Nevada Attorney Collection

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NEVADA ATTORNEY COLLECTION Seeking Justice for Individuals and Families in Need I’m Cameron Hughes, a former debt collector in Nevada, who has spent the majority of my career assisting individuals who were in over their heads with debt and being harassed by collection agencies demanding repayment of money they didn’t have. You’d be surprised at the lengths some unscrupulous debt collectors will go over money, and the more I saw in my former line of work, the more frustrated I became. Just because someone is struggling to pay their bills doesn’t mean they are a bad person. They’re someone who needs help, a solution to their problems, and a plan of action to move on with their lives. With this in mind, about ten years ago, I began to focus more on collection law reform and how I could personally help people who are suffering through other legal issues. It was then I that I realized I could help more individuals obtain justice by helping them, online.

Learn More about These Legal Troubles and How to Overcome Them Nevada Collection Attorney wants to help you pick up the pieces of your life no matter what legal issues you’re facing. Need bankruptcy advice? Been charged with a crime and don’t know where to turn? Are you struggling to work out a child custody dispute or dealing with a work injury and need help figuring out how to get your benefits? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

While we’re not equipped to represent your case in court, we can point you to an attorney who can, after we’ve provided you with a plethora of information you can use to prepare yourself for your case. With the legal guidance provided through our blog posts, how-to’s, research pages, and breaking-news, you’ll have a better idea of what to expect as you head into your future attorney to secure counsel.

Medical Malpractice Medical malpractice is a specific form of personal injury law as it primarily deals with an insurance company. Unfortunately for the injured, these cases can often be tough to win. At the same time, these cases are often trauma-inducing and life changing accidents that could have been prevented and due to some medical professional’s negligence you now have to deal with the consequences. It’s important in these cases to bring as much documentation and as many experts to the table as possible to build a strong case against giants like hospitals. To learn more about medical malpractice cases, what qualifies as one, and how to move forward to get your life back on track, please read some of my following articles on the subject.

Premises Liability I hear stories about premises liability cases all the time: someone slips and falls on your sidewalk; someone gets bitten by your dog; an intruder gets injured; you stubbed and broke your toe at the grocery store. Each of these has a distinctly different outcome as well as a set of rules for legal premises liability in your state. Some favor the owner more than the injured party and some the other

way around. Each case will have different pros and cons going forward with a personal injury case. To learn more about premises liability, what it is, how to avoid it, and what to do about it, please read some of my articles on the topic.

Taxes and Debt I started off by working as a debt collector. I saw first-hand how people were being harassed when they were down, because, well, I was a culprit. But, I wasn’t proud of it and I never will be. It’s my life’s goal now to help these people get the information they need to get their lives back on track with everything legal, not just taxes or debt. Taxes and debt are both topics that people dread and avoid like the plague. Nobody really wants to do their taxes and worse, nobody wants to be in their debt situation, either. The two are mutually exclusive, but obviously, sometimes debt leads to tax issues or vice versa. Please read some of my posts about taxes and about debt to learn more about what you can do to either stay out of trouble or get yourself out of trouble with your finances.

Workers Compensation This one is right up my alley and close to home. I like to focus on helping blue collar working citizens struggling to get their lives back on track to overcome their obstacles and do it. Workers comp is often one of those obstacles. People don’t know what to do when they’ve been hurt on the job: how to report it, when to report it, how to seek out proper medical attention, and how to get themselves some compensation so they can make ends meet while they are off work or disabled from work. Further, if their claim is denied, it can get even worse for them, especially when they really need it.

To learn more about workers compensation and how to address some of the issues above, please read some of my posts about workers compensation.

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