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Here is the guide that will help you to study Clean Energies in English. Remember that these lessons will give you extra knowledge about energy, so they must be studied after your technology teacher has explained about environmentally friendly energies in the technology lessons. In addition to this, you’ll have the chance to improve your English skills!. These lessons are included in our school project “Escola Verda” and “Biblioteca escolar: PUNTEDU” .

We focus on clean energies (mainly solar energy) because they are our only chance to keep our planet alive. First of all, we’ll deal with the topic “carbon footprint” . It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our daily lives by burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation etc. By means of that, we’ll realize the impact of our daily activities on the environment. You’ll even have the chance to calculate your carbon footprint!!. Secondly we’ll study how we can produce different kinds of energy by using solar energy.

After that, you’ll work with videos about energy. We’ll watch some of them in our technology lessons and you will be expected to watch the others at home. There will also be a questionnaire with questions about the videos and about what we’ve learned. You will be asked to build your own vocabulary list with the new words you learn. You should download and print the questionnaire because you will be expected to write the answers and the vocabulary by hand. In the end, you will have to hand in the questionnaire and the vocabulary list to your teacher. Remember that by doing these activities you will not only improve your technology mark, but you’ll also enjoy learning more English and you will be participating in our project “Escola Verda” as well!!

We really hope you enjoy the amazing world of energy.

The teachers Joan Serra Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau No reproduir total o parcialment sense el permís de l’IES Joaquim Bau


Environmental friendly energies: energies renovables

Carbon footprint: petjada de carboni

Greenhouse gases: gasos d’efecte hivernacle

Joan Serra Departament de Tecnologia IES Joaquim Bau No reproduir total o parcialment sense el permís de l’IES Joaquim Bau

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