europe so you know what sought of adver0sing strategies to use or what sta0s0cs to use in the swot analysis. This was helpful for me because it helped me make my swot analysis and brainstorm ideas for my advert.

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