Issue 7, Fall 2012

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Monday Dec. 3, 2012 Issue 7

The Herald



Letter from the editor EDITOR IN CHIEF Dorothy Fukushima


NEWS EDITOR Sarah Kekauoha



LAYOUT DESIGNERS Denarose Fukushima Anthony Hruza


ith the semester wrapping up, I’d like to take some time for reflection. Ke Kalahea had a bumpy start, as nearly all of our members were green in their respective positions (myself included). We’ve had our share of problems (such as a couple of non-printed Issues), but we’ve been always been able to overcome them in the end. It has been a humbling and wonderful experience overall, and I’m glad that we were able to grow together. We have been fortunate enough to have the support of two very capable and encouraging women, our Business Manager Karyle and our Advisor Tiffany. They have been honest about the quality of work, both good and bad, and have guided us along throughout the semester. From start to finish, I cannot say that I had a boring moment throughout the academic semester. There was a lot of intrigue and enjoyment tempered with frustration and anxiety, but I feel that I’ve learned quite a bit. In some cases, more than I thought possible. While it’s been a pretty good semester, I cannot say that I won’t be relieved and happy when it’s finally over. I’m slowly getting pulled into the frenzy of the holidays, but my obligation to schoolwork is keeping me grounded. Good luck on your finals everyone and I’ll see you next year.


Happy Holidays!

Alexandria Agdeppa Britney Carey Joie Colobong Dennis Fukushima Elizabeth Johnson Michael Pierron

Dorothy Fukushima Editor in Chief


AD MANAGER Heather Bailey


COPY CHIEF George Kekauoha

GRAPHIC DESIGNER Nainoa Kalaukoa Charlotte Schaupp

PHOTOGRAPHERS Yuta Momoki Bryan Patterson

STAFF ADVISOR Tiffany Edwards Hunt

Ke Kalahea Campus Center Room 215 200 W. Kawili St. Hilo, 96720 (808) 974-7504

Table of Contents NEWS Pg 3 | News Briefs Pg 5| UHH English Language Institute accredited Pg 5 | Send your submissions to Hohonu and Kanilehua Pg 6 | Department of Education changes its name Pg 10 | UHH’s new bookstore Pg 11 | The ALEX conference

Arts and Community Pg 4 | One Act Pg 6 | Health and Wellness column Pg 8 | The Jazz band Pg 14 | HIP Tuesdays Sports Pg 7 | Men’s Basketball

Entertainment Pg 12 | Christmas in the pacific Pg 13 | Mochi and Poetry Pg 19 | Rants & Raves

Ke Kalahea Mission Statement Ke Kalahea is the student news publication for the University of Hawai’i at Hilo and Hawai’i Community College. We express the voice of the student body using our rights to the freedom of speech and press. The mission of Ke Kalahea is to provide coverage of news and events affecting the university and our community. We offer a forum for communication and the exchange of ideas and provide educational training and experience for students in all areas of the newspaper’s operation. Ke Kalahea operates a fiscally responsible organization, which ensures our ability to serve the university well. Through Ke Kalahea’s publication, we encourage students to take advantage of academic and personal opportunities – ones that will deepen their knowledge, enhance their experiences and broaden their perspectives.

Cover photo Courtesy of Anthony Hruza


OMG!!! No wonder they call him the Sneaky Kawiki :D’ Hey Kawika! You should smile more often, you have a beautiful one :) Ron, I love you!! Can I just have your green eyes?! Too bad you’re gay :/ To the beautiful girl I met in the geology break room: I hope to see you again. Hallelujah to the toilet seat covers now placed in all floors of the library. I have been waiting for this day to come and now I can use the bathroom swiftly and cleanly. Yay~ anyone know any blow off classes I can take next semester? Rants and Raves are getting boring. Can people submit please? Just go to and write whatevers. Thanks! Butter Cake is amazing. I ate three pieces and only feel a little fat.WW Why doesn’t anyone rave about suit guy anymore? :( Oh animated Batman... You make me so hot.

to the aerialists in Annie’s class. great skill you guys and all the best for the show on dec. 1. :)

To Tom W. & Justin H. You are the sexiest men on the planet. Please stop wearing t shirts. I miss watching you. :) Yes! Two more weeks and I’m out of thsi soul- sucking hell hole. W

To the little bastard who stole my table from in front of the Ag building some time between 12-7am.. It was not left there because I dont want it. I spent the whole semester building it myself, specifically designing it to fit in my living room. Please return it to where you found it. I want it back. to the loudmouth, rude & inconsidered students who were being really loud in the liberary on tuseday at noon. SHUT UP! You’re in a library, Not in a nightclub. Please keep religion out of the classroom, I did not come to college to form prayer rings, pray to Gods/Goddesses and join a political movement. It’s nice some counselors and teachers have a passion, but Keep the focus on education not religion. You are a terrible little oompa loompa! I don’t know where you get off thinking you can treat everyone like absolute TRASH, but I sure hope it comes back to get you some day. Calm yo tits, lady, you’re a student worker at a university, not the queen of England. Can we just take a glorious second to appreciate and praise the janitors and other staff in the library who clean up after the assholes who don’t know how to clean up after themselves. The Vulcan MBB and WBB need to get it together. It sad to watch them lose on our own court. Just because I slept over at a person that you are crushing on’s house, doesn’t mean I “slept” with them [Come On Now] “I lost your trust, and friendship over something stupid. You spilled every secret about my life I told you the moment you declared “our friendship was over”, yet I still keep yours a secret....why? I have no idea Srsly Jordan (from Pysch. class). You’re so fine. DAY-UM I see you didn’t print my RAVE about that KID. I’m glad you didn’t. I’m glad you told me off. Thank you. My apologies to the kid that I was upset with and my thanks to the Ke Kalahea team for helping me realize my weak points and areas to work on. Oh Andrew, the things I would do would change your mind about that.

DISCLAIMER!!! The Rants & Raves allow students to express their opinions anonymously and appear AS IS. They do NOT represent the views or feelings of Ke Kalahea.


HIP Tuesdays offer free workshops to the community AmeriCorps grant funds Hilo Improvement Program Michael Pierron | Staff Writer All Photos Courtesy of Michael Pierron AmeriCorps is a national network of non-profit organizations that offers members a chance to apply their skills and ideals toward helping others and meeting critical needs in the community. The Hilo Improvement Program (HIP) was recently accepted into the AmeriCorps network and was awarded a grant to facilitate workshops and events which address critical needs in our community. HIP offers workshops on Tuesdays that are free to the community and are focused on nutrition education, disaster preparedness and development of survival skills. The AmeriCorps funded program is the only one of its kind on the Big Island and Lani Thur-Fine, writer of the grant and program coordinator, was happy to share some information about it. “HIP is under the umbrella of the Hilo Downtown Improvement Association and it was created around Let’s Grow Hilo.” explains Lani Thur-Fine, HIP coordinator. “It was conceptualized to be a program for downtown Hilo to provide basic agricultural, survival, artistic skills and cultural practices, free to the public as a way to revive the downtown community and as a way to bring people together, create community cohesion.” She went on to describe her goal for the program. “What we are trying to do is create a core of people who are set out to do community service for the downtown area. It’s a lot like the civilian conservation core that came up in the depression era as a catalyst for personal economic growth and a place where people can bring skills and apply them in the community that has very little funding.” Brenda Ramierez, senior majoring in Agriculture had this to say about the workshops. “I really like the program because it’s a way for the community to come together and share their knowledge. The bracelet weaving in the bandstand was cool because we got to learn some of the cultural stuff behind it.” You may wonder who teaches the workshops. “Community members teach the

Community members help harvest sweet potatoes from garden beds in downtown Hilio in preparation for the Hilo Improvement Program's Hilo Harvest Festival. workshops – whoever has a skill that they are interested in sharing with the community.” says HIP team member and Let’s Grow Hilo coordinator, Sam Robinson. “For instance, Dave at the awa bar showed awa propagation shared a little cultural history about what awa is. Next is seed infused clay sculptures because we have a ceramic studio down the road that wants to show what they can do.” Thur-Fine further explained that “there is a focus on trying to recruit downtown business owners to help bring traffic in to their shops and display their skills as a way of bringing people downtown because if you’ve worked with that business owner and you know who they are, you’re more inclined to go there for what you need instead of Wal-Mart

The Big Island Beekeepers Association sets up a honey tasting at the Hilo Harvest Festival, a free community event hosted by Lets Grow Hilo and the Hilo Imporvement Program.

or something.” A two month calendar of upcoming events through June is available at the bus depot downtown. Some of the upcoming events include demonstrations on Hawaiian quilting, bicycle tire repair, garden-totable cooking, and lauhala bracelet weaving. Some of the ongoing events at the Mo’oheau bandstand are Hawaiian music performances and hot hula fitness classes. Members of the community are also encouraged to share any skills they have by signing up to lead a workshop. This can be done by contacting the DIA directly by phone or email, or by picking up a registration form in person at the bus depot. For some, there is more to it than community service. “If a young person participates then they get an education credit as an award for their service to the community and through their community service they are developing job skills,” says Thur-Fine about volunteering as an AmeriCorps team member. “Each of us works on a personal development plan so that your time spent in the program is a way of tailoring and creating a trajectory for when you get out of the program and enter the workforce.” “These workshops are also good opportunities for students.” added DIA Executive Director Alice Moon. “Individuals, especially those living on campus, and RISO’s could benefit from attending these free events, or even by hosting them on campus!” Do you have some skills you would like to share with the community? Would you like to participate in any upcoming events? For more information about the HIP, HIP Tuesdays or how to become involved, contact the DIA via email at, or by phone at 935-8850.

3 News Briefs Pregnant woman dies in Irish hospital after abortion denial A 31-year-old pregnant woman died of septicemia on Oct. 28 after she was allegedly denied an abortion at University Hospital Galway in Ireland, The Telegraph reported. Savita Halappanavar, who was originally from India, requested that her pregnancy be terminated because she was miscarrying and experiencing severe back pain, a BBC report stated. This request was denied, according to the BBC, because doctors could still detect a fetal heartbeat. According to NBC News, abortions are officially banned by the country’s constitution, but a 1992 ruling by the Supreme Court found that the procedure should be legal when continuing the pregnancy puts the woman’s life at risk. Several governments within Ireland have yet to pass laws which resolve the matter, making Irish hospitals reluctant to carry out abortions, NBC News reported. According to a statement made to the Irish Times, Savita’s husband, Praveen Halappanavar, said a hospital consultant told the couple that nothing could be done as long as the fetus was alive. Halappanavar was moved to an intensive care unit after the fetus died on Oct. 24, The Telegraph reported. She died four days later. Ireland’s head of state, Taoiseach Enda Kenny, told the BBC there are two ongoing investigations into Halappanavar’s death. Protests and vigils have been held since Halappanavar’s death. In Dublin, 2,000 people protested outside Irish parliament, calling for abortion law reform, the BBC reported. A smaller protest was held in London at the Irish embassy, while a candlelight vigil was held in Cork, Ireland, the BBC said.

Conservation of Hawaii’s False Killer Whales A set of regulations will soon take effect to reduce bycatch of false killer whales. According to West Hawaii Today, Pseudorca crassidens, which live approximately 75 miles offshore of Hawaii, will officially be put on the endangered species list on Dec. 27, 2012. The Marine Mammal Protection Act will also go into effect to reduce open ocean catches of false killer whales as well. The new regulations include a new hook for fishermen that will be strong enough to hold tuna, but not strong enough to hold false killer whales, as well as an expansion of areas that prohibit long-line fishing. West Hawaii Today says that fishermen will have 90 days to replace their existing gear. It’s important that the species receives protection because there are only about 150 individuals left; there’s a high chance that the species could be declared functionally extinct in 75 years.

Responses to the Fiscal Cliff CNN launched a poll and surveyed 1,023 adult Americans by telephone from Nov. 16-18. ORC International questioned these people and the survey’s sampling error was plus or minus three percentage points. The survey showed that Americans are more than aware of the seriousness of the fiscal cliff. Congress and President Barack Obama had decided they would create some kind of a program to reduce the federal deficit. This federal deficit has come to be called the “fiscal cliff.” According to CNN, “Unless Congress and the President reach an agreement within the next few weeks, tax rates will automatically rise next year for nearly all Americans and major spending cuts will automatically begin to kick in for most government spending programs, including military programs.” The CNN Polling Dierctor, Keating Holland, said that “Americans definitely feel that they have something at stake in the upcoming negotiations - 77 percent believe that their personal financial situation will be affected if the government goes off the fiscal cliff.” It was reported that two thirds of the poll-takers said if the country went of the fiscal cliff by the end of the year, it would cause a major crisis to the US economy. It also reported that if the fiscal cliff were to fall, Republicans in congress would take the blame. Holland also said that “Americans aren’t sanguine about the prospects of a deal. Only 28 percent say that Washington officials will act like responsible adults in this matter, with 67 percent saying they believe they will behave like spoiled children.” Obama Buys Books on “Small Business Saturday” The day after Black Friday, President Barack Obama visited One More Page Books in Arlington, Virginia with his two daughters, Malia and Sasha. In an effort to promote “Small Business Saturday,” as opposed to Black Friday or Cyber Monday, Obama purchased 15 books as Christmas gifts for family members. He had a list organized on his Blackberry and in speaking with the shop owner, Eileen McGervey, said, “Preparation, you know. That’s how I shop. Michelle, she can go wandering around.” Small Business Saturday was launched in 2010 to promote local mom-andpop shops and businesses. American Express bought advertisements and spread the word through various social networks. It has since been encouraged by many politicians and big businesses. According to ABC News, when Obama was asked whether or not supporting Small Business Saturday was a way to avoid the “looming fiscal cliff,” Obama replied, “Come on, we’re doing Christmas shopping. Happy Thanksgiving, folks.”

Obama and his daughters shopping for books (Photo:


Festival of One Acts

Senior student directors takes the stage…from their seats Alexandria Agdeppa | Staff Writer Yuta Momoki | Photographer


H Hilo’s Directing Class, comprised exclusively of seniors, presented their “Festival of One-Act Plays” with 16 different One-Act plays in the Performing Arts Lobby during the Thanksgiving weekend. Among the numerous themes of the plays were romance, comedy, death and decision-making. Student director and Performing Arts Major Angeline Jara said, “Directing takes a lot of bookwork. You have to do a lot of things that you wouldn’t think you would when directing. You have to describe what’s going on between the actors and time link everything. And you have to do your character studies.” Jara’s fellow student director and Performing Arts Major Alston Albarado was concerned with other things. “We had to make sure that we didn’t have too much stuff because we only have a few minutes between each play to transport our props. Organization was another thing we had to worry about, just balancing schedules and planning everything,” Albarado said. Jara and Albarado directed “Eponine” and “Oprah Made Me Do It”, respectively. The directing students were not only responsible for directing their plays, but choosing the play, casting the actors, creating the props and designing the costumes. Other factors that had to be considered were the lights and sounds.“It was amazing to watch my play. It was fun and rewarding. And it’s a great experience to have when pursuing pretty much anything in life,” said Albarado. The actors included students and non-students alike who had to audition about a month prior to the production. The festival began on Wednesday, Nov. 20 at 7 p.m. Other showings were on the following Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at multiple times. Performing Arts Chair and Professor Jackie Pualani Johnson produced the Festival of One Act Plays.

This is a list of the One-Act plays that were presented at the festival: The Boor – by Anton Chevkov – Directed by Brian McMichael Boxes – by Wendy MacLeod – Directed by Karla Ahn Breast Men – by Bill Bozzone and Joe Di Pietro – Directed by Karla Ahn Captive Audience – by David Ives – Directed by Stephen Bond Enigma Variations – by David Ives – Directed by Stephen Bond Eponine – by T. James Belich – Directed by Angeline Jara Hum of The Arctic – by Sarah Hammond – Directed by Nicole Cowan The Lover – by Harold Pinter – Directed by Denyse Woo-Ockerman Mere Mortals – by David Ives – Directed by Peter Veseskis The Problem – by A. R. Gurney – Directed by Maggi Aspin On Call – Written and Directed by Ethan Souza Oprah Made Me Do It – by Bradley Hayward – Directed by Alston Albarado Recensio: a light and dark show – by Eddie De Santis – Directed by Mason Agor The Sandbox – by Edward Albee – Directed by Jin Piper Sure Thing – by David Ives – Directed by Nicole Cowan Tongue, Tied – by N. Thomas Cooper – Directed by Laughing Waters Therrien


Tis da Season

Holiday traditions in the Pacific Sarah Kekauoha |News Editor


efore Christmas arrived in Hawaii, native Hawaiians already celebrated peace, good will, and joy through an event called the Makahiki. Beginning on the first new moon following the Pleiades appearance on the east horizon, the Makahiki honored Lono. The Hawaiians worshiped Lono, god of agriculture and fertility, through music, dancing, eating, and sports. War was kapu, or taboo at this time. Starting at the end of November and lasting through December, the Makahiki marked the end of harvest and the beginning of a new season. Since the Christians arrival in Hawaii, Christmas replaced the Makahiki. Although there are no set Christmas traditions in Hawaii, many of the pacific islands follow the basic Christmas traditions. The song, “Mele Kalikimaka,” reminds us of Hawaii’s beauty during the holiday season while many of the other pacific islands integrated Christmas into their native homeland. Delta Bernard, a student from the island of Houk, said that “Christmas is more of an island wide or community-organized event.” The different clans in Houk celebrate Christmas together and donate food, meat, and drinks to the festivities. The women provide the main dishes, such as taro, breadfruit, and other traditional foods while the men provide meat and coconut. On the actual day of the celebration, the clans gather at the public meeting house where the food and drink are evenly distributed. Church and traditional leaders give speeches and traditional dances are performed. “Manuia Le Kerisimas” is Merry Christmas in Samoan, said Ruby Tapuai, a senior majoring in Marine Science, who came to UH Hilo from America Samoa. She said the Samoans have the same Christmas traditions: Christmas tree, presents, and a parade featuring Santa on the fire truck (he drives around the whole island). The families do Secret Santa in the Elementary and High Schools and on Christmas Eve, church services offer a sense of community. The Sunday school classes put on a Nativity skit and the church choir go out, no matter how late. Tapuai laughs and recalls a choir going to her house at 1:00 in the morning. Some families gather and have a Christmas banquet. Tapuai said she went to her grandmas and had evening tea or koko, hot cocoa on Christmas day. The traditional foods include palusami, corn beef and coconut milk wrapped and cooked in laulau leaves, or pani popo, bread with warm coconut pudding, and panikeke, a variation on the mochi donut, andagi. When New Years comes around, each family creates some kind of an exhibit. Tapuai said one year her family made a candy house. These models are brought to the church and the pastor decides which exhibit goes where. Her family’s candy house was given to the children group in church. Other houses were given to youth groups or families in need. Bamboo sticks are used to make noise, but there are no fireworks. “I love Christmas and going home for it too,” says Tapuai, adding that this year she’s fortunate to return home for Christmas. 
Jonathan Gaan, a senior majoring in Economics, said that on his native island of Yap, or Waab, said that at Christmas, families gather and participate in the traditional gift exchange. Though, he mentioned, there are not much decoration.

Like America Samoa, Christmas Even holds a mass for the community. Gaan noted that Christmas in Yap westernized, as kids expect presents versus the family gatherings. Taro and fish, the staple foods, are usually the main dishes and everyone helps. At New Years, people count down, but everything is on a small scale. “It’s very family oriented,” says Gaan. “There are no fireworks, but the families enjoy one another’s company.” Before the missionary’s arrival, Yep was known for traditional culture and ways. Not much was lost of the culture, in terms of dancing, food, and celebration. If anything, Christmas just added to the festivities. “I’m happy about Christmas because I get to graduate,” says Gaan, “but unfortunately I’m not going home this time around.” Whether students choose to celebrate Christmas in the Hawaiian islands, neighboring islands in the Pacific, or anywhere else in the world, the warm spirit of Christmas is never too far. In one of Hawaii’s holiday songs, “Mele Kalikimaka,” the lyrics state clearly the message everyone should hold this holiday season.

Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say On a bright Hawaiian Christmas Day That’s the island greeting that we send to you From the land where palm trees sway Here we know that Christmas will be green and bright The sun to shine by day and all the stars at night Mele Kalikimaka is Hawaii’s way To say a “Merry Christmas to you.” Mele Kalikimaka and Hau’oli Makahiki Hou! -Ke Kalahea

Photos Courtesy of George & Sarah Kekauoha

12 Mochi - a Japanese tradition Be sure to try out this delicious recipe on New Year’s! Dennis Fukushima | Staff Writer It is a tradition in Japan to make mochi for the New Year. According to, “mochitsuki” (pounding rice to make mochi) is done at the end of the year, and uses a wooden spoon called “kine” in a stone or wooden motar, or usu. However, people in Japan tend to use machines to do the work now or buy prepackaged mochi instead. Making mochi is supposed to bring good fortune in the New Year. It’s a versatile food; in Watsonville., it says that mochi can be a dessert or used for a soup. Mochi can be filled with red bean paste or Photo Courtesy of strawberries, chocolates—anything. Below are two recipes for mochi: one is a basic mochi, and the other is an island favorite, butter mochi.

Basic Sweet Mochi

Ingredients -1 1/2 cups mochiko, plus more for dusting -1/2 teaspoon kosher salt -1 1/3 cups water -1/4 cup granulated sugar -2 tablespoons light corn syrup Instructions 1. Place mochiko and salt in a large bowl and stir until Plain Mochi (Photo Courtesy of thoroughly combined. 2. Combine water, sugar, and corn syrup in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce to a simmer and cook, stirring, until sugar is dissolved, about 5 to 6 minutes. 3. Make a well in the center of the mochiko mixture and pour in the sugar syrup. Stir until all flour is incorporated. Immediately turn dough onto a work surface lightly floured with mochiko and knead until smooth and elastic, about 4 to 5 minutes; dust with more mochiko as needed to prevent sticking. 4. Pinch off tablespoon-size pieces and, using a floured rolling pin or your hands, flatten into 3-inch circles about 1/8 inch thick. 5. Dust rice cakes with mochiko and place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Cover in plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator or freezer, or use as desired. (Recipe courtesy of

Butter Mochi Original recipe makes 1 - 9x13 inch pan Ingredients 1 pound mochiko (glutinous rice flour) 2 1/2 cups white sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 cup butter, melted 3 cups whole milk 5 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Photo Courtesy of 1 cup sweetened, flaked coconut Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 9x13 inch baking dish. 2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs, vanilla and milk. In a separate larger bowl, stir together the rice flour, sugar, and baking powder. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, and stir to blend. Mix in melted butter and coconut. Pour into the prepared pan. 3. Bake for 1 hour in the preheated oven. Cool completely, then cut into squares to serve.

(Recipe courtesy of

Twas the Night Before Winter Break Jenna Burns | Arts & Community Editor Twas the night before Winter Break, when all through the dorms Everyone was stirring, even the worms. The suitcases were stacked neatly by the door with care, As everyone figured out what they would bring and wear. The students couldn’t wait to sleep in real beds, While visions of homemade food danced in their heads. The girls in pajamas and the boys in their pants Had just switched their brains from a semester-long trance. When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, Everyone sprang from their rooms to see what was the matter. Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the blinds with a bang and a thrash. The moon and the clouds on the calm Hilo sky Distracted me from seeing the sleigh fly by. But, what to my hazy eyes should appear, A bizarre looking sleigh, and eight strange reindeer. Within a moment, I knew it so quick; The driver of this sleigh must be St. Nick. All of the reindeer looked kind of the same Except for one, but he still knew each of them by name! “Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Donner and Blitzen! To the roof of the dorm! Get Rudolf off the wall! Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!” And then, with a clang, I heard on the roof The jumping around of each reindeer’s hoof. As I carefully drew in my head from the door St. Nicholas walked up, looking like a time from before. He was dressed all in fur colored red and white, Wearing a belt and big black boots, it was quite a sight. Santa looked a bit too warm for the weather In fact, it was downright hot, even in December! As everyone leaned out of their dorms on a whim Their smiles grew larger when they realized it was really him. He had a round face and a very large belly, That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly! He spoke not a word as everyone observed Giving each of the kids the gifts they deserved. Some students got money, others got games But the best present by far was how close the students became. And with that Santa left, leaving the students to ponder The meaning of the holidays, and the joy of wonder. Then I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight, “Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good-night!”


Four more years!

UH Hilo’s English Language Institute receives accreditation Britney Carey | Staff Writer Nainoa Kalaukoa | Graphic Artist Charlotte Schaupp | Graphic Artist


The University of Hawai‘i at Hilo’s English Language Institute has received a continued accreditation through 2016 from the Commission for English Language Program Accreditation (CEA). According to an Oct. 30 UH Hilo press release, the achievement was announced at the August 2012 meeting of the Commission. The ELI is one of 104 intensive English language programs from around the globe which have achieved this status, according to the press release. Although UH Hilo is fully accredited through the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, the ELI sought a separate accreditation of its own. The process, which began in 2008 and took three years to complete, included the submission of a self-study which was carried out by ELI faculty. Within the study, the program was required to demonstrate how it meets 43 CEA standards. A site visit was also completed, during which a team of reviewers observed ELI classes, and met with ELI faculty and students. This was followed by an initial one-year accreditation granted in 2011. Another self-study will be required for continued accreditation after 2016. Of the accreditation experience, ELI Director Pamala Collins said, “It was very helpful. It was very good for our students and good for our teachers.” The process allowed the ELI faculty to identify the program’s strengths and weaknesses. “It was a pat-on-the-back experience because we saw all the things that we do really, really well. It was humbling when you say, oh we could do better,” Collins explained. The accreditation, Collins expects, will appeal to international students and their parents, along with school counselors and other agents who assist students in choosing the right program. “We hope it will be to show people the quality of the program,” she

The College of Continuing Education and Community Service Interim Director FarrahMarie Gomes echoed that sentiment, saying, “The accreditation also allows the ELI to better support UH Hilo’s commitment to bringing a global community to our campus, and enables the program to more strongly support the strategic goal of effective marketing that attracts international students,” according to the press release. Part of UH Hilo’s CCECS, the ELI addresses the needs of any international student who has been admitted to the university. Students who are enrolled in the program must successfully complete a series of ESL classes before they can exit the ELI, at which point they may declare a new major within UH Hilo. The ELI receives students from all around the world, including Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and even Timor-Leste, a small sovereign state located in Southeast Asia, with whom the institute has an exchange program. European and Scandinavian students also enter the program, though less frequently than those from Asia and the Pacific. For more information on the ELI, including application information, course overviews, and placement test dates, call 808-933-8855 or visit

Get published, be heard

Hohonu, Kanilehua now accepting submissions for spring 2013 issues Joie Colobong | Staff Writer Some artists like to create captivating pictures and tell stories with paint. Others like to mold clay, carve stone, or weld steel into breathtaking sculptures. Still others prefer to capture the beauty of the world around them through a camera lens. And then there are artists who choose to tell stories with words. Whether fictional or non-fictional, literature has the potential to inform, argue, challenge the mind, and open the door to intellectual thought and conversation, just like paintings, sculptures, or photographs. Regardless of their preferred medium or style, one thing is certain: most – if not all – artists dream of having their work seen by others. It is one of the biggest goals and honors any artist – visual or literary – can hope to achieve. Artists spend a great deal of their time sharpening their skills, looking for opportunities, and hoping to land their well-deserved big break. However, while the opportunity to be published is nothing short of amazing, it can be hard to come by. Thanks to the power of student-run publication, however, UH Hilo and Hawaii Community College students don’t need to look too hard to find one. Hohonu, the academic journal of UH Hilo and Hawaii Community College, is now accepting submissions for the spring 2013 issue. According to their website, all students are invited to submit term papers, essays, and any non-fiction writings originally composed for a course. Only current UH Hilo and HCC students, as well as students

graduating this semester, are eligible to submit work to Hohonu. Up to three submissions per student will be accepted for consideration. Papers may be composed in either English or Hawaiian and may cover any subject. Electronic entries may be submitted as text files (.txt), Microsoft Word 97-2003 documents (.doc), Rich Text Format documents (.rtf), or Adobe PDF files (.pdf), with a file size no larger than 700kb each. Entries may be submitted either online at http:// or in person at Campus Center room 213. Entries must be submitted to Hohonu by Wednesday, Jan. 16, 2013. Hohonu published its first issue in the fall of 2003. Its name, which translates to “deep” or “profound” in English, reflects its aim of showcasing the highest quality academic works that UH Hilo and HCC students have to offer. Hohonu has historically featured many different types of non-fiction writings, including personal reaction papers, analyses, argumentative essays, reviews, and research papers. Meanwhile, Kanilehua, UH Hilo and HCC’s studentoperated creative writing and arts magazine, is also accepting entries for its spring 2013 publication. Students interested in receiving some exposure are invited to submit up to five creative works, including (but not limited to) fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, photography and visual art, for consideration. Literary works must be submitted as Microsoft Word documents in 12-pt. Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins all around; additional formatting is allowed for poetry. Visual works, including sculptures, may be submitted as high-quality JPEG photos. A full list of guidelines may be found at All entries must be submitted as e-mail attachments to Submissions to Kanilehua are due by Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013. Kanilehua is published every semester and is dedicated to showcasing the artistic talents of UH Hilo and HCC students.


Department of Education changes its name UH Hilo DOE now School of Education Britney Carey | Staff Writer Nainoa Kalaukoa | Graphic Artist In an Oct. 23 press release, it was announced that the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo’s Department of Education has become the School of Education. Of the name change, which went into effect in mid-September, Chancellor Don Straney said, “UH Hilo’s Education program was already a school in everything but name. This designation will raise its profile by acknowledging that status along with its significant role in educating future generations of teachers in the state of Hawaiʻi,” according to the press release. The change will not mean any increase in cost to the University or any other modifications. “We made a concerted effort to indicate we are not asking for additional resources, we aren’t asking for a change in the organizational chart. We’re still doing the same work. It’s just our name reflects the work,” Dr. Jan Zulich, chair of the School of Education, said. The change was part of the School’s strategic plan developed by the faculty “to guide our programmatic decisions and development,” Dr. Zulich said. The School, which is similar to UH Hilo’s School of Nursing, College of Pharmacy, and College of Business and Economics in that it provides professional preparation for its students, will remain a part of the Social Sciences Division of the College of Arts and Sciences. “The support for our name change spans the university and broader educational community,” Dr. Zulich explained. Strong supporters of the change included Dr. Randy Hirokawa, Dean of the CAS, Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Dr. Kenith Simmons, Dr. Linda Johnsrud, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs/Provost, and Chancellor Straney. Benefits of the change include a streamlining of advising and recruitment, and recognition for the School’s students. “The students benefit from being acknowledged for the rigor of the work they’ve done to graduate,” Dr. Zulich said. The change will also impact accreditation with the Teacher Education Accreditation Council and the Western Association of Schools

and Colleges by reflecting the School’s equal status with other comparable programs across America. The change will also clear up questions of identity. While called the Department of Education, the School was often confused with the Hawai‘i Department of Education, the statewide school district which oversees more than 280 schools. Currently, the School of Education operates three different programs, including the Teacher Education Program, Masters in Education, and the Academic Certificate in Education Studies, or ACES. The M.Ed. program has graduated 93 in-service teachers to date, with the 2012-2013 cohort adding another 17. The TEP, which is expected to graduate its last cohort, a class of 27 new teachers, in May 2013, will be replaced with the new Master of Arts in Teaching program beginning in Summer 2013. There are currently 95 undergraduate studies working towards the ACES certificate. The School of Education will be selling t-shirts which will reflect and promote its new moniker with proceeds to benefit current students and teachers in Hawai‘i schools. The School of Education will release information regarding ordering of the shirts when they become available.

De-stress before tests Aisha-Rae Kobayashi| Student Health & Wellness Programs (SHWP)

Take part in Global Aloha Day 12/12/12---When no stress is allowed! As the fall semester narrows to an end, you may find There are various easy ways you can participate in this worldwide yourself overwhelmed with last minute papers and studying for tests. movement committed to inspiring, recognizing, and celebrating the kindness and The following are a few tips to keep in mind to prevent you from gratitude of individuals who simply choose to share aloha—daily. becoming overwhelmed. -Share aloha by doing random acts of kindness Prioritize. As students we hear it often, but many of us tend -Share global aloha day with your `ohana (family) to put things off to the very end. If you are usually a procrastinator, -Utilize global aloha day & peace education as teaching tools---teach others it is best to start planning and preparing now. Write things down and about aloha have a priority list of things to do and then work to start checking -Organize/perform at a global aloha day events---be creative or simply partake them off. in events Fast fact: Pulling an “all-nighter” is actually a bad idea. -The Student Life Center will be participating in Global Aloha Day on 12/12/12 According to the Huffington Post, research has shown that memories from 6:30 a.m. to midnight. Free coffee, tea, and donuts will be served from 8 are stored while you sleep, so it is best to get some sleep to retain a.m.-12 p.m. in the SLC lobby. Please join UH Hilo’s SLC in this worldwide information. Also your brain doesn’t function as well when you’re event. sleep deprived so you do not want to take that test while you’re -Join SHWP – Counseling Services on Global Aloha Day, 12/12/12 10a.m.-2 exhausted. p.m., in Campus Center to express your ideas of aloha. We’ll be creating an Find balance. Creating the right balance between your Aloha Quilt to bring together everyone’s perspectives and share them with the school/work and social life is extremely important. The best stress UH Hilo community. Stop by our table and create your square for the quilt. Be a relievers as well as stress creators are in our immediate circle. part of our aloha spirit! Sometimes all you need is to call up that friend who always knows “Aloha is a way of life”, to be expressed with tenderness, harmony, pleasantness, how to put you in a better mood. It is okay to vent a little—just don’t modesty, and perseverance. So as 2012 comes to a close and 2013 arrives, it would be let it consume you. wonderful to make sure that we’re not only living aloha but also spreading it. Get moving. Improving circulation is very beneficial. According to the, physical movement or exercise is one of the most effective stress-relief techniques. During exercise your brain produces endorphins which are natural mood enhancers, so find an activity you enjoy and get moving. Any kind of physical activity is great. This can be walking, gardening, dancing, swimming, or an exercise class. Relax. Taking time for yourself is extremely important. Spend some time unwinding whether it is in peace and quiet or listening to your favorite music. Some people enjoy soaking in a nice bubble bath while others like to write things down and reflect. Whatever your preference, take a deep breath and remember all the wonderful things that empower you (research shows that reflection on the things you appreciate is most effective). To learn more about various events and ideas, please visit Please join us on Facebook:


The ALEX Conference Presentations

Students have the opportunity to present their findings during the Feb. 9 conference. Dennis Fukushima | Staff Writer


f you’re looking to boost a resume or curriculum vitae (CV), look no further. The Office of Applied Learning Experiences (ALEX) is holding UH Hilo’s first research conference presentation on Feb. 9, 2013 in the University Classroom Building. The conference is beneficial to students in a number of ways: First, conference presentations allow students to gain experience and confidence when presenting research. Second, it’s one of those things that make resumes and CVs attractive when applying for graduate school or jobs. The purpose for this program is to highlight student research at UH Hilo, as well as to encourage faculty use of student work in their courses. Presentations have various formats for students to use: posters, table top display, or use of a podium. These presentations will be judged and evaluated for awards. The ALEX office is looking for abstracts that students have personally researched. The research should be original and be completed under the direction of a faculty member, or during the completion of any course. While there are no restrictions of when the research was completed, it is expected that the student’s research was completed during summer prior to the fall 2012 semester. During the conference, presenters should be able to present their findings at any given time during the conference day. A student who wished to remain anonymous had this to say of the conference: “I think it’s a really great idea…I mean, I don’t know of many opportunities for students to share their research outside of the classroom. It’ll look really good when applying for graduate school and future careers. Really, if you have the opportunity to participate, do it.” Please note that the deadline to submit abstracts is Dec. 31, 2012. Faculty may submit abstracts for students, though consent is needed. Abstracts can be submitted to


Open for business

New College Campus Store opens its doors Joie Colobong | Staff Writer Yuta Momoki | Photographer

UH Hilo’s brand new College Campus Store opened its doors for the first time on Monday, Nov. 19. As its name suggests, the store, which is a replacement for the old bookstore located near the Old Gym, aims to be far more than a bookstore by serving as a convenient one-stop shop for all UH Hilo and HCC students’ needs, as well as an inviting spot for students to hang out between classes. Located in a newly-built addition to the ground floor of Campus Center, adjacent to the dining room, the College Campus Store is the end result of over three years of planning and development. The new store was a true community project in that it was developed with input from students, faculty, staff and community members. A focus group conducted in 2009 allowed UH Hilo community members to have their say in what they wanted the store to be. In the end, several of their ideas made their way into the store’s design. Construction for the store cost approximately $4 million and spanned 18 months, beginning in April 2011 and lasting until October of this year. According to a UH Hilo press release sent out on Monday, July 9, 2012, funding for the 8,500 square-foot store’s construction was sourced entirely from “University of Hawaiʻi Revenue Bonds with debt service supported by bookstore revenues.” No State General or Capital Improvement Plan funds were utilized in the store’s construction. Compared to the old bookstore, which primarily concentrated on buying and selling textbooks, the College Campus Store offers a wider variety of items. The store features dedicated areas for textbooks, course materials, computers, computer software and accessories, electronics, and Vulcan logo apparel and merchandise. One area of the store is reserved specifically for items developed and marketed by UH Hilo business students, along with items designed by business students from other UH campuses. The store features a much more modern and upscale interior design than its predecessor. Aesthetic touches such as concrete stained floors, reconfigurable floor-to-ceiling displays and accent lighting lend the store a stylish, contemporary atmosphere. In addition, the College Campus Store is furnished with a handful of amenities that the old bookstore never had. One of the most notable additions is a lounge section with couches and chairs for students to work, study, and socialize. Also available are several new desktop computers with free Internet access for students to use.

The store’s location in the Campus Center building is more convenient than that of the old bookstore. As the Campus Center is already home to many other student services, the new store’s presence there allows students to find more of what they need in one general area, consequently saving students time and energy by not having to traverse between buildings in order to get ready for a new semester. For an added touch of convenience, the store is accessible from inside the Campus Center dining hall. The College Campus Store is ready to serve you from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Monday through Friday (excluding holidays).

Free Application for Financial Aid 2013-2014 To be considered for financial aid for the 2013-2014 academic year, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The website will become available on January 1, 2013. The address is www. On the FAFSA, you should list the University of Hawaii at Hilo (UH Hilo), code number 001611, as one of the schools to receive your information. You are strongly encouraged to complete the FAFSA via the Internet. UH Hilo will receive your data electronically and we will then be able to calculate your financial aid award. The priority filing date (submitted to the federal processor) is March 1, 2013. Remember, grant funds are limited and expended quickly. File on time to ensure full consideration. Also, you must be accepted for admission to the university before a financial aid award can be issued. For questions, please do not hesitate to contact the University of Hawaii at Hilo’s Financial Aid Office at (808) 974-7323 or


Law, Order and Basketball Men’s basketball Coach Jeff Law is ready for a successful season

Last year’s team got

Keane Carlin | Sports Editor

down on themselves,

Pre-season games have started for the UH Hilo men’s basketball team. They

this year’s

have already played the mighty University of


Pittsburgh Panthers (Division 1). They have


also hosted a pre-season tournament right

made up of

here on campus. Although their record is

many of the

1-4, veteran Head Coach Jeff Law thinks that

same faces

the team has shown what it takes to have a

is different,

successful season.

“(the) team is different

“We show spots; we show spots of being skilled, we show spots of being able

in the sense

to execute. We haven’t really been able to

of their grit.

put it together for 40 minutes and that’s the

I think this

frustrating part, but that’s where a coach has to work at it and the players

team is different in their attitude and I hope that everyone sees that.” Upon

have to work at it,” said Law after a 67-61 loss to Montana State Billings that

comparing the 2011-2012 squad to this year’s squad, Law also said, “We have

wrapped up the mini-tourney at the UH Hilo gym. Law went on to say that,

talent and the biggest thing is going to be chemistry and putting it together. I

“If we were right where we wanted to be now, I would be scared. I’m kind of

think this team is better all around and there is more potential to get it done.”

scared because of where we are at, but we’re no where we can be. I think we

“I think we’re a well-rounded team. Defensively we have our kinks

have a lot

offensively we have some kinks too. My job is to try and hammer

of pieces

those things out and make everything as smooth as possible. We

to the

need to do that and we need to do that as soon as possible. But

puzzle and

the guys, even though they’re frustrated, they’re still willing and

right now

that’s a really good sign,” Law said firmly. It wasn’t hard to see

it’s just a

that Law feels an obligation to the fans and to the game. He went

matter of

on to make a call to the student-body of UH Hilo and HCC, “I

finding the

know that it isn’t hard for the students to find the gym, but it’s

right pieces

hard for them to get through the doors when it cost two bucks

to be on the

or whatever. With the new bleachers and everything it’s been a

floor at the

different type of atmosphere. Our job is to win and to make it

right time

exciting. If we don’t win, (we should) at least make it as exciting as possible and something that somebody would want to come to

in order to reach our potential.” To really figure out the puzzle, Law must know what the team needs

and spend a couple bucks on.” Remaining schedule for home games:

to work on, the team, like an individual has an identity. Law thinks that he has his team figured out: “A couple weeks ago I thought our guards were our


Urbana University (Ohio)

7:30 p.m.

strength. The last two games our inside game has picked it up. We need to


Saint Edward’s University

3 p.m.

make some shots, right now we aren’t making free-throws and we are turning


Champion Baptist College

7:30 p.m.

the ball over and that’s kind of on the guards, so we need to improve on that.”


Notre Dame de Namur University

7:30 p.m.


Dominican University of California

7:30 p.m.

(turnovers and missed free-throws), are mistakes that have cost them


Holy Names University (Calif.)

7:30 p.m.

victories. Those mistakes are brought upon by a team that is beating


Brigham Young University - Hawaii

7:30 p.m.


California Baptist University

7:30 p.m.


Point Loma Nazarene University

2:30 p.m.


Hawaii Pacific University

4:30 p.m.


Azusa Pacific University (Calif.)

7:30 p.m.


Chaminade University

7:30 p.m.

Law stressed that the mistakes they have been making the most

themselves. Mistakes such as these are common at the beginning of the season and Law concluded, “Its only November, were still trying to figure ourselves out. We haven’t been able to do it with too many victories, but we have been really close where we just let some real fundamental things get by us or we would have won a bunch more games.” “For me, we were frustrated last year, because of the way we played and how we played. We lost a lot of close games,” said Law with finality.


UH Hilo Jazz Orches Rhythm and Blues Re A preview on the concert “Rhythm and Blues Revue” by the UH Hilo Jazz Orchestra Elizabeth Johnson | Staff Writer Photos Courtesy of Elizabeth Johnson “What is hip?” “Something.” “Think!” “Come on and let me see you shake your tail feather!” These, along with some other lively lyrics, are a taste of the sounds and songs of music you can expect to hear at the UH Hilo Jazz Orchestra concert. The concert is set up of two acts divided by an intermission. The first half act will consist of songs featuring a variety of artists and jazzy, pop, rock, punk styles. The second half act following intermission will consist of songs featuring “The Blues Brothers.” The concert will be on Thursday Dec. 6 at 7:30p.m. at the UH Hilo Performing

Arts Center and general admission is $7 and student admission is only $5. Performing in the concert is the UH Hilo Jazz Orchestra. It is a class that UH Hilo students are welcome to join and receive credit for if they know how to play a musical instrument and wish to participate in playing music with other fellow student instrumentalists. The Jazz Orchestra is led by conductor Trever Veillux who has been teaching and directing the class for four years. Said Veillux about directing, “There’s so much I love about directing this class. The musicians are great people and they’re great musicians. Being able to collaborate with them is a lot of fun.” In talking more about the class and what it offers, he said, “For a lot of the songs I write my own arrangements. I pick the concert songs with at least input from the group and that makes it a lot of fun. You don’t get a lot of opportunity to play the kind of music that we play because most school bands mostly focus on jazz or school band music. So to be able to play these types of music is a treat for us and to just really play from our own repertoire.” For the first half of the concert, a wide selection of songs will be performed by composers such as The Beatles, Duke Ellington, Aretha Franklin, Luiz Bonfa, and others. There will be an intermission and following that will be the second half of the concert featuring an entire tribute of songs by The Blues Brothers. When asked why the second half of the concert was focusing on The Blues Brothers, Veillux stated, “We are doing a Blues Brothers theme. Usually we have a variety of things so this is the first time we are doing a theme. My friend, the choreographer Dori Yamada--after seeing our last show--presented me with the idea of her choreographing some Blues Brothers songs with the band and we sort of ran with it. So now the whole second half is going to be a tribute to the Blues Brothers.” At the beginning of the class this semester, Veillux had the students watch “The Blues Brothers” film in order to help inspire, appreciate, and learn more about the music they would perform. “The Blues Brothers” was a United States group formed in 1978 by comedians John Belushi and Dan Aykrody. They became a duo of soul-styled, sound producing music composers and took on the names of Jake Blues (Belushi) and Elwood Blues (Aykroyd). They traveled and held live performances along with the assistance of fellow musicians Steve Cropper (a guitar player), Donald Dunn (bass player), and Tom Scott (a saxophone player). Some students of the Jazz Orchestra commented on their experience in the class and shared their hopes and expectations. A pianist in the class, Richard Gomez, has been playing in the orchestra led by Veillux for three

“... a lot of the focus on a good show tha ing and is high qua Veillux


tra vue semesters. Commenting on his experience in the class, he said, “I’ve found that I’ve really improved in my ability just to get along with other people. It’s good to know that you can get out there in a free world to interact with normal people and good musicians.” Of his hopes and expectations for the concert, Gomez joked, “I hope that some bright-eyed, dashing girl hears my piano playing and falls in love!” In a more serious manner, Gomez added, “I hope we help make public what’s beyond the scope of jawaiian, reggae music. There is more quality and accomplished musicians who can spark interest in a variety of music.” Student Chanell Crawford, a trumpet player, said “There are a lot of musical people here and I am taking this class for two more years for credit as well as to get used to playing with everyone.” For the concert, Crawford said “I expect the performance to be awesome and for the audience to have a good time!” Another fellow trumpeter and graduating student Lauren Bauers has also been playing in the orchestra under the direction of Veillux for three years. She admitted that while she is happy to be graduating, she is sad that she will no longer be playing with the orchestra. “I wanna keep playing music and have music in my life with cool people! I have learned that a group can have a lot of fun and still be dedicated to the music. I definitely recommend this class to music lovers and participants.” Said Bauers on her expectations of the performance, “I expect everyone to have a good time--for everyone to get excited about our music and to wanna get up out of their seats and dance and have fun!” In addition to these students, Veillux shared comments on his expectations for the audience and the class. “Our audience has grown since we’ve been performing and since we’ve been doing this. We get a lot of good responses and this show is going to be special because

s is on putting at is entertainality.” - Trevor

we’re adding the element of dancers; and we’re adding theatric to it because we got some costumes in addition to the great musicians. I hope everyone in the band has a good time. I hope that everyone in the audience has a good time. So a lot of the focus is on putting on a good show that is entertaining and is high quality. For the musicians in the band, I hope that they all grow as musicians and performers. So far this always happens because everyone takes it seriously and puts a lot of work into it and everyone improves over the semester and we have a good time.” So if you’re looking for “what is hip” or “something” to do at 7:30p.m. on Thursday Dec. 6, then “think!” “Come on and shake your tail feather” at the UH Hilo Performing Arts Center for a fun, rock, funk, pop, jazzy night of music, dance, and entertainment!

Graphic by Charlotte Schaupp

Wishing you a lovely winter break from the Ke Kalahea Staff.

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