research, questions,

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1)describe the two main research techniques use by media industries? The first is market research which is a collection and analysis of information of the market that the particular product they are researching has to make money in and compete with other products that are similar. 2a)state the full name of this research organisations? national readership survey audit bureau circulations broadcasters audience research boards radio joint audience research limited 2b)explain what each research organisation does and give example of a piece of research data produced? It provides audience research for print advertising trading in the UK. The survey covers over 250 of Britain's major newspapers and magazines, showing the size and nature of the audiences they achieve. It classifies audiences in a number of ways, one of which is the NRS social grade. To manage and uphold standards which reflect media industry needs. These standards determine best practice in how media industry data is prepared and reported. Offer an audit and compliance service to check that data and processes meet these industry agreed standards. The broadcasters audience research board or BARB, is the organization that compiles audience measurements and television ratings in the UK. It was created to replace a previous system, where the BBC and ITV companies compiled their own ratings. The radio joint audience research limited provide radio rating of different radio stations and or radio shows. 3)class, age, religion, gender, ethnicity and location. 4)advertising is important to media production because it provides an income for the company that is making the product. Then they can keep on making the product. And it helps keep on providing jobs for the people that work for the company. 5)a researchers job is find out things like themes that are to do with a tv show. They also interview or contact potential candidates to go onto the show and they check out their stories. On radio shows they may do research to find out the news for the day. 6)to asses the viability of a product you need to break your product down into 5 stages financial funds, skills needed to produce, adiqute equipment, the right support/assistance to produce product and the time to complete the product. To asses the finances of the product you need to work out the potential income from the product and compare it with the amount of money you think it will cost to produce. 7)a swot analysis is where you asses your product in the market that it competes. You asses your product on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. 8)copy right is where a person or company can legally protect a product or piece of work from other people trying to steal it and claiming its theirs. It is important for media production because it tries to prevent people from stealing the product and

selling it on illegally or giving it away for free thus stopping a media company from loosing money. 1)primary research is research you make yourself and secondary research is where you use a third party to gain access to it. Quanatitive is research like questionnaires and surveys that can be presented in a numerical form e.g. bar char. Qualative is research that often includes people views, opinions and preferences e.g. a survey. 2)when making a survey the factors you need to consider is do your questions makes sense, can you only put an answer in only one box. Make sure you don’t over complicate the questions and don’t have to many questions. 3) a focus group is where you get a small group of your target audience and you get them to look at your product and evaluate it by answering a questionnaire or they can give you feedback and tell you how to improve it and what works well. 4)when undertaking secondary research it is important that you understand the purpose of the original research. Also you must consider who commissioned it and conducted it. 1)in your presentation the key things you would outline is an introduction to your research where you will outline its purpose and its aims. An explanation of the methods and techniques used while researching, research data presented in a graph or chart or survey, a conclusion based on your research findings and a proposal based on your conclusion. 2a)intrapersonal communication means communication within you, and includes all of the thoughts, fears, and anxieties you might have about your presentation and if you control these the presentation will go well 2b)interpersonal communications means face to face communication between two or more people it includes spoken and non verbal communication. 2c)non verbal communication is anything you do in terms of body language like clothes, posture, facial expressions and hand and arm movements. 2d)paralanguage is not what you say but how you say it 2e)visual aids is anything you might use visually to help explain or demonstrate your product like a picture or graph. 3) to improve your presentation orally you should try and speak clearly and slowly. You should also try and give eye contact to the person your talking to why your speaking. 4)to improve your written presentation and make it look as professional as possible you should get rid of any spelling mistakes and proof read your presentation several times. You also shouldn’t have large amounts of text on the page. Try and add a couple of pictures every few slides to break it up a bit.

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