CD19: Denham Hits Patterson

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Paid for and Authorized by Denham for Congress. ID# C00473272 3244 W Shaw Avenue, Fresno, CA 93711


DEBT. PORK. BROKEN PROMISES. Jim Patterson’s Fresno Legacy. lting Group

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June 11, 1998

“Pork barrel


March 16, 2001

Patterson’s spending spree saddled taxpayers with $250 MILLION in interest payments alone.

Patterson hired additional bureaucrats and added over $300 MILLION to the city’s budget – more than doubling spending during the time he was in office. It was even too much for the Fresno Bee, which charged Patterson with “Pork Barrel Spending.”

No wonder Jim Patterson wants to go to Congress... With a record like that, he’ll be right at home!

*Source: LA Times, February 4, 1998

“His word does not mean anything.”

—Fresno County Sheriff Steve Margarian (Ret.)*

What the people who knew him best said about Mayor Jim Patterson... “Ego and a quest for power get the better of good judgment.”

— Fresno BEE (which earlier endorsed Patterson for mayor)*

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