B'Yachad Winter 2014: Building Tomorrow, Today

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By: Leah Francis I can’t begin to put into words how much my summer with Alexander Muss High School in Israel (AMHSI) meant to me. Inspiring and eye-opening, it’s an experience that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. I had always heard how great the program was and I wondered how it could possibly live up to my expectations. I am happy to say that my worries were misplaced. From the very first moment when I stepped off the plane onto Israeli soil, I felt that I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I fell in love with the country, the people, the food. I met relatives that I didn’t know existed and will now be a part of my life. I don’t think I have ever been so tired and exhilarated at the same time. We did more in a single day at AMHSI than my family would probably have done in an entire week if I had traveled to Israel with them! In the United States, it can be challenging to feel connected to the Jewish community when you attend public school. We have so much homework and other commitments that it is very easy for Jewish life to be pushed to the back burner. However, now that I am in constant communication with my AMHSI friends (we have even already had a few reunions), I don’t feel so isolated. In fact, I feel that being Jewish is now so much more a part of my everyday identity. I used to hear people get into arguments about Israel and I wouldn’t know how to respond. I would never engage in the conversation because I had nothing meaningful to add. Now, I can hold my own in those kinds of discussions. I have an understanding of the country and the politics that is deeper than most of the adults around me. I am confident that, in the face of any anti-Semitism that I might confront when I go to college, I now have the knowledge and confidence to counter the misinformation that is being disseminated. In addition to reigniting my passion for Israel, AMHSI has brought me closer to Judaism. After attending AMHSI, celebrating the high holidays was more meaningful to me than ever. Growing up, I always went to synagogue, but I felt like I was just going through the motions. There was something missing in my connection to the holidays. This year, after my summer at AMHSI, my experience was much richer. I felt connected to the prayers and the congregation in a way that I never have felt

Leah Francis (second from left) with her AMHSI classmates in Israel. before. At the end of the service when the rabbi blew the shofar for the final time and I read the words “Next Year in Jerusalem,” I actually started to cry. Thanks to Alexander Muss High School in Israel, I hold Israel close to my heart and I cannot wait for the opportunity to return. v This is a JNF Zionist Education & Advocacy program. For more information about the Alexander Muss High School in Israel program, visit amhsi.org or call 800.327.5980.

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