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Henning-Keedy Welcome to Henning-Keedy! We’ll start off by saying, welcome to our blog! If you love courtroom dramas and crime shows as much as we do, you have many opinions about what you just saw in your favorite movies and television shows. We are obsessed with some of the most popular crime shows on TV, from Criminal Minds and Law & Order: SVU, to Erin Brockovich and the Silence of the Lambs. Each time we settle down to watch a good movie or show, we can’t help but wonder what would’ve happened in real life, and that’s how we started this blog. You can visit our page each week to check out our thoughts and reviews of all types of courtroom dramas.

What Drew Henning to Courtroom Dramas Hi, I’m John Henning, a thirtysomething office manager who spends his nights binge watching every court and law themed show and movie you can imagine. It all started back in the early 90s when I got a chance to watch The Verdict for the first time. I was maybe 10 years old and finally able to watch my first R-rated movie. Though not particularly thrilling, I’ll admit, something about the way Frank Galvin delivered his closing statement had me riveted. From there, I became obsessed with every crime and legal drama imaginable. Some of my favorites include NCIS, Dexter, and Forensic Files.

Why Keedy Loves Dramatic Crime Shows Hey there, I’m Damion Keedy and I spend my days working as a bank teller for a popular nationwide bank. I first became interested in dramatic crime shows and movies when I was 14. I remember it like it was yesterday. I begged my mom to let me stay up that night to watch the series premiere of The Sopranos. James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano had me wishing I could up and join the mob. These days you can still find me re-watching The Sopranos, but I also enjoy Law & Order, Luther, Unsolved Mysteries, and most recently, Making a Murderer, which I

initially resisted watching, as I wrongly assumed it would be as cheesy as the Amish Mafia was.

Check Back for Our Weekly Courtroom Drama Reviews Henning and Keedy try to put out a blog post each week that goes over this week’s episode on their current favorite courtroom drama, but obviously sometimes work can life can get in the way. But since crime shows and movies have only continued to grow in popularity since they became fans, it’s safe to say they will cover topics surrounding some of your favorite crime shows and movies within this just-for-fun blog.

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