just dance! | Winter 2015 | Vol 4 | Issue IV

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Dancers reveal their favourite holiday performance p. 17

Winter 2015 | Vol. IV | Issue II

Travis Lim

is In the Spotlight Mission, BC Native

Anna-Marie Holmes Talks to just dance! About Her Amazing Career

y a d i l o H e d i u G Gift

Fighting back From tragedy:

Lucilla’s Story {P.11}

th nnual Our 4 A

S tocking S t u o b a is all



Dancing Diversions A Fun Page to Keep You Busy in Your Down Tme

PLUS Strategies to Make the Most of Winter Break justdancemagazine.com PMA #42721520


2 just dance! | Winter 2015


Features: lucila's story........................................................................................... 9 by Racquel Foran holiday gift guide: Stocking Stuffers.................................................. 14 Meet the pro: Anna-Marie Holmes........................................................ 21 by Heidi Turner

Knowledge Base: Balance: Winter Break Strategies......................................................... 25 by Monika Volkmar

in every issue: Publisher's Letter...................................................................................... 4 In the spotlight: Travis Lim...................................................................... 6 by Racquel Foran just dance! Wants to Know...What's your Favourite Holiday Dance/Performance and Why?............................................................ 17 Suzanne Sits down with Nicol spinola........................................... 18 by Suzanne Ouellette Dance DIversions................................................................................. 20 just dance! Directory............................................................................ 26

Cover image: Travis Lim. Photo credit: Kuna Lu

Winter 2015 | just dance! 3



his issue of just dance! magazine is the second in our fourth editorial year. To publish an arts magazine in a world where everyone says print is dead and to succeed is a major accomplishment. I am very proud of what we have created and produced for these past three years. I am also grateful to the many people who have stepped up over the years to help the magazine. From our very first advertisers (Avalon Dance Shop, Tri-City Dance Centre and Jazz Ma Tazz Dance and Costume), to my early writers (Josie Padro, Hillary Wood) photographer (Karen Fisher-Hagel), and start-up partner (Andrea Albanese) who worked for free or next to nothing, and of course my talented Artistic Director Laura Bellis, I have been overwhelmed by the support and encouragement I have received from all corners. Simply saying thank you does not seem enough, but it will have to suffice. You will notice a few changes to this issue of just dance! For the first time we do not have a History of Dance article. Don’t worry, this feature isn’t gone forever – we have simply reduced the number of times per year that we will run it in order to make room for more current stories. We have also introduced a new feature in this issue: Dancing Diversions. This feature will include fun facts, jokes, word searches, or any other creative things we can think of to include to entertain you in your down time. As usual this issue is full of articles meant to inform, inspire and celebrate young dancers in Canada. Monika Volkmar’s Balance article informs you about how to make the most of your winter break; the accident and recovery of Lucilla Munaretto will surely inspire; and In the Spotlight this month we are celebrating Travis Lim, Canada’s newest hip hop gold medallist. And, of course, we have brought back our Holiday Gift Guide; this one focussing on stocking stuffers for $30 or less. I hope you enjoy all of the great articles in this issue. just dance! is for you. It is important to me that our readers always find the information in our pages relevant. And we are always looking for new ideas, so don't hesitate to contact us any time to share information or ideas - we'd love to hear from you. Happy Holidays and Keep Dancing!

— Racquel

34A - 2755 Lougheed Hwy Suite 212 Port Coquitlam, BC V3B 5Y9 justdancemagazine.com facebook.com/jdmagazinebc Publisher & Managing Editor Racquel Foran racquel@justdancemagazine.com General Inquiries info@justdancemagazine.com Art Director (Ad production, layout & image submission guidelines) Laura Bellis laura@justdancemagazine.com Advertising Sales info@justdancemagazine.com Contributors Racquel Foran Suzanne Ouellette Heidi Turner Monika Volkmar Contributing Photographers David Cooper Karen Fisher-Hagel Charles De Jesus Kuna Lee James Yip

just dance! magazine is available for $14 per year (4 issues) To subscribe visit justdancemagazine.com Please return undeliverable addresses to: 0970200 BC Ltd. 1220 Gabriola Drive Coquitlam, BC V3E 1G3 Tel: 778 239 9194 Publication Mail Agreement No. 42721520 Copyright © just dance! magazine 2015: Material appearing in this publication may not be reproduced in print or electronically without written permission of the publisher, and without proper credit given. Editorial viewpoints and opinions do not necessarily reflect the view of the publishers. Advertising and Photo Submissions: Ads must be submitted as a PDF or a high-res TIFF file. Photos embedded in ads must be converted to CMYK. All ads and photo submissions must be a minimum of 300 dpi. Please contact the art director at laura@justdancemagazine.com with any questions regarding advertisement or photo submission guidelines.


Correction: In our Fall 2015 issue Zack Preece is posing with Caroline Kiddie in the photo on page 8.


{ in t h e sp o tli g ht }

By Heidi Turner


f you think you’re too young to make your mark in the dance world, you haven’t met Travis Lim. At only 14 years old, Travis has already won multiple gold medals at both national and international competitions; been a Canadian Goodwill Ambassador to the CID World Dance Congress; and begun filming a television show about the world of dance. He’s done all this while going to school and constantly training for hip hop competitions. Travis began dancing when he was six years old, and has focused mainly on hip hop since the beginning. At his first dance competition, he was asked to perform in the closing ceremonies and his passion for dance was sparked. Although he has studied other forms of dance, including contemporary and musical theatre, Travis says hip hop is his favourite style. “I love the variety of hip hop, and there’s so much to explore about it,” Travis says. “There are so many styles within hip hop, from krumping to locking and popping.

It’s endless. Hip hop is about innovation and there are new moves being created every day. You want to get in on those new moves.” That passion for hip hop led Travis, along with his crew, Freshh 2.0 from Fresh Groove Productions, to the World Hip Hop Championships in 2014 in Las Vegas. After training eight hours a day, every day for one month, they competed in Las Vegas and won the gold medal for junior crew. Mona D’Amours, International Director, Dance World Cup, first saw Travis perform at the 2008 Dance World Cup in Coquitlam, BC. She’s been watching him grow as a performer for many years, but says his confidence is what first caught her eye. “He was seven years old when he first competed at Dance World Cup,” Mona says. “He had this confidence and passion. He was small in stature but he commanded the stage. That’s usually what distinguishes the ones who do well from those who don’t. It’s not just technique, costumes or music; it’s the combination of confidence and passion.”

in the spotligh

Travis Lim

6 just dance! | Winter 2015


Opening photo and top right: Charles De Jesus. Bottom right, Karen Fisher-Hagel.

{ in t h e sp o tli g ht } Even though Travis prefers hip hop dance, Mona says he was willing to try other styles of dance, which made him eligible to compete for National Dancer of the Year for ages 12 and under (which requires competitors to perform solos in three different categories). “Travis is hard-hitting and strong,” Mona says. “He shows adaptation. He’s very good at improvisation because of his confidence, which ultimately led to him winning the title of National Dancer of the Year in 2013.” All his hard work also led to Travis being invited to teach a hip hop workshop at the CID World Dance Congress in Japan in October 2014, making him the youngest presenter ever at the congress. “The congress was such an amazing experience,” Travis says. “I grew so much. I went to Japan and I was an ambassador representing Canada for dance. I taught people from all around the world; Malaysia, India, Japan, it was so mind-blowing to see how different dancers and cultures do hip hop. It was fun teaching them about hip hop. It was an awesome experience. “

In October 2015, Travis competed at the IDO World Hip Hop, Electric Boogie and Break Dance Championships where he, and Team Canada, had an amazing showing. He won the gold medal for Solo Electric Boogie Junior, placed fourth for Solo Hip Hop Male, and won the silver medal for the Hip Hop Junior Formations category.

Working to build a portfolio of professional photos is just one of the things Travis works on while he isn't in the studio.

He credits his private coach, Deni Kang, and head coach Paul Otterbein and manager Sheri Mackenzie for his success. And, despite the exhaustion and nerves that come with competing on an international level, Travis said he wouldn’t hesitate to join Team Canada again next year if given the chance.

Travis posing with the trophy and medal he won at the IDO World Hip Hop Championships in fall 2015.

Luckily for Travis, his competition schedule doesn’t generally heat up until the summer so school is manageable. He practices two hours daily after school, with

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Having taken the dance world by storm, Travis now also has his sights set on the film industry. He has already begun filming a television show scheduled to air in early 2016 on Shaw TV and Shaw on Demand. That show, titled “Hip Hop with Travis Lim” will introduce people to the Vancouver hip hop scene. There is also talk of a movie, though that is in the early planning stages. When it comes to his career, Travis says he has two main people to thank for his success. The first is his mom Frances who takes him to every dance class. The second is his coach, Cezar Tantoco, who he has been working with for eight years, since he first started dancing. But he also says he finds inspiration in everyone around him because every person has something new and interesting to say and teach. Despite all his success, Travis says there have been some challenges in his dance career, specifically injuries, which have sidelined him and prevented him from practicing. Travis has injured his knee and his hip, and says recovering from those injuries is difficult, especially when they prevent him from being in the studio, practicing. “You practice every day, and then you’re injured and doctors tell you to rest and you don’t know how because you have to practice,” Travis says. “It’s hard getting over those bumps in the road. You have to take it easy, but that’s one of the hardest things to do. I always want to be in the studio.” Along with working on a television show and movie, and continuing to compete, Travis’ goals for the future include making dance more mainstream. He will continue to strive to educate people about dance, while encouraging them to follow their dreams.

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“I think dancing is a hill you have to climb,” Travis says. “There’s always someone better than you, even if you don’t know who they are. There’s always a push, a struggle. Sometimes it’s a challenge just getting into the studio. The number one thing to do is practice. Get into the studio and grind. Get out there and learn from everyone you can learn from. Take inspiration from everywhere.”

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8 just dance! | Winter 2015

longer practices on weekends. Because competitions are in June and throughout the summer, he spends most of the summer focusing on dance.




Charles De Jesus


{ in t h e sp o tli g ht }

“Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans.” Lucila Munaretto may not be familiar with this quote, but after a tragic accident this past August 13, she now likely understands its meaning.

Lucilla rehearsing at Coastal City Ballet before her accident.

Lucila was very busy planning her life and career as a dancer; she had been since she was a little girl. But life happened while Lucila was making those plans. On a beautiful summer day in North Vancouver, BC, Lucila lost control while rollerblading down a busy, steep road, and slammed into the side of a van. Her body was left broken and battered.

David Cooper

Born in Argentina, Lucila’s parents enrolled her in roller skating and dance as a young girl, but Lucila said she always liked dance more. “I remember when we did a roller skating presentation, I was a ballerina,” she laughed.

Lucila’s By Racquel Foran


Soon ballet became her focus. At the young age of 11, she was awarded a scholarship to attend the Bolshoi Theater School in Brazil, an affiliate of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. Her entire family moved from Argentina to Brazil so she could pursue her dancing dreams. Although the family moved to Brazil with her, she lived about an hour away from them with a host family in Joinville, where The Bolshoi Theater was located. She said that wasn’t easy, “I called my mom crying almost every day,” but acknowledges now that it prepared her for her future. Lucila spent seven years dancing at the Bolshoi, improving her skills and preparing for her next big opportunity. That opportunity came in the summer of 2012 when the Artistic Director of Vancouver’s Coastal City Ballet, Li Yaming, attended the Joinville Dance Festival. He was invited to watch a class at the Bolshoi Theater School where Lucila trained. He was very impressed by what he saw in the young dancer and offered her a full scholarship to attend Coastal City Ballet. So Lucila was on the move again, this time without her family. It took a few months for her visa and other paperwork to be processed. She

Winter 2015 | just dance! 9

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About Coastal City Ballet Coastal City Ballet is a repertory ballet company, based in Vancouver, BC that provides performance opportunities for emerging dancers, both Canadian and international. It has the same schedule as that of a professional ballet company, with daily class and rehearsals and scheduled performances throughout the season. Coastal City Ballet holds an open audition annually in June, however dancers are encouraged to audition through company class or by video at all times throughout the season as the company is actively looking for new dancers. For more information visit coastalcityballet.com. joined Coastal City Ballet in November 2012 ready for a whole new set of challenges, including learning to speak English. She did not speak or understand a single word when she first arrived, “I learned by watching, listening, and reading. I spent a lot of time smiling and nodding in the beginning —I didn’t understand, but I got better.” She did not take any English lessons, but you’d never know it; she has mastered the language well.

David Cooper x2

She has also done well at Coastal City Ballet. Katrina Bois, the rehearsal director says Lucila fit in easily because “she is a genuinely kind individual and was so eager to learn.” Bois went on to explain that Lucila has that extra quality that is hard to find, “She has an artistic quality that cannot be trained. It’s that extra something that makes all dancers special. In addition, she is a marvellous actress… Lucila is exceptional at creating the roles that she has been cast to dance.”

was on the verge of signing her first professional contract as a ballet dancer. She just missed a contract with Ballet Jörgen this past summer due to difficulties getting a work visa, and she was planning to audition for Les Grands Ballets’ The Nutcracker. The accident has, however, changed the course of things for Lucila. She suffered a serious brain injury; a broken jaw (in four places); broken teeth; a fractured wrist; an injured tendon in her back; and a fractured pelvis. When she was transferred to Lions Gate Hospital, doctors feared for her life. Lucila was placed in an induced coma while Coastal City Ballet and the RCMP contacted her mother in Brazil. The call that Lucila’s mother Alicia received is every mother’s nightmare. Her oldest child was thousands of kilometers away and fighting for her life; Alicia was informed her daughter likely only had days to live. She needed to get to Lucila’s side as soon as possible. And without hesitation the dance community, the RCMP, and health workers stepped up to make that happen. Almost immediately, a fundraising campaign was set up to help cover the cost of getting Alicia to Lucila’s side. A family from Coastal City Ballet donated their vacant suite for Alicia to stay in for free with Lucila’s sister, Florencia, who was already in Vancouver studying English. The RCMP helped facilitate the paperwork needed to get Alicia here fast. Lucila’s father Marcos stayed in Brazil with her younger siblings Nicolás (15) and Niccle (9).

In the early days after the accident there were many unknowns. If Lucila did survive, how severe and how permanent were her injuries going to be? What kind of rehabilitation would she need? What kind of equipment (for example a wheelchair or crutches) would she require? And what kind of prescription medication would she have to take? All of these things represented potential expenses that BC’s basic Medical Services Plan (MSP) does not cover. So fundraising needed to continue to cover these expenses. Amazingly in a little more than two months, $42,450 has been raised. Even more amazingly, Lucila is on the mend. When she first woke from the coma, doctors did not know the extent of her brain injury. Lucila explained that the first thing they asked her was if she remembered English. “I told them I think so, I‘m not sure.” There was someone who spoke Spanish, so they tried that with her, and she understood and responded with no problems. A little while later, a friend who spoke Portuguese dropped by for a visit and Lucila was able to converse in Portuguese as well. When the doctors realized that she was still able to speak three languages, they were very encouraged that Lucila would recover from the brain injury. Remarkably, Lucila does not remember anything at all about the accident, “not even the day I woke up,” she said. But she also thinks that is a good thing because she doesn’t have to relive the trauma. She does, however, have to face a long and difficult recovery.

Lucilla posing with fellow CCB dancer, Janis Liu.

Standout roles with Coastal City Ballet, according to Bois, are the ones where Lucila has had to use her acting chops including in the principal role of Gretel in the ballet Hansel and Gretel, and the soloist role of Drizella in the ballet Cinderella. Having trained at Coastal City Ballet for almost three years, Bois thinks Lucila Winter 2015 | just dance! 11

Although Lucila and her mother and sister have been provided with free accommodations, they still have living expenses. BC MSP also does not cover a lot of medical expenses, therefore fundraising continues for Lucila. Funds raised will go towards paying for the following: additional living expenses; Alicia’s return airfare to Brazil; dental services; eyeglasses, hearing aids, and other equipment or appliances she has needed like wheelchair and crutches; prescription drugs; counselling or psychological services; acupuncture, chiropractic, massage therapy, naturopathy, physical therapy, and non-surgical podiatry services. To learn more about Lucila’s journey or to donate visit: gofundme.com/Lucila

Lucilla showing her wonderful spirit while posing with her crutches.

Luckily both her brain injury and her back injury were not as severe as first thought. She has had several teeth removed, and her jaw has been repaired. Surgeons had to put several plates in it, but except for a small, thin scar along the right side of her jaw line, you would never know it had been broken in four. Except unless you go shopping with her. “I make the alarms go off when I enter stores,” Lucila explained. “I have to say no, no, it’s okay, it’s my face,” she added with a laugh. She was released from the hospital on September 25 and one month later had the cast and brace on her wrist removed and was given the green light to walk without crutches because her pelvis had healed. Fortunately, her pelvis never did

Lucila is determined to dance again. “I have learned to be patient. To accept things as they are,” she explained. “I might not be able to do some things, but that’s okay. I will learn again.” She has even found a silver lining in having to use crutches; they made her upper body stronger. “Instead of the boys lifting me, I’ll lift them!” Despite the difficulties of being away from her two youngest children and her husband, Alicia will stay with Lucila until she is completely independent again, and Lucila hopes that will be before the end of the year. The young dancer spends most mornings working on rehabilitation, and learned at the end of October that she could start basic dance training along with her outpatient rehabilitation. Lucila admits it has been difficult to sit on the sidelines, but she has learned from this experience to slow down.

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12 just dance! | Winter 2015

Racquel Foran

Fundraising for Lucila

cause her too much pain. “I didn’t even believe it was fractured,” she said. “I asked them are you sure?” Doctors credit her strong muscles for helping to alleviate her pain and heal fast.

Lucila is also thankful to many people, “To all the people I know, but especially to those I don’t know. It’s not enough to say thanks to the firefighters, doctors, nurses, surgeons, and rehabilitation workers. The hospital made such an effort to keep me alive. I know if this accident happened in Brazil I would not be alive.” Her goal is still to dance professionally for a ballet company, “that accepts me the way I am, that likes the differences,” she said. “Like Coastal City Ballet did,” she added with a big grin. It is easy to see why Lucila was offered a scholarship to Coastal City Ballet. That “extra something” that Katrina Bois mentioned is clearly evident. Lucila’s eyes sparkle as she intently soaks up everything around her. She smiles often and laughs easily. And even after having gone through a very scary accident, she radiates positivity. All this, combined with her hard work and talent, gives us confidence that we will see Lucila on stage again, soon.

Outpouring of Support

Lucila has been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support. This is a list of some of the people and organizations that have donated to her campaign. • 513 people have donated $42,450 to her GoFundMe campaign • A personal account was set up in Brazil for wire transfers. • Coastal City Ballet and Pacific DanceArts dancers performed at the Opening Concert of the Taiwan Fest to create awareness and receive donations. Taiwan Fest itself also donated. • Young students held lemonade and cookie sales to raise funds. • Lucila’s employer, Spiritual Ingredients Bakery, is collecting donations in store and will match every dollar.

• Citie Ballet in Edmonton is in the process of completing a transaction, which will bring in thousands of dollars towards Lucila’s recovery. • Coastal Edge Dance plans on hosting a workshop where they have donated their teaching and proceeds will go to Lucila. • Some local artists are working to hold an art gallery event with 50% of sales going to Lucila. • The social worker at Lions Gate Hospital helped Coastal City Ballet get in touch with the Canadian Red Cross to get Lucila’s medical equipment on loan.

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Winter 2015 | just dance! 13

Winter 2015

Holiday Gift Guide

Stocking Stuffers

Mondor Legwarmers

Canada’s own Mondor makes a wide variety of legwarmers in lengths ranging from 14 to 36 inches in a multitude of colours. Available at retailers across Canada or online at Dancewear Centre. $10 - $25 – Dancewear Centre dancewearcentre.com

Hair Elastic Lollipop - DYI This fun and affordable “hair treat” is the perfect Do It Yourself gift idea. All you need is some hair elastics, cardboard, and lollipop sticks and you can make lollipops for all your dance friends. Find instructions on YouTube by searching “DIY Hair Tie Lollipop Party FAVORS.”

Ainsliewear Headband Keep your hair off your face and make a statement at the same time with this cool headband featuring a Kidd Pivot print from Ainsliewear. $20 – Ainsliewear, ainsliewear.com

Sugar & Bruno Make-Up Bag

This super cute “Athlete + Artists = Dancer” bag from Sugar & Bruno’s Stacey Tookey line is perfect to hold anything from make-up and hair accessories, to pens and electronic devices. US$10 – Sugar & Bruno sugarandbruno.com/product/ athlete-artist-kiss-make-up-bag-aqua

First Aid Kit

It might not be fun, but it is practical. All dancers should have a first aid kit in their dance bag so they are ready for their next blister, bump, or bruise. $9.89 - Canadian Red Cross products.redcross.ca/product/812/personal-first-aid-kit-nylon-bag 14 just dance! | Winter 2015


These latex resistance bands are used by dancers of all levels to target specific areas of the body that need strengthening. They are great for young dancers to use in preparation for pointe work and for injury recovery exercises. Instructions for basic exercises included. US$9.99 (1 band per package) – Capezio, capezio.com

Nail Files

Keeping your toenails trim and neat is important for all dancers. Forever Dancewear carries a large selection of dance-themed files. Perfect little gifts for dance friends. $3.95 – Forever Dancewear foreverdancewear.com


Long-lasting lip colour perfect for dancers - it is waterproof, does not kiss-off, smearoff, rub-off or budge-off! Create your own colour palette by combining shades. $30 - SenGence International senegence.com

Sweet Feet

This fabulous product will take the stink out of any pair of dance shoes. A quick spray will destroy shoe odor and refresh your shoes and feet. And the bottle is small enough to fit in any dance bag or purse. $7.95 – Sweet Feet sweetfeetspray.com


This amazingly soft cloth wipes away makeup, even black mascara, with ease. All you do is wet the cloth with warm water, wipe, and voila! – all your makeup is gone. No need for makeup removers, and each cloth can be used over and over. $19.99 - Dance Washdolly (3 pack) | washdolly.com

Unlovely by Celeste Conway A little romance, a little mystery, and a little horror, all mixed in with ballet - what else could young book lovers and dancers want in a good read over the holidays? $17.39 – Indigo (online) chapters.indigo.ca

Braided Dancer Bracelet

Forever Dancewear in North Vancouver, BC carries these adorable braided dance bracelets. Each one has a dancer charm and they come in variety of colours. $9.95 – Forever Dancewear foreverdancewear.com Winter 2015 | just dance! 15

just dance! wants to know: What's your favourite holiday dance/performance and why?

Nevaeh Saidler

Sponsored by:

Age: 10

Studio 89, Spruce Grove, AB My favourite holiday performance is the Nutcracker performed by the Alberta Ballet. I actually performed in the production last year as a party girl and am auditioning again for this year’s production.

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Jenna Mierow

Age: 14 J.D.’s Fabulous Feet, Red Deer, AB

Definitely Nutcracker!

Talisa Vairo

Age: 11

CentreStage Dance Maple Ridge, BC

Jaina Maberley-Andrews

I love the holidays and my favourite holiday performance is the Nutcracker. Every year my Nana buys tickets for us to go. It is a very special time that I get to share with her as we both love dance so much.

Age: 16

Rhonda McCulloch Danceology, Stettler, AB

My favourite holiday dance would be Clara’s solo from The Nutcracker Ballet. I’ve always dreamed of dancing as Clara.

Respond to Win! For Spring 2016 just dance! wants to know...why do you dance? Send your response including your name, age, and studio you dance with, along with a photo of yourself to: info@justdancemagazine.com. All respondents will be automatically entered to win a FREE one-year subscription to just dance! magazine and a gift pack from Dream Duffel that includes a 3-pack of Regular Garment Bags, a 3-pack of Wooden Hangers, and a Black Hanging Cosmetic Roll. (Contest submission deadline is February 2nd, 2015)

Winter 2015 | just dance! 17




have had the pleasure of watching Nicol develop into a well-rounded artist. From her roots as a triple threat performer on local musical theatre stages, to her thoughtful and disciplined forays into teaching and choreography, and her exploring her intuitive gifts as a photographer, Nicol tackles her art with a trademark passion for life!

When and where did you first start dancing? I started dancing when I was seven years old at Darcelle’s Dancers in Burnaby, BC. Where are you from originally? I was born in Johannesburg, South Africa, but my family and I immigrated to Canada in 1988.


In what styles of dance did you train? I trained in all sorts of styles: ballet, jazz, tap, musical theatre, stage, hip hop, and Polynesian. When and why did you start singing? I started singing in my musical theatre classes growing up, but didn’t really start to focus on my voice work until I was 18. One of my friends actually set up a private vocal lesson for me without my knowing and asked me to drop him off at his lesson. When we arrived he took me in to say hello to the teacher whom I knew from working on a show together. When I got into the room, my friend turned around and said to me, “Surprise, this is actually for you!” and walked out. So, that is how I started private vocal work. How old were you when you knew you wanted to pursue a professional career? I was cast in my first musical when I was a teenager and I fell in love with being on stage. I realized that I wanted to make this my life. I had already started teaching dance at that point and loved that, too. Over the years I just continued to teach and perform. When did you go to work with Disney Cruise Line, and how many times did you audition before you were hired? I auditioned for Disney Cruise Line in June of 2010. I flew down to LA and attended their general auditions. I am lucky in the fact that three weeks after my first audition, I was offered my first contract aboard the Disney Magic. What was the audition process like? How many times have you worked for them? What roles have you played? 18 just dance! | Winter 2015

Little Nicol.

{ S u z anne S its D o wn W it h } The audition process was much like other auditions. There were more than 200 people and we were split into groups and taught a short piece of choreography. After that, dancers were cut and those kept were asked to dance again. This repeated a few times until we were finished and released. Over the last five years I have done three contracts and one special event and I have had the opportunity to dance in many of the stage and deck shows on-board.

Nicol Spinola

What were your experiences on the ships? How many hours did you work? What did you do in your downtime? My experience on the ships was great. I made many friends from all over the world and some are still my best friends today. I performed for thousands of guests and was able to do what I love and make a living. The amount of hours you work and the type of job you do varies on-board.

shoots, but still continue to love travel photography.

During my downtime, I would get off the ship while we were in port and explore all the amazing places we were in. On the ship, I was able to use the pools, or go to the gym, have a coffee, or read on deck. You have taken up photography and you are very good. When did you first start embracing photography and do you see that side of your artistry developing into perhaps another career for yourself? Thank you! I started taking an interest in photography a few years ago when I got my hands on a DSLR camera. I took it with me traveling and loved all the moments I was able to capture. I didn’t really think much of it until my friends started to tell me how much they enjoyed my images. Now, it has become more than a hobby for me. I would love to take my photography to the next level. I have started to do more commercial

What’s next for Nicol? I am not sure what is next for me. I am back teaching in the city and auditioning for shows. I have projects in the works that I am excited about and a lot of photography bookings coming my way. I guess one never really knows where the next adventure will take you, but I am ready for the ride. Do you have one piece of advice for our readers? Well, I think that anyone who wants to be in the [performing arts] business needs to remember that it takes work, a lot of hard work. However, it is also about being in the right place at the right time. Be proactive about your career and don't sit back and wait for opportunity. Go out there and get it. Keep learning and be open to new knowledge and never undersell yourself.

About Suzanne: Suzanne Ouellette has performed with, taught, rehearsed and enjoyed the company of some of the world’s most famous dance movers and shakers. She has trained and danced with the world’s finest ballet companies from Stuttgart Ballet to Royal Winnipeg, as well as performed professionally as a lead dancer, singer and actress in theatres across Canada. She was ballet mistress for Ballet BC, rehearsal director for Mascall Dance and Ballet BC; and founder of the BBC mentor program. She is a creative and innovative choreographer of dance for film and television, as well as opera and theatre. Suzanne’s passion, enthusiasm, and extensive background in many facets of the performing arts, make her in great demand as a teacher, choreographer, director, and adjudicator.

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me from a c e c n a at the d h t e v ie l ays e w l Ib a d l u o h a t it s h t d n a , e l le. p the peop o e p e h t d back to e r e iv l e d be in A il e y

— A lv

Word Origin & Definition Plié

Origin: French from the word plier, literally “to bend.” Definition: a classical ballet posture with back erect and knees bent over turned out feet.

Danc e Fun ny Q : What d o

Website Worth Checking Out

you get cross a if you compute r wit ha ballet da ncer? A : The Netc racker s uite


This month in history December 1, 1989, Alvin Ailey dies African-American choreographer, activist, and founder of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, Alvin Ailey is credited with popularizing modern dance around the world. Since forming in 1958, the Ailey company has performed for approximately 25 million people at theatres

in 48 states and 71 countries on six continents. In addition to founding the Ailey company, Ailey choreographed 79 ballets over the course of his career. In 1988 he was awarded the Kennedy Center Honors. One year later, just shy of his 59th birthday, Alvin Ailey died of AIDS. To learn more about Alvin Ailey and Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater visit alvinailey.org.

ArtsAlive.ca is an educational performing arts website produced by the National Arts Centre in Ottawa. The dance portion of the website is broken down into six broad categories including Dance 101; Understanding Dance; Making Dance; Meet the Artists; Mediatheque; and Your Turn. Each of these categories has a number of subcategories. The web pages cover everything from the history of dance in Canada and biographies of our artists and visionaries to “The Choreographer’s Toolbox” and “Virtual Dance Studio.” A little something for everyone.


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A dancer’s worst nightmare. gtfore oogrrepcyahh SCRAMBLE ANSWERS: contemporary studio; forget choreography

20 just dance! | Winter 2015

joke Source: jokes4us.com/miscellaneousjokes/dancingjokes.html, Photo credit: alvinailey.com Normand Maxon



: o r p e h t t mee

s e m l o H e i r a M a Ann

By Heidi Turner

Goh Ballet, James Yip

Anna-Marie Holmes is an internationally renowned ballerina. Her dancing career has taken her all over the globe, and she has performed with some of the most prestigious companies in the ballet world. Not only was she the first North American invited to perform in Russia with the Kirov Ballet, she has performed in 30 countries with various leading ballet companies. She also studied under dance greats such as Lydia Karpova, Alexander Pushkin, and Natalia Dudinskaya. Not many people know, however, that Holmes is from Mission, BC, and almost began a career as a pianist, instead.

Anna-Marie Holmes

Holmes (who was born Anna-Marie Ellerbeck) started dancing at an early age. She says her first classes, which she took at age three, were similar to gymnastics and followed by tap dancing. At age 10, after meeting ballet teacher Heino Heiden, she began ballet lessons, which ignited her career. After an early audition with famed ballerina Lydia Karpova, Holmes began to train more extensively, dancing on the weekends. Luckily, her family was supportive of her dancing.

Winter 2015 | just dance! 21

DANCE STUDIO IN BC FOR SALE!  a solid operating business for over 9 years  outstanding reputation within the community and surrounding areas  great clientele and staff  tap, jazz, modern & ballet offered  recreational and competitive classes Visit: http://studioforsale.shawwebspace.ca for more details Serious inquiries please contact studioforsale@shaw.ca Holmes working with principal dancers Mara Vinson and Karel Cruz from Pacific Northwest Ballet.

“My father would miss dinner on Friday nights so he could drive me into Vancouver. I would take classes all day Saturday and Sunday, and then drive back to Mission and start my week over again,” Holmes says. “That was how I got started in dance. When I was 14, I was deciding between becoming a pianist or a ballerina. This was in Mission. I don’t know how it happened, it just sort of gelled together for ballet.”

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While waiting for her trip to the Soviet Union to come together, Holmes was spotted by Agnes de Mille. Holmes then moved to New York and began dancing in Brigadoon on Broadway when she was just 17 years old. One night after a performance, she received a telegram notifying her that a visa for her visit to the Soviet Union had been granted. After obtaining her travel documents and $4,000, Holmes was on her way to the Kirov Theatre—a world-renowned theatre and home of the Kirov Ballet— now called the Mariinsky Theatre. Holmes

Goh Ballet, James Yip

we inspire the artist in everyone!

With some fancy footwork and a little creativity, Theatre Under the Stars in Vancouver hired Holmes when she was only 14, because, she admits, she lied about her age. She says she spent two summers performing many musicals with them before going to England to study. Her return to Canada saw her join the Royal Winnipeg Ballet, where Holmes and her husband at the time, dancer David Holmes, were invited to go to Russia by guest artists from the Soviet Union.

FUSION FORCE DANCE STUDIO and her partner were the first North Americans asked to perform with the famed Kirov Ballet. While in the Soviet Union, Holmes studied under Natalia Dudinskaya and Konstantin Sergeyev and trained every day with her partner. Eventually, she was performing with her name in bold on the marquis and her status was changed from student to guest artist. Following her time in Russia, Holmes continued to tour internationally as a guest artist for companies in many European cities including Warsaw, Lisbon, Barcelona, and Amsterdam, among others, before retiring from performing.

Kylie Hannan’s goal is to provide an elite, dynamic dance studio with the highest quality instructors available. She endeavors to create and maintain a caring, positive and professional JOIN US FOR DROP IN atmosphere which offers dancers of JAZZ AND ACRO all ages the ultimate studio dance TECHNIQUE CLASSES. experience.

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But retiring from the stage didn’t mean leaving dance. In 1997 she was named artistic director of the Boston Ballet, and in the same year won the prestigious Dance Magazine Award for her contributions to dance. And following her years in New England she became a sought-after teacher and choreographer, working with companies around the world. “I’ve been to Hungary, Istanbul, Tokyo, and all over,” Holmes says. “I get invited and then I decide whether I want to go or not. I base my decision on how big the company is, who the artistic director is and what they want me to do. I’m very fortunate. I’m blessed because they come after me.” Among her experiences teaching and restaging ballets, Holmes has spent time Winter 2015 | just dance! 23

Goh Ballet's Nutcracker

Dance Stronger is a complete(ly awesome) multimedia resource that gives dancers tools to improve their strength, technique, and prevent injuries. It’s a book, online training program, and supportive community created by Monika Volkmar BFA, CSCS, NKT of The Dance Training Project. Get instant access to Dance Stronger today by donation. YOU READ RIGHT!... pay what you can for this amazing resource and help subsidize costs for dancers who can’t afford to pay more than a few dollars. Give what you can, help dancers around the world, and get the tools to #DanceStronger.


as a guest artist and ballet program director at Jacob’s Pillow, won an Emmy award for her staging of Le Corsaire for a PBS presentation of Great Performances featuring American Ballet Theatre, and has continued to work as a judge, guest teacher, and master coach. Holmes was recently in Vancouver to guest choreograph Goh Ballet's The Nutcracker. She believes Vancouver has high quality dancers—including those in Goh Ballet Academy—but she doesn’t come back to Vancouver frequently. “Vancouver doesn’t support the arts enough,” Holmes states. “I don’t know why that is.” She says she loves coming back to Vancouver, but she perceives a lack of financial support in the community. “There’s only so much money in the pool but there should be a lot more in Vancouver. If people don’t support it, it’s hard for the schools to continue.”

Register today for our winter dance session!

Although she isn’t on the stage any more, her love of dance hasn’t waned. Holmes is still passionate about dance, and carries that enthusiasm in the works she creates for companies around the world. “I love the movement, the passion of dance,” Holmes says. “When you’re a dancer and you begin to move, it’s like a drug. When you do class every day and then you miss a class, you feel like something is missing. I’ve had a wonderful career, and continue to do so.”

www.OneDance.ca 286 Pemberton Ave, North Vancouver 24 just dance! | Winter 2015

(604) 987-8747


Vancouver’s Goh Ballet will present Holmes’ Christmas classic, The Nutcracker, at The Centre in Vancouver for Performing Arts, December 17-22, 2015.

Courtesy of Goh Ballet by David Cooper Photography

As for her advice to local companies, Holmes says dance companies need to be willing to branch out and try new things. For example she points to the Goh Ballet using an orchestra for its upcoming presentation of The Nutcracker as something audiences embrace, rather than companies using recorded music.

{ B alance } • Indulge in other hobbies and interest. You are a human before you are a dancer, and it is healthy to have hobbies other than dance. Take this time to get great at knitting, learn how to cook, or try any new pastime.


Balance: Winter Break Strategies

To Avoid Derailing Your Dance Progress in the New Year By Monika Volkmar


f there’s one thing that instills a sense of fear in dancers, it’s time off from dance. If it were up to them, many dancers would probably choose to never take a day off. This winter you might get an entire month off. The way you use this break can either help you progress or regress in your training. Try to see this short off-season as a critical time to change your training strategies so you come back to dance ready to work harder in the New Year.

During the in-season, your focus is dance technique. The number of hours you spend dancing is higher, and the hours you spend on other activities and recovery is proportionately lower. During your off-seasons, however, you need to allow yourself to spend time on things other than dance; read books, relax, and enjoy being a regular human being. And you should spend time on the ABCs: Active recovery, rehaBilitation, and Crosstraining. There are two common ways dancers tend to sabotage their dance off-seasons: 1.

Doing too much: Not respecting their need to rest and recover. These are the type-A dancers that do not allow themselves to rest, feel guilty that they aren’t taking enough classes, and think that more training is preferable to seeking rehabilitation for their nagging injuries.

2. Doing too little: Not proactively engaging in productive, active rest. These are the dancers who are so exhausted that they spend the entire winter break

horizontal or seated in front of a screen. Zero active recovery, indulging in sloth and inactivity, and soothing with comfort foods. This winter please try to follow these DO’s and DON’Ts to avoid sabotaging your progress, get the most out of you offseason, and crush it in the New Year.

DO: • Cross train two or three times per week. Do yoga, resistance training, pilates, walking, rehab, or corrective exercise. It doesn’t need to be intense, but you do need to do something. • Spend time with family. Hang out with them so much you get sick of them and can’t wait to get back to dance • Vigilantly recover. Sleep, rest from activity, get nutrients in your body, hydrate. You have all the time in the world so please dedicate it to your recovery. • Evaluate fatigue and overtraining status. Take an honest appraisal of your energy level, sleep quality, mood, and immune system function. These things are affected by overtraining and are important to monitor. • Rehab or preventive movement therapy. If you have an injury get it rehabbed or participate in some preventative health care. Why wait until it’s too late? • Reflect. Set personal goals. Read inspirational books. Walk in nature. Get in touch with your spiritual side. Meditate. Take care of your mental and emotional health.

• Feel guilty about not dancing. A few classes throughout the break is fine because you enjoy it, but taking classes because you feel guilty is not a productive reason to dance. • Train (dance or otherwise) every single day. Studies have shown that resting adequately is correlated to improved strength levels, so please take the rest you need. • Eat sugar all day, every day. Just because you’re taking time off dance it doesn’t mean you can throw your healthy eating habits out the window. Indulge in holiday treats, but make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need to fuel your body to repair. • Hardcore dance intensives. Unless it’s a once in a life-time opportunity, active rest is a higher priority than a dance intensive, especially if you’re verging on burn-out. • Negative self-talk. Brooding about being out of shape when you return to dance won’t help, and so many dancers are guilty of down-talking themselves. Change the way you think this winter. See your break as a time to recharge so you can become better. Treat your break from dance classes and school like you’re on a retreat. Be a little selfish and make it all about you. Get back in touch with your needs: You, the human, not you the dancer. Underneath every great dancer is a strong human being. Please use your winter break to take care of your human self so that your dancer self can be stronger in the New Year. Monika Volkmar (BFA, CSCS) is a strength and conditioning specialist (NSCA), Thai massage therapist, and NeuroKinetic Therapy™ practitioner. Monika earned her BFA in dance performance at Ryerson University but after a severe injury forced her to stop dancing, she began a new career in strength and performance training. Through The Dance Training Project, Monika now teaches dancers the importance of strength training for career longevity and technical excellence. danceproject.ca Winter 2015 | just dance! 25

Visit our website for direct links to listings’ websites: justdancemagazine.com

ACADEMIES, SCHOOLS & STUDIOS Armstrong Dance armstrongdance.ca info@armstrongdance.ca 250 546 0308 Armstrong, BC Arts Umbrella artsumbrella.com info@artsumbrella.com 604 681 5268 x0 Vancouver, BC Avant Dance Company avantdance.ca avant@avantdance.ca 778 875 0708 Burnaby, BC Boswell Dance Academy boswelldance.com info@boswelldance.com 604 522 4424 New Westminster, BC DanceFX dancefxmapleridge.ca dancefxmapleridge@gmail.com 778 232 0868 Maple Ridge, BC DanzMode Productions danzmodeproductions.com info@danzmodeproductions.com 604 294 4677 Burnaby, BC

Driftwood Dance Academy driftwooddance.com info@driftwooddance.com 604 770 4650 North Vancouver, BC

Marr Mac Dance & TheatrE Arts marrmac.com 1968@marrmac.com 780 434 9281 Edmonton, AB OneDance Creative Art Centre onedance.ca onedance@shaw.ca 604 987 8747 North Vancouver, BC Place des Arts placedesarts.ca info@placedesarts.ca 604 664 1636 Coquitlam, BC Pro ArtĂŠ Centre proartecentre.ca info@proarte.ca 604 984 ARTE (2783) North Vancouver, BC PULSE dance centre onthepulse.ca 604 474 3466 info@onthepulse.ca Port Coquitlam, BC Royal City Youth Ballet royalcityyouthballet.org rcyb@telus.net 604 521 7290 New Westminster, BC The Spiral Dance Co. spiraldance.ca info@spiraldance.ca 604 541 2800 White Rock, BC Victoria Academy of Ballet victoriaacademyofballet.com 250 590 6752 Victoria, BC

The Hollywood Summer Tour thehollywoodsummertour.com info@thehollywoodsummertour.com 1 818 574 8365 Los Angeles, CA

Showtime Dance Promotions showtimedancepromotions.com info@ showtimedancepromotions.com 250 768 7202 VIEW Dance Challenge viewdancechallenge.com info@viewdancechallenge.com 1 855 405 VIEW | 1 416 405 8439 5678 Showtime 5678showtime.com info@5678showtime.com 604 721 7909

Performing arts retailers & SUPPLIERS Avalon Dance Shop of Canada avalondance.ca info@avalondance.ca 604 874 2461 Vancouver, BC danceCraft dancecraft.ca dancecraft@shaw.ca 604 590 1733 Surrey, BC Dream Duffel dreamduffel.com info@dreamduffel.com 877 378 1260

COMPETITIONs, Conventions & Workshops

Dream Duffel Canada ceilidhsurprise.com/ dancers-dream-duffel leahsutton@accesscomm.ca 1 877 352 4377

Core Dance Competition coredance.ca info@coredance.ca Nanaimo, BC

En Pointe Enterprises en-pointe.com info@en-pointe.com 1 866 491 9019

Fusion Force Studio fusionforcestudio.com fusionf@telus.net 604 533 1863 Langley, BC

danceXpo danceXpo.ca info@danceXpo.ca British Columbia

Magnone Music School Tmbanks@telus.net 604 999 6526 604 420 5042

GSG Productions gsgproductions.ca info@gsgproductions.ca 778 558 0520 Vancouver, BC

Forever Dancewear foreverdancewear.com info@foreverdancewear.com 604 770 0703 North Vancouver, BC

Encore Dance Academy encoredanceacademy.ca office@encoredanceacademy.ca 604 468 7400 Port Coquitlam, BC

26 just dance! | Winter 2015

Washdolly washdolly.com customerservice@washdolly.com

Professional companies Ballet BC balletbc.com info@balletbc.com 604 732 5003 Vancouver, BC Ballet Victoria balletvictoria.ca info@balletvictoria.ca 250 380 6063 Victoria, BC XBA DanceCo xba.ca info@xba.ca 604 220 9679

Services The Dance Training Project danceproject.ca info@danceproject.ca Toronto, ON Gemini Visuals geminivisuals.com info@geminivisuals.com 604 312 6330 Surrey, BC Kids Physio Group kidsphysio.ca admin@kidsphysio.ca Vancouver, Surrey, & North Vancouver, BC Techno Monkey Media tmmedia.ca dance@tmmedia.ca 1 800 350 3137 just music justmusicindance.com just.music@icloud.com

Theatres The ACT Arts Centre theactmapleridge.org 604 476 2787 Maple Ridge, BC Evergreen Cultural Centre evergreenculturalcentre.ca 604 927 6550 Coquitlam, BC

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Thank you to our partners:

Royal City Youth Ballet Company Society proudly presents, for the 27th season, the full length ballet, the Nutcracker.

The longest running Nutcracker ballet performance in Canada! Don’t miss your opportunity to see this unique show that delights audiences of all ages.

2015 Artistic Director, Camilla Fishwick-Kellogg Executive Producer, Trisha Sinosich-Arciaga

Abbotsford Arts Centre, Abbotsford

The Act, Maple Ridge

Sunday, November 22 1:00 & 4:00 pm Tickets through the Act Box Office: 604-476-2787

Sunday, December 6 1:00 & 4:00 pm Box Office: 604-476-2787

Michael J. Fox Theatre, Burnaby

Friday, December 11 7:00 pm Saturday, December 12 1:00 & 4:00 pm Sunday, December 13 1:00 & 4:00 pm Box Office: 604-501-5566

Friday, December 4 7:00 pm Box Office: 604-664-8875

Surrey Arts Centre, Surrey

Centennial Theatre, North Vancouver

Sunday, December 20 1:00 & 4:00 pm Box Office: 604-984-4484

Massey Theatre, New Westminster Monday, December 21 2:00 & 7:00 pm Box Office: 604-521-5050

For more information, please visit our website:


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