JISC Mobile and Wireless Technologies Review

Page 49

JISC Mobile and Wireless Technologies Review

Source: Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hype_cycle)

This curve has been used widely used as a model to discuss the mainstream adoption (or otherwise) of an innovation, but is also criticised for engendering some of the ‘reification’ discussed in an earlier section of this review. As Mike Ellis continues, “A two year (say) gap between an innovative product entering the market and going through these growing pains is enough to prove or semi-prove the technology and marketplace, by which time cultural or educational institutions are sitting up and ready to take notice of that product or approach." This is evident in the evolution of mobile learning, although ‘mini adoption curves’ exist with some innovations (such as PDAs) never reaching the ‘Plateau of Productivity’ stage. However, perhaps we subconsciously retrofit developments to a model rather than viceversa? Some, such as Mike Sharples, would question the above conceptualisation, seeing a “direct chain” from the vision Alan Kay set out in his 1968 Dynabook project:


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