323 Workbook Joël Kuhn

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Visual Music: Synaesthesia in Art and Music Since 1900 by Jeremy Strick ‘Music has inspired some of the most progressive art of our time from the abstract painting of Wassily Kandinsky and Frantisek Kupka to the mid-century experimental fi lms of Oskar Pischinger and Harry Smith to contemporary installations by Jennifer Steinkamp and Jim Hodges. While early abstract paintings tended to approach music metonymically, the colour organs, fi lms, light shows and installations from midtwentieth century to the present day engage a range of perceptual faculties to create a plethora of sensations in the viewer. The most complete examination of this phenomenon to date, “Visual Music” features ninety major works of art plus related documentation, focusing on abstract and mixed-media art forms and their connections to musical forms as varied as classical, jazz and electronica.’ SOURCE TEXT: http://www.amazon.com/Visual-Music-Synaesthesia-Since-1900/dp/0500512175

Comment: Th is book provides a wide collection of audiovisual works in the 20th century and the creative ideas behind them. Especially interesting for me were the early colour organ pieces of Mary Hallock-Greenewalt. I found the idea of syncronising coloured lights to records and her systematically defi ned rules for colourising musical notes very fascinating and this fed into my own piece of visual music.



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