Psy 110 wk 6 quiz 5 chapter 5 all possible questions

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PSY 110 WK 6 Quiz 5 Chapter 5 - All Possible Questions To Purchase Click Link Below:

PSY 110 WK 6 Quiz 5 Chapter 5 - All Possible Questions Match the letter with the correct definition. a. Encompasses expressive traits related to nurturance b. An approach to understanding social thought as consisting of both effortful and effortless cognition c. A mental representation of experiences that are organized d. Believing that the cause of an uncontrollable event will not change over time e. A tendency to be biased towards the starting value in making quantitative judgments f. Phrase to represent humans' tendency to use timesaving mental shortcuts when trying to understand the world g. The most representative member of a category h. The process of preventing potentially distracting cognitions from entering consciousness i. The belief that the world is fair and that people get what they deserve j. The belief that two variables are related to each other when they are not k. The tendency to overestimate the commonness of one's own attitudes or beliefs l. The tendency to seek information that supports our beliefs while ignoring opposing information m. The tendency, once an event has occurred, to overestimate our ability to have foreseen the outcome n. When one does not believe that one's actions can produce desired outcomes o. The idea that humans process information about others in a rational manner p. The tendency to judge the frequency or probability of an event in terms of how easy it is to think of examples of that event q. Encompasses instrumental traits related to task completion r. Refers to automatic, unconscious judgments or decisions s. The process by which someone's expectations about another person actually cause the expectation to come true t. Believing that the cause of an uncontrollable event extends across many events u. The idea that people are flexible social thinkers who choose among multiple cognitive strategies based on their current goals, motives, and needs v. The tendency to evaluate events by imagining alternative versions or outcomes to what actually happened w. That notion that stimuli are categorized by possessing necessary features x. The tendency to judge category membership of people based on how closely they match the prototype of that category y. Refers to intentional, conscious judgments or decisions 1. Cognitive miser ________________________________________

2. Naive scientist ________________________________________ 3. Motivated-tactician model ________________________________________ 4. Dual-process models ________________________________________ 5. Explicit cognition ________________________________________ 6. Implicit cognition ________________________________________ 7. Defined features model ________________________________________ 8. Prototype ________________________________________ 9. Schema ________________________________________ 10. Psychological masculinity ________________________________________ 11. Psychological femininity ________________________________________ 12. Illusory correlation ________________________________________ 13. Representativeness heuristic ________________________________________ 14. Anchoring and adjustment heuristic ________________________________________ 15. Availability heuristic ________________________________________

16. Hindsight bias ________________________________________ 17. Counterfactual thinking ________________________________________ 18. Thought suppression ________________________________________ 19. False consensus effect ________________________________________ 20. Confirmation bias ________________________________________ 21. Self-fulfilling prophecy ________________________________________ 22. Just-world belief ________________________________________ 23. Learned helplessness ________________________________________ 24. Global attribution ________________________________________ 25. Stable attribution ________________________________________ 26. The way in which we interpret, analyze, remember, and use information about the social world around us is called _____ ______. ________________________________________ 27. The _____ _____ _____ proposes that we are flexible social thinkers whose motivations drive us to sometimes analyze carefully and sometimes minimize cognitive resources. ________________________________________ 28. Somehow, robins seem more "birdlike" than ostriches. This is because robins are closer to the _____ of birds than ostriches are. ________________________________________ 29. Grouping people based upon their common attributes is referred to as _____ _____. ________________________________________

30. The belief that two or more variables are related when in actuality they are unrelated is called _____ _____. ________________________________________ 31. Judging whether people belong to a category based on how well they match the prototype of the category is an example of the _____ _____. ________________________________________ 32. One problem with using heuristics is that they tend to ignore statistical reality; that is, they ignore the _____ _____ of occurrence. ________________________________________ 33. _____ is the process by which exposure to a stimuli activates access to memories or schemas related to the stimuli. ________________________________________ 34. The knowledge of how a series of events is likely to occur is called a _____. ________________________________________ 35. Estimates of value are often _____ toward the starting value. ________________________________________ 36. If an example of an event is easily _____ and quickly comes to mind, it can affect judgments. ________________________________________ 37. The _____ _____ is the tendency to reconstruct events in light of what is now known to make sense of the outcome. ________________________________________ 38. Imagining alternative outcomes to an actual event is known as _____ ______. ________________________________________ 39. When tired, people have a difficult time preventing distracting thoughts from entering our consciousness. This breakdown is referred to as a(n) _____ _____. ________________________________________ 40. I am certain that everyone really likes going to the movies as much as I do. I am prone to the _____ _____ _____. ________________________________________ 41. I believe that my roommate is angry with me. I look at everything he does for signs of anger. When he yells at me, I see that I am right. When he does not shout, I believe that he is probably

suppressing his anger. My reasoning is characterized by the ______ ______. ________________________________________ 42. Labeling a person can cause a person to behave consistently with that label through a _____ _____ ______. ________________________________________ 43. "Bad things happen to bad people" is an example of the _____ _____ ______. ________________________________________ 44. One consequence of the belief that "people get what's coming to them" is that we tend to make _______ ______ when explaining the plight of victims. ________________________________________ 45. Repeated failure can lead to _____ ______, beliefs that one cannot control personal outcomes. ________________________________________

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