Fall 2008 Sterling Magazine

Page 1

Gentry Sutton Comes Home 4

Smisor Stadium Renovations 6

Sterling College Announces New President Story on page 3

Dr. Dan Cavanaugh 7

From the Editors Dear Sterling Alumni and Friends, Just as we were going to press with this magazine, we received BIG NEWS! And we really mean BIG! Many of us—and you—have been praying about this issue for months. Before we get into the “letter from the editor” you were originally supposed to be reading right now, we’d like you to take a break and look at the page facing this one—and meet Sterling College’s new President! We hope you are as excited as we are that God has given our Board of Trustees clear direction and led Dr. Maurer to Sterling College. We look forward to sharing his vision for SC with you in later magazines. And now, on to the original “letter from the editor:” Thank you and Congratulations! This magazine, the issue you hold right now in your hands, is a reality because of you. Your responses—more than 300 letters and over $11,000—brought back the Sterling Magazine in printed form. So here it is, the Fall 2008 issue. We have so much to tell you, not only about the current academic year, but also about the past two. So we have decided to make this a “catch-up” issue. Just think of it as a conversation between two good friends who have been out of touch for a while. When they get together, they “catch-up,” with one quick update after another. That is what we are hoping to accomplish with this issue. We obviously have space limitations, so we couldn’t cover everything, but you can log onto www.sterling.edu for more stories and the most up-to-date news.


Thank you, The Advancement and Marketing Teams at Sterling College

Gentry Sutton Returns Home 4

Smisor Stadium Renovations

6 The renovated Smisor Stadium welcomed its first home game in September. The dream that began five years ago has now become a reality thanks to the support and gifts of many alumni and friends.

Dr. Cavanaugh: from “South of the Tracks,” to the Operating Room 7

As a child, Dr. Daniel Cavanaugh never believed he would go to college, much less earn a medical degree. He shares his story of how God used Sterling College to change his life so that he could impact others.


Sterling Life 9

Record Enrollment; McCreery Teaching Award; Career Services comes to SC; Department of the Year; Walden Media Internships

Homecoming Review 11 Annual Report 12 Advancing Our Mission 22 Athletics 23

New Men’s Soccer Coach; Track Coach of the Year; Return of Tennis Program; New Dance and Cheerleading Squad

In the News 25

New Faculty and Staff; Biology Students Join KU Med; New Dorms Named; New Chairman of the Board

Alumni News and Notes 28

Classnotes from Alumni around the World; Which Warrior?; Legacy Walk; Klings Receive Honorary Alumni Status

2 • Fall 2008

Director of Advancement Scott Carter ’88 Director of Marketing Communications Karin Lederle ’08 Writer for Marketing Communications Jennifer Underwood Photographers Karin Lederle Caley Chestnut ’11 Director of Alumni David Earle ’88 Sports Information Director Justin Morris ’99 Director of Gift Planning Don Reed ’68 Student Assistants Ashley Dowgwillo ‘09 Annette Ensz ‘12 Printer Mennonite Press, Newton, Kansas College Administration

Thirteen years ago Gentry Sutton came to Sterling College as a student. Now he has returned to the place he calls home as Sterling’s new Director of Institutional Assessment and Writing Center Director.

Sterling Staff

President Bruce Douglas Vice President for Academic Affairs Troy Peters Vice President for Enrollment Services Dennis Dutton ’82 Vice President for Student Life Tina Wohler Vice President for Innovation and Technology Ken Brown Chief Financial Officer Scott Rich Chief Administrative Officer Paul Bingle ’77 Board of Trustees Tony Thompson ’65, Chair Tim O’Brien, Vice Chair Alumni Council Greg McGlynn ’87, President Amy Svaty ’02, Vice President Jill Lundgren ’79, Secretary-Treasurer Fran Calderwood ’54, Golden Club Representative View Sterling Online www.sterling.edu/alumni/magazine Current and back issues available Sterling is a publication of Sterling College’s Alumni and Marketing Communications offices. It is distributed three times a year at no charge to Sterling College alumni, friends and parents. To remove or change your mailing address, or to submit a classnote, email alumni@sterling.edu; call 620-278-4206; or write the Alumni Office at 125 W. Cooper, Sterling, Kansas 67579. Postmaster: Send address changes to Sterling, Sterling College, 125 W. Cooper, Sterling, Kansas 67579

New President

Dr. Paul J. Maurer Accepts Sterling College Presidency The Sterling College Board of Trustees announces that Dr. Paul J. Maurer accepted the presidency of Sterling College on November 12, 2008. Dr. Maurer becomes Sterling’s eleventh president and will officially begin his duties on February 2, 2009. “Dr. Maurer brings tremendous passion, energy, and compassion to Sterling College’s presidency. His commitment to Sterling’s mission will accelerate our unprecedented growth that began with Dr. Douglas’s appointment in 2005,” Chairman of the Board Tony Thompson says. Dr. Maurer brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to Sterling College, having led Trinity International University in Deerfield, Ill., as its Senior Vice President of Institutional Advancement and President of Trinity International Foundation for the past six years. As a member of the president’s executive team, he helped shape strategic planning, policy, and operational decisions for the University. Gift income grew, including the most successful capital campaign in Trinity’s history. Maurer also serves on the Advisory Board of the Carl F.H. Henry Center for Theological Understanding. Prior to Maurer’s work at Trinity, he was on staff at Westmont College in Santa Barbara, Calif., where he directed a successful $57 million capital campaign. During his tenure at Westmont, Maurer was involved in the early formation of Westmont’s Gaede Institute for the Liberal Arts. “It’s an honor to be chosen to serve as President of Sterling College,” Maurer says. “I believe the primary role of a Christian liberal arts education is to develop students’ maturity of intellect, character, interpersonal relationships and Christian faith. Christian education has the unique opportunity and responsibility to develop the whole person. A comprehensive education is not only a better education for the individual student, but serves the Church and broader society.” Maurer received his Doctor of Philosophy in Political Science from the School of Politics and Economics at Claremont Graduate University, where he was named an H.B. Earhart Fellow. Dr. Maurer also earned his Master of Divinity from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 1989, and his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Cincinnati in 1983. He has published in Presidential Studies Quarterly and contributed to a volume titled The Moral Authority of Government. Maurer is currently working on a book on the religious rhetoric of Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. Maurer and his family are members of the non-denominational Christ Church Lake Forest in Lake Forest, IL. Maurer’s wife, Joellen, serves as Director of Spiritual Growth at the church. Dr. Maurer has been active in teaching and in the formation of small groups ministry. Maurer and his wife, Joellen, have four children, Jon (17), Elizabeth (16), Daniel (13) and Sarah (8). More information about Dr. Mauer will be included in our next issue of Sterling magazine.

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Photos by Julie Jaderston

By Jennifer Underwood

Returning Home

by Jennifer Underwood

“I’ve met a lot of Sterling alumni who are passionate about their alma mater,” says Brooke Sutton, an instructor in Sterling’s Language and Literature Department. Then she adds, speaking of her own husband, “but Gentry is so passionate about Sterling he bleeds Scottish plaid. We even had a bagpiper at our wedding.” Yet Sterling was not Gentry’s first choice in colleges. It wasn’t his second choice either. Or his third, or even his fourth. Gentry’s journey to Sterling twisted, turned—and sometimes seemed to go nowhere. In high school Gentry had one clear passion, and a rather vague desire. The passion was baseball. The vague desire was writing, but since he wasn’t sure how to pursue that, he chose his college for its baseball program. In the fall of 1993 he went to Northeastern Oklahoma A&M, hoping to play there, but the baseball coach told Gentry he would not see significant playing time, possibly for two years. Gentry transferred to another junior college so he could play. The season went well, but Gentry wasn’t satisfied with the school. He transferred to another community college the next fall, but it wasn’t a fit either. He didn’t really know what he was looking for in a college; he just knew he wasn’t getting it. So the following spring he went to Southwestern Oklahoma State University, hoping it would be a good fit. It wasn’t. “I wasn’t a Christian during those years,” he says, “but I grew up knowing right from wrong. I was tired of the moral relativism in the state colleges. I wanted an education from an absolute-truth perspective, and I hadn’t found it at any of the places I’d gone.” In the spring of 1995, Gentry dropped out of classes at Southwestern Oklahoma State. He still wanted to play baseball, but not at another state school. Then he remembered two letters he’d received back when he was a senior in high school.

4 • Fall 2008

Karin Lederle

“Two Christian colleges contacted me about playing baseball, but back then I thought Christian colleges only taught people how to be pastors. Two years later I knew better. I still didn’t know God wanted a relationship with me, but I knew there had to be a better way of living than what I’d seen.” All he could remember about those two colleges was they were both in Kansas. Gentry believes God stepped in to help. While trying to recall the college names, he had a random thought about his middle brother. Gentry’s brother’s name is Sterling. He went to his hometown library, flipped through a college guide to find the Sterling College phone number, and set up visits with Sterling and nearby Tabor College. But when he went to Sterling and talked with baseball coach Hadley Hicks, he canceled his meeting at Tabor. Gentry was going to Sterling, and Sterling, though Gentry didn’t know it yet, was going to become home. Home, and the start of a different journey for Gentry—his spiritual journey. “My birthplace is in Oklahoma. I would never trade my upbringing there, but Sterling is home. It’s where I learned about God’s grace for me and began my walk with Him.” He took the first step of that journey in the spring of ’96. Gentry had been at Sterling almost a full year. “God was working on my heart, convincing me of His love for me through Coach Hicks, the chapels and some of my professors. Finally, at about 2 a.m. one April morning, alone in my dorm room, I accepted Christ.” The next morning Gentry woke with a feeling he hadn’t felt in almost three years: he wanted to write, and he was finally at a college where someone would help him pursue that. But just a few days later, he got bad news. “My then-single mom, who sacrificed more than I will ever know to help me attend Sterling College, called to tell me we just couldn’t afford another year’s tuition at a private school. I was devastated. I’d just started walking with Christ, I was

becoming convinced He wanted me to write, and then I faced having to leave Sterling, the only place where I knew people who could support me in both journeys.” Twenty years old and admittedly and humorously naïve, he got the idea of writing a story that summer, selling it, and using the money to pay for his tuition. “I figured I could write a book in a few weeks and sell it before school started in the fall. I didn’t know anything about publishing. I didn’t even know anything about writing, but the Lord used this idea, crazy though it was, to keep me encouraged. And it got me to write.” As he wrote late into the summer nights after working days as a janitor, he envisioned his story’s main character as Kevin Costner. “I had the idea,” he says now, laughing, “that if it ever got turned into a screenplay, he would be the perfect person for the part. Unrealistic, yes, but I was consumed by it.” A few weeks into his summer, though, Gentry was discouraged. The thought of failing and not being able to return to Sterling was almost unbearable. On his twenty-first birthday, he drove back to the Sterling area to visit a friend and attend a track meet in Wichita. When a rain delay suspended the meet, on a whim Gentry went to nearby Wichita State’s baseball stadium. A few innings into the game he heard commotion above him. He turned and saw cameramen, reporters, and, in the middle of it all, Kevin Costner. “Some people might call it coincidence, but given my passion at the time and the fact I was in the middle of Kansas—on my birthday—I saw it as something more. Looking back, I know God wasn’t saying my story would be published or anything like that. I felt God was telling me to learn more about writing, to pursue it by getting training, to pursue it, too, by continuing to write that story.” He did, returning home and finishing the novella, but it didn’t sell. And that meant he didn’t have the finances to return to Sterling. Three days before the fall semester began, he was visiting a friend on campus when he saw Kay Barnes, then Sterling’s Financial Aid Director. “Gentry, I haven’t received your financial aid information.” “No, I’m not coming back. Can’t afford it.” A moment later Gentry found himself in Kay’s office with Kay on the phone to his mother. “I was in classes three days later, and Kay has had a special place in my heart since that day.” Gentry was in classes—as an English major. He took God’s encouragement seriously, although, he says, “I was intimidated at first. I was taking literature classes with brilliant students about to graduate, and I was just starting.” But the professors encouraged him, and in December of 1998 Gentry graduated with degrees in physical education and English. After staying on at Sterling in the admissions’ office for a year and a half, he went to Emporia State University to get his MA in English. There he met and married Brooke, a fellow student in the program. There, too, he felt another urge. “I started thinking about returning to Sterling—as an employee. I wanted to be part of a place that is active about leading people to Jesus—just like it had led me.” He started talking to his wife about it. “Even before we were married,” Brooke says, “he was selling me on both the college and the town.” The couple first went to New Jersey, though, where Gentry worked at Thomas Edison State College as an Academic Editor

and then an Instructional Designer in the college’s Office of Learning Assessment. However, he kept in touch with his fellow alumni and with the Gentry Sutton works college and its in the writing lab with freshman student, job postings. Annette Ensz. When Gentry heard Sterling was starting its online program, he submitted a résumé, but he was told it would be a while before they hired anyone as its instructional designer. He waited, but no response came, so he applied elsewhere, desiring to be in a Christian environment again. “I wanted to be in Sterling, but I wanted to make sure that was what God wanted as well.” Early in 2007 Gentry had two interviews scheduled, one at a publishing firm, the other at a Christian college in Pennsylvania. “We thought God was leading us somewhere else,” until Troy Peters, Vice President for Academic Affairs, contacted him, asking if he was still interested in the instructional design position. After visiting with Peters, Gentry cancelled the two interviews, and in July of 2007, he, Brooke and their three kids, Isaac, Ian, and Ireland, made the journey back to Sterling. Gentry worked that first year as the Instructional Designer for e.Sterling’s teacher education online program. In 2008 he became the Director of Institutional Assessment and the Writing Center Director. And Gentry’s writing? Well, he is still on that journey, too. In 2006 his first book, Team Church: Big-League Teamwork to Strengthen the Local Church was published by Gazelle Press. In it Gentry compares the body of Christ, as described in I Corinthians 12, to a baseball team. When the members of a team work together for a common goal rather than for selfish glory, they make the game and the team look good, and more fans are drawn to love the game. It’s a topic Gentry feels strongly about. After all, it was the body of believers at Sterling that started him on his own journey with Christ. He recalls the interview he had years ago with Business Department professor Kathy Glynn. He had just graduated and wanted to be an admissions counselor. “Why do you want to work here?” she asked. “To give back.” “Really?” she pushed. “Absolutely. This college has given me more than I could ever repay.” Gentry feels the same way now. His journey has led him back, to be a member of the body of Christ at Sterling. “How could I ever repay an institution that taught me about God’s grace and helped mold me into a young person with purpose? Serving as an employee is the least I can do.” Gentry’s hope is that his service will help other young people on their own spiritual journeys, and that many of them, too, will find Sterling to be their spiritual home. Sterling Magazine • 5


Sterling Warriors and Community Welcome Newly Renovated Smisor Stadium This past spring and summer the south end of Sterling College’s campus was overrun with caution tape, front-end loaders, and hard-hat crews—as well as dozens of people driving by to check on the progress of the 1.5 million dollar renovation of Smisor Stadium.

Stone pillars mark the entrance to the wrought-iron gated complex. The track is composed of a synthetic, injury-preventive surface. The field is a natural grass surface, a perfected athletic blend of fescue and bluegrass that sits on a sandy loam foundation that raises the playing surface nearly two feet higher than the previous field. This foundation, along with deeply rooted grass and an aggressive top dressing of sand, allows the field to resist damage from wet playing conditions. The best spot for viewing the field is the newly renovated press box area atop the stadium. Two media/press boxes have clear views of the field, one on either side of the 50-yard line, and each box is flanked by a coaches’ box. The press boxes have two sitting levels with laptop hookups, wireless internet, and radio phone lines. Both boxes combined will comfortably accommodate up to 30 media personnel and statisticians. The coaching staffs, previously seated in tight quarters with the press, now have privacy in a bi-level box of their own where up to 10 coaches, prospective players, and/or program VIPs can view the game. This was a hands-on project for Sterling College Athletic Director/Head Football Coach Andy Lambert, defensive coordinator Chuck Lambert and Chief Administrative Officer Paul Bingle. It was not uncommon to see Paul Bingle, in dress shirt and tie, sweeping off the newly laid track surface or carrying construction materials, doing anything necessary to make sure deadlines were met. Bingle states, “It’s been a roller-coaster journey, but in the end, I have been grateful to be a part of it. What is being done is something that enhances our college and community beyond measure and I am proud to have witnessed it day by day.” Andy Lambert feels the same. “We are so blessed to be able to take part in this effort. This is such a great advancement for the athletic departments of Sterling College and the Sterling Unified School District.” Those in the community are also pleased with the outcome. Keith Patterson, head football coach of the high school, commented, “We are extremely grateful for what the College has done for this community. Our kids are excited to be able to play in a facility like this.” 6 • Fall 2008

Justin Morris

Smisor Stadium serves both the college and Sterling High School for football and track, and it greatly needed a face-lift. The project was a cooperative agreement between the Sterling Unified School District and Sterling College, and the renovated facility provides both attractive and functional improvements.

The facility, however, was not possible without the financial support of many philanthropic partners. Don Reed, Director of Athletic Advancement for Sterling College, was a key part in the fundraising process for the stadium. “It is a win-win situation for our community as it will provide our local school system with a top facility and a wonderful area for our citizens for jogging and exercise. For the College, it will greatly strengthen our ability to recruit quality student-athletes for our football, track and crosscountry programs. The improvement to the track means the College will once again be able to have home track meets. As I’ve raised funds for this project, I’ve also been pleased to see so many alumni and community members want to be a part of supporting this improvement. We are only shy of the financial goal by about 10%, and we are anxious to welcome the last few supporters who will help us with the completion.” To thank the many who gave gifts to this project, a kiosk in the stadium will list all those who donated. The kiosk will also provide historical information about the track and field. After all, it is because of the donors—many of them alumni with fond memories of the old Smisor—that the dream of a new Smisor Stadium is now a reality. Justin Morris ‘99

Dr. Cavanaugh: from “South of the Tracks,” to the By Dr. Dan Cavanaugh Operating Room at home.” They have been married for eight years and, between the two of them have six children and eleven grandchildren (and their grandpa is glad to see them—and glad to send them home again!). Dr. Cavanaugh maintains ties with Sterling College and the area, recently returning to attend his 50th high school reunion from Hutchinson High School. Dan and Pam call The Apostolic Faith Church in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, their church home, and their pastor Carl Traponi is one of Dan’s closest friends. Dan’s most recent passion is playing the banjo. About five years ago he dusted off a banjo that had been hiding in a closet and began to practice. A year ago, he joined the gospel/bluegrass group named the King’s Countrymen (kingscountrymen.com) and now travels with them when he is available. In this article Dr. Cavanaugh tells the story of how the Lord led him to Sterling College and then beyond. His hope is that those who read it will be encouraged with the reminder that, “through Christ, anything is possible.”

I think there is no greater excitement and awe than when we look back and see how the Lord Jesus has been in charge of our lives without, at times, our even being aware of His presence. My life is an example of this, and I would like to share it with you. I was born into a working-class family in Hutchinson, Kansas, and was raised in an area that was classified as “south of the tracks.” Basically, we were poor. I didn’t realize that as a child— the games of “kick the can” played by my friends and me under the street light were no different than the games played by kids “north of the tracks.” It was apparent at times, however, that something was not quite right. My mother sometimes cried as she attempted to figure out how the bills were to be paid, how school books were to be bought, etc. Fortunately clothing for the family did not pose a problem because my mother worked at a South Main used clothing shop. She searched through the deliveries of “new” stuff for items that would fit our family and then paid for them out of her meager salary. My association with the Lord was apparent but loose during those growing-up years. Church was usually Sunday School at the old Methodist Church on “F” street, but a daily walk with God was not apparent. But He was there, as I was eventually to find out. High school confirmed the vague idea I’d learned in grade school that there were the “haves” and the “have-nots,” and the majority of the “have-nots” came from south of the tracks. With work after school and the other distractions of teen life, and without the greatest of expectations, I didn’t become a stellar academic, and at graduation from high school I had a grand “C” average. But with the diploma came a written question: “What is it you want to do with your life?” This naive young man wrote “Doctor” in the blank and quickly tossed the diploma in a drawer—and didn’t really think much more about it. The Lord, I now know, had plans for me even though I was not aware of them or even aware of his constant presence. I was somehow led to the United States Army as a high school graduate, and I spent three years doing those things that allow a wandering young person to mature into a disciplined man. The

strains and stresses of the military caused me for the first time to truly seek out the Lord’s help and guidance, and realization came in another area as well. I would need an education once I was finished with the military! But I often wondered, “Can I really handle college? I never made better than a “C” in high school.” I gave myself a test: while still in the military I enrolled in an evening English college course. To my amazement, I was awarded a “B” at the end of the semester. The teacher even commended me on the quality of my final thesis. Following discharge from the military I enrolled as a freshman at the junior college in Hutchinson. I was twenty-one years old. Then the realities of life hit. I had school fees to pay, textbooks to buy, a car to fill with gas, and clothes to purchase. Thank goodness my parents, as poor as they were, allowed me to live in their home and eat their food. I worked shifts at the salt plant in the summers and at a grocery store in the evenings and on the weekends—and, of course, there was the local used clothing store on South Main to keep me in shirts, pants, and shoes. My goal was to be a shop teacher, and during my freshman year I was happy taking the courses that would lead to that goal. One of the courses was basic mathematics. There were people from all disciplines in that course—including pre-med students. When grades were posted, I found I was at the top of the class. “What is going on?” A voice began to speak to me, and the thought of “what if ” began to gnaw at me. An urge I could not control was leading me to change my major from industrial arts to pre-med. When I spoke to the pre-med counselor at the college, he quickly pointed out to me that no one changes from industrial arts to pre-med—in fact, it’s usually the other way around. Fortunately I was not dissuaded, even though I still didn’t fully realize there was Someone Else behind my decision-making process. I switched majors between my freshman and sophomore years. Yikes! Chemistry, physics, advanced math! I had never had one day of any of those courses in high school. I found myself overwhelmed and asked the Lord in private if this was really what I was supposed to be doing. I dropped physics and made all efforts to make it through chemistry and the required science courses. A’s

Photograph provided

Dr. Dan Cavanaugh graduated from Sterling College in 1965 and from The University of Kansas School of Medicine in 1969. After a 25year medical career in the military, he moved to the Wisconsin area to work at Sacred Heart Hospital as a general and thoracic surgeon. His wife, Pam, is also his office nurse, and, in Dr. Cavanaugh’s own words, “keeps me in line both in the office and

Dan recently began playing the banjo in a gospel/ bluegrass group named the King’s Countrymen.

Sterling Magazine • 7

and B’s came out of my work. I graduated from Junior College as an honor student and earned a basic scholarship of $250.00. Then I had to face the next question: where was I going next? I knew I would have to work in order to pay fees, etc. I thought going to school somewhere close to home would solve that problem by allowing me to continue at my current jobs. Somehow the name of Sterling College came up. Could I go there? Somehow? I don’t know how I was introduced to the school except that I wanted to major in chemistry, and someone who knew that gave me the name of Dr. D. Ruth Thompson. Everyone associated with Sterling College knew that Dr. D. Ruth Thompson was the Head of the Chemistry Department and was known as a taskmaster’s taskmaster. She was a legend for preparing students for the rigors of medical school. I was accepted at Sterling as a provisional junior student even though I needed to catch up on freshman physics and go “double time” to make up all the requirements needed to be a chemistry major. I signed up to take 18-semesterhours along with night classes. With that load I could not work regular hours during the school year, and I had to find some way to pay for my education. I was still able to work summers at Morton Salt Plant in Hutchinson, and I deposited my paychecks in an account that I “unloaded” at the admissions office each fall. Work at the grocery store was only intermittent, but my parents continued to allow me to live for free at home. This saved me some money, even though I had to drive my rusting Chevy back and forth to Sterling. Sterling College was wonderful. Dr. Thompson was indeed the taskmaster she’d been advertised to be, but I found the academic life a good challenge. I was also re-introduced to a daily spiritual walk with the Lord. Chapel was a new part of campus life for me, but I came to welcome it. All went well until the final semester of my senior year—there were not enough funds to pay my tuition. My money had run out. I didn’t know what to do. I took my problem to the Lord, and I may have mentioned it to Dr. Thompson. I am still not clear about how things evolved after 8 • Fall 2008

that. All I know is that suddenly someone somewhere wanted to give me some money, and it was the amount I needed to finish paying for the semester. I heard my benefactor may have been from Junction City, nothing more than that—but I do know that the Lord had His hand in this event and I think Dr. D. Ruth Thompson had something to do with it as well. Even with this incredible gift, the thought of finances was never far from my mind. That last semester I went to the University of Kansas School of Medicine in Kansas City for selection interviews for the next year’s medical school class. I was one of three being interviewed in my session. We were asked the question, “How are you going to finance medical school?” The first fellow stated that his father had a large business firm that sold cars and his education would be paid for. The second fellow answered that his father was a surgeon and his education would be paid for as well. My answer: “I don’t know, but I probably could work at the salt plant in Hutchinson in the summers.” Another question we were asked was, “How many medical schools have you applied to?” The first fellow responded that he had applied to three or four, and the second fellow’s answer was the same. I answered, “One.” The interviewer then asked me if I thought I was so good I only needed to apply to one school. I was in despair. “Well, there is no way I could come up with funds to travel to different schools to interview, so this opportunity was the choice I took.” I drove back to Hutchinson depressed, thinking I had no chance of being accepted into the medical school class. I was truly amazed when I received the acceptance letter. I was actually one of three graduates from Sterling College who were accepted to medical school the following year, a record at that time, I think. On my first day at medical school I looked for the two people who had interviewed with me—they were not there. Much, of course, has happened since that time, and my walk in medicine has taken me far. I have had the good fortune to be trained as both a general surgeon and a cardiothoracic surgeon. I was able to serve my country as a surgeon in the United States Army for 25 years—and

Photograph provided


Dan and his wife Pam, an office nurse, work together at his practice.

during that time I had the privilege of being the commander of the 43rd MASH – the Real MASH. Unfortunately I have at times wandered away from our Lord, but He has always “grabbed me by the neck” and pulled me back. Today I approach each patient as I think the Lord would approach him or her, and I continue to operate on patients with Him standing next to me. Over the past ten years I’ve developed another area of my life: playing the banjo, and now, on the weekends I am not on surgical call, I am the banjo player for a bluegrass gospel band – praising our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through song. I owe my career and my knowledge of Jesus Christ to Sterling College and that wonderful little lady known as Dr. D. Ruth Thompson. May God continue to bless Sterling College with Jesus Christ as its backbone, and with dedicated professors such as Dr. D. Ruth Thompson.

Sterling Life

Record Enrollment at Sterling for Third Year It’s another record-breaking year for Sterling College! A total of 654 students have enrolled at Sterling College this fall, making this the largest enrollment in the College’s 121-year history. Sterling has 30 more students than the second highest recorded enrollment in the fall of 1968. This year also marks the third straight year for Sterling enrollment to top 600. This year’s total enrollment includes an increase of 11 full-time students over last fall and also includes 38 students through e.Sterling, the online division of the College, as well as several dual-credit students from Sterling High School. Sterling’s full-time equivalency number is 612, marking the first time that number has been over 600. The full-time equivalency is derived by totaling the number of credit hours for all part-time students. The number of new students attending Sterling College for the first time this fall is just over 200. Retention among students returning to Sterling this fall has increased 15% over last year.

“There is a definite excitement all over campus,” says President Bruce Douglas. “All of the efforts of our faculty and staff as well as alumni and friends have really paid off this year. Why wouldn’t students want to come to Sterling with the dedicated faculty, our Christ-centered mission and the commitment we have to strengthening programs?” “Three years of enrollment above 600 means we are definitely turning the corner,” says Vice President for Enrollment Dennis Dutton. “Dr. Douglas’ time at Sterling has marked a renaissance for the College. Since he joined us, every single academic department and most extra-curricular programs have been strengthened in some way –with people, programs, and/or facilities.” A total of 39 states are represented on campus this fall. Texas is second only to Kansas with Colorado and California third and fourth. In addition, there are seven international students, each from a different country.

Shawn Reed, assistant professor of exercise science at Sterling College, was awarded the 2007-2008 McCreery Teaching Award during the Commencement Exercises outside Cooper Hall in April. The McCreery Teaching Award recognizes and encourages excellence in teaching and is presented to a faculty member whose efforts have provided noteworthy and innovative instruction to Sterling College students during the aca-

demic year. The award was established in honor of Sterling College’s fourth president, William M. McCreery, and has been awarded to one outstanding faculty member each year since 1977. Reed was nominated by faculty and students for the example he set for his students by modeling continuous knowledge and growth in the field of Exercise Science. Don Reed, the Director of Gift Planning for Sterling College, had the privilege of honoring his son, Shawn, during the 2008 Commencement. Reed graduated from Sterling College in 1995 with a B.S. degree in Health and Physical Education and a minor in History and Government and received his M.Ed. in Sports Administration from Wichita State in 1998.

Shawn Reed ’95 Recognized for Sterling College’s McCreery Teaching Award

Shawn Reed (left) is in his fifth year of teaching at Sterling College, where is father Don (right) also works.

Career Services Office Comes to SC

Herb Albertson likes to help people. That’s the main reason he’s now the new Director of Career Services at Sterling. “I was the Bursar at Eastern Nazarene College in Massachusetts, and I found what I enjoyed most was helping students with financial difficulties, connecting them with jobs or grants.” That, however, was not the main focus of the job. As Albertson was thinking about his need for a change, Sterling College was thinking about the career needs of its graduating seniors. The two needs met last December when Albertson interviewed for and accepted the new, full-time position of Director of Career Services. Since February he’s been doing what he enjoys most, helping students plan their futures. The first thing Sterling students see when they enter Albertson’s office is a map covering one entire wall. Red tags mark places all across it where Albertson has connected past students to jobs, continuing studies, and ministry/service opportunities. “It helps them see the entire world is full of possibilities.” And those possibilities can start early. Through Career Services Albertson promotes semester-abroad opportunities, AmeriCorps (a community service/educational grant program), and the work-study program. “These allow students to discover their strengths and interests while they are still at Sterling,” says Albertson. For those students about to graduate, Albertson has contracted two online services: Career Direct, a job/interest assessment tool, and Optimal Résumé, a service assisting with résumé creation, website building, interview preparation, etc. Albertson then meets with groups of students to discuss and practice these skills. He also counsels students individually. “I’m working on a master’s degree in Marriage and Family right now,” Albertson says, “and the skills I’ve developed through it help me discover more quickly what students really want. Once that’s established, we can begin researching possibilities.” That’s what Herb Albertson and Career Services are now providing, possibilities for Sterling College students to take the skills, knowledge and growth they’ve gained at Sterling out into the world. Sterling Magazine • 9

and his family assisting William Morse alongside art students Taran Morse, in the renovation. He Erin Thiessen, Jacqueline Holmberg and new Sterling professor David Harmon display their award of also got the Academic Department of the Year. Dean involved in helping with the project.” Morse is joined this semester by David Harmon who comes to Sterling from the renowned Savannah College of Art and Design. Sterling graduate Joe Jacobs returns to the art department, teaching ceramics. “So many of the Sterling family have contributed to our program,” says Morse. Ceramics student, Sarah Thomas, works on a pottery project in the newly refurbished art center. “Dr. Troy Peters, the Academic Dean, not only has given me the support we needed in this department, but literally rolled up his sleeves and helped restructure the gallery walls. In my years of teaching, I do not know of another Dean that would have done that.”

Students Intern with Walden Media

other Walden interns—who were from much larger universities such as Boston College and Columbia—Ehresman and Dory received valuable hands-on training by participating in projects like a marketing campaign for an upcoming book and ushering at a premier for the movie Journey to the Center of the Earth: 3D. “What I really liked was that it wasn’t trivial stuff like getting coffee. They had us doing research like we would if we worked for the company; they basically treated us like employees, which was pretty cool,” Dory says. Projects, however, were not the only valuable part of the internship, as the relationships formed also had an affect. “It was neat to see how you could be professional, yet have a lot of creativity at the same time, “ Dory says. “I learned a lot from Michael Flaherty because he is a Christian, but still works in the professional world without compromising his faith.” Overall, Dory and Ehresman agree that the experience is something that will remain beneficial to them in their futures. “Parts of it were difficult, and it was a lot of work, but I’m glad I did it. I learned a lot, had a great time, and now I have contacts with the Walden staff and other interns that I will use one day—no matter what career I pursue,” Ehresman says. Although the internship was an unpaid position with a smallexpense stipend, both Dory and Ehresman agree that they would recommend it to other students who are interested in media. “They’ll learn a lot and gain experience in how to make positive media and use their faith in a professional world. Although some of the people we worked with may have had different beliefs, we still were able to come together to get the job done,” Dory says.

Sterling College Art & Design chair William Morse accepted the first “Department of the Year” award in a faculty reception this fall. The new award is designed to recognize outstanding achievements in recruitment and retention along with improvements in an academic program. The award comes with a $1,000 gift for the department. “There has been a significant emphasis the last few years on faculty involvment in the recruitment process,” says Dennis Dutton, VP for Enrollment at Sterling. “Our professors have stepped up their efforts in establishing relationships with potential future Sterling students through phone calls, emails and letters.” Sterling College has 12 new students who have indicated an interest in majoring in Art/Design this fall compared to as few as four in recent years. “Professor Morse has made a major difference in the College’s art program since coming a mere two years ago,” says Dutton. In addition to the increase in the number of students interested in Art, Morse has significantly renovated the Art Department facilities and made changes in the academic offerings. Morse has restructured the traditional art program to include the popular areas of graphics and animation. He has an extensive background in both areas. “Morse has transformed the Sterling art program virtually on his own,” says Dutton. “He taught all of the art classes in the spring semester while making plans to renovate the facilities. Much of the summer was spent by Morse

Photo provided

Equipped with iPods and a GPS navigational system, senior Nathaniel Dory and junior Matt Ehresman left the Midwest and drove 1,700 miles to Boston this past summer for the opportunity of a lifetime: an internship in the Education, Outreach, Interactive and Publishing offices of Walden Media (best known for their Chronicles of Narnia movies.) Although many Sterling College students have participated in various internships, this year was the first for the Walden Media and Sterling College internship program. The internships, which came about through contacts of SC President, Dr. Douglas, are slated to be an annual occurrence. Andrew Tash, assistant professor of communications, notes that the Walden Media internships are something that distinguishes SC from other Christian schools. “The internships are an invaluable experience for Sterling students. Combining an internship opportunity like this with their experience in the program prepares them for hitting the ground running upon degree completion,” Junior Matt Ehresman with Walden Media coTash says. founder and president, Michael Flaherty. As they joined the 10 • Fall 2008

Caley Chestnut

Sterling Art Department honored

Caley Chestnut

Sterling Life


Generation to Generation

Homecoming 2008 Generation to Generation From the opening number of the Homecoming musical, Fiddler on the Roof, to the final touch-down of the 42-14 football victory over Southwestern College, tradition was on everyone’s minds during Homecoming 2008. Themed Generation to Generation, homecoming brought together both the young and the young at heart. Traditions such as the parade, homecoming hangout and alumni banquet provided familiarity, while new activities added variety to the festivities. Featured in the 2008 Homecoming activities was a dedication ceremony for the Douglas Residences. Previously named X and Y Halls, the residence halls were re-named in honor of Dr. Bruce Douglas, his wife, Dee, and their service to Sterling College. Another new tradition was the first annual “Running with the Warriors 5K Run” sponsored by the SC track team.

Clockwise from top: Junior Elisabeth Ruble paints a child’s face during Homecoming Hangout. 2008 Homecoming Queen (Amberli Todd) and King (Joel Orr) pose for a picture after the crowning ceremony which took place during half-time of the football game. Freshmen Salima Watson and Teri Walters show McCreery Hall pride in the Homecoming parade. Carol (Ray) Cheyney ‘78, and Niki (Ray) Svaty ‘71 (with her grandson, Micah Svaty) show alumni pride during the parade. Walking down Broadway, the Sterling Habitat for Humanity Chapter raise awarness of their efforts in Rice county. Sophomores April Burns and Whitney Dautel run during the first annual Running with the Warriors 5K Run. The Run was put on as a fundraiser for the Sterling track and cross-country teams. (Photos by Caley Chestnut)

S t e r l i n g M a g a z i n e • 11

Sterling College Annual Report Fiscal Year 2007 - 2008


very gift to Sterling College, large or small, expresses a belief in Sterling College and the desire to contribute to its vitality. On behalf of students, faculty, staff, and the Board of Trustees, the Sterling College family offers its profound appreciation to those who partner with us to develop creative and thoughtful leaders who understand a maturing Christian faith.

$25,000-Plus Annual Giving

$5,000 to $9,999 Annual Giving

Estate of Marjorie Clayton Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Hay National Christian Foundation Estate of Jennie L Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Anthony W. Thompson

Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Campbell Deloitte Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Harold DeWalt Mr. & Mrs. Ray E. Dillon, Jr. Mrs. Patricia J. Gammel Mr. & Mrs. Duane A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Knight Dr. Thomas O. McKown Mr. Nation Meyer Estate of Evelyn Phinney Mr. & Mrs. Earle D. Rice Mr. Scott J. Savage Dr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Simpson Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Thompson Toledo Community Foundation, Inc.

$10,000 to $24,999 Annual Giving

Rev. & Mrs. Charles M. Ayers Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Douglas The Douglas Company Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Henkle Mrs. Eva E. Lewis Mrs. Donna G. McCreery McVay Foundation OMNI Plastics, Inc Mr. & Mrs. Max E. Stauffer Mr. Ethan Temple Wichita Eastminster Presbyterian Church

12 • Fall 2008

$2,500 to $4,999 Annual Giving Abilene First Presbyterian Church George W. Behnke Family Trust Mrs. Jean E. Brewer Rev. & Mrs. Charles J. Carson

Donors recognized in this report gave contributions from July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008. Every effort is made to ensure that this listing is complete and accurate. If there is a discrepancy in the information, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (620) 278-4219.

Mr. Scott Carter & Ms. Heather McCreery Rev. & Mrs. Robert R. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Gary Doane Mrs. Martha L. Doutt Mrs. E. Rose Eatinger White Mr. Alfred Frahm Lucille M. Hall Irrevocable Trust Jellison Benevolent Society, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jespersen Kansas Independent College Fund Mr. Leroy C. Klema Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Lang Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Albert O. Learned Marathon Oil Company Matching Gift Program Rev. & Mrs. Robert E. Meanor Mr. & Mrs. James K. Merklin Mrs. Vera Pearson Mr. & Mrs. Terrance S. Redmon Terrence Schallich Rev. & Mrs. Richard R. Schechter Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Sibley Synod Of Mid-America Mr. & Mrs. Lee Tank Mrs. Melba L. Treaster Mr. & Mrs. John S. Wilkey

Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Wyatt

$1,000 to $2,499 Annual Giving

Mr. & Mrs. L. Keith Adams Mr. & Mrs. Kurt A. Anderson Ms. Marty J. Behrendt Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bender Miss Bertha B. Bennett Miss Barbara A. Borst Mr. & Mrs. James Brackensick Dr. & Mrs. Roger K. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Brownlee Judge & Mrs. Paul M. Buchanan Rev. & Mrs. Donald H. Calderwood Miss Frances N. Calderwood Mr. Anderson Chandler Miss Elaine Cobb Conoco Phillips Company Mr. Phil Crawford Mr. James S. Cunningham Dr. & Mrs. Alan S. Cureton Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Davidson Dr. & Mrs. D. Ralph Davis

Mr. & Mrs. L.D. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Lauren D. DeBuhr Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dillon Ellsworth First Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. Robert Elwood Emporia First Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. Warren Ewert Dr. & Mrs. H. Daniel Fahrenholtz Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Farmer First American Title Company Of CA Mr. & Mrs. Bob Foster Ms. Vicki L. Frahm Mr. Jeremy A. Frederick Mrs. Joneta Gaffin Mr. & Mrs. Urban J. Gathman Mr. & Mrs. John W. Grove Miss Mary Beth Haan Mrs. Carolyn J. Haney Mr. Rick Hann Mr. John B. Haviland Dr. & Mrs. Robert Neil Hazlett Mr. & Mrs. Hadley Hicks Mr. Steven L. Higgins Miss C. Emily Horton Hospira, Inc. Hutchinson Community Foundation Rev. & Mrs. David P. Irwin Rev. John W. Irwin Jeffersonville Presbyterian Foundation Rev. & Mrs. D. Gordon Jewett Johnstown Grace Community Church Mrs. Bernice I. Kirkton Mr. & Mrs. Pete Kitch L.D. Davis Oil Producer Dr. Sara J. MacDonald Rev. Richard A. Madsen Marsh Living Trust Mr. Ben Marshall Mrs. Clarice Mathews-Engstrom Miss Aleta J. Matthews Mr. Daryl F. McConnelee Ms. Sherry L. McCrory Miss Tamela D. McGlynn Miss Betty E. McGrew Mr. & Mrs. Louis Means Mountain View Presbyterian Church Mrs. Sally Mullis Ms. Martha E. Muncy Mr. & Mrs. Daryl K. Nuss Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Olsen Dorcas Pauline Potter Potter Living Trust Pratt Christian Fellowship Rev. & Mrs. Donald L. Ray Mr. & Mrs. John R. Rimmer Dr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Rolfs

A Letter from the Director of Advancement Imagine returning to your alma mater 20 years after graduating to serve the institution in your area of professional expertise. Would you be pleased by what you find? On October first I arrived “back” at Sterling College as its Director of Advancement. Like many of you, I have prayed for and financially supported SC through the years since I graduated. Also like many of you, I want to know that my investment in Sterling College is worthwhile. Coming back as an employee has allowed me to “check out” my investment. What I’ve found has reaffirmed my pride in my alma mater. I’d like to give you the same opportunity. Let me take you on a tour of Sterling College. You’ll be invigorated by what you see. You first notice that the campus looks great, attractive to alumni, friends, the community—and prospective students! The Smisor Stadium complex is wonderfully renovated with a new track and playing field, wrought-iron fencing, and stone pillars marking the entrance. Situated between Kilbourn and Evans Halls you also find Douglas Men’s and Douglas Women’s, two new residence halls built in 2007. If you haven’t been to campus since 1995, Mabee Library will be new to you. Situated in the center of campus, it provides students with a comfortable, professional setting for study and research. Dear to many of our hearts, Cooper Hall stands restored and updated with new state-of-the art technology and quality finishes. What a magnificent legacy the building represents. Indeed, these are fantastic improvements. But buildings don’t educate young people. As you continue your campus tour, you discover the heart of Sterling: its people. You encounter faculty who are not only highly knowledgeable in their fields but who also have a deep commitment to the academic and spiritual well being of Sterling students. You meet students—a record number of students—who are pursuing their academic disciplines and spiritual formation in much the same way we did years ago. These students, with their dreams and hopes, are inspiring. Your tour reminds you, as my coming back reminded me, that great things are happening at Sterling—because people like you support this vital mission. Thank you for your generosity. We are humbled by it, and we are reminded that our work is never done. Here in the Office of Institutional Advancement, we actively partner with the College so that the mission of developing creative and thoughtful leaders who understand a maturing Christian faith is accomplished. You are a part of that partnership as well. Your giving helps the College to achieve an excellence which tuition fees and other revenue sources alone simply cannot provide. Thank you, Scott Carter ’88 Director of Advancement S t e r l i n g M a g a z i n e • 13

Honor Roll of Donors Mr. & Mrs. Robert Royer Mrs. Margaret A. Russell Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Schechter Servant Christian Community Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David M. Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Sickles Mrs. Grace P. Sizoo Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Smith Sterling First United Methodist Church Sterling United Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Stylianou Rev. & Mrs. Paul H. Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Terence J. Swanson Dr. & Mrs. James E. Sweeney Ms. Clarabelle Theobald Tribune Presbyterian Church Mrs. Phyllis Tucker Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Veitch Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Walcott Mr. & Mrs. James A. White Wichita Presbytery of Southern Kansas Wichita Westwood Presbyterian Dr. Douglas D. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Lee Woodford Mr. Parker Woolmington Mrs. Lois M. Worl

$500 to $999 Annual Giving Mrs. Beryle I. Adams AST Capital Trust Company of Delaware Dr. & Mrs. Colin Bailey Rev. & Mrs. William J. Best Mr. & Mrs. Clell E. Bontrager Mrs. Dorothy Bridwell Rev. & Mrs. James R. Brown Dr. & Mrs. Ken Brown Mr. & Mrs. Norman W. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Brownlee Mr. & Mrs. William J. Calderwood Mr. & Mrs. Dale Chadwick Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Clark Clay Center First Baptist Church Mr. Malcolm L. Coomber Miss Shirley F. Crouse Mrs. Robin Cuany 14 • Fall 2008

Mr. & Mrs. E. David Curts Rev. & Mrs. Albert M. Damon Miss Tricia L. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Ermal P. Davis Dr. & Mrs. Walter W. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Dickson Mr. & Mrs. Dennis W. Dutton Mr. & Mrs. David S. Earle Rev. Edward C. Fish Miss Susan Folsom Mrs. Marilyn Freese Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Frisbee Mr. & Mrs. J. David Fullinwider Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Ginder Rev. & Mrs. R. Wayne Hardy Mrs. Sandra L. Harwood Mr. & Mrs. John M. Haspels Mr. & Mrs. Ty A. Herrington Mrs. Lois E. Himes Mr. David A. Hindman Mrs. Shirley E. Ingerly Mrs. Louise W. Judy Mr. Kenneth D. Killian Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Kneidl, Jr. Kneidl Family Trust Mrs. Ruth A. Kroth Dr. Nancy L. Kupsinel Miss Jeanne A. Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Learned Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Lengel Leoti Parks Presbyterian Church Mrs. Ella M. Mann Ms. Margaret R. Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Greg J. McGlynn Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Meester Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mehl, Jr. Midwest Steel Fabricators Mt. Pleasant United Presbyterian Church Mr. Daryl E. Murphy Mr. Meredith L. Myers and Ms. Eileen Matthews Rev. & Mrs. Alfred H. Noakes, III Mrs. Claris M. Nystrom Dr. & Mrs. Daniel N. Pauls Ms. Michelle Pitts Pittsburg Presbyterian Church Pratt Presbyterian Church Mrs. Joyce M. Rocco Mrs. Cheryl L. Runyan Schirer’s Restaurant Mrs. Mary Ellen Scott Mr. Allen K. Sebes Mrs. Mildred L. Shepard

Rev. & Mrs. Harlan R. Shoop Mr. & Mrs. William C. Mr. Admasu Shunkuri Bannister Rev. & Mrs. Richard C. Smith Mrs. Roberta Arlene Barb Mr. & Mrs. Jim Sparks Ms. Arlene Barber Mr. & Mrs. James A. Rev. & Mrs. Michael T. Steinbacher Barbera Stephens Industries Mr. Ronald Barnett Mr. & Mrs. Max Van Horn Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Barr Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Varner Miss Mary B. Barr Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Whitman Mrs. Mary E. Bartlett Wichita Trinity Deacons Fund Mrs. Angela K. Barton Wichita Trinity Presbyterian Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bassett Church Miss Pauline M. Bauer Mr. & Mrs. David R. Wilson Mrs. Marilyn L. Bauman Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Gil Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Bay Mr. & Mrs. Jaret Wohler Mr. & Mrs. John E. Beard Mr. William Zavesky, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Philip R. Beard Ms. Donna Beer Mr. & Mrs. Howard Behnke $1 - $499 Mr. Carl J. Behrens Annual Giving Mr. Thaine E. Beitler Mrs. Nancy Bell S. Eunice Adams Trust Mrs. Shannan L. Bell Mr. Wilbur J. Aikin Beloit Presbyterian Church Mrs. Anna Mae Alexander Beloit United Presbyterian Mr. & Mrs. Arthur S. Algeo Women Dr. & Mrs. Leslie Anders Mrs. Emily Bennett Mr. & Mrs. James Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Jeff L. Bennett Ms. Sharon Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Don Benson Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Samuel Bethel Presbyterian Church Andreasen Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Biga Mr. Richard M. Andrews Dr. William G. Billings Arlington United Presbyterian Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Bingle, Jr. Church Mr. Scott G. Bird Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Armstrong Mrs. Irene Bireline Mr. & Mrs. John E. Rev. & Mrs. Glenn T. Black Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Blake Miss Emilie J. Arnold Rev. Carrol J. Blevins Mr. Philip H Arnold Blodgett Family Trust Mr. & Mrs. Keith Asmus Mrs. Alma R. Blohm AT&T Foundation Mr. & Mrs. John Blomquist Atchison United Presbyterian Mrs. E. Ann Blose Women’s Assn. Blue Rapids Presbyterian Mrs. Janet E. Women Athavichitchanyaraks Mr. Lawrence Boatright Mrs. Valerie K. Augspurger Ms. Carmen Boehm Mr. Lawrence Aupperlee Boeing Matching Gift Ms. Carol Auten Program AXA Foundation Mrs. Mary H. Bolton Ms. Patricia M. Bahnsen Mr. James L. Booker Mr. & Mrs. Jerry J. Bainum Mr. Barry J. Bowers Mrs. Joyce S. Baker Mr. & Mrs. John B. Boyle Mr. & Mrs. Robert Baker Mrs. Sara J. Bramlett Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ball Mrs. Mary E. Brammer Mr. David W. Ball Mrs. Charlotte L. Brewer Mr. Danny L. Banks, Jr. Mrs. Helen J. Bronleewe

Mrs. Lea Ann Brookens Dr. Reuben H. Brooks Ms. Twila Brotton Mr. & Mrs. Andrew G. Brown Mrs. Carol Gene Brownlee Mr. & Mrs. Leo Burger Mr. Steve L. Burger Mrs. Dorothy Burt Mr. John C. Burton Miss Beverly A. Bush Mr. & Mrs. Bryan R. Bush Mrs. Letha A. Bush Bush, Bush & Shanelec Mr. Robert Bushnell Mrs. Peg Busselle Mr. & Mrs. Craig B. Butler Mr. & Mrs. Charles Butts Mr. & Mrs. Brian C. Calderwood Mr. & Mrs. Craig R. Calderwood Mrs. Margaret A. Calderwood Miss Melissa S. Calderwood Ms. Susan Callahan Mr. & Mrs. Allan E. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Carinder Mr. & Mrs. Alan C. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Roy L. Carson Mrs. Derril Castor Caterpillar Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Cerretti Mrs. Lorri J. Chambers Mr. Kenneth E Chandler Rev. & Mrs. Samuel H. Chao Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Charles Chevron Texaco Matching Grants Program Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Cheyney Mrs. Lori A. Childs Rev. & Mrs. Cecil L. Christian Mr. David E. Christiansen Mrs. Dottie Chrouser Rev. & Mrs. Frank R.Churchill, Jr. Mrs. Virginia D. Claunch Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Claypool Mr. & Mrs. F. Allen Clerihue Mrs. Paula S. Collie Mrs. Carole S. Collins Mrs. Joyce Collins Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Collins Mr. & Mrs. James Colvin Mrs. Mary Lou Comley Mr. & Mrs. J.F. Condray Consolidated Edison Company of NY, Inc.

Mrs. Edrea M. Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Coombs Mr. & Mrs. David Coon Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Coons Rev. & Mrs. Dean R. Copeland Rev. Dr. E. Clark Copeland Countryside Elementary Social Fund Mrs. Catherine B. Counts Mrs. Lahoma Counts Miss Lorene M. Cox Ms. Marcia Crabb Dr. Tracy Crane Ms. Edith J. Cree Miss Linda Criswell Miss Phyllis L. Crouse Mr. & Mrs. Randall M. Crouse Mr. H. Keith Crow Mrs. Marion E. Cuddeback Mr. & Mrs. Karl E. Cunningham Mrs. Bernice Curry Miss Miriam Curts Mr. & Mrs. William E. Cuthbertson Mrs. Dorothy I. Cutliff Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dahl Mrs. Urve Daigle Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Dashiell Dr. Andrew R. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Harold W. Davidson Mrs. Carolyn L. Detmer Mr. William Devore Mr. & Mrs. James H. DeVries Mr. & Mrs. H. Brock DeWalt Mr. & Mrs. Jack Dewerff Mrs. M. Loretta DeWerff Mr. & Mrs. David Diasio Mrs. Nila I. Dickason Ms. Jean A. Dickson Mrs. Elaine M. Dill Dr. Raymond E. Dill Mr. Arthur Dolsen Dominican Friars of Memphis, Inc. Mrs. Elizabeth Donley Dorchester Minerals Operating LP Ms. Shirley Dornberg Dr. & Mrs. James E. Douglass Mr. & Mrs. Richard Drake Dr. Maurice L. Duggins Mr. William G. Dunn

Mr. & Mrs. Gale H. Earle Mr. & Mrs. Howard M. Edgar Mr. & Mrs. Victor Eichman Mr. Ronald L. Eilers Mr. & Mrs. James Ekerberg Mrs. Marjorie C. Elgin Elhoff Wealth Strategies & Insurance Services Mrs. Maria N. Engelbrecht Mr. Terry L. Engelhardt Rev. Arthur P. Enns Mrs. Joan E. Erickson Dr. Marianna Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Keith Ericson Mr. & Mrs. Gale E. Ethridge Dr. & Mrs. Randall K. Fahrenholtz Mrs. Kirsten A. Fairweather Rev. Roberta A. Fall Mr. David H. Fankhauser Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Farmer Mrs. Juanita L. Farrer Mr. Keith B. Ferguson Dr. & Mrs. C. Lee Filker Mr. & Mrs. Robert Fincham Mrs. Mary M. Finney Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Fishburn Ms. Karen M. Fleischer Mrs. Evelyn R. Florquist Ms. Doris K. Ford Mrs. Naomi A. Ford Mr. Paul R. Ford Forest Park Philadelphia Pres. Church Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Forrest Mrs. Wanda Fountain Lt. Col. & Mrs. Donald L. Fraizer Mr. Larry Fralick Ms. Irene N. Frankenfield Franklin Truck Wash, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Cort A. Fraser Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Frazell Mr. & Mrs. Duane Frederick Mr. & Mrs. Dewayne V. Freshour Mr. Maurice M. Friedman Mrs. Tonella M. Frierson Mrs. Glee Fritzemeier Dr. & Mrs. Arnold Froese Rev. & Mrs. Charles M. Fullinwider Mr. Mark Fulton Mrs. Gwen Funner Dr. & Mrs. Courtney Furman Mr. James M. Gannon

Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Gant Mrs. Kathryn A. Gardner Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Gardner Ms. Sharon E. Gardner Rev. & Mrs. David W. Garlick Miss Dorinda Gates Mr. & Mrs. John R. Gates Ms. Christine K. Gathers Mr. & Mrs. Darrel L. Gee Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Geier Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gift Mrs. Lorina M. Gillen Miss Mary J. Gillis Dr. & Mrs. Milton D. Gilmore Mr. Benjamin H. Glynn Mr. Charles G. Goentzel Mr. & Mrs. Bill D. Golding Mr. & Mrs. Dale Goodenough Mrs. Mary C. Goodwin Mrs. Beulah M. Gordon Mr. Robert W. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. William B. Gordon Ms. Delores D. Goyen Mrs. Jan R. Granados Grand Island First Presbyterian Church Ms. Virginia M. Grant Ms. Sheila Gray Mr. Robert S. Green Mr. & Mrs. James C. Greenlee Mrs. Diana L. Gregory Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gregory Mr. William R. Grey Col. & Mrs. James Griffith Dr. J. T. Grimes, M.D. Groth Family Trust Dr. & Mrs. Vernon Grounds Miss Jill J. Grove Miss Dana I. Haan Mrs. Sally L. Haggerty Rev. C. Craig Hall Mr. Robert M. Hall Rev. & Mrs. Gerald Hallberg Mrs. Janet Halloran Mr. & Mrs. Douglas O. Haltom Mr. Ronald R. Hamm Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Han Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Hankins Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hanlon Rev. & Mrs. Clark M. Harbach Mr. David M. Harbach Mr. & Mrs. H. Dean Harder S t e r l i n g M a g a z i n e • 15

Honor Roll of Donors Harold L. McKinney Trust Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Harrell Mr. & Mrs. Jerold W. Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hayes Mrs. Edith Hayes Mrs. Lois J. Hefley Mrs. Mildred Held Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hendry Mrs. Helen Henry Mr. & Mrs. Randall C. Henry Rev. & Mrs. Robert C. Henry Mrs. C. J. Hazel Herron Mrs. Gladys Heter-Sargent Mrs. Nancy Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Hicks Mrs. Stef Hill Mrs. Gwendolyn J. Hines Mr. Carl A. Hinshaw Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Hoekstra Mrs. Juliene Hoener Mrs. Cheryl A. Hoenig Mr. Herman G. Hoffman Mr. Keith V. Hoffman Mrs. Marcella K. Holmes Dr. Wai-Foong Hong Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Hookstra Mr. & Mrs. Lester C. Hoover Mr. & Mrs. J. Eugene Horton Hospira Foundation Match Mrs. Kim A. Hovey Rev. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Howe Miss Steffannie R. Howlett Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Hubenett Miss Marsha S. Huggans Mrs. Crystal D. Hultquist Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Humphreys Mrs. S. Lynne Huncovsky Mrs. Christine Huntsman Dr. Rebecca F. Huselid Mr. & Mrs. Steven G. Huston IBM Corporation Mrs. Doris A. Iraca Dr. & Mrs. James R. Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Russell R. Irwin Mr. & Mrs. William H. Irwin Mr. Joel D. Iwashige Ms. Bessie L. Jantzen Mr. & Mrs. Dwight E. Jasmann Mr. & Mrs. Samuel L. Jay Mr. Andrew J. Jensen Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Deral J. Johnson 16 • Fall 2008

Mr. & Mrs. Edward N. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Harve B. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. James D. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Joe Johnson Mrs. Joann Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ed Jones Mrs. Margaret Jones Ms. Marjory E. Jones Dr. & Mrs. Clyde W. Kaminska Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kammerzell Kanakuk-Kanadomo Kamps, Inc. Sen. & Mrs. Gerald Karr Mrs. Karen K. Kehoe Mr. & Mrs. Bud J. Kelley Ms. Jennifer L. Kellum Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kennedy Mrs. Monica L. Kern Mrs. Jo Anna Kerschner Mrs. George Ketley Mr. Thomas Key Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Kilpatrick Mr. Charles R. Kimble Dr. & Mrs. James A. Kimble Mrs. Anna M. Kimple Mrs. Marilyn A. Kimple Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Kipple Mrs. Bess M. Kirby Miss Vicky Kirchoff Mrs. Jessica Cis Kirdyashev Dr. & Mrs. Henry M. Kissman Kit Carson Church of the Redeemed Mrs. Dorothy I. Kleppinger Mr. & Mrs. Darrin Klotz Mr. & Mrs. Loren R. Knox Mrs. Ruth M. Konken Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Konrade Ms. Eva I. Koontz Mr. & Mrs. F.W. Koop Mr. Barney Korbelik Mrs. Kathryn C. Korby Rev. & Mrs. William C. Korf Mr. & Mrs. Louis D. Kottmann Jr. Mr. Leonard P. Kralik Mr. & Mrs. Eugene P. Krenzin Mr. & Mrs. John W. Krupp Ms. Rebecca D. Kuhn

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Kvasnica Dr. Teow Hwa Kwa Lakin First Presbyterian Church Miss Carrie R. Lambing Lane County Feeders Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Langel Mr. David D. Lanham Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Lanham Rev. & Mrs. R. Jack Largent Ms. Barbara Larsen Mrs. Helen H. Larsen Ms. Helen M. Larsen Mrs. Martha E. Larsen Mr. Wiley T. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Mark Layng Mr. & Mrs. Alan B. Lecoff Dr. & Mrs. Henry Lederle Mr. Robert G. Lenk Mr. & Mrs. Earl Leonard Ms. D. Louise Leslie Mrs. Helen F. Leslie Mrs. Phyllis J. Lewis Liberal First Presbyterian Church Mrs. Diana L. Liskey Mr. Philip Little Mr. George A. Lodle Lonnie Soukup Agency LLC Miss L. Eileen Loomis Ms. Gwen Lorenz Ms. Lila B. Lothson Mr. & Mrs. Edmund H. Lowry Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ludwick Mrs. Jill A. Lundgren Mr. Roger MacNeill Ms. Teresa Macy Dr. Carolyn S. Magnuson Dr. Keith W. Marlow Dr. & Mrs. Dean A. Marsh Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Steven Marsh Mr. & Mrs. Justin L. Martin Rev. & Mrs. Melville W. Martin Estate of John S. & Helen G. Mathews Mr. & Mrs. James H. Mathis Mr. & Mrs. C. Stanley Maughlin Mrs. Peggy J. McAdoo Mrs. Sue C. McAllaster Mr. & Mrs. R. Waldo McBurney Mrs. Carol S. McCallum Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. McClure,IV Miss Evelyn McCreery Mr. Sam McCreery Dr. Sandra L. McCreery Mr. & Mrs. Harold K. McCreight

Mrs. Juanita McCreight Mrs. Mary Lou McCreight Mrs. Robin D. McDonald Dr. & Mrs. Albert Dean McElroy Ms. Mary M. McKemy Mrs. Mary E. McKinley Mrs. Elizabeth G. McLees Ms. Jan McLees Mr. Kelsey S. McMichael Mrs. Jacque L. McMillan Mr. & Mrs. Dwight E. McMillen Mr. & Mrs. Joe McMullen Mr. Marvin McNary Mr. Rigoberto T. Medina Major & Mrs. Dallas Merritt, III Mr. & Mrs. Marion Meschberger Mrs. Velma M. Mettling Rev. & Mrs. John R. Meyer Midland Community UCC Mrs. Judy E. Mikkelsen Mr. & Mrs. Bruce R. Miles Mr. Edward L. Miles Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Miller Miss Shannon K. Millican Dr. Donald B. Milligan Ms. Katherine L. Milligan Mrs. M. Maxine Millsap Dr. & Mrs. Billy E. Milner Miltonvale First Presbyterian Church Minden Westminster United Presbyterian Church Dr. & Mrs. John J. Mitchell Rev. & Mrs. Robert C. Molby Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Moorhead Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Lowell D. Morrill Mrs. Virginia B. Morrill Mrs. Mary L. Morris Mrs. Joy D. Moser Mr. & Mrs. William D. Moss Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd R. Muilenburg Rev. & Mrs. William Mulford Mr. & Mrs. Kevin D. Mullen Mr. Melvin L. Muxlow Mrs. Betty Myers Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Napier Mrs. Linda A. Neff Mrs. Donna L. Nei Mr. & Mrs. Gerald H. Nichol Ms. Grace L. Nichol Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Nichol Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Nichol Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Nichols Mrs. Frieda A. Nichols

Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Nisly Mr. Arlen Nuest Mrs. Janice L. Oden Mr. & Mrs. Richard O’Hanlon Mr. & Mrs. Max Oldham Mr. & Mrs. Allan R. Orr Mr. Gary D. Orr Ms. Gale L. Palmer Mr. & Mrs. F.E. Patterson Mrs. Winifred M. Pearsall Mr. Jim Pendarvis Mr. & Mrs. David Penner Ms. Margaret Peter Dr. & Mrs. Troy D. Peters Mrs. Charlotte A. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Wayne P. Peterson Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Phelps Mr. & Mrs. Richard Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Piland Miss Carla M. Pim Pittsburg Presbyterian Church Mrs. W. Jean Pitzer Mrs. Kendra J. Ploutz Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Polgreen Mrs. Joan L. Pollock Mr. Bernie G. Poncin Mr. & Mrs. James Poole Mr. Charles Pope Mrs. Marjorie A. Powers Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Prang Pratt Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. Brett Prochaska Mrs. Jackie A. Proffitt Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Rankin Ms. Reva J. Rapp Mr. & Mrs. Charles P. Rasmussen Mr. & Mrs. Earl G. Ratekin Mrs. Myrna J. Ray Mr. Jim D. Raymer Mr. & Mrs. George L. Records Miss Susan M. Reed Mrs. Virginia A. Reed Rev. & Mrs. Dee Jay Reiff Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Retallic Mr. Jack A. Rettig Mr. & Mrs. Brian Richter Mrs. Judy E. Ricke Mrs. Daisy E. Riedl Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Riedl Mr. William C. Riffel Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rineer Mrs. Eloise Y. Rinne

Mr. & Mrs. James Riviere Mr. & Mrs. Matthew E. Roberts Rev. & Mrs. Stuart D. Robertson Mr. Kirk Robinson Rev. & Mrs. Thomas E. Robson Rodney J. Holmes, Trustess Mrs. Verda E. Roe Rev. Cheryl L. Rohret Mrs. Lori C. Rosenhagen Ms. Corinne Roy Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Ruch Mr. & Mrs. John V. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Don E. Rynerson Lt. Col. & Mrs. Ray Sager Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Sale Mr. Brian Sampson Mr. & Mrs. Harold Sandusky Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Sanford Mr. & Mrs. G. K. Sarver Dr. & Mrs. Mark Sarver Miss Shirley R. Saxton Mr. & Mrs. John Sayler Miss Jennifer E. Schechter Mrs. Lucille M. Scheufler Mrs. Gwendolyn Schlender Mrs. Betty J. Schlosser Ms. Hildred D. Schmidt Mrs. June C. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Ken L. Schroeder Mrs. Arlene Schulte Mrs. Nancy Seed Mr. & Mrs. Allan L. Seim Rev. & Mrs. G. Leroy Selby Mrs. Judith A. Semenuk Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Serbin Mrs. Catherine A. Shanelec Dr. Lloyd E. Shaw Ms. Carlene Sherrell Mrs. Donna J. Shiblom Mr. & Mrs. W. Duane Shiew Mrs. Elizabeth A. Shipp Mr. & Mrs. Merle S. Shofner, II Dr. & Mrs. Richard D. Shores Mr. David Shriver Mrs. Erma E. Smartt Dr. & Mrs. Boyd E. Smith Mrs. Coral E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Lyle S. Smith Mrs. Mabel J. Smith Mrs. Marjorie F. Smith Mrs. Phyllis A. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Stuart A. Smith Mr.

& Mrs. Timothy N. Smythe Mr. & Mrs. Larry B. Sneed Mrs. Carol A. Sonnevik Mrs. Doris L. Spear Mr. & Mrs. Francis E. Spear Rev. & Mrs. W. Howard Spear Spring View Manor, Inc. Mrs. Linda C. Sprouse State Farm Companies Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Pat Staton Mrs. Faye Steffen Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Steinbacher Mrs. Paula M. Steinbacher Mr. & Mrs. David Stenberg Mrs. Esther Stenson Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Sterling Mr. & Mrs. George Stern Mrs. Amy M. Stevens Mrs. Doris M. Stewart Rev. & Mrs. Richard K. Stewart Mr. & Mrs. W. Gregory Stewart Dr. & Mrs. George W. Stickel Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Stinson Mrs. Rebekah J. Stivers Mrs. Sandra L. Stos Ms. Elsieferne V. Stout Mr. & Mrs. Douglas L. Stratton Mrs. Lynn Strickler Mrs. Josephine Strnad Mrs. Marsha L. Stroade Mr. & Mrs. James C. Stuart Mr. & Mrs. Travis L. Surface Mr. & Mrs. Josh Svaty Mr. & Mrs. Carl Swanson Mr. Bryan Taber Mrs. Laura Tai Mrs. Kari R. Talbert Rev. & Mrs. J. Mark Tedford Mr. James S. Tedford Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Tedford Mr. & Mrs. Lynn Tedford Miss M. Lynne Tedford Mr. & Mrs. Roger Teets Dr. & Mrs. James A. Tenopir Mr. Robert Teter Mrs. Stacie J. Tharp Mr. & Mrs. Jason D. Thayer The David and Waldene Doyle Living Trust The Federated Presbyterian Church The Riedl Foundation The Todd Trust Mrs. Chris Thelen

Dr. & Mrs. John F. Thielenhaus Mrs. Margaret Thomas Ms. Amy R. Thompson Dr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Thompson Mrs. Joyce L. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Brian S. Timken Topeka Trinity Presbyterian Church Mrs. Mary F. Topper Mrs. Ruth Trice Dr. & Mrs. Roger C. Trotter Mr. Henry M. Trust Mr. & Mrs. Herman W. Turner Mr. & Mrs. William L. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Tuxhorn Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Underhill Mrs. Deanna K. Underwood Mr. Don Utz Mrs. Margaret R. Van Horn Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Van Meter, Jr. Ms. Courtney M. Van Ravenswaay Mrs. Carielyn D. VanDeCreek Mr. & Mrs. Jack Vandeveer Rev. & Mrs. Malcolm S. Vandevort Miss Gretta Elizabeth VanDuker Ms. Mary L. VerSteeg Mrs. Deanna L. Vincent Mrs. & Rev. Elizabeth C. Vincent Rev. & Mrs. James E. Vincent Mrs. Carol D. Vogel Miss Berta Anderson Wagar Mrs. Sylvia Wagerle Mrs. Diane E. Wagner Mrs. Phyllis J. Wagoner Miss June M. Walker Rev. & Mrs. David Wallace Mr. Marvin H. Wambsganss P. D. Warmington & E. G. Warmington Mr. & Mrs. Everett Warn Mrs. Sarah Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Ed R. Webb Mr. & Mrs. Harold Weller Wellington Presbyterian Women Miss Gail J. Wenos Mr. & Mrs. Edgar W. White Rev. & Mrs. Myron E. White Mrs. Donna M. Whitehouse Wichita Bethel Presbyterian

S t e r l i n g M a g a z i n e • 17

Honor Roll of Donors Wichita Calvary Presbyterian Church Mrs. Ruth Wilcox Mr. & Mrs. Russell Wiley Mr. & Mrs. Scott L. Wilkens Mr. Allen “Doc” Williams Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Williams Ms. Marla Williams Mrs. Mary R. Williams Mrs. Naomi R. Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Lee E. Williford Mr. & Mrs. Willis C. Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Gary L. Winget Mr. Jerry W. Winkler Mrs. Ruth E. Wirtz Ms. Cynthia M. Woods Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Woodyard Mrs. R. Anne Woolsey Dr. & Mrs. Clyde E. Work Mrs. Eleanor M. Work Mrs. Lois H. Wortman Mr. & Mrs. Scot W. Wrighton Ms. Kandi K. Wyer Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Yager Mrs. Marjorie S. Yates Mrs. Ronda J. Yoesel Mr. Joseph York Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Yunker Dr. & Mrs. Samuel J. Zeakes Zenith Community Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. David D. Zerger Miss Greta J. Zimmerman Mr. & Mrs. Todd Zimmerman

Businesses 33 I.N.C. A&S Construction Services Accenture Foundation Alden State Bank AmSan ANC Inc. Apex Appraisals Apple Lane Animal Hospital Aqua Pump Aquila Inc. Ark Valley Electric Associated Imaging Services AT&T Foundation AXA Foundation B & B Jewelry and Gifts Bachman Drug 18 • Fall 2008

Bank of Commerce Bells Sporting Goods Berthel Fisher Boeing Matching Gift Program Bush, Bush & Shanelec Calorie Counter Caterpillar Centera Bank Charles Schwab Chevron Texaco Matching Gifts Program City of Sterling Cleo State Bank Conoco Phillips Company Consolidated Edison Company of New York Cornerstone Daycare Counseling Connections Cramer Farms & Livestock D.J. Kauffman Agency Davis Custom Farming Defargo Sports Surfaces Dominican Friars of Memphis Dorchester Minerals Operating Double T Industries, Inc. The Douglas Company Drs. Howell & Loehr, DDS Farmers National Bank First American Title Company of California First Bank - Sterling Franklin Truck Wash G & G Car and Truck Galyon Brothers Construction Gambino's Georgetown Sporting Goods Gessler's Drug Gilmore Solutions Griffin Management GWD Design Hafner Chiropractic Clinic Haldons Haven Insurance Agency Heartland Orthopedic Hesse Petroleum Company Hidden Lakes Associates Hideaway Restaurant Hope Pediatrics Hospira Hutchinson Health Care Services IBM Corporation J & J Drainage Products J.R. Levin Agency Jacam Chemicals Jim's Pharmacy

Just In Time Delivery Sauer Auto Body Repair K.M. Designs & Sewing Schirer's Restaurant Kal Rehab Shepard Plumbing Construction Kanakuk-Kanadomo Kamps Smith Quality ENT Kersenbrock Funeral Chapel Smoky Hill Feeders KMW Southwest P L.D. Davis Oil Producer Spring View Manor Lambda Corporation Star Bank Lane County Feeders Star Lumber & Supply Leon and Edna Hoyt Trust State Farm Companies Little River State Bank Foundation Lonnie Soukup Agency Sterling Bulletin Loyd Farms Sterling Maytag Lyons Federal Savings Association Sterling Services Lyons State Bank Stratos Aerospace Marathon Oil Company Stroberg Land & Cattle Matching Gift Program Tapatio Springs Builders Marmie Ford Tedford Land and Cottages Marshall - Henrikson Ob-Gyn, The Blue Skye Group P.C. The First National Bank of McCaulley Optometric Hutchinson Medical Enterprises The Huddle Melissa's Dance Studio Trapper's Fur Company Metric Concrete TWT Farms Midwest Sewing and Vacuum Tyler Schremmer, O.D., P.A. Center United Industries Midwest Steel Fabricators United Methodist Thrift Store Mitchell K. Haney & Associates WC Management Molina Baptist Church WDL Enterprises Mr. Tee Western Kansas Surgical My Sports Dreams Wichita Cubs Needville TBS Wick Grain Trucking Niedens Construction William M. Payne, D.D.S. Nitelife Military Entertainment Woodland Acres North Baldwin Ob-Gyn, P.C. Northfield School Of The MEMORIALS Liberal Art OMNI Plastics In Memory of Alma McVay Osborne Lumber Mr. & Mrs. Charles Butts Pasadena Street Engineering Mr. David E. Christiansen The Phillips Agency Pinnacle Sports Medicine & Mr. & Mrs. Richard Drake First Bank Orthopedics Mrs. Helen Henry Pioneer Painting Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Larsen Pioneer Truck Line Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Plummer Presbyterian Manors Mr. Gary Proffitt Radke Implement Mrs. Myrna J. Ray Ramsey Oil Hutchinson Bush, Bush & Shanelec Reed Pharmacy Rice County Building and Supply Mrs. Sara F. Sleeper Mrs. Faye Steffen Richard Alaniz Painting Mr. & Mrs. John S. Wilkey RLW Rose Hill Bank In Memory of Rev. Bill Roswell Elks Lodge S & C Farms Brewer

Mrs. Charlotte L. Brewer Mrs. Gwendolyn J. Hines

In Memory of William Borst

Mrs. Jean E. Brewer Miss Barbara A. Borst Twila Brotton

Calvary Presbyterian Church Mrs. Catherine B. Counts Mrs. Lahoma Counts Mr. David H. Fankhauser Mr. & Mrs. Duane Frederick Ms. Sharon E. Gardner Rev. & Mrs. Gerald Hallberg Ms. D. Louise Leslie Spring View Manor, Inc.

In Memory of Charles Hall

Mr. & Mrs. George L. Records

In Memory of Clara Jean Gleason

Mr. & Mrs. L. Keith Adams Mr. Mark Bailie Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ball

Mrs. Kay Barnes Mr. James Buoy Miss Frances N. Calderwood Mrs. Margaret A. Calderwood Dr. & Mrs. Warren S. Freeborn Ms. Maxine Freiheit Ms. Evelyn Gleason Mr. Gene Gleason

The Cooper Society

Established in February 2007 to mark the 120th anniversary of Sterling College, The Cooper Society is a community of SC alumni and friends who care deeply about this College. The Society is comprised of faithful donors who have made a commitment to make annual philanthropic gifts that provide scholarship support, allowing Sterling to recruit and retain students. We extend a personal invitation to you to join this Society of friends who make an everlasting impact on Sterling College’s present and future. If you share a love for young people and the mission of Christ-centered higher education, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement and ask to speak with us regarding The Cooper Society. The heritage of Sterling College continues, thanks to the generosity of these financial partners: Legacy Clan $25,000 and Above Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Douglas Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Gilmore Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey T. Hanson Heritage Clan $10,000-$24,999 Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hay Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Henkle Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wiebe McCreery Clan $5,000-$9,999 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Campbell Mr. Scott Carter & Ms. Heather McCreery Mr. Kevin T. Gannon Kelsey Clan $2,500-$4,999 Rev. & Mrs. Charles M. Ayers Dr. & Mrs. Alan S. Cureton Dr. & Mrs. Alfred Frahm Mrs. Lucile G. Hamm Mr. & Mrs. Donald Jespersen Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Lang Dr. Thomas O. McKown Rev. & Mrs. Robert E. Meanor Dr. & Mrs. Troy Peters Mr. & Mrs. Terrance S. Redmon Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Simpson

Mr. & Mrs. Lee Tank Campbell Clan $1,000-$2,499 Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bender Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bornhoeft Mrs. Jean Brewer Rev. & Mrs. Donald H. Calderwood Mr. & Mrs. Charles Carson Mr. & Mrs. Lauren D. DeBuhr Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dillon Dr. & Mrs. Randy Fahrenholtz Rev. Edward C. Fish Ms. Vicki Frahm Mr. Jeremy Frederick Mr. & Mrs. Urban Gathman Mrs. Carolyn J. Haney Mr. & Mrs. Alex Granados Rev. John W. Irwin Mr. & Mrs. David Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Sam Knecht Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Larsen Dr. Sara J. McDonald Rev. & Mrs. Steven Marsh Ms. Sherry L. McCrory Mr. Ken McGuire Mr. & Mrs. Louis Means Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Olsen

Mr. & Mrs. George Records Mr. & Mrs. David Russell Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Schechter Rev. & Mrs. Richard R. Schechter Mrs. Mary Ellen Scott Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Stylianou Rev. & Mrs. Paul Sutton Dr. & Mrs. Robert Veitch Mr. & Mrs. Don Whitman Mr. & Mrs. Doug Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wyatt Spencer Clan $500-$999 Mrs. Norma Jean Bettis Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Billings Mr. & Mrs. Clell E. Bontrager Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Brewer Dr. & Mrs. Ken Brown Mrs. Margaret Calderwood Mr. & Mrs. Robert N. Clark Mr. Malcolm L. Coomber Col. & Mrs. Randolph Copeland Ms. Shirley F. Crouse Mr. James S. Cunningham Ms. Tricia L. Davidson Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Davis Dr. & Mrs. Walter W. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Timothy F. Dickson

Mr. & Mrs. David Earle Rev. & Mrs. Gerald Hallberg Mr. & Mrs. Neil Hazlett Mrs. Shirley E. Ingerly Mr. Ken Killian Mr. & Mrs. Pete Kitch Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Kneidl, Jr. Ms. Jeanne A. Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Lengel Rev. Richard A. Madsen Mr. & Mrs. Greg McGlynn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Mehl, Jr. Ms. Sally Mullis Mr. Richard Nichol Rev. & Mrs. Alfred H. Noakes, III Mrs. Claris M. Nystrom Mr. Harold Patton Mrs. Jean Pitzer Mrs. Ginger Reed Mr. Robert Schirer Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Sibley Mrs. Lois Sieverling Rev. & Mrs. Richard Smith Mr. & Mrs. James Vincent Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Wilson Mr. & Mrs. David Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Jaret S. Wohler Mrs. Lois M. Worl

S t e r l i n g M a g a z i n e • 19

Honor Roll of Donors Mr. Robert W. Gordon Mr. John B. Hawkins Mrs. Helen Henry Mrs. Jean F. Jones Mrs. Pauline Keller Ms. Kristen R. Key Mr. Thomas Key Ms. Janet M. Krettek, D.O. Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie A. Kruse Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Learned Mr. Tony McCullough

Mr. & Mrs. William G. McInnish Mrs. Janice R. Miller Mr. Max L. Moxley North Baldwin Ob-Gyn, P.C. Mrs. Virginia L. Randall Mrs. Myrna J. Ray Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Reed Mr. & Mrs. R. Maurice Reed Mrs. Virginia A. Reed Dr. & Mrs. Dale N. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Pat Staton

Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Thompson L. Lloyd Trust Mr. Myrl L. Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Ed R. Webb Mr. R. G. Wellman Mr. Charles R. Wilson In Memory of Clark Harrison Mr. James L. Booker Mr. & Mrs. Leo Burger Mr. Steve L. Burger

Mr. Ronald L. Eilers Mr. & Mrs. Jerold W. Harrison

In Memory of Kenneth & Virginia Fischer

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Asher Mr. & Mrs. Shane Beachler Ms. Marcie Beneda Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Blakeslee Mrs. Lynette Blakeslee

Kelsey Society The Kelsey Society recognizes individuals who have developed an estate plan or other deferred-gift arrangement with Sterling College that will ultimately benefit the College. The Kelsey Society recognizes donors who commit a planned gift at any level through a variety of gift arrangements such as Bequests, Charitable Gift Annuities, Charitable Remainder Trusts, Charitable Lead Trusts, Retirement Plan Assets, and Life Insurance Policies. We are eternally grateful to the following individuals who have made such provisions:

Mrs. Karen F. Achterberg Mrs. Beryle I. Adams Mrs. Ann Howser Anderson Dr. & Mrs. Colin Bailey Ms. Marty J. Behrendt Miss Bertha B. Bennett Mrs. Nancy C. Billings Mr. & Mrs. Jack Bornhoeft Rev. & Mrs. William* Brewer Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Brothers Mr. Ed Brumfield Mr. W. Dave Bruner Judge & Mrs. Paul M. Buchanan Mrs. Betty J. Burgert Rev. & Mrs. Donald H. Calderwood Miss Frances N. Calderwood Mrs. Margaret A. Calderwood Mr. & Mrs. William J. Calderwood Mrs. Eloise Campbell Dr. J. Robert Campbell Mr. Scott Carter & Mrs. Heather McCreery Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Carlisle Mr. & Mrs. Jan C. Commer Mrs. Wilma D. Corn Ms. Anne M. Cornell Miss Phyllis L. Crouse Miss Shirley F. Crouse

20 • Fall 2008

Mrs. Eileen Simerl Cure* Mr. Harry Cureton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dillon Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Chester R. Dorsey Mrs. Martha L. Doutt Mrs. Mildred Dunn Dr. & Mrs. J. Lee* Dye Mrs. Arlene R. Ediger Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne Edwards Rev. Roberta A. Fall Mrs. Mary M. Finney Mrs. Mildred M. Frerks Mr. Mark E. Friess Mr. & Mrs. J. David Fullinwider Dr. & Mrs. Donald L. Graves Mrs. Lucile G. Hamm Mrs. Carolyn J. Haney Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hanna Dr. & Mrs. Robert Neil Hazlett Mrs. Pamela J. Head Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Henkle Mrs. Florence Hill Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Howard Miss Patricia E. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Duane A. Johnson Mrs. Ann J. Keeling Mrs. Lenore Kensett Mr. Leroy C. Klema Ms. Eva I. Koontz

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Larsen Ms. Helen M. Larsen Mrs. Martha E. Larsen Mrs. Patricia M. Laudermilk Miss Jeanne A. Lawrence Mrs. Eva Lewis Miss Carol E. Lex Dr. Sara J. MacDonald Rev. Richard A. Madsen Mr. & Mrs. Willi Maier Miss Aleta J. Matthews Miss Ruth E. McCreery Mr. Robert W. McCrory Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. McElroy Mrs. M. Joanne McGregor Rev. & Mrs. Robert E. Meanor Mr. & Mrs. Louis E. Means Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Meester Mrs. Virginia B. Morrill Rev. Alfred H. Noakes, III Mrs. Margaret R. Noakes Mrs. Claris M. Nystrom Dr. & Mrs. Charles M. Olsen Mr. Raymond Olson Mr. Harold O. Patton Mrs. Vera Pearson Mr. & Mrs.* Ernest W. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Edwin R. Piland

Ms. Janet A. Postier Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Reed Dr. & Mrs. C. Orvis Rupe Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sanders Mr. Robert Schirer Mrs. Doris B. Seyb* Mrs. Elizabeth A. Shipp Mrs. Lois M. Sieverling Dr. & Mrs. Howard M. Skinner, Jr. Mrs. Anna S. Smisor-Smith* Dr. & Mrs. Ted C. Smythe Dr. & Mrs. Dale N. Snyder Dr. & Mrs. Alfred L. Spotts Ms. Elsieferne V. Stout Mrs. Pamela Stuewe Dr. & Mrs. James Sweeney Dr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Thompson Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Thompson Mrs. Melba Treaster Dr. & Mrs. Roger C. Trotter Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Underwood Rev. & Mrs. H. Eldin Wells Miss Gail J. Wenos Mrs. Rose White Dr. Elizabeth L. Wiley Mr. & Mrs. Scott K. Wilhite Mrs. Glenna Yoakum* * Deceased during the 2007-2008 academic year

Mr. & Mrs. Lance Buchman Mrs. Margaret A. Calderwood Mr. & Mrs. William J. Calderwood Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Steve Caywood Ms. Mildred Colle Mr. Harold Dunning Mr. & Mrs. Gale H. Earle Mrs. Helen C. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fisher Mrs. Donna J. Foster Mr. Robert W. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. W J Han Mrs. Beverly A. Hann Mr. Harry Hendricks Mrs. Helen Henry Mr. & Mrs. Randall C. Henry Ms. Susan F. Howey In Memory of John Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie A. Kruse Colburn Mr. & Mrs. Shawn T. Rev. & Mrs. Richard R. Schechter McConnell Alden United Methodist In Memory of Joseph Church In Memory of Helen Ray Hammond Mrs. Mary L. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Troy Boeken Mr. & Mrs. R. Maurice Reed Mr. Max L. Moxley Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bray Miss Frances N. Calderwood Mr. Jerry J. Broadus Mr. John A. Neghiu In Memory of Karen Lane Mrs. Karan Burgess Mrs. Janice L. Oden Mr. Curtis Bowersox Miss Frances N. Calderwood Mrs. Myrna J. Ray Mrs. Janneane K. Cruse Mrs. Priscilla S. Carder Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Considine Mr. Dean Ediger Mr. & Mrs. R. Maurice Reed Mr. Jack Feiden Mr. L J Entz Mr. Robert M. Reed Ms. Beth Greenway Mrs. Helen C. Evans Mr. & Mrs. Robert Royer Hidden Lakes Association Mrs. Alma Fair Mr. & Mrs. Donald Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Harris Mrs. Mary Flickinger Mr. & Mrs. Ed Schofield Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Kroger Mrs. Sadie P. Goodwin Mr. & Mrs. G. M. Scott Bush Ms. Jennifer S. Lane Mr. & Mrs. Ron Groth Mr. & Mrs. Kent Shuyler Mr. John P. Sawatski Mrs. Helen Henry Dr. & Mrs. Dale N. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. John Turner Mrs. Norma Johnston Mr. Ronald D. Stout Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Lawrence Wichita Cubs Mrs. Mary Ellen Tippin Mr. Max L. Moxley In Memory of Kenny Ms. Dawn Wilkey Mrs. Janice L. Oden Smisor Mr. & Mrs. John S. Wilkey Mr. & Mrs. Karl E. Otto Mrs. Faye Steffen Mr. & Mrs. Ralph L. Wilson Mrs. Vera Pearson Mr. & Mrs. William B. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Bruce A. Ramage In Memory of Marjorie Mrs. Elizabeth G. McLees Mrs. Myrna J. Ray Ford Mrs. M. Diane Savage Mr. & Mrs. Michael H. Bender Ms. Jan McLees Mrs. Margie Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Bingle, Jr. Mrs. Mary L. Morris Mr. J.D. Schweizer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Booth Mrs. Chris M. Sillin Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bray In Memory of Pauline Mrs. Faye Steffen Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Steffen Ms. Kathleen Brazle Haney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Mr. Ronald D. Stout Mr. & Mrs. John Blackwood Bronleewe Mr. & Mrs. Billy G. Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ball Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Brownlee Mr. Curtis J. Tobias Mrs. Charla J. Bornholdt Mr. & Mrs. L.D. Davis Rev. & Mrs. Robert W. Grimm Mr. Leo J. Hall Mrs. Diana Herbic Mr. Terry A. McAtee Mr. Robert McDowell Mrs. Iris J. Mog Mr. Neil Moore Ms. Myrl E. Munz Ms. Rose Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Releford Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Rickstrew Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Ringel Mr. David E. Salem Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Siefkes Mr. Gerald D. Stuewe Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Stuewe Mr. Ray E. Stuewe Mrs. Susan M. Thielen Mr. & Mrs. Eldon Whitmer Mrs. Doris Witt

Mr. & Mrs. John Wagerle Mr. Charles R. Wagler Mr. Glen Wagler Mrs. Pat Wagler Raymond Wagler Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Walton Mr. & Mrs. Scott Walton Ms. Dawn Wilkey Mr. & Mrs. John S. Wilkey Joe & John Spotts Memorial Mr. & Mrs. Larry F. Bail Miss Frances N. Calderwood Mr. & Mrs. John A. Fry Mr. Robert W. Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Spotts Mrs. Mary Ellen Tippin Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Wilkey

Mr. James Bloom Miss Frances N. Calderwood Mr. & Mrs. William J. Calderwood Mr. Jay Cook Ms. Pam Crist Mr. Robert W. Gordon Ms. Dorothy Hutchins Mr. Melvin Dan Hutchins Mr. & Mrs. R. Maurice Reed Mr. Jim Selfridge Ms. Paula Smith Mr. & Mrs. Franklyn Wedel

In Memory of Rev. Leonard O. Knox Rev. & Mrs. Richard R. Schechter

In Memory of Christine Maxwell

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Behnke Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Bingle, Jr. Mrs. Carol Gene Brownlee Miss Frances N. Calderwood Dr. & Mrs. J. Robert Campbell Mr. Gary L. Hall Mrs. Helen Henry Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Maxwell Ms. Michelle Pitts Capt. & Mrs. Joseph A. Sahlfeld Dr. & Mrs. Dale N. Snyder

In Honor of Aleta Matthews Dr. & Mrs. Ted C. Smythe

In Memory of Don Berblinger Ms. Arlene Barber Mr. & Mrs. John B. Boyle Mr. & Mrs. A.J. Fishburn Mr. & Mrs. Bud J. Kelley Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Kipple Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Langel Ms. Teresa Macy Mrs. Janice L. Oden Ms. Margaret Peter Mr. Bernie G. Poncin

In Memory of Frank Montgomery Ms. Marty J. Behrendt

S t e r l i n g M a g a z i n e • 21

Advancing Our Mission In Memory of Leila Gordon Jackson

Last Act of Stewardship

Mrs. Betty J. Schlosser

In Memory of Jane Gordon

Mrs. Betty J. Schlosser

In Memory of Elizabeth Gordon Schrammel

Mrs. Betty J. Schlosser

In Memory of Jimmy Huling

Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Whitman

In Memory of Leroy Griswold Mrs. Mary E. Bartlett

In Memory of Robert E. McCreery

Miss Evelyn McCreery Mr. Sam McCreery Miss Berta Anderson Wagar

Estate and Trusts

Bailey Family Revocable Trust George W. Behnke Family Trust Gene Bihlmaier Trust Blodgett Family Trust Estate of Marjorie Clayton David and Waldene Doyle Living Trust Van or Doris D. Eddy Trust Groth Family Trust Lucille M. Hall Irrevocable Trust Leon or Edna Hoyt Trust Estate of Herbert Johnson Erwin T. Koch Charitable Trust Lowell Lund Trust Roger & Janice McCaulley Trust Harold L. McKinney Trust Estate of John S. & Helen G. Mathews Nagely Family Trust Estate of Evelyn Phinney Dorcas Pauline Potter --Potter Living Trust Estate of Jennie L. Richardson Zelma Mosier Schechter Trust Estate of Anna Smith-Smisor

22 • Fall 2008

Don Reed

Director of Gift Planning

One of our greatest responsibilities as believers in Christ is the stewardship of all He has given us. This includes material possessions. In both the Old and New Testaments God speaks clearly about how our worldly goods are connected to Him through His ultimate ownership of them. Therefore, we are essentially managers, not owners, of His possessions, and we are told to use our resources for the needs of others and ourselves in ways that bring glory to God and His name.

This management responsibility extends to the distribution of our worldly possessions in our wills and estates. Yet this task seems to be especially difficult for many people. Nearly 70% of Americans leave this life without a will. It is intriguing, especially for those of us who know we are called by God to manage His gifts, how such a matter of major significance and importance can be ignored or delayed as we go about our lives. As is always the case with God, He is far more concerned with our hearts than with our mere doings. He sees into our hearts and knows to the very core why we do what we do. We must approach our Last Act of Stewardship (the plan we create for passing His assets on to others when we no longer need them) with great care and attentiveness. In the beginning months of 2009, Sterling College will be conducting a “Wills Campaign” to assist alumni and friends of the College with the process of this Last Act of Stewardship. This campaign will include professional presentations and will provide informational materials and, if desired, assistance with this important stewardship task. The Wills Campaign will approach estate planning in the same way we approach education here at Sterling—from the perspective of Christ and His teachings. Just as we believe Christ and His instruction in Scripture to be the foundation for all our learning, we also believe these same truths should ground the planning of and approach to our Last Act of Stewardship. If you would like more information about the upcoming Wills Campaign or your Last Act of Stewardship, contact Don Reed, Sterling’s Director of Gift Planning, at 800-3461017 or dreed@sterling.edu. We want to help you accomplish the goals you have for your Last Act of Stewardship.

Dave Underwood, Head Men’s Soccer Coach, comes to us from Wheaton Academy in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois.

Karin Lederle


New Men’s Soccer Coach Envigorates Players In the last game of the regular season, the Sterling Men’s Soccer team was down 2-1. The Warriors had to win to advance to post-season play. With eight seconds left, Sterling was awarded a direct free kick. Zach Hallen, the Warrior’s freshman goalkeeper, joined his teammates at the opponents’ end of the field. Shawn Sajjadi served the ball, Hallen played it to the back post, and Jordan Miller pounded it in. The game was tied. Then, eight minutes into overtime, Friends University put the ball in the back of the Warrior’s net. The game—and the season—were over. Yet the feeling on the Warrior sideline was not one of overwhelming defeat. Miller commented, “Friends (University) played great; we played great. I’m disappointed we couldn’t go on, but we played with energy and finesse.” Godfrey Miheso added, “The team effort in this game honored our seniors Covey, Sajjadi, Bueso, and Miller.” The seniors, and the entire team, can also take pride in several successes throughout the season. In the second game senior Ryan Covey broke the Sterling College career goal-scoring record of 39 held by Brandon Winn ’99. Covey was also named the NAIA National Player of the Week in week six and finished the season with 54 goals. The team started the season 6-1, the best start in school history. Also for the first time in school history, three Sterling players were named to the First Team All-KCAC. The premature end to the season is disappointing, but it increases the desire of the Sterling men to set the bar higher for

next year. Their coach, Dave Underwood, has a lot to do with that. Jorge Bueso says, “Coach’s goal of making Sterling a nationally recognized program will come to fruition. His zeal for the program, the team, and the community are evidence that he is the right commander for this ship.” Andy Lambert, Athletic Director, adds, “Dave brings a wealth of success as a coach, along with charisma and class. We anticipate achievement in his program both on and off the field.” Underwood came to Sterling College in June from Wheaton Academy, a Christian high school in the suburbs of Chicago, where he coached both guys’ and girls’ soccer. He holds both National and Advanced-National Diplomas from the NSCAA (National Soccer Coaches Association of America). He is currently working on his master’s in Coaching at West Virginia University. He has high hopes for Sterling men’s soccer, but not all of them are record-related. His team understands this. Wes Tom, a sophomore, says, “Coach makes sure we understand the honor and the responsibility that come with wearing a Sterling jersey. I really admire his ability to bring out the best in everyone.” Coach Underwood takes it a step further. “I love to win; I hate to lose, and I want excellence for this program, but my relationship with Christ continually reminds me that coaching is far more than that. Soccer is a conduit for having an impact on young men for Christ.”

S t e r l i n g M a g a z i n e • 23

In the News SC Forms Cheer and Dance Squad The Sterling College football team wasn’t the only home team performing in Smisor Stadium this fall. A brand-new cheerleading squad appeared on the sidelines of the football field, urging the Warriors to victory and getting the Sterling College crowd more excited and involved with every game. The roster for this new team includes eight women for the 2008-2009 athletic seasons: Lisa Esquivel, Samantha Kempf, Brittany Pinson, Jamie Barbosa, Brooke Minor, Sarah Thomas, Christina Mangan, and Samantha Davison. The team plans to add three more women, Hayley Haden, Jennifer Austin, and Teryn Frizell, for the 2008-2009 basketball season. Whitney Hamilton, the cheer and dance coach, has a clear mission for the team. Left to Right: Lisa Esquivel, Brooke Minor, Brittany Pinson, “We want to create a program that is focused on promoting the spiritual leadership Sarah Thomas, Samantha Kempf, Christina Mangan, and Jamie Barbosa. of athletes. Our first priority is that God is the center of all we do. Second is that we are student athletes, with an emphasis on academics. Third, God is giving us an avenue to perform our gifts and support the athletes and community of Sterling College. This cheer squad has a responsibility to uphold, reflect, and project the goals and mission of Sterling College. We intend to be good public relations ambassadors of the school and its athletic programs.” Hamilton also has several goals for the team: add a Dance Squad, continue to add women to the squad, and learn new techniques by going to camps and clinics. The team is offering chances for the community to become involved as well. The Lady Warriors Cheer Squad will be holding a cheerleading clinic for K-6th graders on Dec. 6 during the half time of the Men’s Basketball game. With a great year of sports competitions still ahead, the new cheerleading squad will certainly have plenty of opportunities to lead the crowd and cheer on the teams!

Tennis Rejoins Sterling College Athletics Sterling College is excited to introduce men’s and women’s tennis into its athletic program. Coach Rishawn Austin, also a lecturer in the Theology & Ministry Department, is pleased that Sterling College is now an option for collegiate tennis players. Coach Austin wants the tennis program to be competitive, but not driven by win-loss records. He envisions the tennis program as a classroom for life. In the team mission, he states, “A dynamic mixture of mental toughness, physical endurance, spiritual sensitivity, emotional stability and relational maturity is vital to success on the tennis court and beyond.” To accomplish that mission, he has set five core values. “It is my desire that the tennis team be characterized by honesty and openness in our communication, discipline in all areas of our lives, integrity at all times, development of character, and worship of our Lord and Savior.” As the Sterling College Tennis Team pursues those values, they will not only compete well on the court, but they will also represent Christ well in the world.

24 • Fall 2008

Jack Dillard Named Region IV Coach of the Year Sterling College Track Coach Jack Dillard was recognized as the NAIA Region 4 Track Coach of the year. This honor was voted on by the coaches of the region and was awarded during the Hall of Fame luncheon at the NAIA national track meet in Edwardsville, Ill. Dillard is in his fourth year as head coach of the Warriors. During that time he has built the roster from 10 athletes in 2004 to a team of 35 this past season. He has coached 24 All-Conference performances in track, including five KCAC individual champions, as well as six NAIA national qualifiers and one NAIA All-American. Dillard said he was surprised and honored by the award, and hopes to continue to build on Coach Jack Dillard stands with Natalie the successes he has had thus far. Gordon ’08 at the NAIA National Cham- Dillard is a 2003 graduate of pionship meet. Senior Natalie Gordon Sterling College. He gradufinished her track career with a third place finish in the 400-meter hurdles ated with a degree in Business at the NAIA National Track ChampionAdministration and Computer ships held in Edwardsville, Ill. Science.

In the News

New Faculty and Staff Join Sterling College Sterling College welcomes new fulltime faculty, staff, and coaches for the 2008-09 academic year.


Christopher Brown joins Sterling College as the new Assistant Professor of Athletic Training. He received his Master of Science in Clinical Exercise Physiology from George Washington University and his Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training from Wingate University in North Carolina. He comes to Sterling from Barry University in Florida, where he served as the Interim Head Trainer and Assistant Athletic Trainer/Clinical Instructor. Mark Clark, Assistant Professor of Choral Music, comes to Sterling from Wichita where he was the Music Director at Chapel Hill. Prior to that he directed the choir at Newman University in Wichita, and he has 18 years of public education experience. Jonathan Conard has been with Sterling since January as an Assistant Professor of Biology. He earned his bachelor’s degree at Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas, and his master’s degree at Kansas State where he is currently working on a doctorate. Chad Gaudet makes the move to Sterling College as an Assistant Professor of History from Grand Valley State University near Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he taught World History. Gaudet has a bachelor’s degree from Louisiana College and a M.A. in History from East Tennessee University. He is completing his Ph.D. at Bowling Green State University this fall. David Harmon, new Associate Professor of Art, comes to Sterling from the Savannah College of Art and Design in Georgia, where he served in a faculty position for four years. Prior to that, he spent 15 years teaching at Bethel College in Muncie, Indiana. He earned his Master of Fine Arts in painting from Penn State University and a B.F.A. degree in painting at Webster University in Missouri. Top to bottom: Christy Herzog, Beth Kilday, Travis Tesone, Karin Lederle, Carrie McGlynn, Luke Orr, Stephanie Landsberger and Andrew Tash.

Filling the role of Associate Professor of Mathematics is Dr. Beth Kilday, who will also chair that department. She comes to Sterling with 16 years of higher-education teaching experience, most recently from the University of Nebraska-Kearney, and she specializes in the use of technology in Mathematics education. Dr. Kilday received her doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Mathematics Education from Montana State University. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Chadron State College in Nebraska. Andrew Tash came to Sterling College in the fall of 2007 as Assistant Professor of Communications. His bachelor’s degree in Humanities, his master’s degree in Literature and Film, and his master’s degree in Communication are all from Wichita State University. He also earned a law degree from Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Prior to coming to Sterling he was on the faculty at Cowley County College and Butler County College. Tim Thorpe joins Sterling College as Assistant Professor of Business. He has a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Phoenix and a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies from Northwest Nazarene University in Idaho. Thorpe comes to Sterling from Eden, Minnesota, where he was an Information Security Officer.


Herb Albertson has been with Sterling College since February of 2008 as Director of Career Services. Prior to coming to Sterling, he was the Bursar at Eastern Nazarene College near Boston, Massachusetts. He earned his B.A. in Business Administration and Speech Communication from Southern Nazarene University in Bethany, Oklahoma. He is working on a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy from Eastern Nazarene Deanna Henning joins Sterling College as Administrative Assistant for Institutional Advancement. She received a diploma from Cranford Business College in business administration with a minor in computer programming. Christy Herzog steps in as Resident Director for Evans Hall at Sterling College. She holds a B.A. in History and Psychology from Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota, and most recently worked at Northern Pines Family Camp in Minneapolis. Sasha Hildebrand returns to Sterling College as an Admissions Counselor. She graduated from Sterling in 2003 with a degree in theatre and communications and then earned her master’s degree in acting from Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, where she also taught. Stephanie Landsberger fills the role of Resident Director for McCreery Hall, coming to Sterling from Black Forest Academy in Kandern, Germany, where she served as a resident assistant. She received her bachelor’s degree in marketing communications from Anderson University in Anderson, Indiana, in 2007. Karin Lederle joins Sterling College as Director of Marketing Communications after assisting in the marketing office at Sterling for the past three years. She graduated this past April from Sterling with a degree in societal justice and communications and Theatre Arts. S t e r l i n g M a g a z i n e • 25

In the News Marlene Legleiter returns to Housekeeping at Sterling College after working the past four years for Chartwells in the college cafeteria. Carrie McGlynn, Admissions Counselor, formerly worked as a physical therapist technician. Luke Orr returns to Sterling College as an Admissions Counselor. He graduated from Sterling in 2007 with a degree in Business Administration and a minor in Entrepreneurship. Mitzi Suhler, Administrative Assistant for Innovation and Technology, comes to Sterling College with 24 years of experience in the transportation business. Shuxiang “Sunny” Sun fills the role of Instructional Designer and Programmer for e.Sterling, Sterling College’s distance learning program. He earned his bach-

elor’s degree in English from Shandon University in Jinan, China, and his master’s degree in computer information systems from Georgia State University. Sun is working on a doctorate in instructional technology through Georgia State University. William Teuful is the newest member of the Sterling College family, having been recently appointed as Instructional Designer for e.Sterling. Teuful earned both his bachelor of music education and master of music at Kansas State University.

in Chicago and a master’s degree in education from Greenville College in Greenville, Illinois. Travis Tesone joins the football coaching staff as an assistant offensive coach. He received his physical education degree from Trinity International University in 2004 and is currently working on his Master of Arts in teaching. While at Trinity he played for Andy Lambert, now Sterling’s head football coach and Athletic Director.


Kyle Schenk joins the Sterling College football coaching staff as an assistant, after having coached at Taylor University, Greenville College, and Malone College. He holds a bachelor’s degree in physical education from Trinity International University

Left to Right: Tim Thorpe, Jonathan Conard, Mark Clark, Sasha Hildebrand, David Harmon, and Chris Brown

Biology Students Accepted into Prestigious Program at Kansas University School of Medicine

Left to Right: Kysha Nichols and Rachael Svaty

26 • Fall 2008

Karin Lederle

Kysha Nichols and Rachael Svaty, both biology majors at Sterling, have been selected for The Scholars in Rural Health Program, a program that selects only sixteen candidates each year. This honor assures their admission into Kansas University’s School of Medicine following their graduation from Sterling. To be eligible for the program, Nichols and Svaty had to be Kansas residents with experience living in a rural community. They also had to have high ACT/SAT scores, show intellectual promise, finish two years of a prescribed undergraduate program, and intend to practice medicine in rural areas of Kansas. After meeting these requirements, they had to undergo a rigorous application and interview process before being selected. Nichols, currently a senior, was accepted into the program last year. She is described by Dr. Hong, Associate Professor of Biol-

ogy, as “passionate about medicine.” Nichols spent the summer between her junior and senior years shadowing doctors. Dr. Hong describes Svaty as a “smart, hard worker with an analytical brain and a heart for people.” In the summer following her freshman year, Svaty traveled to Africa to work with AIDS orphans. To prepare the students for application to The Scholars in Rural Health Program and to ensure this was a field of medicine they were truly interested in, the Sterling professors required Nichols and Svaty to research rural medicine, spend time with rural doctors, and participate in a mock interview. As members of this program, Nichols and Svaty will spend a minimum of forty hours per semester with an assigned rural mentor. They will also complete a manuscript reviewing a topic related to rural health service or clinical care and present it at the annual meeting of The Scholars in Rural Health. Kysha Nichols is active in the biology club and the FSPA (Future Science Professionals of America), where she is currently serving as President. She is also a part of the Cross Country and Track and Field teams. Rachael Svaty has been involved in the Campus Activities Board, serving as secretary, FPSA, and is currently a Resident Assistant in Evans Hall.

In the News

Sterling Hires New VP - Chief Financial Officer

Annette Ensz

Sterling College dedicated its two new residence halls on Saturday, October 18, during the Homecoming festivities. The halls, formerly known as just X and Y, have been officially named “Douglas Men” and “Douglas Women,” and together are called “The Douglas Residences” in honor of SC’s 10th President, Dr. Bruce Douglas, and his wife, Dee. In addition to building these two new residences, Dr. Douglas led the way for Sterling College to increase its overall enrollment by 30%, restructure its academic programs through personnel and equipment upgrades, establish its online program (e.Sterling), and renovate the football field and track. Other accomplishments of the Douglas administrative team include reinstating the tennis and golf teams, and increasing Sterling College’s student services programs to include two chaplains, a student health center and a new career services office with a fulltime director. “His vision and real estate development knowledge made building these two new residences possible,” Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Tony Thompson, says. “This dedication is a way for the Board and College to thank and honor Dr. and Mrs. Douglas for their efforts in helping Sterling College improve and succeed these past three years.”

Scott Rich was recently named Sterling College’s Vice President - Chief Financial Officer and began his duties July 1. Rich comes to Sterling College with a strong background in leadership and management. Previously he has worked at Stutzman Greenhouse, Inc., and Foodbrands America, both in Hutchinson. Rich received his associate’s degree from Hutchinson Community College, his bachelor’s degree in Behavioral Science from The Master’s College, and his master of business administration degree from Liberty University. “I see [Sterling] as an institution that is committed not only to a quality education but also to encouraging selfless service and a commitment to the truth,” Rich says. Rich will be responsible for all financing and accounting functions including budgeting, long-range planning, investments and financial analysis. Additional responsibilities include risk management,

supervision of grant funds and human resources. Rich will serve as a Vice President on the President’s Cabinet. “In addition to his professional and educational background, Rich brings a strong Christian commitment,” explains Dr. Douglas, President of Sterling College. “In a Christ-centered college, that is of great importance.” Rich and his wife, Kathy, live in Hutchinson. Kathy is a high school English teacher at Central Christian. They have three children, William, 8, Mason, 9, and Matthew, 12.

Karin Lederle

New Dorms Named

Thompson ’69 Elected New Board Chair Sterling College elected a new Chair of the Board during the April Board of Trustees meeting. Tony Thompson, a 1969 graduate of Sterling, was named Chair of the Board. Thompson has been a member of Sterling’s Board of Trustees since 1998 and has served on the Finance and Investment and Board Development Committees. “Tony has been unflagging in his support of Sterling College. His guidance has been matched with tremendous financial support. This man is an exceptional leader and a unique alumnus,” President Bruce Douglas said. Thompson was elected to serve as Chair following the resignation of Dr. Tom Simpson, Sterling physician. Simpson, who will remain a member of the College’s Board, has served as a Trustee since 1987 and was the Chair since fall 2005. Thompson is Chairman and CEO of Thompson National Properties, Irvine, CA, and founded Triple Net Properties, LLC in 1998. Triple Net Properties merged with Grubb and Ellis Company in 2007. Thompson now serves as Chairman of the Board of Grubb and Ellis.

The groundbreaking for the Douglas Residences took place in January 2006, with residents moving in that August. Each of the two identical dorms houses up to 56 residents a year.

S t e r l i n g M a g a z i n e • 27

Alumni News and Notes

From the Alumni Director

Recently I had the opportunity to give a campus tour to an alumnus and his wife who had not been back to Sterling College in decades. They had never seen Mabee Library, the renovated Cooper Hall, the Legacy Walk or the bronze Divine Servant statue. As I walked them around campus on a warm, clear, fall day under the canopy of vibrant maple trees, the alumnus exclaimed how proud he was of his college. He also said that he would encourage students to check out Sterling College. Hearing him say these things was a great affirmation to the service and giving so many of you provide to Sterling. As the new Director of Alumni, I look forward to talking to many of you and hearing your thoughts of Sterling College. If you haven’t been back to SC in a while, it would be great to have you stop by for a visit so that we can give you a campus tour and hear your memories of the Sterling College you experienced. The college verse this year is Psalm 33:11, “The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the plans of his heart to all generations.” As each generation of students passes through the halls of Sterling College, it is reassuring to know that the plans God had for Sterling 121 years ago are still the same today. Therefore, we, as a college, although not perfect, still encourage each generation of students to search God’s Word, to seek His will for their lives and to learn how to incorporate their faith into the lives and careers they will have after Sterling. I ask for your new, renewed, or continued prayer and support of Sterling College as our faculty and staff have the grand and valuable task of providing a challenging, secure and enjoyable education and college experience for our students. Your comments, ideas and concerns are always welcome. Please feel free to contact me at 620-278-4228, dearle@sterling.edu, or Director of Alumni, 125 W Cooper, Sterling, KS 67579. -David Earle ‘88


If you have any updates or class notes you would like to have included in the next Sterling Magazine, please email them to dearle@sterling.edu with the words “Class Notes” in the subject line.


WALDO MCBURNEY fs26 celebrated his 106th birthday on July 1, 2008! Waldo lives in Quinter, KS, with his wife Vernice. RUTH TRICE ’29 celebrated her 101st birthday on August 31, 2008! Ruth lives with her husband Eugene in Lee’s Summit, MO.


CINDY MORROW ’76 retired in June of 2006 to the outer banks of North Carolina on Cape Hatteras Island. After serving over 20 years as a Special Agent with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), she and her sons, Michael and Alex, are enjoying island life in the village of Buxton. 28 • Fall 2008


DR. DOUG WILSON ’81, his wife Stacey and daughter Skye reside in Litchfield Park, AZ. Doug is the Managing Partner of a consulting firm as well as an adjunct professor at Northern Arizona University.


SHAWN ’90 AND CHERYL (GARNER) ‘90 AMMONS report that Shawn is the President of a new non-profit, Extreme Encounters, that exists to raise up, sharpen and launch servant leaders into the world for God’s glory. Shawn and Cheryl have eight children: Kileab, Kendra, Kramer, Kodi Ann, Kazden, Kip, Kreed and Kade. LISA (PUTT) ’93 & Mark SCHULLEN were married on February 17, 2007. The couple resides in Akron, OH. SARAH (HUTCHESON) ’95 & Scott MILLER report that they live in the Des Moines, IA, area where Scott owns his own business and Sarah is a Telecom Sales Executive. They have three children:

Noah and Samuel (age 7) and Scotland (10 months). REV. ETHAN ’95 & CHRISTY (CROW) ’96 SAYLER announce the birth of their son Noah James on March 23, 2007. Noah was welcomed home by sister Hannah and brother Caleb. The family lives in Cherokee, IA, where Ethan serves as pastor at Memorial Presbyterian Church. STEFFANY (VANDEVEER) ’96 & Brian HILL announce the birth of their son Aidan Christopher on March 6, 2007. Aidan was welcomed home by three-yearold brother, Jack. The family resides in Thompson’s Station, TN. AARON ’01 & SHARI (KAMMERZELL) ’97 CARMICHAEL announce the arrival of Lucas Smith on November 15, 2006. He was welcomed home by brother Aidan, 6. The Carmichaels reside in Evans, Colorado, where Aaron is a narcotics detective for the Greeley Police Department and Shari is a real estate agent.

Alumni News and Notes CHUCK ’97 & MELANIE ’99 (LIGHTNER) HASPELS were married on July 21, 2007, in Buhler, KS. The couple resides in Wichita, KS. Some SC friends in attendance included Chuck’s parents JOHN ’69 AND GWYNETH (ADAIR) fs70, grandmother MARTHA (HAMILTON) ADAIR ’43, brother JOHN ’99, and sisters DESTA (HASPELS) OPPREICHT fs94 and HEATHER fs08. Attending on Melanie’s side were sister JODI ’01, and cousins JERI MILLER ’05, and JORDAN MILLER ’09. KIMBERLY (MERRICK) ’97 & Brian SOMMER announce the birth of their daughter Abigail Christine on March 10, 2007. She was welcomed home by threeyear-old sister Aubrey Nicole. The family resides in Olathe, KS. REV. DAVID ’97 & REV. SARAH ’97 (MARK) PARKER announce the birth of their daughter Anna Elizabeth on December 11, 2006. Anna was welcomed home by brother, Will. David serves as

senior pastor and Sarah serves as associate pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Galesburg, IL. DR. MEREDITH CLAYTON ’98 & REV. ROCKY SUPINGER ’98 have moved from Kansas City, MO, to Riverside, CA. Meredith finished her residency in General Pediatrics at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City. She has started another residency in Preventive Medicine and is also working towards a master in public health and Global Health at Loma Linda University. Rocky left his position as head pastor of St. Matthew Presbyterian in Grandview, MO. He is presently looking for a new position in southern California. CHARLESSA (GATES) ’98 and Raymond MCCONNELL were married on December 30, 2006. Charlessa is the daughter of JACK ’69 & JANICE (COULTER) ’69 GATES and sister of DORINDA ’02 and current SC student, SUSAN.

TRAVIS ’99 & ALYSON (TUBBS) ’01 BLAKE welcomed a daughter, Aubrey Grace, born on March 14, 2006. She was welcomed by 2 ½ -year-old brother Brennan. The family now resides in Goodland, KS, where Travis serves as a pastor at First Baptist Church. DENISE ROBERTS ’99 wrote the Alumni Office to say “I am currently working with Adventures in Missions. I live in the Kibera Slums outside of Nairobi, Kenya, where I am responsible for our orphanage and school. I’m so blessed to be working with these precious kids who lack all the basic needs and yet love the Lord and display such amazing faith.”


BRANDI (ARMSTRONG) ’00 and James BEINS announce the birth of their daughter Rebekah Joelle on November 30, 2006. Rebekah was welcomed home by brother, Jacob, and sister, Abigail. The family resides in Warr Acres, OK.

Gordon Kling and Diane DeFrancoKling, both senior professors of Theatre Arts, were named honorary alumni by the Sterling College Alumni Council for their combined 77 years of service to the College. During Gordon Kling’s forty years at Sterling, he has not only taught classes and directed plays and musicals—over fifty of them!—but has also been involved with the renovation of Spencer Hall, the building of Mabee Library, and the founding of the Sterling Scots Heritage Society. He acts as a consultant for both the Faculty Council and the Faculty Welfare Committee. Diane DeFranco-Kling has been involved with the directing, choreography and costuming of many theatre productions during her thirty-seven years at SC. She has also served on the Faculty Welfare Committee for the last thirteen years. The Klings have spent their entire married lives and raised their four children in the

Sterling College community. Diane DeFrancoKling shared, “Gordon came here after being chosen at a Speech Conference in Chicago by the then-current head of the SC Speech and Drama Department. Gordon was asked to be the Theatre specialist. We were married the next year. I moved to Sterling and taught at the high school for two years before being asked to join the faculty at SC.” In October, Honorary Alumni Status was presented to the Klings during the Homecoming alumni banquet. After being introduced by former theatre major Greg McGlynn, class of ’87 and current President of the Alumni Council, their awards were presented by David Earle, class of

Alumni Council President Greg McGlynn ‘87 awarded the Klings with their honorary alumnus status during the Alumni Banquet held during Homecoming.

Sheryl Fulton

Honorary Alumni Status Given to Klings

‘88 and the College’s Director of Alumni. The Klings were given framed certificates with the words “Certificate of Honorary Alumnus (or Alumna) Status” before a crowd of more than 100 Sterling College alumni and friends.

S t e r l i n g M a g a z i n e • 29

Alumni News and Notes

JEREMY ’00 & ALISHA fs02 (FORMAN) STINEMETZ announce the birth of their son Bryce Christian on December 27, 2006. Bryce was welcomed to the Altamonte Springs, FL, home by his sisters Mia (6) and Kaedyn (2). SETH ’00 & AMY (SYLVESTER) ’02 SVATY announced the birth of their daughter, Cora Jane, on September 28, 2007. She has since celebrated her first birthday. She joins her brothers Noah, 5, and Micah, 3. Seth is the pastor of the Sterling United Presbyterian Church and also teaches some courses at Sterling College.

KELLIE (LANDRY) ’02 & J.D. LAURENCE announce the birth of their son Benjamin Donald Josiah Laurence on December 11, 2006. He was welcomed home by 2 ½ -year old brother Caleb. DR. DREW ’02 & RACHEL (DERSTEIN) ’03 MILLER now reside in Wichita, KS. On May 20th, Drew graduated from KU School of Medicine with a Doctor of Medicine degree and has started his Family Medicine Residency at Via Christi in Wichita.

From the Alumni Office. . .

LUKE ’00 & APRIL (GOERTZEN) ’02 WALCHER announce the arrival of their daughter Joanna Rebekah on February 2, 2007, in Wichita, KS. Joanna joins fouryear-old sister Abigail. ATHANASIA (SAVVAS) ’01 KAVVADIAS wrote on our online class notes page that she was married to the “man of her dreams” named Thomas Kavvadis on October 14, 2006, at St. Panagitsa Church in Athens, Greece. ERIC ’01 & Leslie VARNON announce the birth of their son Noah Benjamin on October 11, 2006. The family resides in Ft. Worth, TX. AARON ’01 & JENNIFER (STINEMETZ) ’03 WALLMAN announce the birth of their son Jacob Scott on August 31, 2007. Jacob joins sister, Anna. The Wallmans live in Sterling, KS.

JENNIFER (LANE) ’02 and Thomas Mercer ROGERS were married on January 13, 2007. The couple resides in Little Rock, AR, where they are both employed at Fellowship Bible Church. Jennifer is the Director of Creative Ministries for the children’s ministry and Thomas is the Worship Media Producer. MARK ’02 & ABBY ’03 (LANG) REED announce the birth of their son Nathan Robert on April 14, 2007. CHARITY (SCHROEDER) YEUNG ’02 and her husband Aaron moved from Little Rock, AR, to Oklahoma City in December of 2006. Charity works at a bank and Aaron is an environmental engineer for Oklahoma Gas and Electric. LUKE ’03 AND ERIN (CLARK) ’07 CURETON were married May 31, 2008, and now reside in Castle Rock, CO. Erin is Communications Coordinator in the Sanctity of Human Life Division at Focus on the Family. Luke is Ad Analyst for Sports Authority corporate offices in Englewood.

LEGACY WALK Join the many alumni and friends of Sterling College who have purchased a brick in the Legacy Walk. For a brochure and more information, please contact David Earle, Director of Alumni, at dearle@sterling. edu or 620-278-4228

NATHAN fs05 & WHITNEY (MUSSYAL) ’03 BUCHHOLZ announce the birth of their daughter Laynie Marie on March 23, 2007. The family resides in Yukon, OK. KIM (STALEY)

30 • Fall 2008

’04 and Dustin TITUS were married on March 31, 2007. The couple currently resides in New Port Richey, FL. NIKKI (LEWIS) ’05 and Jon PADEN were married on June 16, 2007. The newlyweds reside in Little River, KS. Nikki is a Kindergarten teacher with the Little River-Windom School District. KATHRYN (LEECH) ’05 & MATT SCHAFFNER ’04 are now residing in El Dorado, KS, where Matt is the Youth/Contemporary Worship Pastor at First Presbyterian Church. He is working on his master’s degree from Indiana Wesleyan University. Kathryn has begun a professional photography career taking high school senior photo shoots and family portraits. The Schanffers have four children, Gavin, Audra, Gabriel and Nicholas. JASON HENSON ’06 graduated from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol Academy in July 2007. He now serves in Grady County, OK. He married Ally Wilson in December 2007.


It is always sad when we receive word of an alumnus who has passed. Our thoughts and prayers go out to their families and we remember their involvement with Sterling College. For the past five years a special memorial presentation has been produced that is shown at the Alumni Banquet during Homecoming and again to our students during the Heritage Chapel. This presentation lists and shows pictures of all alumni who have passed (when we receive notification, between Sept. 1 and Aug. 31st of each academic year). E. MARIE (LORIMOR) COURTNEY ’31 passed away on May 12, 2007 at 98 years of age. She was preceded in death by her husband, CHARLES E. COURTNEY ’31. DR. RUSSELL D. BYALL ’33 passed away on March 20, 2007. He was 95. He is survived by two sons

Alumni News and Notes DR. LOWELL BYALL ’60 and DR. ELLIOTT BYALL ’62.

FARMER ’51, and brothers, HOWARD MEANS ’55 and LOUIS MEANS ’58.

GENAVIEVE (BLAIR) WILHELM fs42 passed away on February 19, 2007. A former SC registrar in the 1960s, she was preceded in death by her husband, DALLAS WILHELM ’42 (also a former employee of SC in the 60s) in January of 2003.

It was reported by BEVERLY BUSH ’86 that her mother LOIS (EMLER) BUSH ’54 passed away August 8, 2008, in Topeka, KS.

KENNETH A. CLIFTON ’43 passed away on January 16, 2007. MARGARET (STRONG) ’50 GORDON passed away August 15, 2008. She is survived by her husband BOB ’49, Professor Emeritus of Sterling College. Bob was the SC band director for more than two decades. JIMMIE HULING ’51 passed away March 28, 2008. VIRGIL A. COMBS ’51 passed away on March 10, 2007, in Wichita, KS. LEROY “ROY” MEANS fs53 of Conway Springs, Kansas, died August 26, 2008. His mother, ANNA (LINDSAY) MEANS graduated from SC in 1922. His survivors include sisters, ALMA (MEANS) WISEMAN ’50, and WANDA (MEANS)

ANN (WILEY) BLOSE ’58 wrote that her husband, Phillip Blose, passed away on December 14, 2006. DON BERBLINGER fs53 passed away on June 2, 2007. He is survived by his brother MARION BERBLINGER ’56. ROBERT “BOB” DANCEY ’58 passed away on May 29, 2007. He is survived by his wife RAE JEAN (KENNEY) DANCEY fs61. EDWARD P. KRANTZ ’60 passed away on November 6, 2006. He is survived by his wife NADINE (BESWICK) ’58. DELBERT DELLINGER fs61 passed away April 21, 2008. ELDON BRANDT ’61 died on March 27, 2007.

DENNIS M. ASBURY ’69 died on December 30, 2006. ALICE RHOADS ’70 passed away on June 13, 2007, in McPherson, KS. She is survived by son DAVID RHOADS ’74 and grandson, current SC student, JONATHON LOVERCAMP. RICHARD “DICK” STOUT ’79 passed away on January 19, 2007. He is survived by his sister ROBERTA DRAKE ’74. MICHAEL HICKS ’83 passed away on December 10, 2006. Some of his survivors include his wife, JEAN (STROTT) ’83, two sons, parents HADLEY (former SC baseball coach) & NANCY (current Administrative Assistant in Education) and brother, STEVE ’83. CATHY (ANDERSON) WEPNER fs87 passed away on January 19, 2008. She is survived by her husband JEFFERY fs84. VALERIE JEAN JOHNSON fs91 passed away on Sept. 4, 2008. Val Jean was 39.

JUDITH A. (CAIN) LITTLE ’65 passed away on November 13, 2006.

Which Warriors? Pictured are three lovely members of SC royalty from sometime in our history. If you know who they are--first and last name and the academic year--be the first to contact the Director of Alumni, David Earle, at dearle@sterling.edu or send your answer to Sterling College Alumni Office, 125 W. Cooper Ave, Sterling, KS 67579. The first to reply after January 2, 2009, with the correct identification for this picture will win a SC travel mug from the SC Bookstore. In your letter or email please include your full name and address. There will be a winner for each of the following categories: the first correct letter, in-state email and out-of-state email. There will be no repeat winners. SC employees are not eligible to win.

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Help Recruit for Sterling College!

The 2008 Homecoming Candidates included a child of two alums, a grandson of Sterling alums, a former student of a teacher whose two children attended Sterling, a student whose family friend recommended Sterling, two students recruited by Sterling coaches, and a former student of an alum teacher.

Sterling College: Generation to Generation was not only a perfect theme for Homecoming 2008 but also serves as a challenge for all alumni and friends of Sterling College. Did you know that more than 50% of Sterling students found Sterling College through an alum, a teacher, a pastor, a coach, or a friend. Twenty-four new students came to Sterling College this year through a Sterling alumni connection. Do you know a young person who would be a good addition to Sterling College? Someone in your family, your church, your community -someone who excels in athletics, arts or youth ministry activities? Help pave the way to Sterling for a new generation. Go to www.sterling.edu to the Refer-A-Student link or call 1-800-346-1017.

125 W. Cooper, Sterling, KS 67579 www.sterling.edu • (800) 346-1017 Parents: If this is addressed to your daughter or son who has established a separate address, please help us update with his/ her new address by calling (620) 278-4206 or emailing alumni@ sterling.edu.

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