Prince Albert II of Monaco was awarded a judgment in French court against the blogger Robert Eringer

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Stamp: Extract from the records of the Clerk of the District Court of PARIS

THE FRENCH REPUBLIC in the name of the French People

District Court of Paris 17th Criminal Division- Press Division

Case no: 1105908362 Judgement of: October 18, 2011, 1:30 p.m.

NATURE OF THE OFFENSES: SLANDER AGAINST A PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL BY SPOKEN OR WRITTEN WORDS, IMAGES OR ELECTRONIC MEANS OF COMMUNICATION TO THE PUBLIC CASE BROUGHT BEFORE THE COURT BY MEANS of a summons issued at the request of Albert GRIMALDI, served to a foreign public prosecutor's office on March 7, 2011. PERSON PROSECUTED: Last name: First name: Date of birth: Place of birth: Nationality: Domicile: Criminal record: Incarceration: Appearance:

ERINGER Robert October 5, 1954 LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, USA American 533 Hodges Lane, SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA 93108 (USA) none No not appearing


GRIMALDI, Albert CIO SCP d'ANTIN BROSSELLET 17 rue Alphonse de Neuville 75017 PARIS


Not appearing, represented by Romain VANNI, Esquire, replacing Luc BROSSOLLET, Esquire, attorney and member of the Paris Bar Association


Judgement n° 3


ln a process served by bailiff on March 7, 2011, Albert GRIMALDI summoned Robert ERINGER before this court to the hearing on October 18, 2011, to answer for the offense of public slander against a private individual, governed by and punishable under Articles 29 para.1 and 32 para.1, of the law of July 29, 1881, following the placing on line of the comments reproduced below on the blog accessible at a-

+ December 8, 2010 (pages 22 and 23 of the report of December 14, 2010).

« MONACO : CORRUPTION AT THE VERY TOP Prince Albert Il of Monaco is a member of the International Olympie Committee {lOC}. As such, Albert votes on where the 0/ympics sha/1 be played. This is a highly-competitive business. Sochi, in Russia, won Winter 0/ympics 2014 saon after Russia builders begon /aboring on a dacha (guest house) on The grounds of Roc Agel, Albert's private estate in France. The dacha was a gross/y expensive persona/ gift to Albert from the Russian government. Question : Did Albert cast his vote for Sochi ? The /OC Ethics Commission may wish to inquire. ». b-

+ December 8, 2010

(pages 21 and 22 of the report of December 14, 2010).

« SOLO TO PUTIN :ALBERT OF MONACO'S DL YMPIC VOTE ft becomes clear, after little research, thot Prince Albert Il of Monaco voted for Sochi, a city in Russia, to host the Winter 0/ympics ln 2014. Fol/owing the vote, Albert was quoted as saying thot Sochi « appealed » to members. « There was originality in the bid », Albert proclaimed. ».



December 8, 2010 (pages 20 and 21 of the report of December 14, 2010).


Ru/es Concerning Conflicts of ln te rest Affecting the Behavior Of Olympie Parties Article 3 A conflict of in te rest arises when persona and/or material involvement with suppliers of the Olympie party concerned.

Judgement no 3

Prince Albert breached the IOC's Code Of Ethics when he agreed ta receive the persona/ gift of a house from Russia, built from scratch by Russian laborers on his private property, at a time when the Russ ion city of Sochi was in competition ta host the Win ter 2010 0/ympics. Article 7 ln the event thot a persan neglects ta declare a situation of a potential conflict of interests, the /OC may refer the case ta the Ethics Commission ... leading ta sanctions. Clearly, Prince Albert should be investigated and punished for violating the IOC's Code of Ethics. ». d-


December 9, 2010 {pages 16 and 17 of the report of December 14, 2010}.

MONACO'S PRINCE ALBERT: /OC BREACH, IN SUM Prince Albert Il of Monaco is a member of the International Olympie Committee (/OC}. As such, Albert votes on where the 0/ympics sha/1 be played. This is a highly-competitive business. ln eor/y July 2007, the /OC met ta vote on which city should host the 2014 Winter 0/ympics. Albert voted for Sochi, in Russia. Severa/ months earlier, Russian laborers begon building a three-bedroom dacha (traditional Russian house) on the grounds of Roc Agel, Prince Albert's private estate in the mountains behind Monaco. (See image). The dacha was a persona/ gift from the Russian state. lt is a violation of the IOC's Code of Ethics for an /OC Member ta receive a gift from a country engaged in bidding ta host the Olympie Gomes. Albert never declared his gift ta IOC's leadership. He kept it secret. Clearly Russia's Vladimir PUTIN sweetened Albert's disposition toward Sochi with an expensive persona/ gift. Others would cal/ it a bribe.

The /OC should lnvestigate this blatant act of crookedness. Alos, thot is what its Ethics Commission was created ta do--and claims a «zero tolerance » for corruption. AN OFFICIAL COMPLAINT SHALL BE FI LED IMMINENTL Y.

Judgement n° 3 e-


December 10, 2010 {page 15 of the report of December 14, 2010}.


The lote Primo NE8/0LO, wh ile a member of the International Olympie Committee, took a $20 million bribe from the organizers of the Seou/ Gomes. With this dirty money, NE8/0LO created a « charity» in Monaco to fund lavish parties. President of the so-cal/ed « charity » ? Prince Albert of Monaco Olympie Hall of Shame ». f-


December 12, 2010 {pages 2 to 9 of the report of December 14, 2010}.

85 - The Olympie parties sha/1 use due core and diligence in Fu/fi/ling their mission. They must not act in a manner like/y to tarnish the reputation of the Olympie movement. 86 - The Olympie parties, their agents or their representatives must not be invo/ved with firms or persans whose activity or reputation is inconsistent with the princip/es set out in the Olympie Charter and the present Code.

/OC Conflicts

of lnterest

Article 2 -A situation of a potential conflict of interests arises when the opinion or decision of a persan, acting a/one or within an organization, in the framework of the activities of the physical or legal persans definied in Article 1 above, may be reasonab/y considered as fiable to be inf/uenced by relations thot the aforementioned persan has, has had or is on the point of having with another persan or organization thot wou/d be affeted by the person's opinion or decision.

Article 3- Persona/ and/or material invo/vement with an organization fiable to benefitfrom the assistance of the Olympie party concerned (including subsidy, approval clause or election).

Article 4 - ft is the persona/ responsability of each persan to avoid any case of conflict of interests. Faced with a situation of a potential conflict of interests, the persan concerned must refrain from expressing an opinion, from making or participating in making a decision or acceting any form of benefit whatsoever.


8etween 2002 and 2008, Robert Eringer served as Prince Albert's intelligence advisor and estab/ished and directed the Monaco Intelligence Service with the specifie charge to root out corruption in the Principality. ln this capacity and through his investigations, Mr.Eringer became aware of and tried to combat a growing invasion of Russian organized crime and corupt officiais pouring into Monaco and influencing its politics. Through his intelligence operatives, Mr. Eringer learned thot Russian intelligence services services had profiled Prince Albert and devised a plan to place or compromise key people. Within Prince Albert's friends and advisors with the aim of influencing and directing his

Judgement n° 3 decision making.indeed, severa/ of Prince Albert's aides and advisors have developed Russian business interests.See Exhibit A. Particu/arity,Mr.Eringer warned Prince Albert about Sergei Pugachev, a Russian senator and banker, sometimes referred to as the « cashier to the Kremlin » and a close friend of Vladimir Putin. Mr. Pugachev was trying to cultivate persona/ and business ties with Prince Albert in addition to purchasing Monegasque nationality. Intelligence sources and Monaco police had determined Mr. Pugachev was linked to Russian organized crime and Mr. Eringer warned Prince Albert of this fact. See Exhivits A and B. Saon after warning Prince Albert about Russian designs on him, in April 2006, Prince Albert engaged in an expedition to the North Pole and accepted Russia's offer to organize and provide logistical support for the trip. At the end of the expedition, Vladimir Putin hosted Prince Albert for a state dinner at the Kremlin.Prior to the trip, Mr. Eringer drafted a memo to warm Prince Albert thot Russian intelligence would keep him under surveillance and thot if he engaged in intimate socializations with men or women, it would likely be video-recorded and used to influence him. The potential of Russian intelligence obtaining a video of Prince Albert's intimate relations concerned Mr. Eringer because he had obtained reports from other foreign intelligence agencies who had surveillance of Prince Albert having inimate socializations with men and women. See Exhibits A, C and O. Following the expedition, Prince Albert accepted a magnificient gift from Russia, a three-bedromm « dacha »(a Russian term for a second home) to be built on Prince Albert's private farm know as Roc

Age//ocated in the Mountains behind Monaco. Russian paid for the construction and supplied Russian /aborers. Construction commenced in eor/y 2007 and was completed in 2008. See Exhibits A and E. ln july 2007, the /OC he/d its meetings in Guatemala City, Guatemala where Sochi, Russia was selected to host the 2014 Winter Olympie Gomes. Following the /OC meeting, in August 2007, Mr.Putin invited Prince Albert to Russia for a fishing trip. The trip was widely covered in the media and described as a « thank you » for Prince Albert's support of the Sochi, Russia Olympie bid. See Exhibits A, F, G and H. Having accepted lavish gifts and trips from Mr. Putin and Russia before and after voting in favor of the Sochi Olympie hosting bid, Prince Albert has continued to close/y associate with Mr. Putin's close friend, Kremlin banker and organized crime suspect Sergei Pugachev. As recent/y as 30 July 2010, Prince Albert invited Mr. Pugachev as his guest of honor sit him at the head table at the annua/ Red Cross Gala, one of the most important and high profile social events in Monaco. Russian authorities are currently investigating wh y severa/ billions of dollars have disappeared from Mr. Pugachev's bank (but a spokesman for the bank states th at Mr. Pugachev is sti/1 close to Mr. Putin). See Exhibits 1and J. DISCUSSION

Prince Albert's conduct described violated severa/ Provisions of the IOC's code of ethics and ru/es on conflicts of interest. 1. VIOLATIONS OF THE CODE OF ETH/CS

A. 81 - The Olympie parties or their representatives shall not, direct/y or indirect/y, so/icit, accept or offer any form of remuneration or commission, nor any concealed benefit or service of any nature, connected with the organization of the Olympie Ga mes.

Judgement n째 3 During the campaign to host the 2014 Winter Olympie Gomes, Prince Albert accepted from Russia assistance for his North Pole expedition, a state dinner at the Kremlin hosted by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, and a three bedroom dacha built on Prince Albert's private estate by Russian laborers. Immediate/y after the vote awarding the gomes ton Sochi, Russia, as a "thank you" for his support of the Sochi bid, Prince Albert accepted from Russia's prime minister a fishing vacation in Siberia. These gifts accepted by Prince Albert were remuneration and benefit "connected with the organization of the Olympie Gomes" in violation of rule 81. 8.82 - On/y gifts of nominal value, in accordance with prevailing local customs, may be given or accepted by the Olympie parties, as a mark of respect or friendship. Any other gift must be passed on to the organization of which the beneficiary member. 83 - The hospitality shawn to the members and staff of the Olympie parties, and the persans accompanying them, sha/1 not exceed the standards prevailing in the host country. Common judgment and discretion should have alerted Prince Albert that the extravagant and expensive gifts of a polar expedition, fishing vacation, state dinner and a three bedroom dacha exceeded the guideline of rule 82 which says on/y "gifts of nominal value, in accordance with prevailing local customs" may be accepted by an /OC member. Likewise, Prince Albert should have know thot the hospitality shawn him by Russia and Vladimir Putin "exceeded the standards prevailing in the host country" in violation of rule 83. C.85- The Olympie parties sha/1 use due care and diligence in fu/fi/ling their mission. They not act in a manner likely to tarnish the reputation of the Olympie Movement. 8y accepting extravagant gifts from Russia prior to and after his vote to award the 2014 Winter Olympie Gomes to Sochi in violation of ru/es 81, 82, and 8 3, Prince Albert "tarnished the reputation of the Olympie movement". D. 86- The Olympie parties, their agents or their representatives must not be involved with firms or persans whose activity or reputation is inconsistent with the princip/es set out in the Olympie Charter and the present Code. ln 2006, at the time Vladimir Putin was seeking favor with Prince Albert by supporting his North Pole expedition and hosting a state dinner at the Kremlin, Prince Albert was also developing a relationship with Mr. Putin's close friend, Sergei Pugachev. Mr. Eringer's intelligence sources and Monaco's police files confirmed Mr.Pugachev's ties to Russian organizes crime. Mr Eringer warned Prince Albert of Mr. Pugachev's reputation and counsel/ed him to shun Mr.Pugachev. Despite Mr. Eringer's warnings, Prince Albert had continued to associate with Mr.Pugachev. A demonstration of the ir close ness occurred on 30 July 2010 when Prince Albert invited Mr. Pugachev to be his guest of honor and to sit at the head table at the annual Monaco Red Cross Gala. Mr. Pugachev's operation of his Russian bank is currently under investigation. 8y close/y associating with Mr. Pugachev, Prince Albert is involved with a persan "whose activity or reputation is inconsistent with the princip/es set out in the Olympie Charter and the present Code" in violation of rule 86. 2. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST

Judgement n째 3 A. Article 2 - A situation of a potential conflict of interests arises when the opinion or decision of a

persan, acting a/one or within an organization, in the framework of the activities of the physica/ or legal persans defined in Article 1 above, may be reasonably considered as fiable ta be influenced by relations thot the aforementioned persan has, has had or is on the point of having with another persan or organization thot wou/d be affected by the person's opinion or decision. By accepting Russia's assistance for his North Pole expedition, astate dinner at the Kremlin hosted by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, and a three bedroom dacha built on his private estate paid for and bui/t by Russian /abourers during Sochi's campaign ta host the 2014 Winter Olympie Gomes, Prince A/Ibert was in "a situation of a potential Conflict of interest" as ha "may be reasonably considered as fiable ta be influenced" by thot relationship in violation of Article 2. B. Article 3 - Persona/ and/or materia/ involvement with an organization fiable ta benefit from the assistance of the Olympie party concerned (including subsidy, approval clause or election. The potential conflict of interest described in Section A above, in addition ta Prince Albert's ties with close Putin friend and organized crime suspect Sergei Pugachev, made Prince Albert personal/y and materially involved with Sochi's Olympie hosting bid which wou/d benefit from Prince Albert's approval vote in violation of Article 3. C. Article 4 - lt is the persona/ responsibility of each persan ta avoid any case of conflict of interests. Faced with a situation of a potential conflict of interests, the persan concerned must refrain from expressing an opinion, from making or participating in making a decision or accepting any form of benefit whatsoever.

Faced with his conflict of interest Prince Albert shou/d have refrained from participating in the venue selection for the 2014 Winter Olympie Gomes. lnstead, Prince Albert voted ta award the Gomes ta Sochi, Russia in violation of Article 4. CONCLUSION The above recitals demonstrate Prince Albert's bold and egregious violations of the IOC's Code of Ethics and ru/es on conflicts of interest. lndeed, the facts show thot Prince Albert acted with impunity and without fear of consequence. Mr.Eringer stands ready ta cooperate with any /OC investigation and ta provide further testimony and evidence as requested. Ta protect the integrity of the Olympie movement, we hope thot the /OC and its Ethics Commission will jully investigate this matter and punish the offenders ta dissuade others from conducting themselves like Prince Albert. If this matter is not investigated, future selections of Olympie host cities by the /OC will no longer be a competition on the content of potential host city bids, but rather a contest ta bribe /OC members. Sincerely. Brigham J. Ricks c.c HSH Prince Albert Il Korean Olympie Committee Austrian Olympie Committee Russian Olympie Committee

Judgement n° 3 The prosecuting party is requesting that the accused be sentenced to pay to him the sum of € 50,000 in damages, withdraw from the blog ali the comments complained of, on pain of paying a fine of € 5,000 per day of delay, as weil as an indemnification of € 12,000 pursuant to Article 475-1 of the Code of Cri minai Procedure. When the case was appealed, the Chief Judge noted the presence solely of counsel for the prosecuting party. He then read the writ presenting the case to the court. Proceedings were held in a public hearing. The Chief Judge read the events motivating the proceedings. The Chief Judge noted that the case was being prosecuted by Albert GRIMALDI. After having heard counsel for the prosecuting party, regarding the consignment and the calendar, and the public prosecutor, the Court, following deliberations, ruled in the following terms.


Before any decision on the merits, it is fitting, in accordance with the provisions of Article 392-1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, to set the amount of the consignment to be deposited by the prosecuting party in the custody of the Court payments officer to cover the civil fine which may be ordered. This consignment must be set, given the elements of appreciation provided during the hearing, at the sum of ONE THOUSAND EUROS (€ 1,000) and paid prior to January 17, 2012. The Court considers that it is advisable to postpone the case to the provisional hearings of January 17, 2012, April10, 2012 and July 3, 2012 at 1:30 p.m., and the hearing of September 18,2012 at 1:30 p.m., same division, for pleadings.


The Court, ruling in public, in criminal matters, in an appealable judgement considered as adversarial as regards Albert GRIMALDI, prosecuting party, and in a judgement by default against Robert ERINGER, the accused; SETS AT ONE THOUSAND EUROS (€ 1,000), the amount of the sum considered as necessary to cover the fine which may be pronounced; STATES that this sum shall be paid to the court payments officer on pain of inadmissibility, prior to January 17, 2012; POSTPONES the case to the provisional hearings of January 17, 2012, April 10, 2012 and July 3, 2012 at 1:30 p. m., and the hearing of September 18, 2012, at 1:30 p. m., same division, for pleadings. At the hearing of October 18, 2011, at 1:30 p. m., 17th Division, the court was composed of: Chief Judge:

Jean-Marc CATH ELIN, first deputy Chief Judge

Associate Judges:

Anne-Marie SAUTERAUD, Deputy Chief Judge Stéphanie ROBIN, Judge

Judgement n째 3

Public Prosecutor:

Aurore CHAUVELOT, Assistant Public Prosecutor

Court Clerk:

Martine VAIL, Court Clerk

THE CHIEF JUDGE [signature]

THE COURT CLERK [signature] For a certified true copy The Chief Clerk Embossed seal: District Court of Paris


; des minutes au Greffe du

fr<~•u~~<'d de Grande Instance de PARIS

République française

\ c· .

Au nom du Peuple français


Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris

17ème Chambre correctionnelle - Chambre de la Presse· N° d'affaire : 1105908362

Jugement du: 18 octobre 2011, 13h30



ERINGER Robert 05 octobre 1954 LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIE, ETATS-UNIS américaine 533 Hodges Lane SANTA BARBARA CA 93108 (ETATS-UNIS) Antécédents judiciaires : pas de condamnation au casier judiciaire libre Siumtion pénale Nom Prénoms Né le A Nationalité Domicile


non comparant


GRIMALDI Albert Chez SCP d'ANTIN BROSSOLLET 17 Rue Alphonse de Neuville 75017PARIS


non comparant, représenté par Me Romain V ANNI substituant Me Luc BROSSOLLET, avocat au barreau de Patis.




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Jugement n° 3 PROCEDURE D'AUDIENCE Par exploit d'huissier en date du 7 mars 2011, Albert GRIMALDI a fait citer devant ce tribunal, à l'audience du 18 octobre 2001, Robert ERINGER, pour y répondre du délit de diffamation publique envers un particulier; prévu et réprimé par les articles 29 al.1 er et 32 al.1 er de la loi du 29 juillet 1881, à la suite de la mise en ligne sur le blog accessible à 1' adresse www.eringer33 .corn des propos ci-dessous reproduits : a-le 8 décembre 2010.(pages 22 et 23 du constat du 14/12/2010)

MONACO: LA CORRUPTION DES HAUTES SPHERES" Le Prince Albert II de Monaco est membre du Comité International Olympique (CIO). En cette qualité, le Prince Albert vote pour la ville où se dérouleront les Jeux Olympiques. Ils 'agit d'une activité hautement concurrentielle. La ville russe de Sotchi a été sélectionnée pour accueillir les Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de 2014 après que des constructeurs russes ont bâti une datcha (maison pour invités) sur le terrain de Roc Angel, la propriété privée du Prince Albert en France. La datcha était un cadeau personnel très onéreux que le gouvernement russe a offert au Prince Albert. Question: Le Prince Albert a-t-il voté pour Sotchi? La Commission d'Ethique du CIO est susceptible de mener l'enquête. "

b-le 8 décembre 2010 (pages 21 et 22 du constat du 14 décembre 2010) VOTE D'ALBERTDE MONACO POUR LES JEUX OLYMPIQUES VENDU APOUTINE Après quelques recherches, il est apparu évident que le Prince Albert II de Monaco avait voté pour Sotchi, une ville russe, pour accueillir les Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de 2014 Après le vote, le Prince Albert a été cité alors qu'il affirmait que Sotchi avait "charmé" les membres. Albert a déclaré que "la candidature était originale". c-Ie 8 décembre 2010 (pages 20


du 14décembre 2010)

"LE PRINCE ALBERT DE MONACO VIOLE LE CODE D'ETHIQUE DU CIO" LE CODE D'ETHIQUE DU CIO Règlement relatif aux conflits d'intérêts ojfectant le comportement des parties olympiques.. Page 11° 2. '~~~----'


Jugement n° 3

Article 3 Un conflit d'intérêt survient lorsqu 'il y a une implication personnelle et/ou matérielle auprès de fournisseurs de la partie olympique concernée. Le Prince Albert a violé le Code d'Ethique du CIO lorsqu 'il a accepté, en guise de cadeau personnel de la part de la Russie, une maison construite par des ouvriers russes sur sa propriété privée, alors que la ville russe de Sotchi était . candidate pour accueillir les Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de 201 O. Article 7 Dans le cas où une personne omet de déclarer une situation de conflit d'intérêts éventuel, le CIO peut saisir la Commission d'Ethique ... ce qui peut conduire à des sanctions. Le Prince Albert devrait clairement être sous le coup d'une enquête et être puni pour avoir violé le Code d'Ethique du CIO."

d- le 9 décembre 2010 (pages 16 et 17 du constat du 14 décembre 201 01

"LE PRINCE ALBERT DE MONACO: VIOLATION DES DISPOSITIONS DU CIO EN RESUME Le Prince Albert II de Monaco est membre du Comité International Olympique (CIO) En cette qualité, Le Prince Albert vote pour la ville où se dérouleront les Jeux Olympiques. fl s'agit d'une activité hautement concurrentielle. Au début du mois de juillet 2007, le CIO s'est réuni afin de voter pour la ville qui accueillera les Jeux Olympiques d'hiver de 2014. Le Prince Albert a voté en faveur de la ville russe de Sotchi. Plusieurs mois auparavant, des ouvriers russes ont commencé à bâtir une datcha de trois chambres (maison traditionnelle russe) à Roc Angel, la propriété privée du Prince Albert située dans les montagnes derrière Monaco. La datcha était un cadeau personnel de l'Etat russe. Le fait qu'un membre du CIO reçoive un cadeau de la part d'un pays candidat aux Jeux Olympiques constitue une violation du Code d'Ethique du CIO. Le Prince Albert n'a jamais déclaré son cadeau auprès de la présidence du CIO. Ill 'a gardé secret. Vladimir Poutine a clairement influencé le vote du Prince Albert en faveur de la Ville de Sotchi en lui offrant un cadeau personnel onéreux. Certains parleraient de corruption. Le CIO devrait mener une enquête relativement à cet acte flagrant de malhonnêteté. Pagen° 3

Jugement n° 3 Malheureusement, c'est dans ce but que la Commission d'Ethique du CIO a été créée et celle-ci admet une "tolérance zéro" en matière de corruption. UNE PLAINTE OFFICIELLE DEVRAIT ETRE DEPOSEE DE FACON IMA1INENTE.

e -le 10 décembre 2010 (page 15 du constat du 14 décembre 2010): ((MONACO: CORRUPTION DU CIO Feu Primo NEBIOLO, lorsqu 'il était membre du CIO, a accepté un pot-de-vin de 20 millions de dollars des organisateurs des Jeux de Séoul. Avec et argent sale, NEBIOLO a créé une "organisation caritative" à Monaco afin de financer des fêtes somptueuses. Qui est le président de cette soi-disant "organisation caritative"? Le Prince Albert de Monaco. Temple Olympique de la honte. "

f- Le 12 décembre 2010 (pages 2 à 9 du constat du 14 décembre 2010)


Jugement no 3 1



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. P.rë#lfét#Mdf/ifflri$.~Uv16n1ft5i ~r tnl/q~hÇ~lM,t $~- p9fitf.qq~. ~ Gf~ce ~ s$s ~g~rits de tM~é.!~n~&Wi'f, \MiX~&t:î@~(--?.IUihfls iqti~· lê$~ .WMPês~ de -;tënsélgnements ·russes

!Vfl4k~~~1~J~~~~~1~~1~~ijW~X~!~~~e~~~~~~~n:~~gs~~i~a*i:u;~~~~ oqn§~!ff~f.~'.:4u.,~~dn9f';AJb~it .hu~··ffn~--.d:'lijflùilàq~{ êer dlorchestrer·les prises .de -· d~qfflQ,% €t. ~ff~fir::;;g~: -~~(ljfr~.q~ :~~~{?;t~b{S ~~ ~pgs~/1/t~rs dil PriMe Alb.érl- ont

:, . . .· ·. d~Vj{9Pf.:~;,~~~drW~l~~Pomm~rç'arx-w~$Wi· ,VqmAon.exe.-A.



Jugement n° 3

.·•· · . . N§i~&@~nÎ, M:•g1ry~9A;a !>!!~ en)~frgy;l~· f!J!rit} ~~~rljCQnW•~•tgei pnqàchev, .

. sem~f~W:~t. banquier rosse.; g.l)f~~SI:pwfofs·$urOomtn.~:l~t<< b't!riqqierdu· Kr€Jmlil1 >! $r qill~~MQ,qtnl pr~qh# ~de. Vley,ç/Nillr R@f!pe; fr1~.iMg~èQein~nt~it d~~ntre(~nir:~~s·llel1$ ... kw#M~NS. etprof~§S.IMh.~ts:: ~~ép,,!e, &rtM~ :A'f~~~ :tW(~ll- a,qqâ~r§nCiè ·oa}tonàlité

. · . ·wgMgf~_q4_e~. f5e$ so.·«'~M.:q~,rM~~{!i~~m~w~ ·~io#,LY,Y~."~fP.QD(f~:m9Mg~s@é 9nt

.·.· ·_. . 1;t~rm'f1~ ·gy~ M.fqtJ~~q.~v~~l~!{ J!e. ~wcotne ·?.fq~nJse russe et M Enn~ereh. a ~~?1!rl~.~r!!QPe:Afp,en; ~9,{(<Aâ,MX1$..~J#~. ·

f''< .·.~ . ·•· •

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.· · ·•· · P~q~Wt~~'~vçlt?Y~rlll~.·F>rlM~Aih:M#~ü>miM~:.~~-eJMtuss(]S av~lenfpourlui en

.·. ·. . ~wa. ~QQ~. t.?jqi~pf':s_'yflg{u~~- P~i~ !~~~ ~fé$qlt189 ·~~t~ Npôr~ nqrd, e.t aooeptâ1 la . . ~.- •_.,~6~~~('Aj,;uwJ4;1~ktlmft~~9~~g;~~;~~~~h~~~~v~,i~fft~~~~~rh::::::t~ .

. . · ·.. Ç!~~t~q'§(?li .~u ~1~!1JII1·~~y~~!.fe l.Y?~B!J:~~ M· ?!Wq~! ~v~ït. ~qœs~~ ai1· fn9hJo gfln ....·. ·.. çjlav~~tt{ll P.nnc~A/Q,M ~0 ~~ prev.~n~nf que./~$ .s.~MO~$ ffereM.~Jgnemenls:russes .....• ·. ·l~:$qiJ~I(Ieà~(~gtYil:qy~Ü'ilkeqvê~ta,lt)rUm~irwhf'~~$. hpt]lfti~s..Qtt~f)9 fehim.M c~Ja

· . ·.· . . ~~.t<H(>plqb~qt~menl,~btefll~tr~.'~ii(vldM ef'utlll~é,;Mnde~'l'inflüenc~r.. L'éventualité · .•. . ·qu~:~~~·s~]:Ylcesdê:r~n~~tph~frjëf1($ 'çü$~~s·qpti~o~ê(Jt.IJoe YfcJé6 i#PrinceAibs#sllr · • J_?_q.''.H$'ll~,~.'e_.ta_J~of_ri?.'quc_·.nte·l.·.qtim. . r;.m~ntâ~s pe_rs_qryh~sp_~_e_·o. ç.o~.~.a.II·.·'•_M E.rin_g. ·-~.rptilsque ~ ce

.9ê.r!JM ~vwt ($Çü :Ç/ft$/appô~?' ~rhM~n.t çta4{te$ ·$efY!Of!s i:/$ renseJgne,m(mfs

. _. . ·. ~if~]MŒqVI~$uf11~ll~~~~ntd~:IMhW:~Jbert lqrs dp ÇMr~là(lotis·ln,tlines àvec cJes ..... · 'hwnm?s,~t.qe$lêt1J.trJe~: :VortAnMXr;$ Al. c f?(D, ·•·. ·<•''. • ·... ·. ' . .. 1

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~kf~~;~,l'~MMitiQf1, M.:Pdno~Aib~rt EJopepta un ~?ynlfig!Je cadeau proven?rt cl~

·. '.·

.R.u:S~i?.~!.. ûri$ ~atonq (t~@ê


r@s<t pq.lff 11ifl/$o/i

s~ciPfl'daiti?T çomprfmant ttol$.

. .•. .·§H~hikr~~ ;qûi -~~viJI{~tre. ··çohstw!tec~~ans la.· term~ privee . du Prlnçe;AIP$11, ç_6fltWe · ·. :. . ~o~s 1~. ti9tfi 4~'Ro_ç ·A9'~1, $Ify~~~ ~~M Ns mqill?fJtWi (ferrière Monaoo. La Russie . . ·ë~Y~·-{~~qÇ!1's(rl.lpf19n. elfoùrnit:f~.;ry;~i~. çj'W~vt~i~~$~. ~~$ @WlllX Pnt èôintnenc$ aq .rMW ~fanné,~ 2007. el $e $901' •re\fé$ en,$008.!VolrAnnexe$ A~ 5.

E'&/Mllift10~r, Wfil& $'~#,~untà,(illa!emakl Oity.)BffGUàlama!a og i~ V!ilè tu~ïe il•

?Rt~qlr~'~t~ .'§~I~Otl9nt7~(1· PPPt ~opp~illlr]é1~ Jeux plf11JP}gu?.s. d'h~ver de 20~14; _Après

/Frt~Jin!QIJilu C~Qi en aoat~007, /Vf•· Pqutme lnvll~ :le Prlnc? Albert en Ru~sf~


·'P~A~~t<gg§l~4~$ ·J,oqt§J; .p,êçh~r.j. gw< 6v~n~nwryt_ a. ~t~. larqemen~ ·m~~lati~é. et

.P(~~~we~:qqtpfrJ~: «~iMS~~p-ge~c~'1~(QI€J,meryf p,ourr~ s~ufL~n ~oot ~vg,1(f~Jt pr~uwtle Atfrtqff?!P~ft:e~}811NO~DliÇJNf/(~·Çt~:Sotchl, ·o~ndiGJ~te rasse pour accueillir/es Jeux · " Of~o/p{q~~;.Volr;Anne,>.:e~·~,Fr& ~ftH· IJ

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:.·. :Fh~~YMf~çbe,pi6.:dM~~WaqX:tf?~~t~ux ~td~s.vo~~~$$somptu~uxde taparldf! M. .· ...· fQU(f@~et'ôè }EJ &q$~(e1fl/8nt~tàft.r~s àV6Irvot6 €Jbdâveu(d~ la ville de 9otohl pour · . . a~~rM1!(4~$.,i~MX.~Q}yn;ip~q~~~~-ttif.?dn9~AlP.M ~ ~qolj~«~:d'êfre. as$oclé avec l'ami · nm~&l§rd.~:M; RqOtln~,je;-QMqql~iJ(fuKWnlln,.la P:~t$9nM• $U$p~ôi.M d'~trè .fiée· ~ù --+-~··.. :sœ~~~iJlil~nJs~;;. $~ftt~rf#tl~~qMV..J• :e~s :pllis· fqrd'!gufrdisfJaiJM-2o1 o, ie Prince


:.~· ..,~~~~i:ï~~:f:îWrt~~&~fî~»~~&~~é11~i1:t!~:~~~:: P.oqline), Rug;Mff~WW~rneure proohe;de·M~

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Vo,tr Anq~xes l $( J. li

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'. ·. :W Mr1JJ?9~~7JJ;~a.~· ·gu,, PriQëe:·· ~lh.~d: /lqprit pi,a~ssy~.:iont~e;vlebt: ·~: ,plusl$urs · ·• ·.· ~· di$pos{tf9n~ du> cbpè, d:éWqqe it 1Cl?~·~(è?Jie{tiM!~: ~&#~tif$ ·~4K! è.?nflif$ · WiiiWêtS ê/LJ. .

i::~~~;:~1~~:::L::~'~!~)tL~fftl~w~ ~oJfl mr9qtem~flt ~u

, .··JQdt,e~r;t~o/JWlt:·:~~PWM~t;:• :~~f~()pt~c·.•.:oY·. •:•fr9RP*-er··~~çun..f?,·:f!3n:~n~t~llo~i . §lvçqw~

· •· ·C,OIJJf11}$$1Pntaycuq,·wap/age:m $.~(Xtqe,pqçq(lf1$, ~99.W} quelquefor;me :que"c() soft; en

.· r~1~llorr.avè'c#/9.rflahfsat7oni}és·J.~qx;9tymplqt1~~·· ;• .· · · · . ·


·'A~ QbQ~s;.~~)ic~p~~fJ~~·f:PYt~~iJ~io/{;l~~;J~qr/.~~ŒJP~~.~~·:.~~bi~~t

.·. :a&. $014, le .. :f!ang~:filfi~~'.a·,~PpepW tatd.~ dst·! fa R~.sste'pour sqn, e~p~dtt1od au Pôle nor(/1./.!n .•.•è:Jfh~MtE;mtiJQ:Krètnlih ot§âhi$e:pât/ePMriii6rMW~frë,.V{aaimitPotifine aioslqu 1unr;

. ~~%fi/l&~~f.cq~m6fe· cOnslru(lt ~«tla p~pri~l~ ~rlV~~4U •Pnr@ Al~rl par ·~~i /rnftJB.dfaf~m~hf·~pi~$.~1? vqte.,octr~yannes:j(Jûx à (à ville de Sotchi en Russie, en

::, :~q{$,~1 ~~ :.i61J~mt~pè,1f R?gr- $on:.#p~!!#fi: ~~~~:tl?1C!I~~tât~. ç~ §q139'~ le Pr~nc~ Albert

•.. :.q~·~pp,~pte;i:le P?Ps_erquelqJJes JQ!IrS:d~. vacélnoes,\en Slben(j So/U$ .le srgne de la •··P.~oh~~,:i9ffM$·pi1f:ri~ pf~friî&rfhlnlstie. (li~s~. Cil$. qaqe~ux: que [i~ Prince Albert a

.· ;~q-o~pt~~i·lM(é}ir~t~~t·~n~·;réij{ur~ra,~i?Q~:

~t. WilliV~f?(4pe .... ~<ièn t~k!ftqn. ave.o

.•. fQt{}~QIS,?iiQn W~$)é.l)giQlynrp/qu~~>~i• c~qu/constlt~e.une vJolaftqn de la règle. 81 . . . " ' . ···. ·· . . . . ·. . . ' ,. F ... l ' ' ' ·i -

.·• .· .'f(S~ ~/$.f)Ùfs:.pqqr{onfê(reiQff.flrl.$.:lob,aàc~piesi en rémol~tlBÇe .de ÇÇ>mHd~ratlon ()u ··•. ·~~~(];lill~~~ P?i'l~~~ .Ml!t~s ;p,lyi1]piq~~$,,• .9#~ Ç~CJé.EWX ·~e :tr.ês faÎblè 1v~teur, .oonform~s

.· t1ut ps~q~~'l()~~ux.· :. Tout :'éutre~ r?:'a,i:J~~a· :qevr~ éttfl' f(m1ls Pél'Î le pénëfiqi$1re à



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··•· t;J§··:~ .• ~:n(!~J?îr~tlt~/;aé,o.9Lg~f3· aûx .~.~mp~s ·?{.ay pe(sqnnel cfes battres olympiques

·. ·. :éllt!~tW'.~tix 'kêt4$qn~s·l~~ t;~9comk~ql}~n!~ .n~ qçit P.t~~ :i:Jx9M&rl~$ nofmf?s du. pays

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:~hô~ë..·• : <: .l;~ •. ·· .{4.frfMft,Vi}h~rf8W~ft•CJÇ4?li;e Pr~uy~~d~ ;bi>D sen$)~n çQn§(f1(~f1t quf1 d?s oa(fee,~x. .·. :'~uxY,~yK.~L9ïi~i:#.~& it~l~;:gp,~qi?_·~~e~·g{~i99 ~Û.· ~~~~:ipo.rd, . q~s Ya1G~nces pa.s.sées. à .•.·•· ..R~9fi~r,: HQ.:gtq~[Ji}f:{?l ~(Ho~: . q?(SM• d~.Jrot~ .og,a,tr]br$$. at{~'r~nt ·au•qelà d~· lEJ ;>'


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cad<?,aux·.de~ltrès lafblevaleur;

.· . (),9h(o(in?.~!~qKtU,~M#~J§çpg:f,){'P11hrtMt!~f((t ~~9~i7te.s p~runm~~ )i~ du Cf.Œ ·p~ la .····•·····.'m~êlftp~1ft~.U~iê){le~l'~f!Qo~·'1J@~ff?~ftt~tr ·qu, ·.f.'hçspita_lf.M dont· ·~YalenU~if:-. :'~!lil~~~~iËW~~J#~fi~~/6P~r~îft~X~~@it )~$ nQiilre4 peys Mte .» en


·.·.·.(1.,q;d~~~,~Ûtà~~. ;r4J~.~.YM!ku.j$. ~~ytqij,.(.~:ey:çJq.(l.t~r:d,~. ( dlliq~n.c~ ~.t · .~'(.t. ~.·~.r.':gb.;}~~(~~·::~;~~$.H~a8rgdt; d&,:i. §Pli ~m~9trt.s. ü.·sç~pt@e q~ porter attéfnttrâ Q9mpp·rl.•···

:,,;..... ,Jif'ë'. r P,.DtaffAMdiltMôuvê ·'<· . ·i ....m~'··m ol'r.rfT . Y!. p~,ve;.~.

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.· ;§~ _aob~p1~ht;cJ@§ o~d~@k:(u~4eux4Wiâ P.~rl«~:)§i~J~skt: 9ganl e.t. après ·:<~voirvole

. •i!niav~lir.Cif?d~ ·vill~:d~ ·stobnt-pqü{ aiJÇüeÎI/irlésiJ~·qx··:CJ/Yrf@qûM d'lifvet (le M14. eh ··

.· ;· y@~fl9H.ij~$·Ff~J§(ïi$,.•gl 7'/J~;etB3i.·•te f:irltfq~>Âib'e#:~·<<:ébn~.'atietiitl~Jé iépül?libn . qQ.M.ouvMtfihLolyifJPfq@)>'• ~ ~·

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.·.~. ··B·-~~·~ . ~~*'·.P:~h(#~·'Rf~tVR!q@.#~. ·.(~p(~:·ag~n1~··~u;J~utê·.më?:~~Q~(Bhi$,'~~ . ~~v.r~qt~éa~·• . E!treHr~~::thi!I~$,. eplf~prr~~?.@! .q~~~p.~!Q.QWJ?s ~9mt~qfW!(é •'bq. M·. r~p!Jta(/qJJ . ~s,erë!f

·..•··.•,iflgoJnki{tib}~·~v~67~fptfr(t:ipesd:J~f/h{§P'Mla·ç!i~(t~~iymplquè:~NeiprésèQfCod~;. · .. '.· ... r': :· .· .. ·... : .. ··:.·· ... >.: ·.· :: . ··'1!·:· .-·: .. ·.. . . .. :,.;·.·.!~-:'·'·~.:.

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·· ~i~~~i~ir~MîfJ~~~d~~~~~&~ft~~*Ï~~t~f~t~~triJ;i~Js1Z~t/J~,j~ pro9M q&.Ml :RtlM~ ~'A!Mrf: 'apptqfqifW$,$.~1( ·qii~f~!qt/q~':~v~t P~rnt

Poufint!l s~rgeJ

.ê$~'$~Pcc'e$.:.atit€1ns~kJMm.e,nt~. df/.;M: Ef!i)g~r?iiisl. qd~·tl3s ·flchîers ·de. la

.•· 'R9ffQè}n()b8,g~~ql/fl(jnt cbhtlftne'queM,· Pi!iJ~cti~~:.~l~iOie_ Ç!ù affine organis~ ·russe, .··. ·• M/E.r~'f/gêtA ~~étljJ& ~ê:M fûgMhW et 1Lfi aconseillé . .. Pdnë~Albedq~}à;rtlp«tat19n .

. w~ .~~ .~r.: .:·: .. :.•.•:•.§;p&ÇB(l.•d~s..:~k~rtM&e~eqts.P.eMJ;~rir,g~4•/e Priro~A(b~d:a_ continué .de fr~quenter ;.~··rzt···...




· ·Mr;f!ifgiiQ6~v; L~-;~Qj~lll~t~o(6, (npvs·,;l';Qns P.v Ç()àsf{it~t qylfts é.f~ieot proches .• Jqrsèf«e)~·.PrlfJôf) Alb~ert]nvft? Mi P4g~qh~v à•~lasS:~9it ~.· $es oôt~s ·~ la -t@te . ·rt/J9Q'ri~ytga:G~ta;?(f~~~r~ela Ctgf{~9ijQè.. U/?§:Mq~ê.te ~slaôtue.llement en cours ··. f(!lafiVement ·aiJ. fonôtiifnnem€mt cfé }ifl)aMüe MPùgf!ohfiv. ·.. .. . .,.. ·.. ' : . . . . ... :tiJ$s~·de, . . ~

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· . J;fr.étàntkr9oh~_ #:M.>Püg~c~èV1 ~~.f!rinoe A/l>f1d. es(. t/s~oci~ ~ vne personne <( dont )l~?qflvlf~ ·QP:l~'. Np,~ta:tiQd §S.tJn~omMfibl~. ~veo J~s: pr/nolpes de_fi~ls par la Cherie •· •·o1J!tgp!qq~llif.l~Pl@..~nt Q9@:~>, c?(qWqoh${itUff1:UiWVio/ation .d~ fa·règle 86. .. . . . . . . ' '

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ift;.Adl9f~2: <l!M-·.$Jtf!alion;de confl/t ·.r!}lnMi~!s 6ventuél··apparait /orsque . f'opinlon


·. ·.J~.g~~(~ï91 '.q:yq~,p~t~pO:n~l ag/s~,art~~~.ql~ 9~ ~v $~('1 d'l11i~_9rif~?lS.~ti~h~ c,e dan$lf

.. o.EJè!(~-:q§Js, ~Ç{lvll:~q'·g~~.perspnn,ès;phy~!ql!ês. ou ;morales ë/éflnJes . a./'at(Jc/~ 1. ct,.. fi~§$U,S; ,:peyuJt~;tt~ilEi!$~ah~bt~m~nt ~9~~~t!~mf! comm~ spB,qe,pNbte d'être lnftùencée

' q~P;j~s:reMiM~ qg~./~~M;kWf9H~f ~~ ;a,::F?V.9U'es~!~q~ïe.p6ih(cfàvolr aveè une ·.aut/e per~O!JM.ôl.l ·org9W$.tlflon .que ou sa d~cJston afff1oteral(; ... .· ,, .....· ,,.. . . . so~n'9Pin!Qn .. ,'.







•. ·Ëh~~çÇePf~h(Jl~klri d.~JtJ. SussJ.&· pqutson e.xj>l~dition ··~u· Pôlé Mrd,. un dfner d1Etst ·au ·•ifte'ifl/th ·ô[d~N~e P~ê ~~ P.t~i"(ll$r êf#i~f§tœNl(Jdil)]fh .Ro«tiP~ ·qu'une âafcha ..dfl

·.··.;tro/s,t~Q~tpp.r,~~;::gqn~tMt~;~vr.·s_a prqpri~t~.:p1y€.epayé~ ~l. b~@. par des ..ouvriers

•· ·;;.(ti~~~~·::?p,,·qgW~;lJ~:~il#<9.~t.i?J?~gfJ~,.g~,·f:~,fpfi~ piJw·~oQU~llll(.les•.Jeu.x Olympiques

·•t;l!h~e~~;cJ$!f:Q:1~i~I~J€49c~;mP~tfM:;troq~~Jt.;9MS.:Hry~.(<(·sJNatlqn qe·.çqiJflft·çJ'Jt?t~rêts

. </~~~ot@(>><CI~M 1WmM.4r~~iQ~':IfiR94Y?It<<Wœ.~oQstiiéré oomme susceptible d'Mre J@@q,~~;>>'patp~((~J~at[&H ~ênVioWfoh·#~: l~rt{ol~ '4; ··

.. :;·,·:::-.·t:;:;:,·: . :::":.:':·::· .':~>·. :\:···::<.··:·::.:····:."' ·.

·;. . . :.:. ·..-::.. ·:·· ,·:.:;: ·,, .· '' '. ., ·l?{~/JliJf~ \J.f. 1/rrpJ!ç?Uon Pr7.rsonnWL~,atlO(tin?tM~JM·auprès d'une .ârganis9f/oh '$.@p_~pJjf.iJiJ~·ii~~'PM~aëJ;l7r.~$,'r~ldi1• i:f~: .la, ,p~ttN:; olympique é()hot;Jrhé~?J (subV~Nkm1 ~§r~ifî~nr/~~~Citf~*h91àmm.Mw


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Jugement no 3 La patiie civile sollicite la condamnation la condamnation du prévenu à lui payer la somme de 50.000 euros à titre de dommages et intérêts, le retrait du blog de 1' ensemble des propos incriminés sous astreinte de 5.000 euros par jour de retard, ainsi qu'une indemnité de 12.000 euros sur le fondement de l'article 475-1 du code de procédure pénale. A l'appel de la cause, le président a constaté la seule présence du conseil de la partie civile, puis il a donné lecture de Pacte qui a saisi le tribunal. Les débats ont été tenus en audience publique. Le président a donné connaissance des faits motivant la poursuite. Le président a constaté que l'affaire venait sur poursuite d'Albert GRlMALDI.

Après avoir entendu, sur la consignation et le calendrier, le conseil de la patiie civile et le représentant du ministère public, le tribunal, après en avoir délibéré, a statué en ces termes.

MOTIFS Avant toute décision au fond, il y a lieu confmmément aux dispositions de l'article 392-1 du Code de procédure pénale, de fixer le montant de la consignation à déposer par la partie civile entre les mains du régisseur de ce tribunal pour garantir l'amende civile susceptible d'être prononcée. Cette consignation eu égard aux éléments d'appréciation fournis à l'audience, doit être fixée à la somme de MILLE EUROS (1 000 €) et versée avant le 17 janvier 2012. Le tribunal considère qu'il y a lieu de renvoyer l'affaire aux audiences des 17 janvier 2012, 10 avril 2012 et 3 juillet 2012 à 13h30, pour relais, et 18 septembre 2012, à 13h30, même chambre, pour plaider PAR CES MOTIFS Le tribunal statuant publiquement, en matière cotTectionnelle, en premier ressort et par jugement contradictoire à l'égard de Albert GRIMALDI, partie civile par jugement défaut à l'encontre de Robert ERJNGER, prévenu ; FIXE à MILLE EUROS (1 000 €), le montant de la somme présumée nécessaire pour garantir l'amende civile susceptible d'être prononcée; DIT que cette somme devra être versée au régisseur de ce tribunal sous peine ----------de--nan-recevabilité, avant le 17 janvier 2012 ; RENVOIE l'affaire aux audiences des 17 janvier 2012, 10 avril 2012 et 3 juillet 2012 à 13h30, pour relais, et 18 septembre 2012, à 13h30, même chambre, pour plaider

Page n° 10

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Jugement n° 3

A l'audience du 18 octobre 2011, 13h30, 17eme chambre, le tribunal était composé de: Président:

Jean-Marc CATHELIN premier vice-président adjoint

Assesseurs :

Anne-Marie SAUTERAUD vice-président Stéphanie ROBIN juge

Ministère Public :

Aurore CHAUVELOT vice-procureur de la République

Greffier y - - ,

Martine VAIL greffier LE PRESIDENT '


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~:;.~"' 1r expédition certifiée conforme

Le Greffier en Chef,

Page no 11 ·~~




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