Pombo For Congress - Rep. Nunes Letter

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Congressman Devin Nunes Dear Fellow Conservative, Many valley residents, as well as conservatives around the country, have asked me why I am supporting Richard Pombo’s bid to become the next Congressman of the 19th Congressional District. My response is that with Richard in the race, it doesn’t matter who the other candidates are. While I generally do not get involved in Republican primaries, the stakes in this case are far too great to ignore. This election represents ground zero in our fight against left-wing radicals in the environmental community. Liberal activists are actively involved in this Republican primary for one reason: to prevent an effective legislator from rejoining the fight in Washington. To this end, some of the most well funded and powerful Democratic interest groups are flocking to Fresno. They know, as I do, that Richard’s election would be a major blow to the left’s political agenda. There are a lot of reasons why I believe Richard Pombo is the one and only candidate who merits your support in this important election. Richard has fought for and won major victories in the House to reform the Endangered Species Act. He has presided over passage of legislation to expand drilling for oil and other natural resources to eliminate our nation’s dependence on foreign oil. He understands the complexities of California water policy and has the knowledge and experience we need to end the government-imposed drought. And he is a tireless advocate who has never compromised his principles. You have probably heard some of the political attack ads running against Richard in your community. They are lies – a dishonest smear campaign run by extremist groups and funded by wealthy liberal operatives. The history of these groups is compelling and should galvanize Republicans everywhere to support Richard’s return to Congress. In 2003, wealthy liberals in the Democratic Party began to form a number of front groups to attack Republicans. Billionaire George Soros, founder of MoveOn.org, John Podesta, former Clinton advisor, and others coordinated their agenda through an umbrella organization known as Americans Coming Together or ACT. One of the arms of this liberal machine is EMILY’s list – Early Money is Like Yeast – which has spent tens of millions to advance liberal political causes around the country. Another is Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington or CREW which pretends to be a non-partisan watchdog group. However, under the leadership of a former aide to then Senator Joe Biden, CREW has spent millions slandering conservatives around the country. It is one of a multitude of other so called “public interest groups” targeting Republicans. The single purpose of these activists is no less than the complete transformation of America. At stake are our freedoms, our ability to prosper in the San Joaquin Valley and the very nature of our Republic. Today, these groups are mobilizing for another election season. However, this time they are not limiting their efforts to the general election. Instead, CREW, Defenders of Wildlife and others are boldly entering the 19th Congressional District’s Republican primary in a blatant attempt to manipulate the outcome in favor of their preferred candidate. Their plan is simple; prevent Richard from returning to

Congress with a well funded smear campaign of lies and distortions. The Fresno Bee recently reported the simple truth in this matter: “No law enforcement agency or legislative ethics committee ever accused Pombo of violating federal bribery statutes, or any other laws, during his 14 years in the House of Representatives. He was never identified as a target of a law enforcement investigation.” However, despite this fact Richard’s Republican opponents remain silent. This is unacceptable. The smear campaign against Richard originates from radicals who are committed to the destruction of everything we hold dear. There can be no political benefit from their activity in a Republican primary. These actions must be universally condemned by our party and its candidates for office. I call on all candidates to take this action immediately. Sadly, I must report to you that one candidate appears to be coordinating with the Democratic attack machine. Fundraising emails and campaign rhetoric used by Jeff Denham’s campaign are spreading the same lies and distortions heard from Defenders of Wildlife and CREW. I have heard firsthand this chain of dishonesty, first woven by leftists and now pushed by the Denham campaign. I find this highly troubling, as I do Mr. Denham’s tendency to quickly compromise on matters of great significance to our state. His vote for not one but two Democratic budgets helped pave the way for the state’s current financial disaster. His record in Sacramento suggests a reckless disregard for the conservative principles we all share and his current campaign casts aside all doubt about the nature of his character. In my view, there is no question. Jeff Denham is a dangerous gamble for voters in the 19th Congressional District. In sharp contrast, Richard is one of us; a valley rancher and cowboy. He put everything on the line to represent our interests in Washington – including suffering one of the best funded smear campaigns in history. Because of his support and effectiveness representing our interests, leftists have taken the gloves off – including the harassment of Richard’s wife and children. I urge valley residents, as well as conservatives across America, not to turn their backs on a proven leader and to support Richard Pombo’s candidacy for the 19th Congressional District. Whether you live in Richard’s district or not, you can contribute to help fight back against these socialists and their lies. And if you do live in his district, also check the box on the reply card I’ve enclosed letting Richard know you support him, and will prove it by volunteering, or putting up a yard sign. Whether you can send $50 or $500, whatever amount you can send will be used to fight the good fight for everything we believe in. There’s never been a clearer line drawn in the sand. The fight to take our country back starts here. Sincerely,

Congressman Devin Nunes P.S. I’ve enclosed a copy of one of the most startling articles I’ve ever read in the Wall Street Journal. They echo the refrain of California’s conservatives, and expose the hypocrisy of the liberal Democrats stalking horse, Jeff Denham. Please read it. Share it with your friends. And let me hear from you today.

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