Spring/Summer 2009 Sterling Magazine

Page 1

The Sterling “Stay� Factor 6

Sterling Services Serving Sterling 8

Coach Kruse Passes 600 Wins 10

Spring/Summer 2009

The Magazine of Sterling College

Why Sterling?

President Maurer explains his reasons for joining Sterling Story on page 4

Letter from the President Dear Sterling Alumni and Friends, In my six months as president of Sterling College, I have often been asked the question, “Why did you choose to come to Sterling?” I’ll be answering that question—and several others— in this issue, but being asked that has made me wonder how others would answer the same question. In this issue we ask, “Why Sterling?” and share the responses of some of our students, alumni, and friends. We also share the answers to some other “Why” questions related to Sterling. Why is Sterling the only college/university that owns and operates a Quiznos franchise? Why has Sterling’s missions program drawn such interest from students, partners, and donors? Why do non-alumni community members so faithfully support Sterling and its mission? What you will read in the pages that follow is about much more than the individual stories. Together they tell of Sterling’s far-reaching impact into individual lives, the church, the marketplace, and the world. They are inspiring. They also speak to the importance of a strong Sterling College.

Sterling Staff Director of Marketing Communications Sterling Editor Karin (Lederle) Swihart ’08 Writer for Marketing Communications Assistant Sterling Editor Jennifer Underwood Interim Director of Advancement Scott Carter ‘88 Photographers Karin (Lederle) Swihart Ashley Dowgwillo ‘09 Student Assistant Ashley Dowgwillo ‘09 Annette Ensz ‘12 Printer Mennonite Press, Newton, Kansas College Administration and Staff President Paul J. Maurer Vice President for Academic Affairs Troy Peters Vice President for Enrollment Services Dennis Dutton ’82 Vice President for Student Life Tina Wohler Vice President for Innovation and Technology Ken Brown Vice President for Institutional Advancement Marvin Dewey

A distinctive mission. Alumni of influence. Students whose lives are being shaped for service in God’s Kingdom. This is the Sterling College of today, and this has been true since Sterling’s doors opened in 1887.

Chief Financial Officer Scott Rich

These are good days at Sterling: a record student enrollment last fall; strong enrollment projections for 2009; quality faculty and improved academic programs; distinction in forensics and debate; excellence in theatre and the visual arts; and an athletic department that combines a missional character with highly competitive performance. Sterling has much to celebrate.

Director of Alumni Relations David Earle ’88

Thank you for your prayers and support since I joined the Sterling family in January. My family and I are excited to serve toward Sterling’s great mission with you. I look forward to getting better acquainted with you in the days ahead.

Chief Administrative Officer Paul Bingle ’77

Sports Information Director Justin Morris ’99 Director of Gift Planning Don Reed ’68 Board of Trustees Officers Tony Thompson ’65, Chair Tim O’Brien, Vice Chair Randy Henry ‘72, Secretary Alumni Council

Grace and peace,

Amy (Sylvester) Svaty ’02, President Jill (Bleam) Lundgren ’79, Secretary-Treasurer Fran Calderwood ’54, Golden Club Representative


View Sterling Online Current and back issues available www.sterling.edu/alumni/magazine

Paul J. Maurer, Ph.D. President

2 • Spring/Summer 2009

Sterling is a publication of Sterling College’s Alumni and Marketing Communications offices. It is distributed three times a year at no charge to Sterling College alumni, friends and parents. To remove or change your mailing address, or to submit a classnote, email alumni@ sterling.edu; call 620-278-4206; or write the Alumni Relations Office at 125 W. Cooper, Sterling, Kansas 67579. Postmaster: Send address changes to Sterling, Sterling College, 125 W. Cooper, Sterling, Kansas 67579

Table of Contents


Spring/Summer 2009

In This Issue

Meet the President 4 Karin Swihart

Sterling’s Director of Marketing, Karin Swihart, interviews Dr. Paul Maurer, Sterling’s 11th president. He shares his reasons for coming to Sterling, his philosophy of a Christian, liberal arts education, and his hopes for Sterling’s future.

Dr. Paul Maurer with his family (from left): Sarah, wife Joellen, Jon, Daniel, and Elizabeth

Sterling’s “Stay” Factor 6

Why do students come to Sterling? Why do they stay? Four current students and one SC alum reveal that their reasons for coming may vary—a basketball scholarship, a fill-in-the-gap before the “real job,” a sibling’s influence, online convenience, and an SC music concert—but their reasons for staying are quite similar.

Sterling Services Serving Sterling 8 Ashley Dowgwillo

Dave Wilson grew up in the town of Sterling but left for college and a career. He shares how Sterling College brought him “home”; why Sterling Services, the business he manages, employs nearly 20% of all Sterling College’s students; and why he says, “SC students inspire me every day.”

SC student Leah Frees shares her Sterling story: why she came and why she’s stayed.

Missions: It’s a Lifestyle

10 Recent graduate Joel Orr came to Sterling with a clear vision for his future. He left with a very different one. Sterling’s missions program is taking students like Joel out to the world where their hearts are being opened to the gospel of Christ and to service for Him.

Departments Ashley Dowgwillo

In the News 12

From Student to Author; SC Opens Quiznos in Conjunction with Business Department

Coach Kruse surpasses 600 wins; New Coaches Named; Outstanding Athletes Awarded; Men’s Basketball Wins KCAC Championship

Title III Grant Deadline; Athletic Renovation

Classnotes from Alumni around the World; Where is the Warrior?; Legacy Walk; eNewsletter Sign up; e.Sterling Draws Alumni Back for a Second Round

Athletics 13 SC student Elaine Fontes works on a mailing at Sterling Services.

Commencement Review 14 Advancement 15 New Vice President of Advancement Hired;

Photo Provided

Alumni News and Notes 19

SC senior Matt Ehresman leads worship on a mission trip to the Middle East.

Sterling Magazine • 3

Why Sterling?

A Conversation with Sterling’s 11th President

by Karin T. Swihart

From left: Jon, Elizabeth, Sarah, Dr. Maurer, Joellen, and Daniel. Karin Swihart

At last the search is over. They have arrived. I sat down with our new president to get some answers to those burning questions we all have. As we talked I found out some intersting details - he was a goalkeeper at the University of Cincinnati and he loves suspense/ thriller movies. But mostly, I wanted to find an answer to the question, “Why Sterling?” Why did Dr. Maurer move his family from Deerfield, Ill., to come to Sterling College? Why did he decide that Sterling was the place for him? Karin Swihart: What do you see as your life’s passion? President Maurer: I see it is as advancing the gospel. I didn’t grow up in a Christian home, so when I came to Christ, a whole new world was opened up to me. I am also built in such a way that I pay very close attention to time. What I mean by that is that I really believe our time here on earth is very short. By the age of twenty, I kind of mapped out a broad plan for the next 50 years. A defining moment for me was during my freshman year at the University of Cincinnati. I went to an Urbana Mission Conference where Billy Graham gave the closing address. He talked about how excited we all would be at the end of this conference and how many of us would want to go straight back to our campuses, pack our bags and head to the mission field. Instead, he counseled us against that and told us we should go home and get our preparation done well. He gave us the illustration of Donald Grey Barnhouse, pastor of Philadelphia’s 10th Presbyterian Church in the early part of the 20th century. Barnhouse was asked the question: if he knew Jesus was to return in three years, what would he do? Barnhouse replied that he would spend two and a half years in preparation and six months preaching the gospel. That comment changed my life. I thought that if Barnhouse would spend five-sixths of his time in preparation for one-sixth of active ministry, surely I could set aside some portion of my life for preparation. I set aside my 20s as a de4 • Spring/Summer Fall 2008 2009

cade of preparation. Everything I did in my 20s was focused on ministry preparation for the ages of 30-70. So ultimately, my passion is to use my years well. My passion is to maximize the gifts and abilities God has given me for His purposes, for His Kingdom, for His Glory, during my short stay here. KS: What do you see as the gifts the Lord has blessed you with to utilize for His Kingdom? President Maurer: That’s always a difficult question to answer. Early on it didn’t seem very glamorous to me, but I think the Lord has given me some gifts in administration. For many years I have had the gift of leadership affirmed and encouraged in me. Communication has been an area of affirmation as well over the years. So I think those are probably at the core. KS: What do you do in your leisure time? President Maurer: I really love reading. I also love sports. Athletics was a fundamental part of my first twenty-two years. It’s still a great love, but it’s very different now. I enjoy the outdoors. I enjoy hiking, backpacking and biking. I love hanging out with my kids. Maybe that isn’t a “hobby,” but being with my kids in their development is more than duty, it’s love. KS: Do you have a favorite movie? President Maurer: Wow, I can date myself here. I don’t have a favorite movie, but there are certainly films that have spoken deeply to me over the years. I love thrillers, but none of them is my favorite. It’s just my favorite genre, but I would say The Untouchables is a favorite. Gandhi had a real impact on me. It’s a Wonderful Life is an absolutely brilliant film. I love Hitchcock films. He was an amazing filmmaker. I think the Bourne series is really well done, but that’s just candy. But, I like it.

Feature KS: Do you have a favorite book? President Maurer: Really it’s a list of 10 or 20. I am a nonfiction reader, which kind of gets back to my obsession with time. It’s not that there aren’t really great works of fiction, but I always feel like I am behind in reading, in knowledge, and education. There is probably something psychologically deep and dark here that I need counseling for. But there are several books that have most influenced who I am and how I lead, manage and think. Obviously Scripture would be the most important of those. I read Aristotle later in life, including the Nicomachean Ethics--deep and profound works. On the more contemporary and practical level, Peter Drucker’s book The Effective Executive is a seminal book in management and leadership. Drucker, I think, had a lot of things right. I am currently reading The Soul of the American University by George Marsden and, via audiobook, I am re-reading Allan Bloom’s The Closing of the American Mind. My habit with books is that I finish some and not others. KS: What do you think makes an effective college president? What particular skills do you feel are needed? President Maurer: An effective university administrator needs to be able to understand and execute organizational leadership. That gets back to that unglamorous gift of administration. It really is unglamorous, yet it is at the heart. I think communication skills are necessary; verbal skills are more important than written. I think a successful college president needs to understand how non-profits work, how the economic model works, and how nonprofit boards work. Certainly having an understanding of the financial aspects of an organization is essential. I think you also need a person who can build trust within an institution. If trust is built and trust is happening and organizational /structural things are happening, then you’ve got most of the core of what an effective presidency requires. KS: Given those elements, why did you come to Sterling College? The overaching question - WHY STERLING? President Maurer: Joellen and I have always made big decisions on the basis of a sense of call. The lens through which we view opportunities is trying to align one’s gifts and abilities with the job description, and the role of serving in a presidency seemed in alignment. Specifically, “Why Sterling?” really boils down to two reasons: one, because it is a Christ-centered school and two, because Sterling is on the rise. I can spend an hour unpacking those two reasons, but in short, that’s it. KS: What do you think has been SC’s biggest accomplishment in recent years? President Maurer: The hiring of Bruce Douglas [as president] is the biggest accomplishment. Enrollment and retention have risen for three years; the discount rate has dropped for three years; the financial stability of the school is probably better than it has been in many, many years. Bruce Douglas turned SC around and we today are the beneficiaries of his tough-minded willingness to make hard decisions. Bruce Douglas put Sterling on a healthy path. There are seven or eight major indicators of Sterling’s growth in recent years. KS:What is your plan of action/priority list for these next few years? President Maurer: It seems there are three legs to the stool for Sterling’s near-term future. One is to continue to clarify Sterling’s mission. A lot of progress has been made toward clarifying Sterling’s mission as a Christ-centered school in recent years. I don’t think that the job

is finished yet. As we move forward, the Board is considering how to further clarify the school’s mission internally and externally so that we are unambiguous about who we are as a Christ-centered school. The second leg of that stool is to strengthen Sterling College’s academic profile. For Sterling to continue to grow, for Sterling to continue to become a healthier institution, it is important that a Sterling education gains a measure of market demand that it does not possess today. Creating market demand for a Sterling education is not simple or easy or quick. Steps have been made in that direction with some of the recent faculty hires, yet my hope is that we will continue to execute ways by which can begin to become selective. There’ s nothing quite like saying “no” as a means to enhancing your academic reputation, and Sterling hasn’t been able to afford to say “no” in the past. My hope is that in the not-too-distant future, we will begin to say “no.” The third leg is financial resourcing. We need to take steps to strengthen the economic model of the school, both through increased enrollment and increased philanthropic giving. We simply don’t have enough resources. We will seek to strengthen both the admissions and advancement offices in the days ahead to increase our resource base. I think the current vision of the College is quite compelling. I would suggest a shortened version of the current vision statement and that is “to be the finest Christ-centered, liberal arts college in the Great Plains.” That is a big goal and one that I think will keep us busy for quite some time. KS: With the country’s current economic downturn and many students turning to junior colleges and staying closer to home, what would you say to encourage a student to pursue a four-year institution like Sterling College? President Maurer: I have absolutely nothing negative to say about any junior college or any four-year school that is not a Christ-centered school, state school or private secular. However, the kind of education Sterling offers is different. All those other schools will offer two things: the transmission of knowledge and a measure of professional training. What they will not offer is instruction on the meaning of life. A Sterling education is the transmission of knowledge, it is a measure of professional training, but it is more. Embedded into day-to-day life on this campus are the questions of life’s meaning, the “who are we?” and “why do we exist?” questions. This is traditionally what liberal arts education has always done, but there are only a few schools remaining that continue in that tradition. Sterling is one of the few schools left that has this at its core. So if you want that kind of education, come to Sterling. If the first two pieces of the equation are what you want in a college education, you don’t need Sterling, but if those deeper issues of life’s meaning matter to you as a prospective student or as a prospective parent, then Sterling is worth taking a look at. KS: Anything additional you would like to share? President Maurer: I think these are good days at Sterling, even though the economic downturn is hurting us. It’s hurting a lot of higher education and particularly private schools, but economic downturn aside, these really are very good days. As we navigate through the recession, I expect the trajectory will be an exciting one in the days ahead. I think Sterling has a very bright future.

S t e rSterling l i n g M aMagazine gazine • 5

The Sterling “Stay” Factor

By Jennifer Underwood

Why do students come to Sterling? Perhaps an even better question is, Why do they stay? When the newness wears off, and college is no longer a grand adventure, but is just “life,” what keeps students coming back to Sterling year after year? Recently five students told us their reasons—for coming and staying. Zack Yarbrough came to Sterling from the Twin Cities area in Minnesota. At first he thought he was crazy for choosing a college in a small town in the middle of Kansas. He’d been recruited for basketball, but Zack wasn’t sure that would be enough for him to really like his entire college experience. Once he arrived, though, the community—the people— attracted him. Basketball Coach Dean Jaderston was truly as nice as he’d seemed during the recruiting process—and Zack loved playing on his team. The campus “felt like a big family, tight-knit—nearly everyone knowing each other’s names.” This was true as well of Zack’s professors, who not only knew him by name but even mentored him. One of them in particular, “changed (his) life forever for the better.” “Dr. Hank alone,” says Zack, “is a good enough reason to come to Sterling.” Zack found another advantage to Sterling that he hadn’t expected. At a small college, he had more opportunities than he would have had at a large school. Even though he’d never led worship before, he tried out for a praise band his freshman year, and made it. He ended up leading the band that year. This next year, as a junior, he’ll be the president of the Praise Band Organization, and he’ll work with all the bands on campus and with chapel planning. God has used all of Zack’s experiences at Sterling for his growth. “Sterling is preparing me well for the real world—professionally, socially, and spiritually. God is teaching me how to become the man he designed me to be, and He’s using Sterling to do that.” “Two years ago I couldn’t even see myself here at this school in small-town Kansas. Now I can say that this ‘big city slicker’ has fallen in love with Sterling College.” Leah Frees wasn’t sure about coming to Sterling, either. She planned on going to massage school after high school, but her parents suggested she give college a try, at least for a year. Leah agreed, but her intentions were “one year and then on to ‘the real world.’” Her intentions got lost somewhere in her first semester when she fell in love with the people, the campus, and, most importantly, with Christ. She says, “My passion for Christ exploded. I decided to switch my major from education (which I was interested in mostly because my sisters teach) to Christian Ministries with an emphasis in Youth. I would love to disciple young women in the future, but I have other ministry dreams, too. I want to record a CD of my songs, do mission work in another country, be a foster parent, and adopt orphans.” 6 • Spring/Summer 2009

Leah is working toward those dreams at Sterling. She’s in the choir under the direction of the “amazing director Mark Clark,” and she leads worship for her dorm’s praise night. Next year she will be the Resident Assistant for her dorm. She hopes to affect the lives of incoming girls the same way her own RA—who “lived with passion for the Lord”—affected her life two years ago. Leah is also gaining overseas experience through Sterling. This summer she went on the Thailand mission trip. She and other students worked with an organization that ministers to girls and women who have come out of the sex industry. It was an experience that opened team members’ eyes to the spiritual struggle for people’s souls. Leah saw that when these women come to Christ, they find true freedom, physically and spiritually. “Sterling has activated my faith because Christ is alive here,” Leah says. “I’ve formed friendships with people who challenge and encourage me. My time at Sterling is more than half over. I know I won’t want to leave when it’s done.” Jennifer Pauls’ time at Sterling was officially “done” when she graduated from SC in 2000 with a BS in biology and mathematics. Following that, she studied biostatistics at Emory University in Atlanta where she found that, though she was interested in the results of her work, she didn’t like the process. She began teaching math classes at a community college and discovered she not only enjoyed being in the classroom, she wanted more connection with her students than she had at the community college level. She decided to pursue high school teaching. First, though, she had to get her education degree—while she continued working. She began searching for different options and learned that Sterling now has an online degree-completion program called e.Sterling. She was excited by the prospect of returning—virtually, at least—to the place where she had such “a special experience,” but she wanted to do her homework and make the best choice for her situation. Two of the other online programs she looked at were more expensive, so she contacted e.Sterling and another school. e.Sterling responded immediately and provided her with helpful information. The other school didn’t respond at all. Now she’s thankful her choice was so clear. “The timing of the classes and the online aspect have worked out really well for me. I’ve been able to keep working while I take classes.” The program requires an on-campus teaching experience, and Jennifer was glad she would be returning to a familiar place. When she arrived for the first time, though, she was surprised. “So many things have changed since I was there—the cafeteria, Cooper, Evan’s bathrooms, and a new dorm.” Still, one of the main things about Sterling had not changed. “Just like when I was an on-campus student, the professors genuinely care about the students. If you are struggling or going through difficulties in life, the professors take that into consideration and work with you. My experience has been

Ashley Dowgwillo


From left to right: Zack Yarbrough, Apple Valley, Minn., Leah Frees, Ellsworth, Kan., Tim Dinh, Liberal, Kan., Teryn Frizell, Independence, Kan.

very positive.” Tim Dinh would agree his professors genuinely care— his composition professor Brooke Sutton even “helped (him) like writing a little when (he) used to hate it a lot”— but it’s the relationships he’s formed outside the classroom that have kept him at Sterling. Tim made the choice to come to Sterling because Andy, his older brother, was already here. When he arrived on campus, he was quickly accepted by his brother’s friends and also by his brother’s foster family, who took Tim in as a second “son.” Pretty soon, Tina Wohler, his “foster mom,” (who is also Sterling’s Vice President for Student Life) became “one of (his) all-time favorite people,” and she and her husband Jarrett were inviting both Andy and Tim over to their house regularly to eat, play with the Wohler children, and do their laundry. Some of Tim’s friendships have come out of his desire to be known for himself and not just for being “Andy’s younger brother.” He joined the track team and found that his coach Jack Dillard not only challenges him, but is also fun to hang out with. Tim likes activity, so he found friends who play games with him: late-night volleyball and basketball in Gleason; a game called Signs in the Union on Sunday nights; Ultimate Frisbee in front of Campbell; and T.A.G., a semester-long assassins game they play with water guns. (Tim was the T.A.G. champion last semester, an accomplishment that is “one of [his] favorite memories so far at Sterling.”) The Quiznos project has created friendships for Tim as well. He and other business students spent countless hours together getting the restaurant ready to open this past March. The time and the mutual responsibility forged strong bonds that continue as the students manage the restaurant and work there. “I love the things we get to do around this campus, from the games we play to real-life projects like Quiznos,” says Tim. “It’s through things like this that we get to really know people, and that’s one of the best things about Sterling.” It was “people” from Sterling who helped Teryn Frizell

make a decision she’d struggled with for nearly two years. She began her search for “the perfect college” when she was a high school sophomore. She asked her mom and grandparents to pray that God would reveal just the right place, but by the spring of her senior year, she was “stressing out.” Then Teryn attended a concert at a church in her hometown—a Sterling College Highland Singers concert. “While listening to them, I fell in love with them,” she says. “I thought that if I fell in love with these people who are just a small portion of the College itself, maybe I should take a visit.” A visit was all it took. “I truly believe God used the Highland Singers to reveal that he wanted me to go to Sterling College.” Teryn feels even more certain now she has been at Sterling a year. “People here are willing to help you grow spiritually and academically. They’re also willing to help you find your individual calling.” Teryn believes her calling may involve a career as a television announcer, and she’s glad Sterling’s small size allows her to continue doing the things she loved to do in high school: cheer/dance, choir, student government, theatre, and the student newspaper. She hopes the skills she learns in these activities will help her achieve her dream. “The STIR (student newspaper) is really improving my writing skills, and I learn so much from being a part of student senate. It’s opened my eyes to what the students want—we’ve worked a lot this year on a plan to make the campus more ‘green.’ Plus it’s all fun. I’m able to connect with more people than if I was only going to classes.” It was people from Sterling who initially drew Teryn to this college, and it’s the people who make her glad she’s here to stay. “When I step foot on campus, I immediately feel the sense of community. That’s what makes Sterling the place for me.” Community—it’s the recurring theme in all these students’ stories. No matter what their interests—sports, music, missions, education, business, the arts—they have found that Sterling is the place where they belong. Sterling Magazine • 7

Sterling Services Serving Sterling

By Jennifer Underwood Ashley Dowgwillo

Dave Wilson never attended classes at Sterling College. His name doesn’t appear in any of the SC yearbooks. His parents never taught at the College, and he doesn’t work there himself. Yet nearly every student on the Sterling College campus knows who he is. Why? Because almost one-third of them have worked for him. Dave Wilson is the general manager of Sterling Services in downtown Sterling, a business that provides customer service for Christian ministries. He is also a passionate supporter of Sterling College and the Sterling College students who work for him. Wilson’s connection with the College is fairly recent, but he has a long history with Sterling, the town. He grew up in it and graduated from Sterling High School. After graduation, though, he went to K-State and then moved to Kansas City. That’s where he was in 2001, the year he was contacted by then-SC -President Ed Johnson. Johnson wanted the College to start a business in the town of Sterling, a business that would provide SC students with jobs. Why did Johnson contact Dave Wilson? Well, Johnson’s idea was to start a call center, and Wilson was working with several large call centers in the Kansas City area. Wilson laughs as he recalls those early conversations with Johnson. “I didn’t take the job primarily because of an interest in the College. I took it because I wanted to raise my kids in Sterling, where I grew up and where my parents still live.” In 8 • Spring/Summer 2009

early 2002 Wilson and his family moved to Sterling, and he got the business up and running. In 2004 it was doing so well the College sold it to a group of private investors, but the company has stayed true to its original goal. “College students are an integral part of the work we do,” Wilson says. “They’re involved in all three of our lines of service. Nearly 50 students work regularly in either our call center or with our traditional mail service. Another 50-75 do handwriting for our handwritten direct mail service. Some of those students are earning a significant contribution to their tuition; others are making enough to pay for textbooks or late-night pizzas.” It’s a good partnership, one that benefits both the students and the business. “One of the best things about Sterling Services is the flexibility of the work,” says Ryan Covey, a senior business administration major. “Not only can I work hours between classes or late at night, but I can work in the summers and still have time off to make trips home.” Dave Wilson says the flexibility is a plus for the business as well. “If I have a large shipment that needs to be sent out quickly, I can send an email to more than 500 students and have 50 workers here within an hour.” “They’re good workers, too,” Wilson continues. “I couldn’t ask for better. They care about people; they’re conscientious about their work; and they’re willing to learn new things.”


Ashley Dowgwillo

n Nearly 20% of the students at Sterling College currently receive paychecks from Sterling Services. n In 2008, 27% of Sterling Services’ total payroll went to students, faculty, recent alumni or to their family members. n Approximately 30% of Sterling Services’ call agents are Sterling College students.

Ashley Dowgwillo

Mariah (Smith) Schneider ‘08 gets packets of mail ready for shipment.

At the time of this article Sterling Services was preparing to send out more than 400,000 pieces of mail.

Ashley Dowgwillo

That learning also has huge dividends for the students. “I worked part-time for Sterling Services during college and did my business internship here,“ says Andria Stegman, an ’07 alumna. “Now I’m a full-time project manager. I’ve learned so much, mostly because Dave’s an awesome teacher. This experience will look great on my résumé.” Mary Martin, the call center director and wife of Blair Martin, a professor in SC’s music department, says the experience teaches some very important skills. “Students working in the call center learn to listen to and talk with people from a huge variety of backgrounds. That will be incredibly valuable in whatever ministry or job students enter.” Dave Wilson is certain his SC student workers will have impact on the world in the future because he believes they’re having impact right now. “Our student workers make Sterling Services what it is,” he says, “and it’s not only a dynamic support for our clients’ ministries, it’s a benefit to our community. Our presence strengthens the local economy, and we’ve been able to refurbish three buildings in downtown Sterling that might not be occupied otherwise. I’m excited, too, that Sterling Services enables a couple of SC grads each year to stay in the area. Kylie (Schroeder) Baker graduated three years ago, but she’s been able to work here while her husband has finished his SC education. Their presence in the community is a positive addition.” “Initially I returned to Sterling for personal reasons,” says Wilson, “but since I’ve been back, I’ve fallen in love with the College and its students.” “They inspire me every day.”

SC students Edward “Joe” Streckfus and Justin Martens work on a shipment together.

Sterling Magazine • 9

It’s a Lifestyle By Jennifer Underwood

Students on a trip to the Middle East pray for the city and the people they will serve.

If Joel Orr ’09 had been asked the question, “Why did you pick Sterling?” when he was a first-year student, he would have answered, “I want to do well in athletics and make a good future for myself—good job, money, family.” By the beginning of his senior year, though, Joel had a different reason. “God used Sterling to change my direction, to change my life.” And how did God do that? “He used the first mission trip I went on to make me want His plans for me instead of my own.” Joel’s plans didn’t include mission trips; they didn’t even include prayer meetings. “My first semester here my friend Paul and I stumbled into a prayer meeting for Hurricane Katrina victims. By the time we figured out it wasn’t a chapel—we needed chapel credits—it was too late to slip out. We didn’t want to be there, but both Paul and I felt led to pray. That was the first step.” Dr. Hank Lederle, Sterling’s director of cross-cultural ministry, was part of the second step. He approached Joel a few days later. “I heard you pray the other day. I feel God is leading me to ask you to go to Kenya with me next summer.” Joel’s answer was a quick “no.” He didn’t know that Dr. Lederle had also asked his friend Paul. Paul, too, had refused, but both young men, separately, began reading their Bibles, praying—and thinking about Kenya. Two months after the original offer, and well past the decision deadlines for the trip, Joel asked Dr. Lederle if he could still go. Dr. Lederle said yes, and then told Joel that Paul had done the same thing. Joel knew, without any doubts, God wanted them on that trip. “Kenya changed my perspective,” Joel said. He began taking ministry classes and went on other mission trips. He spent the summers after his sophomore and junior years at Urban Promise, an inner-city youth ministry begun by Tony Campolo. His work there has led him to seek his Masters in Urban Studies at the Campolo College of Graduate and Professional studies at Eastern University in Philadelphia, beginning this fall. “Making money isn’t the focus any more—although I’m learning it can be used to help others. The focus now is on God’s plans instead of my own.” God’s plans brought Joel to Sterling at just the right time. If he had come earlier, he would not have had the same opportunities. When Dr. Lederle came to Sterling in the fall of ’02, the school had not sent out a mission team for five years. The first summer after Dr. Lederle came, one team traveled to Brazil. There were two trips in ‘04; two more in ’05; three in ’06; and four in ’07. During the 2007-2008 year, eight teams were sent out. By the fall of 2008, nearly 200 students had gone on 20 trips. This past school year two teams have already gone to the Middle East, and others have gone to Ghana, India, Peru and Thailand. Later this summer a team will travel to East Asia. The destinations sound exotic, but the focus of the program goes far beyond experiencing new cultures. Dr. Lederle wants students who go on mission trips to see the work of God. He believes this has the power to transform students, to take them past the place of skepticism to the bedrock of faith. “Often our post-modern students have a difficult time fully accepting absolute truth-claims, like the conviction we at Sterling hold most dear: that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father. In my experience, one of the best ways to convince students of that truth is to allow them to encounter the real-life effects of Christianity in cultures different from our own. They see the truth of Christ changing lives.” And that is when the students’ lives are also changed. The Joel Orr who graduated just a few weeks Joel Orr ‘09 went to Nairobi, Kenya, twice during his time at Sterling College. Here he plays ago is a different young man than the one who entered Sterling in 2005. “I’m learning that it’s awewith one of the children at the Tumani “Hope” some—even joyful—being a part of God’s work. That is missions. It’s not just a trip; it’s a lifestyle.” AIDS orphanage. 10 • Spring/Summer 2009


Our medically focused Team Middle East had a chance to visit the Pyramids and the Sphinx and to ride camels.This is Sterling’s second team visit to the region.

While in the Middle East, the team participated in mobile medical clinics. They spent time working with Sudanese refugees. The team also learned about the Islamic faith and did some Arabic studies.

“Students want to know what it’s truly like to serve, and a mission trip allows them that experience. They return with a transformed outlook and a passion for being a blessing since they realize how truly blessed they are themselves.” - Dr. Hank Lederle Director of Cross-Cultural Ministry Ten faculty, staff and students from Sterling visited the village of Reque, Peru. While there, the team helped build a science room for a Christian school. The team participated in manual labor and church services where they were able to share their testimonies. Alumnus Terrance Volden ‘08 was our contact.

Team members spent a majority of their time evangelizing and speaking to native Ghanaians. They caused a stir among the children wherever they went. Here Jake Bowser smiles with the village children.

Team India worked in Ongole, Andra Pradesh. Most of their time was spent working in villages and at an orphanage for the mentally handicapped.

Sterling Magazine • 11

In the News

SC student Jon Earle serves customers on opening day.

Melissa Yarrow

On March 30, a new Quiznos restaurant opened in Sterling, and hundreds of Sterling College students lined up for lunch. Most students were happy simply to have a new food option so close to campus, but business students in the crowd—and behind the counter—were not just happy; they were proud. This Quiznos is a reality because of their efforts. The new restaurant is a result of the Sterling College Business Department’s desire to provide its students with hands-on business experience. Three years ago business students began researching franchise possibilities for the town of Sterling. They then presented their recommendations to the investor, the DeBoer Family Foundation, whose generous gift made the project possible. After Quiznos was selected, business students entered the lengthy process of building and opening the franchise. “We had to wait so long for things to happen, especially with real estate, the franchise, the legalities. So, to see this now, it's fantastic!” Christy Carter, an ‘09 graduate, said. Now that the store is open, business students will have new responsibilities as they manage and operate the restaurant according to Quiznos’ corporate guidelines. That opportunity excites both Quiznos’ corporation and Sterling College. Quiznos Executive Vice President Bob Schmied commented, “To assist in providing a real-life work experience, with the day-to-day trials and tribulations of running an actual business, is incredible.” “This is a tremendous combination, one that is offered by few colleges and universities, particularly few liberal arts colleges. This gives our students experience that will prepare them especially well for professional life after college,” Sterling College President Dr. Paul Maurer said. This unique partnership may also have impact on other educational institutions. This franchise is the only one that Quiznos has opened in conjunction with a college. “It has the potential to provide a new model of franchising that may be usable in other colleges and universities across the country," Business Professor Tim Thorpe said.

Melissa Yarrow

Business Students Open Quiznos Franchise

All business students involved in the franchise process, along with Jack DeBoer, cut the ribbon during the grand opening.

SC Senior Experiences Life as Soldier, Student, Now Author Senior Kelli LaRosh’s story was featured in the Spring/Summer 2006 issue of the Sterling Magazine. As a then-recent Army veteran, she was not Sterling’s typical first-year student. Now, as the published author of What’s Math Got to Do with Farming?, she’s not quite the typical senior. As an Army Reservist, LaRosh spent several weeks of the summer following her high school graduation in active training, but she planned to start classes at Sterling that fall. Three days before freshman orientation, though, she learned her Army Reserves unit had been declared active. LaRosh put college plans on hold, trained for two months at Fort Riley, Kansas, and headed to Kuwait for a one-year assignment. In October of 2005, LaRosh returned home, and in January of 2006, she finally started col- Dr. Maurer visits with Kelli LaRosh during a booksigning event at Broadway Market in downtown lege. Her Reserves experience had given her greater patience and confidence, and she applied Sterling. those character qualities to her studies. When she took the Reading and Writing in the Content Area class in the spring of ’08, the confidence was especially helpful. Her major assignment was to create a book that related to her subject area, math, and she had to do it in two weeks. “Kelli struggled at first,” her professor Terri Gaeddert said. “She wasn’t sure how to create a book about math that would interest kids. And she definitely didn’t want to illustrate it.” LaRosh grew up with three siblings on the family’s farm in Osborne County. She eventually discovered her book topic from this background. Her older brother Kenton is now farming with their father. Kenton hadn’t liked math in school, but he was using plenty of it as a farmer. LaRosh based the young boy character in her book on Kenton, and created dialogue between him and his farmer father. By the end of the book, the boy is convinced math will help him succeed as a farmer. Her professor Terri Gaeddert gave her an A on the assignment, and LaRosh’s mother was certain a publisher might be interested. LaRosh landed a deal with Ad Astra Publishing in Osborne. The paperback book, What’s Math Got to Do with Farming?, available at www.adastrallc.com for $15, came out in February and is already attracting interest, both from educators and the Kansas Farm Bureau. “I’d always wanted to write a book,” LaRosh admitted, “but it took a college class, with deadlines and due dates, to get it written.” And illustrated. Despite LaRosh’s misgivings about her drawing skills, it was her hand-drawn illustrations that “leapt off the page” for the Ad Astra Publishing owners. LaRosh will complete her clinical teaching this fall. After that, she will pursue her next challenge, being a teacher. With the determination she has shown as a soldier, student, and author, there’s no doubt she will succeed in this new career as well. 12 • Spring/Summer 2009


Kruse-ing Past 600

The accolades are more than impressive: Kansas’s all-time winningest collegiate women’s basketball coach; ten-time KCAC “Coach of the Year”; and two-time Kansas Basketball Coaches Association’s “Collegiate Coach of the Year.” He has also coached teams that have won nine KCAC regular season championships and made twelve trips to the NAIA National Tournament, reaching the Final Four in 2001. On January 24, 2009, he won game number 600 and became one of only five NAIA Women’s Basketball coaches to attain that honor. Talk with Women’s Basketball Coach Lonnie Kruse about these accomplishments, though, and you’ll be reminded that his coaching is not focused merely on wins and losses. “You come in contact with a lot of lives when you have been coaching for 28 years. How you conduct yourself and how you deal with them, as a person and as a Christian, is really important.” And his conduct, both with current and former players, has definitely had impact on them. “I not only learned about basketball and winning, but about life and how to be a genuine and caring role model in the lives of young people. When you played for Coach Kruse, you felt like you were a part of his family,” said former Lady Warrior Rene (Zimmerman) Wilson. She is not the only one to feel that way. Coach Kruse’s family dynamic has become a legacy of his teams. “Family is the only word that comes to mind. It is not just about winning, but about the heart [Coach Kruse] shows us, like we are one of his own kids. Because of that family environment, we want to be successful for him. He has taught us so much and created something special, and no one can take those lessons away from us,” said current senior Hillary Stuckey. Perhaps that is why, for Coach Kruse, the time has passed so quickly. “It is amazing how much the Lord has blessed us. I can’t believe it has been 28 years. It really does go by fast, and if you don’t embrace the right things, it is all wasted.” His players would say he has embraced the “right” things. They would say his efforts have not been a waste. “His number one goal is to love us and pour time into us. It is an honor to play Coach Kruse is presented with Tony Lama cowboy boots and a ball autographed by the Lady Warriors for someone with such integrity, talent and respect. I feel so lucky,” said Erin Thiessen ‘09. during his 600-win celebration. And to Coach Kruse, that is much more important than win number 600.

Kraft and Woods Awarded Outstanding Athletes

Sterling College Athletic Director Andy Lambert and the SC Athletic Department have announced Jonathan Woods and Ashley Kraft as the 2009 Outstanding Senior Athletes. “These two student athletes have been tremendous assets to their respective programs on and off the court,” said Lambert. “They have represented Sterling College extremely well.” Woods, a 6’10” center from San Antonio, Texas, was a unanimous and repeat selection by the KCAC this past season and was named to the All-Defensive Team. Woods helped the Warriors to their first KCAC Regular Season Title in fifteen years and to the NAIA Div. II National Tournament this past season. He was named an NAIA Honorable Mention All-American following his senior campaign. Men’s Basketball Head Coach Dean Jaderston said, "Woods has progressed so far in his three years here. He was the top defensive rebounder in the NAIA this year and finished in the top six in both overall rebounding and blocked shots. We will definitely miss his maturity and competence next season." Ashley Kraft, a 5’10” forward from Ransom, Kan., was named to the All-KCAC First Team for the second season in a row. During the past two seasons she has led the Lady Warriors in scoring, rebounding and steals. Kraft led the Lady Warriors to their 10th regular season championship and their 13th trip to the NAIA Div. II National Tournament this past season. Kraft was a second team NAIA All-American twice during her career at SC. "Ashley has had a tremendous career,” said Head Coach Lonnie Kruse. “She is in our top ten in career scoring (1417 points), rebounding (750), and steals (218). Her stats would have been even better if it had not been for two ACL injuries. She is a driven athlete who has always had a desire to improve and win. She has been a major part of our success.” Ashley Kraft of Ransom, Kan., and Jonathan Woods of San Antonio, Texas

Athletic Department News Items Jenny Ellis was named as head volleyball coach at Sterling in December. She comes to SC from Catawba Valley Community College where her teams compiled a 32-6 record the past two seasons. She received her undergraduate degree from Mississippi College where she played volleyball. SC grad Luke Cureton ’03 returns as the new head golf coach for the Warriors and as an assistant coach for the men’s basketball team. Cureton finished his Master of Education Degree in Sports Administration at Wichita State University in May of 2008. He was SC’s Outstanding Male Athlete and Outstanding Male Graduate in May of 2003. The men’s basketball team was named KCAC All-Conference Champions. The team ended the regular season with a 20-8 record. Sterling Magazine • 13

Commencement Commencement 2009 Sterling College’s 117th annual Commencement ceremony was a day of new beginnings. Held on April 25, on the new McCracken Field in Smisor Stadium, the ceremony was the first presided over by SC President Dr. Paul J. Maurer. For the 110 graduates of 2009, the ceremony was not merely an end to their hard work at SC, but the beginning of a new chapter of their lives. Among the graduates were four students who became the first to graduate from SC’s online distance education program, e.Sterling, which was established in 2007. Reverend Mike Woodruff, senior pastor of Christ Church in Lake Forest, Ill., delivered the Commencement address entitled, “Cross the Line,” in which he encouraged the graduates to plan ahead, retain friendships, and most of all, enjoy the new phase of their lives.

Clockwise from top: Master of Ceremony Dr. Arnold Froese leads the commencement recessional. Members of the City of McPherson Pipe Band lead the commencement processional. Dr. Felica Squires, associate professor of language and literature/associate dean of liberal arts and sciences, was the 2009 recipient of the McCreery Teaching Award for excellence in teaching. David Fuller (son of Ken and Janet [Kilgore ‘77] Fuller) and Melissa Yarrow were honored with the outstanding graduating student awards and the Professor Fran Jabara Leadership Award during the commencement ceremony. Dr. Paul J. Maurer presents commencement speaker Reverend Mike Woodruff with an honorary doctorate degree. Graduate Amanda Bean smiles after receiving her diploma. (Photos by Karin Swihart)

14 • Spring/Summer 2009


Dr. Marvin Dewey Leads Advancement Sterling College is pleased to announce that Dr. Marvin Dewey, a native of Great Bend, Kan., has accepted the position of Vice President for Institutional Advancement. “Dr. Dewey comes to Sterling with strong experience in Christian liberal arts administration. His unique skills, as well as his prior connections to the College, will be of great benefit, and I am glad to welcome him to Sterling. I am also thankful for alumnus Scott Carter, who stepped in to lead the advancement office during this interim period. We greatly appreciate his expertise and service. I have confidence Dr. Dewey will build upon the growth Carter has effected while he also employs his own ideas and leadership style,” Sterling College President Dr. Paul J. Maurer said. Dr. Dewey returns to Kansas from Alberta, Canada, where he served as the president of Taylor University College and Seminary from 1997 to 2007. During his tenure at Taylor, the school’s endowment grew by almost 300%, and annual fund giving nearly doubled. For fourteen years prior to that, Dewey worked at Sioux Falls Seminary in South Dakota, first as the Director of Development and then as the Vice President for Advancement, participating in three capital campaigns, meeting with major donors, and leading the development, public relations, and recruitment staffs. He holds a doctorate in higher education administration from Peabody College of Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn.; a master of divinity from Sioux Falls Seminary; and a bachelor of arts in religion from Taylor University College. As Sterling College’s Vice President for Advancement, Dr. Dewey will serve on the president’s cabinet and will be responsible for leading and coordinating all College development and alumni relations, including annual fund, major gifts, planned giving, and church relations. Dewey and his wife Becky, an elementary school teacher, will be moving to the Sterling area this summer. They have two adult children who live in Sioux Falls, S.D. Dewey is originally from Great Bend, Kan., and his mother and two of his brothers still live in the area. Three of his nephews are Sterling College graduates.

Join In The Sterling Fun(d) Last year 987 donors contributed $1.1 million to the Sterling Fund. Sterling needs more cogs and co-workers who financially support the college. The needs for this year are slightly over $1.3 million in unrestricted gifts, those that are flexible and help Sterling meet its greatest needs. Known for many years as Sterling’s Annual Fund or Campaign, this effort is now branded the “Sterling Fund.” First and foremost, the Sterling Fund is about students. Sterling College is committed to supporting students in every way possible. Every year, the Sterling Fund provides student scholarships, allowing hundreds of deserving students to pursue a Christ-centered, liberal arts education. The past academic year 100% of Sterling’s full-time students received some type of financial aid from the college. Attracting the best students interested in this type of education is competitive. Sterling must offer sufficient scholarship packages in order to win students to SC. When resources are insufficient to offer scholarships to students, they may decide to go elsewhere. The Sterling Fund also makes investments in faculty and staff, knowing they are the direct links to students. They deliver our educational product and services. Gifts to the Sterling Fund support faculty and staff who excel through inspiring teaching, innovative techniques and thoughtful mentoring. Faculty excellence is critical to both attracting and retaining students. For 121 years, Sterling College has done noble work for God’s Kingdom. Sterling is poised to expand and improve this work. But the College needs a growing cadre of faithful donors who annually support this critical mission. Dreams are not achieved alone. Students need your help to realize their dream of a Christ-centered education. Alumni and friends of Sterling College dream of a stronger, highly-respected SC. Together, the Sterling family can achieve these dreams. Be a part of something special and support the Sterling Fund for a lifetime.

Sterling Magazine • 15


The Cooper Society of Sterling College The history of Sterling College is a testament of godly vision coupled with remarkable examples of faithful people sharing their time, talent, and treasure. In 1879 Sterling’s first president, the Reverend Francis Marion Spencer proposed the idea for a college. He believed the college should be “(a) vigorous institution … [that] would provide a thoroughly Christian education and inspire faith on the part of every student.” The college that Spencer envisioned is the Sterling of today: a distinctive institution that provides a Christ-centered, liberal arts education. In honor of the vision of its founders and the outstanding individuals who have followed them, the Sterling College Board of Trustees established the Cooper Society in February of 2007. The Cooper Society is a community of Sterling College alumni and friends who care deeply about the college and who annually invest in its greatest needs. The Society recognizes as members those who annually contribute a minimum of $1,000 in support of Sterling College whether unregulated or designated. This means that all gifts to Sterling during a fiscal year ( July-June) are combined towards Cooper Society membership. Since its founding in February 2007, the Society has grown to 184 members. Sterling is both grateful and hopeful--grateful for these commitments, and hopeful that this number will grow for the purpose of building Sterling College. Giving partners at the Cooper Society level are critical to strengthen the financial base for Sterling so that the college can increasingly provide an excellent, Christian, liberal arts education. Cooper Society clan levels are based on the following gift ranges: Spencer Clan: $1,000 to $2,499 Campbell Clan: $2,500 to 4,999 Kelsey Clan: $5,000 to $9,999 McCreery Clan: $10,000 to $24,999 Heritage Clan: $25,000 and above

Cooper Society members are invited to visit with President Maurer and other alumni and friends at special events throughout the year. For questions or comments, contact Dr. Marvin Dewey in the Office of Institutional Advancement at (620) 278-4290.

Kelsey Society - Gifts to Sterling via Wills and Estates Lucile Dill Edgar entered Sterling College in the mid-1920s knowing what she wanted—a degree and a successful career. She had the drive and confidence to make it, even as a woman in a male-dominated world. What she didn’t have was money. And this almost kept her from graduating—and from the successful career that followed. After her second year at Sterling, Lucile’s father, a Kansas farmer, could no longer afford tuition. Lucile would have to give up her dream. A beloved SC English professor, one who did not even have Lucile in class but who had noticed her excellence in debate and journalism, offered her $50 so she could finish her final two years. She graduated and went on to a career in journalism and public relations, to marriage with a minister, and, with her husband, to real estate ventures in California. Lucile herself told me this story many years ago when I visited her home in the suburbs of San Diego. We talked about how much that $50 represented in the late 1920s, especially to a Sterling College professor. We also talked about then-current Sterling College students. Many of them, like Lucile, had all the perseverance necessary to earn a degree, but they didn’t have the funds. Lucile identified with them, and she created two scholarships. The Samuel A. Wilson Scholarship honors the professor who gave sacrificially to help Lucile succeed, and the Sterling College Notable Alumni Scholarship draws attention to Sterling alumni’s lives of service. “I want to give to future generations what Professor Wilson gave to me—the chance to have a college education and the potential that comes with it,” Lucile told me. Then she went beyond the scholarships, bequeathing a sizeable portion of her estate. Today Lucile’s presence lives on at Sterling. A plaque in the Mabee library foyer bears her name: her living-will gift was the major factor in creating the Edgar Reading Pavilion, the center core of the library that stretches from the entrance to the stained glass window in the back wall. But Lucile Edgar’s greatest contributions are walking around campus, growing through their studies and activities and relationships with professors and peers. Others are already out in the world, working and serving, affecting people with the life lessons they learned at Sterling. It’s just the return Lucile wanted on her investment. Don Reed ‘68, Director of Gift Planning 16 • Spring/Summer 2009

Advancement “Why Sterling?” Two years ago I had the opportunity to attend Sterling’s Commencement ceremony. When attending events such as these with a three-year old, you often find yourself going off the beaten path in a desperate attempt to entertain a child. The journey for Micah and I led to playing near the west entry of Cooper Hall. From this vantage point, we began to see the 2007 graduates of Sterling College, fully robed and in procession, file out of the Student Union and make their way toward the Smisor Stadium. We watched as the two lines of young people passed on each side of the divine servant statue Scott with his children, Kylie and Micah. that sits impressively west of Cooper. What I observed next captivated my spirit and brought me to tears. Each and every student ran their hands across the statue as they passed by it. Though most were smiling and laughing, what a range of emotions these soon-to-be fellow alumni were experiencing. Excitement for the day and the next stage in life, sadness to be leaving friends and Sterling, and most likely a fair amount of fear of the unknown. It was a powerful experience, one I’ll never forget, as it encapsulates “Why Sterling?” for me. These students represented many aspects of my 24-plus year relationship with Sterling. Some found Christ (like me) or had their faith deepened. Some found or would find a spouse (like me) at Sterling. Some matriculated at Sterling due to receiving scholarships (like me) from generous donors. Most leave Sterling with friendships that will last a lifetime (like you and me). All received a Christ-centered education that will serve them well in our world. I was consumed with pride. I was proud of my alma mater. Proud to be a donor, watching the results of my investment walk by, prepared by Sterling to change the world, serve their community, impact God’s Kingdom. The involvement of alumni and friends is a measure of Sterling’s success. As donors, we’re a part of something unique and special. Over 6800 institutions of higher education exist in our country, yet just over 100 of them provide a truly Christ-centered, liberal arts education, something our nation and our world desperately need. Share Your Time and Talent: Each of us possesses something in addition to our finances to offer Sterling. Sterling needs passionate and talented alumni and friends to serve in advisory capacities that improve our academics, our programs, our marketing. Speak to a class; help recruit a student; plan a reunion or SC event in your community. The possibilities are only limited by our creativity. Share Your Treasure: Great institutions of higher learning largely achieve this status through the charitable giving of alumni and friends. Please support Sterling financially. There exists profound joy in giving. You will be enriched as you connect with Sterling and her mission and her people via your giving. God is moving through Sterling; kingdom work is in progress. Sterling’s first president Dr. Francis Marion Spencer stated it well. “The work of Christian education is unsurpassed. Helping to train young men and women is service immeasurable. It has to do with the home, with business, with the state and with the Church of God. It begins in time, and goes on through eternity.” Scott Carter ‘88

Title III Matching Challenge Five years ago the College was awarded a Title III grant from the Department of Education. This grant provided dollars to strengthen the premier Sterling Teacher Education Program. The College was challenged to raise $25,000 each year of a five-year period. The monies would be placed in an endowment producing annual earnings for student scholarships in Sterling’s teaching program. If Sterling raised this amount each year, the Department of Education would match that amount, thus providing a total of $50,000 each year and a grand total of $250,000 if all five years were successful. In an effort to secure these doubling funds, the College asked its teaching alumni to support this Challenge. Those who gave $500 or more would have their name, or the name of a teacher they wished to honor, placed on an “Honor Roll of Sterling Teachers” to be displayed in the College’s Department of Education. Over the last four years the College, through the faithful generosity of many alumni teachers and other graduates, has reached each year’s $25,000 goal. In this final year, we are only $6,000 from the goal. The deadline is September 30, 2009. If you are a graduate of the Sterling Teacher Education Program or know of an SC teacher you wish to honor in the “Honor Roll of Sterling Teachers,” send your check to the Advancement Office, 125 W. Cooper Ave., Sterling, KS 67579, or contact the office for complete details at 800-346-1017 and ask for an Advancement Officer.

Sterling Magazine • 17


Athletic Renovation Near Completion Sterling College thanks those listed below who have financially supported the renovation of Smisor Stadium and the Track & Field complex. This area of campus was in need of renewal, and these former SC Warriors and fans have contributed $1.1 million to make these vital improvements. The total cost of this project was $1.3 million and the college hopes to raise the remaining funds by Homecoming 2009. For more information on this project and its giving opportunities, please contact Don Reed at 620-278-4247 or dreed@sterling.edu. 33 I.N.C. Accenture Keith & Lu Adams Anna Mae Alexander Kurt & Kristine Anderson John Andrews Don & Mary Ashby John & Martha Atkinson Monte Ball Francis Beckman Stuart Beckman Marty Behrendt Thaine & Edith Beitler Curt & Yvonne Bennett Jack & Betty Bornhoeft Jim & Cindy Brackensick Wayne & Lynda Broky Charles & Ruthie Brown Bruce & Barbara Bryant John & Marnie Buckley Elliot & Carol Byall Bill & Betty Calderwood Don & Evelyn Calderwood Fran Calderwood Margaret Calderwood Mark & Wendy Calderwood Bob & Eloise Campbell Charles & Joan Carson Glenn & Melinda Chambers Craig & Tara Claussen Al & Phyllis Clerihue David Coen Joe & AnnaLisa Cook Jim & Shirley Copley Leonard & Brenda Coryea Jim Cunningham Lynn & Barbara Darcey Sue Davis Walter “Wilso” Davis Brian Dewitt Tom & Bev Dill Jack & Kim Dillard Gary & Glennys Doane Bruce & Dee Douglas Scott & Karen Downing David & Sherry Earle Norma Jean Fair 18 • Spring/Summer 2009

Robert & Lu Frisbee Todd Fulton Alex Galyon Scott & Traci Glasscock Vincent Goerl Bill & Mary Anne Grey John & Cathy Grove Karen Gutierrez Ron Hamm Clarke Hunter & Patsy Harris Delbert Hayes Robert Neil Hazlett Willis Heck Randy & Georgia Henry Kurt & Catherine Hogan Kerry Hookstra Harry & Tammy Horton Dale Hughes David & Margot Irwin John Irwin John & Mildred Irwin Cornell & Lorri Jackson Howard & Lana Jackson Matt Jaeger Duane & Dorothy Johnson David Jones Bud & Joan Kelley Oliver Kenagy Janet Kenny-Smith Bill & Mary Korf Leonard Kralik Andy & Betsy Lambert Chuck & Nancy Larsen Harry & Margaret Lentz Bill Liles Phil & Colleen Little Mike & Tracy Manning David & Elizabeth Martin Joe Martorano Joan McConnell Harold & Vanetta McCreight Joel & Carolyn McCrory Joe & Roberta McFarland Robert & Georgia McFarland Don & Emily McKeown Howard Means Rigo Medina

Bob & Fayetta Molby Mutual Improvement Club Linda Nef Chuck Olsen Michael Pearson Marcus Pitts Clarence Pollock Bill & Melanie Portz David & Jolene Reed Don & Linda Reed Mark & Abby Reed Maurice & Margaret Reed Shawn & Miranda Reed Virginia Reed Dee & Nancy Reiff Gene & Alice Renollet Jim & Barbara Rhaesa Brian & Kim Richter Brennan & Christy Riffel Rich & Nancy Ringwall Darrell Romme Geral & Margie Schmidt Myrt & Marilyn Shuttleworth Bob & Zoe Sickles Chris Sillin James Silman Tom & Linda Simpson Sara Sleeper M.D. Smith Parker & Susie Smith Larry & Jeanne Sneed

Mark & Lou Ann Spangler Jeff & Claudia Sparagana Tom & Faye Steffen Sterling Maytag Charles & Katherine Stinson Lori Strauss Travis & Jennifer Surface Gentry & Brooke Sutton Pearl Tedford Tony & Sharon Thompson Roger & Mary Trotter Rick & Pam Troy Jim & Elza Turner Pat Turrell USD 376 Jesse & Dolly Vincent Michael Vitztum Robert & Connie Wade Charles Wagler Pat Zimmerman-Wagler Ivan Werner Gary & Judy White Don & Janice Whitman Ray Williford John & Phyllis Wilkey Sam & Sue Wilkey Jeff & Shanda Wood Bill & Frances Wyatt Dave & Georgina Young Jerry & Louann Zimmerman Jonathan Zimmerman

Alumni News and Notes

CLASS NOTES If you have any updates or class notes you would like to have included in the next Sterling Magazine, please email them to dearle@sterling.edu with the words “Class Notes” in the subject line.




After 35 years of service with the American Red Cross, PAM (IRWIN ‘69) HEAD retired on June 30, 2009. Pam finished her successful career in Wichita, Kan., as the CEO of the Central Plains Region.

A Letter from the Director of Alumni Relations Each February when the Sterling College Alumni Council meets, one of the highlights of this meeting is to review nominations and make selections for the three awards which recognize alumni who have demonstrated professional success and significant service to others since graduating
from SC. There were numerous worthy nominees to consider, and a vote was taken to determine this year’s winners of the Alumni Award, the Alumni Citation and the Distinguished Service Award (DSA). The Alumni Award, which honors an alumnus who graduated fewer than 15
 years ago, was given to 2003 graduate Scott Stinemetz of Great Bend, Kan., Scott is
the founder and president of Healing Hearts Ranch, Inc. The purpose of Healing Hearts Ranch is to address the 
needs of families who face emotional
 and behavioral challenges. The Alumni Citation, which recognizes an
alumnus who graduated 15 or more years
 ago, was awarded to 1988 graduate Lex Rhoadarmer. Lex was an admissions counselor 
at SC from 1988 to 1996. He has since
taught theatre at Clearwater High School in Clearwater, Kan., where he
 has been recognized for outstanding contributions to musical theatre by the Music Theatre of Wichita’s Jester Award program. Lex has continued to recruit students for Sterling from Clearwater, his church, and his community. The DSA is given to an 
alumnus who has demonstrated a lifetime of professional success and servant leadership. The recipient of the 2009 DSA is 1968 graduate Don Reed. Don has exemplified
 servant leadership in his church, in his family, and in his 35 years of dedication to Sterling College where he is now serving as director of gift planning. Congratulations to our 2009 award winners. If you would like to nominate an SC graduate for any of these honors, please contact me or visit our the alumni section on our Website. David Earle ‘88, Director of Alumni Relations

Dr. DANIEL ’67 and KATHY (HAMM fs69) PAULS announce that after nearly 30 years of medical service in Parsons, Kan., they have moved to Topeka, Kan., where Dan will be the medical director of the Community Living Center. This center is part of the Colmery-O’Neil Veterans Hospital.

The class of 1958 participated in the “Generation to Generation” float during Homecoming 2008. Left to right: Nancy (Broadstreet) Bowen, Nadine (Beswick) Krantz, Shirley Crouse, Donna (Hudleson) Dye, Ann (Wiley) Blose, Joan (Anderson) Carson.

REV. STUART ROBERTSON ‘65 reports that he is now teaching biblical Hebrew and two courses pertaining to early Judaism and early Christianity at Purdue University. He moved to this teaching position

after retiring from several years in the pastorate. Stuart and his wife Barbara live in West Lafayette, Ind.


MARY ANN (BLACKWOOD fs’71) WEIMER reports that she married Paul Weimer on November 10, 2007. The Weimers live in Topeka, Kan.


HEATHER MCCREERY ‘90 and SCOTT CARTER ‘88 announce the birth of Kylie Lin McCreery-Carter on September 6, 2008. Kylie joins 4-year-old brother Micah Scott. The family resides on the McCreery Homestead north of Estes Park, Colo. TODD FULTON ’85 reports that he recently finished his 10th year in the Norton, Kan., school district where he

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Alumni News and Notes teaches junior high English and coaches high school football, basketball and track. LORRI (RASER ‘85) JACKSON reports that her husband, CORNELL ’86, is now the running backs coach at Purdue University. The Jacksons live in West Lafayette, Ind.


LEEANN (ZACHARY ‘96) CARLSON and husband Travis live in Cyril, Okla., where LeeAnn teaches high school English. They have two children. Rachyl is now eight and Jaxom is seven. ERIC DUFT ’95 has recently been promoted to associate head coach of men’s basketball at Weber State University, where he has served on the coaching staff the past three years. Eric and wife SHERRI (HARMS ’97) live in South Weber, Utah, with their four children Jaret, Halle, Easton, and Kourt. RUBEN ’94 and ELIZABETH (COUSINS ’95) GARCIA announce their move back to Kansas after Ruben’s graduation from his residency in Michigan in July. The Garcias will be moving to Medicine Lodge, Kan., where Ruben will be a primary care physician with the Physician’s Clinic and Medicine Lodge Memorial Hospital. He will also be the medical director for the Hutchinson Community College Emergency Medical Services program. SOM FORT ’93 and wife, Jin, announce the birth of daughter, Eugene Crecent, on February 16, 2009. Eugene joins sister Joan Rose. Som and family live in South Korea where he is stationed with the U.S. Army. BRYAN EDWARDS ’90 notified the Alumni office that he is currently a receiving/inventory manager at Kice Industries Inc., in Wichita, Kan. Bryan and wife Gennie live in Wichita with their two children. DAVID LOVE ’90 wrote in the Class Notes section of the Alumni pages on www.sterling.edu, “I have a good life, a great wife, a good job, some great kids, a good couple of cats, a great dog and I just

20 • Spring/Summer 2009

e.Sterling Draws Alumni Back for Second Round at SC Jennifer Pauls ‘00, Ian Anderson ‘04, and Eli Svaty ’06 graduated from Sterling College. Now they are SC students again, pursuing their secondary education degrees through e.Sterling, SC’s online program. When Jennifer Pauls and Eli Svaty were given chances to teach, they discovered how much they liked doing it. Pauls taught part-time at the community college level and discovered she wanted to do it full-time at a level that would provide greater relationship with her students. Svaty was offered a high-school teaching position under a conditional license in Liberal, Kansas, just a week before the school year started and only three months after his graduation from Sterling. “In that year I discovered that teaching is fun for me,” Svaty said. For Anderson, the decision came as a conviction. “I was feeling unsatisfied with the business world at the same time I was becoming more convinced that God wanted me to teach.” All three alumni needed educational licensure for permanent positions. Anderson had already taken some classes at a community college, and he knew he wanted something different. “My experience there was impersonal. I had no contact with my professors outside of class.” The flexibility of an online program would fit well with their busy lives, but all three also wanted a level of service similar to what they’d received at Sterling. “SC professors care about students’ accomplishments,” said Anderson. As the three alumni searched for options, they learned of e.Sterling. When Pauls emailed the contact person, she was impressed. “I got an immediate response. It was much different from the other programs.” The high level of service continued as the students began taking classes. “My experience has been great. Kim Kelley (e.Sterling’s student counselor) helps us with all the details, and the professors know we’re working full-time jobs and are really understanding,” said Svaty. “I feel the professors genuinely care about us,” Pauls added. Still, the three students will not be sad when they are finished. Pauls has already accepted a position for this next school year teaching strings and orchestra at the K-12 level, and Anderson will pursue a teaching position after he finishes his coursework. Svaty, who had a long-term subbing position this past year in Liberal, will have a permanent position this school year due to the completion of his education degree. Svaty will be glad to be finished for another reason. “After licensure I’ll be excited to just teach. This last year was brutal with developing lesson plans, grading essays, and keeping up with online course work. This year should feel like a walk in the park.” e.Sterling offers degree completion in Theology and Ministry and in Christian Ministries. Through the Sterling Teacher Education Program Online (STEP Online), it currently offers degree completion in the areas of elementary education, professional studies, and math with an emphasis in education, with history being launched this fall. Its programs work well for the student who has completed general education hours as well as for the student who holds a bachelor’s degree but needs education coursework to obtain a teaching license. An education degree from e.Sterling fully prepares graduates for licensure through the Kansas State Department of Education. couldn’t be too much happier than I am right now.” David states that he would love to hear from fellow alumni. If you would like to get in touch with David, contact the Office of Alumni Relations and we will pass on your request.


TONY ’05 and HEATHER (KORF ‘06) VANHORN announce the arrival of their twin daughters Hadley Luella and Leila Elaine on June 4, 2009. You can check out more about the VanHorns on their blog: http://tonyheathervanhorn.blogspot.com/

Alumni News and Notes JESS LANGVARDT ‘05 accepted a graduate assistantship with the University of Memphis where he will be a strength and conditioning assistant for the athletic programs. CHAD HENSLEY ’05 and wife Elizabeth report the birth of their second child, Amelia Hope on December 22, 2008. Amelia joins older sister Elaina. Chad is a youth and worship pastor at Praise Assembly of God in Derby, Kan.

LEGACY WALK Halfway between Cooper Hall on the north end of campus and Spencer Hall on the south end there is a section of sidewalk known as the Legacy Walk. To stand at this section of sidewalk and read the names engraved on the bricks is to take a virtual walk through the history of Sterling College. Names of past professors, trustees, presidents, alumni and partnering friends, businesses and churches are cemented as permanent reminders of the rich history and heritage of Sterling College. Currently, 198 bricks have been placed in the Legacy Walk with another 50 bricks to be added this summer. Legacy Bricks make wonderful gifts in honor of someone or meaningful memorials for someone who has passed on.

JERI MILLER ’05 is now living in Oahu, Hawaii, where she is teaching school for the Department of Education. HEATHER (BEARD ’04) DAVIGNON reports that she and her husband, Daniel, now live in Fort Worth, Texas, where Daniel is in residency for radiology. They will be in Fort Worth for at least the next four years. DR. TIFFANY (LOHMEYER ’03) ELLIOTT graduated on May 9, 2008, from Oklahoma State University – Tulsa with a degree in osteopathic medicine. Tiffany and husband, James, now reside in Edmond, Okla., where she has begun an emergency medicine residency at Integris Southwest Medical Center in Oklahoma City. KENDRICK MELVILLE ’02 reports that he is stationed at Ft. Lewis, Wash., where he serves in the U.S. Army as a Korean Linguist. He will be deployed overseas in August and has requested prayer during his deployment. WINDELL MIDDLEBROOKS ‘02 won the Bobby Award from Advertising Age for Best Performance in a 2008 Commercial by an Actor, for his role as the Miller High Life guy. Go online to the link below to see more about Windell’s award. http://adage.com/brightcove/single. php?title=6199862001 DR. DREW ’02 and RACHEL (DERSTEIN ’03) MILLER announce the birth of their first child, Emma Caroline, on May 26, 2008. The Millers live in Park City, Kan.

Would you like to add your name or the name of someone special to you to the Legacy Walk? The cost per brick is $120.00. If ordered in the next month, we will make every attempt to have your brick added to the Legacy Walk before Homecoming in October. For more information please contact the Director of Alumni Relations, David Earle, either by email at dearle@sterling.edu or by phone at 620-278-4228. GARY CHRISTENSON ’05, wife Courtney, and daughter Joelle will be moving to Oceanside, Calif., in mid August. Gary co-founded and operates a nonprofit organization called emote360. This organization works exclusively with nonprofits producing multimedia (print, web, video, audio, etc.) for them. Gary and Courtney also operate their own design and photography studio. Visit their Website at www.garyachristenson.com (Note: This is a special Class Note as it encompasses accomplishments of Sterling College alumni representing both the decades of the 80s and 00s.) The Music Theatre of Wichita annually hosts the Jester Awards Ceremony where exceptional accomplishments in the production and performance of musical theatre in area high schools are recognized. Sterling is proud of the following alumni who were honored: BETSY (HALLORAN ’82) DUTTON, Sterling High School GREG MCGLYNN ’87, Campus High School

CLARK COMLEY ’88, Sterling High School RACHEL PROCHASKA ’01, Sterling High School SARAH (KOHEN ’03) TUCKER, Andover High School SASHA HILDEBRAND’03, Sterling High School


ANDREW ’08 and MARIA (CALHOUN ’09) FAHRENHOLTZ were married December 20, 2008. The couple now resides in Iowa City, Iowa, where they both will be attending the University of Iowa. ADAM fs10 and NATALIE (GORDON ’08) RAY were married January 3, 2009. The couple lives in Salina, Kan., where Natalie is employed by Geoprobe and also also does marketing part-time for Martinelli’s Little Italy restaurant. Adam is finishing his education at the Salina campus of K-State and working for Philips Lighting Co.

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Alumni News and Notes BRETT ’09 and JAYMI (MCANALLY ’09) WESTRUP were married January 10, 2009. The couple lives in Coldwater, Kan., where Jaymi is employed by the Coldwater Native Bank. Brett works for the Swingin’ L Ranch and is also assistant football coach for Coldwater Junior High. CARLOS ’09 and ASHLEY (ENGELLAND ’09) DE LOS REYES were married April 2, 2009. Ashley is studying physical therapy at Rockhurst University. Carlos is employed by National Bank of Kansas City and is working towards an MBA from Kansas University. The couple lives in Overland Park, Kan. JOSH ’08 and current SC student, RAE (KELLEY ’11) ALLMAN were married April 10, 2009. Rae will be finishing her degree in elementary education at SC and Josh is teaching third grade at Eisenhower Elementary in Great Bend, Kan. The couple lives in Lyons, Kan. JOEL IWASHIGE ’07 married Hilda Yoder on April 11, 2009. Joel is employed by Software Builders, Inc., creating software for use by financial institutions in portfolio management and credit analysis. Joel and Hilda live in Abbyville, Kan. RYAN ’08 and AMANDA (FULMER ’08) HEUGHAN were married in Wichita, Kan., on April 18, 2009. Amanda is currently enrolled in the physical therapy graduate program at Wichita State. Ryan will be teaching elementary school. The Heughans live in Newton, Kan. ADAM ’08 and MELISSA (BATES ’09) CASTILLO were married April 24, 2009. The couple lives in Dodge City, Kan., where Melissa is manager of All 4 Fun Family Entertainment Center and Adam will be coaching baseball at Dodge City High.

Natalie and Adam Ray

Ashley and Carlos De Los Reyes

Amanda and Ryan Heughan

Adam and Melissa Castillo

Ben and Karin Swihart

Jordan and Jon Nance

Beth and Matt Fowler

Nate and Sam Prior

BEN ’09 and KARIN (LEDERLE ’08) SWIHART were married April 25, 2009, in an evening ceremony in Spencer Hall with the reception in Upper Wilson. The Reverend Dr. Hank Lederle, Sterling College professor and father of the bride, performed the ceremony. The Swiharts will live in Campbell Hall as Ben serves there as Resident Director. Karin is the Director of Marketing at Sterling College. JON ’08 and current student JORDAN (ZIEGLER ’10) NANCE were married May 1, 2009. Jordan is currently employed by Cool Beans, a coffee house in Sterling, while she finishes her degree. Jon is employed by the Lyons Daily News. The couple lives in Sterling. MATT ’09 and BETH (COOMBS ’09) FOWLER were married May 9, 2009, at the Sylvia Church of Christ in Sylvia, Kan. Beth and Matt are living in Kinsley, Kan., where Beth will be teaching second grade. Matt will be teaching physical education in Spearville, Kan., where he is also the head football coach at Spearville High School.

eNewsletter Sign-up The Sterling College eNewsletter is emailed the first Monday of each month. The newsletter supplements the tri-annual Sterling Magazine with feature articles, campus updates, upcoming events and other general information. Currently the newsletter is emailed to 1,582 alumni and friends. Would you like to receive the eNewsletter? If so, please send your current email address to dearle@sterling.edu so you can receive next month’s edition of the Sterling College eNewsletter.

22 • Spring/Summer 2009

NOLAN COX ’09 married Natalie Elder on May 23, 2009. Nolan and Natalie live in Weskan, Kan., where Nolan is employed with United Plains Ag. NATE ’09 and SAMANTHA (REGIER ’09) PRIOR were married May 24, 2009, at the Tanganyika Wildlife Park in Goddard, Kan. Sam and Nate will be moving to Baoding, China, in late August where they will live and teach English at North China Electric Power University.


It is always sad when we receive word of alumni who have passed. Our thoughts and prayers go out to their families and we remember their involvement with Sterling Collgee. For the past five years a special memorial presnetation has been produced that is shown at the Alumni Banquet during Homecoming and again to our students at Heritage Chapel. This presentation lists and shows pictures of the alumni who have passed about whom we have received notification. (The notification deadline for this academic year is August 31, 2009). ALICE H. (FUNK ’36) LUNSFORD passed away October 23, 2008, at the age of 94. Alice lived in Rapid City, S.D. RUTH N. (BEHNKE fs’38) AMSTUTZ of Bel Aire, Kan., passed away October 21, 2008.

Alumni News and Notes GRACE L. (STONE fs’39) TIMMONS of South Hutchinson, Kan., died April 13, 2009. Grace is survived by daughters GLENDA (TIMMONS ’65) JOHNSON, ANITA (TIMMONS fs’78) MARTIN, sons GAROLD fs’66 and KENNETH fs’68, and granddaughter ANDREA (JOHNSON ’98) WILSON.

LOIS (MCCOWAN ’45) WORL died December 12, 2008, in Salina, Kan. Lois is survived by her sister JEAN (MCCOWAN ’45) BREWER. LELAND DYKE ’46 of Indianapolis, Ind., passed away February 15, 2009. REV. MARK CALDWELL ’47 of Redford, Mich., died April 24, 2009.

On April 25, 2009, MARGARET E. From the Office. . . (NICHOL ’39) ReedAlumni passed away. Margaret was preceded in death by son ROBERT REED ’66. She is survived by her husband of 68 years, MAURICE ’39, son DON ’68, granddaughters SUSAN REED ’93, ROBIN (REED ’97) WEBB and KIM (REED ’03) DILLARD and grandsons, SHAWN ’95, KYLE ’99 and MARK ’02. RALPH EDIE ’42 of Sioux Fall, S.D., passed away on May 22, 2009. He was preceded in death by sister EVELYN (EDIE ’53) PETERSON. He is survived by wife JUANITA (HILL fs’43), brother RICHARD fs’46 and sister ELEANOR (EDIE ’43) WORK. BERNICE (MCGREW fs’42) KIRKTON of Altadena, Calif., passed away December 18, 2008. She was preceded in death by her husband RICHARD ’40.

PHYLLIS (ODEN fs’50) FOSTER of Sterling, Kan., passed away October 16, 2008. Phyllis is survived by husband ROBERT fs’50 and son BRIAN ’75. LLOYD VILES ’50 died October 24, 2008. Lloyd lived in Stephenville, Tex., and is survived by his wife MARJORY (SMITH fs’58). REBECCA (GIBSON ‘51) CHURCHILL passed away March 18, 2009. She lived in Industry, Penn. Becky is survived by her husband, REV. FRANK CHURCHILL, JR. ’51. LEWIS WILSON ’51 of New Wilmington, Penn., passed away December 12, 2008. He is survived by his wife SARA (CHALFANT fs’51).

WILLIAM L. TURNER ’42 died May 5, 2009. William is survived by his wife MARGARET (SEYB ‘45).

WILLIAM WYATT ’55 died December 16, 2008. Bill lived in Scottsdale, Ariz., and is survived by his wife FRAN (WILLEY fs’57) and brother RICHARD fs’46.

BARBARA (GROTBERG fs’45) HAZELWOOD of Calais, Maine, passed away October 13, 2008.

CAROL (LAUGHLIN fs’56) MACDONALD of Topeka, Kan., passed away October 15, 2008. She is survived by

husband JAMES fs’57. DONNA (PORTER fs’57) EWY of Hanston, Kan., died June 3, 2009. Donna completed her degree from Sterling College in 1970. RUTH HANDLIN ’59 of Ellsworth, Kan., passed away March 23, 2009, at the age of 108. VIRGINIA (JACQUES ’60) SECK of Hutchinson, Kan., died February 28, 2009. ELIZABETH (MCKOWN ’65) SHIPP of Lawrence, Kan., passed away January 4, 2009. She is survived by her daughter REBECCA (SHIPP fs’97) HARDIE. CHERYL (OWENS ’65) SALEM of Ellinwood, Kan., passed away May 7, 2009. Cheryl is survived by her husband VIRGIL ’65 and daughter LORI (SALEM ’91) ROSENHAGEN. CARL BLICE ’66 of Council Grove, Kan., passed away July 30, 2008. He is survived by his wife SHIRLEY (ENGLAND fs’68), sister ANNETTE (BLICE ’64) SAVVAS and mother Mary Blice, who was the dorm mother in Kilbourn Hall for many years. VICKIE (KELLER ’79) ACKERMANN, her husband Kurt, and her mother Pauline Keller (a former Sterling College employee in the business office) were all killed as a result of a single-car accident in Wichita, Kans., on December 21, 2008.

Where’s the Warrior?

Beginning with this issue of Sterling magazine, a new feature is being introduced called “Where’s the Warrior?” We hope this will encourage our students, alumni, and friends to carry the name of Sterling College around the globe. If you would like to be featured in “Where’s the Warrior?”, send us a picture of yourself wearing a Sterling College article of clothing in front of a landmark, such as the Eiffel Tower, the Great Wall of China, the World’s Biggest Ball of Twine, etc. Please include the date and location of the picture and your reason for being in that location. We will then select one of the submitted pictures for our next magazine publication. We ask that pictures be of high quality, with the SC wording clearly visible. Mail pictures to Sterling College Alumni Relations Office, 125 W. Cooper, Sterling, KS 67579 or email to dearle@sterling.edu. Email is preferred.

Amberli Todd ‘09 sports her Sterling College t-shirt in front of Iguazu Falls in Brazil, South America during the summer 2008.

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125 W. Cooper, Sterling, KS 67579 www.sterling.edu • (800) 346-1017 Parents: If this is addressed to your daughter or son who has established a separate address, please help us update with his/ her new address by calling (620) 278-4206 or emailing alumni@ sterling.edu.


Why Homecoming 2009?

It Will Be One for the Ages! October 22 – 24, 2009

Schedule of Events

Thursday: Lady Warrior Volleyball Homecoming Musical Friday: Inauguration of Dr. Paul Maurer Class of 1959 50th Reunion Class of 1979 30th Reunion Class of 2004 5th Reunion Homecoming Musical Saturday: Lady Warrior Basketball Pancake Feed Homecoming Parade Lady Warrior Soccer vs. Tabor Homecoming Hangout Warrior Soccer vs. Tabor Warrior Football vs. Kansas Wesleyan Dedication of Renovated Stadium Complex All-Sports Reunion Alumni Banquet Alumni Softball Game Homecoming Musical

Associate Professor of Music Brad Nix takes a turn in the dunk tank during Homecoming 2008. (Photo by Doug Boardman)

*More details can be found on the Alumni Website at http://www.sterling.edu/alumni-family-friends

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