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all his posters were cheesy and I said no and I kept deleting the buzz part. We never hung out in Tijuana because he was afraid because he read the newspaper. Because we hung out in his house, I met his mom and his sister. His mom was a hairstylist and she said I had so much and she touched my hair and he apologized for it. He brought me water bottles and bananas whenever we hung out outside of his room. He called me banana and one time he got 3D paper glasses so we could watch a Björk video and I told him I wanted to be Björk’s backpack and we laughed. And one time I kissed another guy and he wasn’t my boyfriend and I told him via email and he didn’t like me for a while. And then we were sort of cool again but my car broke down on his birthday and some friends had to give me a ride and dropped me off at a bar. I saw him in the parking lot and he asked for a kiss so I gave him one. I was the co-­‐pilot and later she got in his car too. I shook hands with his ex-­‐girlfriend and we smiled awkwardly and she gave him a gift and I didn’t give him anything. We walked into the bar and he held my hand. His boots were noisy. His jeans skinnier than mine. They were playing a porno inside. It was on mute. They played obscure new wave and punk songs. We kissed in front of his ex-­‐girlfriend. A man sucked a woman’s foot on TV. 68

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