All you need to know about health benefits of water

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All you need to know about health benefits of water We all know that water is crucial f or human survival; however, most of us are unaware of several benef its of water. Sugary drinks are tasty, but they do not hydrate or cleanse our body as water does. Apart f rom that, if you want to know what are the benef its of water, try to surprise your body by not drinking water f or a day. You will f eel f aintish and ill, and probably would require water by the end of the day.

T here are many health benef its of water, such as: Water helps your body hydrate and rehydrate as the body loses water through breathing and urination. If you don’t drink enough water, it will lead to dehydration and organ f ailure. Water regulates the body temperature, prevents kidney stones, and keeps muscles well lubricated. A glass of water during bedtime helps your body get rid of all toxic products and also reduces the risk of getting heart disease. Proper intake of water keeps you more energized, burns f at, and helps build muscles.

Water sof tener and benef its of sof t water Hard water contains a decent amount of calcium, magnesium, and iron, which can cause expensive damage to your home. You can use water to get rid of this problem. As hard water passes through resin beads, it helps in ion exchange by attracting hard, unwanted minerals and exchanging them with salt ions. Some benefits of soft water include. Sof t water is much healthier as it does not contain any harmf ul minerals. It is helpf ul in curing dry skin and scalp. Sof t water not only makes your hair and skin sof t, but also makes clothes cleaner and prevents them f rom losing color. Cleaning your house with sof t water makes your f loor, sinks and countertops stainless. Sof t water can save you money f or it tastes better than hard water.

Mineral water and its benef its T here are many benef its of water but mineral water has a high nutritional prof ile. Studies show that drinking mineral water on a daily basis can help you in many positive ways. T here are many benef its of mineral water, such as: 1. It supports healthy bones and hence, is quite usef ul f or women who suf f er f rom a gradual bone loss af ter menopause. Drinking mineral water helps in maintaining normal bone density and prevents bone diseases like osteoporosis. 2. Mineral water contains magnesium which helps in maintaining blood

pressure and also helps patients with high blood pressure. 3. T he potassium and magnesium content in mineral water supports heart f unction and lowers the cholesterol. 4. Mineral water with magnesium enhances muscle f unctions, while the sulf ate content promotes digestion.

Carbonated water and its health benef its When simple plain water is injected with carbon dioxide, it turns into carbonated water – a major component of sof t drinks. Also called as soda or f izzy water, it generally contains small amount of chemicals such as sodium, bicarbonates, potassium salts etc. which contribute to the benef its of carbonated water. T here are some other health benef its of carbonated water like weight loss and hydration.

Health benef its of sparkling water Many studies show that the benef its of sparkling water are quite similar to that of normal water. Sparkling water helps in the reduction of cholesterol level, which f urther reduces the chances of heart diseases. Drinking sparkling water also maintains and lowers the blood pressure in the body.

Benef its of drinking warm water Many people have included warm water as a part of their regular drinking habits owing to a number of benef its of drinking warm water. It helps in digestion and removes toxins f rom the body. Warm water helps in the purif ication of the blood stream and stimulates healthy bowel movement. Consumption of warm water prevents the body f rom many viral and bacterial inf ections as well.

Benef its of water birth Are you thinking about water birth? Water birth is getting popular with women who have shown inclination toward delivering their baby in a bathtub, hot tub or other water pools. It can be done at home or a nursing home. T he benef its of water birth involve: It is more natural and less stressf ul f or the mother. Water birth reduces the f irst show of labor and prevents anesthesia. It relaxes the mother and improves blood f low. Reduces vaginal tearing and helps mothers to avoid stitches.

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