Pombo for Congress - Fight

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Richard Pombo’s Conservative Agenda l Turn the pumps back on and bring water to our district. l Cut taxes to create jobs. Eliminate the so-called “death taxes” that wipe out family businesses and farms. l Protect private property rights. Reform the Endangered Species Act to restore common sense land management practices. l Reduce job-killing regulations. Support tort reform.

Environmental Extremists have picked

l Expand American energy production, increase drilling and reduce dependence upon foreign oil.

a fight

l Repeal ObamaCare and fight health care rationing.

with the

wrong guy.

504 Van Ness Avenue


Fresno, CA 93721

Paid for by Pombo for Congress

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Learn more about Richard Pombo at PomboforCongress.com

Environmentalist thugs, funded by an ultra-rich liberal, have picked a fight with Richard Pombo. The reason? They know he’s an effective conservative voice who will block their radical agenda. That’s why they’ve launched a desperate campaign of lies and smears against him.

The truth is... Richard Pombo is an effective conservative leader in the fight to protect our property rights and stop the radical environmentalist agenda. That’s why he’s supported by conservative leaders like Congressman Tom McClintock and Congressman Devin Nunes. And that’s why he’s opposed by left-wing interest groups funded primarily by billionaire socialist George Soros.

“I’m not afraid

Soros is so radical that he called the world financial crisis ”stimulating” and “in a way, the culmination of my life’s work.”

to stand up to the looney left. I’ve spent

And these Soros-backed groups will do anything to defeat Richard Pombo.

my life fighting to protect our property

“They’ve turned off our water, shut down our forests, stopped our mining, are after our grazing—they’ve hit every industry important to this district. They’ll say anything to win.” – Richard Pombo

rights, and I won’t back down now.” Richard Pombo

at e r h t s u o d n e m e a tr s i o b m o P d r a h “Ric enior Director William Lutz, S Action Fund) ” . s fe li e d u il s W s f i o r rs e , 4/7/10 Defend to ou (The Modesto Bee

mbo was “Richard Po hting fearless in fig ental the environm ho’ve extremists w e central devastated th omy. valley’s econ e left, and He’ll fight th k down. he won’t bac ow it.” And they kn

n Congressma tock Tom McClin

[Congressman Devin Nun es] wrote an op-ed ... calling the attacks ‘...a dish onest smear campaign run by extremist groups and funded by wealthy liberal operatives.’ Mr. N unes views the race as vital if Republicans ar e to push back against radical greens. ‘These grou ps have threatened me, too’ he says. ‘They ar e ruining people’s lives.’

Wall Street Journal 4/15/2010

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