Summer 2015

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The Bruin Summer, 2015 | Kellogg Community College |

Upcoming music festivals

w w w . i ss u u . c o m / kcc b r u i n

The lives of KCC’s faculty and staff

When one isn’t preoccupied with their summer courses or summer careers, one’s typical leisure time can begin to feel dull after the first few weeks of summer beginning. One way to break the mold of beach visits, zoo tours, and camping with your relatives would be to attend a local music festival. - Pg 3

Kellogg Community College faculty and staff do a lot more than teach and assist the students of KCC Monday through Friday. Just like the students, they have their own hobbies and interests that they pursue off campus. - Pg 5

Sprouting a connection in the community HEIDI GARTLEY staff writer

If KCC students walk out of the doors at the back of the Ohm Center and towards the hill that’s located behind the library, they will find the YESKCC Community Garden. The garden began as a single thought and has transformed into a place that helps enhance classroom lessons, service learning opportunities, and the community connection. In September 2013, a Kellogg student by the name of Joseph Marah was given the opportunity to travel to Istanbul, Turkey to attend the 10-year anniversary of the Kennedy Lugur Youth Exchange Study (KLYES), along with about 100 other alumnus from various countries that are Youth Exchange Study participants. “The KLYES program was established by Congress in October 2002 in response to the events of September 11, 2001,” Marah explains, “It provides scholarships for high school students from countries with significant Muslim populations to spend up to one academic year in the U.S.” The objective is for these students to learn about the American society, acquire leadership

Joseph Marah and Heather Bernard harvest carrots from last year’s garden.

skills, and educate Americans about their own countries and cultures. During the KLYES event, Marah and three other individuals were placed


on the Environmental Team. They had to come up with an idea/invention that could improve the quality of their communities’ environments. Their

result was “Enviro-fountain,” a solar powered fountain that would reduce the production of plastic water bottles. Marah’s team was competing with several other teams for the outstanding prize: $3,000 for each team member to use towards their home community. Fortunately, Marah and his teammates were one of the winners. Once back on the Kellogg campus, this young man was having a hard time deciding how he would use the grant money. It wasn’t long until he was introduced to Kate DeGraaf, Service Learning Manager, and Mark Olmstead, Manager of Institutional Facilities and Environmental Health and Safety, both of whom mentioned the idea of a community garden here at KCC. “I knew nothing about gardening,” admitted Marah. Despite his lack of a green thumb, though, he agreed that creating a garden on the college grounds would be a good way to spend the grant money from the Youth Exchange Study, which is why it is referred to as the “YESKCC Community Garden.” Because both institutions contributed to it’s construction,

- Cont. on pg 2

From Ferguson to Baltimore: is rioting justified? BRIAN MILLER guest writer

In his book, “Ethics,” Dietrich Bonhoeffer states, “The task is not to turn the world upside down but in a given place to do what, from the perspective of reality, is necessary objectively and to really carry it out.” Given the events that transpired in Ferguson, MO last year, and the riots currently happening in Baltimore, MD, the question must be asked: Is rioting justified? And if so, to what extent? With regards to the violence that erupted in Ferguson, MO last year, Darlene Cunha stated in her November 25, 2014 article on Time’s website that “riots are a necessary part of the evolution of society.” She continued by writing, “Unfortunately, we do not live in a universal utopia where people have the basic human rights they deserve simply for existing, and until

we get there, the legitimate frustration, sorrow and pain of the marginalized voices will boil over, spilling out into our streets.” Cunha later goes on to admit she feels that she is a racist, simply because of the fact that she is white, and that until she is able to “walk in a person of color’s skin” she will never understand the plight of, nor the source of, African American hostility. Turning the page to the violence erupting in Baltimore, MD, it appears to be an exact reproduction of the pressures that boiled over in Ferguson. The sources of the anger, and the rallying cry of those turning to violence in the streets are directed toward an act of perceived aggression on the part of the police department. In effect, the rioters and looters are justifying their actions as a call for justice for yet another black man who lost his life at the hands of a police department that

may have utilized unnecessary force. Regarding Baltimore, Robby Soave has this to say in his column, dated April 27, 2015, in Reason, a monthly magazine: “Looting and rioting do not inspire support for police reform. Rather, such violence provides law enforcement and its supporters the exact justification they need to escalate their efforts.” By insisting that “violence is violence, and it’s wrong,” Mr. Soave is denying the justification for violent protest in any situation, much less one that has been ignited along racial lines. Bonhoeffer’s position would be far less clear, but at the same time would justify both sides of the debate. In the end, it comes down to the individual perspective of those involved versus those watching from the sideline as to which end of the spectrum the justification is drawn. When asked if she supports the

violence in Baltimore, KCC student, Brittney Dowdy, replied, “Violence isn’t solving any issues, and in fact, it’s hurting our own kind. The people rioting are doing it in their own community and destroying their own property.” “Society,” Dowdy goes on to say, “views African Americans as a group that wants to fight. But look at Martin Luther King, he brought about change but never supported using violence to do it.” She considers the violence in Baltimore and Ferguson an “instant reaction” instead of “fostering change through peaceful demonstrations.” In the end, society will be the ultimate justifier of any action. Regardless of the path that leads to change, the change is all that society will reflect. Contact Brian Miller @


Campus News

Opportunities in political science at KCC ERIC MCCLURE guest writer

KCC students who are fans of the hit television series “The Walking Dead” might want to consider enrolling in Political Science (POSC) 202: State and Local Systems of Government the next time they are picking out their classes for the semester. Why POSC 202? This course includes a devastation exercise that puts students in a post-apocalyptic scenario and gives them the tasks of surviving as a group, as well as rebuilding society and government. KCC offers a variety of political science classes with topics ranging from the federal level of government and U.S. Constitution (POSC 201), comparative politics (POSC 210) and international relations (POSC 211). POSC 202, which focuses on the local and state levels of government, hasn’t been offered in a few years, and its comeback has allowed for KCC Political Science Professor Jon Williams to try something new. “I thought that the devastation exercise would be fun. Government can be fairly dry, especially for those not interested in government. But I believe that students are interested in self-preservation and how they would act without their government in place,” Williams explained. With this in mind, Williams, with the aid of students, began to structure the POSC 202 class that would run for

the 2015 spring semester. The goal was to make the class adaptive, but still incorporate the three major segments: state government, local government, and a scenario where government is absent. “Students would develop an understanding of state and local government, including the interactions between people and government,” Williams said. “The devastation exercise gets to the heart of the issue, which is the balance between the needs of individuals and the needs of the collective.” The devastation exercise began by assigning students to teams. Each team was assigned a certain skill or trade that they would research, in order to become knowledgeable on the topic, and then report on that information back to the group as a whole. “The devastation exercise intrigued me because I was curious as to how I could impact the class and help others through the exercise. That’s the social worker in me,” KCC student Paula Lautzenheiser, said. “I was on the agricultural team, so we focused on Michigan’s domestic plants, how to purify water for drinking, and the amount of food each person would need each day to survive.” KCC student Drew Larson was on the team charged with electricity and communications. “Our team did research to determine what modern resources could be utilized to provide electricity and communication in

Sprouting a connection in the community - cont. from pg 1 Marah believed they both deserved to be included in the name. By the summer of 2014, the boxes were installed and the planting of vegetables could begin. The community gave a lot of support throughout the project, as did Sprout Urban Farms, a non-profit organization that helps produce fresh food for the citizens of Battle Creek. The support and hard work paid off, because the YES-KCC Community Garden has benefited the college and the community in several ways. “We harvest the vegetables and give them away to families,” says Marah. It also helps with students’ service learning requirement. Thanks to the garden, they now have the chance to earn their hours on-campus. In addition it provides a place for students and faculty to “get fresh air and have a learning lab,” adds DeGraaf. For instance, Jennifer Smith, a KCC chemistry professor, has taken her students to complete soil testing in the garden. Her students, as well as Kevin Barnes’ RMTC students, also helped with building the new 14 x 24 greenhouse beside the garden. Marah states, “Anybody in the community who’s there for good intentions” is welcome to help out with the garden and enjoy its presence. Kids are also encouraged to join, as long as a guardian accompanies them. Heather Bernard, a student worker in the Service Learning Department, says, “There are going to be tons of garden days over the summer.” Also

a devastation situation,” Larson explained. “The best part about the devastation exercise was the open discussions we had. Everybody put in their opinions as to how we should do things and how government works as well.” Once the teams had compiled their research and shared their knowledge with the group, the discussion transitioned from surviving, to how to re-establish a form of government. “One of the main goals of the exercise was to increase the individual’s understanding of what they perceive to be the proper role of government and where government should step in and regulate,” Williams said. One of the reoccurring themes through many of the discussions by the group was how to balance one’s self-interest with what is best for the group as a whole. “I was surprised that we have trouble agreeing on things. We need to get past ourselves and put away self-interests for group interests. It takes a higher level of thinking to emphasize with others,” Lautzenheiser said. The reason for including a devastation exercise in POSC 202 is to empower students. “The knowledge of how to be a better citizen, to know what you want out of government, to wield the power to vote, and to understand the value of community. Those are all things I hope that students take away from this experience,” Williams said.

The debate over the Kellogg Room AUBREY SHORE

taking place every Wednesday this summer from 11:30am-1:30pm will be the opportunity for students, alumni, faculty, and community members to have lunch in the garden. Bernard suggests, “Bring a chair or blanket to sit on.” During this time, they will be watering and weeding the plants. Individuals do not have to stay during the entire two hours. When Marah was asked about his future goals for the garden, he replied, “Ensuring that the community is involved in it.” DeGraaf expressed that if anyone has an idea for the garden, such as an art project or compost project, they should contact her, “As long as they come to myself, we’re totally flexible with their contributions.” The next upcoming garden event is Planting Day from 1-4pm on May 7. It’s open to everyone in the community, and volunteers are not required to stay for the entire timeframe. Any help they can get is appreciated. Just like Marah, you do not have to be a master gardener to participate. “We’re all learning together,” says DeGraaf. For any questions or comments regarding the YES-KCC Community Garden, please contact Kate DeGraaf: (269) 965-3931 Ext. 2211 Contact Heidi Gatley @

The feedback from students currently taking POSC 202 is another source of information you can turn to when deciding if it’s the class for you. “I would definitely recommend POSC 202. It’s a fun class that allows you to gain knowledge about political science and at the same time allows for you to be hands-on through the devastation exercise,” Larson said. The importance of not just POSC 202, but also the central ideas learned in all of the political science classes, is something that is valuable to all types of people, not just future politicians. “Every individual is impacted by their government. Understanding how government works and what your role is in democracy empowers you, your choices, and your freedom,” Williams said, “An individual without empowerment and knowledge is an individual who’s ripe for oppression. These things are essential to being a well-informed citizen in society.” If students are interested in enrolling in POSC 202, an online course will be offered this upcoming 2015 fall semester. Registration for the 2015 fall semester begins on June 1. For more information on the political science courses offered at KCC or political science in general, visit: academic-programs/social-scienceeducation/political-science/ Contact Eric McClure @

guest writer

Upon seeing the Kellogg Room being closed for an orientation once again, I was wondering what other students thought about this particular event and how they believed the problem could be solved. After asking a few people, there appeared to be mixed answers; some students cared and some did not. After receiving some insight on the issue from Robert Youngs, Jr., a former KCC student, we have insight on how things were when the Kellogg Room was first opened to students. “I always wanted a quiet place to eat lunch and the Kellogg Room is naturally suited for that.” “Being an older student a couple years ago, it was difficult to find a place to both eat lunch and catch up on notes, homework, or other things,” he continued. Current students here at KCC have an opinion regarding the room as well. Jordyn Needham shares the same point of view as most students I have interacted with. She states, “It’s always nice to have a quiet place to eat lunch and study, or for me, personally, draw and illustrate. Sometimes it’s super distracting and way too busy in the student center to get things done and you can’t eat in the library so it’s a perfect medium. I think that the lobby in the Binda Theatre is better suited for events and it’s a much larger area anyways.”

T.J. Allen’s statement is almost identical to Needham’s, along with the majority of students you may hear groaning if you take a stroll past the Kellogg Room when it is shut down for the student body. T.J. offers his opinion, “The student center is way too loud for sitting and studying, and the lack of seating is also frustrating. The library is quiet, but they limit what you can take in there. The only other logical place to eat is the Kellogg Room. But if there’s an event in there, there’s nowhere to go.” The availability of the Kellogg Room, however, has no effect on some students. A current student, Curtis Arnold, has no problem with the room being taken because he is one student that does not utilize the room between classes. He brings his opinion forward by sharing, “We should be able to eat lunch [wherever] we want, to be honest. I don’t ever venture into the Kellogg Room, but when my friends are in there eating lunch, I feel like it does not affect me so much as it would them, or the other numerous people that sit and eat lunch in there. It should be used for both. If there is a meeting, put it in the Kellogg Room; people will understand if there is a meeting, they will just need to relocate.” Contact Aubrey Shore @

Campus News


A new bookstore filled with knowledge JESSIE SCHNEIDER editor

Having been a geriatrics physician for thirty-two years at the Veteran Affairs Medical Center, Jim Donahue now finds himself with a whole new occupation as a downtown owner of Battle Creek Books. Donahue first got the idea to open this kind of business in Battle Creek after looking at the literacy rate for Battle Creek. According to Michigan Literacy Plan, there is a ratio of thirteen books per child in middleincome neighborhoods, but there is only about one age-appropriate book for every 300 children in low-income neighborhoods. Donahue has a goal to help change this by taking his love for books, which started when he was a child visiting the bookstores in Brooklyn, New York, to a new level. After grabbing the nearest book off a shelf in his store and enthusiastically pointing out the detail of pictures and amount of text, he stated, “There’s no way an ebook could do that.” Like many book lovers can affirm, there isn’t anything as satisfying as holding a book in your hands, filled a countless amount of information. Even the smell of an old book as you flip through the pages is something to be desired. Donahue, in particular, supports

history books, and was quick to point out, “You don’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been.” Donahue chose downtown Battle Creek for more than just the hope of helping uncover the wonder of books. “Battle Creek is very underappreciated and has a certain toughness.” He continued on to recount our town’s rich history, especially for women, including the achievements of Sojourner Truth and lesser known, but just as monumental, women like Ellen White and Mary Stallings Coleman, who was the first women elected to the Michigan Supreme Court. This

history is important to Donahue because of his four daughters that strive every day to achieve success in the world. But he hopes that Battle Creek Books can expose the younger generation to information that is more reliable than random facts on the internet. Published books are a great place to find dependable information to cite for a school papers or just general knowledge. It is much harder for someone to randomly spew out untrustworthy “facts” in books than it is for them to do so on the internet. Battle Creek Books carries over six thousand books, new and used, covering all sorts of topics. There are also snacks,

CDs, greeting cards, magazines, and various gift items. One of their main goals is to encourage environmental awareness by supporting local Michigan companies through buying local. In fact, they already have a good collection of Michigan products, from goat’s milk soap to bags made by a local Michigander. Donahue has high hopes of involving the community more with events such as book signings and getting in more inventory like board games and puzzles. Battle Creek Books is even a pet-friendly shop! Contact Jessie Schneider at


Jim Donahue shows off his collection at Battle Creek Books.

Break the bore: upcoming music festivals LANE COLLINS & OLIVIA DAMON staff writer


guest writer

When one isn’t preoccupied with their summer courses or summer careers, one’s typical leisure time can begin to feel dull after the first few weeks of summer beginning. One way to break the mold of beach visits, zoo tours, and camping with your relatives would be to attend a local music festival. Music festivals attract over thousands of people from different areas around the world, no matter what genre, location, and date. Festivals are an entertaining and memorable way to entangle diverse relationships with people you would normally not acquaint yourself with on a day-today basis and to force one out of their comfort zone. Below are some major festivals located here in Michigan this summer. Common Ground: If you’re looking for a huge variety of genres to experience, check out Common Ground Music Festival, at Adado Riverfront Park in the capital of Lansing, Michigan. This is a nighttime festival for six days from July 7-12, 2015. The festival is filled with Grammy Award Winners, Rock & Roll Hall of Fame members, and top-level, national, and regional music performers of many genres. Last year’s lineup was hard to beat, including Brand New, The Orwells, Violent Femmes, Big Sean, and Fitz & the Tantrums. This year’s lineup lived up to the hype of this expanding music festival which will include more pop and

country appearances from artists like Meghan Trainor, The Band Perry, and Empire of the Sun. The festival is non-camping, so there is a Common Ground rate available at the Radisson, which is walking distance from the site. It’s also one of the most affordable out of all of the festivals. The festival is only $3040 for any day or $100 for all six days. Faster Horses: This festival is more genre specific for the country music lovers. If you want to truly enjoy your summer, attend Faster Horses Music Festival in Brooklyn, Michigan from July 17-19, 2015. The lineup this year includes acts such as Brad Paisley, Carrie Underwood, and Battle Creek native Frankie Ballard. Faster Horses has a camping site, but also has parking for only $10 a day. The festival tickets are a little pricier, ranging from $185 to VIP tickets for $785. MoPop: MoPop, an alternative music festival in the heart of Detroit, will reside at the West Riverfront Park on July 25-26 and will have big names such as Modest Mouse, Passion Pit, and Brandon Flowers from the Killers taking the stage, followed by artists such as Chromeo, the Front Bottoms, and Iron & Wine with Ben Bridwell, the lead singer of Band of Horses. MoPop will have more to offer than just catchy tunes and sweaty smiles during the upcoming two July days; the MoPop festival will also have a riverside beer garden, serving Michiganmade beer and other microbrews, along with a food truck alley with some of the Detroit area’s greatest,

award-winning food trucks. There will also be a craft bazaar and a mo tech station, both emphasizing the intellectual, technological, and creative abilities Michigan residents are bringing to the community. General admission tickets for MoPop are $99.50 for both days. Additionally, there are V.I.P. tickets available for $199. The V.I.P. tickets ensure several extra comfortability throughout the two-day event, such as access to the VIP Lounge, shaded seating, VIP restroom access, and nohassle parking. Electric Forest: Electric Forest, tucked away in a rural area near Rothbury, Michigan, is a large-scale electronic music festival that lasts four days, June 25-June 28. It will have headliners such as Flume, Mr. Carmack, Carl Cox, and several other performers this year. There will be six performance stages during the event, along with many activities for attendees to experience such as crafts, arts, dancers, trampolines, and a wide variety of people to acquaint themselves with, there will even be a waterpark,

This summer there are many music festivals to choose from.

supported by the Double JJ Resort. Last year at Electric Forest, the total number of attendees of the festival ran up to more than 32,000 people, followed by, according to MLive, seventy complaints by the state police. Additionally, last year at Electric Forest, there was one accounted death during the festival. If interested, individuals are advised to buy their tickes quickly, because the festival sold out a month before it began last year. Tickets for the Electric Forest festival range from $279 dollars to $1,187.50 for the most lavish accommodations for the event. For more information on Common Ground, visit http://www. For more information on Faster Horses, visit For more information on MoPop, visit For more information on Electric Forest, visit http://www.electricforestfestival. com/. Contact Lane Collins @ Contact Olivia Damon @




Surviving finals: balancing school and your personal life ELLERIE DEMOSS guest writer

The end of a school semester can be satisfying for college students, but there is something that comes before that relief: finals. Classes differ between final projects, exams, and papers, leaving a student with quite a bit to study for, to do, and to prepare for. Despite the stress that comes at this point in the semester, there are ways for students to manage their time, focus, and strengthen their study habits.

Students may be juggling times of when they are going to be social, sleep, and study for finals. A KCC student, Rebekah Hainline, stated, “I go to school, go to dance, and go to work. I have to figure out when I will see my friends, and if I will get enough sleep to function the next day.” It can certainly be overwhelming when a student is trying to manage their personal life with their college education. Often times when there are a lot of things to do, making a list is a good way to stay

organized. According to Chegg, an online resource for college students, and their article, Survival Guide: Top 13 Tips for Finals Success, they did just that. On the list, number four states “Divide and conquer. No one eats an elephant in one bite. So, divide up the material to be studied into manageable chunks, and spread out the units over the number of days you have for studying. Not only will you be more likely to cover all the relevant material if you have a reasonable plan, you’ll build up your speed –

and confidence – as you work your way through the material in a graduated fashion.” Royal Purple News, website, also created a guide on how to survive finals week. Number five stated, “Make a list. The number of projects, papers and tests you have to prepare for can feel overwhelming. Make yourself a list of everything you need to get done, and tackle each task one by one. When you’ve finished something, check it off the list and give yourself a short break or reward before

moving on to the next thing. Seeing your progress will make everything seem more attainable.” Conquering finals week can be achieved by any college student who sets their mind. These are just a few key ways to get through it, but there are multiple sources that give students helpful advice on how to do so. As tough or stressful as the finals may be, a student can look forward to the light at the end of the tunnel. Contact Ellerie DeMoss @


Transitioning into college classrooms STEPHANY HATTON guest writer

When students begin college there are a few differences that they have to get used to. Is swearing appropriate in the classroom? When starting a new class, how should students address their professors? There will be a point in every student’s college career when he or she hears a teacher or student swear in class. It is weird to hear a teacher swear the first time because that is not something most students expect. In high school it is unacceptable to use profanity in the school. Emmalee Owens, a KCC student, said, “I don’t think swearing is professional, really. But sometimes they slip or something, and it’s okay.” It is not just the teachers that swear in the classroom; it is also the students. Students slip just as much as teachers do but some, such as Kerah Hatton, a fellow KCC student, says, “It is not appropriate to swear in public or at the ones who are trying to help you get a better education.” Eric Greene, the Director of public information and Marketing at KCC, says this about swearing, “There’s a time and place for all language and if it’s in an appropriate setting and it’s done on a limited basis.” In addition to possibly hearing profanity in college, students may also have experiences in which they are not sure how to address their professors. Some professors will tell you on the first day of class what to call them. It’s the ones that just leave it open for interpretation that students have a hard time addressing. Do you call them professor, Doctor, Mr., Mrs.? Owens commented, “I don’t feel comfortable going by first names so I usually call them Mr. or Mrs.”

There are students that are uncomfortable with calling their teachers by their first names. If a student has recently graduated from high school or is dual-enrolled, they are used to having to call all teachers Dr., Mr., or Mrs. It is a big challenge to give up that habit. Although most professors will not completely object to being called Mr. or Mrs., some would rather be called “Professor” or even by their first name. Inside Higher Ed, an online journal focused on higher education, reports that “’Professor’ is a safe, happy medium that you can generally rely upon, until or unless individuals indicate that they would rather prefer to be addressed in a different way.” Instructors will tell students at the beginning of the semester what’s the acceptable way to address them or allow that decision to be made by the students. Eric Greene states, “I don’t specify exactly what I want people to call me, because I want them to be comfortable calling me whatever they want to call me. I let them know it’s okay to call me Eric, it’s okay to call me Mr. Greene, that’s really up to the students-whatever they’re comfortable with.” Kerah Hatton, when explaining her experience with addressing a professor, said, “Mrs. Perkins specifically said she wanted to be called Mrs. Perkins.” If a student is really concerned about how to address a teacher, he or she can listen to how others address the teacher or even ask the teacher what they would like to be called. KCC students should not worry about offending professors when asking them. They would rather students ask. Contact Stephany Hatton @

Stereotypes: do they stop after high school? JENNY MAIRS guest writer

High school was a world full of labels and titles, or the dreaded word, stereotypes. A student could be described as a geek, a cheerleader, a jock, a goth, the popular kid, the quiet kid, and the list goes on and on. Many high school students look forward to college, to finally be free of who they were during those four years, but do the stereotypes really stop once college begins? “There are more examples of stereotyping in community college,” Jordyn Needham said. “You still see quite a few people you knew in high school, who probably tell people how you acted in high school. People stereotype what you wear, or how you act, anything that anyone can observe about you.” Students change after high school; college is a place for them to grow and expand their interests. College is really a place for students to discover who they are, and what they want to do with their lives. Yet, it seems like students are still assigning labels to their peers. “When you walk into the student center, you see all of the cliques,” said Aubrey Shore. “The gamers hang out with the gamers, the athletes with the athletes, and the theater kids with the theater kids. It’s just like high school, only a lot more different and new people to interact with.” There’s a common belief that some schools, high school and college alike, give athletes an easier time because they have physical skills, but not necessarily academic ones. Another stereotype about college students is that they like to party and socialize, and that college students

would rather have fun than study. It may be heard that the students don’t care about their future, yet this is an unfair statement. Stereotypes aren’t just about the myths, they’re also about the labels. There’s the ‘Artsy Fartsy’ student. These students are usually seen next to the art room, discussing topics like books and independent films. They often prefer books and movies no one has ever heard of and shun books on the New York Times bestseller list and successful movies everyone else enjoys. The Theatre kids love to sing and dance wherever they go. They’re usually fans of anything Disney. Theater kids like drama, they’ll often appear in (or try out for) every single play that there is. They love to perform and they love the arts. 4.0 Students: students who slave over piles of homework every night to ensure their names will be on The Dean’s List. They’re often seen hanging in the library and studying, studying, studying to get that 4.0. GPA. They may think to themselves: I got a 3.9--I am going to drop out! Stereotypes can be viewed as a way for students to label others as a way for them to feel better about themselves. Some stereotypes are harmful, while others are easily ignorable. Stereotyping can be compared to the phrase, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Jordan Andrews pointed out, “You’re a different person in every class you take.” Stereotyping is a large part of human interaction and communication, but is it necessary? Is it wrong? Contact Jenny Mairs @



The lives of KCC’s faculty and staff HEIDI GARTLEY staff writer

Kellogg Community College faculty and staff do a lot more than teach and assist the students of KCC Monday through Friday. Just like the students, they have their own hobbies and interests that they pursue off campus. For instance, Anna Cox, a KCC math professor, is involved with many other activities outside of the classroom. “I am an adventurer at heart and love to try new things and explore,” states Cox. A few of the places she’s explored include Europe, Costa Rica, Brazil, Mexico, and Venezuela. She has even been an international instructor in the Caribbean, St. Thomas and in South America in the town of Salvador in Brazil. “I also have recently been taking classes on making things with glass like necklaces and Christmas tree ornaments,” Cox shared. In addition, she’s crafted dog and cat toys to donate to the nonprofit organization ASK (All Species Kinship) which helps educate dog owners and encourage them to better include their dog with the family. Volunteering at Western Michigan University’s Miller Auditorium, Farmer’s Alley Theatre, Kalamazoo Civic Theatre, as well as KCC’s Binda Theatre is another one of her passions. She “loves the theatre” and “loves the creative minds in the theatre.” Here lately, Cox has also been pursuing her scuba diving certification. Being under the water with nothing but the regulator to help her breathe is a scary idea for her to grasp, however, she says, “I am trying my best to overcome the fear and do it.” Eric Greene, adjunct journalism instructor, gets

involved with distance running not necessarily to overcome a fear, like Cox, but to help with “stress management.” He takes part in several marathons, half-marathons, 10ks, and 5ks per year. In addition to this hobby, he is currently going to grad school at Eastern Michigan University and working full time as KCC’s Director of Public Information and Marketing. Greene has also dabbled in acoustic guitar. “I can make basic chords,” he states. He’s passionate about getting involved with the First Wesleyan Church of Battle Creek, too. He’s helped out with different projects through the church. Most of his time,

Faculty members encourage students to learn about their professors and other individuals who work around the campus. though, is dedicated to his family, especially his sons, who are six and eight years old. Sue Stetler also stressed that her “faith, family, and friends” are some of the most important things in her life. She teaches Beginning Algebra, Math for Liberal Arts, and Math for Elementary Education here on campus. Besides these courses, she says “I love the water and kayaking.” She even worked with her dad to build a wooden sea kayak. It is fast and runs through the lily Pads, so they decided to give it the name “Lilly.” Stetler shared, “I am also a Master Gardener

through MSUE.” She volunteers for the Children’s Garden and the Garden Tour Committee (both at Leila Arboretum) as well. If she isn’t busy with these volunteer activities, or working in her own garden, she may very likely be quilting. Since 1986, she has been a member of Cal-Co Quilt Guild. Stetler states, “I’ve made so many quilts over the years, I can’t remember them all.” Stetler also enjoys traveling throughout the United States. She likes “just picking someplace and checking it out.” Exercise is yet another one of her passions. Three mornings each week she works out at a gym before coming to school to teach. On Monday afternoons, she walks with Pat Kopf through the KCC Buildings, unless the weather is nice enough to take a stroll around the Spring Lake path. Academic advisor Kathy Jones also enjoys going on walks. “I live near the Kellogg Tree Forest and have spent hundreds of hours walking the trails,” she said. She believes there is something new to be seen all year long. Jones loves taking on Do-It-Yourself home projects, too. She adds, “I know how to swing a hammer!” Whether it’s building projects at home, kayaking on a river, attending grad school, or traveling internationally, KCC faculty and staff have commitments and passions outside of the classroom that most students know nothing about. Faculty members, such as the four mentioned above, encourage students to learn about their professors and other individuals who work around the campus. “So many KCC folks have interesting and full lives,” expressed Sue Stetler. Contact Heidi Gartley @

SUMMER Registration now OPEN, classes begin May 18 • FALL Registration begins March 30 th , classes begin August 27 th


Feature & Opinion

The other side of the sun JESSIE SCHNEIDER editor

“You’re going to get skin cancer.” “Avoid staying in sunlight for long amounts of time.” “It’ll make your skin like old leather.” We all have heard these warnings from our mothers, seen them plastered on billboards, and read them in countless articles on the health blogs. But does this mean that sunlight on a human is only harmful? No; in fact, there are many benefits of letting some rays fall on your face often. reports that sunlight shouldn’t be strayed from but rather enjoyed because it can actually help out your skin with appropriate exposure. It aids in curing acne, eczema, fungal infections and psoriasis. They also stated that, “Medical literature published in Europe showed that people with atherosclerosis (hardened arteries) improved with sun exposure.” As most people know, the sun gives human’s a great dose of Vitamin D. But its benefits due to the Vitamin D are far greater than most think. Nutrition educator, consultant, and writer, M. Nathaniel Mead, said that “For most [light-skinned] people, a half-hour in the summer sun in a

bathing suit can initiate the release of 50,000 IU (1.25 mg) vitamin D into the circulation within 24 hours of exposure; this same amount of exposure yields 20,000–30,000 IU in tanned individuals and 8,000–10,000 IU in dark-skinned people.” And according to the National Institute for Health, the average adult needs at least 600IU of vitamin D for survival. So no matter your complexion, thirty minutes in the sun has you covered. Vitamin D strengthens your bones and teeth, protects against dementia and brain aging, while also cutting depression. affirmed that there is such a thing as the winter blues. “Sunlight deprivation can cause a condition called seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a form of depression. It is more common in winter months, but also common in people who work long hours in office buildings.” With summer here, it’s a great time to get out and catch some rays! But as with everything, even good things can be bad for you if done excessively. So wear sunscreen and make your exposure slow because if your skin isn’t used to the sun, you’ll burn for sure. And that’s when things go bad. Contact Jessie Schneider at

Bruin summer of fun BOB PSALMONDS staff writer

Finally, school is out and we can see something besides books, computers, and classrooms. No matter what your interests, the area promises plenty of options. There are listings for dozens of planned concerts, many free, within the county area alone. Take a day to wander the Binder Park Zoo to pet the giraffes. Visit any city park for a

day of sun, crowds and the occasional playgrounds. Plant and tend to a flower garden. Be amazed by the offering of various museums all within a day’s travel. Be really adventurous and go to a Renaissance fair, frontier event, a rodeo, or to walk inside a hot air balloon. It doesn’t matter what you do or where you do it, just as long as you get out there! Contact Bob Psalmonds @







Detroit Tigers on the prowl this season MARY EMINGTON sports writer

One of the happiest places on earth is surely Disney World, but if you can’t go there why not an expedition to Detroit to watch the Tigers play at Comerica park? The second most iconic logo the Detroit “D” and the fabulous play of the Tigers are sure to be crowd pleasers as they head into the season. So pack up the family van, or grab some friends and take the hour and 45 minute drive to Detroit and witness some spectacular baseball. Enter under the fabulous Tiger statues and you even might get a special souvenir on giveaway days. Find a seat with a good view of the field, grab some peanuts and Crackerjack and get

ready for a show. Baseball has always been an American favorite. They attract star athletes and devoted fans year after year. The Detroit Tigers boast many of these star athletes. Miguel Cabrera, the face of the franchise, has come back strong. He comes into the season a favorite to win the MVP in the league. Followed by the annual Cy Young favorite pitcher David Price, the Tigers are looking to win their 5th American League Central Division in a row. The Tigers are going into their second year under manager Brad Ausmus. After last year’s success, the team has big shoes to fill. Victor Martinez and Cabrera hope to keep the bats flying while the pitching staff has

to have stronger games. With Price and Justin Verlander the Tigers are always a pitching threat. Tickets can go for a cheap as nine dollars for Jungle Rooftop bleacher seats to $93 if you want to get the seats right behind the batting circle. But make sure to bring more money than just the ticket price. Numerous other fees are hidden when visiting the ball park. Paid parking, which I highly suggest, can be anywhere from $5 to $20 for the game. Of course there is also the expensive food and drinks at the game. Although there are plenty of fan favorite foods like Dippin Dots, make sure you bring some extra cash because the prices for these specialties spike at sporting events.

Don’t forget to wear you blue and orange as you enter the field. Even if the team doesn’t have so much of these colors to their uniforms anymore, any Detroit fan would tell you that these are the true colors of a Tiger! If you get there early enough you may get to watch BP and get something signed. Also if you have kids, there is always the famous “kids run the bases” after some baseball games. As a kid, running on the field where your heroes are is the highlight of your week, if not your year. It makes you feel like a major leaguer. Plenty of adults would kill to do this, too, so make sure your children get the chance. Contact Mary Emington @

KCC’s softball and baseball seasons come to a close

BRUIN Editor

Jessie Schneider Editorial Policy

Staff Sports Editor

Mary Emington

Staff Writers

Graphics Editors

Alayna Nail Kristen Pierce

Lane Collins Bobby Psalmonds Anorah Seita


Drew Hutchinson Penny Rose Thomas Webster

The KCC Bruin is a free student publication produced monthly by Kellogg Community College students during the fall and spring semesters. The KCC Bruin welcomes letters to the editor from members of the College and the community. Letters must be signed and submitted with a current telephone number or email address. All letters become property of the Bruin and may be edited for clarity and length. By-lined opinion columns represent the opinion of the writer and do not necessarily represent the views of the Bruin staff or the College. Letters may be submitted by mail to: KCC Bruin student newspaper, c/o Kellogg Community College, 450 North Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. 49017. Letters may also be submitted at all three KCC sites. At the Battle Creek site, letters may be dropped off in the English Department on the 4th floor of the C Building; the College Life Office in the Student Center; or the student newspaper office. At the Grahl and Fehsenfeld Centers, letters may be submitted at the information desks. The Bruin office is located in room 202 in the Ohm Technology Building. The staff can be reached at (269)565-2634, Ext. 2634 or e-mail the Bruin editor at PHOTOS PROVIDED BY KCC AND SARAH HULING

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