amef english translation

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In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Compassionate

Ansar al-Mujahideen English Forum Translation and Languages Department


The English and Bosnian Translation of Fateh Studio’s Release

Statement Of Maulana Fazullah – May Allah Protect Him -


[ Malakand Division ]

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Ever Merciful. Fateh Studio Nasheed: They never fear the sword of oppression, They never bow their heads on the threshold of the Tyrants. We have worn the strap of slavery on our necks of Muhammad (saw) “Say Allah is One”, we will say this even on the gallows. We have worn the trap of slavery on our necks of Muhammad (saw) “Say Allah is One”, we will say this even on the gallows. “Of the Believers are men who are true to the covenant which they made with Allah: so of them is he who accomplished his vow, and of them is he who yet waits, and they have not changed in the least.” [Al-Ahzab: 23]. Nasheed: O you who have left on the path of Hijrah, You have not left from our hearts. O you who have left on the path of Hijrah, You have not left from our hearts. Respected Ameer of Tehreek-e-Taliban [Malakand Division] Maulana Fazlullah (May Allah protect him) Nasheed: They have gone forward to strike the necks of the enemies Who has the courage to remain steadfast in front of them? Address to the Martyrdom Seekers In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Ever Merciful. “And those who strive in Our (cause), We will certainly guide them to our Paths.” [29:69]. You are aware of how Tehreek-e-Taliban from the Malakand Division, how this Tehreek/struggle has started. It started with sacrifices. All praise be to Allah, many martyrdom attacks have been carried out. And at this point in time, we have approximately 300 martyrdom-seekers in our ranks. And from amongst them we dispatched four martyrdom-attackers who have struck in Teemalgarah and in other places.

And at present, these ten martyrdom attackers are ready. And - if Allah wills it - then they will set off soon, and apart from them many brothers, around 300 in total are awaiting orders. And every one of these brother is anxious: saying 'let my turn be first'. Due to various reasons we are unable to embark so many of the martyrdom-attackers at once. But Inshallah, if there is need of further martyrdom-attackers, then in our Tehreek, all of our leaders and all of our members are ready for martyrdom attacks. So at present, these martyrdom attackers sit before us, and Inshallah the respected Ameer will deliver an inciting lecture to them, and after that Inshallah they will be bidden farewell and sent out. Respected Ameer Maulana Fazlullah (may Allah protect him) Address to the martyrdom-seekers: Verily all praise is due to Allah. All praise is due to Allah , Lord of the Universe. Lord of the martyrs, and the Mujahideen. Prayers and salutations be upon the best of the Prophets and Messengers, the leader of the Mujahideen, and upon his family and all of his Companions, and on those who follow him until the Day of Judgment. To proceed: I seek refuge in Allah from Satan the Accursed. “Surely Allah has bought of the Believers their persons and their property, for this, they shall have Paradise; they fight in Allah's way, so they slay and are slain.” [9:111].. “We are those who have promised Muhammad (peace be upon him) to wage Jihad as long as we are alive”. Believers, respected and esteemed guests. The moths to the lamp of Allah's religion. You are aware that the Crusades have begun. The cross has been lifted, and under it virtually the entire world has gathered. In order to extinguish Islam, Jihad and the Mujahideen. In every era it has come to pass that between the forces of good and evil, there is a battle similar to the alternation of the night and day. But these battles cannot extinguish the religion of Allah. One who throws sand at the sun will only find that it falls back on his head. Our first blows in this battle were dealt by martyrdom-seekers. You are all aware of the 19 martyrdom-seekers, who attacked the biggest Tyrant in the world today, those who have claimed lordship, have sought to control the destinies of all other nations, and had sought to create global hegemony. Their arrogance was exterminated by the martyrdom-attackers.

Respected listeners, the present Tyrant and its arrogance needs to be destroyed. So with regards to the (martyrdom-seeking) intentions that you have made, may Allah allow you reach the biggest targets, while causing the minimum harm to the common people. And, praise Allah, we say this to every martyrdom seeker: that make your target from one of two kinds of people. First is this army, and its helpers. And second is the (political) leaders: make them your targets. Try your best in this regard, and if some bystanders are unwittingly harmed then we are not guilty before Allah. There is permission for this in Islam. I will not go too far into its explanation, but I will translate this verse, and then briefly I will speak on your behalf to the government and to the nation. I will deliver a message from the Taliban and from the Mujahideen. The verse and its translation: “Surely Allah has bought of the Believers their persons and their property for this, that they shall have Paradise�. [9:111]. And some people say that we have told them stories of Paradise, hence we have brainwashed the boys. Yes, we speak of Paradise, and they do desire, crave, yearn for it. And we say to them that we have nothing to offer them, but their reward is with Allah (SWT). And Allah (SWT) says that I will give you Paradise for it. Now if you ponder here, the scholars of Islam have mentioned some important points regarding this verse. That here Allah (SWT) is Himself the buyer. Allah (SWT) says that I have come and that bargain you have made is with me. That I am here for what I have purchased hence give it to Me. Then it mentions the Nafs (persons) and property. Here, the Nafs has been mentioned first whereas everywhere else in the Quran property has been given preference. Why is this? Because here the term 'Qital' (Fighting) is used instead of 'Jihad', and that peak of Jihad which is Fighting in the path of Allah, is what has been mentioned here respected listeners, that is why Nafs has been given preference here. Because in Jihad most of the time the nafs is what is lost, and a person becomes a martyr, and the enemy is sent to hell. And Paradise has been affirmed for him as a return for Blessed Jihad. This a serious trade, and its significance is evidenced by the Trader. Because a person of high status does not buy cheap things. The King of kings has come Himself, and is carrying out the transaction. He is conducting this transaction in our market. Think of the transaction you have concluded in this regard. And He does

not transact with common people. He purchases from the Believer. It is the faith of the Believer that his flesh and bones have become so precious that Allah (SWT) Himself seeks them. Then look at this: this pledge has been made on the hands of the Messengers and Prophets of the Torah, Gospel and Quran. This statement has not been made lightly in some common place - it has been mentioned in the Holy Books of Allah! And from Musa (peace be upon him) right up to Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) all the Messengers are present in this pledge. This is a very big issue. And when he mentions we should “Rejoice�, then it means to be extremely happy. This is not a small bargain. The wise man is the one who sells his produce quickly, so that it does not deteriorate, lest it gets rotten. Hence the nafs should likewise be given soon to Allah. And remember that the status of a martyr is something that even the other inhabitants of Paradise will yearn for! This is not something to be taken lightly. And Paradise is so vast: thousands of times greater than Pakistan. People strive to get themselves to America, or to the Middle East. So shouldn't we strive for Paradise? Praise be to Allah, that what we prefer for ourselves we also prefer for others. So this is a special mercy and blessing upon you from Allah, and you must be mindful of this which He is bestowing upon you and give thanks to Allah for it. And may your flesh and blood be like bullets to pierce through the Tyrants with the mercy of Allah. We don’t hold any power greater than Allah. Allah is the true super power! When we look at history the Quran has convinced us that we shouldn't even dare conceiving that the enemy is powerful and I am weak. Noah (peace be upon him) was standing against the whole world. He did not surrender or give up, and he carried on his mission until the end, when Allah destroyed the Falsehood and the Truth prevailed. Look at Ibrahim (as) , he is just a single man but just see how he stood up against the kingship of the whole world, and did not bow his head, and thus the enemy was in despair. Even when he left his country he didn't give up his Belief or his demand. Respected listeners, then look at this: in the story of Musa (peace be upon him), it was just the two brothers versus the Pharoah who had more than 70 hundred thousand as his army. Yet still he started a battle against him, and did not drop his demand. He suffered a lot and all his nation was suffering, both before and after his arrival. Had this path been a bad path to traverse then Allah (SWT) would have mentioned it in the Quran, would have disparaged this act. He would have said you are doing wrong, and have disturbed the whole country. But no! Allah praises such people! To

stare into the eyes of death is the way of the Noble Companions and the Prophets (peace be upon them). Respected listeners, then look at our Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), how he was standing against the whole world. Likewise we are standing right now against the whole world, and this is our Belief that we have come out in the field for Allah’s sake. We don’t have any other (worldly) reason. We did not want for anything, praise be to Allah. And Swat is a densely populated place when compared to the other divisions. But praise be to Allah, this degree of sacrifice in these times is very rare. You have refreshed that history and those memories. The women, children and men have revived history. And remember that the affairs are to change, I swear by the Lord of Ka’bah, that if there are more martyrdom-seekers like you, with the same zeal, so Inshallah if only 100 martyrdom attacks are done you will see whether the affairs change or not! Takbir! Allahu Akbar! Takbir! Allahu Akbar! So, as I was saying, it is our belief that Allah is with us. We are weak but Allah (SWT) is All Powerful We have nothing but Allah(swt) has everything. There is no lessening in the treasures of Allah (SWT) So we will keep this Belief. And Allah (SWT) is very benevolent to us, and our religion is benevolent, and we are benevolent to the people. Be it Hindus, Sikhs, the English or this Apostate Army, whichever group it is, we are their well-wishers. We hope that they accept Faith, and are saved from Hell-fire and are admitted to Paradise. You are aware of the goals which drive the Tehreek e Taliban. Our Ameer is Hakeemullah Mehsud ( may Allah protect him). And all our elders may Allah keep them safe. We are working on their orders. And our goal is this: that on the land of Allah, under the skies of Allah, we implement the law of Allah on the creation of Allah! And to give sacrifices for this cause is the basic aim of Tehreek e Taliban. That is the entire goal. It does not want titles, nor votes, nor money. This is our sole goal, O people make yourself successful. Stick to Allah, so that you gain the ephemeral and eternal peace. The government also speaks of peace. Peace comes, my respected listeners, only with the complete implementation of Shariah, and Shariah comes with Jihad. And you saw their idea of peace! These atheists, Jews, Christians and their allies, they all sought to achieve their targets. They proclaim the statement of Truth, yet intend Falsehood. It has been their custom to deceive the people. They never come saying that I am an Unbeliever and your enemy.

They come to kill you under the pretext of fighting terrorism and declare that you are destroying the country and its peace. First they will defame you with this, then they will kill you! Respected listeners, praise be to Allah, our willingness to make these sacrifices has levelled the playing field. If we are steadfast on this goal, then the outcome of the Jihad will be Shariah, and those who who only talk of peace, then the results of that you have already seen. That they release the prisoners from the prisons, but then throw them from the helicopters, or throw their bodies in main streets, those oppressed and powerless. The rights of a prisoner, a kafir prisoner, mentioned in the Quran is that you will be kind to them. “And they give food out of love for Him to the poor and the orphan and the captive.” [76:8]. They have human rights. But in Pakistan, in this very country, there are neither human rights, nor Islamic rights. There is nothing here. It can only be amended with Jihad! And the ideology behind which this country came into being, by the sacrifice of 6 million lives, has to be revived. Only then my respected listeners, will peace be achieved in this country, and a human will be treated as a human. Today there is no value attached to human life, and the death of a human has become as easy as that of a farm chicken. In order to kill a house chicken so much trouble is gone through, yet they slaughter humans as farm chickens. This is what their program is, and this is the 'peace' they talk about: that the prisoners be martyred with brutality, then the women and children be dragged out of their homes. And then they set up a “Peace Fair”, in the name of 'peace', in which there is alcohol, illegal sexual acts, clubs, dances and they proclaim it themselves! They are transgressors, and want to destroy the character of the youth, but praise be to Allah, this is our dawah, and people have come to know when we had established Allah’s rule. Our mission has been almost completed, now all that remains is to give a final blow, and the rest Allah (SWT) will complete Himself. And this has happened many a times, when the enemy thinks that their rivals have abandoned the place. It was said even to the Prophet (saw): “Nay! you rather thought that the Messenger and the Believers would not return to their families ever, and that was made agreeable to your hearts and you thought an evil thought and you were a people doomed to perish.” [48:12]. Praise be to Allah, we are steadfast on our goal, and there is no wavering from it. We won’t make any compromises on the religion of Allah, neither betray the blood of the martyrs, nor betray the

widows. I swear by the Lord of Ka’bah that this Falsehood will perish, and it will surrender to the Quran! So, this is how things will be made right? If Allah wills it, then yes. So don’t think that if we give sacrifices here then there will be no reward for us, no. If Allah wills it this sacrifice that you have given is like the fertilizer that you have given to the soil and Inshallah its yield will be a beautiful garden, and Qisas and Hudood will be its flowers and fruits. There will be peace and tranquility, honor and gheerah will be established and the rights of the people will be protected. The actions of our enemy is our incitement to act. The massacres carried out by the army, and their bombardments, and the so-called “Peace Fair”, which is the fair of “disgrace” in reality. To them 'peace' is that girls and boys roam around together, illegal sexual acts increases. Alcohol and collective bathing is their so-called PEACE. My respected listeners, in the religion this is not what constitutes peace! The word 'peace' is such a big word, which has vast meaning stored in it. It is so significant that even if you have peace in Kufr it is considered as a blessing as mentioned in Surah Quraish: “And gives them security against fear.” [106:4]. And when Allah (SWT) mentions His Blessings He says: I give authority in Land to those trustworthy who have Imaan and do good deeds and then Allah says that I will give them peace after their insecurity. “Those who, should We establish them in the land, will keep up prayer and pay the poor rate and enjoin good and forbid evil; and Allah's is the end of affairs.” [22:41]. Peace is such a great thing! “It is those who believe and confuse not their beliefs with wrong that are (truly) in security, for they are on (right) guidance.” [6:82]. Look at the greatness of peace, it is such that when Ibrahim (peace be upon him) makes the Dua, first he asks that: “My Lord, make this a City of Peace, and feed its people with fruits, such of them as believe in Allah and the Last Day.” [2:126]. If there is no peace then there is no pleasure of life. Even if you have an abundance of everything, still there is no pleasure in living. And peace will come from these sacrifices that Allah (SWT) is enabling you people to make. And from these missions you are ready to embark upon. On your behalf I also give assurance to the nation. I reassure the nation: O nation! You have Faith, hence you are being tested. You have gheerah, though there are thousands of people living in this world and in this land these trials that are upon you, or on the Tribal areas, is because you have Faith. And in Afghanistan you can see that there is war all the time. Why is it that its always there? Its

because of the people's Faith there. Over there not a single Kafir can afford to rule. So this is the reason, and similarly we have copied them. And now we are getting used to that revolution slowly and gradually. Kufr will become acceptable to you when you get used to the facilities and services of the NGO’s, they enslave you: first you want the facilities then you will get totally dependant upon them, and this dependency will lead you to slavery. Praise be to Allah, for the sacrifices that our people gave. To them I say, that your this sacrifice will bring clear results Inshallah. You proclaimed that we will go to Paradise, and we will establish Allah's Law on His land, and for that we will sacrifice everything. So now you see, O bestowed nation, you sacrificed your gold and silver, your sons and lands, the sweat dropped from your bodies, you sacrificed your wealth and bodies in the way of Ibrahim (peace be upon him) who gave up his son for sacrifice as soon as he made the Ka’bah his station. And his sacrifice was accepted by Allah (SWT) who spared his son though the son was under the blade. And the message is also this: rectify yourselves, be patient, take help from Taqwa and Dua, and put all your attention towards Allah. This enemy of ours, Allah will destroy in front of your very own faces. And that we strike them, such that your hearts are healed, and they will be disgraced in front of you. And I say to the nation, that your sons are alive who strap bombs to themselves and make their flesh and bones into marrow. And that a nation whose women want to be martyrdom-seekers, O respected nation, nobody on earth can defeat you so do not lose your hope. And the magicians of the media are like the sorcerers of Pharoah, so do not fall into depair because of it. And remember the hardships of the Day of Judgement, and the hardships of the Grave, and then compare it to the present suffering. 50, 000 years of suffering! When compared to this the present is just like a thorn pricking your feet! This is how insignificant it is, if you remember the alternative then this hardship will seem like nothing to you. Be thankful that Fate has destined this hardship upon you. Whose time had come he has gone, he was lucky that he went. Now ponder, how we will die, and how will we perform in the Trial? Will we die in the mountains or in an accident, by what means will death reach us? “Death is one, but its means are many”.

And then this is also a Glad Tiding for you that this hardship was written for you, but be grateful that it is due to the Religion. For many Hypocrites have gone out in this battle and died, and many Apostates as well, who used to pray and fast like Abdullah ibn Ubaiye and who used to perform Hajj like Abu Jahl, and the likes of Hajjaj bin Yousaf who used to perform lots of Hajj and Umrah’s. But they also came during this turmoil and Allah punished them. This is a means of cleansing us from our sins. If Allah (SWT) forgives us on account of this hardship, and makes our Hereafter better, then we are pleased with Allah and He will be pleased with us. And this is what we say to Allah: that we are pleased with Him, and may He be pleased with us. So we will give our sacrifices and get our reward in the Hereafter, and this is Allah’s religion and He will maintain it. A Message to the Scholars: To the scholars my message is this: your meagre life, how long will it last? 50 years, 60 years or maybe just 30 years. Why not sacrifice your short life in exchange for the long life of the Ummah? This Ummah has a long life, 1400 years have passed, and Inshallah next you will see. You are my respected elders, please remember us in your duas. We are waiting for your guidance. So this is our request. I don’t want to go in too much detail. The matter is clear, and its apparent what is Truth and what is Falsehood. Truth and Falsehood have been separated. The scale has come, on one side is the group of Shaytaan and the other group is that of Ar-Rahman. One is night and the other is day. This is what I request. I desire Paradise and Hijrah for myself, so I also desire it for you. And as for the scholars of the government, I say to them: That what you call people to, and your deeds, be careful of what you say. Think very carefully about your Ending lest you be sorrowful for your actions. To stand with the army of the Crusaders, and to be in their ranks against Allah and His Messenger (saw), my respected elders, this is a very great misfortune. This is my message to the scholars: be careful and keep away from this great misfortune. Do not let anyone trick you with dollars. Accept your station in this temporary life and save your eternal life. On behalf of my teacher I have a message for the Taliban brothers: The people have great expectations for what you will achieve. They are looking forward to a revolution and the replacement of this secular system. The people are watching your every movement closely. So ensure that you meet the high expectations of the people. Do not let any of your actions discourage people from the Deen. Make yourselves as the servants of people.

In places where the Talib has ammunition and power, let him not be proud and arrogant. Be careful with the peoples lives and their property. Be very careful. Even if you were to simply say “yes" (in an honourable manner) to the people, this will also do a great deal. Don't let it be the case that you have your gun on your shoulder and arrogantly go about saying: “Hey, don’t you know who I am?” If it be a snake or a scorpion that troubles the people, then we will fix it Inshallah. And this nation is very oppressed. These deeds which have been committed by this army weren’t even committed by the Russians. Inshallah we will defeat this army with the help of Allah (SWT). But it won't be through ammunition that we defeat the army, no my brothers, it is by spiritual power that we will defeat them. And how do we achieve this spiritual power? My respected brothers, we achieve it by waging our Jihad following the correct Principles of Jihad. Those rules mentioned in Surah alAnfal, the theme discussed in Surah Al-Imran, and those things that we must keep away from which are mentioned in Surah al-Hujurat. If these things are put to action, then remember my respected brother, and be consoled by the though that: “How often has a small party vanquished a numerous host by Allah's permission, and Allah is with the patient.” [2.249]. This is the promise of Allah. That many times a very small group, Allah knows best if it is 3 or 4 or 5, but they stood up for the Deen of Allah and they defeated the more larger Tyrant. On what basis? With the help and permission of Allah (SWT). They should be patient, God-fearing, sincere, disciplined and obedient. So my respected brothers, this is the time that we must be strictly obedient. Beware! Don’t ever act without orders/permission. This is my request to the Taliban: that they don’t ever work without permission or without receiving an order. Jihad is a very blessed action, but also a very difficult action. And remember that if you worked even a tiny fraction against your orders, even if you killed a 1000 of the enemy, you will still have nothing for yourself on the Day of Judgement. I hope you don’t come under that ruling Allah mentions: “They have nothing in the Hereafter.” And the Prophet (peace be upon him) said : There are many people who have participated in Jihad but they will not gain even the size of a particle on the Day of Judgement. And Hell-fire will be made hot firstly by three people. The martyr, scholar and the generous. Because they had fault in their intentions. They had no sincerity, and did not have the intention of pleasing Allah (SWT). Hence they would be the first one to be the fuel of Hell-fire. May Allah keep us safe from it. So this is my request to the Taliban. Don’t become kidnappers or criminals calling themselves Taliban. History has shown what this will lead to.

In Afghanistan during the time of the Russian invasion. Some of those commanders who performed Jihad in that time later on became oppressors and ate from the Baitul Maal. They committed treason, and fraud, and were arrogant; and then were entangled in factional warfare and nationalism. So what happened with them? Allah (SWT) sent forth the Taliban, who taught them a good lesson because they had been transgressors. The Khans and Malaks here, they used to commit major oppression. Allah (SWT) allowed us to go forth and we taught them a good lesson. The army committed oppression. Now the brothers are after them! They attack them inside their buildings and under their cars and find ways to reach them everywhere. There is no greater Faith than this my brothers! This is an important deed. And if we commit oppression then Allah (SWT) will raise up more people who will in turn teach us a good lesson. May Allah (SWT) keep all Taliban from non-Shariah actions. Jihad is only to be done on the methodology of the Prophet of Swords (peace be upon him) only then its acceptable. And it is plain to see that the Shariah of Muhammad (peace be upon him) will come from applying his methods on ourselves. Nasheed: The Land belongs to Allah. There is no God but Allah! And spread over it is the Creation of Allah. There is no God but Allah! Over that is the Sky of Allah. There is no God but Allah! And across it we demand the Rule of One Allah. There is no God but Allah! And we don’t agree to FATA or Civil Law. There is no God but Allah! The journey of ours is filled with trials on every step. But Glad Tidings, O valiant ones: this is the path to Paradise! The journey of ours is filled with trials on every step. This is the path on which those who traverse got their reward from their Lord. In it are the valleys of Ta’if, and in it were the deserts or Karbala decorated. The journey of ours is filled with trials on every step, But Glad Tidings, O valiant ones: this is the path to Paradise! The journey of ours is filled with trials on every step Don’t worry that today you have become a stranger to the whole world. O the Mujahid in service of the Religion, where have you gone? The ambiance of Jihad is remembering you.

To the nation I want to put forward this message: Keep yourselves away from the government posts, government people, the enemies of Allah, and all those non-Shariah activities. And I also tell them that in Malakand Division the Shariah has been proclaimed and implemented four times. We have given sacrifices. Thus nobody's father can practice Disbelief in the land. Keep away from acts which contradict Shariah. In the Fairs, we can bring our martyrdom bombers to the Timargarah camps but this is not our work. We preserve the integrity of the nation. Its not difficult for us. But this hint is enough for them to keep away from such acts. And I tell them that you must think and ponder before you approach such places. I am warning you beforehand, hence you may not say later that 'I didn’t know'. Keep yourselves away from the acts which are against Shariah, and don’t go to those places which are against Shariah. I also tell this to the brave nation of Swat: don’t accept the lands of the Khans. They will sell it themselves or whatever but don’t accept it. The Taliban have yet to finish some unfinished business with them. And another thing, in our people there are some who have started their own FM channels. When we had many stations first. These people might be scared, or may have accepted some payment. So these people should realise that we are in a war with the enemy, and if some one comes in between, everything that comes between us and Shariah’s implementation we will remove that obstacle Inshallah. This is the bottom line. Anything that comes between us and our aim, which is implementing the Law of Allah on Allah’s Land, be it our fathers, brothers, the police, the army, Khan, Malak, anything! If he comes in between then what will we do? We will remove them, and continue towards our target. This is how it will be yes? Inshallah. I am not talking about you, but on your behalf. I have made this thing plain to other people as they are left. And as for you: may Allah accept your martyrdom and let your this sacrifice be an exchange for the Shariah. Ameen. Nasheed: On the path of Truth we come out with our trust in Allah. For it is all our happiness and for it are all our sorrows. The journey of ours is filled with trials on every step...

To the Muslim Ummah in general and to the Tehreek-e-Taliban specifically: I give them the Glad Tiding that - praise be to Allah - we are fine and all of our senior brothers are also well. Detachments have been sent to various places: some have arrived and some are on their way. The network is - praise be to Allah - fully functional. It is inevitable in war that sometimes you advance and sometimes retreat. This is a technique. But to abandon hope based on the false claims of these people, or to change ones intentions due to this, is not the suitable for the likes of a Muslim. They claim a lot for their rule, as they have the media with them and they can say whatever they want, but this whole sorcery will be finished with the staff of Musa (peace be upon him). If the Jihad continues then Inshallah everything will be finalised by Allah (SWT) and the banner of Truth will be uplifted. To the media I say: Yours is the Jihad of the pen, but only on the condition that you make your sacrifice for Islam. You are aware that whatever skill has been given to anyone by Allah (SWT) he will be asked about it on the Day of Judgement. Some have power in their pens, some have power in their hands, some are working from the pulpit, some are in the trenches, some are working in one field and some in another. If you believe that you will stand in front of Allah (SWT) one day, then play your role today, and don’t become the puppets of the Jews and Christians. Don’t become the front-line allies of the Crusaders! If you use your pen, radio or newspaper against the religion of Allah (SWT) then remember to look up the following verse in the Holy Quran, Surah al-Ahzab, Verses 60 and 61. You have been mentioned as the Al-Murjifoon - then you will know what warning has been given to you, and what will be done with you.

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