The Realty Press Upper Valley Lake Sunapee

Page 19

468 US Route 4, Unit 7 (QÀHOG 1+ Ph: 603 632-5757 Fax: 603 632-5727 e


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(QÀHOG  Beautiful  masonry  work  on  this  multi-­level  home.  Plenty  of  space  with  3  EHGURRPV DQG EDWKV (QMR\ WKH IDPLO\ room  with  a  stone  hearth  and  a  large  stone  ¿UHSODFH LQ WKH OLYLQJ URRP 3ULYDWH UHDU deck,paved  driveway,  attached  garage  and  more.  Nice  setting  in  an  excellent  location!  $268,500.

(QÀHOG  Beautiful  grounds  surround  this  LHEDQRQ 9HU\ close  to  the  new  school,  VSDFLRXV KRPH RQ DFUHV (QMR\ WKH 'DUWPRXWK &ROOHJH VKRSSLQJ '+0& many  upgrades  &  renovations  to  include  a  (QHUJ\ HI¿FLHQW ORWV RI XSGDWHV $199,900. JUHDW URRP Z D ¿UHSODFH D QHZ 0DSOH DQG *UDQLWH NLWFKHQ D ¿QLVKHG ORZHU OHYHO GHFN off  the  kitchen  area,  heated  garage,  New  4  bedroom  septic  system  &  much  more!  9HU\ ZHOO FDUHG IRU 6LWXDWHG LQ 0W 9LHZ QHLJKERUKRRG &RPH IRU D YLVLW 307,000. e


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(QÀHOG  Beautiful  long  range  views  and  Privacy!  This  post&  beam  home  has  all  the  country  charm  you  can  imagine.  Having  3  EHGURRPV DQG EDWKV SOXV D ¿QLVKHG walk  out  basement  with  a  family  room  there  is  room  for  everyone.  The  kitchen  has  cherry  cabinets  is  open  to  the  dining  room  with  exposed  beams  throughout  the  ¿UVW ÀRRU (QMR\ WKH ZUDS DURXQG SRUFK seasons  of  the  year.  $293,000.

+DQRYHU  Investors  take  notice.  Tenants  LQ SODFH 2QO\ PLQXWHV WR '+0& Dartmouth,  this  2  bedroom  Hanover  home  is  adorable.  With  new  wiring,  the  kitchen  WRWDOO\ UHPRGHOHG ZDWHU ¿OWUDWLRQ V\VWHP UHFHVV OLJKWLQJ QHZ FDUSHW FRUN ÀRRULQJ updated  plumbing  &  more.  Babbling  brook  at  rear  of  property.  Nice  lot!  $189,900.

&DQDDQ  027,9$7(' VHOOHUV 9LOODJH KRPH ZLWK SULYDF\ (DV\ ZDON WR VFKRRO SDUN DQG stores.  Beautiful  setting,  this  home  comes  with  lots  of  charm  of  an  older  home.  Large  country  kitchen,  formal  dining,  living  room  ZLWK D ZRRG VWRYH RQ D KHDUWK DQG D ¿UVW ÀRRU EHGURRP 7KH DWWDFKHG EDUQ LV JUHDW IRU storage.  Gorgeous  plantings  with  a  lilac  bush  hedge.  Drastically  reduced!!   $134,900.

(QÀHOG  Spacious  3  bdrm  home  plus  an  income-­producing  2  bdrm  apt.  Main  house  IHDWXUHV LQFOXGH KDUGZRRG ÀRRUV LQ WKH dining  room,  a  den  with  a  woodstove,  rear  SRUFK GHFN ([FHOOHQW VSDFH DQG RQ 5RXWH 4  for  easy  commute  or  bus  transportation.  Older  garage  in  rear.  $174,900.

&DQDDQ  Opportunities  with  this  ranch  style  KRPH ZLWK ¿QLVKHG EDVHPHQW IRU DGGLWLRQDO business  or  apartment.  Owners  have  updated  roof,  furnaces,  septic  and  more.  Plenty  of  space  for  an  extended  family  or  business.  Additional  guest  house  too.  Owners  are  PRWLYDWHG WR VHOO WKLV KRPH /RFDWHG MXVW RII 5RXWH LQ &DQDDQ $139,900.

&DQDDQ  New  3  bedrooms,  2  baths  double  ZLGH KRPH LQ &RXQWU\ 9LOODJH 3DUN 6HW XS in  the  new  section  of  the  park  on  a  poured  concrete  slab.  Spacious  home  that  has  QHYHU EHHQ OLYHG LQ (DV\ FRPPXWH WR Lebanon  or  Plymouth.  $65,900.


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