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Kesha Coggins Pitt

I'm THE AUTHOR Kesha Pitt. Freespirited, conventional, old fashion and modernly independent. In 2006, I filled a long dream and become a writer. By 2010, I landed my dream job as an Entertainment & Celebrity News writer while travelling through Thailand. In 2007, after submitting a number of poems to the and poets society, I received the first of several more awards and one poet of the year nod by 2008. I relish writing and formulating ideas for levels of media. I grand lover of the arts, old films and entertainment. Ceo/Kesha Coggins Pitt aka Kesha Pitt!info Follow news & update on the official website blog!blog/c20gb Google+ CEO/Founder; Kesha Coggins Pitt @2013 Copoyrigth Kesha Coggins Pitt aka Kesha Crawford Pitt & Kesha Pitt~ sole proprietorship and founder ~ Masterpiece ADDRESS PO Box 1402 Rota, MP 96951 Tel: 671-971-2549


A Walk Within

December 30, 2013