Pdf⚡️(read✔️online) Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Amer

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Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims: Time-Travel Adventures with Exceptional Americans (1)

Description : From America&#8217s #1 radio talk-show host and multi-millioncopy #1 New York Times bestselling author, a book for young readers with a history teacher who travels back in time to have adventures with exceptional Americans.MEET RUSH LIMBAUGH&#8217S REALLY GOOD PAL, RUSH REVERE!Okay, okay, my name&#8217s really Rusty&#8212but my friends call me Rush. Rush Revere. Because I&#8217ve always been the #1 fan of the coolest colonial dude ever, Paul Revere. Talk about a rock star&#8212this guy wanted to protect young America so badly, he rode through those bumpy, cobblestone-y streets shouting &#8220the British are coming!&#8221 On a horse. Top of his lungs. Wind blowing, rain streaming... Well, you get the picture. But what if you could get the real picture&#8212by actually going back in time and seeing with your own eyes how our great country came to be? Meeting the people who made it all happen&#8212people like you and me? Hold on to your pointy triangle hats, because you can&#8212with me, Rush Revere, seemingly ordinary substitute history teacher, as your tour guide across time! &#8220How?&#8221 you ask? Well, there&#8217s this portal. And a horse. My talking horse named Liberty. And&#8212well, just trust me, I&#8217ll get us there. We&#8217ll begin by joining a shipload of brave families journeying on the Mayflower in 1620. Yawn? I don&#8217t think so. 1620 was a pretty awesome time, and you&#8217ll experience exactly what they did on that rough, dangerous ocean crossing. Together, we&#8217ll ask the pilgrims all our questions, find out how they live, join them at the first

Thanksgiving, and much more. So saddle up and let&#8217s ride! Our exceptional nation is waiting to be discovered all over again by exceptional young patriots&#8212like you!

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