Pombo For Congress - Defenders

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l Reduce job-killing regulations. Support of tort reform. l Turn the pumbs back on and bring water to our district. l Expand American energy production, increase drilling and reduce dependence upon foreign oil. l Repeal ObamaCare and fight health care rationing. l Protect private property rights. Reform the Endangered Species Act to restore common sense land management practices.

Paid for by Pombo for Congress

Learn more about Richard Pombo at PomboforCongress.com

Pombo for Congress


504 Van Ness Avenue


Congressman Tom McClintock

l Cut taxes to create jobs. Elimine of the so-called “death taxes” that wipe out family businesses and farms.

Fresno, CA 93721

“Richard Pombo was fearless in fighting the environmental extremists who’ve devastated the central valley’s economy. He’ll fight the left, and he won’t back down. And they know it.”

Richard Pombo’s Conservative Agenda for Our Future

Did you get a nasty call last week attacking me? A lot of your neighbors did...


Did you get a nasty phone call attacking Richard Pombo? A lot of your neighbors did… Radical environmental extremists have launched a deceptive, full-scale attack on Richard Pombo. Congressman Devin Nunes calls what the Defenders of Wildlife is doing “...dirty, dirty, dirty campaigning.” All over the 19th District, voters are receiving nasty phone calls saying Richard Pombo was “accused of bribery.”

So who exactly is this so-called “Defenders of Wildlife”? It turns out they’re one of the extreme environmental groups fighting to cut off water to our farms. They’re funded by socialist billionaire George Soros.

The Fresno Bee exposed that charge as a vicious lie, stating that “No law enforcement agency or legislative ethics committee accused Pombo of violating federal bribery statutes, or any other laws...”

So fanatical are these liberal groups that when Richard Pombo called for increased oil drilling, more water for the Central Valley, and reform of the Endangered Species Act they called him an “eco-thug.” Rolling Stone Magazine called him an “Enemy of the Earth.”

The Modesto Bee agreed, unequivocally stating that Richard Pombo “never was identified as a target of a law enforcement investigation.”

And the Sierra Club said Pombo’s so conservative his campaign must be “a sign of the apocalypse.”

Never. The old saying says “tell the truth and shame the devil,” but the so-called “Defenders of Wildlife” have no shame – just an extremist agenda and a hatred for our way of life.

threat s u o d n e m e r t a is “Richard Pombo enior Director William Lutz, S und ildlife Action F Defenders of W (The Modesto Bee, 4/7/10) to our issues.”

Who is George Soros?

Soros is a billionaire who was convicted of insider trading.* He has poured tens of millions of dollars in to left-wing political groups, including Mov eOn.org, CREW and Defenders of Wildlife. In his book, “The Age of Fallibility,” Soros writes, “The main ob stacle to a stable and just world order is th e United States.” *Frontpage Magazine

, 11/13/04

So why are these extremely liberal environmental groups really attacking Richard Pombo?

Because Richard Pombo wants to grow the economy, and all they want to grow is Big Government.

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