Insight - 40 year Anniversary Edition

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The John Rowan and Partners magazine

Anniversary Edition


Contents Inside this edition 4 Our founding partner – remembering John Rowan 10

40 years in milestones


Evolution of the JRP logo


18 Managing Partner – 40 years of what it means to the business JFD

20 A look back at some of our favourite projects over the past 40 years




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4. Logo - option G Further developing the arch – 3D arch

28 The scrapbook – images of our people from the past four decades


31 A thank you from our Chairman

“I wonder, when John Rowan first set up his business in his front room, if he ever thought that 40 years on, it would still be thriving and evolving?”

p18. Gurpal Virdee, Managing Partner talking about what it means for the company to turn 40… John Rowan and Partners John Rowan and Partners is an award-winning property and construction consultancy specialising in the delivery of cost management, Joint Venture and project management, building surveying, asbestos management, health and safety, sustainability advice and strategic asset management services to all areas of the construction and property industry. 2

Number of the month:

18/04/1982 T he date that John Rowan and Partners was created

40th Anniversary Edition |

Hello, and welcome to our 40th anniversary celebration issue of Insight! Who would have thought that John Rowan and Partners would still be here four decades after its humble beginnings in founder John Rowan’s living room. Yet here we are, having weathered the storms of recessions, sector downturns, Brexit and, of course, Covid. It’s a great testament to John and the core values he instilled at the business start-up, of being people-focused, of doing great work while still having fun and enjoying what we do, that we are still around! We always endeavour to hold fast to these principles – we’re convinced that developing our people both professionally and as individuals, is critical to our success. Happy team members are more likely to deliver quality work, creating delighted clients and generating profit. We’d like to say a big thank you to all our clients who’ve travelled with us on this journey – we’ve built some great relationships over the years, and we like to think that your repeated business shows we’re getting something right. We’re delighted, too, to have many new clients coming on board with exciting new projects. We’re looking forward to working with you all and forging a path to the next 40 years! We hope you enjoy this celebratory edition. Gurpal Virdee Managing Partner



Bricks, balls and bevvies: R E M E M B E R I N G J O H N R OWA N

You know our motto, people thinking about people. But as we celebrate 40 successful years in business, we’re thinking about one person in particular. John Rowan, our founder, who passed away in 2006 and left a towering legacy that defines everything we do to this day.


40th Anniversary Edition |

A well-known colourful character in property industry circles of the 80s, 90s and early 00s. While some of those who worked alongside John have since retired, many of his earliest hires are still in the industry and still working at John Rowan and Partners. So, here’s a little about the man himself, what he believed in and stood for, in the words of the people who knew him best. Unorthodox from the start If you cut John, he’d bleed Yorkshire. His approach to life and business was bold, grounded and outgoing in every sense. Unsurprising that he’d cause a splash in the London scene, it took him a while to get there. He didn’t go into property until relatively late in his career, first working as a baker for years in his native Bradford.

Thankfully for us, John finally decided that baking wasn’t his life passion and he decided to make his bread elsewhere. In 1982, he set up shop in his own front room in Ealing. It was a gamble but he had a secret weapon: he knew how people work. He didn’t go about seeking jobs through the normal, noisy channels. He developed relationships down the pub or through his other lifelong love affair, football. John was fundamental in the creation of the RICS football team, helping to organise the early tours to the Eastern block and plan the games. Being both handy on the pitch and fantastic at building relationships started winning him contracts from engineering firms and local councils. By building on these relationships, he started to grow the company and soon it was time to start hiring.

“Thankfully for us, John finally decided that baking wasn’t his life passion and he decided to make his bread elsewhere.” 5


Expansion and early success John is responsible for a lot of long-lasting careers at John Rowan and Partners. His first few hires joined him in his home office, where the atmosphere was relaxed but hard-working. To begin with, it might have looked strange for the boss to show up to work at 10am, in his own front room no less, when others had been there since 8am. However, it all made sense when you realise that he’d been up working until three in the morning. Sometimes that meant taking care of business, other times it meant networking with new clients in London’s clubs and restaurants. You can take the lad out of Bradford, but you couldn’t take Bradford out of John Rowan. That easy-going nature seeped into every facet of the business. John hired talented, motivated people and left them to do their jobs because he trusted them 6

implicitly. In turn, they trusted he was doing what he did best: winning work and growing the business. The team expanded steadily by word of mouth or encounters on the football pitch; famously he once put a job advert out asking for footballers who could also do a bit of quantity surveying! When you ask many of the current Equity Partners why they originally joined the business, the answer is often similar – they were fed up with their job and looked at what was going on over here. They saw a business with a clear direction, delivering great results and having a laugh at the same time. In many cases, jumping ship was a no-brainer.

One of these young bloods was Andrew Nycyk, now an Equity Partner and our Head of Hospitality and Leisure. He recalls: “I got to know John while I was a student. End of my first year, would’ve been 1984, I sent loads of letters to lots of firms. Got replies from virtually nobody but John was local to me and he said, look, I’m happy if you want to come sit in the office for a few weeks and I’ll talk to you. “He always had the ‘gift of the gab’, you could say. And he didn’t mind rejection at all; he’d call somebody and he wouldn’t care if they hung up 50 times. He’d get them on that 51st try. He kept the business fed, he’d love to see how people have matured into their roles 25, 30 years on.

“John never cared about rank, he would take you under his wing and put a huge amount of time and effort into you.”

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“He was also a champion for putting family first, back in a time when that often wasn’t the case – he lived for his boys and would leave work at the drop of a hat if they ever needed him.”

Always focused on the next step Even as the business got bigger and bigger, John retained his keen eye for talent. He was a pro at taking promising newcomers under his wing and helping them navigate their early careers. It was personally important to him that people felt they could achieve their professional ambitions on his watch. That’s not always the easiest burden to take on to yourself. When recession hit the UK in the 90s, it came with redundancies for the business. Those who remained had to take on extra duties, including cleaning the office. Yes, the toilets too. It was tough for John to take, but he’d never ask anyone to do anything that he wasn’t prepared to do himself.

Pulling together, the company survived the hard times and got back on its upward trajectory. By that time, our fearless founder had discovered a knack for marketing. A natural communicator, it made sense for him to use his unique voice on behalf of his business, but he had to work hard. It was only late in life that he got a formal qualification from the Chartered Institute of Marketing. One of John’s early mentees was Mash Halai, now Chairman of the company. He remembers: “John never cared about rank, he would take you under his wing and put a huge amount of time and effort into you. For me, he was instrumental in teaching me about marketing and business development. Back in the 90s, it was all about large events, but I remember John saying, ‘right we’re changing this, we’re getting targeted with our networking – it’s time to focus on building those one-onone personal relationships at all levels’, and that became our strategy that we use to this day.”

This drive for lifelong development became a core part of our ethos. In fact, so much personality and philosophy came across in his marketing that we don’t need to ask ourselves ‘what would John do?’ It’s right there in blue and white. Our values as a business come direct from things he said and did over an incredible career. Marian Rimmer worked closely with John throughout the 90s and still works with the company in finance. She remembers: “I got my first secondment opportunity for a Plc client, basically, from John telling me, ‘You can do this, there’s no reason why you can’t!’ He had that belief in you, that you couldn’t see yourself. He would push you to achieve things. That’s my fondest memory; he pushed me in ways that I wouldn’t have thought of myself.”



“You can do this, there’s no reason why you can’t!”

A proud legacy for a unique individual All of us at John Rowan and Partners are his living legacy. Forty years of delivering outstanding results for our clients, career development for many of our team and having a giggle with one another at the same time, that’s all John. He was a real human being who set us that example of being our better selves.

Of course, nobody’s perfect; John had a fondness for painful dad jokes and microwaved sardines at lunch during what became an annual ‘diet’ period. That second one nearly started a mutiny. But what stays with us will always be his charm, wit and determination. A fighter to the end, it’s fair to say they don’t make them like John anymore.

We know he would be proud, and pleased, that not only are the people that he once trained now running the business, but that the business still holds true to company culture and values that were intrinsic to him.

Whatever you end up doing to celebrate our anniversary, spare a thought for one of our industry’s rarest, most authentic characters.


40th Anniversary Edition |







Denis Holley joins to set up our building surveying team, and we purchase the first mobile phone (like a briefcase) and drawing board. We move again to Paramount House in Ealing


John Rowan starts up in business, leaving London Transport as a QS and working from his home in Ealing

Our first computer is purchased – it sits in the corner for a while!



Here are some of the key milestones that have helped us to get where we are today!




Tim Young also joins from Cyril Sweett after graduating! We move out of John’s house into our first office in Cavendish House, Ealing


Steve Gee joins from Cyril Sweett (now Currie & Brown) to form the start of the ‘and Partners’!





Andrew Nycyk rejoins as a graduate (following his stint as a part-time trainee)!

Robert Russell joins us

We hit double figures and now have 12 people working at the business!


Paul Sherwood joins – responding to our advert in Building Magazine “footballers wanted, surveying an advantage” – swapping the Burj Al Arab in Dubai for Ealing!



40th Anniversary Edition |

Mash Halai joins us for his year out from university – soon to come back fully as a graduate!

Gurpal Virdee joins after a tough interview with Mash Halai mainly focusing on cricket and Tottenham Hotspur! We expand again and move to another Ealing location, CP House




We move to University House in Ealing

We get to the final of the Property Cup at Millwall FC (sadly didn’t win it!)




The inseparable Sean Tobin and Ken Morgan join us

We’re on the move again, this time to Clifton House (still in Ealing) 11

We bid farewell to John Rowan at his retirement party in The Savoy






We launch The Pledge internship campaign with support from Building, CIOB, UKCG and Universities Minister David Willetts MP



We are recognised as a Sunday Times Top 100 Small Companies to Work For (the first of many) and win Building Magazine – QS of the year


We achieve IIP status and Building Magazine ranks us in the 50 fastest growing companies in the UK



2000s We open an office in Christchurch, New Zealand to support the rebuild following the 2011 earthquake. We win a plethora of awards, including Construction Consultant/ Surveyor of the Year (fewer than 100 staff) at The Building Awards, retain Best Companies 3-star status, and we are recognised as a good employer by Building for the fifth year running! The Savoy, London is awarded ‘Interior Design of the Year (Lobby and Public Areas)’ along with the prestigious ‘European Hotel Design of the Year’ while Renaissance Paris Le Parc Trocadero picked up best ‘Bedrooms and Bathrooms’ at the European Hotel Design Awards 2011

We celebrate 30 years of business, move to our current home at Craven House and launch our new logo. We also launch our flexible and working from home initiatives (formally anyway)


We achieve Best Company status again and open our office in the Middle East




40th Anniversary Edition |

Amongst a global pandemic and Brexit we launch a new compliance service – Building Safety – and Tim Young retires after 33 years with the business!

We achieve Investors in People Silver status for the first time

We form THREG (The Hotel and Real Estate Group) to help share best practice and networking in the UK hospitality sector


We win Skills Initiative of the Year at the Building Awards and launch our ‘Experience Construction’ initiative with the Construction Youth Trust




Launched our Lego John Rowan and Team

Gurpal Virdee becomes Managing Partner and Mash Halai takes over as Chairman




We celebrate 40 years in business!




An evolution – F R O M PA S T T O P R E S E N T Many of you will recognise our brand through our coloured arch icon, but in actual fact our original logo consisted of four arches in a row. This logo was created by an artistic member of staff back in the late 1980s and was painted in watercolours (the original painting still hangs in the office today).

However, back in 2012, we felt that while our company values and approach remained unchanged, our logo needed updating to better reflect who we are. Here’s how we developed the corporate identity to what it is today…


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2. The arches graphic Our initial thoughts

The starting point for the brand evolution was the watercolour painted arch... JFD




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JULY 2011

2. The arches graphic Our initial thoughts




The four arches were digitally traced, but the arrangement and style was still too figurative and literal.



11 JULY 20







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JULY 2011


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lifying the linework

2. The arches graphic

2.arches The arches graphic 2. graphic 2.The The arches graphic

Our initial thoughts

Our initial thoughts Our initial thoughts

Our initial thoughts


Different elements and arrangements of the arch motif were sketched and considered. The new logo needed to be more modern and


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conceptual, while still retaining the essence of the original concept.

ic graph



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Simplifying the linework

A more simplified arch was created from concentric circles formed by the arch and window elements...

itial Our in







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2. The arches graphic

arches 2. The ghts

The arches graphic

ifying the linework


4. Logo - option B


Modernise, simplify and make more compact

New simpler arches began to take shape... but possibly still too many...

JOHN ROWAN & Partners

A more modern design was beginning to emerge...


JULY 2011

ption C




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option C

ape JFD




Some more iterations and introduction 4. Logo - option D of new colours, but still too many arches. We were getting there though... Further develop holding shape








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4. Logo - option D 4. Logo - option D Further develop holding shape Further develop holding shape






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4. Logo - option F Further developing the arch – 4 arches in 1

JOHN ROWAN & Partners

John Rowan and Partners John Rowan and Partners

JOHN ROWAN and Partners John Rowan & Partners ...AND GOT CLOSER AND CLOSER JFD




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JULY 2011

4. Logo - option G Further developing the arch – 3D arch JFD

Even more sketching: a single ‘rainbow’ style arch began to find favour. Now to decide how best to execute a single-arch design...



But should it be flat, or 3D?



4. Logo - option G Further developing the arch – 3D arch

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John Rowan & Partners

Alignment JFD




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4. Logo - option G

JULY 2011

Chevin medium

Almost there! But the 3D arch was possibly Tighten up leading too abstract. Sometimes the most simple Chevin light and clean approach is the best solution...

Further developing the arch – 3D arch

John Rowan and Partners Optically balance spaces

The colour palette was firming up though.

John Rowan & Partners

Pms 315

Pms 306

Pms 360

C100 Y12 K43

C75 Y7

C58 Y80





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5. Logo development - option H Stage 1 logo option F, change type to Chevin

A few final tweaks and we were almost there. The single rainbow arch was refined and locked in. Just a little font work to go now...


John Rowan & Partners

Chevin medium Tighten up leading Chevin light

Optically balance spaces

Pms 315

Pms 306

Dropping the capital letters and opting for ‘and’ instead of ‘&’: the rebrand was finally complete. C100 Y12 C75 Y7 K43

Pms 360

C58 Y80

“Logos are the graphic extension of the internal realities of a company.” – Saul Bass


John Rowan and Partners, Managing Partner, Gurpal Virdee




40th Anniversary Edition |

John Rowan and Partners, Managing Partner, Gurpal Virdee talks to Insight about what it means for the company to turn 40…

I wonder, when John Rowan first set up his business in his front room, if he ever thought that 40 years on, it would still be thriving and evolving? I’m sure we all like to think that our business ideas are great and will have longevity, but the truth is, the path to continued success is strewn with challenges and hurdles that must be dealt with and overcome. Whether it’s a recession, a sector downturn, Brexit or a pandemic, you have to find a way through, and not everyone does. So what’s the secret of our success? How is it that we are still here, ploughing through 2022 and celebrating our 40th birthday as a business? I think it’s due in no small part to those core values John laid down all those years ago. John believed that looking after your people was central to creating and building a business, that enjoying your work and having fun mattered. That helping your people grow both professionally and as individuals was critical. Of course profit is important too – without it, you have no business! But John believed, as do we still today, that if you have happy,

committed people who enjoy what they do, who want to learn and grow, you deliver quality work. This in turn brings happy clients who come back to you with repeat business, and who will not hesitate to recommend you to others. I also believe our longevity is due to our willingness as a business to adapt to the changing world in which we find ourselves, being flexible and open to trying new things, new markets. When we first started out, our sights were firmly set on the commercial sector, and we were delighted to have clients like Dixons, Currys, The Link (remember them?) and PC World. Today, our focus is split across different sectors such as housing, public sector, and hospitality and leisure. Who knows where we’d be now if we’d insisted on being active in just one area? We’ve also stretched ourselves, setting our sights high. We’ve won high-profile projects for large clients, although it’s not always easy for smaller companies like ours to bid successfully against the bigger outfits. We’ve proved we’re very able to take on and deliver projects at scale.

I hope John would be proud not only of what he started, but also of what we’ve achieved today, building on the foundations he laid all those decades ago. Our recent customer survey revealed that 94% of our clients wouldn’t hesitate to recommend us to others, with respondents frequently describing us as a friendly, committed, dependable team. We enjoy lots of repeat business from customers with whom we’ve built strong, honest relationships over many years. We hope that’s proof we’re doing something right! What next? We need to continue to hold on to those core values, while continuing to be adaptable, flexible and bringing on the next generation. We need to find ways to navigate our way through the current post-Brexit waters, the impact of Covid and the current economic backdrop. We have a great team of people, so we’re confident we’re well placed to make it through. Here’s to the next 40 years!







– A FEW OF OUR FAVOURITE PROJECTS Insight magazine looks back over the past four decades at some of the projects that helped to make John Rowan and Partners the company it is today. Sadly we couldn’t include all of them, so here is a short selection...

Dixons Group / Currys / PC World & The Link Dixons Group was, for a while, our biggest customer. The company was enticed into using JRP services by founder, John Rowan, and it was the start of a very fruitful relationship. Initially in the 90s and 00s we worked with Dixons stores and The Link as well as Currys and PC World. As well as opening new stores, we delivered annual merchandising initiatives throughout their national (and sometimes international) portfolio. We provided services including design, budgeting, project, construction and cost management database design and building, tender enquiry, value engineering and capital allowance analysis for store development and refit programmes.


40th Anniversary Edition |

Job Centre Plus A great example of our early public sector work, we initially acted as cost managers for the Department of Work and Pension’s £2bn Job Centre Plus roll-out comprising 50 sites. We saved 18% on budget and won an OGC Government Procurement Award.

commissioned as regional commercial managers for project execution and delivery. Our seconded regional cost

managers were nominated 1st and 2nd place at their annual awards, for two consecutive years running!

Decent Homes Our first foray into supporting the roll-out of the government’s Decent Homes Programme back in the early 2000s was with Hounslow Homes, which was to be the first of many. The Programme’s goal was to create decent social sector housing for vulnerable people. We acted as multidisciplinary consultants and our involvement led to our first long-term secondment and working with multiple ALMOs and LAs across London and the south-east.


Later, we worked on a separate project to help secure suitable procurement for the refurbishment of 1,000 sites, which resulted in a 15% budget saving and led to us being

By the end of the Decent Homes Programme, John Rowan and Partners had helped to bring a staggering 120,000 homes up to the Decent Homes standard.



Carlton Cannes


Perhaps one of our more exotic projects, our work for the Intercontinental Cannes, France, overlooking the Bay of Cannes and located at the heart of Cannes Film Festival activities, saw us successfully project-manage the removal of a casino and restaurant on the seventh floor of this iconic hotel. The areas were replaced with five additional suites of the highest standard, and we worked closely with the design team to ensure the procurement of specialist materials from around the world and handled all the required supply chain management.

The Ladderswood Estate Regeneration For over ten years we have been supporting One Housing and New Ladderswood LLP to regenerate the Ladderswood Way estate in collaboration with Sherrygreen Homes, the London Borough of Enfield and Mulalley and Co Ltd. This £150m+ major regeneration project is being undertaken in multiple phases and when complete will provide over 500 apartments and family houses for private sale, shared ownership and social rent. The project also includes the design and construction of six commercial units, a community centre and an 85-bedroom hotel. Our role includes the Joint Venture management of multiple stakeholders as well as Employer’s Agent, Cost Consultant, Site Inspector and Party Wall Surveyors.


40th Anniversary Edition |

Fairmont St Andrews What a privilege it was to work on the £15m update and refurbishment project at the 520-acre 5-star Fairmont St Andrews ‘home of golf’ resort in Scotland.

The hotel remained trading throughout the construction period, which meant careful site management and detailed programming was needed.


St Pancras

Set in the heart of London’s Mayfair, Claridge’s is an art deco icon and a byword for understated elegance. Since the 1850s, it has excelled at the finer things in life: glamorous design, inspiring dining, impeccable service. There are many 5-star hotels in London but nowhere quite like Claridge’s.

St Pancras International Station, a Grade 1 listed building, is a wonder of Victorian engineering and arguably one of the most elegant railway stations in the world. We were brought in to form part of the £800m redevelopment strategy, and were appointed lead health and safety consultant, tenant liaison manager, and project manager to deliver 65 retail outlets.

In 2016, Claridge’s successfully submitted an application to build one of the largest basements ever constructed


We delivered model rooms and subsequent refurbishment of 192 guest rooms, 16 suites, circulation areas, reception, lounge bar, fine dining restaurant, conference and banqueting areas, and the development of a new leisure bar and spa.

Given the historic nature of the station, we naturally needed to adhere to strict English Heritage guidelines, as well as working to tight deadlines.

under a ‘live’ building. The five-storey ‘iceberg’ basement included a swimming pool, gym, spa, wine store, restaurants and bars, and a chocolatier. Our health and safety team were appointed to oversee the construction of the project.



Searcys Restaurant and Champagne Bar

The Savoy


When the world-famous 5-star, Grade 2 listed Savoy Hotel shut in December 2007 to enable a £220m, 268 luxury rooms and suites complete restoration and refurbishment, it was the first time it had closed to customers in its 118-year history.

Imagine 1,372 champagne flutes lined up side by side and you have some idea of how vast Europe’s longest champagne bar at St Pancras International Station is. We were delighted to be able to work on creating this 98-metre record-breaking retail unit and restaurant. Our team acted as client representatives and provided full project management and supply chain services to both the champagne bar and restaurant at the Grade 1 listed station.

© Conran and Partners

Green Man Lane An exciting £250m+ joint venture estate regeneration scheme ultimately delivering 850+ homes over 20 years in Ealing, West London. We are a key project consultant for the housing association A2Dominion Group and Green Man Lane LLP, providing multidisciplinary services. Working in association with Rydon and Real this was our first foray into residential-led joint ventures. We have worked on the project from the outset (since late 2008), working with multiple partners and stakeholders (including residents) to deliver the vision, with the creation of a bespoke off-site marketing suite for potential residents. The multi-phase scheme includes a a new primary school, community centre and café, in addition to private and shared amenity space and public open space. The final 400+ new homes are being progressed - creating a thriving community in the heart of Ealing.


Our initial ‘no pressure’ challenge was to act as cost consultant and project manager for the whole project, finishing by installing the final accessories and artwork. The works involved major structural alterations and complete replacement of all mechanical and electrical services, and extensive repair and restoration to the building itself.

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RateSetter We were appointed by RateSetter (now part of Shawbrook Bank), a peer-topeer lender, to perform bank monitoring roles on a number of UK-wide projects valued at £300m+. Projects included property conversions, demolitions and the creation of new buildings, and greenfield site housebuilding. For us, the role of the Bank Monitor is not one of an inspector, but an opportunity to bring in a ‘problem solver’ who can work with all parties to get a construction project completed – maximising the return for all.

East Village How amazing to play a part in the London 2012 Olympics! One of our biggest ever roles, we acted as Independent Certifier on the £450m Olympic Athletes’ Village – now East Village and a lasting legacy of the Games.


This comprises 2,818 new homes, an academy campus for 1,800 students, extensive transport links, a healthcare centre, cafés and bars, 27 acres of parkland and 30 shops. A complex project, we also handled post-Games works including extensive site inspection during fit-out works, snagging and defects management, along with full handover procedures. 25

Brown’s London & Balmoral Edinburgh FAVOURITE PROJECTS

Both landmarks and with plenty of history between them, we were brought in by Rocco Forte Hotels to act as Project Manager, Quantity Surveyor and Principal Designer for the first, and Project Manager and H&S Principal Designer for the latter.

Luton DART Every project we work on throws up its own unique challenges – none more so than the £225m Luton DART scheme, due for completion later in 2022. The Luton DART, an innovative cable-car-style autonomous

For Brown’s, the biggest challenge was to successfully combine heritage features with modern building technology, whilst maintaining daily hotel business and minimising disruption for guests. The transformation of rooms and suites at The Balmoral posed a different challenge, with several different room types and designs in the renovation programme, with some rooms being enlarged. The project included the renovation of the suite where JK Rowling is thought to have penned Harry Potter – a truly beautiful suite that every muggle should see!

Wellington College We’re pleased to be able to expand our client list to embrace the educational sector, and were recently appointed to supply cost management services to Wellington College, one of the world’s top co-educational day and boarding schools. There is now a need to provide additional boarding facilities for 6th formers and, in particular, to increase the number of boarding spaces for girls. We welcome the chance to help Wellington expand its capacity and meet its target for an equal split between boys and girls by September 2025.


light rail system, is part of a major London Luton Airport Ltd (LLAL) expansion project. Our role was to oversee all aspects of health and safety on the project, which involved the construction of two stations, a 350m viaduct, running slab, a tunnel and approaches, and a maintenance area.

© Knight Architects and Arup


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Hilton London Metropole hotel A huge challenge for our Hospitality and Leisure team was working on one of the biggest-ever hotel fit-outs the UK has ever seen, with 42 meeting rooms, 1,059 bedrooms and a 16,000 sq ft ballroom it is London’s second largest hotel by room count.

Birmingham Metropole hotel The 790-room Birmingham hotel was another mammoth task and is one of the UK’s largest outside of London. We took on the project management and cost consultancy roles for this highly visible project and worked hard to ensure that it was refurbished and ready to host the 2022 Commonwealth Games!

Wandsworth Exchange In our first-ever development contract with housing association L&Q, we worked on the construction of Wandsworth Exchange, a £75m strategic town centre redevelopment on the old South Thames College site.


Working with United Living, the development delivered 201 new mixed-tenure one, two and three-bedroom homes, including some basement parking and a 24-storey tower – all within a short distance from central London. We acted as Employer’s Agent and Cost Consultant on this complex inner-London project. 27



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40th Anniversary Edition |

At John Rowan and Partners we know the secret of our success is the combination of having both amazing people and fantastic clients, and we count ourselves very lucky to benefit from both of these. So, as we celebrate 40 years in business, we want to take a moment to just say a big thank you to all our team (past and present) and all of our partners that have supported us through the last four decades.

THANK YOU Mash Halai, Chairman, John Rowan and Partners

John Rowan and Partners UK head office Craven House, 40 Uxbridge Road, Ealing London, W5 2BS E: | W:


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