May Rammell Law Recipes

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May Rammell Law Recipes Law Firm Lasagna Hello everyone! Welcome to May Rammell Law Recipes! I’m May Rammell, former attorney, and I love to cook. While I was a practicing attorney, all I ever dreamed about doing every day was baking and cooking delicious food. I found that I wasn’t in love with my job, though I was good at it, so I decided to quit working in the courtroom and start working in the kitchen. I don’t work for a restaurant because I want the freedom to be able to cook my own dishes. Sometimes, I’ll work as a private chef, but for the most part I earn my living by running this blog. You heard that right, my job is this recipe site!

Now I know you might be thinking that’s crazy, and to be honest, it is! I never would have thought I could have a career that I love. You know what they say though, if you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.

I founded May Rammell Law Recipes as a way to keep track of all my newest recipes. The best part is that every recipe is law-themed! I won’t give away any hints just yet, but you can take a look at my household’s favorite recipe below, and check back every week for new and exciting recipes. You can also browse my archives to check out recipes I’ve posted in the past.

My Favorite Recipe My world famous (or at least family famous) Law Firm Lasagna is a staple meal that I serve at least once a month in the Fall and Winter seasons. This recipe was passed down four generations and now, I pass it on to you to create for your families. Enjoy!

Law Firm Lasagna


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2 lbs. Ground beef Tomato paste Salt Pepper Parmesan cheese Thyme 1 yellow onion Mozzarella cheese Uncooked lasagna noodles Oregano Brown sugar Ricotta cheese Garlic


Step 1. Start off by browning your ground beef and mix in half a chopped yellow onion. Stir and season with salt and pepper. Step 2. Drain the ground beef and return to your pan. Add in your can of tomato paste, two cups of water, oregano, thyme, a little bit of salt and pepper, brown sugar and garlic. You can add seasonings to taste. Let sauce simmer on low for two hours or until thick. Step 3. Boil a pot of water and add your uncooked lasagna noodles. I prefer to remove them once they are al dente, but you can remove them once they are fully cooked if you prefer. Step 4. Layer your lasagna. You can start off by pouring half a cup of your meat sauce to the baking pan to coat the bottom and prevent sticking. Next, add a layer of your lasagna noodles, followed by a layer of ricotta cheese. I prefer to continue layering with a mix of the parmesan and mozzarella cheese, but this can be saved for the top layer. Continue layering meat sauce, noodles, and cheese until you run out of noodles. Step 5. Put in the oven to bake at 350° for 90 minutes and you have created the world’s best Law Firm Lasagna.

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