IE for Linda Ackerman - Bankhead Non-GOP

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[First Name] [Last Name] [Address] [City], [State] [Zip]

Dear [First Name]: I’ve known Linda Ackerman for over 20 years and am writing to voice my strong support for her candidacy for State Assembly. Linda will work to fix our economy by reducing taxes on working families, promoting renewable energy and create jobs by reducing reliance on foreign oil. She is an independent businesswoman who will oppose the irresponsible spending that has put California deep in debt. A parent and former member of the PTA, Linda will work to improve education by shifting control from Sacramento to our local school boards. Linda cares about people. That’s why she is an active volunteer in the National Charity League, a philanthropic organization that works to feed hungry seniors the help children who are victims of abuse and neglect. Linda Ackerman for Assembly. She’s the right choice to tackle our state’s economic problems, improve Fullerton schools and balance the state budget. Sincerely,

Don Bankhead P.S. Linda lived in Fullerton for 30 years and is also endorsed Sheriff Sandra Hutchens.

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