Overview of interview from planning to shooting

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In order to plan our interviews so they were ready when we filmed them in the studio we first had to look at who what when and why. We came up with the idea to interview fellow students in order to grasp a view of how our generation viewed censorship. So we interviewed a student called Louis as he was free at the time and he did know a fair bit about censorship. We decided to conduct the interview in lesson time this was best because it meant if anything went wrong our teacher was there to help out. The interview took place in the broadcasting studio which was effective as it meant we had all the gear there ready for action. We mainly interviewed Louis on the use of censorship within the media and his view on censorship use within the media. We asked questions such as ‘has there ever been a time when you thought censorship was needed and it wasn’t there?’ ‘Who do you think are the main bodies/companies responsible for censorship?’ and ‘Has there ever been a time where you think censorship has been used to extremely or over used?’. When asking these question we tried to build on Louis own experiences with censorship and how it effected him and the people around him. Once me and Luis worked together and planned the questions we moved onto booking the equipment which was relatively easy as all we had to do was fill in an online digital booking film and we didn’t have to go far to pick up the equipment as it was in the same building. There was also no problems with booking as the equipment was available and not being used by other teachers however in the real industry this is potentially a big problem. Once we had the equipment booked we then moved onto researching any relevant information that would help develop the interview so in order to make this process as effective as possible we split into two teams, I focus on researching about censorship in different countries around the world and the effects. And Luis focused on researching key events in history where censorship has been excessively used or under used which has perhaps created problems in the world. When it came to filming the interview on the day we divided our self up into different roles and for the purpose of the interview we recruited some extra hands to help us out. Luis was in charge of the interview as he was the interviewer and on the day I was in charge of filming the interview so I was the cameraman. But we got two additional people to help out and record the sound, Chris monitored sound levels with headphones and the zoom and Danny held the boom mic to pick up the best sound. When it came to recording Chris and Danny’s interviews me and Luis also helped out with the sound so we switched the roles around.

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