Platelet rich plasma therapy: purpose, cost, and recovery time

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Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy: Purpose, Cost, and Recovery Time

Š Chicagoland Medical. All Rights Reserved.

Plasma enriched platelets therapy is considered to be the next step in promoting natural healing in a human's body. Plasma is the component of your blood that has special factors that help your blood clot. It also has proteins that support cell growth. Scientists were able to isolate the plasma from the blood through a centrifugal process and it is available now to treat various conditions. Purpose: The therapy has been used over the years to treat various conditions successfully. Some of them are: 1. Hair Loss: Doctors use PRP injections to promote hair growth. It prevents any additional hair loss and helps grow new hair follicles. 2. Tendon Injuries: Tendons are fat tissues that connect the muscle to the bones. They take the longest to heal after an injury. PRP therapy is used in such cases to hasten the healing procedure.

Š Chicagoland Medical. All Rights Reserved.

3. Acute Injuries: The usage of PRP injections to treat sports injuries and other such injuries is a common practice among experts in the medical field today. 4. Post-Surgical Recovery: Sometimes surgeons use PRP injections to heal a torn tendon or other such injuries. 5. Osteoarthritis: An injection for patients suffering from osteoarthritis containing plasma enriched platelets. This is shown to have positive results for patients all around the world. Cost The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons shared that most insurance companies do not cover the cost of a PRP injection. It is mostly paid out of the pocket. The cost of an injection also varies based on the location and how one plans to use it as well. The cost of an injection for the treatment of osteoarthritis can range from $500 to $1200 per treatment. But the treatment results are worth the investment. Recovery Time Most people do not have to wait or have a recovery time as far as PRP injections are concerned. Sometimes the doctor may suggest that you take some post-treatment rest time; however, this is due to the nature of your injury and has nothing to do with PRP injections. People can walk right off to work after a session of injecting themselves with plasma rich platelets. Since PRP injections are used to promote healing and growth, it is not necessary for you to notice any immediate healing take place. Hair treatment is a basic example of such long term results. After your very first PRP injection for hair-growth, you would not notice a drastic difference immediately. It is only after several weeks or months, that you would start noticing new hair follicles and growth.

Š Chicagoland Medical. All Rights Reserved.

is an effective and non-invasive way to promote the natural healing process of the body. Since the platelets are retrieved from the patients (most of the times), there is no immediate risk of the body rejecting the treatment. If you want to learn more about PRP injections and its benefits, visit Plasma enriched platelet therapy

Š Chicagoland Medical. All Rights Reserved.

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