2001 riba awards (spence house)

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RIBA Ro y a I Institute of British Architects

RI BA SOUTH CHAIRMAN'S AWARD 2001 SPENCE HOUSE, Beaulieu, Hampshire Architect - John Pardey Contractor- Lentune Building Services Ltd Structural Engineer- Adams Kara Taylor Mechanical and Electrical- Atelier Ten Garden Design- Patrick McCann

Robert Frank/in, the then Chairmah.said,

"A modest holiday retreat built for his own use by Sir Basil Spence in 1961, now listed grade 11, whose present owner is a most appreciative and discerning admirer of Spence and who approached the necessary enlargement of the house with great care". "In my view the architect has succeeded here to a high degree, leaving a highly satisfied client and a building that will last much longer than its original form and detailing would have allowed."

Robert Franklin RI BA South Chairman 1999-2001

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