APPLE Apple Iphone 4 Devastating Blow_

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APPLE Apple Iphone 4 Devastating Blow Consumer reviews worked a devastating blow towards the Apple Apple iphone 4 if this rejected to recommend to customers because of its antenna reception problem. Number of exams are carried out also it came to the conclusion that cell reception indeed sheds.To To can remember the models means the $1.5 billion cost. Apple have to do something and have to do it rapidly. Some suggested actions as recommended from sources 1. acknowledge that there are really an antenna problem. This is really a hardware problem and apple have to be honest, or lawyers come knocking. 2. get into technical particulars. don't spare the general public to complicated and scientific issues behind the Apple iphone 4 design and just how different grips affects reception. 3. software update. apple has guaranteed an application update, it ought to be folded out as guaranteed. but case a decoy towards the real hardware problem. don't keep attempting to indicate the program because the problem. 4. result in the bumpers free. Supplying that accessory towards the customer free of charge solves the antenna problem, as bare skin needs to touch the Apple iphone 4's metal casing to be able to drop signal. It isn't a perfect fix but it is much better than another option: recall. 5. regardless of what, don't problem an Apple iphone 4 recall. that is not an easy affair. Clients is going to be annoyed, should they have to stop the telephone or simply make use of the defective one. If quit, it might take days and several weeks to replace it all. Free bumpers appear such as the appropriate middle ground. A recall is outrageous extreme and affects instead of assist the customers ultimately. apple iphone5 new features

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