ASW Issue 2 April 2008

Page 7

This angle view of the stones and plants are to show depth within this 15 gallon tank.

chaotic random movement among the fish, which distracts from the aquascape. Instead use a single species of schooling fish to add fluid movement and contentment to the aquascape. The most common used species are Cardinal tetras, Rummy nose tetras, or Harlequin rasboras. It is important to use “schooling” fish and not “shoaling” fish. This helps to maintain a more tranquil environment. Shrimp like the Caridina japonica (Amano Shrimp) are most often use in the planted aquarium and serve as an excellent clean up crew without distracting the aquascape. Their small size and clear coloration helps them blend well with the plants. Other shrimp varieties can be a distraction if they are too colorful or too abundant.

Not as Easy as it Looks It is a common misconception that Iwagumi style aquascapes are easy to maintain due to its simplistic look. It is in fact a more difficult style mainly because the style involves only two plant species which require special attention. The plants mentioned previously are heavy root feeders, so dosing the water column should be done in moderation. It is more important to have a nutrient rich substrate to help these specific plants grow strong and healthy. Many hobbyists overlook the importance of a nutrient rich substrate, and may run into plant health issues later as the aquascape develops. While attempting to create my first Iwagumi style scape, I fell victim to all type of algae know to aquarists. This was by far the most difficult tank to “balance” nutrient wise. With the help of

Seachems Excel, I managed to kill all the algae but, unfortunately the Heminathus callitrichoides (H.C.) fell victim as well. I had to re-plant the H.C. and wait for it to fill in again. Aquascaping Achievement After accomplishing a successful Iwagumi aquascape that emphasizes the style’s main aquascaping criteria (serenity, tranquility and vibrant movement) I can honestly say I feel like I am no longer a novice in this hobby. I have learned so much creating this little piece of nature that it was well worth all the frustration. So, whether you are a novice or expert, everyone should experience the joys of successfully completing an Iwagumi aquascape.

APRIL 2008 AquaScaping World


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