Issue 01 | May 2013

Page 26

Dressing Up Yourself

Dressing Up Your Table by Sharon Langert

When I think of Shavuos, I think about beautiful flowers, food, tablescapes and fashion.

Spring Trend 1

Shavuos is probably my favorite Jewish holiday because it arrives at one of the most beautiful times of year and is one of the most simple yet meaningful holidays that we have.

Emerald: Color of the Year:

We celebrate the receiving of our most precious gift, the Torah, and who doesn’t love to cel-

If you’ve been following the fashion and

ebrate and appreciate special gifts. And the fact that the Torah, the epitome of spirituality, was

design world you will know that emerald

given on a humble, yet beautiful mountain full of flowers, represents the idea that we need to

green is the Pantone color of 2013. The

find the right balance between the spiritual and physical. And also that not only is the Torah

question is, how can we incorporate this

our special gift, but also all of the beauty in this world that was given to us by Hashem. That’s

vibrant hue into our wardrobes and table

why the complete Shavuos experience not only includes lots of Torah learning, but also lots

decor without having it totally overpower

of flowers, delicious food, and beautiful clothing!

our looks? A gorgeous green dress will look

I wanted to share with you some of my favorite fashion trends of this Spring, and how they

beautiful when worn simply with few acces-

can be translated into beautiful Shavuos table settings. I hope you get inspired to buy yourself

sories. Or just incorporate one bold emerald

some beautiful new outfits for Yom Tov and at the same time, get creative with your holiday

green piece of jewelry, a cuff or a statement

tablescapes. Enjoy!

necklace, to a more neutral outfit to add a pop of glamour. When planning your outfits and table settings, keep in mind that emerald green coordinates really well with gold and black. For vibrant tablescapes add some emerald glassware, napkins, or even ceramic dishes to a formal background that include touches of gold and black.


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