Kadriann: an interview with my granny

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Interview with my granny by Kadriann Täherand

1.When and where were they born? My granny was born on 29.10.1942 in Häädemeeste. 2.What were your great-grandparents names? Their names were Elma and Arvo 3. Where did your grandparents go to school? She has been to many different schools, Soometsa algkool, Tööstuskool, Tallinna 1. Keskkool and Tallinna Majandustehnikum. She has finished all of them. 4.What can they remember about their school days? She played lots of game with her firends and she will always remember the agitation of the exams. 5. When and where did your granny and granddad meet? They met in Tallinn in Lai street. 6.What did they do for a living? My grandpa was a truck driver and my granny was an accountant. 7.Where did they live? At first the lived in Kadriorg later the bought an apartment in Lasnamäe. 8. They had one child and that is my mom. 9.What did they do in their free time? They visited their parents and helped them with farm work, they visited the movies and other countries.

10. What do the enjoy now? My granny spends her whole summer in her summer cottage where I am as well, she also does lots of handicraft.

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