Daan: Essentials of SP

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E S S TIVE photo. Preferred over informational and passive photos, SPs must E N T show real people in real events and must go beyond the surface facts I A L S to stir-up an idea. I think what is essential to a street photograph is - it should be an AC-

Essential too is the HUNGER. You may know the techniques and technicalities like the palm of your hand, you may have the best composition the world have ever seen, you may have talent, but SP is not a single photo trip, it is a journey that will keep you going.

The hunger for creating images that blow people away.

Joel Mataro (DAAN)

LAYERS A sure way to make any street photography image more interesting is to include several subjects or scenes located on different planes inside the frame. Doing layers, consists basically in making sure that there is something that grabs the viewer attention in the front, middle and back of the image filling the entire field. You can have as many layers as you want, some of them may be in the distant background, appearing much smaller than the main subjects, and if they are all located well could add more impact to the image but too many subjects could also be confusing and distracting. There has to be some sor t of symmetric distribution between the groups to make it work. The front subject may only be par tially visible, maybe an arm or a face, complementing the other subjects or it may be completely visible becoming the center point of the image. Placing subjects in layers is not enough to make it successful. There has to be at least one subject that carries the picture and around which the other subjects revolve. This is the hardest par t of doing layers and takes a little bit of luck and great timing to pull it off successfully. It is the reason why practicing the eye and being quick to react is impor tant.

Joel Mataro Luis Liwanag Jun Jacob Rob Castro Ariel Sabio Galamgam

Joel Mataro

[ MOMENT ] Be there when it happens. https://www.facebook.com/joel.mataro

Luis Liwanag

[ HEART+SOUL ] %W [I PSSO JSV XLI VMKLX QSQIRXW XS GETXYVI ERH ½PP SYV JVEQIW [MXL XLI GSQTPI\ity and myriad possibilities of humanity... the templates and visual concepts we have WXSGOIH SYV QMRHW [MXL EW [I WIEVGL JSV TLSXSKVETLMG ZEPLEPPE HMPYXI XLI ½REP MQEKI I think it is time to do away with rules and conventions and view the world within our ZIV] S[R YRHIVWXERHMRK ERH PIX SYX LIEVXW ERH WSYPW JIIP XLI I\EGX ERH TIVWSREP HIGMsive moments as we squeeze the shutters. The moments we search will remain elusive forever if we forget that the simplest most mundane happenings may also be the most YRMUYI ERH LIEVX[EVQMRK QIQSVMIW XLEX [MPP ½PP XLI ZSMH https://www.facebook.com/luis.liwanag

Jun Jacob

[ MOMENT ] Capturing a split-second moment. For me, it cannot be longer than that. If it is it becomes posed and no longer candid. https://www.facebook.com/jun.jacolbe.5

Rob Castro

[ CONTENT ] The content within the photograph, which must convey the message effectively - either be obvious or subtle to the viewer. https://www.facebook.com/juzno

Ariel Sabio Galamgam

[ CANDIDNESS ] From that very vantage point of candidness, there I frame my street photographs. To portray candidness in any street photograph, the greatest pursuit is to capture any moment in its most decisive form - not too early nor too late - or you lose & ruin the moment! https://www.facebook.com/arielsabio.galamgam

LIGHT You can use light to highlight a primar y subject, to create interesting patterns or shapes, to add contrast or softness, or to add glow or warmth. You should tr y to photograph in all different lighting conditions on the street, such as in the early morning, during the harsh brightness of midday, when it is foggy, in the glow of twilight, or even under lampposts and ar tificial light at night. When shooting in the street, there is no correct light. Each type of light has its own qualities that you will need to pay attention to and account for. You should make sure to pay attention to where the sun is in relationship to what you are shooting. Is it in front of you, behind you, or to the side of you? How high in the sky is it? It makes a huge difference as to how the photo will turn out. The challenge with shooting on the street is that the light changes constantly. When shooting on the street, you need to constantly be aware of the light in order to identify good TLSXSKVETLMG STTSV XYRMXMIW ERH XS QEOI WYVI XLEX ]SYV I\TSWYVI MW GSVVIGX 'SQTVSQMWMRK E KVIEX WLSX [MXL E FEH I\TSWYVI MW RIZIV E welcomed outcome.

Reddie Js Edeguz Augustus Columbano Jaime Tan Ventura Jr. Jefp Street

Reddie Js

[ LIGHT ] 0MKLX WLMRIW FSYRGIW TIRIXVEXIW WTVIEHW IQFVEGIW MX KPS[W MX VI他IGXW Light gives the photo the ultimate realization of what is there in the TLSXS [LEX MW XLIVI MR XLI JVEQI ]SY NYWX XSSO MX LIPTW ]SY I\TPEMR it tells, it shows the viewer what it is there to be seen. Look for that light and love it! https://www.facebook.com/reddiejs


[ LIGHTING ] Usage of light in a photograph can be the deciding factor whether that picture will be memorable or forgettable. Light can change everything about a subject we see, specially in photography. It changes the visible size and shape of a subject, the color of the subject, it can vary the look and size of the background and alter the depth of the image – By knowing how light works in photography, you don’t get ordinary pictures but unforgettable photographs. https://www.facebook.com/ed.deguz

Augustus Columbano

[ CONNECTION ] The connection of the human animal to his/her environment. For me this is the most important ingredient. https://www.facebook.com/augustuscolumbano

Jaime Tan Ventura Jr.

[ TIMING+PATIENCE ] “Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience.� https://www.facebook.com/jtventura

Jefp Street

[ PURSUIT ] Street Photography is a very personal pursuit. We are capturing our own lives and our own feelings one shot at a time. https://www.facebook.com/Jsoprano83

FOCUS This concept lacks a single defining word – I suppose ‘focus’ would be closest, but the problem is that tends to induce confusion between the subject distance and the concentration around the idea or subject of the image. The ideal qualitative effect is that the eye of the viewer must go straight to the primar y subject of the photograph, and then SRP] SR XS XLI GSRXI\X XLEX WYVVSYRHW MX MR XLI SVHIV XLEX XLI TLSXSKrapher desires. This can be accomplished through the use of a number of different tools – leading lines, natural frames, negative space, bokeh etc. The subject itself must stand out from the background or surroundings; in that sense, some sor t of natural frame is always required to provide the necessar y isolation – it could be a doorway, or a plain color background of a different color to the subject, or a contrast in XI\XYVI 8LI WSPI I\GITXMSR MW E [LSPI JVEQI EFWXVEGX [LIVI XLI IRtire image is the subject. Note that lighting is the other major source of subject separation.

Ted Claudio Aking Balintataw +ISVKI %VMIW :MPPE他SV Jeff Mercader R.C. Cipriano Xyza Cruz Bacani Bene Arcayan Romeo Doneza Loi Lee Frederick Cabanero Dominic Meily

Ted Claudio

[ VISION ] It’s the culmination of foreseeing where, what/who and when all will fall into place for that moment when you click the shutter button to freeze something mundane XLEX FIGSQIW I\XVESVHMREV] https://www.facebook.com/tedclaudio

Aking Balintataw

[ FREEDOM ] I believe that it is fundamental to know and master the rules of composition FYX MX MW IWWIRXMEP XLEX E TLSXSKVETL KMZIW E PMFIVEXMRK I\TIVMIRGI )ZIV]XMQI - XEOI TMGXYVIW MR XLI WXVIIX MX JYP½PPW Q] HIWMVI XS FI EQYWIH ERH thrilled. It is an outlet of my emotion towards life. https://www.facebook.com/akingbalintataw


[ L I N E S , L I G H T, L I F E ] Lines, Light and the Life of the people in your photo. These three elements for me can make a strong photograph. You can have the technical aspect plus the story being told by the people who can be a part of your life. A line from one book that i have read, the most important part of street photography is not just clicking the shutter, but clicking to the people around you. LXXTW [[[ JEGIFSSO GSQ KISVKI ZMPPE他SV

Jeff Mercader

[ C O M P O S I T I O N + E X P O S U R E + PA S S I O N ] These are the key ingredient to a complete ambrosia food! Without one or the other, the food is tasteless. Just to close my statement just want to share my all time favorite quote which i hold on to it since i stated my journey in photography. “Photography is an art of observation. It has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them� by Elliott Erwitt https://www.facebook.com/jeff.mercader.1

R.C. Cipriano

[ V A N TA G E P O I N T ] I believe a good vantage point where we can compose and just wait for the right moment can contribute in making a shot. Being aware of the geometrical elements around the area can either help frame the image or give it direction. https://www.facebook.com/rcipriano

Xyza Cruz Bacani

[ PA S S I O N + U R G E ] For me,its always about the hunt,i never care about the kill. street photography is interesting cause of the process,the journey we took everyday just to shoot the mundane or ho hum that “usual photographers� ignore but we notice. the hunt usually take me somewhere zen and its orgasmic.there are rules which are equally important but i never made them so i tend to break them. LXXTW [[[ JEGIFSSO GSQ \FEGERM

Bene Arcayan

[ PA S S I O N ] 2SX KSSH [MXL [SVHW - GER´X I\TPEMR &YX JSV QI MX´W TEWWMSR https://www.facebook.com/bene.arcayan

Romeo Doneza


Loi Lee

[ F A S C I N AT I O N ] ESSENTIAL of street photography is the fascination into idea that connect the element from our surrounding towards the breathe of our indiscriminate way of living. The fascinaXMSR [MXL [MPPMRKRIWW XS WEGVM½GI MR SVHIV XS PIEVR XLI GSQTPI\MXMIW SJ XLI EVX XS GEXIV to the needs of other and to show some I\EQTPI XS KMZI XLI QIERMRK SJ FIMRK HVMZIR by passion with total loyalty and honesty. The essential which spell the human spirituality to connect with street photography. https://www.facebook.com/Abstra

Frederick Cabanero

[ MUNDANE ] 8LI WQEPP QYRHERI IZIV]HE] XLMRKW [I SJXIR QMWWIH QEKRM½IH https://www.facebook.com/derek.cabanero

Dominic Meily

[ COMPOSITION+TIMING ] Composition and Timing https://www.facebook.com/dominicmeily

GESTURES Strong gesture has the power to add feeling to a photo more than any other element. As viewers, we relate to other people that we see in a scene and so we feel whatever it looks like they are feeling. You can have a great scene, a great perspective, and great lighting, but if the main subject is disconnected from the surroundings then it can ruin the moment. Accurately capturing sentiment is the bedrock of good stor ytelling and as street photographers we want our photos to tell stories. Occasionally, it can be necessar y to sacrifice the perfect framing to be able to capture that perfect gesture. If you waste that precious WIGSRH XS JVEQI GSVVIGXP] XLIR ]SY QE] RIZIV KIX XLEX WEQI I\TVIWsion again. Sometimes, you do not even have to see a person’s face XS ORS[ XLEX XLI] LEZI E KSSH I\TVIWWMSR 3JXIR WGIRIW HIZIPST WS quickly that you have to frame and shoot almost instantly to capture XLIQ ,S[IZIV ]SY GER XIPP [LIR E TIVWSR´W I\TVIWWMSR [MPP FI WXVSRK by their body, by the way they are walking, by the position of their head, by how their hands are moving. the face does not even need to be present to show strong emotion, but when it is hidden it amplifies the impor tance of the rest of the body.

Teni Sta Ines Yobski Gonzales Migz Pc Kuya Jhuly Mark Adalia Nicasio M. Mendaro Jr.

Teni Sta Ines

[ OBSERVANT EYE +MIND ] 7XVIIX TLSXSKVETLIVW QYWX LEZI ER SFWIVZERX I]I ERH E QMRH XLEX GER WII XLI I\XVE ordinary images. Patience to wait for the right moment and the right light, and be at the right place at the right time is the key. Need to be in the right position in a split second things will never be the same. https://www.facebook.com/teni.staines

Yobski Gonzales

[ DIRECTION ] Seeking direction-as in treading unchartered streets https://www.facebook.com/yobski

Migz Pc


Kuya Jhuly

[ E M OT I O N S ] The Essential for me is to capture the “Emotions� of the present drama that is unfolding in front of you. When you miss to capture those emotions, it means you were never a part of the whole scene. You were there but emotionally detached, you were just there to take pictures like a tourist and not one with the crowd. https://www.facebook.com/jhulyp

Mark Adalia

[ REALISM+VISION ] There is one thing the photograph must contain, the humanity of the moment. This kind of photography is realism. But realism is not enough there has to be a vision, and the two together can make a good photograph. https://www.facebook.com/mark.adalia.5

Nicasio M. Mendaro Jr.

[ SURREAL ] ...never limit your imagination and dreams https://www.facebook.com/nicasio.mendaro

MOMENT Hesitation has ruined so many great street photos. You see the moment, think for a second about whether you want to take the shot and it is gone before you have made up your mind. You get ner vous and hesitate for too long and it is gone. You can only anticipate so many moments before they happen. Many moments will spring up in front of you without any warning; you have to be ready. Your camera has to be on, lens cap off, in your hand, and set for the lighting. You have to be paying attention and looking around. Then you have to react. Reacting is a skill that takes practice. If you do not shoot regularly this is a skill that is easily lost. If you are a street photographer, then you have to be out there consistently shooting on the street to hone your instincts. When shooting, you do not need to take a thousand photos of ever ything that moves. The more selective you are when shooting, the more of a chance you will have of capturing the moment. When you sense a moment happening, you need to think about the angle, the framing, the content, and you need to XVMKKIV XLI WLYXXIV EX XLI I\EGX QSQIRX XLEX IZIV ]XLMRK MW MR TPEGI -X takes ver y strong content to overcome horrible framing. In addition, JVEQMRK [MPP FIGSQI QSVI MRWXMRGXYEP EW ]SY KEMR I\TIVMIRGI

Jayvee Sotto Mataro Jet Rabe Conrado Bugayong Jay Ganzon Jojo Nicdao Rey Maglasang Pelayo

Jayvee Sotto Mataro

[ ORIGINALITY] 8S XLMRO SV I\TVIWW SRIWIPJ MR ER MRHITIRHIRX ERH MRHMZMHYEP manner; creative ability to come up with unusual or clever ideas. https://www.facebook.com/sevaj

Jet Rabe

[ CURIOSITY ] It is essential for a street photographer to have a curious mind. Shooting in the streets is like a pin in a haystack, it is sometimes overwhelming but being curious in small things can make a big difference in the outcome of the photograph. https://www.facebook.com/jet.rabe

Conrado Bugayong

[ HONESTY ] I am still grasping what street photography is all about. But from what I’ve observed, the essentials are honesty and candidness in the images taken. https://www.facebook.com/conrado.bugayong

Jay Ganzon

[ FUN ] It is about having fun. That matters most, simple as that. Why make it complicated? To enjoy street photography, free yourself with these technicalities and just do the things you love. Observe life and keep the passion burning. Perpetually pushing yourself forward. https://www.facebook.com/JayGanzon

Jojo Nicdao

[ SEEING ] 7IIMRK XLI I\XVESVHMREV] MR XLI SVHMREV] https://www.facebook.com/nicdao

Rey Maglasang Pelayo

[ PA S S I O N ] Passion, it makes you go out everyday to shoot each moments that captures you. https://www.facebook.com/rey.m.pelayo

CONTEXT 'SRXI\X MW XLI [E] XLI ZMI[IV SJ XLI MQEKI GVIEXIW XLI WXSV ] SJ XLI primar y subject, using the secondar y elements in the frame as mental markers. The secondar y elements help to place the subject in terms of time, location, culture, era, mood, as well as giving countless other psychological clues such as wealth, pover ty, uncer tainty, danger, unasked questions, etc. A subject in isolation is fine for a commercial product shoot, but it lacks the emotion and narrative richness that well-framed surroundings can add. The photographer also has to ensure that the elements in the frame have the correct relative prominence, which is to say the framing should direct the eye of the viewer to the primar y subject first, and then the secondar y subjects in order of impor tance. If this is not the case, then the message of the photograph can land up being quite different to the intention of the photographer at the time of capture. Proper ties of a subject that affect relative prominence include size, position in the frame, relative brightness, and contrast/ color vis-a-vis the background.

Yer Nevilos Rob Reyes Meij Loreto Leo Paolo Dilay Jhemsky San Pedro Nathaniel Estenzo Miguelle Cagadas 7XE\ )YWXEUYMS

Yer Nevilos

[ AESTHETICS ] Capturing the ‘Aesthetics’ of the human element is to me one of the greater essentials MR WXVIIX TLSXSKVETL] &] EIWXLIXMGW MX RSX SRP] WLSYPH VIžIGX XLI SFZMSYW QIERMRK XS it, but also by how the image communicate to us, -it may mean sadness with a lot of XIRWMSR WYGL EW XLEX MQEKI F] %PI\ ;IFF 1YVHIV WGIRI 8IRSWMUYI 1I\MGS SV XLEX TIVJIGXP] XMQIH WLSX SJ E FMG]GPI QER GETXYVIH JVSQ XLI WXEMVW F] ,'& 8LI :EV HITEVXQIRX ,]rVIW QE] VIWYPX XS XLEX HIGMWMZI QSQIRX WLSX SV EX PIEWX E little of it, as we all aspire to capture. The Art of Composition -images visually captured MR XLIMV QSWX MRXIVIWXMRK ERKPI ERH TIVWTIGXMZI TPYW E WYFWXERXMEP I\TIVMIRGIH YRHIVstanding of street photography, the different techniques, the tendencies of humans, and a big deal of personal enjoyment will at one way or the other result to more meaningful – street smell photographs. –reysoliven/kalye5 https://www.facebook.com/yer.nevilos

Rob Reyes

[ BASICS ] It is all about mastering the Basics, and understanding how it works. Knowing where the controls, even when your eyes are all closed. https://www.facebook.com/robreyesphotography

Meij Loreto

[ PAT I E N C E ] Patience in waiting for the right time to click the shutter. Although we can take photographs as many as we can and select for the best one, but for me, I value every click I make. ‘Coz opportunity comes once and every click counts. https://www.facebook.com/meljloreto

Leo Paolo Dilay

[ FEEL ] Keen observation and feel of your environment https://www.facebook.com/leopaolo.dilay

Jhemsky San Pedro

[ HEART ] I shoot street because i love to shoot street. For me, it is not enough that you know the basics. You have to love it to appreciate it. It’s like the world is moving in slow motion when you’re holding your camera and you can see every details in your sorrounding. You can even see things that are about to happen. https://www.facebook.com/jhemsky.pedro

Nathaniel Estenzo

[ H I S TO RY ] We believe that photographers of all personality types, using the whole panoply of camera formats, would become better photographers at a faster rate by employing the common denominators gleaned from the image, ideas and lives of the best photographers throughout the medium’s history. https://www.facebook.com/nathaniel.estenzo

Miguelle Cagadas

[ POETRY ] For me, I consider “Poetry” as one of the essential things in street photography. Poetry not in terms of words but in photo - on how the subject and environment rhyme with each other. https://www.facebook.com/jmcagadas


[UNKNOWN] Dare to walk straight into the unknown... as cliche as it sounds...fortune truly favours the brave. https://www.facebook.com/stax.eustaquio


Thanks for taking the time to read this e-book 0MXVEXMWXE 7E (%%2 )HIKY^ https://www.facebook.com/groups/daan 'ST]VMKLX F] 0MXVEXMWXE 7E (%%2 )HIKY^ All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever [MXLSYX XLI I\TVIWW [VMXXIR TIVQMWWMSR SJ XLI TYFPMWLIV HIWMKRIV I\GITX JSV XLI YWI SJ FVMIJ UYSXEXMSRW MR E FSSO VIZMI[ Excerpts taken from: The essentials of street photography by James Maher http://www.jamesmaherphotography.com Ming Thein-Photographer http://blog.mingthein.com/

CONTRIBUTORS Joel Mataro https://www.facebook.com/joel.mataro

Luis Liwanag https://www.facebook.com/luis.liwanag

Jun Jacob https://www.facebook.com/jun.jacolbe.5

Rob Castro https://www.facebook.com/juzno

Ariel Sabio Galamgam https://www.facebook.com/arielsabio.galamgam

Reddie Js https://www.facebook.com/reddiejs

Edeguz https://www.facebook.com/ed.deguz

Augustus Columbano https://www.facebook.com/augustuscolumbano

Jaime Tan Ventura Jr. https://www.facebook.com/jtventura

Jefp Street https://www.facebook.com/Jsoprano83

Ted Claudio https://www.facebook.com/tedclaudio

Aking Balintataw https://www.facebook.com/akingbalintataw


Jeff Mercader https://www.facebook.com/jeff.mercader.1

R.C. Cipriano https://www.facebook.com/rcipriano

Xyza Cruz Bacani https://www.facebook.com/xbacani

Rey Maglasang Pelayo https://www.facebook.com/rey.m.pelayo

Bene Arcayan https://www.facebook.com/bene.arcayan

Romeo Doneza https://www.facebook.com/romeo.doneza

Loi Lee https://www.facebook.com/Abstra

Frederick Cabanero

Conrado Bugayong



Dominic Meily

Jay Ganzon


Yobski Gonzales https://www.facebook.com/yobski

Migz Pc https://www.facebook.com/migz.pc

Kuya Jhuly https://www.facebook.com/jhulyp

Mark Adalia https://www.facebook.com/mark.adalia.5

Teni Sta Ines https://www.facebook.com/teni.staines

Nicasio M. Mendaro Jr. https://www.facebook.com/nicasio.mendaro

Jayvee Sotto Mataro https://www.facebook.com/sevaj

Jet Rabe https://www.facebook.com/jet.rabe


Jojo Nicdao https://www.facebook.com/nicdao

Rob Reyes https://www.facebook.com/robreyesphotography

Meij Loreto https://www.facebook.com/meljloreto

Jhemsky San Pedro https://www.facebook.com/jhemsky.pedro

Leo Paolo Dilay https://www.facebook.com/leopaolo.dilay

Nathaniel Estenzo https://www.facebook.com/nathaniel.estenzo

Yer Nevilos https://www.facebook.com/yer.nevilos

Miguelle Cagadas https://www.facebook.com/jmcagadas 7XE\ )YWXEUYMS https://www.facebook.com/stax.eustaquio

When a hundred men stand together, each of them loses his mind and gets another one- ganito kami sa DAAN! Kami ay samahan ng litratistang Pilipino na naglalayong matuto sa paglikha ng mga PEVE[ERK PMXVEXSRK OEP]I WXVIIX TLSXSKVETL RE REKTETEOMXE EX REKFMFMKE] FYLE] WE mga ordinaryong kaganapan sa lipunang ating ginagalawan. Sabay-sabay nating pag-aralan ang mga istilo at tamang paraan ng paglikha ng larawang kalye na inilatag ng mga kilalang eksperto sa larangan ng street photography at panatilihing maging bukas ang ating isipan sa mga bagong kaalaman, pananaw at personal na OEVEREWER RE MFEFELEKM RK FE[EX MWE WE EXMR FEKYLER QER S QE] OEWERE]ER RE YTERK higit nating maarok ang tunay na kahulugan ng larawang/litratong kalye. Bukas din ang samahang ito sa mga hindi Pilipinong gustong sumapi at makiisa sa mga layunin ng grupong DAAN.

https://www.facebook.com/groups/daan /EKERETER WE 0MOSH RK (%%2 7E 0MOSH

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