Futureversity Annual report 2011-2012

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FUTUREVERSITY ANNUAL REPORT 2011/2012 The Tower Hamlets youth charity offering inspiring free courses to 11-25 year olds to help them get ahead in life

PACE Youth Work Training


Our vision: A world where all young people are valued and fulfil their true potential


Chief Executive’s introduction


What we do




Summer Programme


Job Ready Programme


FV1 magazine


Positive partnerships


Closed Doors: youth jobs survey 2012


Summary of accounts


Looking to the future


Thanks from all of us at Futureversity


Funders, partners & providers 2011-12


Staff, Trustees & Patrons

Global Change Makers, in partnership with BRAC UK

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Chief Executive’s introduction Welcome to our 2011-12 Annual Report, which presents the main achievements from our 16th year of service. We are so proud to be able to continue providing inspiring courses to the wonderfully diverse young people of Tower Hamlets and surrounding boroughs, despite these incredibly challenging economic times. We have witnessed many young people experience tangible benefits from our programmes this year and this fuels our enthusiasm and determination to keep delivering, no matter what. With the recession seriously affecting vital funding streams, 2011-12 has seen us forced to sail frighteningly close to the wind at times in order to continue providing our core services which are so crucial to tackling the youth unemployment crisis. Despite this, we succeeded in offering almost 8,000 free course places with, amongst other things, a full programme of free activities during summer 2011 in Tower Hamlets, Enfield, Ealing and Barnet, and six 11-week Job Ready employability programmes over the year, with over 60% of the unemployed young

participants moving into jobs, training or education as a direct result of the programme. The deepening impact of the recession has, nevertheless, been detrimental – cuts in youth services have meant our franchise, set up in 2010, failed to take off with great success and we have also seen valued funders and partners fall away. This has, regretfully, led to redundancies in the staff team and increased pressure on remaining staff to produce more. I am hugely grateful for their hard work and perseverance in the face of these difficulties and for managing to achieve so much with so little. I’d like to take this opportunity to also thank those who have provided the critical funding and in-kind support that has kept us afloat throughout 2011-12, enabling us to continue to produce truly lifechanging opportunities for young people, particularly around career training, guidance and progression. We could not have had anything like the impact described in the following pages without each and every one of you. Sarah Davies Chief Executive

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What we do Futureversity believes all young people have the potential to be extraordinary. We are an award-winning charity offering free courses and activities to 11-25 year olds to help them develop the skills and self-belief they need to make the most of their lives. Through our partnerships with businesses and organisations, we bridge the gap between education and employment with career tasters, employability training, volunteering, work experience opportunities and creative, sports and life skills development. We focus on inspiring young people, opening them up to new possibilities and giving them

real experience of different careers and passions that might otherwise be beyond their reach. Any young person can enrol on a Futureversity course and those that do experience a safe, informal environment where they’re encouraged to learn new skills, think about their future and expand their circle of friends across racial, cultural and socio-economic boundaries. To date, we’ve worked with over 153,000 young people and our work has been proven to raise their aspirations, break down racial tensions, reduce youth crime and get them into work and training.

Learning is the engine of the future, which is why I am proud to be a patron of Futureversity. Lord Victor Adebowale

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Get Into Architecture, in partnership with Architecture 00:/

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Impact Escalating youth unemployment has, unsurprisingly, impacted on the demand for our programmes enormously, with our Tower Hamlets courses alone receiving a staggering 13,374 applications for just 2,385 course places in 2011-12. However, a survey we conducted with 1,000 16-25 year olds (see p16) might also go some way to explaining this demand as it highlighted a failure of some schools to prepare young people for work. Around half of the young people

said school failed to inspire them or give them the confidence to find a job, or even give them job skills. Meanwhile, of the young people who completed a Futureversity summer course this year - including those whose courses were just one week in length or less - 68% said it helped them to think about the job they wanted to do; 71% said it made them feel more in control of their future; and 76% said it gave them a greater understanding of the work opportunities available.

Private Wealth Management, in partnership with Morgan Stanley

We also achieved impressive results with our year-round, accredited employability programme, Job Ready. The programme, for young people who are not in education, employment or training, provides practical training and work experience placements in a partner company. This year, over 61% of our Job Ready participants moved into employment, training or education as a direct result of completing the programme, while over 95% said it raised their aspirations and gave them more confidence in their abilities.

Build Your Own Web App, in partnership with Rich Mix and Seatwave

Futureversity is recognised as a National Open College Network Centre (NOCN) and offers nationally recognised accreditation to benefit young people with acknowledgment for their work and progression routes, whatever their academic ability. In 2011-2012, 777 young people gained an accreditation on a Futureversity course.

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Summer Programme Our Summer Programme 2011 was based, as ever, on sound advice from young people and exciting, solid partnerships. We delivered 440 free courses, with our Network Partners, in Tower Hamlets, Enfield, Ealing and Barnet, offering 7,560 course places for 11-25 year olds. These were held in various venues, from schools to corporate offices. Our Tower Hamlets programme saw 2,095 young people attend 150 courses, around two thirds (69%) of whom were from the borough. Working with 80 different partners and providers, from FWD PR to National Express, the courses

covered a whole range of subjects, from Law to Chinese; Nail Art to Youth Work Training. Three of the courses were residential and a total of 387 participants gained an accredited award. Young people on our volunteer schemes supported the planning, delivery and assessment of the programme. The programme has always had a remarkably positive impact on the young people who attend it and our evaluation showed this year to be no different, with 82% saying it made them feel better about themselves and 78% saying it made them feel they could achieve more in life.

Young volunteer ‘Peer Motivators’ help deliver the summer programme

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Unlike my course at university, this course has been really interactive. The tutors gave us the freedom to come up with creative ideas and, though I found this challenging at first, through completing the course I’ve found I possess something I didn’t think I had: motivation!

Student from our Marketing summer course, run in partnership with twenty%extraTM

• 68% of participants on our summer programme in 2011 said it helped them to think about the job they want to do. • 71% said it made them feel more in control of their future. • 76% said it helped them to understand the work, education or training opportunities to them. • 58% said it made them feel more responsible for their community. • 58% said they it made them feel more positive about someone from a different background or culture.

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Job Ready Programme Our employability programme, Job Ready, which was launched in 2007 in response to the youth unemployment crisis, is an 11week course for young people not in education, employment or training. It provides one-to-one guidance and trains young people in job-seeking skills such as CV writing and interview techniques, while also building on qualities crucial to the workplace, like punctuality and reliability. Each Job Ready programme is run in partnership with an

organisation which provides work experience placements, while their staff support the training. This year, we delivered Job Ready programmes with J.P. Morgan, Network Housing Group, Deutsche Bank and Allen & Overy, Credit Suisse and Citigroup. Staff from these companies provided workshops, guidance, feedback and interview practise. As a result, 61% of the young people moved into employment, education or training within six months of completing the programme.

I’d dropped out of uni and was unemployed for six months - sending off job applications for just about anything and not even hearing back. Right from the first week of Job Ready, I started to see so much about myself. I feel like it actually showed me who I am! By the end of the programme, I’d realised I want to be a teacher and had already secured a work experience placement, helping out in a primary school for a few months. I’d never even thought of teaching before Job Ready! The school then went on to offer me a paid position as a Teaching Assistant. If I hadn’t enrolled on the programme I’d still be so stuck, just applying for any old job and not getting anywhere.

Syeda, 21, Job Ready in partnership with Credit Suisse

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It’s been really surprising doing mock interviews with these young people. The first person I interviewed, I just thought: ‘Why doesn’t this person have a job?’, which was a bit disheartening as it’s such a reflection of the economy right now.

Barry O’Connell, Assistant Vice President, Deutsche Bank

Job Ready graduation ceremony at J.P. Morgan

12 Annual Report

FV1 magazine In 2001, Futureversity launched Nang!, a glossy lifestyle magazine written by young people for their peers. Alongside celebrity interviews with the likes of Dizzee Rascal and Boris Johnson, Nang! also covered the serious issues that affect young people. It was distributed free across London to universities, colleges, sixth forms, youth clubs and libraries, built up a loyal following, won awards - including Guardian Student Magazine of the Year 2007 - and basically wowed everyone who read it. Ten years later, we felt it was time we got everything Nang! had to offer - and more - and put it online to respond to the changing times. So, in January, we launched online magazine, FV1. Still full of

brilliant articles, FV1 has amazing special effects too! The launch issue featured powerful articles on current topics, including the psychological impact of plastic surgery and the Western world’s misinterpretation of Muslim women’s dress, setting the bar high for the issues that follow. We’ve since given FV1 its own microsite (www.futureversity.org/ FV1), so that any young person can contribute to the site remotely, sharing their thoughts and feelings about the things they’re passionate about. Our vision is that FV1 becomes a virtual space for young people to voice their opinions, be heard by others and generate thought-provoking discussion and debate.

I thought the magazine was amazing! I especially loved the article, Don’t Tell Me What To Wear, because it clearly explains what a Muslim girl’s clothing stands for. It was so inspiring to know that there are still Muslim girls who understand that wearing a veil or niqab does not stop them from being ‘free’. It was tremendous!

Kaii, 15, FV1 reader

I absolutely love the new FV1 Magazine! I have to admit, I didn’t believe it was going to be as great, interactive, fun and creative as it actually turned out to be.

Dami, 17, former Nang! student

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Positive partnerships Futureversity works with a variety of businesses and organisations to deliver quality courses to young people. From local authority service, ‘A’ Team Arts, to international corporation, Morgan Stanley, it’s our wide range of partnerships that enable young people to get a real insight into different careers and interests and help them through their transition from education into employment. We are extremely grateful for the support we receive from our partners and look forward to expanding our network even further next year.

Five years of City & Sea Exchange Thanks to generous funding from Worshipful Company of Shipwrights, Baltic Exchange, Honourable Company of Master Mariners and Trinity House - and in-kind support from many organisations - we’ve been able to deliver a popular residential exchange in London and Cornwall for the past five summers. The exchange brings together young people from Tower Hamlets and The Lizard for 10 days of stimulating activities, exploring the maritime industry and its career paths. The group learn about maritime trading as they enjoy water sports, explore the Cornish coast, visit museums and learn about the shipping and fishing industries.

City & Sea Exchange, Cornwall

Job Ready graduation ceremony at Barclays

10 years with Barclays It was 10 years ago that we first approached Barclays to deliver a summer course with us in investment banking - and we’ve benefitted enormously from generous funding and hands-on support from the company ever since. Together with Barclays, we have delivered summer courses, Job Ready programmes, an Internship & Apprenticeship scheme, careers mentoring and a whole array of short courses in business and job skills. What’s more, in 2011, staff from the company won the Barclays Chairman’s Award for Team Achievement of the Year, UK, for their volunteering activities with Futureversity.

We are delighted to build on our longstanding partnership with Futureversity and to further contribute to increasing the skills and employment prospects of young people in the local area.

Wendy Lloyd, Director, Community Investment, Barclays

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Closed Doors: youth jobs survey 2012 Being young is never easy. But being a young Londoner has rarely been more stressful. A Futureversity survey about career opportunities has revealed how a chasm has emerged between young people, employers and politicians, with over half of young people saying school is not preparing them for work, leaving them without the confidence or skills they need to succeed. Of the young people asked, nearly two out of five said they didn’t get careers support at school, while 53% said they can’t afford to go to university, resulting in increased anxiety about the future. Most (57%) are worried they will get stuck in jobs below their aspirations and the majority (60%) feel doors are closed to them when job-hunting. The survey highlights frustration towards decision-makers, with nine out of 10 of the young people saying they feel politicians don’t understand them or even want to help; and 66% saying the government isn’t listening and doesn’t care. Many (64%) believe Britain’s employers aren’t positive towards helping them either and four out of five (80%) think it’s hard to get interviews.

We surveyed 1,000 16-25 year olds from London and commissioned ComRes to interview over 2,000 adults from across the country about attitudes to young people. While our findings do not attempt to provide a comprehensive analysis, they do give insight into the kind of barriers young people face in getting a foot on the career ladder. Our work at Futureversity is part of the fight back to a stronger future for young people. After all, there was overwhelming agreement by the public that young people today are skilled, with over two-thirds of saying they are key to Britain’s economic recovery. Despite this, 85% said getting a job today is harder than it was 20 years ago. Yet the youth of today have an image problem. Two thirds (69%) of the public said institutions, such as the police, have a negative impression of young people, and 63% identified the media and politicians as unfairly stereotyping them as being lazy. Meanwhile, young people remain incredibly determined, with 93% saying they will continue to fight for the right job.

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37% 63%


63% of adults agree that the media and politicians unfairly stereotype young people today.

Over half of young people (54%) say school did not give them confidence to find a job.


20% Three out of four young people (80%) say it’s hard to get interviews.


31% 69%

Two thirds (69%) of people agree public institutions, such as the police, have a negative impression of young people.

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What the young people said: •

Nearly two out of five (37%) say they didn’t get support at school to succeed at work.

Nearly half (45%) say school failed to inspire them to find the right career.

Nearly half (46%) say school did not give them job skills.

Nearly half (45%) say school failed to recognise their talents and skills.

Most (63%) do not feel they will achieve their job ambitions.

58% say employers are not helping young people gain experience.

Most (64%) say they feel stressed and anxious about jobs and their future.

Nearly two out of five (37%) can’t get help or support, or a place on a course.

Half (53%) say they cannot afford to go to university.

There was overwhelming agreement by the public that young people today are skilled, with over two-thirds saying they are key to Britain’s economic recovery.

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The public attitudes survey showed: •

34% say young people they know and come across lack communication skills.

27% say young people are lazy.

20% say young people are anti-social.

85% say getting a job is harder than it was 20 years ago.

56% say gaining skills for the job market is harder.

40% say the media has a negative view of young people and that this is unjustified. Three in 10 (29%) say it is justified.

Over two thirds (72%) agree that young people are key to the recovery of the British economy.

More people agree (47%) than disagree (41%) that young people in the UK are generally hard-working.

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Summarised Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2012 2012 ÂŁ

2011 ÂŁ

10,091 1

26,940 1



Fixed Assets Tangible Assets Investments Total Fixed Assets Current Assets Debtors Cash at Bank in Hand Total Current Assets

111,600 69,608

108,551 410,532



Current Liabilities Creditors falling due within one year







37,287 13,737 22,088 73,112

269,226 22,137

Net Current Assets Net Assests Income Funds Unrestricted Funds -General -Designated Restricted Funds


These summarised accounts have been extracted from the full audited accounts of Tower Hamlets Summer Education Ltd, operating as Futureversity, for the year ended 31st March 2012 and they may not contain sufficient information to allow for a full understanding of the financial affairs of the charity. For further information, copies of the full audited accounts can be obtained from Futureversity, Ground Floor, 24-26 Fournier Street, London E1 6QE, tel 020 7392 7900. The full audited accounts were approved by the Trustees and have been submitted to the Charity Commission and Registrar of Companies. The audit report thereon was unqualified. Auditors report on the summarised accounts of Tower Hamlets Summer Education Limited for the year ended 31st March 2012. We have examined the summarised accounts, which have been extracted from the full audited accounts for the year ended 31st March 2012. In our opinion the summarised accounts are consistent with the full audited accounts. Ramon Lee & Partners, registered Auditors, Chartered Accountants Kemp House, 152-160 City Road, London EC3V 3NJ

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Summarised Statement of Financial Activities for the year ended 31st March 2012 Unrestricted Designated

INCOMING RESOURCES Incoming resources from generating funds: Voluntary income Donations 32,782 Activities for generating funds Fundraising activities 7,739 Investment income Bank deposit interest 584 Incoming resources from charitable activities: Grant income 146,682 Total incoming resources 187,787 RESOURCES EXPENDED Cost of generating funds: Charitable activities 411,825 Governance costs 16,301 Total resources expended 428,126 Net incoming/(outgoing) resources before transfers (240,339) Transfer between funds 8,400 Net incoming/(outgoing) resources after transfers (231,939) Reconciliation of funds Total funds, brought forward 269,226 Total funds, carried forward 37,287


Total 2012

Total 2011





































(8,400) (8,400) 22,137 13,737

22,088 22,088









The Statement of Financial Activities also complies with the requirements for an income and expenditure account under the Companies Act 1985 CONTINUING OPERATIONS None of the company’s activities were acquired or discontinued during the above two financial years. TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES The charity has no recognised gains or losses other than the above movement in funds for the above two financial years.

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Looking to the future The recession and its devastating impact on the number of available jobs for young people has given us cause for serious reflection about our future direction and how we can contribute more to helping them as they start their adult journey. Our experience is that many young people are simply not prepared for the world of work, let alone for the increasingly competitive job market they are now forced to face. Even university graduates are arriving on our Job Ready Programme having been drifting aimlessly for months – or longer – on benefits, with little idea about how to apply for a job they have the skills and experience for, write a good CV or present themselves

well at interview. Their confidence takes a hit with every knock back but, of course, it’s those without any qualifications at all who are even more at risk. We are genuinely concerned and are currently reviewing our services in order to build a relevant business plan for growth. With the aim of reaching even more young people who are struggling with unemployment, our priority now is to seek out new ways to bring in sustainable income to give us the resources we need to eventually expand on our core programmes. Despite the challenges that lie ahead, we are determined to inspire, guide and train even more young people into long-term, fulfilling careers.

Unemployment hurts at any age; but for young people, long-term unemployment scars for life. It means lower earnings, more unemployment, more ill health later in life. It means more inequality between rich and poor – because the pain hits the most disadvantaged.

The ACEVO Commission on Youth Unemployment 2012: ‘Youth unemployment: the crisis we cannot afford’

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Art Gallery Management, in partnership with Whitechapel Gallery

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Thanks from all of us at Futureversity We are well aware, at Futureversity, that to be able to do what we do, we are completely dependent on a rich network of financial, in-kind and hands-on support from many different organisations, trusts and individuals. We would, therefore, like to take this opportunity to offer our sincere thanks to all our generous funders and partners for their critical support. We would not be able to continue our work without you.

Thanks and praise also goes to the impressive staff from the many companies we’ve worked with over the year who have inspired our young people with workshops, guidance and mentoring. Please be confident that taking time out of your busy schedules to teach young people about your industry has enabled many who were previously unsure of their future to become far more motivated, aware and employable.

Like a lot of young people, I was bullied at school and ended up dropping out. I didn’t know where to go for advice about jobs or careers. No one ever asked me what I wanted to do at school and I worried constantly about how I was going to earn enough money to live on. The barriers young people face are poorly understood, even by professionals in schools and at college, but I was determined to find a job where I could succeed. Getting a foot in the door is a big problem and it’s such a relief to finally be working, doing something rewarding, and knowing I have money coming in and a chance of a future helping others.

Kiaya Parratt, age 20, Job Ready Apprentice

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We’d also like to thank the wonderful and talented young people who have participated in our Internship & Apprenticeship scheme in partnership with Barclays, this year. Having contributed their ideas and hard work to our programmes, operations, communications, fundraising and accreditation departments, we are extremely happy to announce that of the 14 unemployed young people who joined the scheme, 13 are now in employment, training or education. Also deserving of special thanks are our brilliant course tutors, who made huge efforts to deliver

exciting and stimulating courses, managing to motivate even those young people who struggle with school. The positive feedback we’ve received from young people this year is entirely down to you. And, finally, we’d like to thank the fantastic young volunteers on our Futureversity Advisory Board, Youth Assessor and Peer Motivator schemes, for their crucial advice and support, and all the young people who have participated in our activities this year. As always, you have inspired us with your fresh energy and enthusiasm. We can’t wait to work with more of you next year.

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Funders 2011-12 Aldgate & Allhallows Barking Exhibition Foundation Baltic Exchange Barclays BBC Children in Need Big Lottery Reaching Communities Burberry Foundation Canary Wharf Film Fund Capital Radio Help a Capital Child Charterhouse Charitable Trust Citi Foundation Credit Suisse Equitable Charitable Trust Ernest Cook Trust Global Communities The Goldsmiths’ Company Henry Smith Charity

Honourable Company of Master Mariners Interxion Jack Petchey Foundation London Borough of Tower Hamlets Morgan Stanley International Foundation Network Housing Group Paul Hamlyn Foundation The Progress Foundation Savoy Educational Trust State Street Foundation Trinity House Vivendi William Wates Memorial Trust Worshipful Company of Shipwrights

Partners & Providers 2011-12 A Different Drum A’ Team Arts Account3 Allen & Overy LLP Alternative Arts Ape Media Architecture 00:/ Arts Admin ASG Sports Barclays

BBC Bow Arts Trust BRAC UK Brady Arts Centre Central Foundation Girls’ School Centre of the Cell Chocolate Films Citigroup Clarksons Clifford Chance LLP

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CM Credit Suisse Deutsche Bank Efdss Field Studies Council Fighting Fit FV1 magazine FWD PR Half Moon Young People’s Theatre HSBC Hymans Robertson Idea Store Chrisp Street Iniva Innovation Dance J.P. Morgan Latimer Creative Media Let’s All Dance Lifeskills Development Lizard Lighthouse (Trinity House) Lizard Outreach Trust Lloyd’s London Metropolitan University London Regatta Newham London Urban Arts Academy London Youth Rowing Maximum Dance Design Mile End Climbing Wall Millwall Park Morgan Stanley Mudchute Park & Farm Museum of London, Docklands Nang! National Express National Maritime Museum Network Housing Group Nomura

Norma Vondee Mosaics OnTheLevel Productions Oxford University PA Consulting Piece of Cake Queen Mary, University of London Rich Mix Rinse FM Royal Navy Air Station Culdrose SABLE LitMag Seatwave Seven Mills Primary School Sev Necati Training Shadwell Basin Shake Ur Arts Speakers Bank Stamina for Sale Tate and Lyle Thames Barrier The Baltic Exchange The Brokerage Citylink The Shadwell Centre The Soap and Bubble Company The Wellbeing Team The Wing Chun School The Women’s Library Timberland Boot Company Top Carving Toynbee Studios twenty%extra Ty Newydd Urban Adventure Base Whitechapel Gallery Winona eSolutions YHA Lizard Youth Empowerment Scheme

28 Annual Report 11/12

Current staff team Chief Executive: Sarah Davies Acting Chief Operating Officer: Justine Webb Senior Operations Coordinator: Violaine Natete Job Ready Manager: Lola Ahonkhai Job Ready Coordinator: Mohammed Yahiaoui Job Ready Assistant: Humayra Tasnim Job Ready Intern: Kiaya Parratt Programmes Manager: Abdul Azim Programmes Coordinator: Ellyna Spatchet Programmes Delivery Assistant: Mahboobur Rahman Development Coordinator: Kelly Avery Communications Coordinator: Liz Millar Accreditation Coordinator: Alison Pearson (part-time) Acting Finance Officer: Steve Waller (part-time)

Trustees in the year 2011-2012 Santiago Bonifaz Dr Kevan Collins Lancelot Comrie Margaret Farragher (appointed 13/09/11) Libby Hills Michael Johnson, Treasurer (appointed 13/09/11) Susan Meggitt, Chair Denise Nurse, Deputy Chair John H Porter Helen Sanson Steve Sipple (resigned 13/09/11) Jimmy Tam (resigned 13/09/11) Nomtha Zondi

Patrons Lord Victor Adebowale Rushanara Ali MP Danny Boyle A. Dee Professor Sir Deian Hopkin Helena Kennedy, Baroness Kennedy of the Shaws Oona King, Baroness King of Bow Dizzee Rascal Dr Noorzaman Rashid Dame Marlene A Robottom

Danny Boyle

DIzzee Rascal

FUTUREVERSITY Ground Floor, 24-26 Fournier Street, London E1 6QE t: +44 (0)20 7247 7900 e: info@futureversity.org www.futureversity.org Registered Charity name: Tower Hamlets Summer Education Ltd Registered Charity number: 1048822 Registered Company number: 2017713


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