CWU Manastash - Vol 23

Page 67

The distant clop of horse hooves grew louder as a covered cart and single rider approached Hayden and Wynn. “You two are cadets,” observed the officer sitting atop the cart, pulling the team of horses up short. “See you back at camp, Lieutenant,” the single rider waved, his uniform bearing the insignia of a captain. He nodded toward Hayden and Wynn, nudging his horse to a trot. “Yes, Lieutenant,” Wynn responded and stood up rigidly, prepared to assume a state of attention. Hayden stood, but not at attention. Wynn dug an elbow into her ribs and Hayden straightened her form. “You two need to leave. This area is off-limits until Command opens the war game.” Wynn instantly obeyed and began packing up their picnic. Hayden sighed and helped. Trusting them to obey the order, the officer shook the reigns and the horses moved forward once more. As the cart passed, Hayden glanced at its contents and was surprised to see faces staring out at her. Their eyes were filled with wild terror and silent pleas for help. The people in the cart were bound hand and foot, their mouths gagged with rags. Their clothing was tattered, their hair matted and their skin dusty like they hadn’t bathed in weeks. Hayden stepped forward to investigate, but Wynn caught her sleeve and mouthed a silent “no.” Hayden pulled away from her. She ran up to the cart and stood on the foot-hold at the back. Reaching up, she pulled the gag from one person’s mouth, and he immediately began to babble. Hayden hushed him, but he wouldn’t listen. The cart stopped. She stepped down from the back of the cart as the lieutenant rounded the corner. Wynn ran to catch up. “What in the world do you think you’re doing? I ordered you to leave the field, cadet!” “Who are these people?” Hayden demanded. “That’s none of your business. All you need to know is you don’t belong here.” “Hayden, let’s go,” Wynn said. “Why do they look like they’ve been dragged behind a horse across Azuria?” Hayden continued. “Cadet, I’m warning you. Go home, that’s a direct order,” the officer said. The man who’d had his gag removed shouted desperately, “They’ve imprisoned us for hunger. We’re Azurians, not criminals. We’ve done nothing wrong.” Manastash 2013


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