IN Magazine Demo

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In 2003, a leader within Best Buy Company, Inc., asked human resources professional Cali Ressler to conduct an “Employer of Choice” survey for 300 employees. The survey results indicated that the group wanted their supervisors to trust their ability to competently perform their duties. Other recurring result themes indicated high levels of stress and low levels of motivation. Best Buy’s employees struggled on a daily basis, necessitating a big change. The Best Buy leader commissioned Ressler to create a program that would implement flexibility to enable workplace freedoms, creating and exhibiting that trust the employees desired.



Ressler, together with co-worker Jody Thompson, began contemplating alternative work schedules. The company tested flexible schedules for six months but determined that the benefit was not resonating enough with employees. In 2004, the pair created an innovative and unconventional program: Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE). ROWE allowed employees, from executives to administrative assistants, to work whenever and wherever they wished, as long as they accomplished their goals. According to Liz Beckius, culture program manager, the transition started slowly. Twenty percent of the corporate employees initially joined the ROWE program. Managers who realized the Best Buy culture needed a drastic change were among the first to convert their departments. Reluctant managers were soon won over when presented with the data on employee satisfaction and efficiency. Now, over 85 percent have migrated. Beckius remains pleased with the results. “There has been no negative impact from ROWE. It sounds like a line, but it’s true.” Citing increased employee engagement and retention, an increase in potential employee attraction and an improved community image, Beckius believes that ROWE’s affect on the company has been only positive. Many times she has heard first-hand how ROWE helps employees balance their personal and professional lives. “People are able to spend more time with their children and are able to care for elderly parents.” ROWE affects employee work paths as well. Beckius witnesses rapid promotions as workers focus on results and are evaluated on achieving goals and not putting in office face time. Emphasizing efficiency, one manager had an “a ha” moment when he realized that his direct reports falsely claimed to have enough work to keep them busy to avoid getting more assignments. ROWE changed that attitude. Explains Beckius, “People no longer think that being more efficient just creates more work.

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