ReVision: Zines and Collages

Page 13

Text pasted onto decorative background

Angry black-white girl, Nia King Zines K565on

In this example, King has not only printed out, cut and pasted text; she has used it to frame and split a central image. Over the top of this are also hand written reactions to what maybe personal experiences for the author or a reaction to the excerpted words (-cited here as being from “Effegies� by Lucinda Roy). The selection is compelling in and of itself, but by combining the words with the image, through it and around it she drives the reader to follow all three elements of thought. Reading this takes time, and through King's directional text we are being asked to follow the words; such contemplation elicits a kind of empathy more traditional displays of this excerpt and image could not. Nia King, an art school dropout of African-American, Hungarian Jewish, and Lebanese ancestry writes about living, working, and activism as a mixed race queer in a wealthy Boston suburb. She debunks stereotypes with short essays about her family and her personal history.

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