JY Bangalore Newsletter

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02 “Young people are the hope of the Church and the Church is interested in their well-being and their spiritual and global growth. Jesus is our best model: strive to follow him”. Excerpts from the speech by His Grace Most Rev Dr.Bernard Moras at the Youth Convention Arise & Shine, Palace Grounds, Bangalore - Sunday,17 July 2011

It’s been a good three years that I am actively involved with the Catholic Youth of Bangalore as the Archdiocesan Youth Director. I have been asking often “What are we trying to achieve in youth ministry? What is the goal as a youth director/youth leader?” While we are constantly working to bring more youth into the movement, and designing creative programmes to attract more young people. Dreaming of what it would be like to have a ‘mega’ group a ‘mega’ youth event and the like, there are times I feel we are easily distracted from the real purpose of our ministry. But “WHY YOUTH MINISTRY?” I believe that in and through Youth Ministry we can usher in a new culture and ethic in young lives. In the backdrop of a consumerist world that caters to the self we can orientate our young people away from the consumer mentality to an attitude of Christian service. Helping them move from spectators only, to active participants in bringing the compassion of Christ to the world, sharing creatively the Good News to those who have never heard it and engaging in the service of the other because Jesus would love that from them. This truly is the identity of a Christian, one who possesses a servant heart, a deep desire to do good in God’s name, and a passion to reach others with a life transforming Gospel. ‘For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.’ Ephesians 2:10 It’s a big challenge, we can’t wait, and we need to start now. You young servant leaders have a new opportunity to change the focus away from ‘self’ to ‘serve’ and help young people to play their part in transforming the world. Let your servant leadership begin in earnest to inject new energy, depth and meaning into youth people’s lives, begin to find opportunities for young people to demonstrate their faith in action, and help them to let their friends see and hear the difference following Jesus makes. Start in a small way. The longest journey begins with one small step. This is the time, this is the day, this is the place this is the beginning. You can only lead for Christ when you first serve.

Fr. Divya Paul Archdiocesan Youth Director Bangalore Archdiocese

Wishing you God’s abundant blessings as you serve Him and others.

I feel myself insignificant to introduce such a well known youth movement in our arch diocese of Bangalore, yet I am more than glad to say that I am working with this catholic youth movement called Jesus Youth, truly a missionary movement at the service of the Church, since 2003. It is not enough to say or hear about what they are or what they do but come and see what they are and what it could be for you. So I cordially welcome you dear young people to come and experience the truths of the gospel lived by todays young people like you. All the best dears. Fr. Varghese Parakudiyil CRS Jesus Youth Pastor, India The Pope tweeting to the world from his iPad epitomizes church’s focus in relating to the younger generation in their language. It is also an invitation for us to use the modern technologies and media for the kingdom of God. Today’s youth want practical faith and they look around for role models who can demonstrate the Gospel message in their day to day lives. Our challenge is to reinvent the gospel truth in our lives and present it to the younger generation in their language. During the last decade, Bangalore has grown from being a pensioner’s paradise to an IT hub. With this growth came many challenges like the changes in the life style, work culture and different pressures for the young people. The global economic crisis had its repercussions in our city especially among the working youth. Making the gospel relevant to this young generation is the challenge before us. We need to introduce Jesus as a solution to their problems. During the last few years, Jesus Youth has formed many friendship groups among the working professionals and students in Bangalore. Many of them share how their faith in God is helping to perform well in their work place. In some colleges, students come together regularly for prayer and they support each other in dealing with their problems. They try to bring in a positive change in the campus culture. The doctors’ network and the nurses groups are fast growing and it helps them to approach their profession in prayer.

Mathew Joseph Jesus Youth Animator Bangalore

Looking forward, one of our main focuses should be to integrate closely with the church and help in youth formation. I encourage each one of you to reach out to our parishes, colleges and work places and give Jesus as a solution to the problems around.

Jesus Youth Movement through its formation initiatives has helped me to experience Jesus in my day today life. This movement has helped me to experience the richness of the Catholic Church and thus not only I love the Church but also I am getting to know more about her in a unique way. I invite all Jesus Youth to grow deeper in faith by getting rooted in Jesus and the mother Church. May this newsletter inspire you to receive a clearer vision of the movement and a bigger mission for Christ. In the words of Blessed John Paul II lets all strive towards a higher standard of ordinary Christian living. Let’s meet in prayers along with our role model – Mother Mary! Thomson Mathew Jesus Youth Coordinator Bangalore (2009-2011)

Study the Catechism! This is my heartfelt desire. Study this Catechism with passion and perseverance. Study it in the quiet of your room; read it with a friend; form study groups and networks; share with each other on the Internet. You need to be more deeply rooted in the faith than the generation of your parents so that you can engage the challenges and temptations of this time with strength and determination.


CATECHISM FOR THE YO! GENERATION - YOUCAT YOUCAT (Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church) is the trendy, youthful and contemporary adaptation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. YOUCAT is designed to help the youth to grow well-rooted in the rich earth of Christian tradition. The appealing graphic format includes Questions-and-Answers, highlyreadable commentary, summary definition of key terms, Bible citations, and inspiring and thought-provoking quotes from Saints and others in the margins. The questions posed through YOUCAT are direct and honest, even at times tough; the answers straightforward, relevant, and compelling. YOUCAT is likely to become the “go-to” place for young people to learn the truth about the Catholic faith. In the foreword to YOUCAT, Pope Benedict XVI exhorts the youth to study the catechism with passion and perseverance so that they can know their faith with the same precision with which a computer specialist knows the operating system of a computer. In Bangalore, YOUCAT is available at all ATC book stalls. Release of YOUCAT. ArchBishop of Bangalore at the Youth Convetion held at Palace Grounds.

YOUCAT in the hands of JesusYouth!

ZENIT: WORLD SEEN FROM ROME - www.zenit.org ZENIT is a non-profit international news agency comprising a team of professionals and volunteers who are convinced of the extraordinary richness of the Catholic Church’s message, particularly its social doctrine. The ZENIT team sees this message as a light for understanding today’s world. Motivated by this fact, ZENIT strive to bring message to the Internet, in the greatest possible number of languages.


World Youth Day is a great meeting of young people from all over the world gathered to celebrate and learn about their faith every two to three years at different locations of the world. It is one of the primary means by which the Church proclaims the message of Christ to and expresses its concern for young people. World Youth Day (or in short ‘WYD’) was initiated by Blessed Pope John Paul II in 1985. Currently youth around the globe are gearing up for the WYD to be held in Madrid, Spain from 16 to 21 August 2011. It will be based on the theme ‘Rooted and built up in Jesus Christ, firm in the faith (Colossians 2:7).’ According to a recent survey conducted on youth who attended any of the previous World Youth Days, 9 out of 10 think that WYD is an experience that changes lives, and that the faith helps to mature, to accept the suffering and to be happy.


WYD - 2011

ZENIT aim to view the modern world through the messages of the Pope and the Holy See; tell about the happenings of the Church; and inform about the topics, debates and events that are especially interesting to Christians worldwide.



Did you know ?


Pope Benedict XVI grabbed the eyeballs as he unveiled the new Vatican internet information portal www.news.va with a tweet from his iPad that read – “Praised be our Lord Jesus Christ! With my prayers and blessings, Benedictus XVI.” The new website will flash the latest news aggregated from the Vatican Media which includes Fides News Agency, L’Osservatore Romano, the Holy See Press Office, the Vatican Information Service, Vatican Radio, the Vatican Television Centre and the Internet Office of the Holy See. It is an initiative of the Pontifical Council for Social Communication.

On 29 June 2011 our Pope celebrated 60th anniversary of his ordination to priesthood.






04 Manoj Sunny Jesus Youth International Team


Since the year 2000, the Jesus Youth movement has been using the tagline, ‘A missionary movement at the service of the Church’. This tagline has been the heart and soul of every JY initiative and endeavour. It has also been the moving force behind each creative idea that evolved to make the Good News more relevant to young people.” “Over the last twenty five years and more, the Spirit of God has been moulding and empowering numerous young people, children, families, clergy and religious to renew the youthful mission of Christ and to serve the contemporary generation in a more meaningful way. This Jubilee is a time of recommitment and reorientation for the life of the movement as well as for its mission. May this period of prayer, intense reflection and greater resolve lead Jesus Youth movement to a greater focus on the mission of Christ and help serve the Church and the world better.” “Every Jesus Youth is encouraged to discern and work towards that direction. Generally, there are three types of mission that one can have: 1. Personal Apostolate/Mission This is the primary, basic call that springs up from one’s charisms, strengths and talents. Hence this call varies from person to person. Some examples include personal intercession for others, follow-up of new entrants to assist their integration into the movement, nurturing of leadership, making personal visits to the needy and discipling of others. Although expressions of this call varies from phase to phase, one’s personal mission continues throughout one’s lifetime. This call is expressed within the movement or outside it (in most cases, it is related to the movement). Although this gift is a personal vocation and form of participation in saving work, it also serves others, builds the Church and fraternal communities in various spheres of human life on earth. [Redemptor Hominis, 21] To be able to discover the actual will of the Lord (personal mission) always involves the following: a receptive listening of the Word of God and Church, fervent and constant prayer, recourse to a wise and loving spiritual guide, and a faithful discernment of the gifts and talents given by God, as well as of the diverse historic and social situations in which one lives (CL 58). 2. Community based Apostolate/Mission Here, one person joins like-minded people with similar life situations or charisms to minister to others. In fact, most of the community based ministries in the movement have developed from a personal ministry. However, it is not mandatory that all individual ministries become community ministries. 3. Given Apostolate/Mission Often, the movement asks individuals to take up certain time-bound commitments for its growth and enhancement. These can be office-based, such as Co-ordinatorship or responsibility of certain projects for a specific time. Naturally, these ministries are only entrusted to those who have deepened in the first two areas. Though given apostolates are often necessary, it is the personal and community centric ministries that essentially form the core of the movement, making it contemporary, relevant, dynamic and alive - driving it into the future. Thus undoubtedly, without undermining the importance of the third mission, we could say that it is the first and second mission options that move

“I have been led by the Holy Spirit in a wonderful way and He has guided me in my discernment of a personal mission. My mission is to build promising and potential Jesus Youths as true Christian leaders with the help of elders, mentors and pastors and to help them grow into discipleship.”

Santhosh Sunny



J a M es u iss sYo ion ut ar h the movement forward and keep it alive in The Spirit.’’


What holds us back? “To many Christians, Paul is a scandal today “We proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles” (1 Cor 1-23). Jesus’ call to renounce everything and deny one’s own life (Lk 14:26), and His challenge, “He who would save his life must lose it” (Mk 8:35-36), do not make sense to many. They try to disprove these paradoxes that Jesus suggests by saying, “Lord we can be your disciples without losing anything in the world!” A life of compromise and adjustment comes in, even in the rank and file of the Jesus Youth.” “What is the difference between JY and other movements? There are many differences, but one that has always inspired me is the purpose and motivation.... In many other groups, I find that people go in order to receive something in their life – especially in the form of blessings. But in our groups, people come in order to give themselves to do His will. People are willing to set apart many things; to lose many things in their life in order to follow Him. Some may start this journey to receive blessings, but soon they understand that Jesus Youth is all about losing and giving. However, all of us know that our Lord will give back a thousand fold, in His time. The Jubilee has taught us again about giving ourselves and losing many things in our lives – money, time, confronting difficulties and making several sacrifices. This is only to be expected and only a true Jesus Youth will be able to make it. At one point of time in our lives, we all set out on an ‘Exodus,’ blindly trusting Him. He has blessed us with more than we want, definitely more than we deserve. I have a fear that many of us are busy taking care of these blessings. Our Jubilee has thus marked the time for beginning another Exodus – to take up a new mission according to the promptings of the Spirit. “When we think back to our own lives in the movement, we may vividly recall those times when we took some great pains, when we made concrete sacrifices and when the struggles were great enough to bring us even to tears. It was tough, but we embraced the pain for the sake of some souls who might profit through our efforts. And it is precisely upon sacrifices such as these that this missionary movement was built up by God over the last 25 years. Today as we look back, we may gladly rejoice but on the other hand, we must also be cautious not to become content here.

“My personal commitment is to give food to at least 3 poor people from the pocket money I get every month.”

Deril Saby

“My personal mission is to get at least two new people to know Jesus. I also want to help more JY girls to come forward and be active in ministry.”

Lovelyn Christopher

Mission (Latin missio meaning sending) Mission is the essence of the Church and Jesus’ mandate to all Christians to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed, so that all men can freely make a decision for Christ.

For surely, we are in danger if we find ourselves merely enjoying and resting upon the fruits of past labours. Indeed, to be open to the Holy Spirit, we must be ready to abandon all earthly securities, even the security of our own establishments. Our hearts must continuously recite, ‘Here I am, send me!’ But do we not often say to the Lord, ‘Here I am, do keep me here’ ? Are we stuck in a ‘maintenance mode’ in our missionary efforts? Are we unwilling to suffer all over again?

Pope John Paul II’s apostolic exhortation Christifideles Laici speaks of eight areas of lay mission in today’s world: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Promoting the dignity of the person Fostering respect for the right to life Defending freedom of conscience and religious freedom Protecting and encouraging marriage and family life Engaging in works of charity Participating in public life Placing the individual at the centre of the socio-economic world The evangelisation of the culture

Every Jesus Youth should be helped to begin a post Jubilee Exodus in their lives – breaking the bondages of worldly securities and comforts. They should be assisted to identify or deepen their call as missionaries. Our movement has been blessed with all the graces we need to grow in His holiness. Yielding to this Grace, accepting our call to live our lives in Holiness, shall we expect a flowering of new initiatives in our movement in the coming years? Imagine more than 19,000 initiatives taking place in the coming years! The one-month mission commitments and other ventures will help us to take organised steps in this direction. But most importantly, the new, spontaneous initiatives spurred by the Holy Spirit should be the natural result of our Jubilee year. The new challenges make the movement turn to the Lord with greater fervour for guidance and blessings to respond to His call to go to the ends of the earth with the message of love to build His Kingdom. Let me conclude with a word of prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for the missionary call we have received from you through the Jesus Youth movement. We claim the promise you gave us through the prophet Ezekiel: we pray for a new heart – a humble heart which will always thirst for your presence; a shepherd’s heart which will always seek the least and the lost; a restless heart which will be at peace only when every brother and sister of ours finds their joy in you; a missionary heart which will help us to abandon the ways of the world and fix our eyes on you until we meet you face to face in eternal glory. Mary, our dear Mother, be with this little flock of the faithful as we put out our nets into greater depths of communion and mission. Amen!

Ajay Paul

“I have found a new love for reading good Catholic faith oriented books lately. I have taken it as a personal mission, to read Catholic books and pass on the same to my friends, who in turn pass it onto their friends thus forming a network of mobile, sound Catholic readers.”

Thomson Mathew


“In my life, I experienced the presence of our loving Christ mostly through the sacraments of Holy Confession and Holy Eucharist, where my Jesus eagerly waits for me to lay my burden before him. So it is my personal mission to tell others that Jesus Christ is knocking at the door of your heart for a personal love story.”


“The Jubilee Conference has been, at a deeper level, a renewed call to mission, with special reference to contemporary modes and challenges. Having evolved from, being rooted in, and carrying out the mission of the Church, it was repeatedly brought to our attention that the Jesus Youth movement finds its fullness in the Church. The core character of Jesus Youth mission, starting as personal enthusiasm to do something beautiful for the Lord, growing into little initiatives, blooming into well-defined Jesus Youth ministries, should contribute much to the enlivening of missionary zeal in

So how do these reflections translate into concrete actions?


If we find within ourselves even a hint of that unwillingness to suffer for the Kingdom, let us steadily surrender it to the Lord. For He rebuked such unwillingness in Peter with the words, “Get behind me, Satan!” We must gladly surrender this hidden resistance, this subtle but dangerous form of sloth, so that we may welcome the Holy Spirit anew into our lives and into our movement this Pentecost, so that He might bring to us the gift of a new missionary zeal.”

the local churches and awareness of Christ in the wider world. Need for wider dimensions of mission in terms of greater human concern, interventions relating to ecological challenges, Christian presence in public for a as well as ecumenical and interreligious spheres were also stressed.”


AllThat Happened! METANOIA

Bangalore Teens Ministry organized ‘METANOIA’ - a summer camp for 7th to 10th standard students at Carmel Convent School, Bangalore from 19th to 22nd May 2011. This 3 day program was attended by around 50 students from nearly 10 different parishes and schools of Bangalore. Leaders and resources from various ministries supported them through sessions and logistics. The Intercession that happened throughout the program was a constant source of strength for the volunteers. Parents of the children were also invited on the last day of the program. The parents were very happy on seeing their children having a great time with the Lord. Follow up plans are in place. “I have attended Philia, Reach and Metanoia. All the 3 programs have given me different experiences. They helped me come closer to God and strengthened my personal prayer. With God’s help I could also start a prayer session in my school.” - Maria Michael Maria Michael is a young Jesus Youth and a 9th standard student of Schoenstatt St Mary’s High School, Bangalore.

BLOOM 2 Bloom-II, conducted in the month of April, was the annual growth retreat specially for working professionals of JY Professional Ministry, Bangalore. The retreat was led by Fr. Varghese Parakudiyil (Pastor, Jesus Youth India) and Mathew Joseph (Animator, Jesus Youth Bangalore). It comprised of sessions based on some of the common problems faced by working people. The sessions were on how we can take Jesus to our work places and manage our career with the help of Holy Spirit. Tips on planning and managing the work and how prayer helps in improving our people management skills were discussed. There were sessions on marriage preparation, on prolife and on how to lead a sacramental life in this busy lifestyle. Another aim was to bring in more people to this ministry. The retreat was for 2 days and included individual sharing with the elder, games and other activities. Bloom II was an awesome experience. There were games that refreshed us and sessions meant for working professionals were very very good and very practical lessons to be applied to our daily lives. Using it in my life now.Praise God for such a beautiful experience. - Cini Mathew


A gathering of Doctors and medical students happened during February 2011. The participants got a chance to understand the realities and the ample opportunities that Doctors have to reach out to the children of Lord. There was also a small group discussion where the participants mulled over the challenges they could take up for the Kingdom. During the meeting a monthly gathering of Doctors was proposed and is now happening every second Sunday of the month.

JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS Jesus Youth Jubilee conference was held from 28th Dec 2010 to 1st Jan 2011 at Cochin, Kerala. This mega event was attended by more than 20000 delegates which included 1075 Kids, 485 Pre-Teens, 1435 Teens, 12308 Youth, 3160 Married people, 757 Priests, 918 Religious Sisters and 113 Seminarians. Nearly 700 Jesus Youth from Bangalore attended the Jubilee Conference. In Bangalore, separate pre-jubilee gatherings were organised to prepare the participants for the Jubilee Conference.



The mission Journey “Chalo Gujarat” project was an initiative of National Teens Ministry, and was held from 8th to 19th May 2011. It was a beautiful mission with 19 participants from different states of India and about 10 team leaders. The training programme started with a 3 day retreat. After the retreat, participants got mission-oriented training. The Chalo participants visited different mission places and conducted different programmes in various places of Gujarat. Martin a 9th standard student from SFS parish, Hebbagodi, Bangalore was one of the Chalo participants. “My life has changed after Chalo. I started doing my personal prayer and praying the rosary. I pray that the Lord helps me to start a prayer meeting in our parish. When compared to what I was before, my life has definitely improved. I thank almighty God for giving me this opportunity.” Martin Stansilas

GOOD MORNING BANGALORE Good Morning Bangalore is a small initiative, started two years ago, in which an e-mail is sent every morning to more than 400+ Jesus Youth in Bangalore. The content of the mail includes Word of God, short reflections, testimonies, stories related to saints, Jesus Youth updates and updates from the Catholic Church. It’s like a miracle for me, preparing these mails. Usually in the morning I stare at computer screen, don’t know what to put down. But somehow Holy Spirit leads to something good and beautiful. Many people have responded that the reflections ware very inspiring and motivating. After reading the Good Morning Bangalore mails sent by others, I myself have many times felt that the message is apt for the situation that I was going through at that time. - John Joseph

COMPANIONSHIP The Companionship initiative started with nearly 60 people divided into 9 small groups based on their COMPANIONSHIP geographical locations. Each group had 5-6 youth and one elder. This group met every month, and spent time in prayers, personal sharing, doing group activities and reflecting upon the study material prepared by the Companionship team. This journey helped build a rapport among every member of the crew in each Companionship group and equipped them to go out into the deep. It also helped in transforming the homes of Jesus Youth families into formation houses for young adults. Companionship! Friends from different walks of life sailing through the stormy and windy life joyfully with the cool captain Lord Jesus who calms the storm. That’s the initial phase of our companionship which turned out beautifully to our cell group. A cell with the powerful nucleus Jesus who binds us together and leading us in His spirit. Our ship still goes with endless sharing, caring, fun, love and laughter” - Feena Paul

WEDNESDAY PRAYER GROUP OUTREACHES “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ (Mathew chapter 25:40). Inspired by this verse, the Wednesday prayer group by the grace of God and filled by the Holy Spirit, have been able to initiate some beautiful outreaches in the last two years. Be it orphanages or rehabilitation centers or institutes for the mentally challenged the Wednesday group with great support from other prayer groups has organized outreaches almost every second month. Special outreaches during Christmas, Children’s day etc have brought together people from all walks of life (professionals, teens, religious), in bringing a ray of hope to our brothers and sisters in need of our special care and love and not to mention financial support. My personal experience during such outreaches has been very humbling. Because we all think that we are much happier than them. But these people have what most of us people lack. That is how to share from the little they have. We share out of our abundance but they like the widow woman share out of the little they have with the people around them and what’s even better is they do it out of love. - Tulip Estibeiro


Mega pro-life night vigil was organized by Bangalore pro-life team at Renewal Retreat Centre on the World Pro-life Day on March 25th. Thousands of people came to the pro-life exhibition on these days. The focus of the vigil was promoting the dignity and sanctity of Human Life from the time of conception till its natural end. Mega pro-life exhibitions were also conducted in St. Anthony’s Friary Madiwala, St. Thomas Church Jalahalli, St.Thomas Church Dairy Circle, St. Patrick’s Church, Infant Jesus Church, Mount Carmel Church Carmelaram, St.Marys Basilica Shivajinagar and St.Francis Xavier Church Chikka Kammanahalli.

JY HABBA JY Habba (Habba - Kannada for festival), a Bangalore JY family reunion, was organised by the Service Team with the objective of bringing together people from different ministries. It was a prayerful reunion which was based on the theme ‘Every JY is a Missionary.’ It was held on the feast of Divine Mercy. This was also the day of the beatification of our beloved Pope John Paul II.






NATIONAL CAMPUS LEADERS TRAINING National Campus Leaders’ Training program was held from 30th May to 5th June at Betharram SCJ Seminary, Bangalore with 34 participants from various campuses of India. The National Campus Leadership training was a wonderful training that I attended this year. It was the answer for the question “Who will share Christ to my mate if I don’t share?” I was thinking and wondering what I would do in my campus. During training we were given different session by our elders with their experiences. It really helped each one of us to realize our roles and responsibility in campus. We understood that our responsibility is not only being a good student but also being a good Christian. Our main aim is to live Christ and to give Christ. It really was helpful to me to commit myself personally in evangelising the campus especially in my class by having good relationship with fellow mates and by being role model. Now I can say that I am a missionary in my campus because of NCLP. - Sandev Bhujel Sandev was one of the participants of this program. He is originally from Bhutan and is now pursuing his studies at Christ University, Bangalore.

MCC RETREAT A retreat for the degree students of Mount Carmel College, Bangalore was conducted by Jesus Youth on 1st and 2nd of July 2011. “After 5 years, Jesus Youth had got permission from the college management to conduct the annual retreat. I was very happy about how the Lord led us in preparing for the retreat. The main aim of doing a retreat in my college was that, I wanted to share the love of Christ, which I experienced and which I am still enjoying, to others. We began the prayers and preparation in the month of May. Everything related to retreat was decided and done through prayers. We had about 20 people as volunteers to help out during the retreat days. Those two days were blessed and were days of learning. Even though the volunteers were less in number and there were many difficulties, we could manage and could do a better job than we expected. During the retreat days, we had intercession in front of the Blessed Sacrament in the college chapel. The intercession team prayed for each and every participant of the program. After the retreat we got a lot of good feedback from the students, management and teachers. This was one visible blessing from the Lord. I believe that many students felt the presence of the Lord and have experienced the love of Jesus through the retreat. The Holy Spirit is on the move in my knowledge. Many lives will be touched and will be changed for His kingdom. “Know that many are called, but few are chosen” - Matthew 22:14 - Symprosa Joseph

“I am glad to know that Jesus Youth Bangalore is coming out with a newsletter. I appreciate and encourage all the JY men and women to continue their mission work. The Church needs you very much to spread the message of the Gospel in the world. I pray that you be true to the Name - Jesus Youth - that you carry.”

Fr. Joy George Inchody MI


PARISH OUTREACHES Jesus Youth organized youth training programs at various parishes of the archdiocese. Mount Carmel Church Carmelaram, St. Francis Xavier Church Chikka Kammanahalli, Holy Family Parish Hongasandra, Christu Prabalaya Parish - Jayanagar.

JY INTERNATIONAL EXPOSURE Jesus Youth International Exposure Program ’2011 was conducted by the Jesus Youth International Team from 10th to 19th June 2011 at St. Norbert Bhavan, Bangalore. 25 Jesus Youth from 5 different countries participated in this program. It was meant for upcoming young leaders to get a deeper exposure to the Jesus Youth lifestyle and spirituality. A team of key leaders from the movement accompanied the group throughout their training. “Before JYIEP, I was a struggling Christian. I would do everything that I thought was right. I would apply all that I have learned in previous programs or retreats in my life and still find something missing. My favorite example is - St. Francis said, “Evangelize, and sometimes use words.” I understood what he meant by it, but used it all the time. Ultimately, I was drawing myself farther from the Light. I was beginning to judge people. I was struggling in my JY life. JYIEP opened doors for me. JYIEP taught me to do everything with God’s consent. JYIEP has made me stronger for God. Now when I walk on the streets, I see people who need Jesus, not people who need me to tell them what is right or wrong. I see everything of this world, from this world and things that are not of the world, and I praise God. I believed before, but now I truly believe, without those one-second doubts creeping in, that I can do everything with Jesus. I am doing all things with Him! I would be exaggerating if i said everything in my life is perfect now, all thanks to JYIEP. Infact, JYIEP has brought more troubles on my head! Am I doing this right, the way God’s directing me to do? Am I going away from the Light again? Are the feelings i’m having now bad?? etc etc!! I know that these troubles are only signs that God’s working. I get anxious when I don’t have at least one thing a day to worry about. Truth is that God is helping me through it all and that’s the only reason for my smiling, not because I am perfect after JYIEP. I know I am not perfect, but I also know and believe that I’m God’s perfection! And the latter is my reason for everything i do in my life.” - Lih Pao Veronica Chang

Whitefield professionals prayer group and TC Palya prayer group organised a Jericho prayer around Vijaynagar in the month of June. They were accompanied by the parishioners of Our Lady of Good Health Church, Vijaynagar. The prayer ended with an Adoration and Holy Mass at the chapel, under the guidance of Fr. D’Silva. “It was a beautiful experience to visit the houses in Vijayanagar. It rekindled the missionary zeal in us. We were warmly welcomed to their houses and many of them openly shared their dreams, difficulties and prayer needs with us. We prayed together and took pride in being united as one family in Christ.” - Asha Karikunnel

PROLIFE MARATHON ‘ProLife Marathon 2010’ was a campaign against the social evils of Female Infanticide and Abortion. It was organized by the Santhom Youth Association with the support of many other ProLife movements including JesusYouth. It was a mind-blowing experience to see more than 4000 youth come together to ‘Run for a Cause’. The major responsibilities handled by JY during the marathon included organizing a major ProLife exhibition at the Dharmaram ground and an audio-visual presentation on the main open stage after the marathon. JY ProLife ministry also arranged a moving van which displayed different posters and pictures along with messages on ProLife. This vehicle moved through the city along with the marathon participants and gave a high visibility and exposure to the message of Life amongst the local crowd.


JY REUNION DAY Jesus Youth Bangalore celebrated Jubilee Reunion Day on 25th July 2010. The day was a joyous occasion when members who were part of Jesus Youth Bangalore from the beginning came together. Nearly 500 members from various campuses and professional circles were present. The purpose of the Reunion were to enumerate the blessings received through the movement and to gear up to receive the Jubilee graces in a profound way. The Reunion Day also witnessed the second edition of Jesus Youth Premier League - a cricket tournament where Jesus Youth from all ministries come together for a game of exciting cricket.

THE CALL JY Nurses Ministry Bangalore organized a 2 day Nurses Meet –“THE CALL” for nursing students and staffs at the DVK Auditorium on 12th and 13th June, 2010. 470 nurses from about 20 colleges participated in this meet. This program helped the movement to reach out to many colleges and sow the seed of Gospel among the nurses there.


In many ways this initiative is a struggle and dream of many years taking form. It is just a beginning, and there are many many miles to go. It sometimes seems daunting, but I have the faith that He will bring to completion this good work he has begun in us. We are only the instruments, lets pray that He uses us according to His Plan, for His Kingdom. - Candice Lobo


Praise God for all He has done. The North East prayer group is the best group I have ever had. I don’t know where I would be if I’m not with them. I can’t express how much I have learnt from this group. They in many ways inspire me to remain faithful in my mission as a Christian. They are there when I needed them the most be it Spiritual need or in anything. I find joy being with them. To see many young people come to God is really heart warming. These Youths from North East may be far away from home and parents but they are with the Lord, they have found the Joy of being under God’s care. I want to wish them God’s abundant blessing. - Roy Ronam


Third Sunday gathering is an initiative by Nurses Ministry for nursing students and staff nurses. This one day gathering that happens on the third Sunday of every month helps people to come more closer to the Lord through the movement. Many outreaches to new colleges have been initiated and many active leaders were identified through this gathering.

A one day gathering for the youth from the North-Eastern states was organised at St. Joseph’s Arts and Science College on 22nd August 2010. There were about 175 participants along with more than 20 volunteers. The gathering was the result of the prayers and hard work put in by many youth, especially those belonging to the prayer group of the College. The main theme of the programme was experiencing God’s love in our daily life and in this world.


“Every Action of our Lives Touches on some chord that will vibrate in Eternity” - Edwin HubbelChapin. Dear JYs, May all your activities touch the lives of many a youth, and may you become bearers of light, to light up the darkness of many young hearts. God Bless you all ! Sr. Fidelis Nedumpara

Did you know ?



A Music Ministry is a necessity for any group big or small and our dream for a music ministry in Bangalore is finally coming true. The first gathering happened on June 4th and 5th and from there on gathered regularly every other week for prayer, sharing and learning new songs. The core team keeps in touch everyday for a common time of intercession.

More than 100+ Jesus Youths from India are going to WYD this time around.



Rooted in Jesus


Rooted in Jesus. Driven by His Love



Focus Areas for Jesus Youth Bangalore for 2011 - 12

To be Rooted in Jesus – Every Jesus Youth is first and foremost called to be rooted in Jesus, only then can we be faithful in sharing Jesus with the rest of the world. Practice of the first 3 Jesus Youth pillars namely Daily Personal Prayer, Sacraments and the Word of God is very essential and irreplaceable. The primary focus of every Jesus Youth should thus be to practice and promote this underlying Jesus Youth lifestyle.

Cell groups, Jesus Youth eldering & pastoring by a Catholic priest are important elements in the movement which help us get closer to our Lord. These put together help us to be firmly rooted in Christ and thus become stronger in Him and for Him.

To be rooted in Jesus also means to be rooted in His Church - The One True Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. Close interactions and support to the Archdiocese and its pastoral plans should always be a key focus area for every Jesus Youth. Every Jesus Youth must be aware of the teachings of the Church and are encouraged to study the catechism , encyclicals and writings of the Church fathers.

Formation initiatives are an important focus area for the movement. It is given that these initiatives help a Jesus Youth at any level of the movement, be it prayer groups or core teams or first/second line leadership, to grow in their faith. It is imperative therefore to set aside time for such initiatives.

Driven by His Love. •

If one is firmly rooted in Christ the obvious after-effect will be LOVE. Love for God and love for one’s fellow brethren and this very Love should guide one to reach out to people of different cultures. With this Love, many people can be attracted to the Jesus Youth movement and its unique lifestyle and thus this is an important mission for every Jesus Youth.

Reaching out to newer areas of Bangalore and the different districts of Karnataka to assist the diocese and the formation of well trained local leadership who can coordinate/manage various Church activities in that region is also a focus area. The Church of-course needs us and we need the Church but more importantly these initiatives help a Jesus Youth to get a taste of the front-line and trenches of the Mission and are a very useful resource in moulding a future missionary.

A strong teens and campus ministry is the need of the hour and a matter close to the heart of the Catholic Church. Bangalore with its many educational institutions provides for a unique opportunity to catch hold of the saints of tomorrow.

A good Catholic Family firm in its faith was the starting point for many saints of yore. So, creating an environment for families to experience the Jesus Youth lifestyle is a critical need and we shall be focusing on bringing together the existing family groups and reaching out to new ones in the coming years.

Reading Menu

* * * * * *

* YOUCAT * Jesus of Nazareth - Part 2 by Pope Benedict XVI Rome Sweet Home by Scott & Kimberly Hahn Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila Three to Get Married by Fulton J. Sheen Hind’s feet on high places – Hannah Hurnard Pauline Jaricot: Foundress of the Living Rosary and the Society for the Propagation of the Faith - Mary Fabyan Windeatt The Usual Suspects - Karl Keating

A Designery view of the BANGALORE JY THEME! Rooted in Jesus. Driven by His Love

Movements of the Movement!

The Body Language Designed by God. Explained by Blessed John Paul II

Relic of St. John Bosco in Bangalore

JY National Intercession Day

National Campus Conference

August 15 Across various Intercession centers.

Oct 25 Tuesday 6pm - Oct 28 Friday 7pm DVK Auditorium Dharmaram College Bangalore

JY Habba

Outreach Child Support Month November

St.Norbert Bhavan, Near Hennur Cross, Bangalore Aug 19 Friday 7pm - Aug 22 Monday 4pm Call : 9731011663 Email : bangalore@jesusyouth.org

A prayerful gathering of all JYs October & December

August 27 @ St. Francis Cathedral Fraser Town Bangalore

The Glory Awaits... Youth Night Vigil 9th Anniversary Celebrations August 6 , 9pm - 5am Renewal Retreat Centre, Behind Dharmaram College Bangalore


Campus Gathering 10th Anniversary September 2011 Christ University Bangalore

Upcoming Projects...


Resource Pool Companionship Formation Series Sing a New Song - Music Ministry

I pray and thank Lord for the beautiful region of Karnataka. I appreciate all the Jesus Youth in Karnataka especially Jesus Youth of the silicon city - Bangalore for all their efforts to get rooted in Jesus Christ through the sacrament of Holy Eucharist , prayer and word of God.I am very sure that you all will pour out yourselves completely to share this joy to the whole world. In short “Sweekarisi Matthu Hanchiri�. God Bless You and have a great year ahead. Sunny Gudino - Jesus Youth Coordinator, Karnataka


The New Karnataka Jesus Youth Team


The Karnataka Jesus Youth Team was reconstituted during the recent Karnataka Servant Leaders gathering at Bangalore on July 2nd and 3rd. The new team was anointed by Fr.Jais MSFS and Fr.Joban MCBS. The new team members are Sunny Gudino Karwar (Coordinator), Tijo Tomy Bangalore (Asst. Coordinator), Albert Lobo Coorg, Antony Balraj Mandya, Hebin HK Mangalore, Melba Drago Dharwad, Preena Jose Hassan, Anto Jacob Bangalore, Thomson Mathew Bangalore, Jessy MJ Manipal, Niju Varghese Mangalore, Adv. Joby KR Mysore (Family Representative), Dr. Remya Joby Mysore (Family Representative), Shoy Thomas(Ex-Officio),Fr.Joban MCBS (Pastor) and Sanjai Joseph Bangalore(Elder)







Crispin D’almeida

The day of Pentecost, June 12, was celebrated as JY Missionary Commitment day. The day was spent in prayers. Short mission outreaches were also conducted to nearby houses, hospitals & malls on the same day. Crispin D’almeida a working professional and an active Jesus Youth was part of the group that went to Forum shopping mall to meet people and speak about the Outreach Child Support initiative. Below he writes about his experience. The experience was a unique one for me. I was doing it for the first time in Bangalore, which is now a well known place where I know many people. Previously it was in the streets of Cochin, where almost no one would know me, so it was less stressful. This time it was a great time to meet and talk to different people. We approached some who declined politely, others were sort of in a hurry but were willing to listen to what we had to say. This made me wonder how I would have reacted - I am generally impatient and tend to get irritated if someone ‘steals’ my time or ‘disrupts’ my so called tight schedule. Most people were relieved when they knew they did not have to commit at that moment, but can think it over and then take a decision to support. I finally did bump into some of my friends and was pretty relaxed while talking to them about this initiative, something that does not come to me easily. All in all, more than achieving a target number of contacts, it was in many ways a humbling experience for me to know that in this busy busy world, people do have the time to lend a listening ear to other people/strangers rather than just brush them aside. I also felt that people are in fact willing to reach out or at least think about reaching out to lesser fortunate children. In their heart charity does exist, compassion does exist. Eldhose Uthuppu Christian life, a call to live the life of the Trinity in communion with one’s brothers and sisters in Christ through mutual support, encouragement and gentle correction, is an important element in the movement. Cells, small groups, prayer groups, service teams and friendship circles help to make Jesus Youth a family. Eldhose a Nurse by profession shares his cell group experiences. My CELL is my FREEDOM. Being part of a cell group, I really feel that my cell is my freedom. We know each other in great depth. Through our sharing and strong bonding we are able to guide each other in making decisions, thus strengthening each other physically n spiritually. When I share something with my cellmates, I am able to share everything in the same way I feel and I know that they can understand what I feel as it is than anyone else. Whenever I have to take a decision, I always discuss and pray along with my cell mates. I am very sure that they can guide me in making the perfect decision. There were times when my cellmates made me think that they know me far better than I know myself. Their encouragement is a great strength for me. When they discourage me in something, I am still happy since I know that it will be for my good. My cellmates help me to discover myself, to identify the good and bad in me, my ups n downs, my talents, the things I should do and the things I shouldn’t. Whenever I face a problem, the very first thing I always wanted to do is to share it with my cellmates. The sharing itself will reduce my worries and I am very sure that i will be supported with their strong prayers. Whenever I am worried or tensed, the ones who identifies it is first are my cellmates. Our prayer support for each other and the time we spend together in prayer plays a vital role in strengthening and deepening our relationship with our LORD, JESUS CHRIST. Through my cellmates, I always experience the love, compassion, sweetness of being together n the joy of Christian life. All glory be to the LORD, my HEAVENLY FATHER.

Words are not enough to thank our Lord for the gift of each one of you to the Jesus Youth Movement and to the Church. Each day He surprises us through His love which gets manifested through our family, friends & colleagues . Let us continue this journey that we have started with Him with little more seriousness. Let us support each other in our walk with the Lord as we are “One in heart, One in mind and One in Jesus” Jose Sebastian, Jesus Youth National Team member

Piyush Philip A group that gathers together every week for prayer, teaching and fellowship creates a favourable environment for personal growth and ministry building in Jesus Youth. A Prayer Meeting could comprise of an informal but lively time of praise and worship, a Spirit-filled Bible teaching/sharing and a time of intercession and interaction. Piyush Philip a Software Engineer shares his prayer meeting experiences. Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. Eccl 4:9-10 What One of the events that I look forward to every Sunday is our prayer group.Its an honor and a blessing to have the opportunity to thank and praise the Lord with like minded brothers and sisters.Its a great place to share our victories,our defeats,our joys,our doubts,our sadness.In short a place to open up and be comfortable in once own skin. The sharing of our testimonies in the prayer group has helped me to get a better perspective of my own life, to realize that my joys are not mine alone and the sadness of others is not theirs alone. We all have to share these together as one body of Christ. Many a times when I have gazed into the humble saintliness of my friends in the prayer group, I have had to give a serious look at my own life and indulge in a lot of course-correction. There is a word in Greek called ‘Koinonia’ which makes frequent appearance in the New-Testament. The word ‘Koinonia’ embraces the concepts conveyed in the English terms; community, communion, sharing, affinity, likeness, sameness, kinship and intimacy. All I can say is that the prayer group gives me ‘Koinonia’ and much more.

Did you know ? Khandu Zam Bal from Bhutan is the current full-timer for Bangalore.


Abba father I thank you for choosing me as a Jesus Youth in-spite of my frailties and today humbly ask for Your grace to lead a prayerful and sacramental life. Make me a diligent seeker of Your Word so that I may be in close fellowship with You, and in turn with my neighbours. Help me to practice Charity with a pure heart and through this, may my life become a living gospel. Keep me tuned to the Holy Spirit’s inspiration so I may be a true missionary at the service of Your church, the movement and humanity. I ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. AMEN. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray that I be rooted in your Son Jesus and driven by His love. All the Angels & Saints, pray for me! My Guardian Angel, protect me!

Send in your prayer requests to jybangaloreint@gmail.com

• • • • •

Friday Night Intercession: 10:30pm - 5:30am Every Friday at Premalaya, SG Palaya Nurses Ministry Intercession: 9:00am - 4:00pm First Friday at Premalaya, SG Palaya Prolife Ministry Intercession: 3:00pm - 6:00pm Every Saturday at Premalaya, SG Palaya Prolife Ministry Intercession: 6.00pm - 9.00 pm Every Wednesday at Yuva Vikas, Behind Christ School Professional Ministry Monthly Intercession Day/Night at different parts of the City

COME... JOIN US. . .

many times the words that the Virgin Mary heard from the Archangel, and from her kinswoman Elizabeth. The whole Church joins in these words.In fact, against the background of the words “Ave Maria” there pass before the eyes of the soul the main episodes in the life of Jesus Christ. At the same time our heart can enclose in these decades of the rosary all the facts that make up the life of the individual, the family, the nation, the Church and mankind. Personal matters and those of one’s neighbor, and particularly of those who are closest to us, who are dearest to us. Thus in the simple prayer of the rosary beats the rhythm of human life. POPE JOHN PAUL II

Did you know ?

Let us intercede with our mother.

Fr.Thomas Kallukulam CMI is the new parish priest of St.Thomas Forane Church - Madivala deanery. He was the pastor of Bangalore Jesus Youth in the early 1990s


The rosary is my favorite prayer. A marvelous prayer! Marvelous in its simplicity and in its depth. In this prayer we repeat


The Jesus Youth movement is active in over 25 countries around the world today. And it is our joy to celebrate these 25+ years of learning, growing, and expanding together as a movement. ‘Outreach- Child Support’, a key initiative started in the Jubilee year aims at supporting child education in different parts of South Asia. The intended beneficiaries of this project are students up to Class 12, initially 2500 of them, who will be supported with a financial aid of at least Rupees Five Hundred per month. The idea is to accompany these children in their journey of education with a wider intention of a holistic development of their identity. To get involved, please visit www. outreachchildsupport.com or contact Mejo Jose (9686231985)


Nurses Prayer Meeting





Prayer Meeting

Prayer Meeting

1pm - 2pm

3pm - 4pm


Sarojini college of nursing

Sarvodaya school of Nursing



Betharram Seminary,

Edwin- 9986869771

Eldhose -9620840522

T.C Palaya

Nurses Area

Nurses Area


Prayer Meeting

Prayer Meeting

Prayer Meeting




Eldhose -9620840522 Nurses Area Prayer Meeting Sunday 9.30am - 10.30am

10:00am - 11:30am

5.30pm - 7pm St. Claret Church

St.Theresa’s Noventiate



Edwin - 9986869771

Jorgey - 9986480408

Nurses Prayer Meeting

Campus Gathering

Saturday 5.30pm - 7pm

St.Johns college of nursing

Varadan church



Contact - 9902759920

Christ University Sujith - 8147009332

Saiju - 9886950966 Nurses Prayer Meeting

Nurses Prayer



1.15pm - 2pm

St. Charles Prayer Meeting


T. John college of nursing

4.30pm - 6.30pm


Manjunatha college

Eldhose -9620840522

of nursing

Saturday 3.30pm-5pm St. Charles School

Prayer Meeting (Malayalam) Tuesday 6:30 - 7:15pm CST Chapel Jebin - 9742921777


Eldhose -9620840522

Prayer Meeting (Malayalam)

Thursday 6.45pm – 8.15pm


St. Antony’s Church,

Schoenstatt seminary



Ajay - 8904003971

Eldhose -9620840522



4.00pm - 5:30pm Casa Brigita, Bridgettine Convent, Raj - 9986998861

Prayer Meeting

Friday 10pm - 6am Yuvavikas/Premalaya SG Palaya Ajay - 8904003971

Prolife Intercession

Christ Junior College

2:45pm - 4:45pm


6.30pm – 8.15pm

Prayer Meeting




4pm - 5pm Velakkanni Church

Nurses intercession


Rajesh - 9901455958

Yelahanka new town


4.00pm - 6.00pm


Nurses Prayer Meeting





12.00pm – 1.00pm

and Holy Mass Saturday 3pm to 7pm

Christ Junior College


Jubeesh - 9886835190

(Behind Christ School)

Bibin - 9986033524

St. Josephs Prayer Meeting Saturday 1pm - 2pm St.Josephs Arts & Science

Victor - 9620390661

Roy Ronam - 7795488016

Doctors Prayer

Saturday Night Vigil




9.30pm - 5am



Christ University Chapel


Behind Dharmaram College

Ajay - 8904003971

Dr.Aaron - 8884055938

Dino - 9886042540

JESUSYOUTH Jesus Youth is an international Catholic youth movement that has its beginnings in India and currently has an active presence in over twenty five countries around the world. The strength of the movement is its special focus on a life centered on the Lord Jesus Christ: beginning with an experience of God nourished by prayer, the Word of God, the sacraments and fellowship, and sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with others, especially the poor. Jesus Youth is approved by the Catholic Bishops Conference of India. To know more about the movement, log on to www.jesusyouth.org

Stay Connected with us! BANGALORE JESUSYOUTH Contact # 9482870030 | Blog : www.jybangalore.blogspot.com | Email : bangalore@jesusyouth.org www.facebook.com/jybangalore or Add us in Google+ (JY Bangalore). Editor-in-charge: John Joseph | Editorial Team: Blessy Paul C, Br.Jeff Shawn Jose CMI, Thomson Mathew, Piyush Philip, Mathew Joseph | Design: Jino Jose For private circulation only.

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