TCC Mariele Dornelles Campos

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The experimental project Ciber S達o Borja, is a way of locative media in which it seeks to integrate the physical space found in Sao Borja through the tourism sights, and the virtual space on the Internet, from mapping tools. S達o Borja is a within city of Rio Grande do Sul which has few resources and search options on the internet, for the portion of society that, in these media, looks for to know the city for several reasons. The Ciber S達o Borja was projected to enable that the city has its major tourist spots mapped, described and disclosed in cyberspace through the concept of cybercity, as well as starting a new way of disseminating information via the online mapping.

Keywords: S達o Borja; cybercity, locative media, geolocation and QR Codes.

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