Kfs primary newsletter 230414

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Faith, Knowledge and Work

KFS Primary Newsletter

We seek excellence. It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be.

King Faisal School

The goal of King Faisal School is to develop young people through a rigorous national and international program of study. KFS students are encouraged to attain academic excellence based on a foundation of faith, knowledge and work in order to help create a sustainable, peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. KFS fosters respect for Arab Islamic heritage while embracing an international perspective which is vital to meet the demands of the modern world. KFS inspires students to succeed as world citizens and to be the best that they can be. depart the school without loitering. Students who have not been collected by 2.15pm will remain with their student supervisor. Tardiness by parents in collecting their students should not be a regular issue. Parents, please note: students who are unaccompanied outside the school after 2.00pm and are involved in unacceptable behaviour (such as bullying, fighting, or offensive language) will be suspended from school.

It’s that time of year when we start to look at class groupings for next year. If any parents have special requests for class placements for next year, then these requests, detailing reasons, must be submitted in writing to Dr Ken Darvall by Thursday, 1 May. Please note that submitting a request for consideration is not a guarantee that it will be granted. Class lists will then be compiled in consultation with present and future classroom teachers, the student counsellor, student supervisors, and the PYP Coordinator, with the final decision determined by the Principal. A special thank you to all Mums and their sons who made last Thursday a very successful day. Please note all students’ portfolios must be returned to Home Room Teachers by this Thursday, 24 April. All students must be collected from their classrooms each afternoon at 2.00pm by the responsible adult (parent, maid, driver, older sibling.) This also applies to students in Grades 4 and 5. Students must be accompanied to their vehicle and

KFS Primary School Newsletter: Volume 1, Edition 6

Enrolments for 2014/2015 have almost concluded. If parents are seeking enrolment for another son in the Primary School for next year, please contact the Admissions Officer, Mr Ameen by 29 April. Otherwise, there will be no opportunity to seek admission until 2015. Similarly, parents must re-register by this Thursday, 24 April, as all vacancies will be declared on 1 May. We have a huge waiting list with anxious families desperate for an opportunity to enrol their sons in the Primary School. A reminder that Thursday, 29 May, is the last school day for the current academic year. All students are expected to be in attendance up to, and including, this date. The Primary School Newsletter is published each fortnight. A Parents’ Bulletin or message will be sent home prior to publication to remind parents that the latest edition is available online. The full colour edition can be found on the Primary School (English) website: http://www.kfs.sch.sa/ pyp-eng/tabid/815/Default.aspx Skyward, or at http:// issuu.com/kfs-primaryschool/docs/ kfs_primary_newsletter_230414 As always, I appreciate your support. Dr Ken Darvall (Principal)

23 April, 2014


Faith, Knowledge and Work

Knowledgeable is one of our core values at King Faisal School and one of the attributes of the IB Learner Profile. Being knowledgeable means that students explore concepts, ideas and issues that have local and global significance.In doing so, they acquire in-depth knowledge and develop understanding across a broad and balanced range of disciplines. Parents, students and teachers are essential catalysts for students to become knowledgeable.

Parents must ensure students are ready for learning each day and students must have adequate rest, eat healthy meals and complete all learning tasks. Teachers must provide the learning environment in which each student can experience success. Weekly awards are presented to students who demonstrate Learner Profile attributes. Other attributes include: inquirer; caring; thinker; communicator; balanced; inquirer; principled; open-minded; and risk-taker.

Grade 4 Mini World Cup Grade 4 students agreed upon organizing a Mini-Football World Cup as the main event taking place during this Unit of Inquiry, “How We Organize Ourselves�.

Key Dates 24/4

G1 excursion to Ceramic Cafe


Saturday sport (8.00 10.00am)


Art exhibition (Building 1) ASA (2.05-3.00pm)


Art exhibition (Building 1) ASA (2.05-3.00pm)


Art exhibition ASA (2.05-3.00pm)


Art exhibition ASA (2.05-3.00pm)


Saturday sport (8.00 10.00am)

The opening ceremony was on the 10th April, 2014. The students applied all the learner profile attributes in their activities during this event.

KFS Primary School Newsletter: Volume 1, Edition 6


ASA (2.05-3.00pm)


ASA (2.05-3.00pm)


ASA (2.05-3.00pm)


ASA (2.05-3.00pm)


ASA (2.05-3.00pm)


PYP Exhibition (B5)


Grade 5 Graduation

23 April, 2014


Faith, Knowledge and Work

We Seek Excellence What can be expected in 2014/2015? What changes are envisioned for the Primary School? There will be many, with a focus of improving student academic achievement, strengthening teaching and learning practices, as well as forging a strong partnership with parents. Planned changes will include: • ensuring

the importance of attendance is reinforced with future student progression requiring consistent attendance;

• implementing

1-7 grade scale (similar to MYP and DP) based on student performance, effort and attendance in which students must average a grade of 4 to progress to the next grade. Students failing to satisfy a minimum average grade of 4 will be placed on probation during the school year;

• staff

professional development priorities will be improving English proficiency, working towards internationally-recognised teaching qualifications, and PYP training and workshop opportunities;

• establishing

a Learning Centre to support students who require additional assistance in English and mathematics;

• providing

regular feedback to parents about their son’s learning through regular ‘Portfolio Days’ which will be open to fathers and mothers;

• providing

a more comprehensive student progress report that reflects all PYP elements;

• changing

the timetable to 60 minute lessons, instead of 40 minutes;

• introducing Arabic as • introducing • ensuring

a second language for those students who are not native speakers;

student leadership opportunities for students in Grades 1-5;

excursions are integral to each unit of inquiry in each grade;

• implementing

a Saturday sports program with a focus of team competitions in different sports;

• introducing

new school competitions, in addition to the spelling bee (such as Quranic recitation and tables championships);

• ensuring

all classes across the school are balanced in terms of class enrolments;

• strengthening

the ICT program to ensure challenging and exciting activities (such as robotics);

• expanding

the After Schools Activities (ASA) program so that it caters for all Primary School students (Grades 1-5) in all disciplines and for all abilities;

• ensuring

student behaviour is of the high standard that we expect as teachers and parents.

Success is not enough. Excellence is required. Dr Ken Darvall KFS Primary School Newsletter: Volume 1, Edition 6

23 April, 2014


Faith, Knowledge and Work

! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

“Be true to your teeth and they won't be false to you”. ~Soupy Sales “Your child depends on you for healthy teeth." Baby teeth are important for many reasons such as eating, speaking, smiling and to maintain the space for the new adult teeth. Child carers have an important role to play in promoting oral health and encouraging good habits from an early age. And we, King Faisal School teachers, are always there and ready to cultivate such habit in our children.

Dear Parents, King Faisal School teachers acknowledge that the health of a child’s mouth is vital to their overall health and well-being. To help prevent tooth decay, daily tooth-brushing and healthy eating habits should begin at an early age. King Faisal School Centre plays an important part in your child’s dental health is introducing a Tooth-brushing Programme to promote healthy teeth. As part of the Programme, tooth-brushing will be carried out once a day at King Faisal School Centre, and we hope that this will be supported with your help at home. Grade One ‘A’ learners got that enthusiasm when our doctor equipped them with full information about the correct way for brushing their teeth. They took pride while doing it properly. Watch and tell us what do you think!

Best Regards from Grade One ‘A’ Homeroom Teacher/ Hanadi Fouda

KFS Primary School Newsletter: Volume 1, Edition 6

23 April, 2014


Faith, Knowledge and Work

KFS Primary School Newsletter: Volume 1, Edition 6

23 April, 2014


Faith, Knowledge and Work


A wish for all children I wish for you‌ Time to create and innovate.. Someone who takes the time to wait for your answers.. People who listen, truly listen to your ideas.. Adults who respect your creative work.. Chances to wonder aloud about what you see, think, and feel.. And finally,

A home where it is safe to dream and achieve‌


Mrs. Nadine Assaf (2D Homeroom Teacher) KFS Primary School Newsletter: Volume 1, Edition 6

23 April, 2014


Faith, Knowledge and Work

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Monday,(April(21,(2014( “A!!Portfolio!!is!!a!!purposeful!!collection!!of!!a!!learner’s!!work!!that!demonstrates!!progress!!in!! the!!development!!of!!knowledge,!!skills,!!values!and!!attitudes!!in!!a!!given!!area.!!Portfolios! provide!useful!information!and!invaluable!evidence!for!teachers!to!keep!track!of!what!learners! know!and!can!do!in!the!area!being!assessed!in!order!to!carry!out!assessment!for!learning.!A! good!!portfolio!!is!!characterized!!by!!clear!!learning!!intentions,!learner’s!involvement!!in!! choosing!!what!!goes!!into!the!portfolio!and!!the!!use!!of!success!!criteria!!to!!define!!quality!! performance.!It!!provides!!a!!basis!!for!communication!!between!!learners,!!teachers!!and!! parents,!!and!!selfAreflection!through!which!learner’s!share!what!they!think!and!feel!about! themselves!and!their!work.”! ! Portfolios!become!a!meaningful!learning!and!assessment!tool!when!they!involve!students!and! parents.!Ideally,!students!should!take!their!Portfolio!home!to!show!their!parents.!A!parentA student!conference!about!the!Portfolio!enables!a!child!to!proudly!share!learning!progress,! explaining!what!he!has!learned,!how!they!learned!it!and!what!they!plan!to!learn!next!(learning! goals).!The!student!can!share!what!he!enjoys!or!does!not!enjoy!and!celebrate!progress!and! effort.!! In!this!way,!the!parent!becomes!aware!of!the!‘process’!of!learning!to!read!and!the!components! of!a!reading!programme!(e.g.!High!Frequency!Words,!reading!skills,!reading!strategies,!book! levels).!Also,!students!become!selfAassessors,!able!to:!!

KFS Primary School Newsletter: Volume 1, Edition 6

23 April, 2014


Faith, Knowledge and Work

•"reflect"on"their"learning"(e.g."progress,"learning"style,"motivation,"strengths"and"weaknesses)"" •"explain"their"learning"to"others"" •"plan"future"learning"(e.g."what"they"will"learn"next,"how"they"can"change"ineffective"habits," who"can"help"them)"" When"students"share"their"work"with"their"parents,"it"is"a"form"of"reporting."Parent@student" Portfolio"conferences"have"benefits"that"can"complement"other"formal"(and"possibly" intimidating)"forms"of"reporting,"such"as:"" •"The"student"is"not"being"compared"to"others."Rather"what"is"being"compared"is"one"student’s" progress"and"effort"over"time."" •"Parents"can"participate"in"student’s"learning"rather"than"take"a"supervisor"or"passive"role."The" parent"and"a"student"can"develop"a"genuine"partnership"for"learning." " King"Faisal"School"has"welcomed"and"hosted"the"parents"during"the"‘Portfolio"Day’,"to"show" them"the"quality"of"work"and"the"importance"of"their"children"to"all"the"teachers." Have"a"look"at"Grade"One"‘A’"students,"who"were"excited"enough"to"present"and"talk"about"their" work"confidently." " Best"Regards"from"Grade"One"‘A’"homeroom"teacher/" Hanadi"Fouda" "


KFS Primary School Newsletter: Volume 1, Edition 6

23 April, 2014


Faith, Knowledge and Work

KFS Primary School Newsletter: Volume 1, Edition 6

23 April, 2014


Faith, Knowledge and Work

A portfolio provides a more concrete way to document each learner’s progress. As learners participate in the portfolio process, they begin to reflect on and understand their own strengths and needs. They can recognize their own progress by asking questions and commenting on inquiry samples, drawings , photographs of math manipulatives or writing. Teachers might ask: "What can you tell me about your work?" "If you were to build this again, would you do it differently? What might you change?" "What was the hardest part?" "What was your favorite part?"ect… Portfolios are a collaborative effort involving teachers, children, parents, and often other family members too. They are great to share at family-teacher –student conferences. At King Faisal School, Grade 1 learners enjoyed their portfolio day which was held on Thursday, April 17 ,2014 where mothers came into their classes and looked at their portfolios .Learners expressed themselves freely in front of their mothers ,felt responsible for their own learning and enjoyed comparing examples of their past work with what they are doing in the present .It was really a fruitful and productive event which will stay in the memory............ Thanks and best regards, Rana Khaled Homeroom teacher Grade 1C

KFS Primary School Newsletter: Volume 1, Edition 6

23 April, 2014


Faith, Knowledge and Work

! KFS Primary School Newsletter: Volume 1, Edition 6

23 April, 2014


Faith, Knowledge and Work

KFS Primary School Primary School Review and Development 2014 ANALYSIS OF PARENTS’ DATA

Parents were invited to complete the 2014 KFS Primary School Review and Development Questionnaire in March 2014. KEY TRENDS IDENTIFIED SECTION 1: ABOUT YOU •

92% of questionnaires were completed by parents who had sons on Grades 1 and 2.

71% of respondents spoke a language (English) other than Arabic at home.

62% of questionnaires were completed by mothers, while another 17% of questionnaires were completed by both parents.

SECTION 2: ABOUT KFS PRIMARY SCHOOL Learning & Teaching Strengths •

The things my child is learning are relevant to his needs. (96%)

KFS Primary School provides opportunities for students, teachers and parents to meet together to discuss student progress. (88%)

I understand the Primary Years programme and its focus on inquiry learning. (88%)

General Dissatisfaction •

I DO NOT receive regular information about my child’s progress. (42%)

I AM UNAWARE of the standard of work that is expected of my child. (36%)

Student Environment Strengths •

My child enjoys learning at KFS Primary School. (96%)

My child enjoys being at at KFS Primary School. (96%)

KFS Primary School provides a safe and caring environment. (92%)

KFS Primary School takes my concerns seriously. (90%)

General Dissatisfaction •

I DO NOT understand the student management policy of KFS Primary School. (48%)

There IS NOT support for my child if bullying or harassment occurs. (32%)

The After School Program DOES NOT provide opportunities for my son. (32%)

KFS Primary School Newsletter: Volume 1, Edition 6

23 April, 2014


Faith, Knowledge and Work

Leadership & Management Strengths •

KFS Primary School promotes its values. (96%)

School buildings and grounds are well looked after. (92%)

I have confidence in the management of KFS Primary School. (92%)

General Dissatisfaction •

School resources ARE NOT well maintained and ARE NOT current (24%)

I AM NOT informed promptly if my child has a problem. (20%)

Community Involvement Strengths •

I feel welcome at KFS Primary School (100%)

General Dissatisfaction •

I AM NOT a regular user of Skyward (56%)

I DO NOT access the Newsletter and parent information online. (38%)


Overall, I am satisfied with my child’s education at KFS Primary School. (84%)

General Dissatisfaction •

I AM NOT satisfied that KFS Primary School has high expectations in all that it does. (22%)

KFS Primary School Newsletter: Volume 1, Edition 6

23 April, 2014


Faith, Knowledge and Work

KFS Primary School

The Learner Profile Risk-Takers


Communicators Reflective



OpenMinded Knowledgeable



The IB Learner Profile is the at attributes and descriptors th at IB define the type of student th hopes to develop through its programs. KFS Primary School Newsletter: Volume 1, Edition 6

23 April, 2014


Faith, Knowledge and Work

KFS Primary School Diplomatic Quarter PO Box 94558 Riyadh 11614 P: (+966) 11 4820802

Ext 1101

E: info@kfs.sch.sa www.kfs.sch.sa @KFS_Primary

KFS Primary School Newsletter: Volume 1, Edition 6

23 April, 2014


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