"Dear, Diary..." - charity project for young girls

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Dear Diary...

I turned 16 today, and I was helped to get everything organized for the celebration, and I was permitted to invite acquaintances, friends and classmates. At the party, John was talking to me more than anyone else – he studies in the parallel class and he is one year older than me. We have often crossed paths with him at school because he participated in the spring concert and we had a joint rehearsal. He invited me to dance and told me that I looked like the actress. Then he taught me to dance tango and said that I had the gift for dancing. I did not tell anyone about it, even the best friend, but I really like John. First of all because, in my opinion, he behaves as a guy should communicate with the girl, and moreover, he is somewhat similar to one singer I like very much. And on the whole, I feel so happy now!



n the first chapter of the Diary we discussed that every human being needs friendship from early childhood, and that it strengthens the important traits of his personality, primarily social. The same can be said about the need for a young person in love – to feel and to give that feeling. The concept of «love» is known by several meanings. If we carefully read what Anna-Maria recorded on her birthday, we could see, that there is something special in her attitude to John. Here we see the first signs of love. The emergence of this feeling during the period of personal formation and maturation is quite natural Being deeply loved by and normal. A new scale of feelings bursts suddenly someone gives you strength, in the heart of a young person. First you feel, and then while loving someone deeply consciously realize the desire for the opposite sex. This gives you courage. Lao Tzu is called sexual attraction. And we have to talk about it and even start with it if we want to talk about love between a man and a woman, or let’s call it frankly, the love Love looks not with the eyes, relationship between the two sexes. but with the mind, Many authors, experienced people, and psychologists, And therefore is winged Cupid who study human soul, are convinced that just a few painted blind. people remain faithful to only one «first» love for the William Shakespeare lifetime. Typically, this first love disappears as quickly as it comes. But do not take it with sadness only. Remember, how often does it happen to you that the first You don’t love someone choice is final? So the choice of love (although emotional, because they’re perfect, you not rational), like any other, requires some experience. love them in spite of the fact That is why they often say that love is blind. that they’re not. It may happen that other girls will ask to you: What have Jodi Picoult you found in him? And often it’s not just jealousy and envy of girls who act deliberately as hypocrites. Sometimes people around you are not able to comprehend how anyone can fall in love with a man, to whom they are completely indifferent. But regarding love, you have the only one adviser – you yourself! In the experience of the feeling of love one can distinguish three levels, the first of which is already

mentioned sexual desire. It is innate: after the sex organs have matured, people are excited and start studying how the genitalia are used. On the one hand, to perform the function of procreation, on the other - to satisfy their own desire and attraction. On the second level is the admiration, the desire for spiritual togetherness with your beloved one. Only sexual passion is not enough for the real love to develop, but, at the same time, the so-called platonic relationships, which is love without sexual manifestations are usually short-lived. Besides passion and feelings, love also contains the third part, which is social. In respect of love, such a key social phenomenon as a couple is being formed..


We would like to note from the very beginning: there’s nothing wrong in sexual intercourse. It is an act of love. Or, at least, it should always be an act of love. If so, it allows everything that unites both partners and that they are mutually satisfied, and that creates harmonious love. Sexual intercourse is the result of mutual love of two people. But even though we must not forget the elementary rules of hygiene, which are necessary for both partners. Sexual hygiene is above all in the general style of sexual behavior. Namely, both partners should agree on whether they have a relationship «on the side». The frequent change of partners, illegible pursuit of sexual experience – this is quite a test for the feelings. However, this does not mean that sexual selection is some norm worthy of imitation. Just the opposite. In the past it had been assumed that girls had to get married yet being virgins, or married a partner with whom they had started sexual relations. Today, girls often come to marriage already knowing 2-3 partners, but not necessarily. Even though, it would be better for you if a sexual contact is preceded by a long acquaintance. For a young girl, this requirement is quite natural: the typically female traits include, among others, responsiveness and sustainability. It will be good for her if she keeps these valuable qualities. Sexual intemperance is harmful because the girl that changes one partner after another, will probably never learn to love. Because every time with every acquaintance she does not wait for a moment when relations between the two people become love. She has no time, and most importantly, she will not experience deep feelings, which in most cases do not occur immediately, but require a certain period of time. Each of us would like to meet the great love. Everyone also knows that this feeling does exist: we’ve seen it in others, read about it, and we can imagine it. But some girls due to their numerous «adventures» may simply not notice it! Unfortunately, they usually do not blame themselves, thinking that they haven’t met the true partner yet. There is a vicious circle in which they continue to change partners in search of the «real» one. But time is running .. Frequent change of partners has also risks of another kind – the danger of diseases transmitted sexually. Of course, the more sexual partners, the greater the risks of such diseases. But not only! Look at the picture above. Even if you have had only one sexual contact with a man whom you trust, you still can not be exactly sure that he did not have sexual partner with the disease before he met you. It turns out that without thinking about the consequences of unprotected sex for one time, the girl loses her happiness for a lifetime! These infections seem to be harmless but they can cause chronic inflammation of female genital organs, which may accompany a woman throughout her life. But even worse, this can

result into infertility, which will have to be treated for a long time and can not always be cured completely. So what should you do if you suspect an infection? You should do a check up for sexually transmitted infections and if the infection is detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor and receive a proper therapy. The earlier treatment is started, the better the chances to recover.


Love is like the wind,

A healthy male and female body contain special germ cells: you can’t see it but you sperm in men and egg-cells in women. They are connected can feel it. Nicholas through sexual contact after orgasm of a man. A woman can Sparks get pregnant without orgasm. Sperm are produced in the male reproductive gland in huge numbers, and of 100-400 million sperms emitted with semen from the penis, only one is enough When we love, we to fertilize the female egg. always strive to become In most cases, pregnancy is likely in a few days in the middle of the better than we are. menstrual cycle – the so-called period of ovulation when the egg is When we strive to fully mature. As soon as one sperm penetrates the egg, fertilization become better than we takes place. But sperm can «wait» the egg during 3-7 days. From the moment the woman is fertilized she stops menstruating: are, everything around this is the first sign that she became pregnant. Some women are us becomes better too.. still bleeding within the next two or three months, but this is different Paulo Coelho and, contrary to popular belief, is not considered a menstruation. The uterus, where the baby is located inside, is being evenly and gradually increased, rising towards the abdominal cavity; stomach naturally gets bigger, too. After 3 months the embryo reaches a size of about 9 cm and already resembles a human. The uterus has an ideal environment for its development. Although the embryo is connected by the umbilical cord with his initial «bed» in the mucosa, at the same time he is freely floating in the uterine cavity. This environment protects him from shocks, jolts and blows. After about 9 months, the pregnant body begins to demand that the baby left genitals.


Pregnancy can be avoided if you use contraception, but, before sexual intercourse, you should discuss this with your partner. Shame is irrelevant in this case. But for this reason it is always easier to reach an understanding with the partner whom you know well. After the sexual intercourse with a condom (one of the most common contraceptives) the man should make sure that it had not been damaged, although this is extremely rare. But if this does happen, the girl should see a doctor for the means of emergency contraception. Sometimes girls can protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy with contraceptive creams, gels and tablets introduced into the vagina before intercourse. But please, keep in mind that these products can disrupt the balance of microflora of genitals, so do not use them regularly. There are also hormonal contraceptives. They are very practical: from the first day of menstruation a woman takes one pill daily (21 tablets per menstrual cycle). But pregnancy is possible again if you stop using these pills. Because hormones make some change into the normal functioning of the body to some extent, many gynecologists do not recommend their use to women who do not yet have children. Do not buy this type of contraceptive by yourself, it should be prescribed by the doctor individually. In any case, woman should visit their gynecologists twice a year.

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