Sonnets from *some* Portuguese

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Sonnets from *some* Portuguese Volume 1

jonathOn Wilcke Papertrail Press 2010 Vancouver, B.C.


i love you to the level of the everyday's quiet necessity for the sun and the light of the candle never tell the cops a pleasant story since you need them around like you need a hole in the head i love you to the depth of thought until depths bottoms out on word edges hey there it's me, repetitive wilcke i love you to the length and breadth of the addict's curse of drugs, gambling, sex, religion, secrecy hey there you god i have here modern diseases; i suppose that's apropos since i live in modern times i love you with the precision of having a target in sight with verification made official i love you with the presence of my mind, but the body is just a place where i temporarily keep the beer is sincerity a mistake, a commodity, an aesthetic forced upon me, an effort to get along socially, or an implant? i love you with the sort of madness that leads me to interpret the quacks of ducks on pond as language, speaking to our loving ego dogs, by this same logic, bark at what they can't understand

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i love you with the abject selfishness of the hypocrite lecture (although i'm not a hypocrite, just a liar, misanthrope, and thief) a beautiful piss of art in the form of words i love you lord willing and if the crick don't rise I call it "love" because I care enough to get real angry

i love you to the degree i actually have to do something and not just in the off-­‐season but in the thick of things in real-­‐time i love you to the degree where i admit that my prophecy is a cheap hustle, like the evil glint of american menthols he leaves me to count the ways in solitude I love you to the degree i see the heavenly glory and ignore the finger pointing towards the moon the big ugly one would make the best husband knowledge is a tall order.

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theo, theo, your religion made you lazy or is that a classical misunderstanding? directly, i age eat poignancy with fork instead. envy ivy green lotus charm fat fish I thought a time as Theocritus had sung Of the years candies—the expensive ones—and years wished-­‐it will be, that each one in an gracious hand seems to load a gift for mortals, old or young: E, as I mused in its old tongue-­‐piece, I saw, in the gradual vision through my rips, the years candies, sad, the melancholic years, Those of my proper life, that for returns had hurled a shade through me. Directly I age ' merchandises, Thus weeping, as one forms mÌstico if it moved Behind me, and extracted me stops backwards for the hair; E a voice said in the domain, when I strengtove ìAssumption now who I arrest thee! î -­‐ ìdeath,î I said. But, there, the silver reply he sounded, ìnot death, but love

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Assumption: now (who?) I arrest thee! ìdeath,î I said. But, there, the silver-­‐hair sounded in reply: ìnot death, but love." i thought about how theocritus sung that song about the expensive candy, that each one in a gracious hand seems to be one load of a gift to mortals, old or young.

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Directly: I age! as I mused in my old tongue-­‐piece, I saw, through the rips in the visor the melancholic candy of the years those of my proper life. Thus: bawling, and saying it's just a formation of "mistico" in the corner of my eyes. merchandise, for return, had created a shade upon me.

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I thought a moment where TeÛcrito sang Of candies years, the expensive years and want-­‐that it will be, that each one in a kind hand seems to load one dom for the mortals, old young or: E, while I meditava in its old language part, I saw, in the gradual vision through my ribs, the candies years, sad, melancholic of the years, those of my proper life, that returns for shot a shade through me. merchandises directly the age that I, Thus crying, as a mÌstico forms if moved Behind me, and stop extracted me backwards for the hair, and a voice in the domain, when I strengtove " Installation now that to arrest you to I! " -­‐ Morte" , " I said. But, there, the reply " sounded silver; , not it death, but the love

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6. i thought moment where theocritus sang of candy the expensive candy and want. that each one in a kind hand seems to load one down to the mortals old or young, or while i meditate in this old language, part of what i saw, through my ribs, the candied years, melancholic years of my proper life. a voice in the domain cries Installation now! then arrest you I’ll do! Morte! said i. a mist forms behind me. and extracts me backwards.

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7. And when I meditated on his old part of the tongue, I saw in gradual vision through my ribs, the years of sweet, sad, melancholic years, those of my proper life, which returns a shot through the mask to me mouth, which sells directly, screaming, while mystic shapes move behind me drew back his hair, and a voice in the field, when "the strengtove R; Install now to arrest I you! "-­‐ Death", "I said. But there, "the answer; silver ringing;, not him death, but love

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II 6 But only tr√™s in all the God' universe of s Had heard that this hast of a thousand of the word said,-­‐-­‐he himself, to the side of Thee that speaks, and me that listening! answered e One of in ≥ s‚?¶ that he was god, ‚?¶ and placed the plague you £o dark in my Par·∙ ° lpebras, for amerce My sight to consider thee,-­‐-­‐this if I had died, the death-­‐weights, coloc wool °, I would mean exclus√£ absolute the least. " Nay" Worse √© of the god of what of all the other, my friend! The men in £o could part in the ones with its mundane bottles, Nor mudan√ßa of seas in ≥ s, nor the storms fold themselves; Ours me the £os would touch for all the mountain-­‐bars: E, c√©u that this ° being rolled enters in ≥ s in the extremity, IN ≥ s we must but to swear the pido frog more ° for the stars.

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9. but in the universe only god had heard the thousand words to the side of you saying and me just listening to someone saying that he's god and he placed the plague in death-­‐weights, i would mean, exclusively that the absolute is the least. "Nay, worse" the god of all the other men could part with its mundane bottles the mundane existence of seas in which storms fold themselvs lost i head into the mountain bar to swear the frog speaks "Pido!" in all languages but portugguese

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Beginning at the hour of Mars, light the jar candle or one offertory candle I Cross you with the Spirit of Confusion so that every time you are together nothing but confusion and strife will result

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Sweet charm, not meant to harm, Evoke his/her desire to take my arm. Deep within him/her I summon it, To come to me as I see fit! I baptize you as <100 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C.> in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. As thou didst overcome the dragon I ask thee to force [insert name of difficult property owner] to come before me and bend to my will.”

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