music video analysis

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Three Favourite Music videos

Eminem Without me

In without me, the video is set up as if it is a TV show (The Eminem show and The Sandy Messy show parodying Ellen DeGeneres) and then a comic book, using comic book style subtitles with Eminem being a super hero (parodying batman and robin e.g. the rapmobile). I think the superhero is a metaphorical hero, showing the relationship between Eminem and music (where music is the hero), and Eminem and his fans (where Eminem is the hero). The use of subtitles also helps to illustrate the song. In Eminem's videos, generally the shots used are fast paced and there is an excessive use of close up shots at both high and low angels. In the clip above, it is a high angled shot, to show he is the hero, and above us

Eminem ALWAYS uses comedy in his videos. Quite often he uses his background and family life in his videos as well as the lyrics often mentioning his ex wife and mother as well as his kids (I think this helps the audience connect wit him and also shows a strong relationship between the video and the lyrics). Another thing that Eminem ALWAYS does, is to parody what has recently been in the media, especially celebrities such as pink, Lindsey Lohan, and Paris Hilton. Others he has poked fun at include terrorists and MTV (after they stopped showing his video on the channel)

Lady Gaga Alejandro Alejandro is different to Eminem’s without me, in the way that it is a very dark stylised video, it is also more serious than other videos she has done (Thelma and Louise style Beyoncé collaboration, and the bath house music video) This video somewhat reflects Lady Gaga’s opinions of sexuality and love hence the quite explicit dance moves in the scene with the bed and male dancer

The video is black and white, and Lady gaga is in nude underwear, she is also wearing very pale makeup and her hair is light, all of this could suggest the innocence of her character. In Alejandro there is an actual dance routine (above) I think this looks affective because they are all in sync with each other, I would like to add this element to my music video.

Linkin Park Breaking the habit In breaking the habit, the band are not seen in live action at all, instead the whole video is actually a mixture of 2D and 3D computer animation, The character designs are influenced by Japanese style, culture and artwork. Photoshop has been used to get the end result. I think it would be effective to have some animation in my video when I come to film.

The lyrics and the storyline of breaking the habit have a strong relationship. The lyrics tell of a person who is struggling with a habit, and how its affecting them, and the video shows this well. This is an element I would definitely like to use in my video.

OK GO – Here it Goes Again

I have included two OK Go videos in my analysis. The reason for this is because they are so original and entertaining. The first one ‘Here It Goes Again’ is also known as the treadmill video; this is because the whole music video is based around a dance sequence on eight treadmills. The video was taken in one long continuous shot, which looks really effective, but must have been a lot of hard work. It also has comedy value, with the moves and the expressions on the band members face. I think this is an entertaining way to connect with the audience.

OK GO – White Knuckles The second OK Go music video I have picked is White knuckles; it has only just recently been released and is similar to Here We Go Again, in the way that the band has used the same concept for shooting the video in one continuous take. Another thing that I like in White Knuckles is the effectiveness of the costumes and colour use. All four members of the band are wearing white clothing, and they are against a blue background, this effect is very striking. I also like the use of props, the buckets being used to stack and unstack in the background, whilst the white tables are used in the foreground. Another thing I like is the use of dogs through out the video to add comedy value.

Gils Aloud – Cant Speak French

The next video I like is Girls Aloud ‘I can’t speak French” I like it because of the highly stylised costumes and makeup, the members of the band look like they are playing characters who are rich, from the past and (I’m assuming from the lyrics) French. I really like the establishing shot that is used, it shows all the members of the band in one long line, walking and fluttering their handheld fans. This shot sets the scene up well for the audience. The video then alternates between two scenes, the main room, which is a dinner party scene where the girls are seducing the men (which is quite a long shot) and then individual close up shots of each girl with a different coloured background. The colours used in this video are very striking on the eye. The main thing about Girls Aloud and their music videos is the fact that sex sells. They nearly always have legs/breast on show and so they keep the male audience happy, whilst the younger girls/teens look up to them.

Foo Fighters – The Pretender The fourth music video I really like is The Pretender by Foo Fighters (which is a link because the record label doesn’t want it to be embedded anywhere else due to copyrights.). I think the establishing shot is brilliantly simple, a white floor and background, with each band member coming on the scene individually and picking up their instrument to perform on stage. There is then a lot of close up shots of each member or instrument before having a long shot of the whole band, (and then the sequence starts again) at this point there isn’t much story line – its just the band singing, I think this is effective because it makes us (as the audience) listen to and relate to the lyrics. However, a heavily protected police officer in riot gear turns up and stands opposite the lead singer facing him. This is a very strong position and personally it made me sit up and pay attention to what was going to happen next in the music video. (Loads of riot police come charging at the band members). Toward the end of the video a wall unexpectedly comes crashing down behind the band, and then it seems to be heavily raining all over the band members, I think this is really effective, and its given me good ideas to use in my video.

Rhianna – Umbrella The fifth video I like is Rhianna's Umbrella. In the opening shot, Rhianna is wearing dark clothing, and there is smoke all around her, then in the next shot Jay Z is also wearing black clothing but he has lots of sparks falling around him (similar to rain), lighting up the scene. At this point Jay Z is surrounded by women (also all wearing black) I think this is to show the audience that he is a sex symbol. One reason I really like this video is because of the special effects that have been used through out the video. From the audiences point of view it looks like Rhianna is throwing water in one scene, but this is actually a ripple effect added later (also at this point the tempo in the music changes slightly, and she now wears a white outfit to show this change). Another effect they use, is the camera shot goes in and out of focus, to the beat of the music, I think this is to show a relationship between the two. Throughout this video (and many other videos that Rhianna is in) she is seen as a sex symbol, because (like girls aloud) the management know that sex sells really well. Another thing that is used in this video is shiny silver body paint that looks really effective, also at this point Rhianna is naked and in a foetal-type position, which shows innocence.

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