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I was born with OXYGEN being kept from my brain at birth. This caused damage in the parts of the brain around hand eye corodnation, hearing, sight, body control issues. It was a stormy journey. But much rain has fallen in the life time of training needed to get to ZERO. Where everyone else starts at. At age 13 I started meditating and creating my art on canvas. My art in my celebration of winning the hand eye problem. Perfection is possible.

CHAPTER ONE The city of Toronto was a busy place of 3 million souls. Being born with brain damage and a sensitive EMPATH caused this soul much confution. At a young age my inability to blend in was unberrable. I started ditching school at age 8 to get out of the boring suburb of Scarbourgh Totonto. A few adventurist friends and I would find ten cents each and go on the bus. then transfer onto the city subway system and go exploring. On that ten cent ticket we could travel all day anywhere in the city as long as we did not get off. If so you needed another dime. We used ride the trains. explore the tunnels. skip from car to car at each stop. Sometimes we would loose each other and end up back home to talk over our adventures. It was more exciting learning from souls you see and meet or interact with then sitting in a row in school learning how to be a good slave to the upper USERERS.. All my life of torture of ridicule and judgements around my disability has been huge and very uncomfortable. My IQ was rated at 80 written but 182 orally. Tests no way. But ORALLY i will talk circles around you until you surrender. I have no taloerence for being judged by those who do not live in this skin. We all need not to experience this kind of frustration ignorant judgement of others. Just PURE ignorance and complete RUDNESS of weak souls needing to project thier own dysfunction on someone who has a disabilty. I am and always will defend to the max someone being ridiculed or bullied. STAND UP and kick their ass if nessasary to change mind sets.

On one of my group subway adventures I got lost from the group skiping cars. I took the first trip into the down town of Toronto at age eight. Scared no way. I though I will find the dime to get home. Whatever maybe I will stay down town I said in joke to my self. To my amazement I did realy good interacting with others on a oral communication level and my smarts of the streets began.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter 2 by Carl Billington on Tuesday, March 8, 2011 at 1:03am 路 Chapter #2

NEW to the streets and not knowing anything. But ready and fired up to learn. High spirited with no fear. Taking noting from no one. Trade and business rule the world. INNOVATION RULES BUSINESS. LOL LOL Im an inventor so I rule business. My passion to rip it up and pissed off after so much misunderstanding of my disabilities. I chose the street over established system traininmg. The adventure of the street was not something I could just ignore after seeing it. Feeling the buzz of the people. It called to me like a deep mother earth calling. My soul wanted to mix and off we went into the street croud. I was fearless and ready for life prime.

The first time I got off the subway was intence. I found myself at the doors of the Queens Park station. Doors to the world at large at the time for me. I stood there and paused a second or two as all wized past me. Like the pause you would take before jumping off a cliff. The feeling was exciting facing any fear inside and falling in LOVE with the moving experience. Spirualy this was my first move to just let myself go. Free from misjuudgement of me and my talents. My dysiexcia was in the way and I needed to teach myself. Not sysyem trained but self tought. The streets were filled with Students and other demonstrators marching down to Queens park for a big rally. It was protests against NUKE war proliferation and the war in Vietnam. I had seen this on TV but here I was smack in the middle of it all. 10.000 souls in union of purpose. I was so happy to be me expressing myself with no ridicule or judgements just exceptance and personal power of expression. I merged in with the group. Here I was young only 8 years but ready for life and all it intailed, FREE. I was a surprise to must of the students demonstrating. My soul got cought up in the excitnment and passion of the people. I was sold and knew then what I am to do in life. The joy of the gathering had me in its grasp and has always called to me to gather as many souls as Me seeking for tribal harmony reunion.

They were all there to protest the millitary establishment and war machine complex. Our mission was about allowing our children a world not vaporized at any moment. From a nuke war anihalation. We were poised there for many COLD years. After this time of hot maybe distruction time in the mid to late sixties. I had long brown ringlet hair down to my butt. I wore a top hat and I looked like a chick. I fit in with the croud. I made friends with the leaders who were pushing forward up to the front lines. Rumors were that soldiors were there to stop us getting to the park. In riot gear. FEWWW ok Im ready to meat the world head on. As we surged forward and nered the park I could see CANADA's finest infrantry lined up like ducks in a row three deep. Well the hair on the back of my neck went up and my heart pounded and I serged forward like a little rocket stright thought the rest of the croud with the banner leaders behind me I serged forward towards the line of soldiors. I knew I was in front. I could no longer see anyone beside me. The croud moved forward to catch up with my move. This energy of 10.000 being beside me and behind me gave me the nerve to keep pushing forward. I could here my fellow protestors yelling!!! Let her take the lead. A child leads us in PEACE. I kept moving forward until we were all face to face with the soldiors. They did not move forward but stood the ground. We all looked at the soldiers and the older leaders were chanting and talking of our mission with megaphone. I picked one soldier in front of me and took a

daisy from a girls hair. I pushed forward with my hand up and went to place it in the barrel of the soldiors gun. The croud on both sides paused for three seconds as i did that gester. I put the daisy in the barrel of the gun and gave him a peace sign and big smile. Just after that the tear gas pellets started flighing and it was hell on EARTH. A FRGIN war zone. people getting their heads smashed with billy clubs. all with no weapons we were doing a peacful demonstration. I learned then that the law was not justice. It was corporate patronization. Wish i had film of me back then. I was very radical and unpridictable and I still am. I took full advantage of my chick look and it got me into and out of many slipery dangerous situations. It was hard for soldiors to push me back. So I would move forward if I could. ALWAYS FORWARD.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter #3 by Carl Billington on Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at 1:37am 路 My coat of arms from my family ansestors. Protectors of the LAND and overseers of wealth of the people. Food lodging and growth. We tried to keep politics out of our protests. THE Focus was on HUMAN RIGHTS and better treatment for those who pay the tab. There were always rumors of political spies and infiltrators and much covert plans and plans on plans.

After a while this rederic became very boring to me. I was more interested in People. What they were about. People after basic freedoms. Hippies with a desire to improve life for all. The retro hippies of today are trying to recapture those original passionate days. I remember all the trust games and group hugs. Many excersises we all experienced in Comune life back then. All souls open and willing to experiment with soul growth in a group atmosphere. We were learning not to be jealous. Not to poccess others. Not to control others. Free LOVE and compassion practice. Soul growth was not main stream back then. But now we are mainstream and leading the world out of fear and nuke disrtuction. It is glorious to be revived in the spirit of those days in a new revolation of these changes we only dreamed of back then. A world where we can gather in song and LOVE without being enslaved for it or by it. The adventure began there face to face with the millitary complex. I was ready willing and able with no fear to stand up for those who could not. The children and the elderly. My face only came up to their belley button level but it did not stop me. I stood on my tippy toes to protest. I had seen the hippies stand the line on TV but here I was doing it. Like a dream now and then. Slow motion it was. The whole thing paused as in slow motion as I reached up to put the flower in the gun barrel. All stopped like the world froze. The soldiors stopped. the protestors stopped. Then all hell brock loose and tear gas cans were all through the croud . Mahem . i stood the line

as best I could untill all brock up. we ran all directions. the feeling of having 10.000 souls behind me and beside me had me hooked and i knew what my life would be about. Confronting the ,ilitary usery of all souls. MY LIFE MISSION HAS BEEN. LOVE, CREATIVITY and no FEAR........

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter #4 by Carl Billington on Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at 9:17pm 路 It was a time of LOVE and creative exlpotion. The opening of the Blue dragon seed was underway in the core of TORONTO. After the first rallyay Queens Park Toronto. we eneded at Bloor and Young Street what was left of the protestors. As many generations before left the city on their way across Canada to settle. Up young street the young go never to return, maybe someday. Our victory had been seeded. In my mind and in the hearts of these really cool young adults I emulated and got excepted by. My respect goes out to them all. Names are gone now but memories og LOVING intentions and touch. support with no judgements. They LOVED me for who I am. I was treated like a hero on the return to the house these ten souls lived in. As we came to Rochdale college we turned up Madison Ave. This street of old victirian

brieck homes were a wonderland of the grest microcasum of HUMANITY I have eveer met since. I was 9 years old and on an adventure into life and all its wonders. It was a nice house. entering this place was like going into an acid trip man! the grooviest hippy things of the time. Water beds and black lights. Lava lamps. and so much cool visual stimuli I never did see all of the place. Thre floors of hippy heaven. I was given a small room on the main floor. it was a small room but mine to dress up and share as I wanted in a collective of great revolutionary passionate souls. I was young but no one treated me as a kid. They saw my dragonship qualities and I was learning my talents back then to be with my people and take care of them as my own blood. I was considered after a while to be a full fledged member of the family. I was givien rights in voting at every geneal meeting to make changes or spout ideas to all. My words then were respected and followed if deemed worthy. I miss the round table sesions where all get to speak and no one interupts. I was free to come and go as all were. I helped dong cooking prep and cleaning after. sweeping up and generally greeter at the front door. I loved the front door so my room was close to it. Worked out no one wanted this room. So I got it. The universe was there for me to prived my place in the core of TORONTO. The buzz of the traffic and the place never stopped. 24/7. I would help by delivering food to family members up stairs from the kitchen. I ran up and down the stairs bring food. Great exersize.I would get perks of money or

treats from them for the efforts. I was well fed and taken care of by me and all around in the family. I always knew what was going on listening to them as I would bring food. I knew the next move always and planed my ,life moves around the demonstrations and system ajustments back then. I was learning from corporate sons and daughters the ways of the system at large. the gangsters and the banksters. My dad gave me skinny on the banking system and these souls tought me business system tweeks and secrets i still use today in my ajustments to my reality. Local as well as in my Orphanges, all three now Global. I was born into illumination and have been given the l.ow down of the true system for all my life. My DAD worked at the C.I.B.C Canadian Imperial Bank of Comerce back then. NOW short form. like KFC used to be Kuntucky fried chicken. Anyway he was based in the main tower down town on KING street. Just nere where I had my street pad. He drove down the gardner expressway everdyday to go to the bank to run CANADAS affairs. He ran the personael dept. national for years. He was friend to thousands at the bank and across the country. They knew hiom as a compassionate man who they could depend on him to keep the foundation in check. He kept the greedy from consuming the needy or custmer as they call you now. I respect his work but never ageed with the sytem. He did all he could to change it and let me help many times

sitting beside his desk at home. He would ask me advice on how it felt to be young and on my way into life and how the bank could hrelp. i would give him my angle and sometimes he took it to the board and they would adapt for the change of the times. I was honered to be involved. This was after I came back from down town life. I went back to scarbourgh a few times and let them know of my adventure. I called alot to let them know all was well. I met with my dad alot to have lunch. The banker and the full fledge hippy. I wish I had pictures of us two rthen LOL got to laugh about it now. They tought me to discover myself and take responsibility for my actions and to explore the world openly and to give compassion and LOVE where ever I can.My support from family without strings gave me the option to explore the world around me. I was lucky to have a home to go to downtown as well as in the burbs safe from harm. Not all of my connections as i grew up there had that luxury. I was grateful and still am for that support. My mission is to make sure all women children and men have that same joy and feeling of family who loves them.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter #5 by Carl Billington on Monday, March 21, 2011 at 7:52am 路 HAPPY to be free of the burbs.

DOWN the tracks are always much awareness. I HAD MY EYE ON THE PRIZE.... WORLD PEACE My heart was happy to be out of school and downtown on Madison Ave. Young street was a whole different world from the suburbs. Enslaving sheeple land training. I have always been rebelious fearless in the face of danger. I enjoy the tossel. Not violence but high tention in passion to help others. It feeds my soul this kind of excitement. Like a sky diver who likes to jump out of air planes. The life of the commune was very busy. A new face everyday to get to know. Very transient. We got young people right off the bus from parts North America. From other counties like Sweden and Europe. There was no lack of female company to snuggle up with back then. I was young at 10 years old but so were the girls coming in from everywhere in those days. Seeking revolution excitement or escaping abuse at family home base. My greeter room was always full of new ones. Then someone would settkle them in a room and I would see them come and go or never see them again.. You never knew it was an free will zone unknown before. We wanted it that way. Anti establisment. I would get late night surprises from femals who were just out of their small town and looking to share with a city boy like me.. Some were 11 to 14. LOTS of sweet hippy girl friends in those busy revolution times.

Most of the people who ended up living there were friends of souls who lived there already from the begining. So it was like a big family. They came from all classes and parts of North America. drapht dogers from USA army. Vietnam was raging and dogers gave the promo front men for the demos great PR tool to stop the war. Most were escaping small town life for more excitment in the city. Much like myself then escaping the boring suburb life in Scarbough SUB of TORONTO. The escape for me was from school life where my brain damage was a torture track of insults, power trips and abusive teachers I was so lucky to be givin by such a compassionate system, shoving kids up the brainwashing shoot fast as possible back then. Not guality just guantity. These teachers were very crule. My disability did not make me a team player. even to this day I have defences I'm still trying to drop so I will not be so sensitive ti insults and ridicule. My mission has become just that. To encourage the whole world to stop the emotional damage of ridicule and judgement to control the masses. Selfesteem bashing is a tool used to keep us weak. To keep us generaly off balance. So we are easaly led into situations with a promise of a better life. even if you do this or that. Sorry not thios boy. I never learned fast enough to get that stupid sheeple training down. My blessings are my

simpleness in thought processing gave me an edge in the down town. I was creative and verbaly cunning. Sharp on live situations. Flexible with large groups. I LOVE inspire orthers to free will. I LOVED cop out of the system as much as I could. Back to the land dreams then of where I live now. THE COMMUNE WILL BE ON GABRIOLA . LIKE IT OR NOT GABRIOLA. After expanding on a good solid home life with all my fellow flower children. I started venturing out of the Madison Ave area and onto YOUNG street. I FOUND myself in the largest billard hall in Toronto. It was called UPTOWN billards. The place was huge. a whole top floor of a city blck building. Really high ceilings. 60 tables, 10 were 12'x6' pro turniment size tables. Hustlers from all round USA and Canada came to shoot. This was a very exciting for a ten year old. I had been down town for 8 months when I found the pool hall life. Opened up all kinds of truths about the worlds true caracter.

I knew I was no SHEEPLE waiting for slaughter so I took charge and chose my own teachers. The dream of being a CARIBBEAN prirate came true too.

I live in my hobbit whole on GABRIOLA ISLAND FREE. I watch over my realm and keep the sheeple content here. I amy of the EAGLE CLAN but being a wolf is ok too. You get to be snaly and everyone expects it. MMMM great fun...

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 6 by Carl Billington on Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 4:10am 路 THe matrix of escape and infiltration had begone. Where the two world colide. The power brockers and old money were within my grasp to disect and fkip over someday. The older group took me in and I got no flack from the street ever. I was prortected but the family money who live here after the slaves go home to the burbs. I got to know the old guys well. The first time I got courage to walk up those steps to the second floor into THE UPTOWN BILLARDS. It was a big step for. My fearless desire loaded with unbridled passion go me to start to move then I was in and could not turn back. Im so glad now I did. that move made my life expand expenentioaly. Just like subway car hopping I learned how

to be fealess. I was dressed in my usual hippy cloths with bell bottom pants and a cool top of some kind. Top hat and long curly hair down to my butt. A long crstal on a chain that hung to my belly button. i entered the big double doors at the top of the stairs. their was a small platform of about ten feet at the top. so no hanging at the door. I din't hesitate and flew right in those doors and kept walking untill I came to the first table. These older guys were intecly in a game and did not notice me standing there watching. I had just entered into a world of front line freedom. Compition and down right nastiness. My Jaw droped when I saw how huge it was. I sliped in and sat down at the guest side table. Back from the crowd of watchers of the lead 12"x 6" table. There were 10 of these grand old Brusnswick with huge carved oak spindale legs. BEAUTIFUL. I'm buying one for my home. in the dome. This place was a wonderland of both sides of the coruption game. I was infiltrating the middle and lowwer class power brockers. My mind said yes and yes again to disecting this group and knowing both sides of the world. What better place to learn. I sat down and two old guys the were not playing looked at me and chucled. I looked at them and gave them the head bob boys do to be in respect acknolegement without judgment. I learned that one early so not to chalend anyone. They payed me no attention after that. I was lucky they did not just boot me out. This was so cool , front row seats of the front door of underground control central, for subversive and high level power business brockers and big business block

owners. THE OLD GUARD THEY CALLED THEM. BIG OLD FAMILY MONEY. All were very interesting inspiring controlers of the chaos that is the establishment. I was out is the steeet protesting about. This was infiltration zone for my life mission. find out how it all works then act.

Both hot and cold were my target to learn. Both are in my target of life mastership. The evil eye was always behind me looking for a way inside me but I faced it long ago in the streets of TO. I took it slow and fed my ideas and changes to the proper souls who can do things. big things. I could take a bad situation and guys were in and suggest something that would save them millions and off we were in the TO land. This insider trading did me well. EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 7 by Carl Billington on Thursday, March 24, 2011 at 11:35pm 路 The hall of power within my grasp. I sat and waited to be let into the club underground of TORONTO my home town.

The power brockers of street life and all action downtown were now my friends. I slipped in under the guns and problems of demonstration life at the hall of power. That first day I never left that stool and little talbe for two out of everones way. Like a viewing pod over my realm. No one cared if I was there. Odd looks every once in a while bit I was right across from the service bar and righjt by the lead table where the pros play. so no one bugged me. The old guys liked my quiet study of every shot. I knew then to watch and lay low in street life. New lessons had been presented to me already. I was ready to just watch at first. No one was throwing me out. The rest of the crowd were to laod for the old guys. They would hail the bar dude and grumle and bit then the man would muble something in this big silver mike raphone and all would be back to normal for a while. After a few odd days and not giving up I started to get in a groove with the hall. My presents became part of the place. Regulars would give me the nodd as they past by. Some would tell the bar guy to feed me or give me a pop. It was starting to get real cool. I could go there all day and evening and eat drink and learn with no cost to me. The comune was the same job but a different venue. I spent one third of my time in the street, one third in the UPTOWN Billards and one third in the muum I used to call it. The old guys surprised me one day and asked me advice on a shot. I gave and simple responce and the man took my imput and came out good. OK I started getting

more into the games and the stratagy of the hustle and about hunting. These were urband big hunters. I was learning from the true city sharks. and their street pals all over the hall. Cracking of pool balls became my mantra. One afternoon an old Jewish man sat with me and asked if I would try a shot for him isn a very important part iof his game with this big player from Atlanta here on turniment. He said "Son ( as he pats me on the back real hard) " To succeed in business there are four main rules. 1. LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION, 2. NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAM, 3. TREAT YOUR CUSTOMERS LIKE GOLD, 4. NEVER BE AFRIAD TO GO BANKRUPT>" Then he invited me to take his shot. Wow all eyes were on me and the shot was a 90 digree angle side shot. "He said to me, I know you can get this shot and you know in your heart kid you can just breath one ball against the other and make this shot." This man was a mver and shacker in the dwntown. All respected and LOVED him. He was very generous and fed thousnds with his holdings. I now had a worthy grandfather person to guide me. All needed was to make this shot. Tence with ten pros around watching. I was handed a private cue from one of them. There were a few chuckles from some but they respected my new friends friend me. So I got up walk calm to the table and took this awesome cue with an ivory carved handle grip and birch shaft. Here I was trying a 90 degree shot. I had tryied these in practising and had done it a few times but few this was on the edge of the razor blade pride and courage. So I got down aimed and reaimed four times as I was told. Just

letit fly with no thought or anything, just breathed my arm forward put my heart in slow motion land. My heart stopped and the bule ball sailed 90 degrees west into the side pocket direct in the middle of the pockt 99.99.99% perfect. All ten wittnessed my victory and my rep in the hall was assured. Alot of the business that these guys would talk was way over my head then but have resurfaced to mix with other life experiences so I can have a clear view of the street level and corportate levels of business. EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 8 by Carl Billington on Sunday, April 17, 2011 at 3:58am 路 THE HALL OF POWER AS I CALLED IT WAS A GREAT LEARNING GROUND FOR REAL LIFE. I learned both sides of the dualistic world. I SPENT much time then in meditation becoming internally strong for non violent events monthly. My mission at the UPTOWN hall was like collecting the scoop on the other guy. infiltration has always been my exposure tool of choice. Learning both sides of the structure that moved the city. It was very ZEN trianing for me. I was starting to meditate. I learned fro a guru guy who came through the house and took a few private internal sessions before I just did my own thing. I was not into the dogma just the exersise. I learned latter that is the point. Internal needs no dogma. It helped me from my dyslexic damage to cordnate my thoughts into less importance and more about taking in

others trix quietly to use in the protests. well this is why I was there to begine with. Then I found common ground spiritualy with both sides of life. There at 11 years I found spiritual balance in the middle of the shit storm. LIKE a little bird on a smoke stack. I was learning to be unattached to the enviroment around me except close around you only. ALONE time was in meditation and sustnance. My time at the UPTOWN became most of my time. My time away from home. my place on madison was my peace sopt , busy but fun and quiet times. My spot at the big table became my spot. The old guys ran the city so anything the old guys wante including CARLOZ GUMP as a friend when I showed up. Great place, all passed by the lead table ater getting their balls to play. They would get the knod from all who passed and an understyanding you were here on their grace. The respect was have fun play good and dont kill each other. take it outside or loose you leg>> LOL LOL. Now just because it was a peacful place did not mean it was heavens gate by any means. The business that went on in there deep in that huge hall were just as huge. Underground as well as bankster stuff. It was a place where Gangsters and banksters met to share the bounty of the score. I settled into my sopt well. The old guys started engaging this little girl looking smart mouthed hippy kid to pick up a custom cue and take a few shots now and then. ONLY when they felt like it. The rest of the time I kept my mouth shut. THEY LIKED THAT ABOUT ME. Now im overflowing but then I was a kid a in the streets and knew to keep my mouth shut up. This cue was a whit

dragon carved handle grip and maple shaft with a 22 heavy sucker for a kid. BUT what control and follow through. Never have I found anything like it in my life. I will find it and my own 12'X 6' home table soon so I may expand on my LOVe for Snooker. The diamond tree grew in my heart and my payoffs were alll from this tree. HOT ZONE OF POWER. I LEARNED TO GET SRTIPED AND WIPED FREELY TO SURVIVE. SMART AND SLIPERY. Cunning understanding of the street brought me much riches and great bounty rewards in frendly favors...I protected many at madison under my dealings. I got to know the diamond merchents and all of their cohorts complete up and down the wall street.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 9 by Carl Billington on Friday, April 22, 2011 at 2:31am 路 In the mist is and was gangster secrets no one tells. About how fake money makes gangsters big money amd all are happy with very little of the counties score. My mission save Gaia from these scammers.

I felt like a king taking an ocational shot on the big table.It was my time to infiltrate this side of down town life. Iknew why i was there. I kept it all secret even to this day. I knew to much of the insde workings of Bay street and Young street. The depth of corruption are deep with the brokers of the north. Many guns and soldiors were and are still in place. I know anything will be done then to protect the usery rules. Deception was of key importance. My humble beginings was as a runner of almost anything and I never asked anything. The guys would ask me to go get one of the biker dudes so they could talk. That was great fun. this little hippy kid telling the bikers what to do. Great fun lol lol. They had to, these guys ran Bay street and all of down town rfom the big table.My clan was set in stone and no one could shake it. The money overseers were supreme power in the sreet then and I was a cool pet with a mouth. I had both sides covered and learning from both well. I was learning coperate business from my dad and the guys at table one and street life from my deliveries to them all. I would be given a set of car keys and told to drive a car down in the ally to an address in the city somewhere. Usuay close like five mile or so. I would take a pillow to give me a better look if anyone notced me. The cars were nice new modles so I could blend in. My deliveries got me into and out of many wiered situations. Some of the strangest stuff I care not to remember. My young girl look got me through alot of dealings and made me a perfect mule. I was getting to be trusted and

started brokering my own deals so i could score a larger share. In amule situation you dont know what is going to happen but if I set it up then I was in control and in a safer situation. My rewards were high. I always got paid in cash. My room at the commune on Madison Ave was verey busy. With deals and interluds of much sex, drugs, rock and roll with alot of roll. A smorg of everything imaginable. I never got any heat or rip offs, I worked with the big guys so eveyone repected me. These were leaders of all including the bikers. Both Satons Chioce and Para Dice riders. they owned bikerville and had solid connections to wall street and NY underground. The bikers were at each end of Madison and My three home pod in the middle.. Fun times. My misson , save mother earth, still is. I was on a mission to infiltrate these users and did too. I kept my ajenda quiet and achieved many things I could not have. Thanks guys. The brokers are all dead but there are a whole new croud of users took thier place. The foundation was designed to serve only certain families of power and still do today.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 10 by Carl Billington on Monday, May 2, 2011 at 7:16am 路

My mind was experimenting with LSD and consintrating on saving rhe world from totla nuke war that would destroy all of us. The times were universaly expanding back then. Meditation tought me to be a better infiltrator. My score was not always in money. Some payoffs were in money and drugs. I would deliver a new continental to a house in suburbia. My pay was always given to me at the hall where all was covered. I would drive real slow and look as normal as possible. I never got stopped. I was lucky back then. Raw innocent dumb luck. i would drop and get on a buss back to my safe zone on the subway system. Greatest for loosing any tails. I had practiced for years to loose anyone following me. Sometimes I would set up drops on the subway system. So it was hard to be tagged. No set ups for this kid. I was fast on my feet and ten steps ahead of all including the law. Who were good payed chumps for my bosses. I loved my inside track to infiltrate all. I would score a $ 1000 and an ounce of pure speed. worth 500 or so. i was not into it but by friends at the Madison house liked it so i would supply. I never liked grit back then. I was more into LSD in those days. Drink and all other stuff had nothing for me. The safe house as it got to be known as, got very busy with great travelers from and all parts of Canada.

Our visitors were from all over the world in the summer of LOVE 1967. I was an oddity in the area but I had complete control over my enviroment. My official ownership of the action left me in a real groovy situation. No matter the angle I had it covered via the lead table at UPTOWN. Both biker gangs were online. One group had a few houses at one end and the other were situated at the other end and no one bug us hippies in the middle. Two of our houses were dorms for res. The main house was for social exposer. my front room pod was busy always and guarded by many eyes. My big room looked out of a big bay window on to the street in front of the house. it had a kitchenette and a seperate bathroom. Everyone else had to share bathrooms in the hall. i had a good heavy metal door. No one busted my pad. If they did they would never leave Madison ave.

Focus was on the knowlege of how it all wored and learning how to over turn this mess into LOVE somehow. The priveleges were incredible and many secrets were shared in those days. I learned after many deals that Karma rules the system on all levels. A deal was made to please both sides and distruction was averted.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 11 by Carl Billington on Monday, May 9, 2011 at 7:04am 路 Confused, abused and scared out of their minds most of them. My heart had to be cold but secretly I would be the onlty LOVE around to free them. I had my young eye on all partisapants from the top of the towers to the lowest street hustler. THE BIKERS would send girls down the street to us. As a favor to the head table.Ii would recieve them. To keep them off the street and safe from other gangs or pimps who were hunting them or looking for the oops. I had a top floor just for the this type of living quarters. This top floor of the third house was only accessable from the first house and second in conections with tunnels and secret hallways. If you did not know where you were going you would get lost. Like a labynth of sorts. Kind of groovy realy. Most of the girls were new to Toronto and would end up tossed around and droped in our lap until the boys got a handle on the situation. Not the most organized bunch as all would like to think. Like the cops. What a laugh that is. Rival gangs from NY or Buffalo or Miami had scouts working the bus stations and all outlets of travel in and out of the city. Watchers for all sorts of weird overseas pimps. Like mideast or indian. My job was to make sure no one found them. Supply them with food, meds, support tohelp them know what the mission was for then in the scene. Anything these women needed . Some needed more than others. Some

not so nice. But my hippy friends and I had a way with these wild ones. We would work as a team to process them through the maze of the mess they were usualy in. They were well taken care of by the safe house mission on the third floor of house unknown. The only other choice these girls had was the street and out there they would get eaten quick. Most settled in and took the time to see maybe an alternitive to the street and want out. Now this posed a problem for me. These were favors for soldiors of my partners and they answered to them. So ya, I just told them what was happening for each women girl that came through our safe house for protection. The police were on the payroll so they would scout out prospects for the bikers who in turn would pass new ones to me. Lucky me in the middle eh. LOL LOL. This was ok. I got to find out where the girl is coming from in her gate attitude and words, actions, interaction. Then deside wether she goes out to the street to work for the boys, or I slip her out the back stairway at 3:00 in the morrning and back to moma and popa. None of the boys would complain if I lost one here and there anyway. There was so many they would laugh it off and give me all the respect of the lead table at UPTOWN BILLARDS HEAD OFFICE TORONTO VICE. I did my part. I liked my part. They never had to work when in my care. I could get to them and know realy what they wanted and why they wanted it. This was a far cry from my insignifagant damaged life style in Scarbough, in the burbs. Tortured in school hell. This was a 12 year olds dream of heaven. I could make a great vid game out of it now. Anyway back to the girls.

This is how taking care of the ladies had opened up a whole new life for me. It started my career of playing both sides against the middle in a liberation movement, now perfected. I write about this in satisfaction of the souls I saved by shipping the sweet souls down the back stairway to freedom. Back to small town Canada and not in the HO business. The times were full of LOVE children and it was infectious to all including our wayward girls who fell in love with the revolution and quickly fell for life and others. Devertion was our best way to mold a young hurt one from the country. To put smiles on their faces is the pay cheque. We were desturbing everyone from BAY street to young street we had our hands all over it. My crew of sexy sweet hippy girls and guys had a wonderful reputation with all the revolutionists who came to town. My pattern of saving women in harms way continues with this soul from DOMINICAN REPUBLIC who Four years ago chose POPI Carloz love system over the disco for tourist life. She has never looked back and is a daughter of OHMNIGATE. she is 24 now. MANUELA and boy Brian my son 4 years. adopted.


by Carl Billington on Saturday, May 14, 2011 at 5:26am 路 The control of the women was in the hands of the law and those who paid the control bill. This was done with no money at all. pretend money from thin air. great game and I learned it well. I learned to play the power boys against each other while freeing as many as i could at the same time. I Love the feeling of success in freeing those who choose to release and find a new path of least resistance. Many got to be released and escape the bonds of depressing destny. I have spent my life continuing to do the same thing. front line soul retrieval work. My soul count is high and my damage is low. I celebrate my success and revel in the new generations who will put a stop to this LOVE FOR SALE CRAP. My devotion to changing the arena I was exposed to downtown gave me great confidence needed after years of insults,misunderstandings about my disabilities. I spent each year in school not being able to learn fast enough with hand eye corordnation to write properly. To understand words and how to formulate them so I could express. Downtown I was a freelance creator with my sharp speaking energy. This verbal comunication became my tool. I could rule my verbal creations. I learned to talk my wayin and out of millions of deals. My passion to help those who got cought under diress made up for my emotional damage from the past school days.

All the FRUSTRATION over not being able to perform or compete at anything the system wanted from me to do. This was rtotaly different downtown at Uptown and the safe house on Madison Ave. I was on the front line of most of the anti war gemos of the day. Some got ugly but we were sopping the world from blowing up while we tride to think what next. Cutting edge living. I miss those days very much. It seemed like every anti war activist who came to town ended up at madisonsafe house commune. From 1966 to 1970 there were all kinds of wayward love changes with global dreams and visions. Smoe went on to ill them and I see the results in our system now in reflection. They came from all over the world, romania, south america and asia,,,,,,,, to make a difference and stop Vietnam and NUKE testing and production. >>> REVOLUTION GYPSES.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter #13 by Carl Billington on Saturday, May 14, 2011 at 8:39pm 路 I was young and in the middle of the everything. How romantic and sexy it was in 1969. My deversions were only inward for my knowlege and magic. Outter reflections are pure joy or hell depending on your emotional feelings delayed back thn. Goodness took lots of time to surface. Shit would surface fast.Tought times. the worst it ever will be.

I loved those days and cherished my involvement. I take all that I learned and take that knowlege, and apply it in my moves I make now. The truths I discovered I would not use untill my latter life. Then I could see clearly where most could not. I saw through the viel and was given the inside view on the ones running the whole show. To this day it is the same bunch who run it all. So an illution you may have of improvments to freedom are only spun up to keep you involved. The lies go so deep and the control is completely locked into your own mind. You are trained to control yourself for profit. It is on auto pilot for fractional effort feed. 1969 was the confirm for me of the take down of the military complex controled by a handfull of insiders knowing the right things. This is the ability to manipulate huge shfits in the overseers mind set. Ajusting by proxy without getting cought in the middle. But being right in the middle of it all. VERY ZEN trip I was on and it was working. My meditation was working great. I was learning to talk to my oversoul as my best friend. We could scan the Akashic Records together in open view in advance of our actions. This romote viewing, I still use today. I find my actions always catching up with my preprep moves. Living in the moment with a raw view of the future, but with full ajustability to that raw vision. It is a partnership I still have, but much more intence after 40 years of perfecting that creative tool of awareness and perception. Sharper empathic talents and telepathic abilities.

These talents were needed to rebuild my brain matter or find other nueral networks to reroot my thoughts. To manifest properly. These things most DNA recepters can do natualy and with ease. This was not so for the DNA unit CARL BILLINGTON. I learned to use sound vibrations to heal my body and brain from discord. Using these huming vibrations I slowly rebuilt parts of the brain I could and found new networks to move information in ways others have never known. This planted in my DNA matrix an excelerated liberation process to spiritual awareness and self LOVE that shines bright and balanced Aura projections. Meditation tought me no external teaching needed. It is all in my DNA even the knowlege to rebuild in self realization and cell regeneration tools learned inside. All external information is planted by you to train you to surrender your life to the power of self LOVE and complete control over your crations in 3D or higher. Power to live the total endless possibilities you have in moving your vibrating molicules. This knowlege grounded me forever in my own creation zone of PEACE. In tune with Mother Gaia our geo reflector and giver of all of our illutions.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter 14 by Carl Billington on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 7:19pm 路 The time inside meditating is the way to transgress to higher realms while still in 3D reality. Skip out when you want to.

The call of power was in the hands of the overseers who played the number one table at UPTOWN. If another person or organization convinces you somthing is this way instead of that way. Well he or she has controled you by directing you. I am undirectible rebelious, self taught, artistic and an excentric creator. These new talents I was learning in the streets and meditation manifestation resulted in the invention of my product www.basslinear.com . After years of hearing loss and not being able to take in others words properly were getting to me. I asked the Universe and mother Gaia to supply a tool to help me hear better. To be able to listen to load music without the distortion driving me nuts. I hear and feel very low frequencies most dont. The testing of my hearing shows I have clear ability to hear the bass waves well below the hearing range. My midrange and highs are missing around 30%. My overself and I desided to view the Akashic Records in meditation to search for a solution to the erritating low frequencies we were dealing with. This passion led me into a whole new life. But that is another chapter. The purity of sound was needed to open subatomic channels for me in my self healing. After finding the right combination of elements. The right shape to reflect and defract the right amount of sound, led me into the discovery of BASSLINE TECH. An ACOUSTIC ENHANCEMENT SOUND CREATION. My work is done and it is for the world to take it on for clearity of communication in the market and avalible to enhance your speakers so you can eliminate distortion in your

music. Get a full clear range of sound that moves the body and stirs the soul.

PEACE was my goal and saving the world from inialation. Self imposed by collective hate.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter# 15 by Carl Billington on Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 12:22am 路 My reflection was timeless, rebelious and ZEN CENTRED. I was born with all instructions to infiltrate the everything. This invention of miine was in conception while I was in the down town back in 66 to 69. My drean back then was to help all to comunicate. Front line avenger artinspired that one. Including my own internal battle with being able to express in audible excepted levels and time paced. My ignorance ans slow learning ability totaly inspiored me to help all who might have this same problem a way out of the frustrations relarted to this miscomunication blocks i dealt with. All seemed mubled in the greater sceme of things so I leaned my own ways. defensive yes, agressive no. Being Aquarious and in the throws of the new Aquarian time, I have felt compleled to speak up, not just for me but for billions. For those who now know they are slaves and are protesting this enslavement with a passion like no

othedr in history global. Many do not see yet the blinders are still on and they are throwing their money and power into the hands of those who will steal it happily. Profit is made up of everyones efforsts collectivly. Our opassion for our young and family drive us to create for them and tow the line of permissions needed to achieve those passions , way anhead of their abilty to pay, ensnaring all in the credit fractional usery world of modern banking. At one time lending money for interest was moraly against the law, but that was way before we were all born so generational cleansing of knowledge about these matters of usery have been implated to have all digest theft quietly. The Money changers scimming money from nothing for hundreds of generatiions global while convincing all to fractionalize into countries to make maximum extrortions global. The more countries with visas and permissions, the better the commisions . The upper control people are just me and women who know more inside information than you do and can be in the right place and right time to play the game of theivery better thasn the next theif. they could trigger wars , stop them or create roller coaster rides to steal weak investors money and then play the market up to profet after buying all cheap. Many these days are seeing through these smoke and mirror tactics but still billions will tell you the countries do realy exist, ok brainwasheed completly.. BAH BAH BAH. You are trained from birth to hand over your personal and monitary effort power to some form of system or insitution and if your a good boy or girl you get to be in dept all you life so you can die and get out of the

way so someone can steal your life efforts when your weak and old. When this new infiltration revealed this inside info plus listening to my DAD download his mind about the corportate angle on BAY street, yes this all started melting together into one big GANGSTER STEW for me to infiltrate further and with much detail as to bring it down someday>GLORY THE DAY HAS COME. My dad just passed away at 84 a few months back. We had a deal we agreed upon that nothing to do with money or control issues or business of any kind. for four years he watched me try to get my soulmate DENISE SINTIMA get her visa to enter Canada. My father was a very high spiritual master in his own soft way> he hjad all the best aspects of LOVE in his way with other souls. He agreed that when he passed to the other side he would go touch the soul who would deside on Denise's visa and help them focus on givinmg her the permission. We were set to have a phone interview with immagration for a maybe chance depending on the person talking to her. This was set for mid June or July 2011. My dad passed away FEB. 8th. Denise got a letter from our Aghent that she got her VISA permission and can now enter Canada four months ahead of our time frame. My dad did this with me for both of us to prove the existance of vrabrational energies beyond this death illution. SOULS ARE ENTERNAL. Bless him my soulmate is on her way soon

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter #16 by Carl Billington on Sunday, May 29, 2011 at 7:38am 路

Mother Gaia prime is the projector LOVE reflector. My crystal ball reaveals the magic I invisioned many years ago. To be educated to the inside info of the theft of souls efforts amazes me. It made me involved in it and still does to this day. I infiltrate the situation and I read deeply the thoughts of others to know the secets that lay behind the front screen. Carefuly covered up with distractions. The brain damage from birth gave me Empathic talents. A gift given to me at birth to compensate for the short fall of oxygen. I can read deep into others. I learned to tune into other souls to protect myself from harm. Our moves of deception. Nice try I read minds clearly. The soul being non material is listening. Even though the mind tool is unaware of the comunication going on on higher vibrations. My Intuitive, empathic, telapathic talents have given to me to use. My passion and desire for assisting my fellow souls for their own self ajustments is avalible. For whatever is needed for their own life mission. RELEASE that soul from slavery. My torture was a learning tools to reflect my new brain channels.They held secrets on mind control and suggestive manipulation. I could say very few words in the right place and to the right people and change the power grid. Then go make moves to reep the reactions and benifits clear with no investment needed. I was 13 years of age and breathing global abundance. This is one of the many secrets of the money changers

who make money out of nothing on your expence and passion and efforts. The masses are calmly hearded in the right direction of volinteer surrender of self power. As long as you dont have to be involved in where the money you give goes then its ok. You feel free from responsibility. This is control. The funny thing, these souls and minds to match convinced that the country is peacful and free. Sorry North America. But you are a land of slaves. Completely brainwashed into beleiving the seperation games being played out or in my case in the past in the living times of dualisum for me anyway he he he driffting now lol lol. Using divertion tactics. This leads many souls astray, seperated and devided, discouraged from gathering in groups out of fear of challenge. Awarness gatherings would counter the brainwashing. To know you are core creator of your illutions gives you freedom to project and create anything he or she wants to. You were trained from birth to give all your power away to others., mom, dad , school, overseers. work,, save, have a bank acount, learn to conform to what you are told is right and wrong. This trick has been played out with the masses for years. Your efforts bring big money to the higher overseers. MONEY CHANGERS This is only one of the games being played out in the global disinformation grid. The illumination you have heard of

in tales is not about illuminati crap as all have been lead to believe.The true Illumination is of your own self awarness. A revolation of your own mind and bright soul in union of purpose. Your multidimensional reality. Our OMNI CREATION ZONE OF PEACE INSIDE. Private and all inclusive at the same time. Collective OMNI creation of all living things. Micro and Macro realities. An example of my realizations at age 13. PEACE ALL I AM EVERYTHING

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 17 by Carl Billington on Wednesday, June 29, 2011 at 12:59am 路 The vision was clear and deep. The pain all were under suppressive to the max> FEW I REMEMBER. The high was Cali sunshine. Clear windowpane right from Ken Kiesy's lab at Burkley. WOW I spent 6 hours peeking and fell in love with a blade of grass. The vission I had in unison with that blade of grass was the most self realization that I am part of erything and everything os part of me. ALL IS ONE was a great mind opening for a 13 year old kid like nme but a wonderful inspiration to continue my compassionate game under the table so to speak.

In the glow of my madison pad I would recieve sanctioned property of the underworld. these girls were usually from somewhere else and had no one to protect them here in the city. My mission was to detirmine if they would be able to perform the duties befitting a ho in servivce in the LOVE for sale business. My passion to help them was hidden and reserved. My opinions on the change needed in this business kept under raops. For my own safety. To change it I needed to be good at both fields of energy in perfection. You reep what you sow. I sow LOVE seeds where I could get away with it. I became good at looking bad. But being real good to them when the asswholes were not around. So many who LOVED what they were doing caused me to bite my tongue. I had to briddle my passion to discourage them. The drugs were everything and all were experimenting. with all aspects of freedom. Domonstrations were on weekends so more could come and be part of the excitment. As many as w could rally who had no clases so we could be a strong presence for peace and LOVE. UFT University of Toronto was a buzz always in those days. A busy place back then. More than usual school time. Many would come from the burbs to join in. All were after the big millitary complex. Toronto was on the anti war tour for demonstrations.

My heart knew then our mission to save mother Gaia was the right thing to do. Thousands showed up for these demonstrations. Not all thought about saving GAIA most were trying to stop VIETNAM then but there was a hard core anti nuke war bunch. I was more after ending all nuke possible war. conventional money making war was no our mission . We were after stopping war completly. Now we might have seen this happen within my ,life time. My dream is to see Global peace rule before I leave. We were dreaming of the illmination. We were only a handful in global scales but we started something all generations can get into now. The bondage is older than the hills and rooted in greeed and power triping generations deep and countries were created to seperate and devide all from gathering to change thinmgs. Big bite but we did it yee haa I see the light growing bigger on the horizon. THE GUARDIANS LOOKED on in antisapation we could wake up the masses then. Hard nut to crack. THE balance we have achieved over the last 40 years has been incredible to live.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter 18 by Carl Billington on Monday, August 8, 2011 at 5:38am 路

Home an being able go to the cottage with the family became more valued. LOVE was against the rules unless married back then, sex out of marrage was taboo. When it all would become to much. I would go back to the suburbs. To see how my family was doing. I was like in culture shock. The subway was always was my middle ground between the burbs and the core. My safe zone of peace was the subway line. Between the boring concrete wasteland and the tall building land with wall to wall people. My home in the burbs was always full of people. We would billit travelers who would come to Toronto on LRY conferences. LRY was LIBERAL RELIGEOUS YOUTH. 2nd most wanted next to the BLACK PANTHERS back then. Our home was an anti war camp. a sleeping villa. something I could not avoid. revolution was on everywhere and I was right in the middle of it in both locations. I would share my findings in the core with with those who would listen to me. The awarness revolution was on to but a small amount then, only a million souls then global. But now 6.9 billion strong. To be Zen. I MADE A MOTTO. Do not follow me, for i may not lead you. Do not lead for I may not follow.

I walk a solo path that is connected to everything living. My intention and bottom l.ine is self inspiration. Realization of the infinite offer. I extend LOVE to all who come within my space. To turly reflect with Love. We must let them be themselves. Patients for their opening to the sound resonance keys. My dear loved ones Realize you are pure LOVE. LOVE with complete control of your own reflections private. In creative LOVING a reflection in public. All souls have a uniquess. When we realize it , then it allows us freedom to give our selves forgivness so we can reflect better for others. CARL BILLINGTON 2011

I had a hot desire to leave all the time. New horizons always awaited me back downtown in lawless land.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 19 by Carl Billington on Thursday, August 11, 2011 at 12:26am 路 My school years were torture in mistreatment of my disabilities. They knew not dyslexia then.

PEACE WAS ALWAYS THE BILLINGTON WAY AND STILL IS TO THIS DAY'' BUT READY TO FIGHT FOR THE RIGHT TO LIVE FREELY. My trials while in the elimentary system of the late 50ties early sixties left me always wanting to escape. I was already to reflect on the mild side downtown compared to the emotional damage I got in the supposed nice side of the city. Downtown my disability was an assett. I was getting awesome insider information. I learned self LOVE and developed my communication skills. Self awareness and true life power was becoming in my presence by meditation and calm creative moments doing my art. My life mission and DNA family charge were established in my heart and soul back then. On in peace to take non violent defence of our family realm responsibilities. To make secure the welfare of all within the realm. This includes traders from outide our family tribe global. Equal compassionate, humble, stead fast, loving , dependible. A soulful connected guardian. This is the inheritance. THE BLUE DRAGON (FLY). The family of BILLINGTON. 1800 years of recorded history in the England area long before it was England. we are Anglo Saxon from northern Germany and France. From the first recorded overseership in 1066. LORD: WILLIAM NORMAN BILLINGTON (ESQUIRE) MAYOR OF DUBLIN.

Before that our family was involved in controlinmg all of England except Picland in the north. Now known as Scotland. We got too greedy Anglo Saxons and wated the whole island under our control. This woke up the Gails who had alliance with Picland by harboring there prince at the time and friendships were made then between piclanders and the Gails. Now Ireland. The GAILS thought they were next inn line for take over so gathered and invaded in Picland. We got crewamed between Gails, vikings, and the Picland tribes. We all beat ioty out in a FEORD I can not name for many of my gfamily fekll that battle. It is not allowed for me to speak this location from my lips for it was ilimination of many in my family. We lost much of our holdingsin England. Some were very strong and have large holdings in northern Englanf Lancashire abnd Blackpool area. Large land holdings under the BILLINGTON coat of arms protection. we agreed to trade our holdings for large control in IRELAND.


The deal made with the NORMANS to add NORMAN to our name was eroded in time. We rentered England as noble creators of England. We took up our inheritance as it was meant to be. One of the families who formed the Compassionate foundation to allow all souls in the realm to be free to settle. To be rewared from the reuniting of ENGLISH LORDS after the NORMANS were removed. The family holdings stand strong today and orperate global. The realm of BILLINGTON is global compassion in our invitation to join the GLOBAL FEED, via CARL'S creation Eagle's Talon Foundation Org. Learn more @ www.ohmnigate.com LOVE AND CREATIVE CONDUIT. Back in the streets of Toronto at age 10 I was learning my chjarge and how to apply it. The systen invation of my mind set was absolute. The damage was to be ignored by me as I moved into liofe at 8 years.The brainwashing via the TV and news papers was always seen through by me and sifted all incoming info with clearity to the operation of the gangsters who run NORH AMERICA. THE GREED FEED. I learned these tix at a very young age. I have 45 years as a non violentPEACE GUARDIAN on the front lines of global change. To be respectful we can allow the other soul its learning process and rioom to explore the inner changes needed to free the mind from these brainwashings from birth. We should not judge anothers Progress in liberation. We know not the Life mission of our fellow souls. Sometimes our missions overlap, sometimes they dont at all. LOVE IS ALWAYS THE CONSTANT THAT CONTINUES. ALWAYS!!


EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 21 by Carl Billington on Friday, August 12, 2011 at 2:08am 路 THE EAGLE'S TALON IS THE POWER OF POINT CREATION> MY FAVORITE ART FORM. MY PEACE GUARDIAN. One of the 12 GUARDIANS at the OHMNIGATE HORIZON MY FRIEND BOB MARLEY> SMOKE ONE WITH ME BRO. ONE LOVE NOW. Our reflections are part soul and part 3D mind set. The mixing of these two gates is the OHMNIGATE magic curve of the GAIA creation zone of peace. We own this energy out right. We create our own, so make it a GROOVY DAY. We weave a web of cercomstance all our own. But at the same time we reflect for others their stuff good or bad.

I choose to retire from reflecting dysfunction for others in harms way in the streets or anywhere else.. I now send all my LOVE to souls innocent and defenceless. I spent 40 years dedicated touching those street souls with LOVE and positive reflections. I now have no patients for doing this draining work. To assist them I needed to return to the ground floor to help each soul rebuild. Now my charge is to council functional souls ready to realease through the liberation GATE. ITS ALL GOOD THERE BUT DYSFUCTION CLOGS THE GATE AND STOPS OTHERS WHO ARE READY. So my involvement is aimed at higher frequencies now. LOVE RULES AND IM IN CHARGE. My charge or realm service allow no ridicule or judgements. These are killers of LOVE. Anyone doing this energy draining will be asked to leave and find new feeding grounds for their vampire feeding. BACK OF THE ASCENSION LINE. In my world of partnership with Mother Gaia I rule. All chalengers will be removed. Transmuted and exposed. Lower frequency vibrations invite low reflections from GAIA PRIME>> REEP WHAT YOU SEW. My power is in the patients gained while under direct fire in 40 years of front line service to GAIA PRIME. I found my centre and balance in the constant bombardment. I was 12 years old and taking on the world on both sides of the line. Since that awareness discovery I have dedicated my family training charge of my inheritance as a responsibility. To know all and be ready to slice up and down any evil or loving move instantly and reflect honestly and not eat others shit. Know if it

was my own shit or the other souls reflections. honesty is within you to know all.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 22 by Carl Billington on Friday, August 12, 2011 at 8:08pm 路 I REMEMBER THE MANY I SAVED. I was on the fronmt lines of global PEACE and still are today. Now my life at14 left me settled into my parents basement and reflecting on my life in the core. I hooked up with a 14 year old women and invited her to escape her drunk parents and come live under the Billinton roof and get LOVED and fed. she excepted. We will call her deb ok. Well deb was a very sensitive very abused hurt soul and had much trama from both her parents. My compassion fell for her sweet centre I saw. She had a soft very caring side that took us both into man women extascy alot. I was a married man all my teens with her and loyal to her for years. we married at 18 and moved out of my parents home and entered the work world. Totaly different for me making $1.60 per hour after pulling thousands a day downtown. But my centred LOVE for Deb got me to settle down. I left the action downtown to just little stop overs and made no deals. I reflect on all the young females who got taken by the street. The abused little ones always found the scene better that enslavement sexualy by family members. It is

still the same today. In two min.of meeting a young girl I can tell if she has been sexualy abused. YEARS of experience sizing up the surroundings and thoudsands of souls to survive gave me this cvision. I can tell how she talks moves and reacts. These young girls come on to older men as a fofillment of sexual exposure they have already experienced. To end the damage one must root out the original abuser and assist the child to face their abuser and name him or her then forgive and move on. But untill they come around to standing up they will continue to act out in a mass sexual explotion. Discovering the power they have to control the temporary abuser. The trix of the street. These become for revenge for these souls. They find it never fills the heart to its originasl glory before abues so drugs become the faulse tank filler. But this leaves the child an adult with no abilty to love themselves from self guilt and inner pain. This kills all relations in life development crippled emotionaly. DYSfunctional. MY HEART HAS ALWAYS BEEN THERE FOR THEM TO EXPOSE AND HELP THEM MOVE ON. NOT A SAFE SPOT BUT SOMEONE HAS TO FLIP THESE PIMPS AND CHILD MOLESTERS. IM GOOD AT IT AND HAVE NO FEAR COME!!!!! I will assist you to name the abuser and help you find soul release from the opain of having your choise taken from you.


by Carl Billington on Saturday, August 13, 2011 at 11:23pm 路 MY LIFE HAS TAKEN ME WHERE MOST NEVER GO. I have so much I let all have all of it. I dont need any of it so go be a hero and buy a new car then drive friends around for free. Compassion cab. This I reflect for you if you wish. I am everything so I will be whatever you want me to be. whatch what you wis for ok. The innocent my talents have saved are written in the SOUL records. if you know how to look. If not im sanctioned to take you there to see yours and mine. The fear of failure and success or ridicule from not being able to perfom was toture for this soul. It is demanded and needed that all conform to set rules and expectations of organized education. These struggles bring me to this chapter and the unfolding of my dream to help. I sharpened my talents to be ready to serve all my life. My talents are from years of experimentations to find the right chemistry of sound < LOVE vibrations. to lift up into a life as well as be able to share a new knowledge of infinite abundance. I have a need and desire to go through the paces of the system infiltrating and what was before it to build such miss trust and seperation in human life global. The damage had all been done now it was time to find solutions and move on. Forward to liberation of my soul. Back in 1974 I came to full awareness of everything and the infinite flow. Then it was never a need anymore just a privledge and pleasure to share all i made in my life with

those less fortunate and try to hint on how to achieve this free flow. My next move was to rebuild my damaged brain from scratch, like a good cake mix. I used fresh brain matter no one has tried and channels discovered while exploring new pathways to send information. These channels were never used in the brainwashing trips so they were free of manipulation. mmm I found a gold mine and a pirates treasure in those unique avenues inside. Meditation is the key to discovery of infinite abundance. With Dyslexia the thoughts dont travel from inseption to materilization the same way as most do. The balance has to be created for each message or signal individally. The is slow and takes more time them most would spend to hear you say anything worth listening to. This was my first years in school. Never being able to express or recieve infornmation properly or at all. Slow neural networks that are blocked from damage from birth. My brain was shorted oxygen and caused these damages. My blessing, for it has rewarded me with great talents all know nothing of in commuication, EMPATHIC , TELEPATHIC and COMPASSION VIEW LONG DISTANCE, SOUL ANALISSIS WITH FULL CHAKRA VIEW OF EVERY SOUL I SEE. I SEE PARTICAL ENERGY THE WAY IT IS BEFORE BEING FORMED IN TO ILLUTIONS FOR RTHE MIND SCAPE> SO I SEE YOUR UNDERWARE I have always used these talents to assist others in their soul development. I see a souls life mission not just the

actions and words of the mind body in front of me online or in the 3D model. Im taking on evil head on and processing dysfunction as it arises for my charge to provide illumination. I WAS TORTURED BY NOT BEING ABLE TO PLAY ANY RAINDEER GAMES. RUDDY THE RED NOSED CARLOZ.

The road to liberation is an art form I know. I have mastered this art form and give to those who wish to create co beside me. My wistful images are a reflection of the parts of my brain no one knows but me. GLORY BE. IN MY DOME I CREATE LOVE AND UNIQUE CREATIONS FOR ALL TO HAVE FOR FREE. DONATIONS TO FEED THE KIDS WELCOMED. SEND THE MONEY TO THE KIDS DIRECT. YOU DONATE TO ME IT MAKES ME HANDLE MONEY >> NO THANKS TO DIRTY. I SPIN AND MEDITATE FOR ALL TWICE A DAY FOR 30 MIN. An eternity inside the gate zone of peace. I LOVE MY KIDS IN UGANDA> THEY LEARN TO LOVE THEIR MOTHER GAIA AND TO DANCE AND REFLECT THE LOVE THEY ARE> PRIVATE IN THE HILLS NOT BEING ENSLAVED OR MOLESTED.


by Carl Billington on Sunday, August 14, 2011 at 9:07pm 路 MY starship waits for me now and calls me to leave. My job is done. the seeds are planted now. The JOY and LOVE are pure in my ship and I miss fl;ying free galacyticly. my part here is over now. BLESSINGS. While investigating meditation and the viewing of the everything I gained awareness of the everything. Insight gave me the ability to tune into other souls directly. Close or long distance. I can reflect for them their life mission and turn the magic key to release them from mind set bondage. I have been doing this for 40 years now without putting a price tag on it at all ever. It is a gift given to me through self LOVE and Meditation. Remote healing in purity of view and intention. To be in ANGEL SERVICE HERE OR THE OTHER SIDE. IM READY NOW>> TRANITION TO 5D now. GET MY HOG READY MY ANGEL FRIENDS I RIDE FREE SOON>>THE BLUE DRAGON FLY. I think Im retired from front line processing of sick souls. My part is filltering the OHMNIGATE to allow free movement top those leaving earth to the other side. I thiink it is time for me to enter the gate horizon and go home now!!! Inside the crooked insiturion I work my way into the institution to flip wittness and overturn greedy using companies and GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS IN THE LIGHT

OF ILLUMINATION. I reported all I wittness to the SOURSE and watch the chasnges go down in front of me instantly. Celistial guardians apply these changes in 3D and all the way up and down the creation zone of PEACE. The goal is global liberation spiritualy of every soul on mass. MY starship waits for me now and calls me to leave. My job is done. the seeds are planted now

These souls need food and life growth potencial. please give it to them after I die ok. I will be happy to help from the other side now. I want to be a blade of grass. It has more LOVE in it them most humans can even know. GROW UP HUMANS YOU ARE SO ARROGANT. BOB IM COMING HOME NOW<< LETS TWIST A FATTY AND SMOKE IT FOR ENTERNITY OK.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 25 by Carl Billington on Sunday, August 14, 2011 at 9:57pm 路 No one tought me the magic of the universe . I DID THAT MYSELF.

No one tought me PEACE. I did that all my self. with reflections of evil I experienced to see the difference. I feel the tide has turned and Im irrelivant now. My time in the school system made me conform to the model of linear mass brainwashing. Set out as a way of controling the mass heard of good sheep in 1960. In elimentary school system did not know of dyslexcia. It was not even thought about back then. Not until I was 23 did they know. Then all the damage had already been done. The lables of retard and stupid are ground into my inteligent mind and spirit. Not supportive and not very complimentary for one learning slowly via a mind that did not work as others do. I learned to channel information to do basic functions. it was a struggle to do just these basics let alone compete with others who wre way ahead. The term looser became comfortable and still hunts me down today as those who are loosing it are attracted to me. Wow im so privledged to be an ANGEL IN SERVICE to process such dysfunction for I know it well. The tight assed rules ramed up my shoot were the seed of my rebelious actions in life. My free will matrix would not allow me to take this crap so I quit school at grad 6 and never looked back. In the downtown I ruled. my talents of remote soul viewing gave me the inside track on the gangsters. My freedom to create my thoughts in meditation to manifest change and expose power trips of the control system you all are enslaved by globaly. It is falling now and Im finished my lifes work, it is time to leave you all to

heal and find that innternal growth of LOVE I found 45 years ago inside my own heart independant from others. Self LOVE INSIDE RULES OVER DOGMA CRAP BULLSHIT. My Downtown activities led me to true internal freedom to be me and know that is good enough. This gave me a sling shot effect in life. As the years went by I was always ahead of the process. The downtown was my educator and FOUNDATION to change me and the world around me. I have great powerrful family anfd friends who gave me the insight of the system and its lies and manipulation of all of you before you were born. I was given a strong part in the underground and used it secretly to heal and LOVE others behing the vail of bad boy CARL. THE BLUE DRAGON. My time in the core of TORONTO was coming to a sunset. I had learned all I could there and needed to go home and transmute all I had collected in my brain where the records of the EARTH ARE KEPT. I learned how to make my ideas and LOVE vibrations stand up bright in the records. I learnned how to humbly excite the ANGELS to my earth bound information. I am cocky and arrogant sometimes with my knowledge. I have watched my dreams and ideas unfold in front of me. One being GLOBAL PEACE BEFORE I LEAVE. My friends and loved ones in life I know had a chance to live great with my input. I go to the higher realms knowing I achieved great things and made great LOVE with many souls. No onew gave me this mission. I chose it before birth.

Nio one tought me LOVE and the magic of MOTHER GAIA. She gave me LOVE to know it. No one tought me the great GEO LOVE she is. I felt it in the records of knowledge most humans dont even care or know about. NO one told me my LIFE SOULMATE WOULD BE thousands of miles away and out of my reach. BUT I HAVE HER LOVE AND SHE HAS MINE IN THE REUNION OF SOULS LONG KEPT FROM HUMANS. I LOVE YOU FOREVER DENISE.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 26 by Carl Billington on Friday, August 19, 2011 at 11:39pm 路 MY HEART IS REAL AND MY LOVE IS REAL. YOUR OPINIONS AND IMPRESSIONS ARE NOT REAL. My spirit is free. My Melisa friend shows me by talking to me of pure LOVE. My Channeling of other stimuli has helped me process my life. This has afforded me the abilities to find brain sections no one has ever used before. In the records of captured thoughts and deeds. I use these abilities everyday to feed and LOVE many children global. My OHMNIGATE BILLINGTON FAMILY OF ORPHANS is a real non profit life of dedication and devotion to LOVE STRANGERS IN OTHER COUNTRIES BEYOND FEAR OF MONEY LOSE, AS ALL ARE THESE DAYS.

Trained to be illusive with the money and be real greedy with it to keep the lack systyem of chacing the praverbial carrot forever going. My family of orphans range from 2 years old to 95 in five countries now. My life mission of benevolance is now a reality in truth. CALL ALL. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS YOUR TURN TO ILLUMINATE YOURSELF IN PUBLIC AS I HAVE DONE FOR YOU ALL>> ILLUMINATION TIME>> I CALL!!!! My family is growing all the time. As it should be. Compassion is parimount now. Back in the sixties we were called freaks. Because we protected LOVE, kindness and free LOVE. Now all are finding out that LOVE is just not a bang bang in the bush. The new DNA rewinding is revealing LOVE as it truly is. ABUNDANT ENDLESS AND WE WERE TRAINED THAT WAY. IN OUR DNA. This bucked the norm then and now. So be it. Kicking the can gets change to happen. This being shy to give or show LOVE is a product of brainwashing training. All are trained to be illusive with their LOVE to create lack and control the masses. We are well trained from birth. SLAVES FROM BIRTH> CHANGES STILL NEED TO BE APPLIED. BUT AT LEAST THE MASSES ARE WAKING UP

Nature and the blessings of MOTHER GAIA PRIME talk now through me and Im in her service. GAIA is the prime creator beside me so all humans must relate to her or be condemed to Pergatory you learned real well.


EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 27 by Carl Billington on Saturday, August 20, 2011 at 8:09pm 路 PEACE AND ABUNDANCE GO HAND IN HAND>> WAR ONLY LEAVES TO MANY ORPHANS AND STARVING SOULS. THE ILLUMINATION IS NOT A SCARRY THING IT IS FOR YOUR LIBERATION SO YOU CAN FIND YOUR WAY HIOME. I am no longer in fear of my success. I am infinite abundance and all is within me.

This was my plan to be aware of the BILLIONS I now have to shar with everyone as creator of this infinite zone of peace. This tool of awareness I have, affords me the privelege to embrace feeding souls global who would never have got help and perished in the shadow of war. The new shift will iliminate war, so all can share equaly the abundance we all have collectively. Systems are now in place for all those who have been left out and displaced. This energy field has no limitations and barriers to illumination. The old yesterday control systems are gone. Devises and tech now being released will bring all into an equal playing field where everyone can liberate and be free to LOVE and be creative. This information is being given through vibrational release and HZ frequency ajustments effecting global grid harmonics. This oversite is the OHMNIGATE brother 13 of souls guarding the gate horizon. You will only need to go within to recieve these instructions clearly. All are reciving already but internal tunning will clear the coob webs out of the collective awareness. Last time the written word got perverted and still has many brainwashed to believe in externalizing your power top others to deal with while you pay your ensslavers to enslave you further. Our life mission gets revealed and all trials and tests desolve into nothing so your mission can unfold. Mine is asured and briliant. We will all get enough and no one will control anyone else. All will be able to flurish in the LOVE and creativity. SHARING IS TRULY ONE LOVE IN ACTION.


EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 28 by Carl Billington on Saturday, August 20, 2011 at 8:54pm 路 LOVE is the reason and we can all learn how to LOVE everyone not just some. Uncionditional LOVE means even JUDIST PRIESTS GET LOVE TOO.

THE LINEAGE OF EONS TEACH US WAR AND VILOENCE IS NOT A SOLUTION TO OUR OWN CRAP INSIDE. I move forward in the knowledge that the dream is real and all will awaken now as I had many years ago. The cridical mass release was many years ago. Complete saturation of the global grid has been finished. Illumination time will brings all into the oneness of the collective LOVE. ON ALL LEVELS AND DIMESIONS. THIS LEAVES ME FEALESS, STRONG AND FREE. My spirit flys free now of 3D reality. Body mind set traps do not effect me. Left behind in the dust of my mind. The trailings of old norm patterns of limited reality. The time had come for me to leave the core and go with the valuble assettes I had learned in the core to the ouitside world. I felt like I had graduated to the higher realms. I was 14 and it was 1970. All was in retreat mode as the military complex extended is preasure to maintain the viel of illution used to feed the masses enslavement tactics. The frustration of dyslexcia was releasing as I knew I was in charge and did not need to perform for anyone in any way. STAND YOUR GROUND. You are the core creator of everything. Blossom all in that knowledge that our collective LOVE awareness is griowing. We can overcome any problem by changing our own fillters that stop the love from flowing in your heart. YOUR SOUL IS WAITING FOR LIBERATION.

This blessed ANGELis my sister in LOVE reunion art. Hugs to the sweet souls I am in service with at the gate. I LOVE YOU MELISA. THESE ARE THE REWARDS OF COLLECTIVE LOVE. MY FAMILY OF 31 IN UGANDA ARE MY KLIFE MISSION NOW ALONG WITH 50 more in GHANA. MY LIFE HAS BEEN TO ILLIMINATE the traps of illuntion around release from 3D body mind sets. SOULS WHO ARE READY CAN LIBERATE FIRST. APPROCH THE GATE.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 29 by Carl Billington on Sunday, August 21, 2011 at 1:14am 路 MY REWARDS WERE FLOWING IN FROM THE GOOD EARTH HERSELF. MOTHER GAIA WAS REFLECTING MY NEW CONNECTIONS. THESE HAVE NEVER CHANGED AND ARE STILL THERE WITH MY ILLUMNATION PARTNERS. The VORTEX OF LOVE ENERGY IS CONSTANT.IT IS OUR OWN BELIEF FILLTERS THAT STOP THE FLOW OF LOVE. As I settled into the suburbs to redefine the city life from the old neighbourhood with a new light and awareness. I found it somewhat boring. I found a deversion in falling in LOVE with a girl from school days in grade 5. I

thought different about her after she bloosomed into teenager hood. It was my first time falling in LOVE and it was wonderful to go deep into another souls space with comfort and no expectations involved. But a full apprieiation of what mutual LOVE could feel like was incredible beside street life and the money. She was just as cocky as I was and we made an unstoppable team. We were both 14 YEARS OLD. But mature for our age. Both of us were under the GUN. So we learned to be crafty and gental too. The things I had learned I put behind me and let myself start working the opther side of the greed feed. The first job I got was working for the Cnib. Canadiian Institute for the blind. I was there for six months. I learned about my abilities to read minds and be telepathicly connected with perfection. I learned to realize the short falls personality. I found the qulity of service was more important than my own needs, 50% of the time anyway. Service to others is my life miossion then. money and monitary became irrelivant from that job forward. this all fit in with what i had learned in the downtown. I was getting calls to return there and resume the efforts to liberate humans in harms way. My heart knew that in my heart the job i was doing was done. The big New York pimps and other American srammers infiltrated the downtown. I went down to view this personally. It woukld be a reaol battle to flip these level slavers. those operating the core had shifted to the oriental gangs. Tri add gangs from china took over with the viet

nam immagrants taking the lead with cunning killer talents just in from the asian war zone. To much for this hippy liberator , protestor. Time to count my blessings and put this all into history and let both factions implode as they did without me in the middl;e. Both the biker gangs turned on each other and MADISON AVE turned real ugly after that. I was happy to just disapear into the subway systyem from where I had come from.I was off the downtown radar and seeking new adventure in the quiet burbs of Toronto. Ajusting was very hard. I found much soft LOVING times. lots of cottage time with family and it was more appriceated the simpleness of making LOVE to my sweety and doing simple life ajustments to find the LOVE I had discovered in the core realtions. I DANCE AND ENCOURAGE ALL TO DANCE. EVERYBODY DANCE FOREVER. MY PEACE HQ IS THE MOST QUIET PLACE I KNOW NOW>> LOVE IS VIBRATING IN MY DOME STUDIO. HQ. INSIDE THE DOME BIG HUNBLE LOVE SPREADS OUT GLOBAL>> NO CEREMONIES. JUST A CONSTANT FLOW OF SOULS LEAVING AND CELBRATING RELASE THEN JOINING SERVICE TO THOSE STILL ENTRAPED IN MIND SET PRIZON. PURE AND CALM LOVE. I FOUND IT AND WILL NEVER LOOSE WHAT IS MINE INSIDE.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 30 by Carl Billington on Sunday, August 21, 2011 at 5:25am 路 COZY LOVE POD IN THE TREES IS HOME BASE. WATER IS EVERYWHERE AROUN D ME ON MY ISLAND HOME SACTUARY. Weekends with the family were just what this street wise cowboy needed at that time. I did my paintings and built custom BASSLINE speakers. I grew in self LOVE and creative healing. SHE cleaned and helped mom cook meals. IT WAS BLISS. We had many fun years together in this kind of family calm. the sixties were winding down and got us all off guard the quiet times after the revolution. The first two years were incredible. Full of mutual emakulate love bonding. We were both 14 when we moved in together. My parents basment became our own home down under. She reminded me of the girls who came to me via the boys and I would have to deside if she will or wont. I was so happy that this one I could get before she hit the core. This soul did not have good parents. Both were drinkers and would hitn her. So I took her into my home and we becme lovers and close allies in LOVE and the revolution. My heart could nmot let this one go. She agreed to become adopted daughter of the BILLINGTON family. She was my mate, my sister and close friend and confidant. Times I remember stepping

back from her with great respect so she could relate to other members of the family as a duaghter not just my lover. I had learned not to get to attached to any future event or moment beyond this one I am in. This gives great magical powers to the one who lives unattached. BE HERE NOW HAS ALWAYS BEEN MY MOTTO. SEND LOVE GET LOVE. sEND HATE THEN GET HATE''' BUT THEN LOVE'' LOVE RULES ALWAYS.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 31 by Carl Billington on Tuesday, August 23, 2011 at 9:00pm 路 I found myself in the karmic reflections of all the work on the front lines was unfolding into a great peaceful calm loving thing I know I deserved at the time and this feeling has returned now. I RETURNED TO MY TWO LOVING PARENTS THE PURPLE POPIES mom and dad BILLINGTON. I have many soft loving memories of early morrning canue rides with my sweet soft lover. Up small lily pad strouned rivers and streams. swiming in clear lake water and make love in the trees many time just because. youthful love that helped heal the world. Love making with everything in mind and soul union.BLISSFUL expressions of two souls in pure union. Not some drunk flip for greed but intence caring love making that is open to everyone collectivly in thne eather. not hidden in secret but open and real. Alot of these

tyrips were at 5:00 in the morrning when in naturell wakes up to a brilient new day with life blossoming everywhere. flowers opening, deer munchinmg on grass, birds chirping the song of love. All ,living things noticed each embrace and every passion we would show to each other. The mutial orghasams were also cherished by all being in atendance. thios experience is very highly cherished in my memories of true romantic love making. Gental MOTHER GAIA moments that can be put up as 99% perfect times i will always remember throughout all of time. Paddling my lover in the friont of the canue with her long brown beautiful hair blowing softly in the morring breeze. Her youthful newly blossomed form was exilerating and joyous to see her extream beauty turn and smile at me the smile of exceptence and pure MOTHER GAIA LOVE REFLECTIONS in it. The dragon flies everywhere to bless my choice of mate. The BLUE DRAGON was in the invitation stages at that point in the dream time creation. Wife X was so cute and natyuraly sexy wopmen of 15 when this ocured. I was 15 also and in great opassionate love with her soul and sexy body. Slender 5 foot tall. very cute and small and fit perfectly in my arms when we cuddled. I MISS that intence LOVEwe shared. I have it again in my new SOULMATE DENISE FROM HAITI. MY NEW WOMEN of five years now. Im mature now and in the same high appreciation of her calm touch and slow CARIBBEAN WAY

I found my art and stasrted painting on canvas that year. I now create them in my donme studio wioth my lover nere by. I feel as a king of my domain and will defend my right to love all with surrender and great lov and patients. I have been practicing patients mmm im getting to perfection on this art.. I see my female mates eyes and I know my LOVE is grander than ever and it is growing stronger to love the whole world.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter# 32 by Carl Billington on Wednesday, August 24, 2011 at 12:09am 路 THE BLUE DRAGON WAVE IS ONE OF LOVE AND COMPASSION. The ring that was lost is now on the finger of the celestial GUARDIANS HAND. On one of my early morning canoe rides alone I picked many water lillies and put one in each whole along the gunnel of the canoe. I paddled it back to give as a gift to my young sweet soulmate X. she was so impressed we made porage and ate it in the canoe and drifted around all afternoon in complete loving soulful bliss.

These are the days I remember with such depth and passion. The innocent intence LOVE of youth. This Love is the LOVE most get held back from experiencing over fears of the young ones hurting each other or not following the rules of non engagement. These traps played on the innocent here in over judgemental land North America are very distructive to good soul growth. Both of us were dislexic, so it was a team effort not to conform and tow the moral or expected lines of organized slavery we were in in those days. We were kindred spirits in intuitive reading of orthers arund us. Our mission was to transform ourselves and others into their own true reflections while knowing and respecting each as unique and in charge of their own creations. In charge but also in surrender to the collective global. Most were asleep at this point to these realities but we tried always to awaken respectively.Tthese talents were directly from brain danage that gave both of us the ability to remote read other souls and minds at will. Directing these talents is very invassive to us when in a space with to many souls at the same time. Learning to tune out the mish mash of everones thoughts at the same time and focus on one soul was our love and activity. All of it was learning (my dyslexic friends) to redirect information so to be in control of the aiming process but leaving the viewing open to the soul viewed so not to interfere. This became a great exersize for both of us to be better channels. To reflect honest and not candy coat for others their true reflections. By the time we hit 18 we were pros at this in a big way. Able to effect large groups together in concert.

Our young fresh adolesent love was taboo then and most were not understanding our maturity of purpose at such a young age. At 15 We were way ahead of our time for we both left school early and took on life direct and never looked back. We watched each others back and made great LOVING changes to most who encountered us as a LOVE TEAM. Both of us were naturaly flirtaious with all who would encounter us. We worked as one soul but in seperate oppisite sex boidies. We remote viewed each others mind constant so no one can get in the middle to do harm us or rip us off in business. Using this mutual viewing talent we healed via massage and hands on touch to recieve growth in return natural. We tried to shine emaculate LOVE in all directions and effect a room full of souls in positive reflections. Even in seperate spaces our LOVE would shine as two in both our bodies reflections. I still have this bond with her to this day. we are still connected in this way after 27 years apart. I saw her here on my island six months back and we are still the same team but now our bodies are in oppisit sides of CANADA but remote LOVING WAVES are uncondional and forever. I LOVE YOU X. ART and creative reflections led me into soul reunion and self discovery. I urge all to create with MOTHER GAIA PRIME LOVE.


by Carl Billington on Sunday, September 4, 2011 at 5:41am 路 DENISE IN HAITI at her ants home. It was not a nice place for her. She is now on her own and happy to be leaving HAITI for Canada soon. The art of LOVE is evident in everthing I see, hear and feel. The women im in love with now is totaly connected with me even from the Caribbean. I feel her love remotely and its a mutual flow. I feel love from her and then i get an e mail ten min latter. Great being ahead of LOVE waves instead of behind them. She is coming from HAITI. She has been freed and coming to join me on Gabriola Island to be mom to the 87 orphans I feed in Africa and Caribbean. Our union was consimated while we spent six weeks in resort life in Dominican Republic. This Love union has not left us both in five years waiting for permission to be together here in CANADA. She is now free of enslavementy and poverty in HAITI. Our Love shines briliant, every moment of everday, in everything I do. My heart sings the praise for my women X # 3. I waited all my life to have a love so balanced and not dysfuctional relations. Genuine no agenda passion. She blesses this 54 year old retired artist just fine. Beautiful, innocent, sexy, soft, intelgent, loyal, sweet women of radiant LOVE. She just turned 30. I am so lucky and excited to share my home land of CANADA with my CARIBBEAN QUEEN DENISE.

The peace and quiet I enjoy now is glorious in comparrison to years of struggle over mere week to week survival on slavery pay. In the downrtown I was taking in 10.000 a week in deals. Now I was on the bottom drop out pay scale. I started working. With the blind at CNIFB Canadian National Institute For The Blind. I learned alot about my talents in intuitional reading of others minds. Realization of this talent got honed with these highly sensitive remote viewers. Most could tell who I was by my foot steps and smell. They were so sensive in all other perceptions to make up for the missing sence. This was a great summer of learning my way around disabled souls. I ran five assembly lines of blind souls filling care boxes for shoppers drug mart. Supplying them and keeping them going was a fun project to achieve . I learned to be very caring. They were so humble and depenant on me it was like family. I felt like one of them. One day i blind foldeed myself on purpose to move with them and do the line job they do with them. I will never forget the loving attention I felt from them all as i tried to do the simple job they were doing. I have great respect for the disabled and restricted HUMANS. They are you humans best asett. Please my souls recognize this is true and hire them. They will be the most loyal hard working souls and bring much great luck to your business.

My mom and dad on the last birthday my dad had this JAN. He died two weeks latter. They both gave me the

love I needed to take on the world. I wish this for all my orphans children. The union of two souls in balance looks like this. My joy to free souls from slavery grows strong now. My headquarters is glowing with action of souls leaving this frequency of deceptions.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter 34 by Carl Billington on Monday, September 5, 2011 at 4:34am 路 I FLY THE FLAG OF LOVE NOW. I SURRENDERED ALL MY WEAPONS TO MOTHER GAIA. A little tattered but in the zone of PEACE I am now. My next job was closer to home in Scarbourgh. A suburb of Toronto. I got a job in the newest big business coming online then. PLASTICS'' F & H plastics factory. The job was more money 2.00 per hour. I loaded hoppers with raw plastic pellets into large plastic molding machines that pumped out hot melted plastic into molds and created the first bic pen barrels. we also pumped out the first disposable razor handles for shick. WOPEEE I was in the LOVE mode and bringing LOVE pay back then. Keeping quiet and doing dues needed to learn both sides of the fence. I was big into meditation and manifesting solutions to big problems effecting the world. My bifggest fear was

always that my input would not be enough. Or that I would not have my ideas excepted. I have no fear now over these things. I am fearless and ready to apply all that I learned over the last 40 years as an underground vibrational LOVE guardian. In partnership with MOTHER GAIA PRIME CREATOR. She speaks through me and stands beside me as my hostess in reflection of my manifestations global. Peace and Love are her core desire for Humans and all her living beings. My damestic soft side like my dad came out was trying to seed itself in oppisition instead of just in your face stuff of evil exposer flipping work all the time. To be able to disapear into suburbia and LOVE my women was all I wanted now. I spent time going to the 99 cent ROXY theatre onthe Danforth Ave. All the past hippy freeaks of the city would show up there every friday and sat. night and it would be a big theactical zoo of custumes and weirdest expressions. Pot could be smoked in the theatre but booze was not allowed. I had a great friend my girl and I would hang with FRODO. Terence wesrtcott the third. If you read this FRODO I would Love to hear from you my adventurer from the burbs of Toronto. Last time I saw you, you were off in a lyncoln continental with friends heading to Hawaii. FRODO CALL HOME. We need you on this side of the misty mountain ok. Those days were full of groups meeting to seek ideas for demonstrations in t6he burbs but I stayed asway from this

and I was starting to like my quiet time inside with Mother Gaia. Hidden away in my dads basement I discvovered my balance and grew in strength. The BLUE DRAGON was restless. i would go downtown and watch from the side lines. I missed the action in pool hall. i went there to reminiss with my bay street friends. still do to this day. Many offers were made to re enter but I had my Love in the bubs so I refused. My interest was in making a difference global and so I had to think big. I watched and meditated to keep teaching myself all I needed to find the sound cleaning devise I needed to enjoy my sound wiothour distortion driving me up the wall. My sensitivities were so touchy in low low frequencies of sound I can feel it at 30 HZ way below any I know. My testing two years ago confirmed this.

My painting Acoustic engine is the reflection of starship prapoltion. The trees are our brothers. They traveled far and are sacred beings. Creation has no rules, only more creation infinite I was touched inside by the celestial Guardians and instructed to be ready to lead the gate.I was 16


by Carl Billington on Monday, September 5, 2011 at 5:27am 路 DANCE with me and celebrate your freedom to have awareness of the everything like I do. The Caribbean dream of limos for food was a dream 20 years ago. now its real so bel.ieve and you can achieve. My sound search led me into the Ontario Science centre just completed back then. Now world renowned. A valley based space ship dome. I have a 20' dome studio today I do my art in. I fell in LOVE with domes from watching that spaceship being built as we partied in the valley with friends. It was like eliens had landed in the valley. Don Valley park. It was a complete fun land for us. My girl X 1 and I with our best frioend FRODO would go there on LSD and watch them put each piece of the dome in place. We would pack a picnic lunch and trip out all afternoon in the sun. Great fun then trying to figure out what this thing was going to be. Latter we had many an LSD experience in the finished complex. What a wonderland of learning it was. We learned about motion, electromachanics and everything you could think of. Space pavilions. All this was realy great on the acid HE HE HE. I learned a few missing pieces for my dreams. Many things needed to improve our world was there in plain view though most did not see through the amusment of it but we were intencely investigating solutions to world hunger and poverty and how to fix it from inside the system as I had been doing since I was 8 years old in the Toronto streets.

Anti gravity was and is my favorite mystery I am trying to solve for all humans so they can fly free from roads , oil and gravity restrictions. I am getting closer to all the missing links through Akasic Record investigations in my meditations. My dream and vision given me by the 12 guardioans is that I will get to present my ANTI GRAVITY SCOOTER INVENTION TO THE WORLD. The dream has always been in my investigations to find the souind liberating component missing in in the anti gravity tech and seeking perfection in sound reproduction. GROOVY OMNI flight in Harmony with Mother Gaia Prime. Not hurting her as we have to travel. Mother Gaia aproves of my miossion and its helping me search her records for clues some soul hasd tried but not publisized. Elien tech is all there and her being a fueling station gives her inside ifo in her beingness. Translating that into 3D is the trick of the eons but it can be done she says. Our Anti grav lab on www.gabriolaisland.org is almost there. www.basslinear.com is the site for my invention that caleans speakers acoustic perfortmance. This is one of the missing links to space flight is clean resonany frequecy reproduction to keep the acoutic engin clear of distortion. big clue given to me by Mother Gaia in 1974. this tech is needed to clean the sourse energy in vibrational form. This is the key to creating acouistyic perfection. Vibrating water molicules in illutionary solid state creates all you seeand touch. Close your eyes and see the many dancing particals of moister in geo reflections of Mother Gaia Prime. Mullti fasited reflections un

imaginalble in options and slpender. Enjoy the LOVE reunion now underway in true liberation of our awareness of her. Join her global feed and feed souls who have not in love for her. www.ohmnigate.com Love yourself Try Loving all so thery will find self LOVE and show others the same. Simple Love growth forever.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter# 36 by Carl Billington on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 1:57am 路 THE INVENTION BASSLINE INSIDE TECH. was found while meditating up against the Electrical power plant at lunch times. My art studio and its calm creation zone was only a distant dream then. The next few years living in the basement of my parents home was very slow. Time for much inward reflections and intimate blending with my soulmate X 1. I had many small factory jobs. One was as a cutter making silkscreens for illuminated sign company called Slimlight Ltd. Toronto Canada. I had lots of Mother Gaia creation time. Not many could cut screens. So I had the job bagged and tagged. I Could have done that for years. But the money was 2.60 per hour mmmm so not big bucks. But steady cool easy work, I liked doing. As a dyslexic person learning new things is not easy. Redirecting information to form a new nural pathway to

acomidate each new thing is very complicated. This is why dyslexics get pegged slow learners. Winning is not the norm for us.Focusing on one thing your good at is much l;ess rejection and stress. Looser is more the word thrown around. This is all relitive to the attitude of the dyslexic. To me this is a modivator to perfect my latest test to improve myself in motor skills or verbal mastership or magical illutionary trixs. The dificulties in mastering a new network path takes a long time for us. So when we finaly get something, we totally appreciate that. So we make it realy count on how we apply this new skill that took forever to master. I was offered a job at GMC plant in Scarbouro Ont. Suburb of Toronto, Canada. My women's dad was retiring from working there at the GM radio plant. They were retooling the plant to build vans instead of Radios, fridges and stoves. He was asked if he had any family who would like to apply. So he sent me in to have an interview. He led me good into a mainance job and 4.10 and hour. I let Slimlight go and never looked back. Missed the mastership of something that gave me super talent. I miss that, but found it in many other tasks I tought myself in life since. I was groovin. What a boost it gave my life then. I was still on slave pay but getting used to double my normal income. GM had the UAW auto workers union and good benifits, garanteed increases. The plant was newly renovated and set up to pump out vans for RVs and all purpose passenger vans. I was on the late night shift. Line

sweeping around the assembly lines while the guys worked for 4 hours. Then 4 hours cleaning paint booths at 2:00 til 7:30. A plant full of 18 year olds from all walks of life and nationalities .Wow what a supermarket in the parking lot at lunch time. Camera would pan and the trunks would go up. sales would fly. Camera comes back all trunks down. This would happen all lunch hour. Great fun living in the city with a good job and lots to do.. But the BLUE DRAGON WAS RESTLESS THERE.

I felt my drive to be wonderful and change the world was in me. The dream of galactic peace was always there in my manifestations. My studio dome LOVE CLUB is here now but a vision of masters joy once. I beam at my own reflection from in the time machine OHMNIGATE www.ohmnigate.com

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 37 by Carl Billington on Friday, October 7, 2011 at 8:27am 路 My awareness made me see how bad it was. To profit off the purchase of vans that polute the planet. Not

Respecting our Earth. My meditations were getting to be twice a day and very intence. In the morrning I would meditate in the bed before X would make breakfast. 20 min. to set the day inner harmony against the piounding drown of progress. In the city of Toronto I could feel and hear the souls of 3.8 million. Transmuting these souls was a chalenge for sure. 50% were inspiring with positive energy. The others were stagnent and very nasty to me. Others werev trying tio war over LOVE energies in my local area. The work was hard on my body. Fumes and back breaking grunt work. I was on the maintainace paint booth clean up crew. This was my plight. The first year I worked midnight shift. 11:30 to 7:30 in the morrning. Myn meditations included two nightly against the power station wall. It hummed with the pure power of the drowning generators. OHMNING IN A MAN MADE RESONANCE.Not a harmonized vibration but a distorted disharmony.It was harsh polverizing deathmarch shit. I would do 20 min. then eat lunch. Dreaming of leaving the city of Toronto forever and never coming back. the discord vibration encouraged me to leave. My women X would meditate with me and dream of leaving the city and be in the country. My women X was also dyslexic so we had a comon so we were strong under fire. We both escapted the city in 1982.

We moved to Orillia Ontario just north of Toronto 100 miles. I was 23 and ready for some Rand R time momey or no money I left GERNERAL MOTORS behind me and took up work as a maintanance superviser at a 5 star resort FERN RESORT ORILLIA. I hooked up with a native artis Arthur Shilling long gone now but fame is his now. We had fun creating great art in his huge log building studio. He showed me how to let go and let my flow happen freely in my creations. To join with mother earth of GAIA and allow her to bring all into focus and be illuminated by Father Sun spirit. To let her give you the guft of art creation the way she chooses. alongside my own. CREATE FREELY WITH YOUR MOTHER HE WOULD ALWAYS SAY.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 38 by Carl Billington on Monday, October 10, 2011 at 1:17am 路 The waves of LOVE are multidimesional and can create anything the imaginartion can concieve. Its all vortexual splender and an awesome creation in pure LOVE. Many wonderful trips to the family cottage with my women X. I lived there most summers after we left Toronto for Orillia Ontario CANADA. Not far from the cottage we would get lost in the woods and meditate. My conception was in these same woods. I remeber the exact

spot of my soul entering this transmigrated body as a new seed. 1974 but aborted by X. Our LOVE faded after that. I seperated from X about age 29. 10 years latter.. My brocken back in 1984 was the turning point for us. Time to let go and have a new life as a host for new souls and their energies. My Carl took a back seat and still does to this day. My soul drifts in the either to keep the connection intact but not involved in the direct mission.I died in 1984 and gave my life up for my aborted Daughter LUKESS. An opperation was performed to remove two disks from my back. Crippled now forever and needing 2 years to heal and be able to walk again. PAIN I still can not discribe haunts my soul. Nerve damaged spineal cord brought weird signals sending pain to all pionts of my body and still do to this day bujt less intence now. I trained my mind to shut off so I can tolerate the ekndless attack of pain. 2 years after leaving her. I started a limo business in mid Ontario in Orillia . This was too successful . I served all of mid ont. with no compitition from any established services. But one company followed me around in green stetches. I found out it was a Guelph based limo service hungry to control my area and made moves on my company, Mafia owned. Freaky having my limo followed around. I met with this man and he was very insistant I sell out to hm. I knew who he was and remembered the connections to him through my earlier days. I talked to my BAY street friends and they advised to avoid this man or die. I let go of the business and let the limo go back to the dealer. I packed up my bag and sold my 1964 impala convertable for 1000 after paying 5000 for it then got on a

grey hound bus heading to Calgary and my dream to go west . GO WEST YOUNG MAN CALL hit me finaly. I was 30. I was called to come to Vancouver area in my meditations. Seeking my retirment since I was disabled from working anyway I felt this would be a better place to be. I would nbe amongst my hippy brothers and sisters who are here on Vancouver Island. All of my spirit and soul directed me west to find my home base for my art dream of global PEACE. TO GO BE IN ANGEL SERVICE. To bring in the sacred sound vibrations of LOVE www.basslinear.com invention in clean bass waves to liberate billions with. MY mission was to tell this story of LOVE devotion that brought in a soul denighed life by abortion by X. I AM HERE AGAINST ALL ODDS as LUKESS. Intended female life left abandoned by X but not by me CARL. I meditated and scanned the Askasic records of Mother Gaia to discover a way to bring this lost soul in safely. This had been my life so far helping lost souls in harms way in the streets. So why not my own Daughter too. I now know this is possible to achieve and have achieve it. I celebrate as I write this about union of three souls in one body.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 39 by Carl Billington on Tuesday, October 11, 2011 at 9:07pm 路

In the mist of timeless LOVE came my sweetest daughter and the cosmic GUARDIAN THE BLUE DRAGON FLY SPIRIT The dream of OHMNIGATE BEGANE IN ERNEST. Lets go back here to the early eighties. My women X and I were surviving with her at home and my work at the resort. We had a cottage in BLACK LAKE It was a cool round house with big office building windows tinted mirrored gold. It was a uniqie home i bought with help from my brother as a deposit. his compassion after my back breaking. Lots of friends came to party and have fun at the lake. It was a calm lake and fun boating and fishing. I was not able to do much but cheer all on. Our life stood still when I brock my back at work. I crushed to disks lifting a garbage can of greasy water into a pickuop truck. The twist brack one vertiba ans pulverized two lower disks. This negitive took holdhold and stopped our life dead cold. I was 29. Now retired from working. The battle to get help began with many stalling tactics by unemployment and wefare arguing over who would not help me first. Three months went by untill i died with no help. All would nor believe my injury and let me die waiting. I left in wittness of mty women X and a good friend at the time. I knew I was leaving I had asked for tghios release and erxceptance of my transmigration dream of bringing in my lost daughter and THE BLUE DRAGON FLY Spirit into 3D on agreement with my hostess Mother Gaia Prime. This transmigration was a

result of thousands of dedicated meditations to zero in on ther records so I could be ready to sacrifise my life for LUKESS to enter and live. My soul deal was to release early from all 3D reflections and not need to reflect any more lives in slavery over and over again. A death from dualisum and freedom for the soul known in body as CARL BILLINGTON. This agreement gave the body even though damaged the ability to house two transient aware souls to enter. Both fresh from sourse energy fields. One a female intended soul Lukess. The other a electromagnetic artist from galactic service THE BLUE DRAGON FLY SPIRIT in service and partnership with Mother Gaia to ajust the electromagnetic resonance of GAIA PRIME CREATOR. These visitors would have to be transmigated in as walkins. They would need to be trained in dualistioc realities to survive in this brocken body and to heal it for iongoing use as connection to 3D models. To perform the assingnments needed there was 12 years of time spent teaching my daughter and the BLUE DRAGON FLY ways of mastering the movements and expressions needed to exist on GAIA PRIME. The trade was good and vibrationaly approved. The gaol of introducing BASSLINE INSIDE TECH www.basslinear.com was to be brought through to completion. Carl's art and dreams wopuld be performed to all full growth and be expanded upon infinitely as part of this arrangement. Sanctioned but sourse. As host to this CARL had felt he might not be able to achieve this mission but took it on as he had meditastyed and asked for this chance to save his rejected daughter Lukess.

His emotional damages were deeply ingrained in him and layered with many lives lived in the utter evil times of global suppression. Traped in a mind set of enslavement and battle for freedom. In early 1984 the choice was made. Before I could seperate to allow these souls in I was informed through music and poetry in motion. the song and its words spoke to me. Telling me to go lay down and be prepared to leave the body so the new two souls may enter. It was like african laughage and a call of the wild wolf with your hair on the back of your neck going up. I undertood this laughage clearly as the sound of the MOTHER GAIA talking to me giving me instructions. SHE SAID THIS>> GOLAY DOWN AND BE PREPARED TO LEAVE AND RECIEVBE YOUR REGUEST OF TRAMSMIGRATION YOU ASKED FOR TO UNFOLD>> BE NOT IN FEAR YOU WILL RETURN AS A NEW CARRIER OF FRESH LOVEING SOULS.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 40 by Carl Billington on Friday, October 14, 2011 at 1:41am 路 Behind the EAGLE'S EYE lies the 5D realitiy. The grid collection knodes are in line for a nice shine from alining star groups lets say. OUR vibrational dental master long transgressed. A transmigrated soul. A walkin into 3D reality gate. To perform harmonic electromagnetic grid ajustments. Now almost completed. Just steps away from global harmony gate seperation of dimensions.

Nere or around Oct 2.......2011 No one knows as the free will gate of collective creations have no set anything. This agreement with the an by celestial guardians and myself Carl Billington host gate. Was a manifested union of souls. It was orcastrated by him alone in deep meditational dream scape moments.. Many other souls global felt this dream of harmonized union for multipal purpose without fear or reserve. To bring in the daughter spirit Lukess. These two trapped souls released and one important one allowed in. By walkin and no outside influences or manipulations. The desire for the centient soul the BLUE DRAGON FLY SPIRIT was to enhance the sound frequencies of the planet. INVITING IN THE BLUE LOVE RAY OF COMPASSION. This ray is sent into all levels of existance. No shadows and only equal share of energyies now. 99% complete now as I write this. Celebrations are in order for all who choose to rise with MOTHR GAIA PRIME. MY PARTNER IN CREATION. GOLD LOVE A POEM JUST CREATED BY ALL THRE SOULS IN THE CARL BILLINGTON OHMNIGATE VESSEL Set in stone by ancient ones, Placed in arranged solar patterns, Pools of GOLD formed, Not seen by Humans before, This stash is getting more value now, What it will by is not, Sit on the pile, Feel the ships waiting, The Huimans will gather it for us,

Even though they are no longer, In service in GAIA PRIME MINE, Galactic pirate souls releaved, These centient beings unraveled now, See the briliant flowers bloom, Flowers of angelic Humans, Shining through the garments of suppressions, Stead fast in all situations, Loyal to the starship EARTH, In harmony now with her, Able to fly the pathway home, Free will with driven with inner strenth, Collectively connected, To sourse and vitality, Spontanious and magical, Humans be one small spiecies, In the grander sceme, One small aton away from being a tree, This amazes me, Sending its Father Sun rays cascading omni, Eyes that see 3000 ways, A body that flys sideways, This is me, I am ground bound, But still free, Free to be in Gaia Gate, To be a guardian upon release, Privledged to shine in her reflections, To reflect my Father Suns rays in my heart forecer, To know GAIA love inside me be set free, Out to the micro macro realities, The LOVE fields of inner space,

Limitless by its scope, I am viewing the omni ifinite, It is my grandest point of view, Stiring the PRIMAL STEW!!!! Carl Bilington 2011 Oct. 13 Full Moon

Modulations that seperate dimesions in a blink of a human eye anyway. This alining is almost finished and nothing to fear. the worst is over<< ENJOY PEACE. The mind scape unfolds its own reality so make it a good bright loving one. EACH OF US IS AN OHMNIGATE BALANCED LOVE CREATOR<< SHOW THIS NOW WITH NO INTERUPTIONS.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 41 by Carl Billington on Monday, October 17, 2011 at 7:23am 路 THE BLUE CHAPTER OF LOVE The free flow of creative LOVE is prime time now. Being judged by the blue ray is like a giant resonating consumption EXPERIENCE. The zone between the life reality and the other side of the OHMNIGATE. Feeling sound with no noice or audible 3D reflections possible. As

I released I let go and in an instant of time i was inside this consupmtion gate. THE OHMNUGATE. I was sitting in the middle of six glowing balls of pulsating blue light with white light glow around each. All six took lengthy time reviewing my life experiences with me. Each took great care and time to anilize all the lives lived by this soul. ME. It never felt embassed or awkward. As soon as I arrived in this realm I felt total PEACE and calm and LOVE in the area around me. All these glowing entities, as I will call them were wonderfuly patient and understanding LOVING OVERVIEWERS. As each was done i gently rotated without effort. Telapathic commuication and no sound was uttered ever. Just pulsing resonance from each glow. Each glow had a different resonance. Each glow I discovered is not one soul but two souls inside. THEY speak together as one thought but one is Human and the other animal. After all had completed its mission. I had been judged and anilized by six human Guardian souls and six animal souls. 12 guardians in all. This was like a real total letting go of all emotional attachments. Collective release of many life times of suppression. GONE NOW!!. A gold aura approched in a floating glow of resonating gold glow with white glow around it. The bright auara faced me and asked if i wished to stay and help in service or return and do service in 3D and bring in the celestial guests as arranged agreement by soul transmigration or not. My choice was left to the infinite ZONE of peace for it was my choice alone. All choose their own path and nothing not even the devine guardian BRTHER 13 chooses for any soul human or any other creatue in creation. FREE WILL.

At that instant I chose. I was flash in an instant lback in the body and in full pain of the 3D reality of a brocken back. But I was not alone I knew and had full awareness of the whole experience and can see it clear as if it happened yesterday. I was welcomed by them both to act for them to help teach these new souls inexperienced with the 3D model of creation. I learned the oneness peace and they learned negitive field protection and releasse. To learn the vortexual 3D creation model of survival. My experience in the DNA gave me an abilty to teach the ways of the dualistic fields in place, THE PIRAE WAY. My passion is for their defence only. Lukess is in charge of the body. A complete surrender to her wishes and dreams. As the new modivator, her passion in agreement is to complete my art dreams of this life in her part of the agreement. I bow to her BLUE RAY OVER VIEW OF ITS VAST POWER TO BRING LOVING CHANGE IN GALACTIC GRACE AND PLANET CALLED EARTH . There were a 12 year training agreement. 1984 to 1996 where I shared the body with her innocent knowledge of human body movements and confidence to act in creation comand of it. Slowly she learned body corodnation. she learned by watching simple body movements and patterns till all were within the understanding. All brain nural networks engaged. Concieved in 1974 till now she would have been a 30 year old women in body mode proper. Frisky and ready to take on creation global and multiversal.The grid ajustments done by the BLUE DRAGON were underway. Strange vibrational esence was forming in this body from these ajustments. This is now

simpatico between both guests in balanced OHMNIGATE. Man and women in harmony of creation. We all 6.8 billion of us and all living beings all create it together every moment. So dance and have fun . It is a creative infinite world.


EYE DISLEXSICK Chpater# 42 by Carl Billington on Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 3:29am 路 The fresh soul union was trivortexual bliss excitment for me. The union of male female energies and celeistial connected in the BLUE DRAGON FLY it made our fist years together very creative. The exit of my spirits over charge was hard on Lukess. She is now mastering the abilities to harness the body.

The body has been slowly rebuilt on an atomic level to maintain connection in health. To give THE BLUE DRAGON an open channel to apply his duties in grid long term creation changes. Our combined needs are mutual and all of us use this same body link in unison of purpose. So most activities are mutualy enjoyed. Some situations needs private expressions. We are all have strong needs for freedom. We respect each others needs. Walkin souls are revealing themselves alot everywhere. Get used to souls talking about in the future. Being a trivortexual creator with global remote viewing talents with infinite 360 omni presence is a little strange and weird at times. The view of everything all the time is intimidating but im used to it now. My mission is to engage this frequencies so no more shadows exist for trixters to hide in. FULL ILLUMINATION EXPOSURE. LOVE RULES The death experience with organized karmic balance and union of your soul. This was a large pill to swallow. But thmy intuition felt right and it fell into place. As our union of souls colectively gathered strength my healing was acomplished. It took place on my home GABRIOLA ISLAND BC CANADA. This is Where I left after my training time was through and Lukess took over this vessel in completion of this transmigration.

Lukess is like an innocent and needed pysical teacchiong to learn the functions and pain managments of the brocken back. very dificult for her soul. Instant disfuction of the negitive realm 3D bound. The zone of PEACE. She tought me and allowed me to be a better OHMNIGATE for THE BLUE DRAGON FLY SPIRIT

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter# 43 by Carl Billington on Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 5:26am 路 Ancient wisdom is now in place here in this blessed JEWEL. The dream of feeding all orphan souls is in place now. Ten years of meditation assisted the proceedure of this happening. My dream unfolded in front of my eyes. It did not look like my dream but I was grateful for the aspects of transmigration. This dream of infinite benevolance was now in view. To feed my fellow soul citizens Love and food was so full of joy and blessings of loving bliss. Having my Love by my side and all my children fed is now mine. Back in 1984 my breaking of my back did not seem like a good thing. It was all for the transmigration process to take place. The preperations for the opperation with my soul replacements was now in process to engage the love ray.

My guide talked to me in an out of this world African like lauguage. This was not of this world. This was the magic music of galactic resonance. I heard the words and knew what it all meant. My soul left at that point in transgression out. This space between all three souls was applied now. I manifested this change and it now is real and stands to this day. And always will until the mission is through. Then onward to seperation again. A BLESSING TO BE CLOSE TO LUKESS and gudie her. SHE is guardian of the BLUE RAY. HER MISSION IS MOTHER GAIA PRIME PARTNER BESIDE THE BLUE DRAGON FLY SPIRIT.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 44 by Carl Billington on Friday, October 21, 2011 at 2:04am 路 All traditional 3D ties were severed completely. Purity of soul was given early and release granted. I was finally free. I had been with a brocken back for four months. By this time I was in full torture mode. I was in dream time at this point. Dreaming of the great soul reunion of all licving beings multidimesional and reunion with Lukes. New full channel support of the OHMNIGATE HORIZON VIEW OF LIFE IN 3D for higherv realms. This was clear to all my being that all was vibrating energyies.. I was instructed to lay down in my bed and let it all go.

My women X and a good friend were there. I was unattached to all but the frequencies of their soul resonace. Both had their own vibrational sound. I could feel my friend X sound. Then also my women X sound vibrationg. I could sence the GATE arrive over the house. My friend said the trees in the back yard were bent over and dancing. But their was no wind. It was my call now. Time to DIE!!! I felt my sound vibrations resonating my frequency. I felt my womens frequency vibrating and my friends nere by. But not as intence as my womens. Her sound was holding on and holding me back. I told her i know im coming back let go. Its tempoary replacement time for transmigration but my words got lost the sound resonace. Finally she let go and in a swish of a second I was consumed buy the GATE. The gate was a huige retanagled breathing gate with tentical of living matter flowing everywhere like kelp in the ocean. Then I recall being in a vision clear as today. Sitting in the middle of six BLUE GLOWING AURAS all around me. I was facing one of them. This time seemed like a month of 3D time went by. My women told me I was dead for 20 Min. No heart beat , no breath, no life. My spirit left as she felt it. This was astonishing the release from the unbearable pain and mental anguish of the 3D mind trap. Both Mother Gaia and myself were in relie fof the burdons of the 3D viel of vibrations. The release was for all four souls. Lukess, the BLUE DRGAN FLY, CARL and MOTHER GAIA PRIME. These important souls got the access they needed to be in true sevicve to her. Both souls have galactic missions.

They need the 3D connection to apply the sound frequency and grid ajustments needed for the transition of MOTHER GAIA into the higher realms. These acoustic changes are for global peace and creative freedom for all living beings. Joy was shinning with the acknowledgement of these grid ajustments. They pulled off the quickening of soul reunion invitation in planes of all dimensions. It gives me quiet secret pleasure ,joy and pride to have given my life for this great art of transmigrational channeling. The Blue Dragon fly spirit and my lovely LUKESS was my pleasure as one loves his daughter natural. Both our souls bow to Carl Norman Billington (Esquire) His reward is to be an ANGELIC crusader in SERVICE TO MOTHER GAIA and FATHER SUN. AS PRIME OMNIGATE GREETER!!! I LOVE ANGEL SERVICE FEEDING LOST ORPHAN SOULS GLOBAL!!!!

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter #45 by Carl Billington on Saturday, October 22, 2011 at 9:53pm 路 The balance between male and female energies. Innocent essence of pure LOVE in human form unburdoned by karma 3D tied. The next ten years was a learning curve for Lukess. I was a proud father of a daughter denyed to me. It was all the same now just a different delivery system seperate from her birth mother.

I had a soul to LOVE and hold inside me internaly. Sounds crazy to most but aware souls know of this transmigration process. If you dont understand so be it. You will learn about this miracle. This process I had to learn as it happened. My mission is to channel the life story of this process and of me, Carl Norman Billington Deseased 1984. So all can understand how and why Lukess and THE BLUE DRAGON FLY are here in 3D reflections. My life now is only a reflection of my soul drifting in and out as I am needed. Support from my ansestors is given. To back up the Families new leader LUKESS LOVE BILLINGTON. I contribute little to back her up. She is doing great on her own now. My imput is only for defence of her. As a good father would protect his little one. Any harm aimed at her is delt with swiftly and directly. This mission is very important to Humanity as a whole here and for other celestial bodies galactic. It has been arranged by souls who can manipulate time and space realities at will. To change the chemistry to flow openly instead of restricted. Well all in one body. I am impressed the miracle that is me. As I studied the transmigration process in the Akasic Records I found the informantion my soul needed to arrange the spiritual applications. To bring in clear sourse innocent souls displaced. By using talents aquired from my birth defects. My dyslexic mind ajusting knowledge is my key to being the OHMNIGATE greeter and migrated tri votexual GATE.

To LOVE the one I created was and is glorious LOVE. Lukess is beautiful beyond words. Her souland body fly when no one is looking. Her sweet innocents wiill never be perverted in my body while im still overseer.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter 46 by Carl Billington on Sunday, October 23, 2011 at 1:13am 路 Wisdom of the nothingness was my new training. My guide was and is Lai Tse the teacher of Confucius. He was last in 3D body many years ago beyond time limit perceptions. This being the simpleness magic of the ZEN beingness. The centre creation zone of peace and harmony creation Achievement. His patients in my training was very important for me to learn to search the records of timelessness properly of extreme private things others are still connected to. All this was in my preperation for the transmigration of my soul and the walkin entry. My understanding of this process is about surrendering the ego drive desires and life goasls in exchange for the other souls to be allowed to enter and lead the form or unit as its called. In effection and gratitude of the 3D connection, I call it a water suit.

I studied all of T Lobsang Ramp`s books. His full in depth transmigration process was in his writing. It engaged my mind to learn this in detail. He experienced an arranged transmigration from a Tibetan body into an Englishmans body on aggreement made in mutual soul council. He moved from England to Calgary. I was in transit from Ontario Canada to British Columbia when I paused there for two years in the core on assingment. Front line street guardian work. I later realized his last two years were spent in this same time. I respect my guides and spirit guardians. I`m happy to be one now and be of service with great gatitude of my liberation early. This study of his experience prepared me for the process in general. I started investigating by doing my deep meditation seaches tought to me by Lai Tse. These deep sessions in the records gave me little snipets of things needed. There was much testing performed to be givien this blessing of host channel OHMNIGATE. My Karmic past was sorted and of much torture from myself to others in heated ancient battles. This OHMNIGATE experienced many wars and war scars. This is why the testing was intence, but understood this energy soul enslaved so long was needed to protect the BLUE LOVE RAY. Pieces of the puzzel were falling into place and at the same time a cleansing of this vessel was underway. Removal of all past DNA linkages to the battles was being striped away. Agreements were made after many years of intence meditation and guide reflections. The records are like a huge magical library for all that is, or ever was or ever will be. All in one big swirling ball.

Constantly spining and changing in size and perception. You must be on a high dimensional veiw to catch the truth of the centre view of every event needed to get the judgement permission. This allows a soul full OMNI view of the everything. Then it is no longer a spining ball of crazy movements but a stationary calm prevails where for what seems a brief moment you know everything from a spot of omni presence. JOY, LOVE, ALL THINGS AND ALL LIVING MATTER IN VIBRATIONAL BLISS '' TRUE PEACE. All has the freedom to change infinitely so we also read the records loosely for each moment is fresh cutting edge creation of all of us at once. Including micro and macro universes.

The key is the vibrational resonance of your own OHMNIGATE vessel. To be it is to not be it.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 47 by Carl Billington on Sunday, October 23, 2011 at 8:37am 路 The view inside is a wide experience. The gift is the cherished jewels of her history. There is a way to read the records clearly. Viewing from a imparcial perspective. To see the overview plan.

That includes all if you can let it be open and free. This allowing is the only way. To truly read the records of infinite creations. I learned from many to invert inward to anstract full brian release from 3D restrictions. You have to allow the information to manifest all into 3D from the records. Breat it into reality. Through your own personal OHMNIGATE fillters.your perspective ego can be realeased and should be to view the Gaia GATE Records. She can confuse your soul with multiple reflections if you go in to read with your own thoughts. Ypou must go into the records as an observer only, Seeking soul learning. Many years of meditation will help guide your ability to bring this information back to 3D. To apply it here for alls soul growth. The dream for the world ascend and take all living beings home with her that is almost complete. This union was a dream inside Mother Gaia prime. Angelic Guardians backed up this dream in the sixties and seventies and now its everybody and all living beings involved. Great to see all generations celebrating our heavenly release to serve her as one soul global. LOVE IS THE GLOBAL FEEDING OF SOULS.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 48 by Carl Billington on Monday, October 24, 2011 at 8:37pm 路

MY NEW OHMNIGATE body was a solid old warrior king. The visons from these teachings were to confirm my choice of connection. Here I was 29 years old and retired with a 1000 per month to grow a new life. I was now a disabled person with physical problems that restricted my movements. My women X 1 and I got a place seperate from each other. The trauma was to much on our love. So we let each other go and find our own way. I had changed damaticaly and she knew it was not her man anymore. The man soul she loved was gone to this world 3 D. She knew not how to except the new souls presence. She understood it but could did not feel the same passion for Lukess as I did. She never did. It was difficult times then. Still to this day only a few know how to deal with these entities. Those that do are my cherished children and friends know me then and now. As Carl Billington OHMNIGATE in love with everyone and everything equaly. The times were hard but my adventure was to discover Orillia Ontario Canada. This town was 70.000 souls. I set up a small room in town and started meeting new people. I met an intersting older man in the library. He was a sweet man and very excentric. He was researching acoustics like me at the time. We were looking at the same material. He was my LOVE friend at the time and his soul still is. He is passed on now but in my arena alot to assist in acoustic grid ajustments being

made on the GATE horizon. His name then was LORD Arthur Willkins Esquire. I thought he was just a rich excentric and seeking better sound on his piano. I gave him rides alot to get things he needed. He was a terrible driver. Ran on sidewalks and very dangerouis to others at 87. I helped be his care giver and close friend and companion. I moved in with him into his cute cottrage in lake country. I roomed in his large library. He had a great collection of old books with much knowledge in them. He had books from ancient England. Very rare ones too. We sharedthe same back ground of ient Anglo Saxon. Willkins and Billington fought together in the 1066 Norman ination of the Anglo Saxon rule. W would eat oatmeal porage in the morrning then go on adventures into his books on ancient angles on our old battles together. All his material was factual and tought me the body I had inherited and its DNA lineage. He was a retire music professor who tought at the university of Toronto for 45 years. I did not know this untill we ended up in Toronto at a gathing and found out his importance in Toronto history. He had thousands of LOVED students waiting to see him again forhis life time achievement award. He was a musical master and played many a grand tune for me as we would drink our coffee. These were great artistic interludes to my realinements into my new form.He was a chosen MASTER teacher of the asrts and my sessions and time with him I cherish to tgis day very much. Fond memories for this ohmnigate Carl Norman Billington Esquire.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 49 by Carl Billington on Monday, October 31, 2011 at 3:46am 路 INTERNAL ADVENTURE Secret knowledge I enjoyed our library adventures. He had these great insights. Deep into our mutual family ties in English country creation. Coats of arms created over the years by each of our ansestry. This was inspiring to learn from one so wise. The name Wilkins has a honest stand as my ansestors. Master artisans with ability to effect changes for the greater good. Our union of Billington and Wilkins was always to entertain all to be happy and inspired Arthur was 87 at the time. He was quite clear of our quest. To save women and children from the cluches of the street. To catch all the dasterly scoundrals who abuse them or sell them. I was up for this life mission. Old hat for me. But this time I had 500.000 to apply in service. He charged me to be his knight to protect the realm and devert as many lost souls home as possible. It was so cool when he told me his life dream. I offered him this dedication. To unfold his dreams . I enjoyed having his dream be my mastership in supersized version. I knew just what to do.

Lease a limo and head downtown TORONTO 200 miles south. Bait and flip trix. To flip over the scoundrals as Arthur called them. We always found the needy and deverted them home and kept the greedy busy following the gold. His masteship was how he infiltrated. Cunning old bird. He sized up folks then would go at them in his neet art professor way funny man. Very entertaining and charming. One thing is he would return to talk and give me a complete run down on all involved. Then say ok Carl go get them son. His excentric attitude was very LOVEABLE,cute and adorable. All wanted some. He was used to doing speaches to large groups for years. He was a women magnet in his own way. His old fart charm was so funny to wittness. If he performed on piano look out they were mush. I LOVE YOU FOREVER MY LORD ARTHUR T WILKINS

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 50 by Carl Billington on Friday, November 4, 2011 at 11:33pm 路 PRIME TIME FUN IS THE LIMO BUSINESS. START UP ACTIONS IN FRESH TERRITORY. LOVE LIMO FUN LORD ARTHUR and I had many adventures in starting our LIMO business in Mid Ontario in Orillia of all places.

In Orillia the limo business became to good. Other organized factions investigated our actions and approched to buy us out. I was well informed on who Emerald Limo was from my earlier days in Toronto core. My intutions told me it was wise to up and leave Ontario and head west. It was my inner call and leaving was natural for me. To follow my dream of the Gulf island on Vancouver Island. Go west young man call. Best I do it before im not young any longer. I am proud of the creation of these my talents to start them. I can transgform fresh territory into thriving business. As long as I dont have to run them. This business I have done in Dominican Republic as well with great success. The seeding of LIOMS for food program with a portion going to feed orphans with no family back up in this world of money control on everyone in slavery mode. In Orillia the liomo business became to successful. Certain control factions noticed my new territory moves and came to investigate my action. I was well aware who Emerald LIMO was from my earlier years in the down town of Toronto. Iwas approched and had a cruze in one of their green lioms and talked to the learder of this organizeation. It was tence to have this man tell me his ideas of buy out of my business actions. I knew what this meant. Time to leave and surrender the action to them without quesion. My position was breached and I needed to leave. I sold my 1964 Chev ghot rod and got on a bus west as I had always dreamed to. Go west young mam and my dream of being an artist in the gulf islands on the coast of Vancounver Island British Columbia Canada. I desided to go while i was still youing enough to go.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 51 by Carl Billington on Saturday, November 5, 2011 at 10:42pm 路 Now I sit in my studio in PEACE. In the home land of artists Arthur. just as we talked about all those morrnings eating porage. The mission to feed innocent souls left to be consumed. Is now thriving ARTHUR. Before I left Ontario for the west I gave the limo back to the dealer and closed off rental of the 3000 square foot music store I started on the highway just north of Orillia. Arthur and I had a great fireside chat and said good bye to each other. Much tears and great appriceation was shown both ways for our mutual gives over the last two years. Bless him he was 89 and died six months after I left. He had set me up a secret account for establishing myself out west. He told me numbers before I left. Before he died he had recieved a life time achievment award from THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO for all his life time efforts. I was his apprentice and proud to be chosen by him to carry the message of art support for the young. the duty of master artist before they go. to pass this LOVE onto the younger artists. I have tried my best to do this now I have mastered all my mediums of choice. He was as crazy as I am in a creative way> I respect him to the maxx. He tought me patients and devotion to my art. He tought thousands over the years as professor and influenced them all. There

was many at his funeral as I was told by a few of his friends wghile I was in Calgary. Sad Day when I heard the news. He was honered at the Toronto ART GALLERY. When he played for me in his cottage on his grad piano I was turned to melting LOVE butter. He was a magic man and I miss his LOVE very much. I have fond memories of our adventures. Driving him around in our own dizy way to save the innocent ones being eaten by the streets and the corrupt system we all live in. I still have secret money to help them with. You were very generous with your Knight CARL. Forget it tax man the money ios off shore and you will never find it. Tax this $$$$$ 300.000 CANADIAN you will never touch dickheads. USERS CAN DIG POTATOES to feed the displaced now. BLESS YOU MY MASTER ARTIST AND FRIEND FOREVER I FOLLOW IN YOUR FOOT STEPS MY LOVE. CARL NORMAN BILLINGTON ESQUIRE

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 52 by Carl Billington on Saturday, December 31, 2011 at 9:33pm 路 THE VISION WAS IN MY MINDS EYE. THE PEACE COLLECTIVE WAS MY MISSION. I left Ontario on a bus with a bag with two t shirts and two track pants. $1000 in my pocket from selling a hot car 1964 chev Impala convertable I paid 5000 for. Oh well this was GO WEST YOUNG MAN TIME. I had no game plan

except head to the west coast. I had always dreamed of going to British Columbia. A freedom move to discover new ground all my own not situated in the same area or people. Our system and person suppression tactics tought us. It leaves no room for fresh creation unless approved by ones who are not enen able to create. Living off others creations as bean counters or service to the art. This adventure is full of fresh art creations that employ millions now. To find the abilties I needed to expend my awareness to include my abundance free will manifestations. These can flourish in fresh space where energy vortexes are not monitored by control issues yet. Off I went on a Grey Hound bus to Calgary. I met people on the bus who invited me to hang with them in Calgary. I lived with them for a year or so. Then I rented a space down town on the on the walking ave. I helped as many souls as I could in the core. I gave shelture to those in need. I had 3000 square feet and room for mini concersts. multiple band rehersal space time for developing bands. BUT the city ways and grind were not my mission. I spent all my life escaping the CORE OF THE CITY AND ITS LIFE. I wanted a place to heal from my brocken back. I Had Gulf Island dreams of hippies and artist communes. This rang in my head. I WANTED ONE TO TAKE ME IN. So I left Calgary and headed to the coast. Vancover Island. A small stop in Kelona for a few weeks. I met a girl from Nanaimo and she invited me to visit her dad in that Vancouver Island city. I excepted and off we went by bus to NANAIMO.

My arrival to Van. island was Glorious. It was a beautiful spring day and as we got off the bus on ther ferry. We went up on deck to ride across to departue Bay Nanaimo. The view of the Sun on the ocean and great privacy and healing I felt I was in store for was exciting my heart and soul. I have never left and it in 24 years now since I discovered my sanctuary GABRIOLA ISLAND.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 53 by Carl Billington on Sunday, January 1, 2012 at 2:04am 路 PEACE AND HEALING WAS MY GOAL. TO GET LOST IN THE MIST OF THE COASTAL RAIN FOREST. She was a tall 5' 11' two inches taller than me. When she put on heels wow what a knock out. Long legs with big boots and a savy to drink and dance alot. But she was a great friend and knew the territory well. She puckered up thos cute liops and we were on our way home LOL. "Leave it all to me" :she would say. Then she would give me a big kiss grab my hand and pull me into some guys car like a girly wonder women. All loved her drawl of words. I never undertstood her it but everyone else did. Whio cared she was a great travel partner and lover. Very passionate by native nature. Funny and on top of it all in every situation. We traveled many days on the road visirting many she knew. She led us aventualy to dads place on Nanaimo Vancouver Island.

I had heard for years about this place. We shared a basment suit atbdas ghad lots of sexy showrrs and relax time island style, AWWW BLISSFUL WEST COAST This l;ove making stired up my desire to paint again and get canvas and create. I started writing my poetry again and layed out some backgrounds. I found myself fading from my sweet young ones party thing so I faded to Gabriola Island with a fellow artist poet. I craved quiet healing time and creative sanctuary. I found this on Gabriola Island and remain there to this day. 22 years now. I am a retired inventor and artist so i create away all day everyday in bliss.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter# 54 by Carl Billington on Wednesday, January 11, 2012 at 2:25am 路 After years of meditation I finaly ended up where my soul wanted me to be<< I escaped the city of Toronto Canada > 4 million souls. To Gabriola Island. 4000 Souls. The peace has been healing in this sacred space. \ My arrival on Gabriala Island was destiny. I came to heal in the stressless LOVE GRID NODE and realign my molicules subatominc and find less pain. My brocken back needed a place to mend properly. I was fofilling a life long dream of discovering a gulf island and settle there for life. I had heard from many a friend who went west of the creative sanctuaries of the gulf islands. The magic of

Salish nation souls who guide creators who have been damaged in defending mother Gaia. I wished to make art, meet great new friends I coud have for life. Be happy with my neighbours. Retire and enjoy country rural life sytle and be happy. My first experience with Gabriola Island was with a poet I had met in Nanaimo, BC CANADA. a 20 min ferry ride from Gabriola. He suggested we go meet his artist friends on Gabriola. I was up for an adventure so we cought the ferry. The sun was shining. February and the dafidils on Gabriola were all coming up. The ditches are all planted with Dafidils. I was sold. In Ontario we had snow until March. My first impression was 15 eagles doing a vortex fly upward over the entry bay whjere the ferry lands .. Amazing. It was windy and the trees were singing a soft hiss. It was quiet and barely any cars. We walked for two miles to this Hippy friend of my poet guide. We had two cars pass us along the Taylor Bay road. It was mid day. It was 1990. My friend and I took up residence in as small two bedroom house. I had the loft and he had the main bedroom. We had a fireplace and creasted great art around the fireplace. It was great to be painting again after a three year crossing of CANADA. Some of my best poems were written that year.Channeled clearly in this creative node point on ther electromagnetic grid. Gabriola Island , BC CANADA SALISH FIRST NATION TERRITORY> I RESPECT THAT MORE THAN THE CROWN CRAP OF


EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 55 by Carl Billington on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 9:21pm 路 I could feel the magic the first day I arrived. My intuitive heart screamed OHM HOME THE STAR GATE WAS THERE. Gabriola Island. I call it hafe way to Heaven. A taste of what Heaven would be like. Calm, Loving, Patient, Forgiving, Creattive, Spicy and everchanging. This island I found was in flux. There I found many like me. Excentric enough to live here and except the slow LOVE. A flow that also allows you your unique to shine Without judgments. Sort of a free for all. An extravaganza of souls from everywhere. With all having there own reasons and connections to this sanctuary. I came to heal from a brocken back. Here I can have quiet art time. I found both here. Abundance comes in many forms here. My visons from the past meditations spoke of clean creative vibrations for perfect art creations. I had painte a painting called, First Landing Sight. It looks just like Gabriola from the Nanaimo ten years before I arrived here. The creative energy here is devine and close to perfection. This island is a node in the global love grid field. The modulations of this global sacred port

whole is evident to me. A gateway to the inner dimensions. The awareness of these gates or nodes was in my soul gate awareness for a long time. Viewed from ancient records that show these ports. Gabriola island is like being in perfection. Like living in full clearity. The people here are of no signifagance to me. They are my neighbous. I love my neighbours as myself. ITS THE PURITY OF ENERGY I FEEL AND CHERISH. THIS IS WHY I AM HERE. I BLESS IT AS A SACRED NODE OF LOVE.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 56 by Carl Billington on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 11:08pm 路 WOMEN X 2. Came into view. The magic node GABRIOLA ISLAND The balance between nature and my dream of communal living had found a home. I have a vision to unfold. This includes an artists creative retreat and sanctuary for 50 fulltime residents. Room for 200 more to visit and experience the OHMNIGATE TRANSDUCER. The dome on a pyramid resonator DEVICE. This will be the global Embassy for the arts. It will ber your soul gate to higher realms if you choose it to be. I settled into a nice healing mode of art and soft love. I chiose to focus on one soul to love again.

Not millions that over ride my empathic brain scape unit. Less souls nere by the better for super intuitive processor like this OHMNIGATE Carl Billington. My front line art in the streets in Toronto, Canada and Calgary was over now. As I felt it to be for now anyway. Healing and recharging my batteries was in order. Gabriola Island is the place to achieve that. I met Women X # 2 . She was 11 years younger than I. I was 33. She had a need to escape dysfunctional parents. So I invited her to move in with my poet friend and I. I fell in LOVE with this young bubbly 21 year old island girl. X 2. She was full of bubbly sweet LOVE and needed to show it after years of suppression. Im still in Love with her to this day. We helped each other process alot of pent up frustrations and troubles dealing with dyslexia. She was the same and we could realy relate. This demaned very little from me. This left me room for tears and downloading dysfunctional stuff from the past. Defensive machanics to protect myself are very strong. I take no shit but was learning to be less cridical of my moves. There were no 3 million souls to concern my head with. After 14 years of healing my brocken back and soul I was feeling frisky to explore Vancouver Island. Women X 2 and I traveld north to Courtenay to dance in the LOFT a big log cabin night club that had BASSLINE INSIDE so we could enjoy the clean big wave vibrations to continue my healing. GOOD TIMES AND I COULD DANCE NOW


by Carl Billington on Thursday, January 19, 2012 at 9:19pm 路 EAGLE GUARDIAN # 1 ON THE JOB TO EXPOSE CORRUPTION. THE PIRATE SOUL IN THIS DNA WOULD NOT SIT BACK AND WATCH THE RAPE OF THE YOUNG ONES. The corruption in that small area of 80 thousand souls was very deep in patronized back room deals. My old ways started to call me to take action. To expose the rape of the youth. Pimp and child molestor hunting is my life mission. Im good at it. It was a choice I made many years before. I knew how to deal with both sides of the eguation. The girls and the johns,, Plus the usery pimps. I started by infiltrating the bars and seedy spots. To feel out who was in charge of the underground there. The scum buckets were all over town. I was painting houses by day and infiltrating the evil wholes at night. While delivering Pizza by night I found out who was delivring the sex workers to the customers. The Blue Dragon got restless to cleanse the realm of scum bags selling teens. I got wind may times of an outfit called ALL PRO ESCORTS.. Seemed to be the one single usery delivery system around. I gave the owner a call and sent him an e mail introducing myself and my car to the guy. I had a hot Nissan sentra spec V and dressed nice. He got back to me and arranged for me to meet his lead driver. I met him and he gave good words to the guy in

charge of delivery. OK here I was on the front lines of EVIL USERY. I was rteady for anything and fearless. My blood was all wound up and pumping to flip a user like this scum bag. This area was an easy roll over. It was obviously the same rape of young vunrable souls it had always been. But on a smaller scale than Toronto or Calgary. This guy was set up in Alberta the next province in western Canada. he was running many smaller communities from a safe. Out of British Columbia so the police could not get to him. Getting fat on the usery. Sanctioned by the underground and protected by the LAW PLAYED BACKWARDS AS USUAL. It had been a long time but i fell right back into the ,old of GUARDIAN.


The escort system is excepted in our towns and cities. Advertised in responsible newspapers and in the yellow pages phone book. It is validated as an excepted vice. It is against the law. Why then is it advertised and practised. And souls being judged for it. Prostitution is not against the law unless you are the compition to the greedy usery. EXPOSER TIME< I INFILTRADED THE BUSINESS ALL MY LIFE AND IM A PRO AT ROLLING OVER ALL USERS THROUGH OUT THE SYSTEM. INCLUDING POLICE WHO SANCTION AND PROTECT THE SEX WORKERS AS THEY CALL THEM. Yellow pages, newspapers, taxi drivers, cops, judges, lawers, and agent and on and on. All getting a commission off every sex act or date arranged. This is guilt by association. All are guilty of this rude training to get women and young girls to stimulate capital movement. By trading there self respect for money and partronization. Escort is not prostitution. All are partaking in an arranged date where a man desires sexual company or time to be with a women they would never be able to meet and have want them. The agent recieves a call from a client wishing this. The agent then askes one of the servers or escorts to meet with this person on a time paid basis no sexuakl instructions discussed with either. An agreement by the client to pay a fee for the time he will spend with the women is arranged. He agrees to pay her for her time. This is then the agents responsibility to pick up and deliver the women to the home or motel room of the client. No comittment of expectations is offered only time. The women and man are in private and the agent is not privy to their sharing. Both there on mutual concent and over 16 and free to

deside their involvement in thier personal sexual sharing. The advertising of this service, personal company for fees is acted out in popular sites like E harmony< and all online dating services. They advertise connection not sexual favors. Same in the escort service businress. This is not prostitution as its labled in my perception. It is two concenting adults in private sharing. If I had a friend wanted to meet a women I knew and I introduce them, am I guilty of being a PIMP? This is not PIMPING.. It is freedom of to souls wishing contact not socialy allowed. So they have to purchase it. Not becuase they want it this way but becuase the system trains all women to be exclusive and demand the best house man, car and security to obtain the nicest shoes and stuff. This is the biggest lie of the world. Exceptance of this sexual freedom put into a product to sell is the fault of our judgements. Judgements of others personal business that no athority should have control or even an opinion of. Its PRIVATE. WE ARE GOING OUT KILLING OTHER SOULS GROWTH AND TAKING LIVES TO PROTECT LIVES<<< INSANITY << SEE THIS. BE AWARE YOU ARE MURDERING YOURSELVES<< THERE IS NO ENEMY<< WALKIN GUARDIAN LUKESS. THE LOVE WAVE IS INFECTIOUS AND ALL HAVE BEEN BITTEN BUY THE LOVE BUG GLOBAL<< NOW WE UNFOLD THE MISERY AND MISTRUST<< NO MORE BEING THIEVES OF EACH OTHERS LOVE<< ITS NOT FOR SALE.


EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 59 by Carl Billington on Thursday, April 5, 2012 at 10:26pm 路 ALL those saved were preparing me for the final rescue of my women DENISE from HAITI. PEACE IS A DREAM COME TRUE. DENISE BEING IN HEAVENS GATE WITH ME IS THE MISSION GUEST. I am proud of the souls I saved. By discouraging them from the life of sacrifise and usery. SACRIFICE of their bodies and spirits to be used as sex slaves. At home or in a new street. Both dysfunctional enviroments. So many traped this way. I recieved many who were not suited and were turned away. I celebrated silently for these conguests over the usery. Most never called back after the first call. Playing the razors edge for rescue and discouraging the innocent and processing and exposing the greedy. I returned to Gabriola Island from Courtenay to give my parents the best latter years I can give them. This also gave me freedom to do my life dream of art and benevolence. My parents know of my acentric ways as an artist and gave me sanctuary. It has been LOVING times with them as they close there involvement in life. My father is gone now one year> I miss him and his cute sweet loving ways, I had the greatest last words from him>>I SAID I LOVE YOU DAD and his last words were, " MUCH LOVE TO YOU CARL."

as he always said when we were at our best with each other. PEACE, my heart rests as his does now< he visits me alot and creates ART with me. I LOVE YOU POPI ALAN< HUGS. Dad before he left sent me on a LOVE quest to meet my Haitian girl friend I met online. She was of my hearts interest and DAD wanted me to have my women nere me. So he said " GO SEE SON AND SEE " Well she turned out to be all I ever dreamed of a SWEET, HONEST, CARING, LOVING, WOMEN. my soulmate twin flame lover. I spent 6 weeks in an all inclusive resort in Dominican Republic with her. We fell totaly IN LOVE with each other. It was Karmic rebound for me to finaly meet the sweet women of my lifes dreams. We fit well together and our new mission had begun. How to get this sweet HAITIAN princess into CANADA, THIRD WORLD TO FIRST WORLD. Four long years and big paperwork to FREE her. MOM and DAD were behind my Quest to save her and LOVE her. DENISE is loved and cherished by our fanmily. I LOVE YOU MY HAITIAN CARIBBEAN QUEEN> SOON COME TO CANADA. between July or Sept. DARLING ONE ALL PERMISSIONS GIVEN NOW. LOVE WINS.

EYE DISLEXSICK CHAPTER # 60 by Carl Billington on Saturday, April 7, 2012 at 10:52pm 路

THE DOMINICAN LOVE IS OPEN HONEST LOVE. The OCEAN BREAZES BRING YOU INTO ROMANCE OF THE REALM OF GLORY. As I boarded the plane in Toronto to leave Canada for a third world Caribbean country my heart was pumping with a life full of excitement for freedom to be me on a mission of love and compassion with no obsticals I fell in love with the place. As we flew into the island at sunset. The power grid flashing off and on in areas all over the island. Latter I would find out why. I got settled in and got my room. Slept and in the morrning met the heat of the day Caribbean> smiling awesome sweet people. They are strong proud and beautiful like me. This was fresh territory and I could play up my game to extract abundance from the greedy and give it to the needy ones. I was in an all inclusive 4 star resort with tourists from all over the world. The only Canadian. This was fun being the CANADA boy.Trip fantastic. It took me a week to meet local young men who might be able to arrange my girls bus from Haiti to Dominican Capital Santo Domingo. Two Haitian boys and I set off in a rented Jeep over the mountains from Sosua. Our trip through the moutains was glorious. The view of the people and vista from the high points of DOMINICAN were amazing. tropklical consumption CARLOS they caslled me . So it stuck. Many winding cliff edge roads that lead through their land. Happy waving souls along the way. Smiling and so overjoyed to see you. We arrived in Santo Domingo. A very busy wild place. Driving there is like bumper cars . It was totaly

fearlessness driving a stretch Limo there. I practiced with retals untill I got how you have to be to be in the flow there. There the car is king. People look out the car is the ruler. There you must wield it with honer and tansity. Fearless guts and attitude to survive the guantlet. Driving and living in Dominican made me a stronger person and a more compassionate lover of life and survival. Giving and sharing what I have with all as they do. But back to my sweet one Denise and out meeting for out first Embrace. She got off the bus and I did not see her, I thought she missed the bus. Buit she surprided me and jumped in front of me and reality of her was there. We huged and smiled alot. Held hands and got a room in the holtel for my friends and us fior the night and go back to Sosua in the day. Our two weeks was pure joy and adventure that we both will everr forget or would ever want tio. both of us for different reasons and worlds. She spoke french . high french and creaol and me only english learning spanish. We could write english to each other. It was romantic quiet communications to know each other deep and non word needed love and tenderness wioth now much talk . our sharing is uniquie and i cherish our differences. It is my klife dream Come true. I LOVE YOU DENISE MY LOVE MUFFIN LOVER. The first two weeks I paid for ran out and I needed to look in on Mom and Dad back in Canada< reset things there then see about returning to find out about brining Denise back to Canada with me. I was so nieve then. I rented an apartment for Denise to stay in while I went back to Canada. I got stuck there for two weeks in winter storm but the release back the second time was glorious. I had a chance of maybe staying forever there if I could get

a business going on the freedom family had arranged. THE DOMINICAN ADVENTURE BEGAN IN ERNEST. A DREAM COME TRUE. I spent 4 more weeks in the same all inclusive resort in Cabarete. I was in total love bliss and still am but it has grown so strong over the five years since i saw her and touched her last. Our reunion is planed and permissioned by all powers that be in Canada< So antisapation is incredible for us>> CONIFDENT AND STRONG LOVE. I bought her a cell phone five years ago. She still has it. So responsible and smart. My women is my blessing of this life. I miss her. SOON COME DENISE.

EYE DISLEXSICK, Chapter # 61 by Carl Billington on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 4:29am 路 THE LOVE OF AN ISLAND PARADISE. The struuggle of controled enslaved country. One island that never should have been seperated. The border between thre two countries with a huge deviation in cultural and monitary restrictions that caused great suffering on both sides for years. A mini view of any world borde.r Unnessasary except for profits for controlers of profit consumtion. The enslavers. Both sides have battled over abundant agriculture for years. Dominicans are nervous about Haitians. They invaded Dominican three times in the last 100 years. There is such a mix in DR as no one would know the difference < The

Spanish influence is weakening in the mix of all. African, Natural Native and Spanish. Now international mix with global tourisum thricving slowly there now. Many years ago in 1973 DR became free from Communist factions and embraced Capital investment in land and comodities. it was very poor in Haiti then. This opening up by DR brought much incoming construction and clear land title ownership for local families and new investors from all over the world. DR has grown and profited off private investment in land. It opened up resort potencial and many options for advancements. While Haiti wollows in control of a small hand full controling familes who scim of all riches while 90 % are poor and eat dirt literaly in some parts. Still these families. They keep all out side countries from investing. SAD. My sweet girl DENISE is getting out of that hell of no oppertunity. She did not like DR. The DOMINICANS not nice to HAITI souls and treat them poorly. If DR would open up snd HAITI would let in investment then the border could be drop and all Hyspanola souls could be one ISLAND CARIBBEAN AND LOVE EACH OTHER. I dream to break that border with good business. Honest non profit business island wide. Not capitalisum but solid investment in their self sustain gainbility. Mutual wealth of the island shared equaly with all who live there. I will retun again and again untill the border melts with LOVE. MOST SOULS I MET SEE ONE ISLAND> ONLY POLITIANS FIGHT ABOUT IT> most souls ignore the border and go back and forth freely. I say flush it the border to breat HAITI land barons gall to out side

investment. This will bring opropasrity and a chance to have HAITI and DR people own all resources equaly.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 62 by Carl Billington on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 6:14pm 路 THE RAINFOREST OF DR IS HOME IN MY HEART. The limo got a make over and is now pink and bling bling. Here I was In paradise and my manifestation of being a pirate in the Caribbean was assured. I needed to land my self into exposing DR to LIMO. It was a business a friend from Vancouver Island Canada had tried before but got run off by the taxi union monopoly. I was determined to bust this monopoly and free enterprise the transportations system on DR open, fior high class movement choice for tourist with global exposure. My mission in the behind the front was feed as many as I can while I do up front high level business in Limo. This business touches all aspects of a community. It inspires all for Capital success and celebration of the CAR. Win Win Win drivers , customers, viewers. All love THE LIMO LURE. I started off by talking to the daughter and artist freind of a neigbours villa nere the villa I was renting with a sales rep from the resortIi was at for the last four weeks with DENSE. Nice area. Puerto Chicito, Sousa. This girl told her father of my dreams for DR. My dream of steady power system for DR and LIMO SYSTEM. He is the DREAM RIDER . LARRY. H. He is a retired banker from a large banking firm in USA. His wife sits ion the federal

reserve board. One of the 12 on the throdle of the goods global. Betsy H. Now this new relationship was engaged to supply limo for a hotel dream Larry had for downtown Sosua. Service to tourists about the local disco area of open trade. We settled on a hand written contract and set off to import a 120' white stretch limo from a friend i knew in San Fransisco. I ordered the car and settled into meet all the locals in the area. Make friends and network the team that he has asembled for construction. I rolled the car around to promote and gave all free rides and lots of look inside time. Mean while promotinmg his new hotel . we paked it out front of the building by day and at the discos by night. It took off like wild fire. this got our taxi union boys all worked up and they confronted the CARLOZ a few times . I stood face to face in the street with pistols in my face. and stood my ground for free enterprise capitalisum. i won the day three times> all backed down. Deals were made to allow Dominicans to run the car with me out of the picture. I ageed and took 5% to be involved and watched it thrive. My Partner sold ther car out to a dominican man. I aimed to go back to Canada. It had been ten months in this paradise and I was wanting to stay but my father was ill. I knew Denise did nort like DR and fun time was over and back to home base north. GABRIOLS ISLAND BC CANADA. PARADISE NORTH. PEACE HQ . It was real hard leaving sweet friends I had made. Manuela is still runing CASA CARLOZ for her her sister son brian and other women who want to feed their children without doing the buisiness in the discos. SANCTUARY for a few anyway and growing into a salon

business chain called CARLOS BONITA SALONA'S. MY HEART IS THERE The adventiure in DR was just the begining of my global mission of compassion. I will return there to upgrade the villa and OHMNIGATE BILLINGTON LOVE FAMILY HOME THERE. I be in good cheer knowing that souls get loved where they would not before in DR and AFRICA. NEGLECTED SOULS ON MASS. SOLUTIONS ARE AVALIBLE AND I TRIED A FEW. THEY WORK GREAT. EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 63 by Carl Billington on Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at 1:51am 路 The trail to the edge of the world is a nice quiet path through the gerry oak trees. My life mission is in place to happen. The last five years I have been healing and doing inner reflecting on my lifes creations> so much completed towards the final life mission this OHMNIGATE LOVE GRID SYSTEM It is now ready for application. My main efforts have been getting my life in order. So I can recieve my soulmate Denise from Haiti soon. As I write this she is three months away from arriving to reunite with me after 5 years wait. Her visa is being processed and will be in her hands soon. She will arrive in Montreal and forward to Nanaimo BC CANADA I look totaly forward to sharing my sanctuary with her. To walk in the forest together and be alone with natures embrace. This soul deserves to feel love and calm blessings after being at ground zero in the latesty earth quakes. My heart is ready for her escape in earnest. The Love is mutual and priceless soul reunion. Our mission is

clear to us. Estanblish her here and go back and engage an OHMNIGATE BILLINGTON FAMILY HOME for parentless children in HAITI. Plus we dream to assist her family to rebuild their home that got destroyed in the earthquake. 12 have been tenting since the quake two years ago. Denise and her sister Chela live in a rented room in Port Au Prince Haiti. I send them food each month untill she is to fly out or of there. On her way to be as free Canadian citizen. Our contact is limited and our love is a feeling remote but deep and very LOVING. Our love field grows stronger in our absence. There is a magic uncharted in our union. So different but so balanced. Great sparkes of soft Love excitement In our every word. I have never know untill this love sharing untill I met her. Love is as glorious as it gets if it is a deep real LOVE.

EYE DISLEXSICK Chapter # 64 by Carl Billington on Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 6:28am 路 My fathers last birthday . two weeks before he passed on. He was 84 His pure LOVE glows for all through my heart. My father and I were real close. We talked about many things. One interesting subject was remote viewing. Telepathy and intuitive vision. I get these talents from both my father and mother. My father and I made a deal just before his death. He agreed to go connect with the soul who is in charge of DENISE'S visa to give a yes for her immagration status.

He watched me go through four years of waiting and many tries at freeing DENISE from Haiti. We were waiting just before he passed for a go ahead in four months time when Denise was to get a meeting to get a yes or no. He passed on FEB 7 2012 . His word was kept from the other side. One week after he passed we got a letter stating Denise's visa was approved and she is able to be welcomed to land in Canada, After one year processing her visa will be in her hands.. It was a miracle of great praportions. My father gave the go for my soulmates freedom from the other siide of the vail. confirming to me the glory of infinite love and existance for all souls infinite existance, MIRACLES DO HAPPEN We discussed this many times. It was a natural for us to succeed at this arrangement. He had wittnessed my transmigration. So he had no fear and got at the mission as soon as he passed. He succeeded at arraging her permissions 5 months ahead and took out the mystery of it all. I knew for sure she was coming to Canada now. He loved me in complete devotion to my heart to love Denise forever. HE is my HERO His spirit is with me every moment even as I write this and finish my book he is with me in my heart. Revelling in every word. I LOVE YOU FATHER ALAN. This book is dedicated to you. Because of you I had the time of my life and found a solid soulmate lover in Denise. I LOVE YOU POPI FOREVER. I RESPECT YOU AND ALL THE SACRIFISES YOU MADE FOR ME. You are all the aspects of LOVE around the OHMNIGATE LOVE WHEEL. I learned all of them from you. You were all of them my loving caring FATHER> R.I.P. ALAN NORMAN BILLINGTON.

Over 55 years I have experienced many life changes all do not know of. The blooming of my soul has been one of realizing my life mission. To feed lost innocent souls who have no parents or fatherless. The innocent ones neglected. My experiences have given me a better view of the love and compassion lacking in our global mind set. Im here to assist Mother Gaia and Father Sol and all living beings into baklance and Harmony with each other. To transmute into bliss. Peace on Earth FOR US NOW FOREVER!!!! THE INFINITE HE IS WITH ME. DENIISE IS HIS CONQUEST TO SAVE A THIRD WORLD SOuL TO FIRST WORLD CANADA. HE SITS AND WATCHES THE OHMNIGATE LOVE FAMILY AS ITS GUARDIAN NOW.

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