U.S. News | National News

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U.S. News | National News " newsbulletin. nbFooter="". / / append widget header. $("# newsbulletin >). midcontainer "). append("");.$("# newsbulletin). midcontainer"). append(newsbulletin. nbContainer);. $("# newsbulletin). midcontainer"). append(newsbulletin. nbFooter );. newsbulletin. nbDiv = paper. getElementById('nbItemContainer');. nbjsId=0;. newsbulletin. lots=function(). / / sharp(newsbulletin. baseloc+'/ xmldata/newsbulletin? id=14640490 & twOverride=& lpos='+newsbulletin. lpos+'& area=&'+nbjsId). / / to try and deal with caching in webkit internet browsers. dynamicJS. load('newsBulletin'&+nbjsId, newsbulletin. baseloc+'/ xmldata/newsbulletin? id=14640490 & twOverride=& lpos='+newsbulletin. lpos2+'& section=&'+nbjsId);. / / dynamicJS. lots('newsBulletin','http://preview.abcnews.go.com/xmldata/newsbulletin?id=13564505');. / / screen items. newsbulletin. displayItems =feature( nbItemObj). / / check if condition upgrade. this. isStatusUpdate=(nbItemObj. label=='Condition Update')? true: false;. / / thing type lesson. this. itemTypeClass= (this. isStatusUpdate)?'orange':'blue';. / / bg position. this. itemBgPos='100 % 55 %';. if(nbItemObj. bgPos!=null). this. itemBgPos = nbItemObj. bgPos;. / / writer picture. this. nbItemStyle= ";&. this.

nbH4Class='course=nbheader';. this. nbH4Style=";. this. nbItemStyleAuthor=";. if(nbItemObj. authorimage!=null & & nbItemObj. authorimage !="). this. nbH4Style =' style=size:210 px;'; . this. nbItemStyle=' background: website address('+nbItemObj. authorimage+ && ')no-repeat base right '/ /+ this. itemBgPos;. this. nbItemStyleAuthor='nbItemContentsAuthor'. / / title. ";. this. morelink='A lot more'. if(nbItemObj. text! =null). this. content=nbItemObj. content;. / / if item is not broadened display topped text if applicable. if(nbItemObj. isExpanded!=important). if(nbItemObj. text. length)63). this. textCapped = nbItemObj. text. substring(0, 63);. this. content= this &&. textCapped+' ...';. if(this. isStatusUpdate). this. content= this &&. textCapped+'... '+this. morelink;. / / social. this. social= ";&. this. socialStyle=";. this. authorBlock=" ;. this. divider=";. this. fb= ";&. if(nbItemObj. authorfb! = null & & nbItemObj.

authorfb!="). this. fb= ". this. twitter= ";. if(nbItemObj. authortwitter! = null & & nbItemObj. authortwitter!="). this. twitter=". this. biography=";. if(nbItemObj. authorbio!=null & & nbItemObj. authorbio! ="). this. biography ="+nbItemObj. author+". this. authorBlock="+this. biography+". if(nbItemObj. author! =null & & nbItemObj. writer! ="). if( this. fb!="else. this. social=";. this. textStyle= ";&. if(nbItemObj. authorimage!=null & & nbItemObj. authorimage! ="). this. textStyle='style=width:208 px;';. else. this. categoryTag =";&. this. nbTextOverride= ";. this. rowTemp="+this. title+" + nbItemObj. date+"+this. authorBlock+"+ this. content+"+this. social+";. if( nbItemObj. notes). nbNotes =nbItemObj. notes;. nbNoteStr=";. nbNoteDivider=" ;.$. each(nbNotes, feature( idx). nbNote = nbNotes [idx]&.;. this. noteAuthorBlock= ";. this. notefb=";. if (nbNote. noteAuthor . facebook! = null & & nbNote. noteAuthor. facebook!="). this. notefb=". this. notetwitter=";. if(nbNote. noteAuthor. twitter

!=null & & nbNote. noteAuthor. twitter!= "). this. notetwitter=". this. notebio= ";. if(nbNote. noteAuthor. bio!=null & & nbNote. noteAuthor. bio!= "). this. notebio=" +nbNote. noteAuthor. name+". this. noteAuthorBlock="+this. notebio+". this. notesocial=";. this. noteSocialStyle=";. if( nbNote. noteAuthor. name! =null & & nbNote. noteAuthor. name!="). if(this. notefb!="else. this. notesocial =" ;. if(idx== nbNotes.length-1 ). nbNoteDivider=";. this. nbNoteDiv =" +nbNote. noteHeadline+"+this. noteAuthorBlock+"+nbNote. noteOverview+"+this. notesocial+";. nbNoteStr+=this. nbNoteDiv;.);. this. rowTemp+= nbNoteStr;. return this. rowTemp;. function showMoreText (id). / / snatch aged item height.

var oldItemHeight=$('# nbItem _'+id). elevation();. / / recover the material from the array. $('# content _'+id). html(contentObject [id]). / / establishment id a list of opened up things. fullTextList. push(id. toString());. var newContainerHeight = $("# nbItemContainer"). elevation ()+($('# nbItem _'+id). elevation ()-oldItemHeight);.$("# nbItemContainer "). css('elevation ', newContainerHeight);. / / reinitialize scroll. window. api. reinitialise();. lastNBObjStr=";. feature isNewData(data).

isNewTemp = incorrect;. currNBObjStr=";. $. each(data. updates, feature( ind). currNBObjStr= currNBObjStr +information. updates [ind] objId +data. updates [ind]. date;.);. / / console. log( 'x '+currNBObjStr);. / / console. log('y '+ lastNBObjStr );. if(currNBObjStr!=lastNBObjStr). isNewTemp= true;. else. / / console. log('no refresh'); . lastNBObjStr=currNBObjStr;. return isNewTemp;. isHeaderLinkLoaded=false; / / flag to inspect if the header web link is loaded. isShareLinkLoaded = incorrect; / / flag to check if the share web link is filled. isDoneLoading=false; / / flag to examine if the html is && done loading in the jScrollPane.& function newsBulletin( information ). if(information). isNewDataFlag=isNewData(data);. if(isNewDataFlag). / / clear contents initially. newsbulletin. nbDiv. innerHTML=";. / / console. log('refresh');. updates=information . updates;. headerLink=information. widgetLink;. shareLink=information. shareLink;. if(headerLink!="& & headerLink!=null & &! isHeaderLinkLoaded). var twitterImg=""$ (" # newsbulletin). midcontainer). widget_head"). append(" ");.$( "# newsbulletin). midcontainer). widget_head ). twitterLink a) . twitterContent" ). append ("" +twitterImg+ "");. isHeaderLinkLoaded =true;. / / clear the author cutouts range. newsbulletin. authorCutouts=[];. / / check to view if there is a height set for container, if so clear it. / / stops cacheing. var hasHeight=$('# nbItemContainer'). attr('design');. if(typeof hasHeight!='undefined') .$( '# nbItemContainer '). removeAttr(' design' );.$. each (updates, feature(ind). var itemDetails =brand-new Object();. it=updates [ind];. / / populate the itemDetails object. itemDetails. id = it. objId;. itemDetails. title = it. title;.

itemDetails. objType = it. objType;. itemDetails. hyperlink = it. web link;. itemDetails. date = it. date;. itemDetails. label = it. label;. itemDetails. writer = it. writer. name;. itemDetails. authorbio = it. author . biography;. itemDetails. authorfb=it. writer. facebook;. itemDetails. authortwitter =it. writer. twitter;. itemDetails. feed=it. feed;. itemDetails. group=it. classification;. / / set defaults if thing is a standing upgrade. if(itemDetails. label = ='Status Update' ). if(it. author. image=="). it. writer. picture='http://a.abcnews.com/assets/images/abc_news_logo_84x84.png'. if(it. writer. name ==" ). itemDetails. author ='ABC Information'. itemDetails. authorfb=' http://www.facebook.com/abcnews'. itemDetails. authortwitter='http://twitter.com/abc'. / / just pass the writer image if it's not shown in any one of the products yet. if($. inArray(it. writer. photo, newsbulletin. authorCutouts)= =-1 &&). itemDetails. authorimage=it. writer. image;. / / contribute to disregard list. if(it. author. image!=" & &($. inArray (it. writer. picture, newsbulletin. authorCutouts)= =-1)). newsbulletin. authorCutouts. push(it. writer. picture);. if(it. text!="). itemDetails. text=it. content;. else. itemDetails. bgPos='bottom right';. if(it. notes). itemDetails. notes=it. notes;. / / build a Apartments Vs Condos Georgetown DC name value pair listing of id/text. contentObject [itemDetails.

id]=itemDetails. text. itemDetails. isExpanded=($. inArray(itemDetails. id, fullTextList))-1)? real: incorrect;. / / develop markup. $("# nbItemContainer"). append(newsbulletin. displayItems(itemDetails));. );.$("# nbItemContainer"). append (" && );. / / set the height && of container div. $("# nbItemContainer"). css('elevation' >,$("# nbItemContainer"). elevation());. if (shareLink!="& & shareLink!=null & &! isShareLinkLoaded).$("# newsbulletin). midcontainer). nbFooter"). css("height":"35px","border-top":"1px strong # d5d5d5"," border-bottom":"border-bottom:1 px strong # eaeaea");.$("# newsbulletin). midcontainer). nbFooter"). append("");. isShareLinkLoaded=true;. if($. internet browser. msie). if ($. browser. variation. midcontainer). nbFooter"). css("display >":"none");. var timeoutId=setTimeout(function().$("# newsbulletin). midcontainer). nbFooter"). css("screen":"block");. clearTimeout (timeoutId); ., 3000);. dynamicJS. unload(' newsBulletin' + nbjsId, newsbulletin. baseloc +' / xmldata/newsbulletin? id = 14640490 &' + nbjsId);. isDoneLoading=true;. if($. browser. webkit). if(nbjsId. midcontainer). nbFooter"). css("show":"none"); . var timeoutId=setTimeout(function(). $(" # newsbulletin ). midcontainer). nbFooter"). css(" screen":"block");. clearTimeout(timeoutId);. , 3000);. 7500). setInterval(. feature(). window. api. getContentPane(). html (.

newsbulletin. load( ). );.,. 120000.);. setInterval( function (). / / we might call "pane. jScrollPane(settings )" once again however it is. / / a lot more convenient to call using the API as then the original. / / setups we came on are instantly born in mind. / / Initialization of the container must be done after all the markup has actually been loaded. / / considering that there is no listener that might be entered reinitialise() for callback. if (isDoneLoading). home window. api. reinitialise();. isDoneLoading = incorrect;. , 5000);. ;. addOnload(newsbulletin. load());.

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